1    	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2    	/*                                                                           */
3    	/*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4    	/*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5    	/*                                                                           */
6    	/*    Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7    	/*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8    	/*                                                                           */
9    	/*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10   	/*                                                                           */
11   	/*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12   	/*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scip.zib.de.         */
13   	/*                                                                           */
14   	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16   	/**@file   sepa_rlt.c
17   	 * @ingroup DEFPLUGINS_SEPA
18   	 * @brief  separator for cuts generated by Reformulation-Linearization-Technique (RLT)
19   	 * @author Fabian Wegscheider
20   	 * @author Ksenia Bestuzheva
21   	 *
22   	 * @todo implement the possibility to add extra auxiliary variables for RLT (like in DOI 10.1080/10556788.2014.916287)
23   	 * @todo add RLT cuts for the product of equality constraints
24   	 * @todo implement dynamic addition of RLT cuts during branching (see DOI 10.1007/s10898-012-9874-7)
25   	 * @todo use SCIPvarIsBinary instead of SCIPvarGetType() == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ?
26   	 * @todo parameter maxusedvars seems arbitrary (too large for small problems; too small for large problems); something more adaptive we can do? (e.g., all variables with priority >= x% of highest prio)
27   	 */
29   	/*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
31   	#include <assert.h>
32   	#include <string.h>
34   	#include "scip/sepa_rlt.h"
35   	#include "scip/cons_nonlinear.h"
36   	#include "scip/pub_lp.h"
37   	#include "scip/expr_pow.h"
38   	#include "scip/nlhdlr_bilinear.h"
39   	#include "scip/cutsel_hybrid.h"
42   	#define SEPA_NAME              "rlt"
43   	#define SEPA_DESC              "reformulation-linearization-technique separator"
44   	#define SEPA_PRIORITY                10 /**< priority for separation */
45   	#define SEPA_FREQ                     0 /**< frequency for separating cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node */
46   	#define SEPA_MAXBOUNDDIST           1.0 /**< maximal relative distance from the current node's dual bound to primal bound
47   	                                         *   compared to best node's dual bound for applying separation.*/
48   	#define SEPA_USESSUBSCIP          FALSE /**< does the separator use a secondary SCIP instance? */
49   	#define SEPA_DELAY                FALSE /**< should separation method be delayed, if other separators found cuts? */
51   	#define DEFAULT_MAXUNKNOWNTERMS       0 /**< maximum number of unknown bilinear terms a row can have to be used */
52   	#define DEFAULT_MAXUSEDVARS         100 /**< maximum number of variables that will be used to compute rlt cuts */
53   	#define DEFAULT_MAXNCUTS             -1 /**< maximum number of cuts that will be added per round */
54   	#define DEFAULT_MAXROUNDS             1 /**< maximum number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited) */
55   	#define DEFAULT_MAXROUNDSROOT        10 /**< maximum number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited) */
56   	#define DEFAULT_ONLYEQROWS        FALSE /**< whether only equality rows should be used for rlt cuts */
57   	#define DEFAULT_ONLYCONTROWS      FALSE /**< whether only continuous rows should be used for rlt cuts */
58   	#define DEFAULT_ONLYORIGINAL       TRUE /**< whether only original variables and rows should be used for rlt cuts */
59   	#define DEFAULT_USEINSUBSCIP      FALSE /**< whether the separator should also be used in sub-scips */
60   	#define DEFAULT_USEPROJECTION     FALSE /**< whether the separator should first check projected rows */
61   	#define DEFAULT_DETECTHIDDEN      FALSE /**< whether implicit products should be detected and separated by McCormick */
62   	#define DEFAULT_HIDDENRLT         FALSE /**< whether RLT cuts should be added for hidden products */
63   	#define DEFAULT_ADDTOPOOL          TRUE /**< whether globally valid RLT cuts are added to the global cut pool */
65   	#define DEFAULT_GOODSCORE           1.0 /**< threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be considered good,
66   	                                         *   so that less strict filtering is applied */
67   	#define DEFAULT_BADSCORE            0.5 /**< threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be discarded */
68   	#define DEFAULT_OBJPARALWEIGHT      0.0 /**< weight of objective parallelism in cut score calculation */
69   	#define DEFAULT_EFFICACYWEIGHT      1.0 /**< weight of efficacy in cut score calculation */
70   	#define DEFAULT_DIRCUTOFFDISTWEIGHT 0.0 /**< weight of directed cutoff distance in cut score calculation */
71   	#define DEFAULT_GOODMAXPARALL       0.1 /**< maximum parallelism for good cuts */
72   	#define DEFAULT_MAXPARALL           0.1 /**< maximum parallelism for non-good cuts */
74   	#define MAXVARBOUND                1e+5 /**< maximum allowed variable bound for computing an RLT-cut */
76   	/*
77   	 * Data structures
78   	 */
80   	/** data object for pairs and triples of variables */
81   	struct HashData
82   	{
83   	   SCIP_VAR*             vars[3];            /**< variables in the pair or triple, used for hash comparison */
84   	   int                   nvars;              /**< number of variables */
85   	   int                   nrows;              /**< number of rows */
86   	   int                   firstrow;           /**< beginning of the corresponding row linked list */
87   	};
88   	typedef struct HashData HASHDATA;
90   	/** data structure representing an array of variables together with number of elements and size;
91   	 *  used for storing variables that are in some sense adjacent to a given variable
92   	 */
93   	struct AdjacentVarData
94   	{
95   	   SCIP_VAR**            adjacentvars;       /**< adjacent vars */
96   	   int                   nadjacentvars;      /**< number of vars in adjacentvars */
97   	   int                   sadjacentvars;      /**< size of adjacentvars */
98   	};
99   	typedef struct AdjacentVarData ADJACENTVARDATA;
101  	/** separator data */
102  	struct SCIP_SepaData
103  	{
104  	   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr;           /**< nonlinear constraint handler */
105  	   SCIP_Bool             iscreated;          /**< indicates whether the sepadata has been initialized yet */
106  	   SCIP_Bool             isinitialround;     /**< indicates that this is the first round and original rows are used */
108  	   /* bilinear variables */
109  	   SCIP_VAR**            varssorted;         /**< variables that occur in bilinear terms sorted by priority */
110  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         bilinvardatamap;    /**< maps each bilinear var to ADJACENTVARDATA containing vars appearing
111  	                                                  together with it in bilinear products */
112  	   int*                  varpriorities;      /**< priorities of variables */
113  	   int                   nbilinvars;         /**< total number of variables occurring in bilinear terms */
114  	   int                   sbilinvars;         /**< size of arrays for variables occurring in bilinear terms */
116  	   /* information about bilinear terms */
117  	   int*                  eqauxexpr;          /**< position of the auxexpr that is equal to the product (-1 if none) */
118  	   int                   nbilinterms;        /**< total number of bilinear terms */
120  	   /* parameters */
121  	   int                   maxunknownterms;    /**< maximum number of unknown bilinear terms a row can have to be used (-1: unlimited) */
122  	   int                   maxusedvars;        /**< maximum number of variables that will be used to compute rlt cuts (-1: unlimited) */
123  	   int                   maxncuts;           /**< maximum number of cuts that will be added per round (-1: unlimited) */
124  	   int                   maxrounds;          /**< maximum number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited) */
125  	   int                   maxroundsroot;      /**< maximum number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited) */
126  	   SCIP_Bool             onlyeqrows;         /**< whether only equality rows should be used for rlt cuts */
127  	   SCIP_Bool             onlycontrows;       /**< whether only continuous rows should be used for rlt cuts */
128  	   SCIP_Bool             onlyoriginal;       /**< whether only original rows and variables should be used for rlt cuts */
129  	   SCIP_Bool             useinsubscip;       /**< whether the separator should also be used in sub-scips */
130  	   SCIP_Bool             useprojection;      /**< whether the separator should first check projected rows */
131  	   SCIP_Bool             detecthidden;       /**< whether implicit products should be detected and separated by McCormick */
132  	   SCIP_Bool             hiddenrlt;          /**< whether RLT cuts should be added for hidden products */
133  	   SCIP_Bool             addtopool;          /**< whether globally valid RLT cuts are added to the global cut pool */
135  	   /* cut selection parameters */
136  	   SCIP_Real             goodscore;          /**< threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be considered good,
137  	                                              *   so that less strict filtering is applied */
138  	   SCIP_Real             badscore;           /**< threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be discarded */
139  	   SCIP_Real             objparalweight;     /**< weight of objective parallelism in cut score calculation */
140  	   SCIP_Real             efficacyweight;     /**< weight of efficacy in cut score calculation */
141  	   SCIP_Real             dircutoffdistweight;/**< weight of directed cutoff distance in cut score calculation */
142  	   SCIP_Real             goodmaxparall;      /**< maximum parallelism for good cuts */
143  	   SCIP_Real             maxparall;          /**< maximum parallelism for non-good cuts */
144  	};
146  	/* a simplified representation of an LP row */
147  	struct RLT_SimpleRow
148  	{
149  	   const char*           name;               /**< name of the row */
150  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs;              /**< coefficients */
151  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars;               /**< variables */
152  	   SCIP_Real             rhs;                /**< right hand side */
153  	   SCIP_Real             lhs;                /**< left hand side */
154  	   SCIP_Real             cst;                /**< constant */
155  	   int                   nnonz;              /**< number of nonzeroes */
156  	   int                   size;               /**< size of the coefs and vars arrays */
157  	};
158  	typedef struct RLT_SimpleRow RLT_SIMPLEROW;
160  	/*
161  	 * Local methods
162  	 */
164  	/** returns TRUE iff both keys are equal
165  	 *
166  	 * two variable pairs/triples are equal if the variables are equal
167  	 */
168  	static
169  	SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ(hashdataKeyEqConss)
170  	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
171  	   HASHDATA* hashdata1;
172  	   HASHDATA* hashdata2;
173  	   int v;
175  	   hashdata1 = (HASHDATA*)key1;
176  	   hashdata2 = (HASHDATA*)key2;
178  	   /* check data structure */
179  	   assert(hashdata1->nvars == hashdata2->nvars);
180  	   assert(hashdata1->firstrow != -1 || hashdata2->firstrow != -1);
182  	   for( v = hashdata1->nvars-1; v >= 0; --v )
183  	   {
184  	      /* tests if variables are equal */
185  	      if( hashdata1->vars[v] != hashdata2->vars[v] )
186  	         return FALSE;
188  	      assert(SCIPvarCompare(hashdata1->vars[v], hashdata2->vars[v]) == 0);
189  	   }
191  	   /* if two hashdata objects have the same variables, then either one of them doesn't have a row list yet
192  	    * (firstrow == -1) or they both point to the same row list
193  	    */
194  	   assert(hashdata1->firstrow == -1 || hashdata2->firstrow == -1 || hashdata1->firstrow == hashdata2->firstrow);
196  	   return TRUE;
197  	}
199  	/** returns the hash value of the key */
200  	static
201  	SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL(hashdataKeyValConss)
202  	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
203  	   HASHDATA* hashdata;
204  	   int minidx;
205  	   int mididx;
206  	   int maxidx;
207  	   int idx[3];
209  	   hashdata = (HASHDATA*)key;
210  	   assert(hashdata != NULL);
211  	   assert(hashdata->nvars == 3 || hashdata->nvars == 2);
213  	   idx[0] = SCIPvarGetIndex(hashdata->vars[0]);
214  	   idx[1] = SCIPvarGetIndex(hashdata->vars[1]);
215  	   idx[2] = SCIPvarGetIndex(hashdata->vars[hashdata->nvars - 1]);
217  	   minidx = MIN3(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);
218  	   maxidx = MAX3(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);
219  	   if( idx[0] == maxidx )
220  	      mididx = MAX(idx[1], idx[2]);
221  	   else
222  	      mididx = MAX(idx[0], MIN(idx[1], idx[2]));
224  	   /* vars should already be sorted by index */
225  	   assert(minidx <= mididx && mididx <= maxidx);
227  	   return SCIPhashFour(hashdata->nvars, minidx, mididx, maxidx);
228  	}
230  	/** store a pair of adjacent variables */
231  	static
232  	SCIP_RETCODE addAdjacentVars(
233  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
234  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         adjvarmap,          /**< hashmap mapping variables to their ADJACENTVARDATAs */
235  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars                /**< variable pair to be stored */
236  	   )
237  	{
238  	   int v1;
239  	   int v2;
240  	   SCIP_Bool found;
241  	   int pos2;
242  	   int i;
243  	   ADJACENTVARDATA* adjacentvardata;
245  	   assert(adjvarmap != NULL);
247  	   /* repeat for each variable of the new pair */
248  	   for( v1 = 0; v1 < 2; ++v1 )
249  	   {
250  	      v2 = 1 - v1;
252  	      /* look for data of the first variable */
253  	      adjacentvardata = (ADJACENTVARDATA*) SCIPhashmapGetImage(adjvarmap, (void*)(size_t) SCIPvarGetIndex(vars[v1]));
255  	      /* if the first variable has not been added to adjvarmap yet, add it here */
256  	      if( adjacentvardata == NULL )
257  	      {
258  	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBlockMemory(scip, &adjacentvardata) );
259  	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsert(adjvarmap, (void*)(size_t) SCIPvarGetIndex(vars[v1]), adjacentvardata) );
260  	      }
262  	      assert(adjacentvardata != NULL);
264  	      /* look for second variable in adjacentvars */
265  	      if( adjacentvardata->adjacentvars == NULL )
266  	      {
267  	         found = FALSE;
268  	         pos2 = 0;
269  	      }
270  	      else
271  	      {
272  	         found = SCIPsortedvecFindPtr((void**) adjacentvardata->adjacentvars, SCIPvarComp, vars[v2],
273  	               adjacentvardata->nadjacentvars, &pos2);
274  	      }
276  	      /* add second var to adjacentvardata->adjacentvars, if not already added */
277  	      if( !found )
278  	      {
279  	         /* ensure size of adjacentvardata->adjacentvars */
280  	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPensureBlockMemoryArray(scip, &adjacentvardata->adjacentvars, &adjacentvardata->sadjacentvars,
281  	               adjacentvardata->nadjacentvars + 1) );
283  	         /* insert second var at the correct position */
284  	         for( i = adjacentvardata->nadjacentvars; i > pos2; --i )
285  	            adjacentvardata->adjacentvars[i] = adjacentvardata->adjacentvars[i-1];
286  	         adjacentvardata->adjacentvars[pos2] = vars[v2];
287  	         ++adjacentvardata->nadjacentvars;
288  	      }
290  	      /* if this is a self-adjacent var, only need to add the connection once */
291  	      if( vars[v1] == vars[v2] )
292  	         break;
293  	   }
295  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
296  	}
298  	/** returns the array of adjacent variables for a given variable */
299  	static
300  	SCIP_VAR** getAdjacentVars(
301  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         adjvarmap,          /**< hashmap mapping variables to their ADJACENTVARDATAs */
302  	   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< variable */
303  	   int*                  nadjacentvars       /**< buffer to store the number of variables in the returned array */
304  	   )
305  	{
306  	   ADJACENTVARDATA* adjacentvardata;
308  	   assert(adjvarmap != NULL);
310  	   *nadjacentvars = 0;
311  	   adjacentvardata = (ADJACENTVARDATA*) SCIPhashmapGetImage(adjvarmap, (void*)(size_t) SCIPvarGetIndex(var));
313  	   if( adjacentvardata == NULL )
314  	      return NULL;
316  	   *nadjacentvars = adjacentvardata->nadjacentvars;
318  	   return adjacentvardata->adjacentvars;
319  	}
321  	/** frees all ADJACENTVARDATAs stored in a hashmap */
322  	static
323  	void clearVarAdjacency(
324  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
325  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         adjvarmap           /**< hashmap mapping variables to their ADJACENTVARDATAs */
326  	   )
327  	{
328  	   int i;
329  	   SCIP_HASHMAPENTRY* entry;
330  	   ADJACENTVARDATA* adjacentvardata;
332  	   assert(adjvarmap != NULL);
334  	   for( i = 0; i < SCIPhashmapGetNEntries(adjvarmap); ++i )
335  	   {
336  	      entry = SCIPhashmapGetEntry(adjvarmap, i);
338  	      if( entry == NULL )
339  	         continue;
341  	      adjacentvardata = (ADJACENTVARDATA*) SCIPhashmapEntryGetImage(entry);
343  	      /* if adjacentvardata has been added to the hashmap, it can't be empty */
344  	      assert(adjacentvardata->adjacentvars != NULL);
346  	      SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &adjacentvardata->adjacentvars, adjacentvardata->sadjacentvars);
347  	      SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &adjacentvardata);
348  	   }
349  	}
351  	/** free separator data */
352  	static
353  	SCIP_RETCODE freeSepaData(
354  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
355  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata            /**< separation data */
356  	   )
357  	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
358  	   int i;
360  	   assert(sepadata->iscreated);
362  	   if( sepadata->nbilinvars != 0 )
363  	   {
364  	      /* release bilinvars that were captured for rlt and free all related arrays */
366  	      /* if there are bilinear vars, some of them must also participate in the same product */
367  	      assert(sepadata->bilinvardatamap != NULL);
369  	      clearVarAdjacency(scip, sepadata->bilinvardatamap);
371  	      for( i = 0; i < sepadata->nbilinvars; ++i )
372  	      {
373  	         assert(sepadata->varssorted[i] != NULL);
374  	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &(sepadata->varssorted[i])) );
375  	      }
377  	      SCIPhashmapFree(&sepadata->bilinvardatamap);
378  	      SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->varssorted, sepadata->sbilinvars);
379  	      SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->varpriorities, sepadata->sbilinvars);
380  	      sepadata->nbilinvars = 0;
381  	      sepadata->sbilinvars = 0;
382  	   }
