1    	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2    	/*                                                                           */
3    	/*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4    	/*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5    	/*                                                                           */
6    	/*    Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7    	/*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8    	/*                                                                           */
9    	/*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10   	/*                                                                           */
11   	/*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12   	/*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scip.zib.de.         */
13   	/*                                                                           */
14   	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16   	/**@file   nlhdlr_bilinear.c
17   	 * @ingroup DEFPLUGINS_NLHDLR
18   	 * @brief  bilinear nonlinear handler
19   	 * @author Benjamin Mueller
20   	 */
22   	/*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
24   	#include <string.h>
26   	#include "scip/nlhdlr_bilinear.h"
27   	#include "scip/cons_nonlinear.h"
28   	#include "scip/expr_product.h"
29   	#include "scip/expr_var.h"
31   	/* fundamental nonlinear handler properties */
32   	#define NLHDLR_NAME               "bilinear"
33   	#define NLHDLR_DESC               "bilinear handler for expressions"
34   	#define NLHDLR_DETECTPRIORITY     -10  /**< it is important that the nlhdlr runs after the default nldhlr */
35   	#define NLHDLR_ENFOPRIORITY       -10
37   	#define MIN_INTERIORITY           0.01 /**< minimum interiority for a reference point for applying separation */
38   	#define MIN_ABSBOUNDSIZE          0.1  /**< minimum size of variable bounds for applying separation */
40   	/* properties of the bilinear nlhdlr statistics table */
41   	#define TABLE_NAME_BILINEAR                 "nlhdlr_bilinear"
42   	#define TABLE_DESC_BILINEAR                 "bilinear nlhdlr statistics table"
43   	#define TABLE_POSITION_BILINEAR             14800                  /**< the position of the statistics table */
44   	#define TABLE_EARLIEST_STAGE_BILINEAR       SCIP_STAGE_INITSOLVE   /**< output of the statistics table is only printed from this stage onwards */
47   	/*
48   	 * Data structures
49   	 */
51   	/** nonlinear handler expression data */
52   	struct SCIP_NlhdlrExprData
53   	{
54   	   SCIP_Real             underineqs[6];      /**< inequalities for underestimation */
55   	   int                   nunderineqs;        /**< total number of inequalities for underestimation */
56   	   SCIP_Real             overineqs[6];       /**< inequalities for overestimation */
57   	   int                   noverineqs;         /**< total number of inequalities for overestimation */
58   	   SCIP_Longint          lastnodeid;         /**< id of the last node that has been used for separation */
59   	   int                   nseparoundslastnode; /**< number of separation calls of the last node */
60   	};
62   	/** nonlinear handler data */
63   	struct SCIP_NlhdlrData
64   	{
65   	   SCIP_EXPR**           exprs;             /**< expressions that have been detected by the nlhdlr */
66   	   int                   nexprs;            /**< total number of expression that have been detected */
67   	   int                   exprsize;          /**< size of exprs array */
68   	   SCIP_HASHMAP*         exprmap;           /**< hashmap to store the position of each expression in the exprs array */
70   	   /* parameter */
71   	   SCIP_Bool             useinteval;        /**< whether to use the interval evaluation callback of the nlhdlr */
72   	   SCIP_Bool             usereverseprop;    /**< whether to use the reverse propagation callback of the nlhdlr */
73   	   int                   maxseparoundsroot; /**< maximum number of separation rounds in the root node */
74   	   int                   maxseparounds;     /**< maximum number of separation rounds in a local node */
75   	   int                   maxsepadepth;      /**< maximum depth to apply separation */
76   	};
78   	/*
79   	 * Local methods
80   	 */
82   	/** helper function to compute the violation of an inequality of the form xcoef * x <= ycoef * y + constant for two
83   	 *  corner points of the domain [lbx,ubx] x [lby,uby]
84   	 */
85   	static
86   	void getIneqViol(
87   	   SCIP_VAR*             x,                  /**< first variable */
88   	   SCIP_VAR*             y,                  /**< second variable */
89   	   SCIP_Real             xcoef,              /**< x-coefficient */
90   	   SCIP_Real             ycoef,              /**< y-coefficient */
91   	   SCIP_Real             constant,           /**< constant */
92   	   SCIP_Real*            viol1,              /**< buffer to store the violation of the first corner point */
93   	   SCIP_Real*            viol2               /**< buffer to store the violation of the second corner point */
94   	   )
95   	{
96   	   SCIP_Real norm;
97   	   assert(viol1 != NULL);
98   	   assert(viol2 != NULL);
100  	   norm = SQRT(SQR(xcoef) + SQR(ycoef));
102  	   /* inequality can be used for underestimating xy if and only if xcoef * ycoef > 0 */
103  	   if( xcoef * ycoef >= 0 )
104  	   {
105  	      /* violation for top-left and bottom-right corner */
106  	      *viol1 = MAX(0, (xcoef * SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x)  - ycoef * SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y) - constant) / norm); /*lint !e666*/
107  	      *viol2 = MAX(0, (xcoef * SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x)  - ycoef * SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y) - constant) / norm); /*lint !e666*/
108  	   }
109  	   else
110  	   {
111  	      /* violation for top-right and bottom-left corner */
112  	      *viol1 = MAX(0, (xcoef * SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x)  - ycoef * SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y) - constant) / norm); /*lint !e666*/
113  	      *viol2 = MAX(0, (xcoef * SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x)  - ycoef * SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y) - constant) / norm); /*lint !e666*/
114  	   }
115  	}
117  	/** auxiliary function to decide whether to use inequalities for a strong relaxation of bilinear terms or not */
118  	static
119  	SCIP_Bool useBilinIneqs(
120  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
121  	   SCIP_VAR*             x,                  /**< x variable */
122  	   SCIP_VAR*             y,                  /**< y variable */
123  	   SCIP_Real             refx,               /**< reference point for x */
124  	   SCIP_Real             refy                /**< reference point for y */
125  	   )
126  	{
127  	   SCIP_Real lbx;
128  	   SCIP_Real ubx;
129  	   SCIP_Real lby;
130  	   SCIP_Real uby;
131  	   SCIP_Real interiorityx;
132  	   SCIP_Real interiorityy;
133  	   SCIP_Real interiority;
135  	   assert(x != NULL);
136  	   assert(y != NULL);
137  	   assert(x != y);
139  	   /* get variable bounds */
140  	   lbx = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x);
141  	   ubx = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x);
142  	   lby = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y);
143  	   uby = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y);
145  	   /* compute interiority */
146  	   interiorityx = MIN(refx-lbx, ubx-refx) / MAX(ubx-lbx, SCIPepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
147  	   interiorityy = MIN(refy-lby, uby-refy) / MAX(uby-lby, SCIPepsilon(scip)); /*lint !e666*/
148  	   interiority = 2.0*MIN(interiorityx, interiorityy);
150  	   return ubx - lbx >= MIN_ABSBOUNDSIZE && uby - lby >= MIN_ABSBOUNDSIZE && interiority >= MIN_INTERIORITY;
151  	}
153  	/** helper function to update the best relaxation for a bilinear term when using valid linear inequalities */
154  	static
155  	void updateBilinearRelaxation(
156  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
157  	   SCIP_VAR* RESTRICT    x,                  /**< first variable */
158  	   SCIP_VAR* RESTRICT    y,                  /**< second variable */
159  	   SCIP_Real             bilincoef,          /**< coefficient of the bilinear term */
160  	   SCIP_SIDETYPE         violside,           /**< side of quadratic constraint that is violated */
161  	   SCIP_Real             refx,               /**< reference point for the x variable */
162  	   SCIP_Real             refy,               /**< reference point for the y variable */
163  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   ineqs,              /**< coefficients of each linear inequality; stored as triple (xcoef,ycoef,constant) */
164  	   int                   nineqs,             /**< total number of inequalities */
165  	   SCIP_Real             mccormickval,       /**< value of the McCormick relaxation at the reference point */
166  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   bestcoefx,          /**< pointer to update the x coefficient */
167  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   bestcoefy,          /**< pointer to update the y coefficient */
168  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   bestconst,          /**< pointer to update the constant */
169  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   bestval,            /**< value of the best relaxation that have been found so far */
170  	   SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< buffer to store whether we found a better relaxation */
171  	   )
172  	{
173  	   SCIP_Real constshift[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
174  	   SCIP_Real constant;
175  	   SCIP_Real xcoef;
176  	   SCIP_Real ycoef;
177  	   SCIP_Real lbx;
178  	   SCIP_Real ubx;
179  	   SCIP_Real lby;
180  	   SCIP_Real uby;
181  	   SCIP_Bool update;
182  	   SCIP_Bool overestimate;
183  	   int i;
185  	   assert(x != y);
186  	   assert(!SCIPisZero(scip, bilincoef));
187  	   assert(nineqs >= 0 && nineqs <= 2);
188  	   assert(bestcoefx != NULL);
189  	   assert(bestcoefy != NULL);
190  	   assert(bestconst != NULL);
191  	   assert(bestval != NULL);
193  	   /* no inequalities available */
194  	   if( nineqs == 0 )
195  	      return;
196  	   assert(ineqs != NULL);
198  	   lbx = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x);
199  	   ubx = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x);
200  	   lby = SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y);
201  	   uby = SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y);
202  	   overestimate = (violside == SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT);
204  	   /* check cases for which we can't compute a tighter relaxation */
205  	   if( SCIPisFeasLE(scip, refx, lbx) || SCIPisFeasGE(scip, refx, ubx)
206  	      || SCIPisFeasLE(scip, refy, lby) || SCIPisFeasGE(scip, refy, uby) )
207  	      return;
209  	   /* due to the feasibility tolerances of the LP and NLP solver, it might possible that the reference point is
210  	    * violating the linear inequalities; to ensure that we compute a valid underestimate, we relax the linear
211  	    * inequality by changing its constant part
212  	    */
213  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
214  	   {
215  	      constshift[i] = MAX(0.0, ineqs[3*i] * refx - ineqs[3*i+1] * refy - ineqs[3*i+2]);
216  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "constant shift of inequality %d = %.16f\n", i, constshift[i]);
217  	   }
219  	   /* try to use both inequalities */
220  	   if( nineqs == 2 )
221  	   {
222  	      SCIPcomputeBilinEnvelope2(scip, bilincoef, lbx, ubx, refx, lby, uby, refy, overestimate, ineqs[0], ineqs[1],
