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How to make "My Online Publications Page"

Under Construction


Remember: Nothing free comes with a guarantee. You need three things:

  1. Some software
  2. A suitable BibTeX file
  3. (Optional) a directory with the online versions of your publications

We will explain what you need in the order you have to get it.

First: Some Software


We have collected everything that does not usually come with a Linux distribution in the mopp package which will be described in more detail below. (mopp stands for "My Online Publication Page").

Other Unixes

It should be straightforward to get and compile the software mentioned below, you also need the mopp package.

Windows and Mac

We would recommend looking for someone who has Linux, even though we think that it should be possible, in principle, to get most of it running under Windows. But this probably requires some serious hacking.

What software is needed?

If you want to make your publications available online the following tools are very useful:

Installation of mopp

To install the mopp package, uncompress the file with the command

gunzip mopp-1.00.tgz

and unpack it with

tar xvf mopp-1.00.tar

Now you have a directory mopp. If you are running Linux everything you need should be in place now. If you are not using Linux, get the packages mentioned above and install them somewhere, e.g., at mopp/bibtools and mopp/djvu.

Second: The BibTeX file

You need to prepare a BibTeX file with all the publications you want to mention on your website. If you are not familiar with BibTeX, we recommend reading Chapter 13 of The LaTeX Companion by M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach and A. Samarin, published by Addison-Wesley. There is also a German edition called "Der LaTeX Begleiter", possibly there are other translations as well.

How to choose keys for the entries

A few things have to be observed when preparing the BibTeX file. First, the key for an entry is also needed as the filename for the publication if you want to make it available online. So every entry has to have a distinguished key. Of course this is the usual way. You can choose whatever key you find suitable, but we recommend the following naming scheme:

  1. Last name of every author up to the third,
  2. then adding "Etal" if there are more then three authors and
  3. finally adding the year of publication.
  4. If this is not unique, add a lower case letter.

Examples are:


We recommend not to use any national characters such as "ä" or "ó" or special characters like "$" in the keys. This usually leads to trouble.

If you have a file containing (the full text of) the publication and if you want to make this file available online on your publication webpage (what we really recommend) then this file should have the same name as the key, but with all letters in lower case.

E.g., groetschelthomassenwakabayashi1980, bachembutzgroetscheletal1981. For further details see blow.

New BibTeX keywords recognized by mopp

mopp recognizes a few extra keywords in the BibTeX entries:

will give you a little flag in the title line. Valid entries are "English", "French", "German", "Italian", "Japanese", "Portuguese", "Russian", and "Spanish". If you need further languages, you have to put 22x14 pixel PNG icons of the flags in the directory html/images. The icons must have the name of the entry in lower case. If you send a new flag to it will be included in the next version of mopp
will make the title of the publication a link to the URL given.
If you have publications that are very closely related with other publications on your list, e.g., they are extended abstracts, translations, shortened versions or the like, you can indicate this by making use of a "seealso" field in the BibTeX file. The "seealso" field should be the list of the keys of the associated publications. Keys should be separated by commas. For each publication with a "seealso" field in the BibTeX file a "seealso" line will be automatically generated, providing links to the other publications.

Third: Making a directory with the online versions of your publications

Now copy each file (containing the full text of your publication in one of the formats mentioned below) that you want to make available online to the mopp/html/paper directory. Supported formats, for the time being, are
Compressed Postscript
Adobe portable document format
DjVu document
Compressed tar-archive with TeX (or other) source

How to name the files

The names of the files should correspond to the key entries in the BibTeX file, but be in lower case. You can add the following to the filename before the extension: _pp if it is a preprint and _rv if it is revised. Here are some examples:


Whenever one of the name suffixes _pp or _rv is used, the associated link to the file will be marked by "(preprint)" or "(revised)".

At last: Using the mopp package

1. Change to the mopp/work directory. If you have installed the other software yourself, check the PATH statement in the beginning of file.

2. Create a file my.mopp with the following contents:

   MOPP_NAME="Your Name"


   MOPP_NAME="Martin Grötschel"

The file named in MOPP_LOGO has to be copied to the directory mopp/html/images. This is the logo that will be displayed on the right upper corner of your bibliography page. Note that MOPP_LOGO is optional, if you do not want a logo, you have to fill in "" to indicate that no logo should be used.

3. Give the command:

./ my.mopp

This will usually result in some warnings about your BibTeX file, which you should read and repair if necessary. And it will generate a file biblio.html in mopp/html and also the .bib entries in mopp/html/bibs.

4. All you have to do now, is copy the complete contents of the mopp/html directory and its subdirectories to your website. And do not forget to make a link from your homepage to the file biblio.html which now contains your list of publications.

Have fun!


If you have successfully used the mopp toolkit to generate the online version of your publications list, send an email to with the URL of your page and we will include it in a list of users.

If you have difficulties using mopp you can ask for help, but please do not expect immediate response.

If you have changes or bug fixes for the software of this tutorial, do not hesitate to email it, we will try to incorporate it into the distribution.

Tips and tricks

Scanning of old papers

We do admit that this is a daunting task. The best advice we can give is, find someone who does it for you.

If you do it yourself, here is some advice gathered from the experience we had when we scanned many of the papers of M. Grötschel using a commodity scanner in the secretary's office.

Never use a resolution higher than the optical resolution of your scanner. Many scanners allow to choose arbitrary high resolutions and then "interpolate" the data. This is useless. Choose the same resolution in both x- and y-directions.

Good resolutions (pick the first one that is applicable):

As file format "TIFF", preferable "compressed", is a good choice.

If you are using Linux, SANE will be of interest.

Format conversions

Format conversions are not bijective. Usually you can think of a conversation as a projection on a lower dimensional space. It may look the same from one perspective, you may even need it to see something at all, but you always loose something.

Here is a table of conversations that can be considered ok and with the tools you need to perform them:

From/To   PS    PDF  TIFF DjVu 
TeX/dvi dvips      
M$ Word Adobe PS-PD      
PS   gs gs  
PDF     gs  
TIFF       DjVuLibre

We have used the tools above and can recommend their use. We also want to mention tools that might be useful but with which we have no or only limited experience:
pdftex which generates PDF directly from TeX/LaTeX.
DjVu Solo from Lizardtech which is a nice program for Windows to scan and generate DjVu files.
Adobe Acrobat which Adobe says will generate PDF from M$ Word files.

The big changes occur when converting from TeX/dvi or M$ Doc to PS/PDF, and from PS/PDF to TIFF/DjVu. The differences between PS and PDF are rather minor, also conversions between TIFF and DjVu are nearly reversible.

dvips output looks jerky in Acrobat Reader

It may happen that when viewing a PDF document generated with dvips the output in Acrobat Reader is nearly unreadable but the printout is ok.

in this case you need to include the Type 1 fonts instead of the generated bitmap fonts.

Try putting the following to lines in the file .dvips in your home directory.


If this won't work, you need somebody who understands the use of Type 1 font with TeX. This is one example of the many troubles that may occur when one converts formats.

Unexpected and unpleasant experiences seem unavoidable, but they should not stop you from trying to make your publications electronicaly available.

Last Update $Date: 2002/03/20 11:53:38 $ by Thorsten Koch
©2002 by Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)