384  	   /* free the remaining array */
385  	   if( sepadata->nbilinterms > 0 )
386  	   {
387  	      SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->eqauxexpr, sepadata->nbilinterms);
388  	   }
390  	   sepadata->iscreated = FALSE;
392  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
393  	}
395  	/** creates and returns rows of original linear constraints */
396  	static
397  	SCIP_RETCODE getOriginalRows(
398  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
399  	   SCIP_ROW***           rows,               /**< buffer to store the rows */
400  	   int*                  nrows               /**< buffer to store the number of linear rows */
401  	   )
402  	{
403  	   SCIP_CONS** conss;
404  	   int nconss;
405  	   int i;
407  	   assert(rows != NULL);
408  	   assert(nrows != NULL);
410  	   conss = SCIPgetConss(scip);
411  	   nconss = SCIPgetNConss(scip);
412  	   *nrows = 0;
414  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, rows, nconss) );
416  	   for( i = 0; i < nconss; ++i )
417  	   {
418  	      SCIP_ROW *row;
420  	      row = SCIPconsGetRow(scip, conss[i]);
422  	      if( row != NULL )
423  	      {
424  	         (*rows)[*nrows] = row;
425  	         ++*nrows;
426  	      }
427  	   }
429  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
430  	}
432  	/** fills an array of rows suitable for RLT cut generation */
433  	static
434  	SCIP_RETCODE storeSuitableRows(
435  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
436  	   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< separator */
437  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
438  	   SCIP_ROW**            prob_rows,          /**< problem rows */
439  	   SCIP_ROW**            rows,               /**< an array to be filled with suitable rows */
440  	   int*                  nrows,              /**< buffer to store the number of suitable rows */
441  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         row_to_pos,         /**< hashmap linking row indices to positions in rows */
442  	   SCIP_Bool             allowlocal          /**< are local rows allowed? */
443  	   )
444  	{
445  	   int new_nrows;
446  	   int r;
447  	   int j;
448  	   SCIP_Bool iseqrow;
449  	   SCIP_COL** cols;
450  	   SCIP_Bool iscontrow;
452  	   new_nrows = 0;
454  	   for( r = 0; r < *nrows; ++r )
455  	   {
456  	      iseqrow = SCIPisEQ(scip, SCIProwGetLhs(prob_rows[r]), SCIProwGetRhs(prob_rows[r]));
458  	      /* if equality rows are requested, only those can be used */
459  	      if( sepadata->onlyeqrows && !iseqrow )
460  	         continue;
462  	      /* if global cuts are requested, only globally valid rows can be used */
463  	      if( !allowlocal && SCIProwIsLocal(prob_rows[r]) )
464  	         continue;
466  	      /* if continuous rows are requested, only those can be used */
467  	      if( sepadata->onlycontrows )
468  	      {
469  	         cols = SCIProwGetCols(prob_rows[r]);
470  	         iscontrow = TRUE;
472  	         /* check row for integral variables */
473  	         for( j = 0; j < SCIProwGetNNonz(prob_rows[r]); ++j )
474  	         {
475  	            if( SCIPcolIsIntegral(cols[j]) )
476  	            {
477  	               iscontrow = FALSE;
478  	               break;
479  	            }
480  	         }
482  	         if( !iscontrow )
483  	            continue;
484  	      }
486  	      /* don't try to use rows that have been generated by the RLT separator */
487  	      if( SCIProwGetOriginSepa(prob_rows[r]) == sepa )
488  	         continue;
490  	      /* if we are here, the row has passed all checks and should be added to rows */
491  	      rows[new_nrows] = prob_rows[r];
492  	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapSetImageInt(row_to_pos, (void*)(size_t)SCIProwGetIndex(prob_rows[r]), new_nrows) ); /*lint !e571 */
493  	      ++new_nrows;
494  	   }
496  	   *nrows = new_nrows;
498  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
499  	}
501  	/** make sure that the arrays in sepadata are large enough to store information on n variables */
502  	static
503  	SCIP_RETCODE ensureVarsSize(
504  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
505  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
506  	   int                   n                   /**< number of variables that we need to store */
507  	   )
508  	{
509  	   int newsize;
511  	   /* check whether array is large enough */
512  	   if( n <= sepadata->sbilinvars )
513  	      return SCIP_OKAY;
515  	   /* compute new size */
516  	   newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, n);
517  	   assert(n <= newsize);
519  	   /* realloc arrays */
520  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->varssorted, sepadata->sbilinvars, newsize) );
521  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->varpriorities, sepadata->sbilinvars, newsize) );
523  	   sepadata->sbilinvars = newsize;
525  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
526  	}
528  	/** saves variables x and y to separator data and stores information about their connection
529  	 *
530  	 *  variables must be captured separately
531  	 */
532  	static
533  	SCIP_RETCODE addProductVars(
534  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
535  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
536  	   SCIP_VAR*             x,                  /**< x variable */
537  	   SCIP_VAR*             y,                  /**< y variable */
538  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap,             /**< hashmap linking var index to position */
539  	   int                   nlocks              /**< number of locks */
540  	   )
541  	{
542  	   int xpos;
543  	   int ypos;
544  	   int xidx;
545  	   int yidx;
546  	   SCIP_VAR* vars[2];
548  	   if( sepadata->bilinvardatamap == NULL )
549  	   {
550  	      int varmapsize;
551  	      int nvars;
553  	      /* the number of variables participating in bilinear products cannot exceed twice the number of bilinear terms;
554  	       * however, if we detect hidden products, the number of terms is yet unknown, so use the number of variables
555  	       */
556  	      nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
557  	      varmapsize = sepadata->detecthidden ? nvars : MIN(nvars, sepadata->nbilinterms * 2);
559  	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&sepadata->bilinvardatamap, SCIPblkmem(scip), varmapsize) );
560  	   }
562  	   xidx = SCIPvarGetIndex(x);
563  	   yidx = SCIPvarGetIndex(y);
565  	   xpos = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) xidx); /*lint !e571 */
567  	   if( xpos == INT_MAX )
568  	   {
569  	      /* add x to sepadata and initialise its priority */
570  	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsertInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) xidx, sepadata->nbilinvars) ); /*lint !e571*/
571  	      SCIP_CALL( ensureVarsSize(scip, sepadata, sepadata->nbilinvars + 1) );
572  	      sepadata->varssorted[sepadata->nbilinvars] = x;
573  	      sepadata->varpriorities[sepadata->nbilinvars] = 0;
574  	      xpos = sepadata->nbilinvars;
575  	      ++sepadata->nbilinvars;
576  	   }
578  	   assert(xpos >= 0 && xpos < sepadata->nbilinvars );
579  	   assert(xpos == SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) xidx)); /*lint !e571 */
581  	   /* add locks to priority of x */
582  	   sepadata->varpriorities[xpos] += nlocks;
584  	   if( xidx != yidx )
585  	   {
586  	      ypos = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) yidx); /*lint !e571 */
588  	      if( ypos == INT_MAX )
589  	      {
590  	         /* add y to sepadata and initialise its priority */
591  	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsertInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) yidx, sepadata->nbilinvars) ); /*lint !e571*/
592  	         SCIP_CALL( ensureVarsSize(scip, sepadata, sepadata->nbilinvars + 1) );
593  	         sepadata->varssorted[sepadata->nbilinvars] = y;
594  	         sepadata->varpriorities[sepadata->nbilinvars] = 0;
595  	         ypos = sepadata->nbilinvars;
596  	         ++sepadata->nbilinvars;
597  	      }
599  	      assert(ypos >= 0 && ypos < sepadata->nbilinvars);
600  	      assert(ypos == SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(varmap, (void*)(size_t) yidx)); /*lint !e571 */
602  	      /* add locks to priority of y */
603  	      sepadata->varpriorities[ypos] += nlocks;
604  	   }
606  	   /* remember the connection between x and y */
607  	   vars[0] = x;
608  	   vars[1] = y;
609  	   SCIP_CALL( addAdjacentVars(scip, sepadata->bilinvardatamap, vars) );
611  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
612  	}
614  	/** extract a bilinear product from two linear relations, if possible
615  	 *
616  	 * First, the two given rows are brought to the form:
617  	 * \f[
618  	 *   a_1x + b_1w + c_1y \leq/\geq d_1,\\
619  	 *   a_2x + b_2w + c_2y \leq/\geq d_2,
620  	 * \f]
621  	 * where \f$ a_1a_2 \leq 0 \f$ and the first implied relation is enabled when \f$ x = 1 \f$
622  	 * and the second when \f$ x = 0 \f$, and \f$ b_1, b_2 > 0 \f$, the product relation can be written as:
623  	 * \f[
624  	 *   \frac{b_1b_2w + (b_2(a_1 - d_1) + b_1d_2)x + b_1c_2y - b_1d_2}{b_1c_2 - c_1b_2} \leq/\geq xy.
625  	 * \f]
626  	 * The inequality sign in the product relation is similar to that in the given linear relations if
627  	 * \f$ b_1c_2 - c_1b_2 > 0 \f$ and opposite if \f$ b_1c_2 - c_1b_2 > 0 \f$.
628  	 *
629  	 * To obtain this formula, the given relations are first multiplied by scaling factors \f$ \alpha \f$
630  	 * and \f$ \beta \f$, which is necessary in order for the solution to always exist, and written as
631  	 * implications:
632  	 * \f{align}{
633  	 *   x = 1 & ~\Rightarrow~ \alpha b_1w + \alpha c_1y \leq/\geq \alpha(d_1 - a_1), \\
634  	 *   x = 0 & ~\Rightarrow~ \beta b_2w + \beta c_2y \leq/\geq \beta d_2.
635  	 * \f}
636  	 * Then a linear system is solved which ensures that the coefficients of the two implications of the product
637  	 * relation are equal to the corresponding coefficients in the linear relations.
638  	 * If the product relation is written as:
639  	 * \f[
640  	 *   Ax + Bw + Cy + D \leq/\geq xy,
641  	 * \f]
642  	 * then the system is
643  	 * \f[
644  	 *   B = \alpha b_1, ~C - 1 = \alpha c_1, ~D+A = \alpha(a_1-d_1),\\
645  	 *   B = \beta b_2, ~C = \beta c_2, ~D = -\beta d_2.
646  	 * \f]
647  	 */
648  	static
649  	SCIP_RETCODE extractProducts(
650  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
651  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
652  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars_xwy,           /**< 3 variables involved in the inequalities in the order x,w,y */
653  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs1,             /**< coefficients of the first inequality (always implied, i.e. has x) */
654  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs2,             /**< coefficients of the second inequality (can be unconditional) */
655  	   SCIP_Real             d1,                 /**< side of the first inequality */
656  	   SCIP_Real             d2,                 /**< side of the second inequality */
657  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         sidetype1,          /**< side type (lhs or rls) in the first inequality */
658  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         sidetype2,          /**< side type (lhs or rhs) in the second inequality */
659  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap,             /**< variable map */
660  	   SCIP_Bool             f                   /**< the first relation is an implication x == f */
661  	   )
662  	{
663  	   SCIP_Real mult;
665  	   /* coefficients and constant of the auxexpr */
666  	   SCIP_Real A; /* coefficient of x */
667  	   SCIP_Real B; /* coefficient of w */
668  	   SCIP_Real C; /* coefficient of y */
669  	   SCIP_Real D; /* constant */
671  	   /* variables */
672  	   SCIP_VAR* w;
673  	   SCIP_VAR* x;
674  	   SCIP_VAR* y;
676  	   /* does auxexpr overestimate the product? */
677  	   SCIP_Bool overestimate;
679  	   /* coefficients in given relations: a for x, b for w, c for y; 1 and 2 for 1st and 2nd relation, respectively */
680  	   SCIP_Real a1 = coefs1[0];
681  	   SCIP_Real b1 = coefs1[1];
682  	   SCIP_Real c1 = coefs1[2];
683  	   SCIP_Real a2 = coefs2[0];
684  	   SCIP_Real b2 = coefs2[1];
685  	   SCIP_Real c2 = coefs2[2];
687  	   x = vars_xwy[0];
688  	   w = vars_xwy[1];
689  	   y = vars_xwy[2];
691  	   /* check given linear relations and decide if to continue */
693  	   assert(SCIPvarGetType(x) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);  /* x must be binary */
694  	   assert(a1 != 0.0); /* the first relation is always conditional */
695  	   assert(b1 != 0.0 || b2 != 0.0); /* at least one w coefficient must be nonzero */
697  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Extracting product from two implied relations:\n");
698  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Relation 1: <%s> == %u => %g<%s> + %g<%s> %s %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(x), f, b1,
699  	      SCIPvarGetName(w), c1, SCIPvarGetName(y), sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? ">=" : "<=",
700  	      f ? d1 - a1 : d1);
701  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Relation 2: <%s> == %d => %g<%s> + %g<%s> %s %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(x), !f, b2,
702  	      SCIPvarGetName(w), c2, SCIPvarGetName(y), sidetype2 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? ">=" : "<=",
703  	      f ? d2 : d2 - a2);
705  	   /* cannot use a global bound on x to detect a product */
706  	   if( (b1 == 0.0 && c1 == 0.0) || (b2 == 0.0 && c2 == 0.0) )
707  	      return SCIP_OKAY;
709  	   /* cannot use a global bound on y to detect a non-redundant product relation */
710  	   if( a2 == 0.0 && b2 == 0.0 ) /* only check the 2nd relation because the 1st at least has x */
711  	   {
712  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Ignoring a global bound on y\n");
713  	      return SCIP_OKAY;
714  	   }
716  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "binary var = <%s>, product of its coefs: %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(x), a1*a2);
718  	   /* rewrite the linear relations in a standard form:
719  	    * a1x + b1w + c1y <=/>= d1,
720  	    * a2x + b2w + c2y <=/>= d2,
721  	    * where b1 > 0, b2 > 0 and first implied relation is activated when x == 1
722  	    */
724  	   /* if needed, multiply the rows by -1 so that coefs of w are positive */
725  	   if( b1 < 0 )
726  	   {
727  	      a1 *= -1.0;
728  	      b1 *= -1.0;
729  	      c1 *= -1.0;
730  	      d1 *= -1.0;
731  	      sidetype1 = sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT : SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT;
732  	   }
733  	   if( b2 < 0 )
734  	   {
735  	      a2 *= -1.0;
736  	      b2 *= -1.0;
737  	      c2 *= -1.0;
738  	      d2 *= -1.0;
739  	      sidetype2 = sidetype2 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT : SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT;
740  	   }
742  	   /* the linear relations imply a product only if the inequality signs are similar */
743  	   if( sidetype1 != sidetype2 )
744  	      return SCIP_OKAY;
746  	   /* when b1c2 = b2c1, the linear relations do not imply a product relation */
747  	   if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, b2*c1, c2*b1) )
748  	   {
749  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Ignoring a pair of linear relations because b1c2 = b2c1\n");
750  	      return SCIP_OKAY;
751  	   }
753  	   if( !f )
754  	   {
755  	      /* swap the linear relations so that the relation implied by x == TRUE goes first */
756  	      SCIPswapReals(&a1, &a2);
757  	      SCIPswapReals(&b1, &b2);
758  	      SCIPswapReals(&c1, &c2);
759  	      SCIPswapReals(&d1, &d2);
760  	   }
762  	   /* all conditions satisfied, we can extract the product and write it as:
763  	    * (1/(b1c2 - c1b2))*(b1b2w + (b2(a1 - d1) + b1d2)x + b1c2y - b1d2) >=/<= xy,
764  	    * where the inequality sign in the product relation is similar to that in the given linear relations
765  	    * if b1c2 - c1b2 > 0 and opposite if b1c2 - c1b2 > 0
766  	    */
768  	   /* compute the multiplier */
769  	   mult = 1/(b1*c2 - c1*b2);
771  	   /* determine the inequality sign; only check sidetype1 because sidetype2 is equal to it */
772  	   overestimate = (sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT && mult > 0.0) || (sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT && mult < 0.0);
774  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "found suitable implied rels (w,x,y): %g<%s> + %g<%s> + %g<%s> <= %g\n", a1,
775  	      SCIPvarGetName(x), b1, SCIPvarGetName(w), c1, SCIPvarGetName(y), d1);
776  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "  and %g<%s> + %g<%s> + %g<%s> <= %g\n", a2, SCIPvarGetName(x),
777  	      b2, SCIPvarGetName(w), c2, SCIPvarGetName(y), d2);
779  	   /* compute the coefficients for x, w and y and the constant in auxexpr */
780  	   A = (b2*a1 - d1*b2 + d2*b1)*mult;
781  	   B = b1*b2*mult;
782  	   C = b1*c2*mult;
783  	   D = -b1*d2*mult;
785  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "product: <%s><%s> %s %g<%s> + %g<%s> + %g<%s> + %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(x), SCIPvarGetName(y),
786  	      overestimate ? "<=" : ">=", A, SCIPvarGetName(x), B, SCIPvarGetName(w), C, SCIPvarGetName(y), D);
788  	   SCIP_CALL( addProductVars(scip, sepadata, x, y, varmap, 1) );
789  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPinsertBilinearTermImplicitNonlinear(scip, sepadata->conshdlr, x, y, w, A, C, B, D, overestimate) );
791  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
792  	}
794  	/** convert an implied bound: `binvar` = `binval`  &rArr;  `implvar` &le;/&ge; `implbnd` into a big-M constraint */
795  	static
796  	void implBndToBigM(
797  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
798  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars_xwy,           /**< variables in order x,w,y */
799  	   int                   binvarpos,          /**< position of binvar in vars_xwy */
800  	   int                   implvarpos,         /**< position of implvar in vars_xwy */
801  	   SCIP_BOUNDTYPE        bndtype,            /**< type of implied bound */
802  	   SCIP_Bool             binval,             /**< value of binvar which implies the bound */
803  	   SCIP_Real             implbnd,            /**< value of the implied bound */
804  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs,              /**< coefficients of the big-M constraint */
805  	   SCIP_Real*            side                /**< side of the big-M constraint */
806  	   )
807  	{
808  	   SCIP_VAR* implvar;
809  	   SCIP_Real globbnd;
811  	   assert(vars_xwy != NULL);
812  	   assert(coefs != NULL);
813  	   assert(side != NULL);
814  	   assert(binvarpos != implvarpos);
816  	   implvar = vars_xwy[implvarpos];
817  	   globbnd = bndtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(implvar) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(implvar);
819  	   /* Depending on the bound type and binval, there are four possibilities:
820  	    * binvar == 1  =>  implvar >= implbnd   <=>   (implvar^l - implbnd)binvar + implvar >= implvar^l;
821  	    * binvar == 0  =>  implvar >= implbnd   <=>   (implbnd - implvar^l)binvar + implvar >= implbnd;
822  	    * binvar == 1  =>  implvar <= implbnd   <=>   (implvar^u - implbnd)binvar + implvar <= implvar^u;
823  	    * binvar == 0  =>  implvar <= implbnd   <=>   (implbnd - implvar^u)binvar + implvar <= implbnd.