223  	         ineqs[2] + constshift[0], ineqs[3], ineqs[4], ineqs[5] + constshift[1], &xcoef, &ycoef, &constant, &update);
225  	      if( update )
226  	      {
227  	         SCIP_Real val = xcoef * refx + ycoef * refy + constant;
228  	         SCIP_Real relimpr = 1.0 - (REALABS(val - bilincoef * refx * refy) + 1e-4) / (REALABS(*bestval - bilincoef * refx * refy) + 1e-4);
229  	         SCIP_Real absimpr = REALABS(val - (*bestval));
231  	         /* update relaxation if possible */
232  	         if( relimpr > 0.05 && absimpr > 1e-3 && ((overestimate && SCIPisRelLT(scip, val, *bestval))
233  	             || (!overestimate && SCIPisRelGT(scip, val, *bestval))) )
234  	         {
235  	            *bestcoefx = xcoef;
236  	            *bestcoefy = ycoef;
237  	            *bestconst = constant;
238  	            *bestval = val;
239  	            *success = TRUE;
240  	         }
241  	      }
242  	   }
244  	   /* use inequalities individually */
245  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
246  	   {
247  	      SCIPcomputeBilinEnvelope1(scip, bilincoef, lbx, ubx, refx, lby, uby, refy, overestimate, ineqs[3*i], ineqs[3*i+1],
248  	         ineqs[3*i+2] + constshift[i], &xcoef, &ycoef, &constant, &update);
250  	      if( update )
251  	      {
252  	         SCIP_Real val = xcoef * refx + ycoef * refy + constant;
253  	         SCIP_Real relimpr = 1.0 - (REALABS(val - bilincoef * refx * refy) + 1e-4)
254  	               / (REALABS(mccormickval - bilincoef * refx * refy) + 1e-4);
255  	         SCIP_Real absimpr = REALABS(val - (*bestval));
257  	         /* update relaxation if possible */
258  	         if( relimpr > 0.05 && absimpr > 1e-3 && ((overestimate && SCIPisRelLT(scip, val, *bestval))
259  	             || (!overestimate && SCIPisRelGT(scip, val, *bestval))) )
260  	         {
261  	            *bestcoefx = xcoef;
262  	            *bestcoefy = ycoef;
263  	            *bestconst = constant;
264  	            *bestval = val;
265  	            *success = TRUE;
266  	         }
267  	      }
268  	   }
269  	}
271  	/** helper function to determine whether a given point satisfy given inequalities */
272  	static
273  	SCIP_Bool isPointFeasible(
274  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
275  	   SCIP_Real             x,                  /**< x-coordinate */
276  	   SCIP_Real             y,                  /**< y-coordinate */
277  	   SCIP_Real             lbx,                /**< lower bound of x */
278  	   SCIP_Real             ubx,                /**< upper bound of x */
279  	   SCIP_Real             lby,                /**< lower bound of y */
280  	   SCIP_Real             uby,                /**< upper bound of y */
281  	   SCIP_Real*            ineqs,              /**< inequalities of the form coefx x <= coefy y + constant */
282  	   int                   nineqs              /**< total number of inequalities */
283  	   )
284  	{
285  	   int i;
287  	   assert(ineqs != NULL);
288  	   assert(nineqs > 0);
290  	   /* check whether point satisfies the bounds */
291  	   if( SCIPisLT(scip, x, lbx) || SCIPisGT(scip, x, ubx)
292  	      || SCIPisLT(scip, y, lby) || SCIPisGT(scip, y, uby) )
293  	      return FALSE;
295  	   /* check whether point satisfy the linear inequalities */
296  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
297  	   {
298  	      SCIP_Real coefx = ineqs[3*i];
299  	      SCIP_Real coefy = ineqs[3*i+1];
300  	      SCIP_Real constant = ineqs[3*i+2];
302  	      /* TODO check with an absolute comparison? */
303  	      if( SCIPisGT(scip, coefx*x - coefy*y - constant, 0.0) )
304  	         return FALSE;
305  	   }
307  	   return TRUE;
308  	}
310  	/** helper function for computing all vertices of the polytope described by the linear inequalities and the local
311  	 *  extrema of the bilinear term along each inequality
312  	 *
313  	 * @note there are at most 22 points where the min/max can be achieved (given that there are at most 4 inequalities)
314  	 *          - corners of [lbx,ubx]x[lby,uby] (4)
315  	 *          - two intersection points for each inequality with the box (8)
316  	 *          - global maximum / minimum on each inequality (4)
317  	 *          - intersection between two inequalities (6)
318  	 */
319  	static
320  	void getFeasiblePointsBilinear(
321  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
322  	   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr,           /**< constraint handler, if levelset == TRUE, otherwise can be NULL */
323  	   SCIP_EXPR*            expr,               /**< product expression */
324  	   SCIP_INTERVAL         exprbounds,         /**< bounds on product expression, only used if levelset == TRUE */
325  	   SCIP_Real*            underineqs,         /**< inequalities for underestimation */
326  	   int                   nunderineqs,        /**< total number of inequalities for underestimation */
327  	   SCIP_Real*            overineqs,          /**< inequalities for overestimation */
328  	   int                   noverineqs,         /**< total number of inequalities for overestimation */
329  	   SCIP_Bool             levelset,           /**< should the level set be considered? */
330  	   SCIP_Real*            xs,                 /**< array to store x-coordinates of computed points */
331  	   SCIP_Real*            ys,                 /**< array to store y-coordinates of computed points */
332  	   int*                  npoints             /**< buffer to store the total number of computed points */
333  	   )
334  	{
335  	   SCIP_EXPR* child1;
336  	   SCIP_EXPR* child2;
337  	   SCIP_Real ineqs[12];
338  	   SCIP_INTERVAL boundsx;
339  	   SCIP_INTERVAL boundsy;
340  	   SCIP_Real lbx;
341  	   SCIP_Real ubx;
342  	   SCIP_Real lby;
343  	   SCIP_Real uby;
344  	   int nineqs = 0;
345  	   int i;
347  	   assert(scip != NULL);
348  	   assert(conshdlr != NULL || !levelset);
349  	   assert(expr != NULL);
350  	   assert(xs != NULL);
351  	   assert(ys != NULL);
352  	   assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
353  	   assert(noverineqs + nunderineqs > 0);
354  	   assert(noverineqs + nunderineqs <= 4);
356  	   *npoints = 0;
358  	   /* collect inequalities */
359  	   for( i = 0; i < noverineqs; ++i )
360  	   {
361  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "over-inequality  %d: %g*x <= %g*y + %g\n", i, overineqs[3*i], overineqs[3*i+1], overineqs[3*i+2]);
362  	      ineqs[3*nineqs] = overineqs[3*i];
363  	      ineqs[3*nineqs+1] = overineqs[3*i+1];
364  	      ineqs[3*nineqs+2] = overineqs[3*i+2];
365  	      ++nineqs;
366  	   }
367  	   for( i = 0; i < nunderineqs; ++i )
368  	   {
369  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "under-inequality %d: %g*x <= %g*y + %g 0\n", i, underineqs[3*i], underineqs[3*i+1], underineqs[3*i+2]);
370  	      ineqs[3*nineqs] = underineqs[3*i];
371  	      ineqs[3*nineqs+1] = underineqs[3*i+1];
372  	      ineqs[3*nineqs+2] = underineqs[3*i+2];
373  	      ++nineqs;
374  	   }
375  	   assert(nineqs == noverineqs + nunderineqs);
377  	   /* collect children */
378  	   child1 = SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0];
379  	   child2 = SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1];
380  	   assert(child1 != NULL && child2 != NULL);
381  	   assert(child1 != child2);
383  	   /* collect bounds of children */
384  	   if( !levelset )
385  	   {
386  	      /* if called from inteval, then use activity */
387  	      boundsx = SCIPexprGetActivity(child1);
388  	      boundsy = SCIPexprGetActivity(child2);
389  	   }
390  	   else
391  	   {
392  	      /* if called from reverseprop, then use bounds */
393  	      boundsx = SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, child1);
394  	      boundsy = SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, child2);
396  	      /* if children bounds are empty, then returning with *npoints==0 is the way to go */
397  	      if( SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, boundsx)
398  	          || SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, boundsy) )
399  	         return;
400  	   }
401  	   lbx = boundsx.inf;
402  	   ubx = boundsx.sup;
403  	   lby = boundsy.inf;
404  	   uby = boundsy.sup;
405  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "x = [%g,%g], y=[%g,%g]\n", lbx, ubx, lby, uby);
407  	   /* corner points that satisfy all inequalities */
408  	   for( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
409  	   {
410  	      SCIP_Real cx = i < 2 ? lbx : ubx;
411  	      SCIP_Real cy = (i % 2) == 0 ? lby : uby;
413  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "corner point (%g,%g) feasible? %u\n", cx, cy, isPointFeasible(scip, cx, cy, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs));
415  	      if( isPointFeasible(scip, cx, cy, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
416  	      {
417  	         xs[*npoints] = cx;
418  	         ys[*npoints] = cy;
419  	         ++(*npoints);
420  	      }
421  	   }
423  	   /* intersection point of inequalities with [lbx,ubx] x [lby,uby] and extremum of xy on each inequality */
424  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
425  	   {
426  	      SCIP_Real coefx = ineqs[3*i];
427  	      SCIP_Real coefy = ineqs[3*i+1];
428  	      SCIP_Real constant = ineqs[3*i+2];
429  	      SCIP_Real px[5] = {lbx, ubx, (coefy*lby + constant)/coefx, (coefy*uby + constant)/coefx, 0.0};
430  	      SCIP_Real py[5] = {(coefx*lbx - constant)/coefy, (coefx*ubx - constant)/coefy, lby, uby, 0.0};
431  	      int j;
433  	      /* the last entry corresponds to the extremum of xy on the line */
434  	      py[4] = (-constant) / (2.0 * coefy);
435  	      px[4] = constant / (2.0 * coefx);
437  	      for( j = 0; j < 5; ++j )
438  	      {
439  	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "intersection point (%g,%g) feasible? %u\n", px[j], py[j], isPointFeasible(scip, px[j], py[j], lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs));
440  	         if( isPointFeasible(scip, px[j], py[j], lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
441  	         {
442  	            xs[*npoints] = px[j];
443  	            ys[*npoints] = py[j];
444  	            ++(*npoints);
445  	         }
446  	      }
447  	   }
449  	   /* intersection point between two inequalities */
450  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs - 1; ++i )
451  	   {
452  	      SCIP_Real coefx1 = ineqs[3*i];
453  	      SCIP_Real coefy1 = ineqs[3*i+1];
454  	      SCIP_Real constant1 = ineqs[3*i+2];
455  	      int j;
457  	      for( j = i + 1; j < nineqs; ++j )
458  	      {
459  	         SCIP_Real coefx2 = ineqs[3*j];
460  	         SCIP_Real coefy2 = ineqs[3*j+1];
461  	         SCIP_Real constant2 = ineqs[3*j+2];
462  	         SCIP_Real px;
463  	         SCIP_Real py;
465  	         /* no intersection point -> skip */
466  	         if( SCIPisZero(scip, coefx2*coefy1 - coefx1 * coefy2) )
467  	            continue;
469  	         py = (constant2 * coefx1 - constant1 * coefx2)/ (coefx2 * coefy1 - coefx1 * coefy2);
470  	         px = (coefy1 * py + constant1) / coefx1;
471  	         assert(SCIPisRelEQ(scip, px, (coefy2 * py + constant2) / coefx2));
473  	         if( isPointFeasible(scip, px, py, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
474  	         {
475  	            xs[*npoints] = px;
476  	            ys[*npoints] = py;
477  	            ++(*npoints);
478  	         }
479  	      }
480  	   }
482  	   assert(*npoints <= 22);
484  	   /* consider the intersection of the level set with
485  	    *
486  	    * 1. the boundary of the box
487  	    * 2. the linear inequalities
488  	    *
489  	    * this adds at most for 4 (level set curves) * 4 (inequalities) * 2 (intersection points) for all linear
