Gerald Gamrath
Postal Address: Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Takustraße 7
14195 Berlin (Germany)
Room 4352
Phone: +49 30 84185-181
Research Gate: Gerald_Gamrath


Short Academic CV

03/2020 Dr. rer. nat. at TU Berlin, thesis committee: Prof Dr. Thorsten Koch and Prof Dr. Domenico Salvagnin TU Berlin
2011 - 2020 Member of the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) BMS
2010 - 2019 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB): Research assistant, Department Mathematical Optimization ZIB
03/2010 Diploma in Applied Mathematics (Wirtschaftsmathematik) with minors in Economics and Computer Science, supervised by Prof. Dr. Marco Lübbecke and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel TU Berlin
2007 - 2010 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB): Student assistant, Department Mathematical Optimization ZIB
2006 - 2007 Technical University Berlin: Student assistant, Combinatorial Optimization & Graph Algorithms group TU Berlin
2004 - 2010 Technical University Berlin: Studies of Applied Mathematics (Wirtschaftsmathematik) with minors in Economics and Computer Science TU Berlin

Publications and Preprints

Please find a complete list of my publications on my ZIB member page. My Diploma and my PhD thesis are available online:

Selected Scientific Talks and Lectures

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