1. M. Weiser, P. Deuflhard, B. Erdmann: Affine Conjugate Adaptive Newton Methods for Nonlinear Elastomechanics. ZIB-Report 04-01 (2004). Optim. Meth. Softw. (2006), to appear.

  2. M. Weiser, A. Schiela, P. Deuflhard: Asymptotic Mesh Independence of Newton's Method Revisited. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 42 (5), pp. 1830-1845 (2005).

  3. P. Deuflhard: Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms. Series Computational Mathematics 35, Springer (2004).

  4. P. Deuflhard, U. Nowak, M. Weiser: Affine Invariant Adaptive Newton Codes for Discretized PDEs. ZIB-Report 02-33 (October 2002). To appear in [18].

  5. P. Deuflhard, A. Hohmann: Numerical Analysis in Modern Scientific Computing: An Introduction. Second revised and extended edition. Texts in Applied Mathematics 43, Springer (2003).

  6. P. Deuflhard, A. Hohmann: Numerische Mathematik I. Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einführung. 3. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. de Gruyter: Berlin, New York (2002).

  7. P. Deuflhard, M. Weiser, M. Seebass: A New Nonlinear Elliptic Multilevel FEM in Clinical Cancer Therapy Planning. Comput Visual Sci.3, pp. 115-120 (2000).

  8. P. Deuflhard, M.Weiser: Global Inexact Newton Multilevel FEM for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems. In: W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum (eds.), Multigrid Methods, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 3, Springer--Verlag, pp. 71-89 (1998).

  9. P. Deuflhard, M.Weiser: Local Inexact Newton Multilevel FEM for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems. In: M-O. Bristeau, G. Etgen, W. Fitzigibbon, J-L. Lion, J. Periaux, M. Wheeler (eds.): Computational Science for the 21st Century, Tours, France. Wiley-Interscience-Europe, pp.129-138 (1997).

  10. P. Deuflhard, F. A. Potra: Asymptotic Mesh Independence of Newton-Galerkin Methods Via a Refined Mysovskii Theorem. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 29, pp. 1395-1412 (1992).

  11. P. Deuflhard: Uniqueness Theorems for Stiff ODE Initial Value Problems. In: D.F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson (eds.): Numerical analysis 1989, Proceedings 13th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis 1989, Dundee, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex, UK, 74-205, (1990).

  12. P. Deuflhard: Recent Advances in Multiple Shooting Techniques. In: Gladwell/Sayers (eds.): Computational Techniques for Ordinary Differential Equations, London: Academic Press, pp. 217-272 (1980).

  13. P. Deuflhard: Nonlinear Equation Solvers in Boundary Value Problem Codes. In: B. Childs et al. (eds.): Proc. Working Conf. on ``Codes for BVPs in ODEs'', Houston/Texas 1978, Springer Lecture Notes Computer Science 74, pp. 40-66 (1979).

  14. P. Deuflhard, G. Heindl: Affine Invariant Convergence Theorems for Newton's Method and Extensions to Related Methods. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 16, pp. 1-10 (1979).

  15. P. Deuflhard: A Relaxation Strategy for the Modified Newton Method. In: Bulirsch/Oettli/Stoer (eds.): Optimization and Optimal Control. Springer Lecture Notes 477, pp. 59-73 (1975).

  16. P. Deuflhard: A Modified Newton Method for the Solution of Ill-Conditioned Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Application to Multiple Shooting. Numer. Math. 22, pp. 289-315 (1974).

  17. P. Deuflhard: Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms. Springer, to be finished (2002).

  18. Dissertation, Mathematics (Dec. 1972): Ein Newton-Verfahren bei fast singulärer Funktionalmatrix zur Lösung von nichtlinearen Randwertaufgaben mit der Mehrzielmethode, (supervisor: R. Bulirsch). Math. Institute, University of Cologne.