490  	    * inequalities and 4 (level set curves) * 2 (intersection points) with the boundary of the box
491  	    */
492  	   if( !levelset )
493  	      return;
495  	   /* compute intersection of level sets with the boundary */
496  	   for( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
497  	   {
498  	      SCIP_Real vals[4] = {lbx, ubx, lby, uby};
499  	      SCIP_Real val;
500  	      int k;
502  	      /* fix auxiliary variable to its lower or upper bound and consider the coefficient of the product */
503  	      val = (i == 0) ? exprbounds.inf : exprbounds.sup;
504  	      val /= SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr);
506  	      for( k = 0; k < 4; ++k )
507  	      {
508  	         if( !SCIPisZero(scip, vals[k]) )
509  	         {
510  	            SCIP_Real res = val / vals[k];
512  	            assert(SCIPisRelGE(scip, SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr)*res*vals[k], exprbounds.inf));
513  	            assert(SCIPisRelLE(scip, SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr)*res*vals[k], exprbounds.sup));
515  	            /* fix x to lbx or ubx */
516  	            if( k < 2 && isPointFeasible(scip, vals[k], res, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
517  	            {
518  	               xs[*npoints] = vals[k];
519  	               ys[*npoints] = res;
520  	               ++(*npoints);
521  	            }
522  	            /* fix y to lby or uby */
523  	            else if( k >= 2 &&  isPointFeasible(scip, res, vals[k], lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
524  	            {
525  	               xs[*npoints] = res;
526  	               ys[*npoints] = vals[k];
527  	               ++(*npoints);
528  	            }
529  	         }
530  	      }
531  	   }
533  	   /* compute intersection points of level sets with the linear inequalities */
534  	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
535  	   {
536  	      SCIP_INTERVAL result;
537  	      SCIP_Real coefx = ineqs[3*i];
538  	      SCIP_Real coefy = ineqs[3*i+1];
539  	      SCIP_Real constant = ineqs[3*i+2];
540  	      SCIP_INTERVAL sqrcoef;
541  	      SCIP_INTERVAL lincoef;
542  	      SCIP_Real px;
543  	      SCIP_Real py;
544  	      int k;
546  	      /* solve system of coefx x = coefy y + constant and X = xy which is the same as computing the solutions of
547  	       *
548  	       *    (coefy / coefx) y^2 + (constant / coefx) y = inf(X) or sup(X)
549  	       */
550  	      SCIPintervalSet(&sqrcoef, coefy / coefx);
551  	      SCIPintervalSet(&lincoef, constant / coefx);
553  	      for( k = 0; k < 2; ++k )
554  	      {
555  	         SCIP_INTERVAL rhs;
556  	         SCIP_INTERVAL ybnds;
558  	         /* set right-hand side */
559  	         if( k == 0 )
560  	            SCIPintervalSet(&rhs, exprbounds.inf);
561  	         else
562  	            SCIPintervalSet(&rhs, exprbounds.sup);
564  	         SCIPintervalSetBounds(&ybnds, lby, uby);
565  	         SCIPintervalSolveUnivariateQuadExpression(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, &result, sqrcoef, lincoef, rhs, ybnds);
567  	         /* interval is empty -> no solution available */
568  	         if( SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, result) )
569  	            continue;
571  	         /* compute and check point */
572  	         py = SCIPintervalGetInf(result);
573  	         px = (coefy * py + constant) / coefx;
575  	         if( isPointFeasible(scip, px, py, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
576  	         {
577  	            xs[*npoints] = px;
578  	            ys[*npoints] = py;
579  	            ++(*npoints);
580  	         }
582  	         /* check for a second solution */
583  	         if( SCIPintervalGetInf(result) != SCIPintervalGetSup(result) ) /*lint !e777*/
584  	         {
585  	            py = SCIPintervalGetSup(result);
586  	            px = (coefy * py + constant) / coefx;
588  	            if( isPointFeasible(scip, px, py, lbx, ubx, lby, uby, ineqs, nineqs) )
589  	            {
590  	               xs[*npoints] = px;
591  	               ys[*npoints] = py;
592  	               ++(*npoints);
593  	            }
594  	         }
595  	      }
596  	   }
598  	   assert(*npoints <= 62);
599  	}
601  	/** computes interval for a bilinear term when using at least one inequality */
602  	static
603  	SCIP_INTERVAL intevalBilinear(
604  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
605  	   SCIP_EXPR*            expr,               /**< product expression */
606  	   SCIP_Real*            underineqs,         /**< inequalities for underestimation */
607  	   int                   nunderineqs,        /**< total number of inequalities for underestimation */
608  	   SCIP_Real*            overineqs,          /**< inequalities for overestimation */
609  	   int                   noverineqs          /**< total number of inequalities for overestimation */
610  	   )
611  	{
612  	   SCIP_INTERVAL interval = {0., 0.};
613  	   SCIP_Real xs[22];
614  	   SCIP_Real ys[22];
615  	   SCIP_Real inf;
616  	   SCIP_Real sup;
617  	   int npoints;
618  	   int i;
620  	   assert(scip != NULL);
621  	   assert(expr != NULL);
622  	   assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
623  	   assert(noverineqs + nunderineqs <= 4);
625  	   /* no inequalities available -> skip computation */
626  	   if( noverineqs == 0 && nunderineqs == 0 )
627  	   {
628  	      SCIPintervalSetEntire(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, &interval);
629  	      return interval;
630  	   }
632  	   /* x or y has empty interval -> empty */
633  	   if( SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0])) ||
634  	       SCIPintervalIsEmpty(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1])) )
635  	   {
636  	      SCIPintervalSetEmpty(&interval);
637  	      return interval;
638  	   }
640  	   /* compute all feasible points (since we use levelset == FALSE, the value of interval doesn't matter) */
641  	   getFeasiblePointsBilinear(scip, NULL, expr, interval, underineqs, nunderineqs, overineqs,
642  	         noverineqs, FALSE, xs, ys, &npoints);
644  	   /* no feasible point left -> return an empty interval */
645  	   if( npoints == 0 )
646  	   {
647  	      SCIPintervalSetEmpty(&interval);
648  	      return interval;
649  	   }
651  	   /* compute the minimum and maximum over all computed points */
652  	   inf = xs[0] * ys[0];
653  	   sup = inf;
654  	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "point 0: (%g,%g) -> inf = sup = %g\n", xs[0], ys[0], inf);
655  	   for( i = 1; i < npoints; ++i )
656  	   {
657  	      inf = MIN(inf, xs[i] * ys[i]);
658  	      sup = MAX(sup, xs[i] * ys[i]);
659  	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "point %d: (%g,%g) -> inf = %g, sup = %g\n", i, xs[i], ys[i], inf, sup);
660  	   }
661  	   assert(inf <= sup);
663  	   /* adjust infinite values */
664  	   inf = MAX(inf, -SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY);
665  	   sup = MIN(sup, SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY);
667  	   /* multiply resulting interval with coefficient of the product expression */
668  	   SCIPintervalSetBounds(&interval, inf, sup);
669  	   if( SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr) != 1.0 )
670  	      SCIPintervalMulScalar(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, &interval, interval, SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr));
672  	   return interval;
673  	}
675  	/** uses inequalities for bilinear terms to get stronger bounds during reverse propagation */
676  	static
677  	void reversePropBilinear(
678  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
679  	   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr,           /**< constraint handler */
680  	   SCIP_EXPR*            expr,               /**< product expression */
681  	   SCIP_INTERVAL         exprbounds,         /**< bounds on product expression */
682  	   SCIP_Real*            underineqs,         /**< inequalities for underestimation */
683  	   int                   nunderineqs,        /**< total number of inequalities for underestimation */
684  	   SCIP_Real*            overineqs,          /**< inequalities for overestimation */
685  	   int                   noverineqs,         /**< total number of inequalities for overestimation */
686  	   SCIP_INTERVAL*        intervalx,          /**< buffer to store the new interval for x */
687  	   SCIP_INTERVAL*        intervaly           /**< buffer to store the new interval for y */
688  	   )
689  	{
690  	   SCIP_Real xs[62];
691  	   SCIP_Real ys[62];
692  	   SCIP_Real exprinf;
693  	   SCIP_Real exprsup;
694  	   SCIP_Bool first = TRUE;
695  	   int npoints;
696  	   int i;
698  	   assert(scip != NULL);
699  	   assert(conshdlr != NULL);
700  	   assert(expr != NULL);
701  	   assert(intervalx != NULL);
702  	   assert(intervaly != NULL);
703  	   assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
705  	   assert(noverineqs + nunderineqs > 0);
707  	   /* set intervals to be empty */
708  	   SCIPintervalSetEmpty(intervalx);
709  	   SCIPintervalSetEmpty(intervaly);
711  	   /* compute feasible points */
712  	   getFeasiblePointsBilinear(scip, conshdlr, expr, exprbounds, underineqs, nunderineqs, overineqs,
713  	         noverineqs, TRUE, xs, ys, &npoints);
715  	   /* no feasible points left -> problem is infeasible */
716  	   if( npoints == 0 )
717  	      return;
719  	   /* get bounds of the product expression */
720  	   exprinf = exprbounds.inf;
721  	   exprsup = exprbounds.sup;
723  	   /* update intervals with the computed points */
724  	   for( i = 0; i < npoints; ++i )
725  	   {
726  	      SCIP_Real val = SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr) * xs[i] * ys[i];
728  	#ifndef NDEBUG
729  	      {
730  	         SCIP_Real lbx = SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0]).inf;
731  	         SCIP_Real ubx = SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0]).sup;
732  	         SCIP_Real lby = SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1]).inf;
733  	         SCIP_Real uby = SCIPexprGetActivity(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1]).sup;
735  	         assert(nunderineqs == 0 || isPointFeasible(scip, xs[i], ys[i], lbx, ubx, lby, uby, underineqs, nunderineqs));
736  	         assert(noverineqs == 0 || isPointFeasible(scip, xs[i], ys[i], lbx, ubx, lby, uby, overineqs, noverineqs));
737  	      }
738  	#endif
740  	      /* only accept points for which the value of x*y is in the interval of the product expression
741  	       *
742  	       * NOTE: in order to consider all relevant points, we are a bit conservative here and relax the interval of
743  	       *      the expression by SCIPfeastol()
744  	       */
745  	      if( SCIPisRelGE(scip, val, exprinf - SCIPfeastol(scip)) && SCIPisRelLE(scip, val, exprsup + SCIPfeastol(scip)) )
746  	      {
747  	         if( first )
748  	         {
749  	            SCIPintervalSet(intervalx, xs[i]);
750  	            SCIPintervalSet(intervaly, ys[i]);
751  	            first = FALSE;
752  	         }
753  	         else
754  	         {
755  	            (*intervalx).inf = MIN((*intervalx).inf, xs[i]);
756  	            (*intervalx).sup = MAX((*intervalx).sup, xs[i]);
757  	            (*intervaly).inf = MIN((*intervaly).inf, ys[i]);
758  	            (*intervaly).sup = MAX((*intervaly).sup, ys[i]);
759  	         }
761  	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "consider points (%g,%g)=%g for reverse propagation\n", xs[i], ys[i], val);
762  	      }
763  	   }
764  	}
766  	/** helper function to compute the convex envelope of a bilinear term when two linear inequalities are given; we
767  	 *  use the same notation and formulas as in Locatelli 2016