824  	    */
826  	   coefs[0] = 0.0;
827  	   coefs[1] = 0.0;
828  	   coefs[2] = 0.0;
829  	   coefs[binvarpos] = binval ? globbnd - implbnd : implbnd - globbnd;
830  	   coefs[implvarpos] = 1.0;
831  	   *side = binval ? globbnd : implbnd;
833  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Got an implied relation with binpos = %d, implpos = %d, implbnd = %g, "
834  	                   "bnd type = %s, binval = %u, glbbnd = %g\n", binvarpos, implvarpos, implbnd,
835  	                   bndtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? "lower" : "upper", binval, globbnd);
836  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Constructed big-M: %g*bvar + implvar %s %g\n", coefs[binvarpos],
837  	                   bndtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ? ">=" : "<=", *side);
838  	}
840  	/** extract products from a relation given by coefs1, vars, side1 and sidetype1 and
841  	 *  implied bounds of the form `binvar` = `!f` &rArr; `implvar` &ge;/&le; `implbnd`
842  	 */
843  	static
844  	SCIP_RETCODE detectProductsImplbnd(
845  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
846  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
847  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs1,             /**< coefficients of the first linear relation */
848  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars_xwy,           /**< variables in the order x, w, y */
849  	   SCIP_Real             side1,              /**< side of the first relation */
850  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         sidetype1,          /**< is the left or right hand side given for the first relation? */
851  	   int                   binvarpos,          /**< position of the indicator variable in the vars_xwy array */
852  	   int                   implvarpos,         /**< position of the variable that is bounded */
853  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap,             /**< variable map */
854  	   SCIP_Bool             f                   /**< the value of x that activates the first relation */
855  	   )
856  	{
857  	   SCIP_Real coefs2[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
858  	   SCIP_Real impllb;
859  	   SCIP_Real implub;
860  	   SCIP_VAR* binvar;
861  	   SCIP_VAR* implvar;
862  	   SCIP_Real side2;
863  	   int i;
864  	   SCIP_Bool binvals[2] = {!f, f};
866  	   assert(binvarpos != implvarpos);
867  	   assert(implvarpos != 0); /* implied variable must be continuous, therefore it can't be x */
869  	   binvar = vars_xwy[binvarpos];
870  	   implvar = vars_xwy[implvarpos];
872  	   assert(SCIPvarGetType(binvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
873  	   assert(SCIPvarGetType(implvar) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
875  	   /* loop over binvals; if binvar is x (case binvarpos == 0), then we want to use only implications from
876  	    * binvar == !f (which is the option complementing the first relation, which is implied from f); if
877  	    * binvar is not x, this doesn't matter since the implbnd doesn't depend on x, therefore try both !f and f
878  	    */
879  	   for( i = 0; i < (binvarpos == 0 ? 1 : 2); ++i )
880  	   {
881  	      /* get implications binvar == binval  =>  implvar <=/>= implbnd */
882  	      SCIPvarGetImplicVarBounds(binvar, binvals[i], implvar, &impllb, &implub);
884  	      if( impllb != SCIP_INVALID ) /*lint !e777*/
885  	      {
886  	         /* write the implied bound as a big-M constraint */
887  	         implBndToBigM(scip, vars_xwy, binvarpos, implvarpos, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER, binvals[i], impllb, coefs2, &side2);
889  	         SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1, side2, sidetype1,
890  	               SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, varmap, f) );
891  	      }
893  	      if( implub != SCIP_INVALID ) /*lint !e777*/
894  	      {
895  	         /* write the implied bound as a big-M constraint */
896  	         implBndToBigM(scip, vars_xwy, binvarpos, implvarpos, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER, binvals[i], implub, coefs2, &side2);
898  	         SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1, side2, sidetype1,
899  	               SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, f) );
900  	      }
901  	   }
903  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
904  	}
906  	/** extract products from a relation given by `coefs1`, `vars_xwy`, `side1` and `sidetype1` and
907  	 *  cliques containing `vars_xwy[varpos1]` and `vars_xwy[varpos2]`
908  	 */
909  	static
910  	SCIP_RETCODE detectProductsClique(
911  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
912  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
913  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs1,             /**< coefficients of the first linear relation */
914  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars_xwy,           /**< variables of the first relation in the order x, w, y */
915  	   SCIP_Real             side1,              /**< side of the first relation */
916  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         sidetype1,          /**< is the left or right hand side given for the first relation? */
917  	   int                   varpos1,            /**< position of the first variable in the vars_xwy array */
918  	   int                   varpos2,            /**< position of the second variable in the vars_xwy array */
919  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap,             /**< variable map */
920  	   SCIP_Bool             f                   /**< the value of x that activates the first relation */
921  	   )
922  	{
923  	   SCIP_Real coefs2[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
924  	   SCIP_VAR* var1;
925  	   SCIP_VAR* var2;
926  	   SCIP_Real side2;
927  	   int i;
928  	   int imax;
929  	   SCIP_Bool binvals[2] = {!f, f};
931  	   var1 = vars_xwy[varpos1];
932  	   var2 = vars_xwy[varpos2];
934  	   /* this decides whether we do one or two iterations of the loop for binvals: if var1
935  	    * or var2 is x, we only want cliques with x = !f (which is the option complementing
936  	    * the first relation, which is implied from f); otherwise this doesn't matter since
937  	    * the clique doesn't depend on x, therefore try both !f and f
938  	    */
939  	   imax = (varpos1 == 0 || varpos2 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
941  	   assert(SCIPvarGetType(var1) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
942  	   assert(SCIPvarGetType(var2) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
944  	   for( i = 0; i < imax; ++i )
945  	   {
946  	      /* if var1=TRUE and var2=TRUE are in a clique (binvals[i] == TRUE), the relation var1 + var2 <= 1 is implied
947  	       * if var1=FALSE and var2=TRUE are in a clique (binvals[i] == FALSE), the relation (1 - var1) + var2 <= 1 is implied
948  	       */
949  	      if( SCIPvarsHaveCommonClique(var1, binvals[i], var2, TRUE, TRUE) )
950  	      {
951  	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "vars %s<%s> and <%s> are in a clique\n", binvals[i] ? "" : "!", SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
952  	         coefs2[varpos1] = binvals[i] ? 1.0 : -1.0;
953  	         coefs2[varpos2] = 1.0;
954  	         side2 = binvals[i] ? 1.0 : 0.0;
956  	         SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1, side2, sidetype1,
957  	               SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, f) );
958  	      }
960  	      /* if var1=TRUE and var2=FALSE are in the same clique, the relation var1 + (1-var2) <= 1 is implied
961  	       * if var1=FALSE and var2=FALSE are in the same clique, the relation (1-var1) + (1-var2) <= 1 is implied
962  	       */
963  	      if( SCIPvarsHaveCommonClique(var1, binvals[i], var2, FALSE, TRUE) )
964  	      {
965  	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "vars %s<%s> and !<%s> are in a clique\n", binvals[i] ? "" : "!", SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
966  	         coefs2[varpos1] = binvals[i] ? 1.0 : -1.0;
967  	         coefs2[varpos2] = -1.0;
968  	         side2 = binvals[i] ? 0.0 : -1.0;
970  	         SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1, side2, sidetype1,
971  	               SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, f) );
972  	      }
973  	   }
975  	   return SCIP_OKAY;
976  	}
979  	/** extract products from a relation given by `coefs1`, `vars`, `side1` and `sidetype1` and unconditional relations
980  	 * (inequalities with 2 nonzeros) containing `vars[varpos1]` and `vars[varpos2]`
981  	 */
982  	static
983  	SCIP_RETCODE detectProductsUnconditional(
984  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
985  	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
986  	   SCIP_ROW**            rows,               /**< problem rows */
987  	   int*                  row_list,           /**< linked list of rows corresponding to 2 or 3 var sets */
988  	   SCIP_HASHTABLE*       hashtable,          /**< hashtable storing unconditional relations */
989  	   SCIP_Real*            coefs1,             /**< coefficients of the first linear relation */
990  	   SCIP_VAR**            vars_xwy,           /**< variables of the first relation in the order x, w, y */
991  	   SCIP_Real             side1,              /**< side of the first relation */
992  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         sidetype1,          /**< is the left or right hand side given for the first relation? */
993  	   int                   varpos1,            /**< position of the first unconditional variable in the vars_xwy array */
994  	   int                   varpos2,            /**< position of the second unconditional variable in the vars_xwy array */
995  	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap,             /**< variable map */
996  	   SCIP_Bool             f                   /**< the value of x that activates the first relation */
997  	   )
998  	{
999  	   HASHDATA hashdata;
1000 	   HASHDATA* foundhashdata;
1001 	   SCIP_ROW* row2;
1002 	   int r2;
1003 	   int pos1;
1004 	   int pos2;
1005 	   SCIP_Real coefs2[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
1006 	   SCIP_VAR* var1;
1007 	   SCIP_VAR* var2;
1009 	   /* always unconditional, therefore x must not be one of the two variables */
1010 	   assert(varpos1 != 0);
1011 	   assert(varpos2 != 0);
1013 	   var1 = vars_xwy[varpos1];
1014 	   var2 = vars_xwy[varpos2];
1016 	   hashdata.nvars = 2;
1017 	   hashdata.firstrow = -1;
1018 	   if( SCIPvarGetIndex(var1) < SCIPvarGetIndex(var2) )
1019 	   {
1020 	      pos1 = 0;
1021 	      pos2 = 1;
1022 	   }
1023 	   else
1024 	   {
1025 	      pos1 = 1;
1026 	      pos2 = 0;
1027 	   }
1029 	   hashdata.vars[pos1] = var1;
1030 	   hashdata.vars[pos2] = var2;
1032 	   foundhashdata = (HASHDATA*)SCIPhashtableRetrieve(hashtable, &hashdata);
1034 	   if( foundhashdata != NULL )
1035 	   {
1036 	      /* if the var pair exists, use all corresponding rows */
1037 	      r2 = foundhashdata->firstrow;
1039 	      while( r2 != -1 )
1040 	      {
1041 	         row2 = rows[r2];
1042 	         assert(SCIProwGetNNonz(row2) == 2);
1043 	         assert(var1 == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row2)[pos1]));
1044 	         assert(var2 == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row2)[pos2]));
1046 	         coefs2[varpos1] = SCIProwGetVals(row2)[pos1];
1047 	         coefs2[varpos2] = SCIProwGetVals(row2)[pos2];
1049 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Unconditional:\n");
1050 	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -SCIProwGetLhs(row2)) )
1051 	         {
1052 	            SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1053 	                  SCIProwGetLhs(row2) - SCIProwGetConstant(row2), sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, varmap, f) );
1054 	         }
1055 	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip,  SCIProwGetRhs(row2)) )
1056 	         {
1057 	            SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1058 	                  SCIProwGetRhs(row2) - SCIProwGetConstant(row2), sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, f) );
1059 	         }
1061 	         r2 = row_list[r2];
1062 	      }
1063 	   }
1065 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1066 	}
1068 	/** finds and stores implied relations (x = f &rArr; ay + bw &le; c, f can be 0 or 1) and 2-variable relations
1069 	 *
1070 	 *  Fills the following:
1071 	 *
1072 	 * - An array of variables that participate in two variable relations; for each such variable, ADJACENTVARDATA
1073 	 *   containing an array of variables that participate in two variable relations together with it; and a hashmap
1074 	 *   mapping variables to ADJACENTVARDATAs.
1075 	 *
1076 	 * - Hashtables storing hashdata objects with the two or three variables and the position of the first row in the
1077 	 *   `prob_rows` array, which in combination with the linked list (described below) will allow access to all rows that
1078 	 *   depend only on the corresponding variables.
1079 	 *
1080 	 * - Linked lists of row indices. Each list corresponds to a pair or triple of variables and contains positions of rows
1081 	 *   which depend only on those variables. All lists are stored in `row_list`, an array of length `nrows`, which is
1082 	 *   possible because each row belongs to at most one list. The array indices of `row_list` represent the positions of
1083 	 *   rows in `prob_rows`, and a value in the `row_list` array represents the next index in the list (-1 if there is no next
1084 	 *   list element). The first index of each list is stored in one of the hashdata objects as firstrow.
1085 	 */
1086 	static
1087 	SCIP_RETCODE fillRelationTables(
1088 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1089 	   SCIP_ROW**            prob_rows,          /**< linear rows of the problem */
1090 	   int                   nrows,              /**< number of rows */
1091 	   SCIP_HASHTABLE*       hashtable2,         /**< hashtable to store 2-variable relations */
1092 	   SCIP_HASHTABLE*       hashtable3,         /**< hashtable to store implied relations */
1093 	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         vars_in_2rels,      /**< connections between variables that appear in 2-variable relations */
1094 	   int*                  row_list            /**< linked lists of row positions for each 2 or 3 variable set */
1095 	   )
1096 	{
1097 	   int r;
1098 	   SCIP_COL** cols;
1099 	   HASHDATA searchhashdata;
1100 	   HASHDATA* elementhashdata;
1102 	   assert(prob_rows != NULL);
1103 	   assert(nrows > 0);
1104 	   assert(hashtable2 != NULL);
1105 	   assert(hashtable3 != NULL);
1106 	   assert(vars_in_2rels != NULL);
1107 	   assert(row_list != NULL);
1109 	   for( r = 0; r < nrows; ++r )
1110 	   {
1111 	      assert(prob_rows[r] != NULL);
1113 	      cols = SCIProwGetCols(prob_rows[r]);
1114 	      assert(cols != NULL);
1116 	      /* initialise with the "end of list" value */
1117 	      row_list[r] = -1;
1119 	      /* look for unconditional relations with 2 variables */
1120 	      if( SCIProwGetNNonz(prob_rows[r]) == 2 )
1121 	      {
1122 	         /* if at least one of the variables is binary, this is either an implied bound
1123 	          * or a clique; these are covered separately */
1124 	         if( SCIPvarGetType(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[0])) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ||
1125 	             SCIPvarGetType(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[1])) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1126 	         {
1127 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "ignoring relation <%s> because a var is binary\n", SCIProwGetName(prob_rows[r]));
1128 	            continue;
1129 	         }
1131 	         /* fill in searchhashdata so that to search for the two variables in hashtable2 */
1132 	         searchhashdata.nvars = 2;
1133 	         searchhashdata.firstrow = -1;
1134 	         searchhashdata.vars[0] = SCIPcolGetVar(cols[0]);
1135 	         searchhashdata.vars[1] = SCIPcolGetVar(cols[1]);
1137 	         /* get the element corresponding to the two variables */
1138 	         elementhashdata = (HASHDATA*)SCIPhashtableRetrieve(hashtable2, &searchhashdata);
1140 	         if( elementhashdata != NULL )
1141 	         {
1142 	            /* if element exists, update it by adding the row */
1143 	            row_list[r] = elementhashdata->firstrow;
1144 	            elementhashdata->firstrow = r;
1145 	            ++elementhashdata->nrows;
1146 	         }
1147 	         else
1148 	         {
1149 	            /* create an element for the combination of two variables */
1150 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, &elementhashdata) );
1152 	            elementhashdata->nvars = 2;
1153 	            elementhashdata->nrows = 1;
1154 	            elementhashdata->vars[0] = searchhashdata.vars[0];
1155 	            elementhashdata->vars[1] = searchhashdata.vars[1];
1156 	            elementhashdata->firstrow = r;
1158 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableInsert(hashtable2, (void*)elementhashdata) );
1160 	            /* hashdata.vars are two variables participating together in a two variable relation, therefore update
1161 	             * these variables' adjacency data
1162 	             */
1163 	            SCIP_CALL( addAdjacentVars(scip, vars_in_2rels, searchhashdata.vars) );
1164 	         }
1165 	      }
1167 	      /* look for implied relations (three variables, at least one binary variable) */
1168 	      if( SCIProwGetNNonz(prob_rows[r]) == 3 )
1169 	      {
1170 	         /* an implied relation contains at least one binary variable */
1171 	         if( SCIPvarGetType(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[0])) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY &&
1172 	             SCIPvarGetType(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[1])) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY &&
1173 	             SCIPvarGetType(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[2])) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1174 	            continue;
1176 	         /* fill in hashdata so that to search for the three variables in hashtable3 */
1177 	         searchhashdata.nvars = 3;
1178 	         searchhashdata.firstrow = -1;
1179 	         searchhashdata.vars[0] = SCIPcolGetVar(cols[0]);
1180 	         searchhashdata.vars[1] = SCIPcolGetVar(cols[1]);
1181 	         searchhashdata.vars[2] = SCIPcolGetVar(cols[2]);
1183 	         /* get the element corresponding to the three variables */
1184 	         elementhashdata = (HASHDATA*)SCIPhashtableRetrieve(hashtable3, &searchhashdata);
1186 	         if( elementhashdata != NULL )
1187 	         {
1188 	            /* if element exists, update it by adding the row */
1189 	            row_list[r] = elementhashdata->firstrow;
1190 	            elementhashdata->firstrow = r;
1191 	            ++elementhashdata->nrows;
1192 	         }
1193 	         else
1194 	         {
1195 	            /* create an element for the combination of three variables */
1196 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBuffer(scip, &elementhashdata) );
1198 	            elementhashdata->nvars = 3;
1199 	            elementhashdata->nrows = 1;
1200 	            elementhashdata->vars[0] = searchhashdata.vars[0];
1201 	            elementhashdata->vars[1] = searchhashdata.vars[1];
1202 	            elementhashdata->vars[2] = searchhashdata.vars[2];
1203 	            elementhashdata->firstrow = r;
1205 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableInsert(hashtable3, (void*)elementhashdata) );
1206 	         }
1207 	      }
1208 	   }
1210 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1211 	}
1213 	/** detect bilinear products encoded in linear constraints */
1214 	static
1215 	SCIP_RETCODE detectHiddenProducts(
1216 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1217 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separation data */
1218 	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         varmap              /**< variable map */
1219 	   )
1220 	{
1221 	   int r1; /* first relation index */
1222 	   int r2; /* second relation index */
1223 	   int i; /* outer loop counter */
1224 	   int permwy; /* index for permuting w and y */
1225 	   int nrows;
1226 	   SCIP_ROW** prob_rows;
1227 	   SCIP_HASHTABLE* hashtable3;
1228 	   SCIP_HASHTABLE* hashtable2;
1229 	   HASHDATA* foundhashdata;
1230 	   SCIP_VAR* vars_xwy[3];
1231 	   SCIP_Real coefs1[3];
1232 	   SCIP_Real coefs2[3];
1233 	   SCIP_ROW* row1;
1234 	   SCIP_ROW* row2;
1235 	   int xpos;
1236 	   int ypos;
1237 	   int wpos;
1238 	   int f; /* value of the binary variable */
1239 	   SCIP_VAR** relatedvars;
1240 	   int nrelatedvars;
1241 	   SCIP_Bool xfixing;
1242 	   SCIP_SIDETYPE sidetype1;
1243 	   SCIP_SIDETYPE sidetype2;
1244 	   SCIP_Real side1;
1245 	   SCIP_Real side2;
1246 	   int* row_list;
1247 	   SCIP_HASHMAP* vars_in_2rels;
1248 	   int nvars;
1250 	   /* get the (original) rows */
1251 	   SCIP_CALL( getOriginalRows(scip, &prob_rows, &nrows) );
1253 	   if( nrows == 0 )
1254 	   {
1255 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &prob_rows);
1256 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1257 	   }
1259 	   /* create tables of implied and unconditional relations */
1260 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableCreate(&hashtable3, SCIPblkmem(scip), nrows, SCIPhashGetKeyStandard,
1261 	      hashdataKeyEqConss, hashdataKeyValConss, NULL) );
1262 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableCreate(&hashtable2, SCIPblkmem(scip), nrows, SCIPhashGetKeyStandard,
1263 	      hashdataKeyEqConss, hashdataKeyValConss, NULL) );
1264 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &row_list, nrows) );
1266 	   /* allocate the adjacency data map for variables that appear in 2-var relations */
1267 	   nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
1268 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&vars_in_2rels, SCIPblkmem(scip), MIN(nvars, nrows * 2)) );
1270 	   /* fill the data structures that will be used for product detection: hashtables and linked lists allowing to access
1271 	    * two and three variable relations by the variables; and the hashmap for accessing variables participating in two
1272 	    * variable relations with each given variable */
1273 	   SCIP_CALL( fillRelationTables(scip, prob_rows, nrows, hashtable2, hashtable3, vars_in_2rels, row_list) );
1275 	   /* start actually looking for products */
1276 	   /* go through all sets of three variables */
1277 	   for( i = 0; i < SCIPhashtableGetNEntries(hashtable3); ++i )
1278 	   {
1279 	      foundhashdata = (HASHDATA*)SCIPhashtableGetEntry(hashtable3, i);
1280 	      if( foundhashdata == NULL )
1281 	         continue;
1283 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "(<%s>, <%s>, <%s>): ", SCIPvarGetName(foundhashdata->vars[0]),
1284 	         SCIPvarGetName(foundhashdata->vars[1]), SCIPvarGetName(foundhashdata->vars[2]));
1286 	      /* An implied relation has the form: x == f  =>  l(w,y) <=/>= side (f is 0 or 1, l is a linear function). Given
1287 	       * a linear relation with three variables, any binary var can be x: we try them all here because this can
1288 	       * produce different products.
