KASKADE FAQ List (06.1994) Maintained by Rainer Roitzsch / Bodo Erdmann Contents: 1. What is KASKADE? 2. State of KASKADE? 3. How to obtain it? 4. Scope of the mailing list 5. System requirements 6. Installing with tcl 7. Installing without graphics (or X11 support) 8. Compiling with non-Gnu compiler 9. Problems with g++ 10. Transient problems 11. C++ implementation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What is KASKADE? KASKADE is a toolbox to build FEM programs and some example programs. It is written in Standard C (up to version 2.1) or C++ (starting with version 3.0) and runs at the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum (ZIB) on different unix platforms and Macintosh computers. The toolbox includes the following modules: - handling adaptive refinement of triangulations (2D, 3D), - assembling linear systems from the definition of a PDE by a set of user routines or from a user supplied local discretization, - solving the linear system directly (Cholesky decomposition) or iteratively (pcg, ssor, bicgstab). - graphical output of meshes, solution (level lines, 3d for small 2d-triangulations) on X11, MacOS, and postscript devices) - command language interfaces to allow some user interaction (setting of parameters, selecting problems etc.) for the examples programs. The 2.1 - version includes different example programs: - ellkask2d: solving a scalar, linear, elliptic partial differential equation of second order, including an error estimator to generate a set of nested, refined triangulations and fast linear solvers (preconditioning with hierarchichal basis, bpx). - ellkask3d: the "same" in 3d. - kastio: parabolic equations (time-dependent) The 3.0 - version includes different elliptic and parabolic examples in one program. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. State of KASKADE? The toolbox version 2.1 or 3.0 are available on the 'elib.zib-berlin.de' ftp-server in '/pub/kaskade/2.1', resp. '/pub/kaskade/3.0'. You find the variant 'kastio', based on the toolbox version 2.1, in and '/pub/kaskade/Kastio-2.1' and documentations in '/pub/kaskade/Manuals'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. How to obtain it? Look into '/pub/kaskade/..' on 'elib.zib-berlin.de'. Mail us if you have no ftp server available. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Scope of the mailing list Installation problems, errors, wishes, announcement of new versions, discussion of implementation details, interchange of experiences. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. System requirements KASKADE 2.1 is developed on Sun workstations and Macintosh computers using the Gnu C-compilers or MPW respectively. KASKADE uses much memory (some MBytes). Simple graphical output is available for X11, postscript and MacOS. KASKADE 3.0 is developed on Sun workstations and should run on unix platforms with Gnu C++-compilers (g++, version 6.3) . --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Installing with tcl (only version 2.1) Use the -DTCL (and/or -DTCLX) flags for the compilation of 'commands.c', i.e. change the the corresponding line in './Sources/Makefile' and add the path to find the tcl header files. The tcl library has to be added in the linking statement in './ellkask/Makefile'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Installing without graphics (or X11 support) We will include an option in the Makefiles on request. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Compiling with non-Gnu compiler (only version 2.1) Change the Makefile or use make with parameters: make CC= CFLAGS="-g -I../Interfaces" Note that the KASKADE sources should be compiled with an Ansi-compiler, but the MiniGraphik source is still written in the K&R format. On HP-UX use cc to compile MiniGraphik, add the path to X11 headerfiles if neccessary (-I/usr/include/X11R4/X11). To compile Sources and ellkask use c89 and add something like -L/usr/lib/X11R4 to LFLAGS in the Makefile for ellkask. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Problem with g++ in version 2.1 Use the gcc compiler. Change the Makefile or use make with parameter: CC=gcc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Transient problems Look into the kastio documentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. C++ implementation The complete KASKADE toolbox 2.1 is redesigned in C++ by Rudi Beck. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. 3D-Graphics (grape) To access grape from the university of Bonn you have to sign a licence agreement. Write to 'grape@sfb256.iam.uni-bonn.de'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest revision of this file is ftp-able from 'elib.zib-berlin.de' under '/pub/kaskade/faq-kaskade.txt' Rainer Roitzsch (roitzsch@sc.zib-berlin.de) Bodo Erdmann (erdmann@sc.zib-berlin.de) Jens Lang (lang@sc.zib-berlin.de) Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik (ZIB) Heilbronner Strasse 10 10711 Berlin Wilmersdorf Germany