768  	 */
769  	static
770  	void computeBilinEnvelope2(
771  	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
772  	   SCIP_Real             x,                  /**< reference point for x */
773  	   SCIP_Real             y,                  /**< reference point for y */
774  	   SCIP_Real             mi,                 /**< coefficient of x in the first linear inequality */
775  	   SCIP_Real             qi,                 /**< constant in the first linear inequality */
776  	   SCIP_Real             mj,                 /**< coefficient of x in the second linear inequality */
777  	   SCIP_Real             qj,                 /**< constant in the second linear inequality */
778  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   xi,                 /**< buffer to store x coordinate of the first point */
779  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   yi,                 /**< buffer to store y coordinate of the first point */
780  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   xj,                 /**< buffer to store x coordinate of the second point */
781  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   yj,                 /**< buffer to store y coordinate of the second point */
782  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   xcoef,              /**< buffer to store the x coefficient of the envelope */
783  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   ycoef,              /**< buffer to store the y coefficient of the envelope */
784  	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   constant            /**< buffer to store the constant of the envelope */
785  	   )
786  	{
787  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(xiq);
788  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(yiq);
789  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(xjq);
790  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(yjq);
791  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(xcoefq);
792  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(ycoefq);
793  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(constantq);
794  	   SCIP_Real QUAD(tmpq);
796  	   assert(xi != NULL);
797  	   assert(yi != NULL);
798  	   assert(xj != NULL);
799  	   assert(yj != NULL);
800  	   assert(xcoef != NULL);
801  	   assert(ycoef != NULL);
802  	   assert(constant != NULL);
804  	   if( SCIPisEQ(scip, mi, mj) )
805  	   {
806  	      /* xi = (x + mi * y - qi) / (2.0*mi) */
807  	      SCIPquadprecProdDD(xiq, mi, y);
808  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xiq, xiq, x);
809  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xiq, xiq, -qi);
810  	      SCIPquadprecDivQD(xiq, xiq, 2.0 * mi);
811  	      assert(EPSEQ((x + mi * y - qi) / (2.0*mi), QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq), 1e-3));
813  	      /* yi = mi*(*xi) + qi */
814  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(yiq, xiq, mi);
815  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(yiq, yiq, qi);
816  	      assert(EPSEQ(mi*QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq) + qi, QUAD_TO_DBL(yiq), 1e-3));
818  	      /* xj = (*xi) + (qi - qj)/ (2.0*mi) */
819  	      SCIPquadprecSumDD(xjq, qi, -qj);
820  	      SCIPquadprecDivQD(xjq, xjq, 2.0 * mi);
821  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(xjq, xjq, xiq);
822  	      assert(EPSEQ(QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq) + (qi - qj)/ (2.0*mi), QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq), 1e-3));
824  	      /* yj = mj * (*xj) + qj */
825  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(yjq, xjq, mj);
826  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(yjq, yjq, qj);
827  	      assert(EPSEQ(mj * QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) + qj, QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq), 1e-3));
829  	      /* ycoef = (*xi) + (qi - qj) / (4.0*mi) note that this is wrong in Locatelli 2016 */
830  	      SCIPquadprecSumDD(ycoefq, qi, -qj);
831  	      SCIPquadprecDivQD(ycoefq, ycoefq, 4.0 * mi);
832  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(ycoefq, ycoefq, xiq);
833  	      assert(EPSEQ(QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq) + (qi - qj) / (4.0*mi), QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq), 1e-3));
835  	      /* xcoef = 2.0*mi*(*xi) - mi * (*ycoef) + qi */
836  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(xcoefq, xiq, 2.0 * mi);
837  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, ycoefq, -mi);
838  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(xcoefq, xcoefq, tmpq);
839  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xcoefq, xcoefq, qi);
840  	      assert(EPSEQ(2.0*mi*QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq) - mi * QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq) + qi, QUAD_TO_DBL(xcoefq), 1e-3));
842  	      /* constant = -mj*SQR(*xj) - (*ycoef) * qj */
843  	      SCIPquadprecSquareQ(constantq, xjq);
844  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(constantq, constantq, -mj);
845  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, ycoefq, -qj);
846  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(constantq, constantq, tmpq);
847  	      /* assert(EPSEQ(-mj*SQR(QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq)) - QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq) * qj, QUAD_TO_DBL(constantq), 1e-3)); */
849  	      *xi = QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq);
850  	      *yi = QUAD_TO_DBL(yiq);
851  	      *xj = QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq);
852  	      *yj = QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq);
853  	      *ycoef = QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq);
854  	      *xcoef = QUAD_TO_DBL(xcoefq);
855  	      *constant = QUAD_TO_DBL(constantq);
856  	   }
857  	   else if( mi > 0.0 )
858  	   {
859  	      assert(mj > 0.0);
861  	      /* xi = (y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qi) / (REALABS(mi) + SQRT(mi*mj)) */
862  	      SCIPquadprecProdDD(xiq, mi, mj);
863  	      SCIPquadprecSqrtQ(xiq, xiq);
864  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(xiq, xiq, x);
865  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xiq, xiq, y);
866  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xiq, xiq, -qi); /* (y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qi) */
867  	      SCIPquadprecProdDD(tmpq, mi, mj);
868  	      SCIPquadprecSqrtQ(tmpq, tmpq);
869  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(tmpq, tmpq, REALABS(mi)); /* REALABS(mi) + SQRT(mi*mj) */
870  	      SCIPquadprecDivQQ(xiq, xiq, tmpq);
871  	      assert(EPSEQ((y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qi) / (REALABS(mi) + SQRT(mi*mj)), QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq), 1e-3));
873  	      /* yi = mi*(*xi) + qi */
874  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(yiq, xiq, mi);
875  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(yiq, yiq, qi);
876  	      assert(EPSEQ(mi*(QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq)) + qi, QUAD_TO_DBL(yiq), 1e-3));
878  	      /* xj = (y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qj) / (REALABS(mj) + SQRT(mi*mj)) */
879  	      SCIPquadprecProdDD(xjq, mi, mj);
880  	      SCIPquadprecSqrtQ(xjq, xjq);
881  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(xjq, xjq, x);
882  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xjq, xjq, y);
883  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xjq, xjq, -qj); /* (y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qj) */
884  	      SCIPquadprecProdDD(tmpq, mi, mj);
885  	      SCIPquadprecSqrtQ(tmpq, tmpq);
886  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(tmpq, tmpq, REALABS(mj)); /* REALABS(mj) + SQRT(mi*mj) */
887  	      SCIPquadprecDivQQ(xjq, xjq, tmpq);
888  	      assert(EPSEQ((y + SQRT(mi*mj)*x - qj) / (REALABS(mj) + SQRT(mi*mj)), QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq), 1e-3));
890  	      /* yj = mj*(*xj) + qj */
891  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(yjq, xjq, mj);
892  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(yjq, yjq, qj);
893  	      assert(EPSEQ(mj*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) + qj, QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq), 1e-3));
895  	      /* ycoef = (2.0*mj*(*xj) + qj - 2.0*mi*(*xi) - qi) / (mj - mi) */
896  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(ycoefq, xjq, 2.0 * mj);
897  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(ycoefq, ycoefq, qj);
898  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, xiq, -2.0 * mi);
899  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(ycoefq, ycoefq, tmpq);
900  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(ycoefq, ycoefq, -qi);
901  	      SCIPquadprecSumDD(tmpq, mj, -mi);
902  	      SCIPquadprecDivQQ(ycoefq, ycoefq, tmpq);
903  	      assert(EPSEQ((2.0*mj*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) + qj - 2.0*mi*QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq) - qi) / (mj - mi), QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq), 1e-3));
905  	      /* xcoef = 2.0*mj*(*xj) + qj - mj*(*ycoef) */
906  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(xcoefq, xjq, 2.0 * mj);
907  	      SCIPquadprecSumQD(xcoefq, xcoefq, qj);
908  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, ycoefq, -mj);
909  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(xcoefq, xcoefq, tmpq);
910  	      assert(EPSEQ(2.0*mj*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) + qj - mj*QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq), QUAD_TO_DBL(xcoefq), 1e-3));
912  	      /* constant = -mj*SQR(*xj) - (*ycoef) * qj */
913  	      SCIPquadprecSquareQ(constantq, xjq);
914  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(constantq, constantq, -mj);
915  	      SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, ycoefq, -qj);
916  	      SCIPquadprecSumQQ(constantq, constantq, tmpq);
917  	      /* assert(EPSEQ(-mj*SQR(QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq)) - QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq) * qj, QUAD_TO_DBL(constantq), 1e-3)); */
919  	      *xi = QUAD_TO_DBL(xiq);
920  	      *yi = QUAD_TO_DBL(yiq);
921  	      *xj = QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq);
922  	      *yj = QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq);
923  	      *ycoef = QUAD_TO_DBL(ycoefq);
924  	      *xcoef = QUAD_TO_DBL(xcoefq);
925  	      *constant = QUAD_TO_DBL(constantq);
926  	   }
927  	   else
928  	   {
929  	      assert(mi < 0.0 && mj < 0.0);
931  	      /* apply variable transformation x = -x in case for overestimation */
932  	      computeBilinEnvelope2(scip, -x, y, -mi, qi, -mj, qj, xi, yi, xj, yj, xcoef, ycoef, constant);
934  	      /* revert transformation; multiply cut by -1 and change -x by x */
935  	      *xi = -(*xi);
936  	      *xj = -(*xj);
937  	      *ycoef = -(*ycoef);
938  	      *constant = -(*constant);
939  	   }
940  	}
942  	/** output method of statistics table to output file stream 'file' */
943  	static
944  	SCIP_DECL_TABLEOUTPUT(tableOutputBilinear)
945  	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
946  	   SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr;
947  	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
948  	   SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr;
949  	   SCIP_HASHMAP* hashmap;
950  	   SCIP_EXPRITER* it;
951  	   int resfound = 0;
952  	   int restotal = 0;
953  	   int c;
955  	   conshdlr = SCIPfindConshdlr(scip, "nonlinear");
956  	   assert(conshdlr != NULL);
957  	   nlhdlr = SCIPfindNlhdlrNonlinear(conshdlr, NLHDLR_NAME);
958  	   assert(nlhdlr != NULL);