1289 	       */
1290 	      for( xpos = 0; xpos < 3; ++xpos )
1291 	      {
1292 	         /* in vars_xwy, the order of variables is always as in the name: x, w, y */
1293 	         vars_xwy[0] = foundhashdata->vars[xpos];
1295 	         /* x must be binary */
1296 	         if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[0]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1297 	            continue;
1299 	         /* the first row might be an implication from f == 0 or f == 1: try both */
1300 	         for( f = 0; f <= 1; ++f )
1301 	         {
1302 	            xfixing = f == 1;
1304 	            /* go through implied relations for the corresponding three variables */
1305 	            for( r1 = foundhashdata->firstrow; r1 != -1; r1 = row_list[r1] )
1306 	            {
1307 	               /* get the implied relation */
1308 	               row1 = prob_rows[r1];
1310 	               assert(SCIProwGetNNonz(row1) == 3);
1311 	               /* the order of variables in all rows should be the same, and similar to the order in hashdata->vars,
1312 	                * therefore the x variable from vars_xwy should be similar to the column variable at xpos
1313 	                */
1314 	               assert(vars_xwy[0] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row1)[xpos]));
1316 	               coefs1[0] = SCIProwGetVals(row1)[xpos];
1318 	               /* use the side for which the inequality becomes tighter when x == xfixing than when x == !xfixing */
1319 	               if( (!xfixing && coefs1[0] > 0.0) || (xfixing && coefs1[0] < 0.0) )
1320 	               {
1321 	                  sidetype1 = SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT;
1322 	                  side1 = SCIProwGetLhs(row1);
1323 	               }
1324 	               else
1325 	               {
1326 	                  sidetype1 = SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT;
1327 	                  side1 = SCIProwGetRhs(row1);
1328 	               }
1330 	               if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(side1)) )
1331 	                  continue;
1333 	               side1 -= SCIProwGetConstant(row1);
1335 	               /* permute w and y */
1336 	               for( permwy = 1; permwy <= 2; ++permwy )
1337 	               {
1338 	                  wpos = (xpos + permwy) % 3;
1339 	                  ypos = (xpos - permwy + 3) % 3;
1340 	                  vars_xwy[1] = foundhashdata->vars[wpos];
1341 	                  vars_xwy[2] = foundhashdata->vars[ypos];
1343 	                  assert(vars_xwy[1] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row1)[wpos]));
1344 	                  assert(vars_xwy[2] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row1)[ypos]));
1346 	                  coefs1[1] = SCIProwGetVals(row1)[wpos];
1347 	                  coefs1[2] = SCIProwGetVals(row1)[ypos];
1349 	                  /* look for the second relation: it should be tighter when x == !xfixing than when x == xfixing
1350 	                   * and can be either another implied relation or one of several types of two and one variable
1351 	                   * relations
1352 	                   */
1354 	                  /* go through the remaining rows (implied relations) for these three variables */
1355 	                  for( r2 = row_list[r1]; r2 != -1; r2 = row_list[r2] )
1356 	                  {
1357 	                     /* get the second implied relation */
1358 	                     row2 = prob_rows[r2];
1360 	                     assert(SCIProwGetNNonz(row2) == 3);
1361 	                     assert(vars_xwy[0] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row2)[xpos]));
1362 	                     assert(vars_xwy[1] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row2)[wpos]));
1363 	                     assert(vars_xwy[2] == SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row2)[ypos]));
1365 	                     coefs2[0] = SCIProwGetVals(row2)[xpos];
1366 	                     coefs2[1] = SCIProwGetVals(row2)[wpos];
1367 	                     coefs2[2] = SCIProwGetVals(row2)[ypos];
1369 	                     /* use the side for which the inequality becomes tighter when x == !xfixing than when x == xfixing */
1370 	                     if( (!xfixing && coefs2[0] > 0.0) || (xfixing && coefs2[0] < 0.0) )
1371 	                     {
1372 	                        sidetype2 = SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT;
1373 	                        side2 = SCIProwGetRhs(row2);
1374 	                     }
1375 	                     else
1376 	                     {
1377 	                        sidetype2 = SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT;
1378 	                        side2 = SCIProwGetLhs(row2);
1379 	                     }
1381 	                     if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(side2)) )
1382 	                        continue;
1384 	                     side2 -= SCIProwGetConstant(row2);
1386 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Two implied relations:\n");
1387 	                     SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1, side2, sidetype1,
1388 	                        sidetype2, varmap, xfixing) );
1389 	                  }
1391 	                  /* use global bounds on w */
1392 	                  coefs2[0] = 0.0;
1393 	                  coefs2[1] = 1.0;
1394 	                  coefs2[2] = 0.0;
1395 	                  SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "w global bounds:\n");
1396 	                  if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(vars_xwy[1])) )
1397 	                  {
1398 	                     SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1399 	                        SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(vars_xwy[1]), sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, varmap, xfixing) );
1400 	                  }
1402 	                  if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(vars_xwy[1])) )
1403 	                  {
1404 	                     SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1405 	                        SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(vars_xwy[1]), sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, xfixing) );
1406 	                  }
1408 	                  /* use implied bounds and cliques with w */
1409 	                  if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1410 	                  {
1411 	                     /* w is non-binary - look for implied bounds x == !f => w >=/<= bound */
1412 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + implied bounds on w:\n");
1413 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsImplbnd(scip, sepadata, coefs1, vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 0, 1,
1414 	                           varmap, xfixing) );
1415 	                  }
1416 	                  else
1417 	                  {
1418 	                     /* w is binary - look for cliques containing x and w */
1419 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + cliques with x and w:\n");
1420 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsClique(scip, sepadata, coefs1, vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 0, 1,
1421 	                           varmap, xfixing) );
1422 	                  }
1424 	                  /* use unconditional relations (i.e. relations of w and y) */
1426 	                  /* implied bound w == 0/1 => y >=/<= bound */
1427 	                  if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY && SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[2]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1428 	                  {
1429 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + implied bounds with w and y:\n");
1430 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsImplbnd(scip, sepadata, coefs1, vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 1, 2, varmap, xfixing) );
1431 	                  }
1433 	                  /* implied bound y == 0/1 => w >=/<= bound */
1434 	                  if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[2]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY && SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1435 	                  {
1436 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + implied bounds with y and w:\n");
1437 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsImplbnd(scip, sepadata, coefs1, vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 2, 1, varmap, xfixing) );
1438 	                  }
1440 	                  /* cliques containing w and y */
1441 	                  if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY && SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[2]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1442 	                  {
1443 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + cliques with w and y:\n");
1444 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsClique(scip, sepadata, coefs1, vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 1, 2, varmap, xfixing) );
1445 	                  }
1447 	                  /* inequalities containing w and y */
1448 	                  if( SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY && SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[2]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1449 	                  {
1450 	                     SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied relation + unconditional with w and y:\n");
1451 	                     SCIP_CALL( detectProductsUnconditional(scip, sepadata, prob_rows, row_list, hashtable2, coefs1,
1452 	                        vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 1, 2, varmap, xfixing) );
1453 	                  }
1454 	               }
1455 	            }
1456 	         }
1457 	      }
1458 	      SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, &foundhashdata);
1459 	   }
1461 	   /* also loop through implied bounds to look for products */
1462 	   for( i = 0; i < SCIPgetNBinVars(scip); ++i )
1463 	   {
1464 	      /* first choose the x variable: it can be any binary variable in the problem */
1465 	      vars_xwy[0] = SCIPgetVars(scip)[i];
1467 	      assert(SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[0]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
1469 	      /* consider both possible values of x */
1470 	      for( f = 0; f <= 1; ++f )
1471 	      {
1472 	         xfixing = f == 1;
1474 	         /* go through implications of x */
1475 	         for( r1 = 0; r1 < SCIPvarGetNImpls(vars_xwy[0], xfixing); ++r1 )
1476 	         {
1477 	            /* w is the implication var */
1478 	            vars_xwy[1] = SCIPvarGetImplVars(vars_xwy[0], xfixing)[r1];
1479 	            assert(SCIPvarGetType(vars_xwy[1]) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY);
1481 	            /* write the implication as a big-M constraint */
1482 	            implBndToBigM(scip, vars_xwy, 0, 1, SCIPvarGetImplTypes(vars_xwy[0], xfixing)[r1], xfixing,
1483 	                  SCIPvarGetImplBounds(vars_xwy[0], xfixing)[r1], coefs1, &side1);
1484 	            sidetype1 = SCIPvarGetImplTypes(vars_xwy[0], xfixing)[r1] == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_LOWER ?
1485 	                     SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT : SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT;
1487 	            /* if the global bound is equal to the implied bound, there is nothing to do */
1488 	            if( SCIPisZero(scip, coefs1[0]) )
1489 	               continue;
1491 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implication %s == %u  =>  %s %s %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[0]), xfixing,
1492 	                  SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[1]), sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? ">=" : "<=",
1493 	                  SCIPvarGetImplBounds(vars_xwy[0], xfixing)[r1]);
1494 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Written as big-M: %g%s + %s %s %g\n", coefs1[0], SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[0]),
1495 	                  SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[1]), sidetype1 == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT ? ">=" : "<=", side1);
1497 	            /* the second relation is in w and y (y could be anything, but must be in relation with w) */
1499 	            /* x does not participate in the second relation, so we immediately set its coefficient to 0.0 */
1500 	            coefs2[0] = 0.0;
1502 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implic of x = <%s> + implied lb on w = <%s>:\n", SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[0]), SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[1]));
1504 	            /* use implied lower bounds on w: w >= b*y + d */
1505 	            for( r2 = 0; r2 < SCIPvarGetNVlbs(vars_xwy[1]); ++r2 )
1506 	            {
1507 	               vars_xwy[2] = SCIPvarGetVlbVars(vars_xwy[1])[r2];
1508 	               if( vars_xwy[2] == vars_xwy[0] )
1509 	                  continue;
1511 	               coefs2[1] = 1.0;
1512 	               coefs2[2] = -SCIPvarGetVlbCoefs(vars_xwy[1])[r2];
1514 	               SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1515 	                  SCIPvarGetVlbConstants(vars_xwy[1])[r2], sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT, varmap, xfixing) );
1516 	            }
1518 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implic of x = <%s> + implied ub on w = <%s>:\n", SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[0]), SCIPvarGetName(vars_xwy[1]));
1520 	            /* use implied upper bounds on w: w <= b*y + d */
1521 	            for( r2 = 0; r2 < SCIPvarGetNVubs(vars_xwy[1]); ++r2 )
1522 	            {
1523 	               vars_xwy[2] = SCIPvarGetVubVars(vars_xwy[1])[r2];
1524 	               if( vars_xwy[2] == vars_xwy[0] )
1525 	                  continue;
1527 	               coefs2[1] = 1.0;
1528 	               coefs2[2] = -SCIPvarGetVubCoefs(vars_xwy[1])[r2];
1530 	               SCIP_CALL( extractProducts(scip, sepadata, vars_xwy, coefs1, coefs2, side1,
1531 	                  SCIPvarGetVubConstants(vars_xwy[1])[r2], sidetype1, SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, varmap, xfixing) );
1532 	            }
1534 	            /* use unconditional relations containing w */
1535 	            relatedvars = getAdjacentVars(vars_in_2rels, vars_xwy[1], &nrelatedvars);
1536 	            if( relatedvars == NULL )
1537 	               continue;
1539 	            for( r2 = 0; r2 < nrelatedvars; ++r2 )
1540 	            {
1541 	               vars_xwy[2] = relatedvars[r2];
1542 	               SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Implied bound + unconditional with w and y:\n");
1543 	               SCIP_CALL( detectProductsUnconditional(scip, sepadata, prob_rows, row_list, hashtable2, coefs1,
1544 	                  vars_xwy, side1, sidetype1, 1, 2, varmap, xfixing) );
1545 	            }
1546 	         }
1547 	      }
1548 	   }
1550 	   /* free memory */
1551 	   clearVarAdjacency(scip, vars_in_2rels);
1552 	   SCIPhashmapFree(&vars_in_2rels);
1554 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Unconditional relations table:\n");
1555 	   for( i = 0; i < SCIPhashtableGetNEntries(hashtable2); ++i )
1556 	   {
1557 	      foundhashdata = (HASHDATA*)SCIPhashtableGetEntry(hashtable2, i);
1558 	      if( foundhashdata == NULL )
1559 	         continue;
1561 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "(%s, %s): ", SCIPvarGetName(foundhashdata->vars[0]),
1562 	                   SCIPvarGetName(foundhashdata->vars[1]));
1564 	      SCIPfreeBuffer(scip, &foundhashdata);
1565 	   }
1567 	   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &row_list);
1569 	   SCIPhashtableFree(&hashtable2);
1570 	   SCIPhashtableFree(&hashtable3);
1572 	   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &prob_rows);
1574 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1575 	}
1577 	/** helper method to create separation data */
1578 	static
1579 	SCIP_RETCODE createSepaData(
1580 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1581 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata            /**< separation data */
1582 	   )
1583 	{
1584 	   SCIP_HASHMAP* varmap;
1585 	   int i;
1587 	   int varmapsize;
1588 	   int nvars;
1590 	   assert(sepadata != NULL);
1592 	   /* initialize some fields of sepadata */
1593 	   sepadata->varssorted = NULL;
1594 	   sepadata->varpriorities = NULL;
1595 	   sepadata->bilinvardatamap = NULL;
1596 	   sepadata->eqauxexpr = NULL;
1597 	   sepadata->nbilinvars = 0;
1598 	   sepadata->sbilinvars = 0;
1600 	   /* get total number of bilinear terms */
1601 	   sepadata->nbilinterms = SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1603 	   /* skip if there are no bilinear terms and implicit product detection is off */
1604 	   if( sepadata->nbilinterms == 0 && !sepadata->detecthidden )
1605 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1607 	   /* the number of variables participating in bilinear products cannot exceed twice the number of bilinear terms;
1608 	    * however, if we detect hidden products, the number of terms is yet unknown, so use the number of variables
1609 	    */
1610 	   nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
1611 	   varmapsize = sepadata->detecthidden ? nvars : MIN(nvars, sepadata->nbilinterms * 2);
1613 	   /* create variable map */
1614 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&varmap, SCIPblkmem(scip), varmapsize) );
1616 	   /* get all bilinear terms from the nonlinear constraint handler */
1617 	   bilinterms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1619 	   /* store the information of all variables that appear bilinearly */
1620 	   for( i = 0; i < sepadata->nbilinterms; ++i )
1621 	   {
1622 	      assert(bilinterms[i].x != NULL);
1623 	      assert(bilinterms[i].y != NULL);
1624 	      assert(bilinterms[i].nlockspos + bilinterms[i].nlocksneg > 0);
1626 	      /* skip bilinear term if it does not have an auxiliary variable */
1627 	      if( bilinterms[i].aux.var == NULL )
1628 	         continue;
1630 	      /* if only original variables should be used, skip products that contain at least one auxiliary variable */
1631 	      if( sepadata->onlyoriginal && (SCIPvarIsRelaxationOnly(bilinterms[i].x) ||
1632 	          SCIPvarIsRelaxationOnly(bilinterms[i].y)) )
1633 	         continue;
1635 	      SCIP_CALL( addProductVars(scip, sepadata, bilinterms[i].x, bilinterms[i].y, varmap,
1636 	            bilinterms[i].nlockspos + bilinterms[i].nlocksneg) );
1637 	   }
1639 	   if( sepadata->detecthidden )
1640 	   {
1641 	      int oldnterms = sepadata->nbilinterms;
1643 	      SCIP_CALL( detectHiddenProducts(scip, sepadata, varmap) );
1645 	      /* update nbilinterms and bilinterms, as detectHiddenProducts might have found new terms */
