@INPROCEEDINGS{compress09, author = {K\"{a}lberer,Felix and Polthier,Konrad and von Tycowicz, Christoph}, title = {Lossless Compression of Adaptive Multiresolution Meshes}, booktitle = {Proceedings}, year = {2009}, abstract = {We present a novel coder for lossless compression of adaptive multiresolution meshes that exploits their special hierarchical structure. The heart of our method is a new progressive connectivity coder that can be combined with leading geometry encoding techniques. The compressor uses the parent/child relationships inherent to the hierarchical mesh. We use the rules that accord to the refinement scheme and store bits only where it leaves freedom of choice, leading to compact codes that are free of redundancy. To illustrate our scheme we chose the widespread red-green refinement, but the underlying concepts can be directly transferred to other adaptive refinement schemes as well. The compression ratio of our method exceeds that of state-of-the-art coders by a factor of 2 to~3 on most of our benchmark models.}, conferencename = {Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 22 (SIBGRAPI)} }