959  	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
960  	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
962  	   /* allocate memory */
963  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&hashmap, SCIPblkmem(scip), nlhdlrdata->nexprs) );
964  	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateExpriter(scip, &it) );
966  	   for( c = 0; c < nlhdlrdata->nexprs; ++c )
967  	   {
968  	      assert(!SCIPhashmapExists(hashmap, nlhdlrdata->exprs[c]));
969  	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsertInt(hashmap, nlhdlrdata->exprs[c], 0) );
970  	   }
972  	   /* count in how many constraints each expression is contained */
973  	   for( c = 0; c < SCIPconshdlrGetNConss(conshdlr); ++c )
974  	   {
975  	      SCIP_CONS* cons = SCIPconshdlrGetConss(conshdlr)[c];
976  	      SCIP_EXPR* expr;
978  	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPexpriterInit(it, SCIPgetExprNonlinear(cons), SCIP_EXPRITER_DFS, FALSE) );
980  	      for( expr = SCIPexpriterGetCurrent(it); !SCIPexpriterIsEnd(it); expr = SCIPexpriterGetNext(it) ) /*lint !e441*//*lint !e440*/
981  	      {
982  	         if( SCIPhashmapExists(hashmap, expr) )
983  	         {
984  	            int nuses = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(hashmap, expr);
985  	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapSetImageInt(hashmap, expr, nuses + 1) );
986  	         }
987  	      }
988  	   }
990  	   /* compute success ratio */
991  	   for( c = 0; c < nlhdlrdata->nexprs; ++c )
992  	   {
993  	      SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata;
994  	      int nuses;
996  	      nuses = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(hashmap, nlhdlrdata->exprs[c]);
997  	      assert(nuses > 0);
999  	      nlhdlrexprdata = SCIPgetNlhdlrExprDataNonlinear(nlhdlr, nlhdlrdata->exprs[c]);
1000 	      assert(nlhdlrexprdata != NULL);
1002 	      if( nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs > 0 || nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs > 0 )
1003 	         resfound += nuses;
1004 	      restotal += nuses;
1005 	   }
1007 	   /* print statistics */
1008 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "Bilinear Nlhdlr    : %10s %10s\n", "#found", "#total");
1009 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "  %-17s:", "");
1010 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " %10d", resfound);
1011 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, " %10d", restotal);
1012 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "\n");
1014 	   /* free memory */
1015 	   SCIPfreeExpriter(&it);
1016 	   SCIPhashmapFree(&hashmap);
1018 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1019 	}
1022 	/*
1023 	 * Callback methods of nonlinear handler
1024 	 */
1026 	/** nonlinear handler copy callback */
1027 	static
1028 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRCOPYHDLR(nlhdlrCopyhdlrBilinear)
1029 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1030 	   assert(targetscip != NULL);
1031 	   assert(sourcenlhdlr != NULL);
1032 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPnlhdlrGetName(sourcenlhdlr), NLHDLR_NAME) == 0);
1034 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeNlhdlrBilinear(targetscip) );
1036 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1037 	}
1039 	/** callback to free data of handler */
1040 	static
1041 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRFREEHDLRDATA(nlhdlrFreehdlrdataBilinear)
1042 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1043 	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
1044 	   assert((*nlhdlrdata)->nexprs == 0);
1046 	   if( (*nlhdlrdata)->exprmap != NULL )
1047 	   {
1048 	      assert(SCIPhashmapGetNElements((*nlhdlrdata)->exprmap) == 0);
1049 	      SCIPhashmapFree(&(*nlhdlrdata)->exprmap);
1050 	   }
1052 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, &(*nlhdlrdata)->exprs, (*nlhdlrdata)->exprsize);
1053 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, nlhdlrdata);
1055 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1056 	}
1058 	/** callback to free expression specific data */
1059 	static
1060 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRFREEEXPRDATA(nlhdlrFreeExprDataBilinear)
1061 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
1062 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1063 	   int pos;
1065 	   assert(expr != NULL);
1067 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1068 	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
1069 	   assert(nlhdlrdata->nexprs > 0);
1070 	   assert(nlhdlrdata->exprs != NULL);
1071 	   assert(nlhdlrdata->exprmap != NULL);
1072 	   assert(SCIPhashmapExists(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)expr));
1074 	   pos = SCIPhashmapGetImageInt(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)expr);
1075 	   assert(pos >= 0 && pos < nlhdlrdata->nexprs);
1076 	   assert(nlhdlrdata->exprs[pos] == expr);
1078 	   /* move the last expression to the free position */
1079 	   if( nlhdlrdata->nexprs > 0 && pos != nlhdlrdata->nexprs - 1 )
1080 	   {
1081 	      SCIP_EXPR* lastexpr = nlhdlrdata->exprs[nlhdlrdata->nexprs - 1];
1082 	      assert(expr != lastexpr);
1083 	      assert(SCIPhashmapExists(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)lastexpr));
1085 	      nlhdlrdata->exprs[pos] = lastexpr;
1086 	      nlhdlrdata->exprs[nlhdlrdata->nexprs - 1] = NULL;
1087 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapSetImageInt(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)lastexpr, pos) );
1088 	   }
1090 	   /* remove expression from the nonlinear handler data */
1091 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapRemove(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)expr) );
1092 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &expr) );
1093 	   --nlhdlrdata->nexprs;
1095 	   /* free nonlinear handler expression data */
1096 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryNull(scip, nlhdlrexprdata);
1098 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1099 	}
1101 	/** callback to be called in initialization */
1102 	#define nlhdlrInitBilinear NULL
1104 	/** callback to be called in deinitialization */
1105 	static
1106 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLREXIT(nlhdlrExitBilinear)
1107 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
1108 	   assert(SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr) != NULL);
1109 	   assert(SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr)->nexprs == 0);
1111 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1112 	}
1114 	/** callback to detect structure in expression tree */
1115 	static
1116 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRDETECT(nlhdlrDetectBilinear)
1117 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1118 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1120 	   assert(expr != NULL);
1121 	   assert(participating != NULL);
1123 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1124 	   assert(nlhdlrdata);
1126 	   /* only during solving will we have the extra inequalities that we rely on so much here */
1127 	   if( SCIPgetStage(scip) < SCIP_STAGE_INITSOLVE )
1128 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1130 	   /* check for product expressions with two children */
1131 	   if( SCIPisExprProduct(scip, expr) && SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2
1132 	      && (nlhdlrdata->exprmap == NULL || !SCIPhashmapExists(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)expr)) )
1133 	   {
1134 	      SCIP_EXPR** children;
1135 	      SCIP_Bool valid;
1136 	      int c;
1138 	      children = SCIPexprGetChildren(expr);
1139 	      assert(children != NULL);
1141 	      /* detection is only successful if both children will have auxiliary variable or are variables
1142 	       * that are not binary variables */
1143 	      valid = TRUE;
1144 	      for( c = 0; c < 2; ++c )
1145 	      {
1146 	         assert(children[c] != NULL);
1147 	         if( SCIPgetExprNAuxvarUsesNonlinear(children[c]) == 0 &&
1148 	            (!SCIPisExprVar(scip, children[c]) || SCIPvarIsBinary(SCIPgetVarExprVar(children[c]))) )
1149 	         {
1150 	            valid = FALSE;
1151 	            break;
1152 	         }
1153 	      }
1155 	      if( valid )
1156 	      {
1157 	         /* create expression data for the nonlinear handler */
1158 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocClearBlockMemory(scip, nlhdlrexprdata) );
1159 	         (*nlhdlrexprdata)->lastnodeid = -1;
1161 	         /* ensure that there is enough memory to store the detected expression */
1162 	         if( nlhdlrdata->exprsize < nlhdlrdata->nexprs + 1 )
1163 	         {
1164 	            int newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, nlhdlrdata->nexprs + 1);
1165 	            assert(newsize > nlhdlrdata->exprsize);
1167 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &nlhdlrdata->exprs, nlhdlrdata->exprsize, newsize) );
1168 	            nlhdlrdata->exprsize = newsize;
1169 	         }
1171 	         /* create expression map, if not done so far */
1172 	         if( nlhdlrdata->exprmap == NULL )
1173 	         {
1174 	            SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&nlhdlrdata->exprmap, SCIPblkmem(scip), SCIPgetNVars(scip)) );
1175 	         }
1177 	#ifndef NDEBUG
1178 	         {
1179 	            int i;
1181 	            for( i = 0; i < nlhdlrdata->nexprs; ++i )
1182 	               assert(nlhdlrdata->exprs[i] != expr);
1183 	         }
1184 	#endif
1186 	         /* add expression to nlhdlrdata and capture it */
1187 	         nlhdlrdata->exprs[nlhdlrdata->nexprs] = expr;
1188 	         SCIPcaptureExpr(expr);
1189 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsertInt(nlhdlrdata->exprmap, (void*)expr, nlhdlrdata->nexprs) );
1190 	         ++nlhdlrdata->nexprs;
1192 	         /* tell children that we will use their auxvar and use its activity for both estimate and domain propagation */
1193 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPregisterExprUsageNonlinear(scip, children[0], TRUE, nlhdlrdata->useinteval
1194 	               || nlhdlrdata->usereverseprop, TRUE, TRUE) );
1195 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPregisterExprUsageNonlinear(scip, children[1], TRUE, nlhdlrdata->useinteval
1196 	               || nlhdlrdata->usereverseprop, TRUE, TRUE) );
1197 	      }
1198 	   }
1200 	   if( *nlhdlrexprdata != NULL )
1201 	   {
1202 	      /* we want to join separation and domain propagation, if not disabled by parameter */
1203 	      *participating = SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_SEPABOTH;
1204 	      if( nlhdlrdata->useinteval || nlhdlrdata->usereverseprop )
1205 	         *participating |= SCIP_NLHDLR_METHOD_ACTIVITY;
1206 	   }
1208 	#ifdef SCIP_DEBUG
1209 	   if( *participating )
1210 	   {
1211 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "detected expr ");
1212 	      SCIPprintExpr(scip, expr, NULL);
1213 	      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, NULL, " participating: %d\n", *participating);
1214 	   }
1215 	#endif
1217 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1218 	}
1220 	/** auxiliary evaluation callback of nonlinear handler */
1221 	static
1222 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLREVALAUX(nlhdlrEvalauxBilinear)
1223 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1224 	   SCIP_VAR* var1;
1225 	   SCIP_VAR* var2;
1226 	   SCIP_Real coef;
1228 	   assert(SCIPisExprProduct(scip, expr));
1229 	   assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
1231 	   var1 = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0]);
1232 	   assert(var1 != NULL);
1233 	   var2 = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1]);
1234 	   assert(var2 != NULL);