1646 	      sepadata->nbilinterms = SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1647 	      bilinterms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1649 	      if( sepadata->nbilinterms > oldnterms )
1650 	      {
1651 	         SCIPstatisticMessage(" Number of hidden products: %d\n", sepadata->nbilinterms - oldnterms);
1652 	      }
1653 	   }
1655 	   SCIPhashmapFree(&varmap);
1657 	   if( sepadata->nbilinterms == 0 )
1658 	   {
1659 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1660 	   }
1662 	   /* mark positions of aux.exprs that must be equal to the product */
1663 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &sepadata->eqauxexpr, sepadata->nbilinterms) );
1665 	   for( i = 0; i < sepadata->nbilinterms; ++i )
1666 	   {
1667 	      int j;
1669 	      sepadata->eqauxexpr[i] = -1;
1670 	      for( j = 0; j < bilinterms[i].nauxexprs; ++j )
1671 	      {
1672 	         assert(bilinterms[i].aux.exprs[j] != NULL);
1674 	         if( bilinterms[i].aux.exprs[j]->underestimate && bilinterms[i].aux.exprs[j]->overestimate )
1675 	         {
1676 	            sepadata->eqauxexpr[i] = j;
1677 	            break;
1678 	         }
1679 	      }
1680 	   }
1682 	   /* find maxnumber of variables that occur most often and sort them by number of occurrences
1683 	    * (same as normal sort, except that entries at positions maxusedvars..nbilinvars may be unsorted at end)
1684 	    */
1685 	   SCIPselectDownIntPtr(sepadata->varpriorities, (void**) sepadata->varssorted, MIN(sepadata->maxusedvars,sepadata->nbilinvars-1),
1686 	         sepadata->nbilinvars);
1688 	   /* capture all variables */
1689 	   for( i = 0; i < sepadata->nbilinvars; ++i )
1690 	   {
1691 	      assert(sepadata->varssorted[i] != NULL);
1692 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcaptureVar(scip, sepadata->varssorted[i]) );
1693 	   }
1695 	   /* mark that separation data has been created */
1696 	   sepadata->iscreated = TRUE;
1697 	   sepadata->isinitialround = TRUE;
1699 	   if( SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr) > 0 )
1700 	      SCIPstatisticMessage(" Found bilinear terms\n");
1701 	   else
1702 	      SCIPstatisticMessage(" No bilinear terms\n");
1704 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1705 	}
1707 	/** get the positions of the most violated auxiliary under- and overestimators for each product
1708 	 *
1709 	 * -1 means no relation with given product is violated
1710 	 */
1711 	static
1712 	void getBestEstimators(
1713 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1714 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
1715 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< solution at which to evaluate the expressions */
1716 	   int*                  bestunderestimators,/**< array of indices of best underestimators for each term */
1717 	   int*                  bestoverestimators  /**< array of indices of best overestimators for each term */
1718 	   )
1719 	{
1720 	   SCIP_Real prodval;
1721 	   SCIP_Real auxval;
1722 	   SCIP_Real prodviol;
1723 	   SCIP_Real viol_below;
1724 	   SCIP_Real viol_above;
1725 	   int i;
1726 	   int j;
1729 	   assert(bestunderestimators != NULL);
1730 	   assert(bestoverestimators != NULL);
1732 	   terms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1734 	   for( j = 0; j < SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr); ++j )
1735 	   {
1736 	      viol_below = 0.0;
1737 	      viol_above = 0.0;
1739 	      /* evaluate the product expression */
1740 	      prodval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[j].x) * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[j].y);
1742 	      bestunderestimators[j] = -1;
1743 	      bestoverestimators[j] = -1;
1745 	      /* if there are any auxexprs, look there */
1746 	      for( i = 0; i < terms[j].nauxexprs; ++i )
1747 	      {
1748 	         auxval = SCIPevalBilinAuxExprNonlinear(scip, terms[j].x, terms[j].y, terms[j].aux.exprs[i], sol);
1749 	         prodviol = auxval - prodval;
1751 	         if( terms[j].aux.exprs[i]->underestimate && SCIPisFeasGT(scip, auxval, prodval) && prodviol > viol_below )
1752 	         {
1753 	            viol_below = prodviol;
1754 	            bestunderestimators[j] = i;
1755 	         }
1756 	         if( terms[j].aux.exprs[i]->overestimate && SCIPisFeasGT(scip, prodval, auxval) && -prodviol > viol_above )
1757 	         {
1758 	            viol_above = -prodviol;
1759 	            bestoverestimators[j] = i;
1760 	         }
1761 	      }
1763 	      /* if the term has a plain auxvar, it will be treated differently - do nothing here */
1764 	   }
1765 	}
1767 	/** tests if a row contains too many unknown bilinear terms w.r.t. the parameters */
1768 	static
1769 	SCIP_RETCODE isAcceptableRow(
1770 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separation data */
1771 	   SCIP_ROW*             row,                /**< the row to be tested */
1772 	   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< the variable that is to be multiplied with row */
1773 	   int*                  currentnunknown,    /**< buffer to store number of unknown terms in current row if acceptable */
1774 	   SCIP_Bool*            acceptable          /**< buffer to store the result */
1775 	   )
1776 	{
1777 	   int i;
1778 	   int idx;
1781 	   assert(row != NULL);
1782 	   assert(var != NULL);
1784 	   *currentnunknown = 0;
1785 	   terms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1787 	   for( i = 0; (i < SCIProwGetNNonz(row)) && (sepadata->maxunknownterms < 0 || *currentnunknown <= sepadata->maxunknownterms); ++i )
1788 	   {
1789 	      idx = SCIPgetBilinTermIdxNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr, var, SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row)[i]));
1791 	      /* if the product hasn't been found, no auxiliary expressions for it are known */
1792 	      if( idx < 0 )
1793 	      {
1794 	         ++(*currentnunknown);
1795 	         continue;
1796 	      }
1798 	      /* known terms are only those that have an aux.var or equality estimators */
1799 	      if( sepadata->eqauxexpr[idx] == -1 && !(terms[idx].nauxexprs == 0 && terms[idx].aux.var != NULL) )
1800 	      {
1801 	         ++(*currentnunknown);
1802 	      }
1803 	   }
1805 	   *acceptable = sepadata->maxunknownterms < 0 || *currentnunknown <= sepadata->maxunknownterms;
1807 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1808 	}
1810 	/** adds coefficients and constant of an auxiliary expression
1811 	 *
1812 	 *  the variables the pointers are pointing to must already be initialized
1813 	 */
1814 	static
1815 	void addAuxexprCoefs(
1816 	   SCIP_VAR*             var1,               /**< first product variable */
1817 	   SCIP_VAR*             var2,               /**< second product variable */
1818 	   SCIP_CONSNONLINEAR_AUXEXPR* auxexpr,      /**< auxiliary expression to be added */
1819 	   SCIP_Real             coef,               /**< coefficient of the auxiliary expression */
1820 	   SCIP_Real*            coefaux,            /**< pointer to add the coefficient of the auxiliary variable */
1821 	   SCIP_Real*            coef1,              /**< pointer to add the coefficient of the first variable */
1822 	   SCIP_Real*            coef2,              /**< pointer to add the coefficient of the second variable */
1823 	   SCIP_Real*            cst                 /**< pointer to add the constant */
1824 	   )
1825 	{
1826 	   assert(auxexpr != NULL);
1827 	   assert(auxexpr->auxvar != NULL);
1828 	   assert(coefaux != NULL);
1829 	   assert(coef1 != NULL);
1830 	   assert(coef2 != NULL);
1831 	   assert(cst != NULL);
1833 	   *coefaux += auxexpr->coefs[0] * coef;
1835 	   /* in auxexpr, x goes before y and has the smaller index,
1836 	    * so compare vars to figure out which one is x and which is y
1837 	    */
1838 	   if( SCIPvarCompare(var1, var2) < 1 )
1839 	   {
1840 	      *coef1 += auxexpr->coefs[1] * coef;
1841 	      *coef2 += auxexpr->coefs[2] * coef;
1842 	   }
1843 	   else
1844 	   {
1845 	      *coef1 += auxexpr->coefs[2] * coef;
1846 	      *coef2 += auxexpr->coefs[1] * coef;
1847 	   }
1848 	   *cst += coef * auxexpr->cst;
1849 	}
1851 	/** add a linear term `coef`*`colvar` multiplied by a bound factor (var - lb(var)) or (ub(var) - var)
1852 	 *
1853 	 *  adds the linear term with `colvar` to `cut` and updates `coefvar` and `cst`
1854 	 */
1855 	static
1856 	SCIP_RETCODE addRltTerm(
1857 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1858 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
1859 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
1860 	   int*                  bestunderest,       /**< positions of most violated underestimators for each product term */
1861 	   int*                  bestoverest,        /**< positions of most violated overestimators for each product term */
1862 	   SCIP_ROW*             cut,                /**< cut to which the term is to be added */
1863 	   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< multiplier variable */
1864 	   SCIP_VAR*             colvar,             /**< row variable to be multiplied */
1865 	   SCIP_Real             coef,               /**< coefficient of the bilinear term */
1866 	   SCIP_Bool             uselb,              /**< whether we multiply with (var - lb) or (ub - var) */
1867 	   SCIP_Bool             uselhs,             /**< whether to create a cut for the lhs or rhs */
1868 	   SCIP_Bool             local,              /**< whether local or global cuts should be computed */
1869 	   SCIP_Bool             computeEqCut,       /**< whether conditions are fulfilled to compute equality cuts */
1870 	   SCIP_Real*            coefvar,            /**< coefficient of var */
1871 	   SCIP_Real*            cst,                /**< buffer to store the constant part of the cut */
1872 	   SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< buffer to store whether cut was updated successfully */
1873 	   )
1874 	{
1875 	   SCIP_Real lbvar;
1876 	   SCIP_Real ubvar;
1877 	   SCIP_Real refpointvar;
1878 	   SCIP_Real signfactor;
1879 	   SCIP_Real boundfactor;
1880 	   SCIP_Real coefauxvar;
1881 	   SCIP_Real coefcolvar;
1882 	   SCIP_Real coefterm;
1883 	   int auxpos;
1884 	   int idx;
1886 	   SCIP_VAR* auxvar;
1888 	   terms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
1890 	   if( computeEqCut )
1891 	   {
1892 	      lbvar = 0.0;
1893 	      ubvar = 0.0;
1894 	   }
1895 	   else
1896 	   {
1897 	      lbvar = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
1898 	      ubvar = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
1899 	   }
1901 	   refpointvar = MAX(lbvar, MIN(ubvar, SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var))); /*lint !e666*/
1903 	   signfactor = (uselb ? 1.0 : -1.0);
1904 	   boundfactor = (uselb ? -lbvar : ubvar);
1906 	   coefterm = coef * signfactor; /* coefficient of the bilinear term */
1907 	   coefcolvar = coef * boundfactor; /* coefficient of the linear term */
1908 	   coefauxvar = 0.0; /* coefficient of the auxiliary variable corresponding to the bilinear term */
1909 	   auxvar = NULL;
1911 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(coefterm)));
1913 	   /* first, add the linearisation of the bilinear term */
1915 	   idx = SCIPgetBilinTermIdxNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr, var, colvar);
1916 	   auxpos = -1;
1918 	   /* for an implicit term, get the position of the best estimator */
1919 	   if( idx >= 0 && terms[idx].nauxexprs > 0 )
1920 	   {
1921 	      if( computeEqCut )
1922 	      {
1923 	         /* use an equality auxiliary expression (which should exist for computeEqCut to be TRUE) */
1924 	         assert(sepadata->eqauxexpr[idx] >= 0);
1925 	         auxpos = sepadata->eqauxexpr[idx];
1926 	      }
1927 	      else if( (uselhs && coefterm > 0.0) || (!uselhs && coefterm < 0.0) )
1928 	      {
1929 	         /* use an overestimator */
1930 	         auxpos = bestoverest[idx];
1931 	      }
1932 	      else
1933 	      {
1934 	         /* use an underestimator */
1935 	         auxpos = bestunderest[idx];
1936 	      }
1937 	   }
1939 	   /* if the term is implicit and a suitable auxiliary expression for var*colvar exists, add the coefficients
1940 	    * of the auxiliary expression for coefterm*var*colvar to coefauxvar, coefcolvar, coefvar and cst
1941 	    */
1942 	   if( auxpos >= 0 )
1943 	   {
1944 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "auxiliary expression for <%s> and <%s> found, will be added to cut:\n",
1945 	                          SCIPvarGetName(colvar), SCIPvarGetName(var));
1946 	      addAuxexprCoefs(var, colvar, terms[idx].aux.exprs[auxpos], coefterm, &coefauxvar, coefvar, &coefcolvar, cst);
1947 	      auxvar = terms[idx].aux.exprs[auxpos]->auxvar;
1948 	   }
1949 	   /* for an existing term, use the auxvar if there is one */
1950 	   else if( idx >= 0 && terms[idx].nauxexprs == 0 && terms[idx].aux.var != NULL )
1951 	   {
1952 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "auxvar for <%s> and <%s> found, will be added to cut:\n",
1953 	                   SCIPvarGetName(colvar), SCIPvarGetName(var));
1954 	      coefauxvar += coefterm;
1955 	      auxvar = terms[idx].aux.var;
1956 	   }
1958 	   /* otherwise, use clique information or the McCormick estimator in place of the bilinear term */
1959 	   else if( colvar != var )
1960 	   {
1961 	      SCIP_Bool found_clique = FALSE;
1962 	      SCIP_Real lbcolvar = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(colvar) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(colvar);
1963 	      SCIP_Real ubcolvar = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(colvar) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(colvar);
1964 	      SCIP_Real refpointcolvar = MAX(lbcolvar, MIN(ubcolvar, SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, colvar))); /*lint !e666*/
1966 	      assert(!computeEqCut);
1968 	      if( REALABS(lbcolvar) > MAXVARBOUND || REALABS(ubcolvar) > MAXVARBOUND )
1969 	      {
1970 	         *success = FALSE;
1971 	         return SCIP_OKAY;
1972 	      }
1974 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "auxvar for <%s> and <%s> not found, will linearize the product\n", SCIPvarGetName(colvar), SCIPvarGetName(var));
1976 	      /* if both variables are binary, check if they are contained together in some clique */
1977 	      if( SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY && SCIPvarGetType(colvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
1978 	      {
1979 	         int c;
1980 	         SCIP_CLIQUE** varcliques;
1982 	         varcliques = SCIPvarGetCliques(var, TRUE);
1984 	         /* look through cliques containing var */
1985 	         for( c = 0; c < SCIPvarGetNCliques(var, TRUE); ++c )
1986 	         {
1987 	            if( SCIPcliqueHasVar(varcliques[c], colvar, TRUE) ) /* var + colvar <= 1 => var*colvar = 0 */
1988 	            {
1989 	               /* product is zero, add nothing */
1990 	               found_clique = TRUE;
1991 	               break;
1992 	            }
1994 	            if( SCIPcliqueHasVar(varcliques[c], colvar, FALSE) ) /* var + (1-colvar) <= 1 => var*colvar = var */
1995 	            {
1996 	               *coefvar += coefterm;
1997 	               found_clique = TRUE;
1998 	               break;
1999 	            }
2000 	         }
2002 	         if( !found_clique )
2003 	         {
2004 	            varcliques = SCIPvarGetCliques(var, FALSE);
2006 	            /* look through cliques containing complement of var */
2007 	            for( c = 0; c < SCIPvarGetNCliques(var, FALSE); ++c )
2008 	            {
2009 	               if( SCIPcliqueHasVar(varcliques[c], colvar, TRUE) ) /* (1-var) + colvar <= 1 => var*colvar = colvar */
2010 	               {
2011 	                  coefcolvar += coefterm;
2012 	                  found_clique = TRUE;
2013 	                  break;
2014 	               }
2016 	               if( SCIPcliqueHasVar(varcliques[c], colvar, FALSE) ) /* (1-var) + (1-colvar) <= 1 => var*colvar = var + colvar - 1 */
2017 	               {
2018 	                  *coefvar += coefterm;
2019 	                  coefcolvar += coefterm;
2020 	                  *cst -= coefterm;
2021 	                  found_clique = TRUE;
2022 	                  break;
2023 	               }
2024 	            }
2025 	         }
2026 	      }
2028 	      if( !found_clique )
2029 	      {
2030 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "clique for <%s> and <%s> not found or at least one of them is not binary, will use McCormick\n", SCIPvarGetName(colvar), SCIPvarGetName(var));
2031 	         SCIPaddBilinMcCormick(scip, coefterm, lbvar, ubvar, refpointvar, lbcolvar,
2032 	            ubcolvar, refpointcolvar, uselhs, coefvar, &coefcolvar, cst, success);
2033 	         if( !*success )
2034 	            return SCIP_OKAY;
2035 	      }
2036 	   }
2038 	   /* or, if it's a quadratic term, use a secant for overestimation and a gradient for underestimation */
2039 	   else
2040 	   {
2041 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "auxvar for <%s>^2 not found, will use gradient and secant estimators\n", SCIPvarGetName(colvar));
2043 	      assert(!computeEqCut);
2045 	      /* for a binary var, var^2 = var */
2046 	      if( SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY )
2047 	      {
2048 	         *coefvar += coefterm;
2049 	      }
2050 	      else
2051 	      {
2052 	         /* depending on over-/underestimation and the sign of the column variable, compute secant or tangent */
2053 	         if( (uselhs && coefterm > 0.0) || (!uselhs && coefterm < 0.0) )
2054 	            SCIPaddSquareSecant(scip, coefterm, lbvar, ubvar, coefvar, cst, success);
2055 	         else
2056 	            SCIPaddSquareLinearization(scip, coefterm, refpointvar, SCIPvarIsIntegral(var), coefvar, cst, success);
2058 	         if( !*success )
2059 	            return SCIP_OKAY;
2060 	      }
2061 	   }
2063 	   /* add the auxiliary variable if its coefficient is nonzero */
2064 	   if( !SCIPisZero(scip, coefauxvar) )
2065 	   {
2066 	      assert(auxvar != NULL);
2067 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, cut, auxvar, coefauxvar) );
2068 	   }
2070 	   /* we are done with the product linearisation, now add the term which comes from multiplying
2071 	    * coef*colvar by the constant part of the bound factor
2072 	    */
2074 	   if( colvar != var )
2075 	   {
2076 	      assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(coefcolvar)));
2077 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, cut, colvar, coefcolvar) );
2078 	   }
2079 	   else
2080 	      *coefvar += coefcolvar;
2082 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2083 	}
2085 	/** creates the RLT cut formed by multiplying a given row with (x - lb) or (ub - x)
2086 	 *
2087 	 * In detail:
2088 	 * - The row is multiplied either with (x - lb(x)) or with (ub(x) - x), depending on parameter `uselb`, or by x if
2089 	 *   this is an equality cut
2090 	 * - The (inequality) cut is computed either for lhs or rhs, depending on parameter `uselhs`.
