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  2. P. Deuflhard, B. Erdmann, R. Roitzsch, G.T. Lines: Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Ventricular Fibrillation Dynamics. J. Computing and Visualization in Science (CVS), Springer Verlag, erscheint Online: Online First (35), Eintrag No. 20 (8. April 2008).

  3. P. Deuflhard, R. Krause, S. Ertel: A Contact-Stabilized Newmark Method for Dynamical Contact Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 73, Issue 9, pp. 1274-1290 (2007).

  4. I. Reinecke, P. Deuflhard: A Complex Mathematical Model of the Human Menstrual Cycle. Journal of Theoretical Biology 247, pp. 303-330 (2007).

  5. R. Kornhuber, R. Krause, O. Sander, P. Deuflhard, S. Ertel: A Monotone Multigrid Solver for Two Body Contact Problems in Biomechanics. Computing and Visualization in Science (CVS), 11/1, pp. 3-15 (2008).

  6. K. Schaber, O. Ofenloch, R. Ehrig, P. Deuflhard: Aerosolbildung in Gas/Flüssigkeits-Kontaktapparaten - Modellierungsstrategien und Simulation. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 76 (9), pp. 1358-1359 (2004).

  7. P. Colli Franzone, P. Deuflhard, B. Erdmann, J. Lang, L.F. Pavarino: Adaptivity in Space and Time for Reaction-Diffusion Systems in Electrocardiology. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 942-962, SIAM (2006).

  8. P. Deuflhard: Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms. Series Computational Mathematics 35, Springer (2004).

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  10. P. Deuflhard, Ch. Schütte: Molecular Conformation Dynamics and Computational Drug Design. In: J.M. Hill, R. Moore (eds), Applied Mathematics Entering the 21st Century, Invited Talks from the ICIAM 2003 Congress, Sydney, Australia, pp. 91-119 (2004).

  11. P. Deuflhard: From Molecular Dynamics to Conformational Dynamics in Drug Design. In: M. Kirkilionis, S. Krömker, R. Rannacher, F. Toni (eds), Trends in Nonlinear Analysis, Springer-Verlag, pp. 269-288 (2003).

  12. P. Deuflhard, F. Bornemann: Scientific Computing with Ordinary Differential Equations. Texts in Applied Mathematics 42, Springer (2002).

  13. P. Deuflhard, F. Bornemann: Numerische Mathematik II. Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen. 2. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. de Gruyter: Berlin, New York (2002).

  14. R. Ehrig, U, Nowak, L. Oeverdieck, P. Deuflhard: Advanced Extrapolation Methods for Large Scale Differential Algebraic Problems. In: H.-J. Bungartz, F. Durst, C. Zenger (eds.): High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, Vol 8, pp. 233-244 (1999).

  15. P. Deuflhard: Commentary on Cornelius Lanczos's Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Trigonometric Interpolation. In : W.R. Davis, M.T. Chu, P. Dolan, J.R. McConnell, L.K. Noris, E. Ortiz, R.J. Plemmons, D. Ridgeway, B.K.P. Scaife, W.J. Stewart, J.W. York, Jr., W.O. Doggett, B .M. Gellai, A.A. Gsponer, C.A. Prioli (eds.), Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Vol. VI, pp. 3-667 - 3-669 (1999).

  16. R. Ehrig, U. Nowak, P. Deuflhard: Massively Parallel Simulation in Chemical Engineering by Extrapolation Algorithms. In: V.G. Khoroshevsky (ed.), Procs. 16th International Workshop on Distributed Data Processing, Novosibirsk, Russia, pp. 1-6 (1998).

  17. R. Ehrig, U. Nowak, P. Deuflhard: Massively Parallel Linearly-Implicit Extrapolation Algorithms as a Powerful Tool in Process Simulation. In: E.H. D Hollander, G.R. Joubert, F.J. Peters, U. Trottenberg (eds.), Advances in Parallel Computing, Vol. 12: Parallel Computing: Fundamentals, Applications and New Directions, Elsevier, pp. 517-524 (1998).