1235 	   coef = SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr);
1237 	   *auxvalue = coef * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var1) * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, var2);
1239 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1240 	}
1242 	/** separation initialization method of a nonlinear handler (called during CONSINITLP) */
1243 	#define nlhdlrInitSepaBilinear NULL
1245 	/** separation deinitialization method of a nonlinear handler (called during CONSEXITSOL) */
1246 	#define nlhdlrExitSepaBilinear NULL
1248 	/** nonlinear handler separation callback */
1249 	#define nlhdlrEnfoBilinear NULL
1251 	/** nonlinear handler under/overestimation callback */
1252 	static
1253 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRESTIMATE(nlhdlrEstimateBilinear)
1254 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1255 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1256 	   SCIP_VAR* x;
1257 	   SCIP_VAR* y;
1258 	   SCIP_VAR* auxvar;
1259 	   SCIP_Real lincoefx = 0.0;
1260 	   SCIP_Real lincoefy = 0.0;
1261 	   SCIP_Real linconstant = 0.0;
1262 	   SCIP_Real refpointx;
1263 	   SCIP_Real refpointy;
1264 	   SCIP_Real violation;
1265 	   SCIP_Longint nodeid;
1266 	   SCIP_Bool mccsuccess = TRUE;
1267 	   SCIP_ROWPREP* rowprep;
1269 	   assert(rowpreps != NULL);
1271 	   *success = FALSE;
1272 	   *addedbranchscores = FALSE;
1274 	   /* check whether an inequality is available */
1275 	   if( nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs == 0 && nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs == 0 )
1276 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1278 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1279 	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
1281 	   nodeid = SCIPnodeGetNumber(SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip));
1283 	   /* update last node */
1284 	   if( nlhdlrexprdata->lastnodeid != nodeid )
1285 	   {
1286 	      nlhdlrexprdata->lastnodeid = nodeid;
1287 	      nlhdlrexprdata->nseparoundslastnode = 0;
1288 	   }
1290 	   /* update separation round */
1291 	   ++nlhdlrexprdata->nseparoundslastnode;
1293 	   /* check working limits */
1294 	   if( (SCIPgetDepth(scip) == 0 && nlhdlrexprdata->nseparoundslastnode > nlhdlrdata->maxseparoundsroot)
1295 	         || (SCIPgetDepth(scip) > 0 && nlhdlrexprdata->nseparoundslastnode > nlhdlrdata->maxseparounds)
1296 	         || SCIPgetDepth(scip) > nlhdlrdata->maxsepadepth )
1297 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1299 	   /* collect variables */
1300 	   x = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0]);
1301 	   assert(x != NULL);
1302 	   y = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1]);
1303 	   assert(y != NULL);
1304 	   auxvar = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(expr);
1305 	   assert(auxvar != NULL);
1307 	   /* get and adjust the reference points */
1308 	   refpointx = MIN(MAX(SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, x), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x)),SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x)); /*lint !e666*/
1309 	   refpointy = MIN(MAX(SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, y), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y)),SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y)); /*lint !e666*/
1310 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, refpointx, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x)) && SCIPisGE(scip, refpointx, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x)));
1311 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, refpointy, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y)) && SCIPisGE(scip, refpointy, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y)));
1313 	   /* use McCormick inequalities to decide whether we want to separate or not */
1314 	   SCIPaddBilinMcCormick(scip, SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(x), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(x), refpointx,
1315 	         SCIPvarGetLbLocal(y), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(y), refpointy, overestimate, &lincoefx, &lincoefy, &linconstant,
1316 	         &mccsuccess);
1318 	   /* too large values in McCormick inequalities -> skip */
1319 	   if( !mccsuccess )
1320 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1322 	   /* compute violation for the McCormick relaxation */
1323 	   violation = lincoefx * refpointx + lincoefy * refpointy + linconstant - SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, auxvar);
1324 	   if( overestimate )
1325 	      violation = -violation;
1327 	   /* only use a tighter relaxations if McCormick does not separate the reference point */
1328 	   if( SCIPisFeasLE(scip, violation, 0.0) && useBilinIneqs(scip, x, y, refpointx, refpointy) )
1329 	   {
1330 	      SCIP_Bool useoverestineq = SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr) > 0.0 ? overestimate : !overestimate;
1331 	      SCIP_Real mccormickval = lincoefx * refpointx + lincoefy * refpointy + linconstant;
1332 	      SCIP_Real* ineqs;
1333 	      SCIP_Real bestval;
1334 	      int nineqs;
1336 	      /* McCormick relaxation is too weak */
1337 	      bestval = mccormickval;
1339 	      /* get the inequalities that might lead to a tighter relaxation */
1340 	      if( useoverestineq )
1341 	      {
1342 	         ineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->overineqs;
1343 	         nineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs;
1344 	      }
1345 	      else
1346 	      {
1347 	         ineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->underineqs;
1348 	         nineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs;
1349 	      }
1351 	      /* use linear inequalities to update relaxation */
1352 	      updateBilinearRelaxation(scip, x, y, SCIPgetCoefExprProduct(expr),
1353 	         overestimate ? SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT : SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT,
1354 	         refpointx, refpointy, ineqs, nineqs, mccormickval,
1355 	         &lincoefx, &lincoefy, &linconstant, &bestval,
1356 	         success);
1358 	#ifndef NDEBUG
1359 	      /* check whether cut is really valid */
1360 	      if( *success )
1361 	      {
1362 	         assert(!overestimate || SCIPisLE(scip, bestval, mccormickval));
1363 	         assert(overestimate || SCIPisGE(scip, bestval, mccormickval));
1364 	      }
1365 	#endif
1366 	   }
1368 	   if( *success )
1369 	   {
1370 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateRowprep(scip, &rowprep, overestimate ? SCIP_SIDETYPE_LEFT : SCIP_SIDETYPE_RIGHT, TRUE) );
1371 	      SCIProwprepAddConstant(rowprep, linconstant);
1372 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPensureRowprepSize(scip, rowprep, 2) );
1373 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRowprepTerm(scip, rowprep, x, lincoefx) );
1374 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddRowprepTerm(scip, rowprep, y, lincoefy) );
1375 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetPtrarrayVal(scip, rowpreps, 0, rowprep) );
1376 	   }
1378 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1379 	}
1381 	/** nonlinear handler interval evaluation callback */
1382 	static
1383 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRINTEVAL(nlhdlrIntevalBilinear)
1384 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1385 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1386 	   assert(nlhdlrexprdata != NULL);
1388 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1389 	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
1391 	   if( nlhdlrdata->useinteval && nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs + nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs > 0 )
1392 	   {
1393 	      SCIP_INTERVAL tmp = intevalBilinear(scip, expr, nlhdlrexprdata->underineqs, nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs,
1394 	         nlhdlrexprdata->overineqs, nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs);
1396 	      /* intersect intervals if we have learned a tighter interval */
1397 	      if( SCIPisGT(scip, tmp.inf, (*interval).inf) || SCIPisLT(scip, tmp.sup, (*interval).sup) )
1398 	         SCIPintervalIntersect(interval, *interval, tmp);
1399 	   }
1401 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1402 	}
1404 	/** nonlinear handler callback for reverse propagation */
1405 	static
1406 	SCIP_DECL_NLHDLRREVERSEPROP(nlhdlrReversepropBilinear)
1407 	{ /*lint --e{715}*/
1408 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1410 	   assert(nlhdlrexprdata != NULL);
1412 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1413 	   assert(nlhdlrdata != NULL);
1415 	   if( nlhdlrdata->usereverseprop && nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs + nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs > 0 )
1416 	   {
1417 	      SCIP_EXPR* childx;
1418 	      SCIP_EXPR* childy;
1419 	      SCIP_INTERVAL intervalx;
1420 	      SCIP_INTERVAL intervaly;
1422 	      assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
1423 	      childx = SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0];
1424 	      childy = SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1];
1425 	      assert(childx != NULL && childy != NULL);
1427 	      SCIPintervalSetEntire(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, &intervalx);
1428 	      SCIPintervalSetEntire(SCIP_INTERVAL_INFINITY, &intervaly);
1430 	      /* compute bounds on x and y */
1431 	      reversePropBilinear(scip, conshdlr, expr, bounds, nlhdlrexprdata->underineqs, nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs,
1432 	         nlhdlrexprdata->overineqs, nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs, &intervalx, &intervaly);
1434 	      /* tighten bounds of x */
1435 	      SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "try to tighten bounds of x: [%g,%g] -> [%g,%g]\n",
1436 	         SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, childx).inf, SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, childx).sup,
1437 	         intervalx.inf, intervalx.sup);
1439 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenExprIntervalNonlinear(scip, SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0], intervalx, infeasible,
1440 	         nreductions) );
1442 	      if( !(*infeasible) )
1443 	      {
1444 	         /* tighten bounds of y */
1445 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "try to tighten bounds of y: [%g,%g] -> [%g,%g]\n",
1446 	            SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, childy).inf, SCIPgetExprBoundsNonlinear(scip, childy).sup,
1447 	            intervaly.inf, intervaly.sup);
1448 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenExprIntervalNonlinear(scip, SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1], intervaly,
1449 	            infeasible, nreductions) );
1450 	      }
1451 	   }
1453 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1454 	}
1456 	/*
1457 	 * nonlinear handler specific interface methods
1458 	 */
1460 	/** includes bilinear nonlinear handler in nonlinear constraint handler */
1461 	SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeNlhdlrBilinear(
1462 	   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1463 	   )
1464 	{
1465 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1466 	   SCIP_NLHDLR* nlhdlr;
1468 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1470 	   /**! [SnippetIncludeNlhdlrBilinear] */
1471 	   /* create nonlinear handler specific data */
(1) Event cond_false: Condition "(nlhdlrdata = BMSallocBlockMemory_call(SCIPblkmem(scip), 48UL /* sizeof (*nlhdlrdata) */, "/sapmnt/home1/d029903/my_work/SCIPSoPlex_coverity/scipoptsuite-8.0.1/scip/src/scip/nlhdlr_bilinear.c", 1472)) == NULL", taking false branch.