2091 	 * - Terms for which no auxiliary variable and no clique relation exists are replaced by either McCormick, secants,
2092 	 *   or gradient linearization cuts.
2093 	 */
2094 	static
2095 	SCIP_RETCODE computeRltCut(
2096 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2097 	   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< separator */
2098 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separation data */
2099 	   SCIP_ROW**            cut,                /**< buffer to store the cut */
2100 	   SCIP_ROW*             row,                /**< the row that is used for the rlt cut (NULL if using projected row) */
2101 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW*        projrow,            /**< projected row that is used for the rlt cut (NULL if using row) */
2102 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2103 	   int*                  bestunderest,       /**< positions of most violated underestimators for each product term */
2104 	   int*                  bestoverest,        /**< positions of most violated overestimators for each product term */
2105 	   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< the variable that is used for the rlt cuts */
2106 	   SCIP_Bool*            success,            /**< buffer to store whether cut was created successfully */
2107 	   SCIP_Bool             uselb,              /**< whether we multiply with (var - lb) or (ub - var) */
2108 	   SCIP_Bool             uselhs,             /**< whether to create a cut for the lhs or rhs */
2109 	   SCIP_Bool             local,              /**< whether local or global cuts should be computed */
2110 	   SCIP_Bool             computeEqCut,       /**< whether conditions are fulfilled to compute equality cuts */
2111 	   SCIP_Bool             useprojrow          /**< whether to use projected row instead of normal row */
2112 	   )
2113 	{ /*lint --e{413}*/
2114 	   SCIP_Real signfactor;
2115 	   SCIP_Real boundfactor;
2116 	   SCIP_Real lbvar;
2117 	   SCIP_Real ubvar;
2118 	   SCIP_Real coefvar;
2119 	   SCIP_Real consside;
2120 	   SCIP_Real finalside;
2121 	   SCIP_Real cstterm;
2122 	   SCIP_Real lhs;
2123 	   SCIP_Real rhs;
2124 	   SCIP_Real rowcst;
2125 	   int i;
2126 	   const char* rowname;
2127 	   char cutname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
2129 	   assert(sepadata != NULL);
2130 	   assert(cut != NULL);
2131 	   assert(useprojrow || row != NULL);
2132 	   assert(!useprojrow || projrow != NULL);
2133 	   assert(var != NULL);
2134 	   assert(success != NULL);
2136 	   lhs = useprojrow ? projrow->lhs : SCIProwGetLhs(row);
2137 	   rhs = useprojrow ? projrow->rhs : SCIProwGetRhs(row);
2138 	   rowname = useprojrow ? projrow->name : SCIProwGetName(row);
2139 	   rowcst = useprojrow ? projrow ->cst : SCIProwGetConstant(row);
2141 	   assert(!computeEqCut || SCIPisEQ(scip, lhs, rhs));
2143 	   *cut = NULL;
2145 	   /* get data for given variable */
2146 	   if( computeEqCut )
2147 	   {
2148 	      lbvar = 0.0;
2149 	      ubvar = 0.0;
2150 	   }
2151 	   else
2152 	   {
2153 	      lbvar = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
2154 	      ubvar = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
2155 	   }
2157 	   /* get row side */
2158 	   consside = uselhs ? lhs : rhs;
2160 	   /* if the bounds are too large or the respective side is infinity, skip this cut */
2161 	   if( (uselb && REALABS(lbvar) > MAXVARBOUND) || (!uselb && REALABS(ubvar) > MAXVARBOUND)
2162 	         || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(consside)) )
2163 	   {
2164 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "cut generation for %srow <%s>, %s, and variable <%s> with its %s %g not possible\n",
2165 	         useprojrow ? "projected " : "", rowname, uselhs ? "lhs" : "rhs", SCIPvarGetName(var),
2166 	         uselb ? "lower bound" : "upper bound", uselb ? lbvar : ubvar);
2168 	      if( REALABS(lbvar) > MAXVARBOUND )
2169 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, " because of lower bound\n");
2170 	      if( REALABS(ubvar) > MAXVARBOUND )
2171 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, " because of upper bound\n");
2172 	      if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(consside)) )
2173 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, " because of side %g\n", consside);
2175 	      *success = FALSE;
2176 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
2177 	   }
2179 	   /* initialize some factors needed for computation */
2180 	   coefvar = 0.0;
2181 	   cstterm = 0.0;
2182 	   signfactor = (uselb ? 1.0 : -1.0);
2183 	   boundfactor = (uselb ? -lbvar : ubvar);
2184 	   *success = TRUE;
2186 	   /* create an empty row which we then fill with variables step by step */
2187 	   (void) SCIPsnprintf(cutname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "rlt_%scut_%s_%s_%s_%s_%d", useprojrow ? "proj" : "", rowname,
2188 	                       uselhs ? "lhs" : "rhs", SCIPvarGetName(var), uselb ? "lb" : "ub", SCIPgetNLPs(scip));
2189 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateEmptyRowSepa(scip, cut, sepa, cutname, -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip),
2190 	         SCIPgetDepth(scip) > 0 && local, FALSE, FALSE) );  /* TODO SCIPgetDepth() should be replaced by depth that is passed on to the SEPAEXEC calls (?) */
2192 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcacheRowExtensions(scip, *cut) );
2194 	   /* iterate over all variables in the row and add the corresponding terms coef*colvar*(bound factor) to the cuts */
2195 	   for( i = 0; i < (useprojrow ? projrow->nnonz : SCIProwGetNNonz(row)); ++i )
2196 	   {
2197 	      SCIP_VAR* colvar;
2199 	      colvar = useprojrow ? projrow->vars[i] : SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row)[i]);
2200 	      SCIP_CALL( addRltTerm(scip, sepadata, sol, bestunderest, bestoverest, *cut, var, colvar,
2201 	            useprojrow ? projrow->coefs[i] : SCIProwGetVals(row)[i], uselb, uselhs, local, computeEqCut,
2202 	            &coefvar, &cstterm, success) );
2203 	   }
2205 	   if( REALABS(cstterm) > MAXVARBOUND )
2206 	   {
2207 	      *success = FALSE;
2208 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
2209 	   }
2211 	   /* multiply (x-lb) or (ub -x) with the lhs and rhs of the row */
2212 	   coefvar += signfactor * (rowcst - consside);
2213 	   finalside = boundfactor * (consside - rowcst) - cstterm;
2215 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(coefvar)));
2216 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(finalside)));
2218 	   /* set the coefficient of var and update the side */
2219 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, *cut, var, coefvar) );
2220 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPflushRowExtensions(scip, *cut) );
2221 	   if( uselhs || computeEqCut )
2222 	   {
2223 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgRowLhs(scip, *cut, finalside) );
2224 	   }
2225 	   if( !uselhs || computeEqCut )
2226 	   {
2227 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgRowRhs(scip, *cut, finalside) );
2228 	   }
2230 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "%scut was generated successfully:\n", useprojrow ? "projected " : "");
2231 	#ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2232 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintRow(scip, *cut, NULL) );
2233 	#endif
2235 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2236 	}
2238 	/** store a row projected by fixing all variables that are at bound at sol; the result is a simplified row */
2239 	static
2240 	SCIP_RETCODE createProjRow(
2241 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2242 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW*        simplerow,          /**< pointer to the simplified row */
2243 	   SCIP_ROW*             row,                /**< row to be projected */
2244 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2245 	   SCIP_Bool             local               /**< whether local bounds should be checked */
2246 	   )
2247 	{
2248 	   int i;
2249 	   SCIP_VAR* var;
2250 	   SCIP_Real val;
2251 	   SCIP_Real vlb;
2252 	   SCIP_Real vub;
2254 	   assert(simplerow != NULL);
2256 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip,  &(simplerow->name), SCIProwGetName(row),
2257 	         strlen(SCIProwGetName(row))+1) ); /*lint !e666*/
2258 	   simplerow->nnonz = 0;
2259 	   simplerow->size = 0;
2260 	   simplerow->vars = NULL;
2261 	   simplerow->coefs = NULL;
2262 	   simplerow->lhs = SCIProwGetLhs(row);
2263 	   simplerow->rhs = SCIProwGetRhs(row);
2264 	   simplerow->cst = SCIProwGetConstant(row);
2266 	   for( i = 0; i < SCIProwGetNNonz(row); ++i )
2267 	   {
2268 	      var = SCIPcolGetVar(SCIProwGetCols(row)[i]);
2269 	      val = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var);
2270 	      vlb = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
2271 	      vub = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
2272 	      if( SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vlb, val) || SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vub, val) )
2273 	      {
2274 	         /* if we are projecting and the var is at bound, add var as a constant to simplerow */
2275 	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -simplerow->lhs) )
2276 	            simplerow->lhs -= SCIProwGetVals(row)[i]*val;
2277 	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, simplerow->rhs) )
2278 	            simplerow->rhs -= SCIProwGetVals(row)[i]*val;
2279 	      }
2280 	      else
2281 	      {
2282 	         if( simplerow->nnonz + 1 > simplerow->size )
2283 	         {
2284 	            int newsize;
2286 	            newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, simplerow->nnonz + 1);
2287 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(scip, &simplerow->coefs, newsize) );
2288 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(scip, &simplerow->vars, newsize) );
2289 	            simplerow->size = newsize;
2290 	         }
2292 	         /* add the term to simplerow */
2293 	         simplerow->vars[simplerow->nnonz] = var;
2294 	         simplerow->coefs[simplerow->nnonz] = SCIProwGetVals(row)[i];
2295 	         ++(simplerow->nnonz);
2296 	      }
2297 	   }
2299 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2300 	}
2302 	/** free the projected row */
2303 	static
2304 	void freeProjRow(
2305 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2306 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW*        simplerow           /**< simplified row to be freed */
2307 	   )
2308 	{
2309 	   assert(simplerow != NULL);
2311 	   if( simplerow->size > 0 )
2312 	   {
2313 	      assert(simplerow->vars != NULL);
2314 	      assert(simplerow->coefs != NULL);
2316 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &simplerow->vars);
2317 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &simplerow->coefs);
2318 	   }
2319 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &simplerow->name, strlen(simplerow->name)+1);
2320 	}
2322 	/** creates the projected problem
2323 	 *
2324 	 *  All variables that are at their bounds at the current solution are added
2325 	 *  to left and/or right hand sides as constant values.
2326 	 */
2327 	static
2328 	SCIP_RETCODE createProjRows(
2329 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2330 	   SCIP_ROW**            rows,               /**< problem rows */
2331 	   int                   nrows,              /**< number of rows */
2332 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2333 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW**       projrows,           /**< the projected rows to be filled */
2334 	   SCIP_Bool             local,              /**< are local cuts allowed? */
2335 	   SCIP_Bool*            allcst              /**< buffer to store whether all projected rows have only constants */
2336 	   )
2337 	{
2338 	   int i;
2340 	   assert(scip != NULL);
2341 	   assert(rows != NULL);
2342 	   assert(projrows != NULL);
2343 	   assert(allcst != NULL);
2345 	   *allcst = TRUE;
2346 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, projrows, nrows) );
2348 	   for( i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
2349 	   {
2350 	      /* get a simplified and projected row */
2351 	      SCIP_CALL( createProjRow(scip, &(*projrows)[i], rows[i], sol, local) );
2352 	      if( (*projrows)[i].nnonz > 0 )
2353 	         *allcst = FALSE;
2354 	   }
2356 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2357 	}
2359 	#ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2360 	/* prints the projected LP */
2361 	static
2362 	void printProjRows(
2363 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2364 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW*        projrows,           /**< the projected rows */
2365 	   int                   nrows,              /**< number of projected rows */
2366 	   FILE*                 file                /**< output file (or NULL for standard output) */
2367 	   )
2368 	{
2369 	   int i;
2370 	   int j;
2372 	   assert(projrows != NULL);
2374 	   for( i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
2375 	   {
2376 	      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "\nproj_row[%d]: ", i);
2377 	      if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -projrows[i].lhs) )
2378 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%.15g <= ", projrows[i].lhs);
2379 	      for( j = 0; j < projrows[i].nnonz; ++j )
2380 	      {
2381 	         if( j == 0 )
2382 	         {
2383 	            if( projrows[i].coefs[j] < 0 )
2384 	               SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "-");
2385 	         }
2386 	         else
2387 	         {
2388 	            if( projrows[i].coefs[j] < 0 )
2389 	               SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " - ");
2390 	            else
2391 	               SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " + ");
2392 	         }
2394 	         if( projrows[i].coefs[j] != 1.0 )
2395 	            SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%.15g*", REALABS(projrows[i].coefs[j]));
2396 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "<%s>", SCIPvarGetName(projrows[i].vars[j]));
2397 	      }
2398 	      if( projrows[i].cst > 0 )
2399 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " + %.15g", projrows[i].cst);
2400 	      else if( projrows[i].cst < 0 )
2401 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " - %.15g", REALABS(projrows[i].cst));
2403 	      if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, projrows[i].rhs) )
2404 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " <= %.15g", projrows[i].rhs);
2405 	   }
2406 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "\n");
2407 	}
2408 	#endif
2410 	/** frees the projected rows */
2411 	static
2412 	void freeProjRows(
2413 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2414 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW**       projrows,           /**< the projected LP */
2415 	   int                   nrows               /**< number of rows in projrows */
2416 	   )
2417 	{
2418 	   int i;
2420 	   for( i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
2421 	      freeProjRow(scip, &(*projrows)[i]);
2423 	   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, projrows);
2424 	}
2426 	/** mark a row for rlt cut selection
2427 	 *
2428 	 * depending on the sign of the coefficient and violation, set or update mark which cut is required:
2429 	 * - 1 - cuts for axy < aw case,
2430 	 * - 2 - cuts for axy > aw case,
2431 	 * - 3 - cuts for both cases
2432 	 */
2433 	static
2434 	void addRowMark(
2435 	   int                   ridx,               /**< row index */
2436 	   SCIP_Real             a,                  /**< coefficient of x in the row */
2437 	   SCIP_Bool             violatedbelow,      /**< whether the relation auxexpr <= xy is violated */
2438 	   SCIP_Bool             violatedabove,      /**< whether the relation xy <= auxexpr is violated */
2439 	   int*                  row_idcs,           /**< sparse array with indices of marked rows */
2440 	   unsigned int*         row_marks,          /**< sparse array to store the marks */
2441 	   int*                  nmarked             /**< number of marked rows */
2442 	   )
2443 	{
2444 	   unsigned int newmark;
2445 	   int pos;
2446 	   SCIP_Bool exists;
2448 	   assert(a != 0.0);
2450 	   if( (a > 0.0 && violatedbelow) || (a < 0.0 && violatedabove) )
2451 	      newmark = 1; /* axy < aw case */
2452 	   else
2453 	      newmark = 2; /* axy > aw case */
2455 	   /* find row idx in row_idcs */
2456 	   exists = SCIPsortedvecFindInt(row_idcs, ridx, *nmarked, &pos);
2458 	   if( exists )
2459 	   {
2460 	      /* we found the row index: update the mark at pos */
2461 	      row_marks[pos] |= newmark;
2462 	   }
2463 	   else /* the given row index does not yet exist in row_idcs */
2464 	   {
2465 	      int i;
2467 	      /* insert row index at the correct position */
2468 	      for( i = *nmarked; i > pos; --i )
2469 	      {
2470 	         row_idcs[i] = row_idcs[i-1];
2471 	         row_marks[i] = row_marks[i-1];
2472 	      }
2473 	      row_idcs[pos] = ridx;
2474 	      row_marks[pos] = newmark;
2475 	      (*nmarked)++;
2476 	   }
2477 	}
2479 	/** mark all rows that should be multiplied by xj */
2480 	static
2481 	SCIP_RETCODE markRowsXj(
2482 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2483 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
2484 	   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr,           /**< nonlinear constraint handler */
2485 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2486 	   int                   j,                  /**< index of the multiplier variable in sepadata */
2487 	   SCIP_Bool             local,              /**< are local cuts allowed? */
2488 	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         row_to_pos,         /**< hashmap linking row indices to positions in array */
2489 	   int*                  bestunderest,       /**< positions of most violated underestimators for each product term */
2490 	   int*                  bestoverest,        /**< positions of most violated overestimators for each product term */
2491 	   unsigned int*         row_marks,          /**< sparse array storing the row marks */
2492 	   int*                  row_idcs,           /**< sparse array storing the marked row positions */
2493 	   int*                  nmarked             /**< number of marked rows */
2494 	   )
2495 	{
2496 	   int i;
2497 	   int idx;
2498 	   int ncolrows;
2499 	   int r;
2500 	   int ridx;
2501 	   SCIP_VAR* xi;
2502 	   SCIP_VAR* xj;
2503 	   SCIP_Real vlb;
2504 	   SCIP_Real vub;
2505 	   SCIP_Real vali;
2506 	   SCIP_Real valj;
2507 	   SCIP_Real a;
2508 	   SCIP_COL* coli;
2509 	   SCIP_Real* colvals;
2510 	   SCIP_ROW** colrows;
2512 	   SCIP_Bool violatedbelow;
2513 	   SCIP_Bool violatedabove;
2514 	   SCIP_VAR** bilinadjvars;
2515 	   int nbilinadjvars;
2517 	   *nmarked = 0;
2519 	   xj = sepadata->varssorted[j];
2520 	   assert(xj != NULL);
2522 	   valj = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, xj);
2523 	   vlb = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(xj) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(xj);
2524 	   vub = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(xj) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(xj);
2526 	   if( sepadata->useprojection && (SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vlb, valj) || SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vub, valj)) )
2527 	   {
2528 	      /* we don't want to multiply by variables that are at bound */
2529 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Rejected multiplier <%s> in [%g,%g] because it is at bound (current value %g)\n", SCIPvarGetName(xj), vlb, vub, valj);
2530 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
2531 	   }
2533 	   terms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(conshdlr);
2534 	   bilinadjvars = getAdjacentVars(sepadata->bilinvardatamap, xj, &nbilinadjvars);
2535 	   assert(bilinadjvars != NULL);
2537 	   /* for each var which appears in a bilinear product together with xj, mark rows */