  18. P. Deuflhard, J. Hermans, B. Leimkuhler, A. Mark, S.Reich, B. Skeel (eds): Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas. Lecture N otes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, Springer-Verlag (1998).

  19. P. Deuflhard, M. Dellnitz, O. Junge, Ch. Schütte: Computation of Essential Molecular Dynamics by Subdivision Techniques. In: P. Deuflhard, J. Hermans, B. Leimkuhler, A.E. Mark, S. Reich, and R.D. Skeel (eds.), Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, Springer-Verlag, pp. 98-115 (1998).

  20. P. Deuflhard, J. Heroth, U. Maas: Towards Dynamic Dimension Reduction in Reactive Flow Problems. In: Proc. 3rd Workshop on Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems (CD-Version), Heidelberg (1996).

  21. P. Deuflhard, J. Heroth: Dynamic Dimension Reduction in ODE Models. In: F. Keil, W. Mackens, H. Voß, J. Werther (eds.), Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering, Springer-Verlag, pp. 29-43 (1996).

  22. P. Deuflhard, U. Nowak, J. Weyer: Prognoserechnungen zur AIDS-Ausbreitung in der Bundsrepublik Deutschland. In: Bachem/Jünger/Schrader (eds.), Mathematik in der Praxis, Springer-Verlag, pp. 361-376 (1995).

  23. P. Deuflhard, F. Bornemann: Numerische Mathematik II. Integration gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen. Verlag de Gruyter: Berlin, New York (1994).

  24. P. Deuflhard: Stochastic Versus Deterministic Numerical ODE Integration. In: E. Platen (ed.): Proc. 1st Workshop on Stochastic Numerics, Berlin, pp. 16-20 (1992).

  25. B. Ch. Schmidt, J. Weyer, P. Deuflhard, U. Nowak, U. Pöhle: Die Ausbreitung von HIV/AIDS in Ballungsgebieten -- Mathematische Modellierung und Computer-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung der Altersstruktur der Bevölkerung. Scientific material for Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin, TR 91-9 (1991).

  26. P. Deuflhard, U. Nowak, M. Wulkow: Recent Developments in Chemical Computing. Computers in Chemical Engineering 14, pp. 1249-1258 (1990).

  27. P. Deuflhard: Uniqueness Theorems for Stiff ODE Initial Value Problems. In: D.F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson (eds.): Numerical analysis 1989, Proceedings 13th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis 1989, Dundee, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex, UK, 74-205, (1990).

  28. P. Deuflhard: A Note on Extrapolation Methods for Second Order ODE Systems. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin, Preprint SC 87-5 (1987).

  29. P. Deuflhard, U. Nowak: Efficient Numerical Simulation and Identification of Large Chemical Reaction Systems. Ber. Bunsenges. 90, pp. 940-946 (1986).

  30. P. Deuflhard: Recent Progress in Extrapolation Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations. SIAM Rev. 27, pp. 505-535 (1985).

  31. G. Bader, U. Nowak, P. Deuflhard: An Advanced Simulation Package for Large Chemical Reaction Systems. In: R. Aiken (ed.): Stiff Computation. Proc. Intern. Conf. Park City, Utah/USA, April 12-14, 1982. Oxford University Press (1985).

  32. P. Deuflhard: Order and Stepsize Control in Extrapolation Methods. Numer. Math. 41, pp. 399-422 (1983).

  33. G. Bader, P. Deuflhard: A Semi-Implicit Mid-Point Rule for Stiff Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. Numer. Math. 41, pp. 373-398 (1983).

  34. P. Deuflhard: Kepler Discretization in Regular Celestial Mechanics. Celestial Mechanics 21, pp. 213-223 (1980).

  35. P. Deuflhard: A Study of Extrapolation Methods Based on Multistep Schemes without Parasitic Solutions. J. App. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 30, pp. 117-189 (1979).