(2) Event cond_false: Condition "(_restat_ = (((nlhdlrdata = BMSallocBlockMemory_call(SCIPblkmem(scip), 48UL /* sizeof (*nlhdlrdata) */, "/sapmnt/home1/d029903/my_work/SCIPSoPlex_coverity/scipoptsuite-8.0.1/scip/src/scip/nlhdlr_bilinear.c", 1472)) == NULL) ? SCIP_NOMEMORY : SCIP_OKAY)) != SCIP_OKAY", taking false branch.
(3) Event if_end: End of if statement.
1472 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &nlhdlrdata) );
1473 	   BMSclearMemory(nlhdlrdata);
(4) Event alloc_arg: "SCIPincludeNlhdlrNonlinear" allocates memory that is stored into "nlhdlr". [details]
(5) Event cond_true: Condition "(_restat_ = SCIPincludeNlhdlrNonlinear(scip, &nlhdlr, "bilinear", "bilinear handler for expressions", -10, -10, nlhdlrDetectBilinear, nlhdlrEvalauxBilinear, nlhdlrdata)) != SCIP_OKAY", taking true branch.
(6) Event leaked_storage: Variable "nlhdlr" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
1475 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeNlhdlrNonlinear(scip, &nlhdlr, NLHDLR_NAME, NLHDLR_DESC, NLHDLR_DETECTPRIORITY,
1476 	      NLHDLR_ENFOPRIORITY, nlhdlrDetectBilinear, nlhdlrEvalauxBilinear, nlhdlrdata) );
1477 	   assert(nlhdlr != NULL);
1479 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetCopyHdlr(nlhdlr, nlhdlrCopyhdlrBilinear);
1480 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetFreeHdlrData(nlhdlr, nlhdlrFreehdlrdataBilinear);
1481 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetFreeExprData(nlhdlr, nlhdlrFreeExprDataBilinear);
1482 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetInitExit(nlhdlr, nlhdlrInitBilinear, nlhdlrExitBilinear);
1483 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetSepa(nlhdlr, nlhdlrInitSepaBilinear, nlhdlrEnfoBilinear, nlhdlrEstimateBilinear, nlhdlrExitSepaBilinear);
1484 	   SCIPnlhdlrSetProp(nlhdlr, nlhdlrIntevalBilinear, nlhdlrReversepropBilinear);
1486 	   /* parameters */
1487 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip, "nlhdlr/" NLHDLR_NAME "/useinteval",
1488 	         "whether to use the interval evaluation callback of the nlhdlr",
1489 	         &nlhdlrdata->useinteval, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL) );
1491 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip, "nlhdlr/" NLHDLR_NAME "/usereverseprop",
1492 	         "whether to use the reverse propagation callback of the nlhdlr",
1493 	         &nlhdlrdata->usereverseprop, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL) );
1495 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "nlhdlr/" NLHDLR_NAME "/maxseparoundsroot",
1496 	         "maximum number of separation rounds in the root node",
1497 	         &nlhdlrdata->maxseparoundsroot, FALSE, 10, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
1499 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "nlhdlr/" NLHDLR_NAME "/maxseparounds",
1500 	         "maximum number of separation rounds in a local node",
1501 	         &nlhdlrdata->maxseparounds, FALSE, 1, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
1503 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip, "nlhdlr/" NLHDLR_NAME "/maxsepadepth",
1504 	         "maximum depth to apply separation",
1505 	         &nlhdlrdata->maxsepadepth, FALSE, INT_MAX, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
1507 	   /* statistic table */
1508 	   assert(SCIPfindTable(scip, TABLE_NAME_BILINEAR) == NULL);
1510 	         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, tableOutputBilinear,
1512 	   /**! [SnippetIncludeNlhdlrBilinear] */
1514 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1515 	}
1517 	/** returns an array of expressions that have been detected by the bilinear nonlinear handler */
1518 	SCIP_EXPR** SCIPgetExprsBilinear(
1519 	   SCIP_NLHDLR*          nlhdlr              /**< nonlinear handler */
1520 	   )
1521 	{
1522 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1524 	   assert(nlhdlr != NULL);
1525 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPnlhdlrGetName(nlhdlr), NLHDLR_NAME) == 0);
1527 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1528 	   assert(nlhdlrdata);
1530 	   return nlhdlrdata->exprs;
1531 	}
1533 	/** returns the total number of expressions that have been detected by the bilinear nonlinear handler */
1534 	int SCIPgetNExprsBilinear(
1535 	   SCIP_NLHDLR*          nlhdlr              /**< nonlinear handler */
1536 	   )
1537 	{
1538 	   SCIP_NLHDLRDATA* nlhdlrdata;
1540 	   assert(nlhdlr != NULL);
1541 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPnlhdlrGetName(nlhdlr), NLHDLR_NAME) == 0);
1543 	   nlhdlrdata = SCIPnlhdlrGetData(nlhdlr);
1544 	   assert(nlhdlrdata);
1546 	   return nlhdlrdata->nexprs;
1547 	}
1549 	/** adds a globally valid inequality of the form \f$\text{xcoef}\cdot x \leq \text{ycoef} \cdot y + \text{constant}\f$ to a product expression of the form \f$x\cdot y\f$ */
1550 	SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddIneqBilinear(
1551 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1552 	   SCIP_NLHDLR*          nlhdlr,             /**< nonlinear handler */
1553 	   SCIP_EXPR*            expr,               /**< product expression */
1554 	   SCIP_Real             xcoef,              /**< x coefficient */
1555 	   SCIP_Real             ycoef,              /**< y coefficient */
1556 	   SCIP_Real             constant,           /**< constant part */
1557 	   SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< buffer to store whether inequality has been accepted */
1558 	   )
1559 	{
1560 	   SCIP_NLHDLREXPRDATA* nlhdlrexprdata;
1561 	   SCIP_VAR* x;
1562 	   SCIP_VAR* y;
1563 	   SCIP_Real* ineqs;
1564 	   SCIP_Real viol1;
1565 	   SCIP_Real viol2;
1566 	   SCIP_Bool underestimate;
1567 	   int nineqs;
1568 	   int i;
1570 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1571 	   assert(nlhdlr != NULL);
1572 	   assert(strcmp(SCIPnlhdlrGetName(nlhdlr), NLHDLR_NAME) == 0);
1573 	   assert(expr != NULL);
1574 	   assert(SCIPexprGetNChildren(expr) == 2);
1575 	   assert(xcoef != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777 */
1576 	   assert(ycoef != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777 */
1577 	   assert(constant != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777 */
1578 	   assert(success != NULL);
1580 	   *success = FALSE;
1582 	   /* find nonlinear handler expression handler data */
1583 	   nlhdlrexprdata = SCIPgetNlhdlrExprDataNonlinear(nlhdlr, expr);
1585 	   if( nlhdlrexprdata == NULL )
1586 	   {
1587 	      SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "nonlinear expression data has not been found. "
1588 	            "Skip SCIPaddConsExprExprProductBilinearIneq()\n");
1589 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1590 	   }
1592 	   /* ignore inequalities that only yield to a (possible) bound tightening */
1593 	   if( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, xcoef) || SCIPisFeasZero(scip, ycoef) )
1594 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1596 	   /* collect variables */
1597 	   x = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[0]);
1598 	   y = SCIPgetExprAuxVarNonlinear(SCIPexprGetChildren(expr)[1]);
1599 	   assert(x != NULL);
1600 	   assert(y != NULL);
1601 	   assert(x != y);
1603 	   /* normalize inequality s.t. xcoef in {-1,1} */
1604 	   if( !SCIPisEQ(scip, REALABS(xcoef), 1.0) )
1605 	   {
1606 	      constant /= REALABS(xcoef);
1607 	      ycoef /= REALABS(xcoef);
1608 	      xcoef /= REALABS(xcoef);
1609 	   }
1611 	   /* coefficients of the inequality determine whether the inequality can be used for under- or overestimation */
1612 	   underestimate = xcoef * ycoef > 0;
1614 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "add inequality for a bilinear term: %g %s <= %g %s + %g (underestimate=%u)\n", xcoef,
1615 	      SCIPvarGetName(x), ycoef, SCIPvarGetName(y), constant, underestimate);
1617 	   /* compute violation of the inequality of the important corner points */
1618 	   getIneqViol(x, y, xcoef, ycoef, constant, &viol1, &viol2);
1619 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "violations of inequality = (%g,%g)\n", viol1, viol2);
1621 	   /* inequality does not cutoff one of the important corner points -> skip */
1622 	   if( SCIPisFeasLE(scip, MAX(viol1, viol2), 0.0) )
1623 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1625 	   if( underestimate )
1626 	   {
1627 	      ineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->underineqs;
1628 	      nineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs;
1629 	   }
1630 	   else
1631 	   {
1632 	      ineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->overineqs;
1633 	      nineqs = nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs;
1634 	   }
1636 	   /* check for a duplicate */
1637 	   for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
1638 	   {
1639 	      if( SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, xcoef, ineqs[3*i]) && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, ycoef, ineqs[3*i+1])
1640 	         && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, constant, ineqs[3*i+2]) )
1641 	      {
1642 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "inequality already found -> skip\n");
1643 	         return SCIP_OKAY;
1644 	      }
1645 	   }
1647 	   {
1648 	      SCIP_Real viols1[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
1649 	      SCIP_Real viols2[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
1651 	      /* compute violations of existing inequalities */
1652 	      for( i = 0; i < nineqs; ++i )
1653 	      {
1654 	         getIneqViol(x, y, ineqs[3*i], ineqs[3*i+1], ineqs[3*i+2], &viols1[i], &viols2[i]);
1656 	         /* check whether an existing inequality is dominating the candidate */
1657 	         if( SCIPisGE(scip, viols1[i], viol1) && SCIPisGE(scip, viols2[i], viol2) )
1658 	         {
1659 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "inequality is dominated by %d -> skip\n", i);
1660 	            return SCIP_OKAY;
1661 	         }
1663 	         /* replace inequality if candidate is dominating it */
1664 	         if( SCIPisLT(scip, viols1[i], viol1) && SCIPisLT(scip, viols2[i], viol2) )
1665 	         {
1666 	            SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "inequality dominates %d -> replace\n", i);
1667 	            ineqs[3*i] = xcoef;
1668 	            ineqs[3*i+1] = ycoef;
1669 	            ineqs[3*i+2] = constant;
1670 	            *success = TRUE;
1671 	         }
1672 	      }
1674 	      /* inequality is not dominated by other inequalities -> add if we have less than 2 inequalities */
1675 	      if( nineqs < 2 )
1676 	      {
1677 	         ineqs[3*nineqs] = xcoef;
1678 	         ineqs[3*nineqs + 1] = ycoef;
1679 	         ineqs[3*nineqs + 2] = constant;
1680 	         *success = TRUE;
1681 	         SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "add inequality\n");
1683 	         /* increase number of inequalities */
1684 	         if( underestimate )
1685 	            ++(nlhdlrexprdata->nunderineqs);
1686 	         else
1687 	            ++(nlhdlrexprdata->noverineqs);
1688 	      }
1689 	   }
1691 	   if( *success )
1692 	   {
1693 	      /* With the added inequalities, we can potentially compute tighter activities for the expression,
1694 	       * so constraints that contain this expression should be propagated again.