2538 	   for( i = 0; i < nbilinadjvars; ++i )
2539 	   {
2540 	      xi = bilinadjvars[i];
2542 	      if( SCIPvarGetStatus(xi) != SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN )
2543 	         continue;
2545 	      vali = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, xi);
2546 	      vlb = local ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(xi) : SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(xi);
2547 	      vub = local ? SCIPvarGetUbLocal(xi) : SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(xi);
2549 	      /* if we use projection, we aren't interested in products with variables that are at bound */
2550 	      if( sepadata->useprojection && (SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vlb, vali) || SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, vub, vali)) )
2551 	         continue;
2553 	      /* get the index of the bilinear product */
2554 	      idx = SCIPgetBilinTermIdxNonlinear(conshdlr, xj, xi);
2555 	      assert(idx >= 0 && idx < SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(conshdlr));
2557 	      /* skip implicit products if we don't want to add RLT cuts for them */
2558 	      if( !sepadata->hiddenrlt && !terms[idx].existing )
2559 	         continue;
2561 	      /* use the most violated under- and overestimators for this product;
2562 	       * if equality cuts are computed, we might end up using a different auxiliary expression;
2563 	       * so this is an optimistic (i.e. taking the largest possible violation) estimation
2564 	       */
2565 	      if( bestunderest == NULL || bestunderest[idx] == -1 )
2566 	      { /* no violated implicit underestimation relations -> either use auxvar or set violatedbelow to FALSE */
2567 	         if( terms[idx].nauxexprs == 0 && terms[idx].aux.var != NULL )
2568 	         {
2569 	            assert(terms[idx].existing);
2570 	            violatedbelow = SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[idx].aux.var) - valj * vali);
2571 	         }
2572 	         else
2573 	         {
2574 	            assert(bestunderest != NULL);
2575 	            violatedbelow = FALSE;
2576 	         }
2577 	      }
2578 	      else
2579 	      {
2580 	         assert(bestunderest[idx] >= 0 && bestunderest[idx] < terms[idx].nauxexprs);
2582 	         /* if we are here, the relation with the best underestimator must be violated */
2583 	         assert(SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, SCIPevalBilinAuxExprNonlinear(scip, terms[idx].x, terms[idx].y,
2584 	               terms[idx].aux.exprs[bestunderest[idx]], sol) - valj * vali));
2585 	         violatedbelow = TRUE;
2586 	      }
2588 	      if( bestoverest == NULL || bestoverest[idx] == -1 )
2589 	      { /* no violated implicit overestimation relations -> either use auxvar or set violatedabove to FALSE */
2590 	         if( terms[idx].nauxexprs == 0 && terms[idx].aux.var != NULL )
2591 	         {
2592 	            assert(terms[idx].existing);
2593 	            violatedabove = SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, valj * vali - SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[idx].aux.var));
2594 	         }
2595 	         else
2596 	         {
2597 	            assert(bestoverest != NULL);
2598 	            violatedabove = FALSE;
2599 	         }
2600 	      }
2601 	      else
2602 	      {
2603 	         assert(bestoverest[idx] >= 0 && bestoverest[idx] < terms[idx].nauxexprs);
2605 	         /* if we are here, the relation with the best overestimator must be violated */
2606 	         assert(SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, valj * vali - SCIPevalBilinAuxExprNonlinear(scip, terms[idx].x, terms[idx].y,
2607 	               terms[idx].aux.exprs[bestoverest[idx]], sol)));
2608 	         violatedabove = TRUE;
2609 	      }
2611 	      /* only violated products contribute to row marks */
2612 	      if( !violatedbelow && !violatedabove )
2613 	      {
2614 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "the product for vars <%s> and <%s> is not violated\n", SCIPvarGetName(xj), SCIPvarGetName(xi));
2615 	         continue;
2616 	      }
2618 	      /* get the column of xi */
2619 	      coli = SCIPvarGetCol(xi);
2620 	      colvals = SCIPcolGetVals(coli);
2621 	      ncolrows = SCIPcolGetNNonz(coli);
2622 	      colrows = SCIPcolGetRows(coli);
2624 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "marking rows for xj = <%s>, xi = <%s>\n", SCIPvarGetName(xj), SCIPvarGetName(xi));
2626 	      /* mark the rows */
2627 	      for( r = 0; r < ncolrows; ++r )
2628 	      {
2629 	         ridx = SCIProwGetIndex(colrows[r]);
2631 	         if( !SCIPhashmapExists(row_to_pos, (void*)(size_t)ridx) )
2632 	            continue; /* if row index is not in row_to_pos, it means that storeSuitableRows decided to ignore this row */
2634 	         a = colvals[r];
2635 	         if( a == 0.0 )
2636 	            continue;
2638 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "Marking row %d\n", ridx);
2639 	         addRowMark(ridx, a, violatedbelow, violatedabove, row_idcs, row_marks, nmarked);
2640 	      }
2641 	   }
2643 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2644 	}
2646 	/** adds McCormick inequalities for implicit products */
2647 	static
2648 	SCIP_RETCODE separateMcCormickImplicit(
2649 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2650 	   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< separator */
2651 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
2652 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2653 	   int*                  bestunderestimators,/**< indices of auxiliary underestimators with largest violation in sol */
2654 	   int*                  bestoverestimators, /**< indices of auxiliary overestimators with largest violation in sol */
2655 	   SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< pointer to store the result */
2656 	   )
2657 	{
2658 	   int i;
2659 	   int j;
2661 	   SCIP_ROW* cut;
2662 	   char name[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
2663 	   SCIP_Bool underestimate;
2664 	   SCIP_Real xcoef;
2665 	   SCIP_Real ycoef;
2666 	   SCIP_Real auxcoef;
2667 	   SCIP_Real constant;
2668 	   SCIP_Bool success;
2670 	   SCIP_Bool cutoff;
2671 	   SCIP_Real refpointx;
2672 	   SCIP_Real refpointy;
2673 	   SCIP_INTERVAL bndx;
2674 	   SCIP_INTERVAL bndy;
2675 	#ifndef NDEBUG
2676 	   SCIP_Real productval;
2677 	   SCIP_Real auxval;
2678 	#endif
2680 	   assert(sepadata->nbilinterms == SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr));
2681 	   assert(bestunderestimators != NULL && bestoverestimators != NULL);
2683 	   cutoff = FALSE;
2684 	   terms = SCIPgetBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr);
2686 	   for( i = 0; i < sepadata->nbilinterms; ++i )
2687 	   {
2688 	      if( terms[i].existing )
2689 	         continue;
2691 	      assert(terms[i].nauxexprs > 0);
2693 	      bndx.inf = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(terms[i].x);
2694 	      bndx.sup = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(terms[i].x);
2695 	      bndy.inf = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(terms[i].y);
2696 	      bndy.sup = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(terms[i].y);
2697 	      refpointx = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[i].x);
2698 	      refpointy = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[i].y);
2700 	      /* adjust the reference points */
2701 	      refpointx = MIN(MAX(refpointx, bndx.inf), bndx.sup); /*lint !e666*/
2702 	      refpointy = MIN(MAX(refpointy, bndy.inf), bndy.sup); /*lint !e666*/
2704 	      /* one iteration for underestimation and one for overestimation */
2705 	      for( j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
2706 	      {
2707 	         /* if underestimate, separate xy <= auxexpr; if !underestimate, separate xy >= auxexpr;
2708 	          * the cuts will be:
2709 	          * if underestimate: McCormick_under(xy) - auxexpr <= 0,
2710 	          * if !underestimate: McCormick_over(xy) - auxexpr >= 0
2711 	          */
2712 	         underestimate = j == 0;
2713 	         if( underestimate && bestoverestimators[i] != -1 )
2714 	            auxexpr = terms[i].aux.exprs[bestoverestimators[i]];
2715 	         else if( !underestimate && bestunderestimators[i] != -1 )
2716 	            auxexpr = terms[i].aux.exprs[bestunderestimators[i]];
2717 	         else
2718 	            continue;
2719 	         assert(!underestimate || auxexpr->overestimate);
2720 	         assert(underestimate || auxexpr->underestimate);
2722 	#ifndef NDEBUG
2723 	         /* make sure that the term is violated */
2724 	         productval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[i].x) * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, terms[i].y);
2725 	         auxval = SCIPevalBilinAuxExprNonlinear(scip, terms[i].x, terms[i].y, auxexpr, sol);
2727 	         /* if underestimate, then xy <= aux must be violated; otherwise aux <= xy must be violated */
2728 	         assert((underestimate && SCIPisFeasLT(scip, auxval, productval)) ||
2729 	               (!underestimate && SCIPisFeasLT(scip, productval, auxval)));
2730 	#endif
2732 	         /* create an empty row */
2733 	         (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "mccormick_%sestimate_implicit_%s*%s_%d",
2734 	                             underestimate ? "under" : "over", SCIPvarGetName(terms[i].x), SCIPvarGetName(terms[i].y),
(1) Event invalid_type: Argument "SCIPgetNLPs(scip)" to format specifier "%d" was expected to have type "int" but has type "long long". [details]
2735 	                             SCIPgetNLPs(scip));
2737 	         SCIP_CALL(SCIPcreateEmptyRowSepa(scip, &cut, sepa, name, -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip), TRUE,
2738 	               FALSE, FALSE) );
2740 	         xcoef = 0.0;
2741 	         ycoef = 0.0;
2742 	         auxcoef = 0.0;
2743 	         constant = 0.0;
2744 	         success = TRUE;
2746 	         /* subtract auxexpr from the cut */
2747 	         addAuxexprCoefs(terms[i].x, terms[i].y, auxexpr, -1.0, &auxcoef, &xcoef, &ycoef, &constant);
2749 	         /* add McCormick terms: ask for an underestimator if relation is xy <= auxexpr, and vice versa */
2750 	         SCIPaddBilinMcCormick(scip, 1.0, bndx.inf, bndx.sup, refpointx, bndy.inf, bndy.sup, refpointy, !underestimate,
2751 	               &xcoef, &ycoef, &constant, &success);
2753 	         if( REALABS(constant) > MAXVARBOUND )
2754 	            success = FALSE;
2756 	         if( success )
2757 	         {
2758 	            assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(xcoef)));
2759 	            assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(ycoef)));
2760 	            assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(constant)));
2762 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, cut, terms[i].x, xcoef) );
2763 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, cut, terms[i].y, ycoef) );
2764 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, cut, auxexpr->auxvar, auxcoef) );
2766 	            /* set side */
2767 	            if( underestimate )
2768 	               SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgRowRhs(scip, cut, -constant) );
2769 	            else
2770 	               SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgRowLhs(scip, cut, -constant) );
2772 	            /* if the cut is violated, add it to SCIP */
2773 	            if( SCIPisFeasNegative(scip, SCIPgetRowFeasibility(scip, cut)) )
2774 	            {
2775 	               SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRow(scip, cut, FALSE, &cutoff) );
2776 	               *result = SCIP_SEPARATED;
2777 	            }
2778 	            else
2779 	            {
2780 	               SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "\nMcCormick cut for hidden product <%s>*<%s> was created successfully, but is not violated",
2781 	                            SCIPvarGetName(terms[i].x), SCIPvarGetName(terms[i].y));
2782 	            }
2783 	         }
2785 	         /* release the cut */
2786 	         if( cut != NULL )
2787 	         {
2788 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &cut) );
2789 	         }
2791 	         if( cutoff )
2792 	         {
2793 	            *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
2794 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because we found a cutoff -> skip\n");
2795 	            return SCIP_OKAY;
2796 	         }
2797 	      }
2798 	   }
2800 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
2801 	}
2803 	/** builds and adds the RLT cuts */
2804 	static
2805 	SCIP_RETCODE separateRltCuts(
2806 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2807 	   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< separator */
2808 	   SCIP_SEPADATA*        sepadata,           /**< separator data */
2809 	   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr,           /**< nonlinear constraint handler */
2810 	   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the point to be separated (can be NULL) */
2811 	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         row_to_pos,         /**< hashmap linking row indices to positions in array */
2812 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW*        projrows,           /**< projected rows */
2813 	   SCIP_ROW**            rows,               /**< problem rows */
2814 	   int                   nrows,              /**< number of problem rows */
2815 	   SCIP_Bool             allowlocal,         /**< are local cuts allowed? */
2816 	   int*                  bestunderestimators,/**< indices of auxiliary underestimators with largest violation in sol */
2817 	   int*                  bestoverestimators, /**< indices of auxiliary overestimators with largest violation in sol */
2818 	   SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< buffer to store whether separation was successful */
2819 	   )
2820 	{
2821 	   int j;
2822 	   int r;
2823 	   int k;
2824 	   int nmarked;
2825 	   int cutssize;
2826 	   int ncuts;
2827 	   SCIP_VAR* xj;
2828 	   unsigned int* row_marks;
2829 	   int* row_idcs;
2830 	   SCIP_ROW* cut;
2831 	   SCIP_ROW** cuts;
2832 	   SCIP_Bool uselb[4] = {TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE};
2833 	   SCIP_Bool uselhs[4] = {TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE};
2834 	   SCIP_Bool success;
2835 	   SCIP_Bool infeasible;
2836 	   SCIP_Bool accepted;
2837 	   SCIP_Bool buildeqcut;
2838 	   SCIP_Bool iseqrow;
2840 	   assert(!sepadata->useprojection || projrows != NULL);
2841 	   assert(!sepadata->detecthidden || (bestunderestimators != NULL && bestoverestimators != NULL));
2843 	   ncuts = 0;
2844 	   cutssize = 0;
2845 	   cuts = NULL;
2846 	   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;
2848 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocCleanBufferArray(scip, &row_marks, nrows) );
2849 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &row_idcs, nrows) );
2851 	   /* loop through all variables that appear in bilinear products */
2852 	   for( j = 0; j < sepadata->nbilinvars && (sepadata->maxusedvars < 0 || j < sepadata->maxusedvars); ++j )
2853 	   {
2854 	      xj = sepadata->varssorted[j];
2856 	      /* mark all rows for multiplier xj */
2857 	      SCIP_CALL( markRowsXj(scip, sepadata, conshdlr, sol, j, allowlocal, row_to_pos, bestunderestimators,
2858 	         bestoverestimators, row_marks, row_idcs, &nmarked) );
2860 	      assert(nmarked <= nrows);
2862 	      /* generate the projected cut and if it is violated, generate the actual cut */
2863 	      for( r = 0; r < nmarked; ++r )
2864 	      {
2865 	         int pos;
2866 	         int currentnunknown;
2867 	         SCIP_ROW* row;
2869 	         assert(row_marks[r] != 0);
2870 	         assert(SCIPhashmapExists(row_to_pos, (void*)(size_t) row_idcs[r])); /*lint !e571 */
2872 	         pos = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(row_to_pos, (void*)(size_t) row_idcs[r]); /*lint !e571 */
2873 	         row = rows[pos];
2874 	         assert(SCIProwGetIndex(row) == row_idcs[r]);
2876 	         /* check whether this row and var fulfill the conditions */
2877 	         SCIP_CALL( isAcceptableRow(sepadata, row, xj, &currentnunknown, &accepted) );
2878 	         if( !accepted )
2879 	         {
2880 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "rejected row <%s> for variable <%s> (introduces too many new products)\n", SCIProwGetName(row), SCIPvarGetName(xj));
2881 	            row_marks[r] = 0;
2882 	            continue;
2883 	         }
2885 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "accepted row <%s> for variable <%s>\n", SCIProwGetName(rows[r]), SCIPvarGetName(xj));
2886 	#ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
2887 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintRow(scip, rows[r], NULL) );
2888 	#endif
2889 	         iseqrow = SCIPisEQ(scip, SCIProwGetLhs(row), SCIProwGetRhs(row));
2891 	         /* if all terms are known and it is an equality row, compute equality cut, that is, multiply row with (x-lb) and/or (ub-x) (but see also @todo at top)
2892 	          * otherwise, multiply row w.r.t. lhs and/or rhs with (x-lb) and/or (ub-x) and estimate product terms that have no aux.var or aux.expr
2893 	          */
2894 	         buildeqcut = (currentnunknown == 0 && iseqrow);
2896 	         /* go over all suitable combinations of sides and bounds and compute the respective cuts */
2897 	         for( k = 0; k < 4; ++k )
2898 	         {
2899 	            /* if equality cuts are possible, lhs and rhs cuts are equal so skip rhs */
2900 	            if( buildeqcut )
2901 	            {
2902 	               if( k != 1 )
2903 	                  continue;
2904 	            }
2905 	            /* otherwise which cuts are generated depends on the marks */
2906 	            else
2907 	            {
2908 	               if( row_marks[r] == 1 && uselb[k] == uselhs[k] )
2909 	                  continue;
2911 	               if( row_marks[r] == 2 && uselb[k] != uselhs[k] )
2912 	                  continue;
2913 	            }
2915 	            success = TRUE;
2916 	            cut = NULL;
2918 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "row <%s>, uselb = %u, uselhs = %u\n", SCIProwGetName(row), uselb[k], uselhs[k]);
2920 	            if( sepadata->useprojection )
2921 	            {
2922 	               /* if no variables are left in the projected row, the RLT cut will not be violated */
2923 	               if( projrows[pos].nnonz == 0 )
2924 	                  continue;
2926 	               /* compute the rlt cut for a projected row first */
2927 	               SCIP_CALL( computeRltCut(scip, sepa, sepadata, &cut, NULL, &(projrows[pos]), sol, bestunderestimators,
2928 	                     bestoverestimators, xj, &success, uselb[k], uselhs[k], allowlocal, buildeqcut, TRUE) );
2930 	               /* if the projected cut is not violated, set success to FALSE */
2931 	               if( cut != NULL )
2932 	               {
2933 	                  SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "proj cut viol = %g\n", -SCIPgetRowFeasibility(scip, cut));
2934 	               }
2935 	               if( cut != NULL && !SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, -SCIPgetRowFeasibility(scip, cut)) )
2936 	               {
2937 	                  SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "projected cut is not violated, feasibility = %g\n", SCIPgetRowFeasibility(scip, cut));
2938 	                  success = FALSE;
2939 	               }
2941 	               /* release the projected cut */
2942 	               if( cut != NULL )
2943 	                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &cut) );
2944 	            }
2946 	            /* if we don't use projection or if the projected cut was generated successfully and is violated,
2947 	             * generate the actual cut */
2948 	            if( success )
2949 	            {
2950 	               SCIP_CALL( computeRltCut(scip, sepa, sepadata, &cut, row, NULL, sol, bestunderestimators,
2951 	                     bestoverestimators, xj, &success, uselb[k], uselhs[k], allowlocal, buildeqcut, FALSE) );
2952 	            }
2954 	            if( success )
2955 	            {
2956 	               success = SCIPisFeasNegative(scip, SCIPgetRowFeasibility(scip, cut)) || (sepadata->addtopool &&
2957 	                       !SCIProwIsLocal(cut));
2958 	            }
2960 	            /* if the cut was created successfully and is violated or (if addtopool == TRUE) globally valid,
2961 	             * it is added to the cuts array */
2962 	            if( success )
2963 	            {
2964 	               if( ncuts + 1 > cutssize )
2965 	               {
2966 	                  int newsize;
2968 	                  newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, ncuts + 1);
2969 	                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(scip, &cuts, newsize) );
2970 	                  cutssize = newsize;
2971 	               }
2972 	               cuts[ncuts] = cut;
2973 	               (ncuts)++;
2974 	            }
2975 	            else
2976 	            {
2977 	               SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "the generation of the cut failed or cut not violated and not added to cutpool\n");
2978 	               /* release the cut */
2979 	               if( cut != NULL )
2980 	               {
2981 	                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &cut) );
2982 	               }
2983 	            }
2984 	         }
2986 	         /* clear row_marks[r] since it will be used for the next multiplier */
2987 	         row_marks[r] = 0;
2988 	      }
2989 	   }
2991 	   /* if cuts were found, we apply an additional filtering procedure, which is similar to sepastore */
2992 	   if( ncuts > 0  )
2993 	   {
2994 	      int nselectedcuts;
2995 	      int i;
2997 	      assert(cuts != NULL);
2999 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPselectCutsHybrid(scip, cuts, NULL, NULL, sepadata->goodscore, sepadata->badscore, sepadata->goodmaxparall,
3000 	            sepadata->maxparall, sepadata->dircutoffdistweight, sepadata->efficacyweight, sepadata->objparalweight,
3001 	            0.0, ncuts, 0, sepadata->maxncuts == -1 ? ncuts : sepadata->maxncuts, &nselectedcuts) );
3003 	      for( i = 0; i < ncuts; ++i )
3004 	      {
3005 	         assert(cuts[i] != NULL);
3007 	         if( i < nselectedcuts )
3008 	         {
3009 	            /* if selected, add global cuts to the pool and local cuts to the sepastore */
3010 	            if( SCIProwIsLocal(cuts[i]) || !sepadata->addtopool )
3011 	            {
3012 	               SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRow(scip, cuts[i], FALSE, &infeasible) );
3014 	               if( infeasible )
3015 	               {
3016 	                  SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "CUTOFF! The cut <%s> revealed infeasibility\n", SCIProwGetName(cuts[i]));
3017 	                  *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
3018 	               }
3019 	               else
3020 	               {
3021 	                  SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "SEPARATED: added cut to scip\n");
3022 	                  *result = SCIP_SEPARATED;
3023 	               }
3024 	            }
3025 	            else
3026 	            {
3027 	               SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddPoolCut(scip, cuts[i]) );
3028 	            }
3029 	         }
3031 	         /* release current cut */
3032 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &cuts[i]) );
3033 	      }
3034 	   }
3036 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because cut calculation is finished\n");
3038 	   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &cuts);
3039 	   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &row_idcs);
3040 	   SCIPfreeCleanBufferArray(scip, &row_marks);
3042 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3043 	}
3045 	/*
3046 	 * Callback methods of separator
3047 	 */
3049 	/** copy method for separator plugins (called when SCIP copies plugins) */
3050 	static
3051 	SCIP_DECL_SEPACOPY(sepaCopyRlt)
3052 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
3053 	   assert(scip != NULL);
3054 	   assert(sepa != NULL);
3055 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SEPA_NAME) == 0);
3057 	   /* call inclusion method of separator */
3058 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeSepaRlt(scip) );
3060 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3061 	}
3063 	/** destructor of separator to free user data (called when SCIP is exiting) */
3064 	static
3065 	SCIP_DECL_SEPAFREE(sepaFreeRlt)
3066 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
3067 	   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
3069 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SEPA_NAME) == 0);
3071 	   sepadata = SCIPsepaGetData(sepa);
3072 	   assert(sepadata != NULL);
3074 	   /* free separator data */
3075 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &sepadata);
3077 	   SCIPsepaSetData(sepa, NULL);
3079 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3080 	}
3082 	/** solving process deinitialization method of separator (called before branch and bound process data is freed) */
3083 	static
3084 	SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXITSOL(sepaExitsolRlt)
3085 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
3086 	   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
3088 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SEPA_NAME) == 0);
3090 	   sepadata = SCIPsepaGetData(sepa);
3091 	   assert(sepadata != NULL);
3093 	   if( sepadata->iscreated )
3094 	   {
3095 	      SCIP_CALL( freeSepaData(scip, sepadata) );
3096 	   }
3098 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3099 	}
3101 	/** LP solution separation method of separator */
3102 	static
3103 	SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(sepaExeclpRlt)
3104 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
3105 	   SCIP_ROW** prob_rows;
3106 	   SCIP_ROW** rows;
3107 	   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
3108 	   int ncalls;
3109 	   int nrows;
3110 	   SCIP_HASHMAP* row_to_pos;
3111 	   RLT_SIMPLEROW* projrows;
3113 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SEPA_NAME) == 0);
3115 	   sepadata = SCIPsepaGetData(sepa);
3116 	   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
3118 	   if( sepadata->maxncuts == 0 )
3119 	   {
3120 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because maxncuts is set to 0\n");
3121 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3122 	   }
3124 	   /* don't run in a sub-SCIP or in probing */
3125 	   if( SCIPgetSubscipDepth(scip) > 0 && !sepadata->useinsubscip )
3126 	   {
3127 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because in sub-SCIP\n");
3128 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3129 	   }
3131 	   /* don't run in probing */
3132 	   if( SCIPinProbing(scip) )
3133 	   {
3134 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because in probing\n");
3135 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3136 	   }
3138 	   /* only call separator a given number of times at each node */
3139 	   ncalls = SCIPsepaGetNCallsAtNode(sepa);
3140 	   if( (depth == 0 && sepadata->maxroundsroot >= 0 && ncalls >= sepadata->maxroundsroot)
3141 	        || (depth > 0 && sepadata->maxrounds >= 0 && ncalls >= sepadata->maxrounds) )
3142 	   {
3143 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because round limit for this node is reached\n");
3144 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3145 	   }
3147 	   /* if this is called for the first time, create the sepadata and start the initial separation round */
3148 	   if( !sepadata->iscreated )
3149 	   {
3150 	      *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;
3151 	      SCIP_CALL( createSepaData(scip, sepadata) );
3152 	   }
3153 	   assert(sepadata->iscreated || (sepadata->nbilinvars == 0 && sepadata->nbilinterms == 0));
3154 	   assert(sepadata->nbilinterms == SCIPgetNBilinTermsNonlinear(sepadata->conshdlr));
3156 	   /* no bilinear terms available -> skip */
3157 	   if( sepadata->nbilinvars == 0 )
3158 	   {
3159 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because there are no known bilinear terms\n");
3160 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3161 	   }
3163 	   /* only call separator, if we are not close to terminating */
3164 	   if( SCIPisStopped(scip) )
3165 	   {
3166 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because we are too close to terminating\n");
3167 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3168 	   }
3170 	   /* only call separator, if an optimal LP solution is at hand */
3171 	   if( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
3172 	   {
3173 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "exit separator because there is no LP solution at hand\n");
3174 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3175 	   }
3177 	   /* get the rows, depending on settings */
3178 	   if( sepadata->isinitialround || sepadata->onlyoriginal )
3179 	   {
3180 	      SCIP_CALL( getOriginalRows(scip, &prob_rows, &nrows) );
3181 	   }
3182 	   else
3183 	   {
3184 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPRowsData(scip, &prob_rows, &nrows) );
3185 	   }
3187 	   /* save the suitable rows */
3188 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &rows, nrows) );
3189 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&row_to_pos, SCIPblkmem(scip), nrows) );
3191 	   SCIP_CALL( storeSuitableRows(scip, sepa, sepadata, prob_rows, rows, &nrows, row_to_pos, allowlocal) );
3193 	   if( nrows == 0 ) /* no suitable rows found, free memory and exit */
3194 	   {
3195 	      SCIPhashmapFree(&row_to_pos);
3196 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &rows);
3197 	      if( sepadata->isinitialround || sepadata->onlyoriginal )
3198 	      {
3199 	         SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &prob_rows);
3200 	         sepadata->isinitialround = FALSE;
3201 	      }
3202 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
3203 	   }
3205 	   /* create the projected problem */
3206 	   if( sepadata->useprojection )
3207 	   {
3208 	      SCIP_Bool allcst;
3210 	      SCIP_CALL( createProjRows(scip, rows, nrows, NULL, &projrows, allowlocal, &allcst) );
3212 	      /* if all projected rows have only constants left, quit */
3213 	      if( allcst )
3214 	         goto TERMINATE;
3216 	#ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
3217 	      printProjRows(scip, projrows, nrows, NULL);
3218 	#endif
3219 	   }
3220 	   else
3221 	   {
3222 	      projrows = NULL;
3223 	   }
3225 	   /* separate the cuts */
3226 	   if( sepadata->detecthidden )
3227 	   {
3228 	      int* bestunderestimators;
3229 	      int* bestoverestimators;
3231 	      /* if we detect implicit products, a term might have more than one estimator in each direction;
3232 	       * save the indices of the most violated estimators
3233 	       */
3234 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &bestunderestimators, sepadata->nbilinterms) );
3235 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &bestoverestimators, sepadata->nbilinterms) );
3236 	      getBestEstimators(scip, sepadata, NULL, bestunderestimators, bestoverestimators);
3238 	      /* also separate McCormick cuts for implicit products */
3239 	      SCIP_CALL( separateMcCormickImplicit(scip, sepa, sepadata, NULL, bestunderestimators, bestoverestimators,
3240 	            result) );
3242 	      if( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF )
3243 	      {
3244 	         SCIP_CALL( separateRltCuts(scip, sepa, sepadata, sepadata->conshdlr, NULL, row_to_pos, projrows, rows, nrows,
3245 	               allowlocal, bestunderestimators, bestoverestimators, result) );
3246 	      }
3248 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &bestoverestimators);
3249 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &bestunderestimators);
3250 	   }
3251 	   else
3252 	   {
3253 	      SCIP_CALL( separateRltCuts(scip, sepa, sepadata, sepadata->conshdlr, NULL, row_to_pos, projrows, rows, nrows,
3254 	            allowlocal, NULL, NULL, result) );
3255 	   }
3258 	   /* free the projected problem */
3259 	   if( sepadata->useprojection )
3260 	   {
3261 	      freeProjRows(scip, &projrows, nrows);
3262 	   }
3264 	   SCIPhashmapFree(&row_to_pos);
3265 	   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &rows);
3267 	   if( sepadata->isinitialround || sepadata->onlyoriginal )
3268 	   {
3269 	      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &prob_rows);
3270 	      sepadata->isinitialround = FALSE;
3271 	   }
3273 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3274 	}
3276 	/*
3277 	 * separator specific interface methods
3278 	 */
3280 	/** creates the RLT separator and includes it in SCIP */
3281 	SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeSepaRlt(
3282 	   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
3283 	   )
3284 	{
3285 	   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
3286 	   SCIP_SEPA* sepa;
3288 	   /* create RLT separator data */
3289 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBlockMemory(scip, &sepadata) );
3290 	   sepadata->conshdlr = SCIPfindConshdlr(scip, "nonlinear");
3291 	   assert(sepadata->conshdlr != NULL);
3293 	   /* include separator */
3295 	         SEPA_USESSUBSCIP, SEPA_DELAY, sepaExeclpRlt, NULL, sepadata) );
3297 	   /* set non fundamental callbacks via setter functions */
3298 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetSepaCopy(scip, sepa, sepaCopyRlt) );
3299 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetSepaFree(scip, sepa, sepaFreeRlt) );
3300 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetSepaExitsol(scip, sepa, sepaExitsolRlt) );
3302 	   /* add RLT separator parameters */
3303 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
3304 	         "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxncuts",
3305 	         "maximal number of rlt-cuts that are added per round (-1: unlimited)",
3306 	         &sepadata->maxncuts, FALSE, DEFAULT_MAXNCUTS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
3308 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
3309 	         "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxunknownterms",
3310 	         "maximal number of unknown bilinear terms a row is still used with (-1: unlimited)",
3311 	         &sepadata->maxunknownterms, FALSE, DEFAULT_MAXUNKNOWNTERMS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
3313 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
3314 	         "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxusedvars",
3315 	         "maximal number of variables used to compute rlt cuts (-1: unlimited)",
3316 	         &sepadata->maxusedvars, FALSE, DEFAULT_MAXUSEDVARS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
3318 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
3319 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxrounds",
3320 	      "maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)",
3321 	      &sepadata->maxrounds, FALSE, DEFAULT_MAXROUNDS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
3323 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
3324 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxroundsroot",
3325 	      "maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)",
3326 	      &sepadata->maxroundsroot, FALSE, DEFAULT_MAXROUNDSROOT, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
3328 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3329 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/onlyeqrows",
3330 	      "if set to true, only equality rows are used for rlt cuts",
3331 	      &sepadata->onlyeqrows, FALSE, DEFAULT_ONLYEQROWS, NULL, NULL) );
3333 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3334 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/onlycontrows",
3335 	      "if set to true, only continuous rows are used for rlt cuts",
3336 	      &sepadata->onlycontrows, FALSE, DEFAULT_ONLYCONTROWS, NULL, NULL) );
3338 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3339 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/onlyoriginal",
3340 	      "if set to true, only original rows and variables are used",
3341 	      &sepadata->onlyoriginal, FALSE, DEFAULT_ONLYORIGINAL, NULL, NULL) );
3343 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3344 	      "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/useinsubscip",
3345 	      "if set to true, rlt is also used in sub-scips",
3346 	      &sepadata->useinsubscip, FALSE, DEFAULT_USEINSUBSCIP, NULL, NULL) );
3348 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3349 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/useprojection",
3350 	      "if set to true, projected rows are checked first",
3351 	      &sepadata->useprojection, FALSE, DEFAULT_USEPROJECTION, NULL, NULL) );
3353 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3354 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/detecthidden",
3355 	      "if set to true, hidden products are detected and separated by McCormick cuts",
3356 	      &sepadata->detecthidden, FALSE, DEFAULT_DETECTHIDDEN, NULL, NULL) );
3358 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3359 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/hiddenrlt",
3360 	      "whether RLT cuts (TRUE) or only McCormick inequalities (FALSE) should be added for hidden products",
3361 	      &sepadata->hiddenrlt, FALSE, DEFAULT_HIDDENRLT, NULL, NULL) );
3363 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
3364 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/addtopool",
3365 	      "if set to true, globally valid RLT cuts are added to the global cut pool",
3366 	      &sepadata->addtopool, FALSE, DEFAULT_ADDTOPOOL, NULL, NULL) );
3368 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3369 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/goodscore",
3370 	      "threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be considered good, so that less strict filtering is applied",
3371 	      &sepadata->goodscore, TRUE, DEFAULT_GOODSCORE, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3373 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3374 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/badscore",
3375 	      "threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be discarded",
3376 	      &sepadata->badscore, TRUE, DEFAULT_BADSCORE, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3378 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3379 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/objparalweight",
3380 	      "weight of objective parallelism in cut score calculation",
3381 	      &sepadata->objparalweight, TRUE, DEFAULT_OBJPARALWEIGHT, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3383 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3384 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/efficacyweight",
3385 	      "weight of efficacy in cut score calculation",
3386 	      &sepadata->efficacyweight, TRUE, DEFAULT_EFFICACYWEIGHT, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3388 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3389 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/dircutoffdistweight",
3390 	      "weight of directed cutoff distance in cut score calculation",
3391 	      &sepadata->dircutoffdistweight, TRUE, DEFAULT_DIRCUTOFFDISTWEIGHT, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3393 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3394 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/goodmaxparall",
3395 	      "maximum parallelism for good cuts",
3396 	      &sepadata->goodmaxparall, TRUE, DEFAULT_GOODMAXPARALL, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3398 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRealParam(scip,
3399 	                               "separating/" SEPA_NAME "/maxparall",
3400 	      "maximum parallelism for non-good cuts",
3401 	      &sepadata->maxparall, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXPARALL, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
3403 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
3404 	}