1695 	       * We don't have a direct expression to constraint mapping, though. This call marks all expr-constraints
1696 	       * which include any of the variables that this expression depends on for propagation.
1697 	       */
1698 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPmarkExprPropagateNonlinear(scip, expr) );
1699 	   }
1701 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1702 	}
1704 	/** computes coefficients of linearization of a bilinear term in a reference point */
1705 	void SCIPaddBilinLinearization(
1706 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1707 	   SCIP_Real             bilincoef,          /**< coefficient of bilinear term */
1708 	   SCIP_Real             refpointx,          /**< point where to linearize first  variable */
1709 	   SCIP_Real             refpointy,          /**< point where to linearize second variable */
1710 	   SCIP_Real*            lincoefx,           /**< buffer to add coefficient of first  variable in linearization */
1711 	   SCIP_Real*            lincoefy,           /**< buffer to add coefficient of second variable in linearization */
1712 	   SCIP_Real*            linconstant,        /**< buffer to add constant of linearization */
1713 	   SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< buffer to set to FALSE if linearization has failed due to large numbers */
1714 	   )
1715 	{
1716 	   SCIP_Real constant;
1718 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1719 	   assert(lincoefx != NULL);
1720 	   assert(lincoefy != NULL);
1721 	   assert(linconstant != NULL);
1722 	   assert(success != NULL);
1724 	   if( bilincoef == 0.0 )
1725 	      return;
1727 	   if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(refpointx)) || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(refpointy)) )
1728 	   {
1729 	      *success = FALSE;
1730 	      return;
1731 	   }
1733 	   /* bilincoef * x * y ->  bilincoef * (refpointx * refpointy + refpointy * (x - refpointx) + refpointx * (y - refpointy))
1734 	    *                    = -bilincoef * refpointx * refpointy + bilincoef * refpointy * x + bilincoef * refpointx * y
1735 	    */
1737 	   constant = -bilincoef * refpointx * refpointy;
1739 	   if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(bilincoef * refpointx)) || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(bilincoef * refpointy))
1740 	      || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(constant)) )
1741 	   {
1742 	      *success = FALSE;
1743 	      return;
1744 	   }
1746 	   *lincoefx    += bilincoef * refpointy;
1747 	   *lincoefy    += bilincoef * refpointx;
1748 	   *linconstant += constant;
1749 	}
1751 	/** computes coefficients of McCormick under- or overestimation of a bilinear term */
1752 	void SCIPaddBilinMcCormick(
1753 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1754 	   SCIP_Real             bilincoef,          /**< coefficient of bilinear term */
1755 	   SCIP_Real             lbx,                /**< lower bound on first variable */
1756 	   SCIP_Real             ubx,                /**< upper bound on first variable */
1757 	   SCIP_Real             refpointx,          /**< reference point for first variable */
1758 	   SCIP_Real             lby,                /**< lower bound on second variable */
1759 	   SCIP_Real             uby,                /**< upper bound on second variable */
1760 	   SCIP_Real             refpointy,          /**< reference point for second variable */
1761 	   SCIP_Bool             overestimate,       /**< whether to compute an overestimator instead of an underestimator */
1762 	   SCIP_Real*            lincoefx,           /**< buffer to add coefficient of first  variable in linearization */
1763 	   SCIP_Real*            lincoefy,           /**< buffer to add coefficient of second variable in linearization */
1764 	   SCIP_Real*            linconstant,        /**< buffer to add constant of linearization */
1765 	   SCIP_Bool*            success             /**< buffer to set to FALSE if linearization has failed due to large numbers */
1766 	   )
1767 	{
1768 	   SCIP_Real constant;
1769 	   SCIP_Real coefx;
1770 	   SCIP_Real coefy;
1772 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1773 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lbx));
1774 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -ubx));
1775 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lby));
1776 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -uby));
1777 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  -lbx) || SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, ubx));
1778 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  -lby) || SCIPisLE(scip, lby, uby));
1779 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  -lbx) || SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, refpointx));
1780 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  -lby) || SCIPisLE(scip, lby, refpointy));
1781 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  ubx) || SCIPisGE(scip, ubx, refpointx));
1782 	   assert(SCIPisInfinity(scip,  uby) || SCIPisGE(scip, uby, refpointy));
1783 	   assert(lincoefx != NULL);
1784 	   assert(lincoefy != NULL);
1785 	   assert(linconstant != NULL);
1786 	   assert(success != NULL);
1788 	   if( bilincoef == 0.0 )
1789 	      return;
1791 	   if( overestimate )
1792 	      bilincoef = -bilincoef;
1794 	   if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lbx, ubx) && SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lby, uby) )
1795 	   {
1796 	      /* both x and y are mostly fixed */
1797 	      SCIP_Real cand1;
1798 	      SCIP_Real cand2;
1799 	      SCIP_Real cand3;
1800 	      SCIP_Real cand4;
1802 	      coefx = 0.0;
1803 	      coefy = 0.0;
1805 	      /* estimate x * y by constant */
1806 	      cand1 = lbx * lby;
1807 	      cand2 = lbx * uby;
1808 	      cand3 = ubx * lby;
1809 	      cand4 = ubx * uby;
1811 	      /* take most conservative value for underestimator */
1812 	      if( bilincoef < 0.0 )
1813 	         constant = bilincoef * MAX( MAX(cand1, cand2), MAX(cand3, cand4) );
1814 	      else
1815 	         constant = bilincoef * MIN( MIN(cand1, cand2), MIN(cand3, cand4) );
1816 	   }
1817 	   else if( bilincoef > 0.0 )
1818 	   {
1819 	      /* either x or y is not fixed and coef > 0.0 */
1820 	      if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lbx) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lby) &&
1821 	         (SCIPisInfinity(scip,  ubx) || SCIPisInfinity(scip,  uby)
1822 	            || (uby - refpointy) * (ubx - refpointx) >= (refpointy - lby) * (refpointx - lbx)) )
1823 	      {
1824 	         if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lbx, ubx) )
1825 	         {
1826 	            /* x*y = lbx * y + (x-lbx) * y >= lbx * y + (x-lbx) * lby >= lbx * y + min{(ubx-lbx) * lby, 0 * lby} */
1827 	            coefx    =  0.0;
1828 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * lbx;
1829 	            constant =  bilincoef * (lby < 0.0 ? (ubx-lbx) * lby : 0.0);
1830 	         }
1831 	         else if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lby, uby) )
1832 	         {
1833 	            /* x*y = lby * x + (y-lby) * x >= lby * x + (y-lby) * lbx >= lby * x + min{(uby-lby) * lbx, 0 * lbx} */
1834 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * lby;
1835 	            coefy    =  0.0;
1836 	            constant =  bilincoef * (lbx < 0.0 ? (uby-lby) * lbx : 0.0);
1837 	         }
1838 	         else
1839 	         {
1840 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * lby;
1841 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * lbx;
1842 	            constant = -bilincoef * lbx * lby;
1843 	         }
1844 	      }
1845 	      else if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, ubx) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, uby) )
1846 	      {
1847 	         if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lbx, ubx) )
1848 	         {
1849 	            /* x*y = ubx * y + (x-ubx) * y >= ubx * y + (x-ubx) * uby >= ubx * y + min{(lbx-ubx) * uby, 0 * uby} */
1850 	            coefx    =  0.0;
1851 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * ubx;
1852 	            constant =  bilincoef * (uby > 0.0 ? (lbx - ubx) * uby : 0.0);
1853 	         }
1854 	         else if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lby, uby) )
1855 	         {
1856 	            /* x*y = uby * x + (y-uby) * x >= uby * x + (y-uby) * ubx >= uby * x + min{(lby-uby) * ubx, 0 * ubx} */
1857 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * uby;
1858 	            coefy    =  0.0;
1859 	            constant =  bilincoef * (ubx > 0.0 ? (lby - uby) * ubx : 0.0);
1860 	         }
1861 	         else
1862 	         {
1863 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * uby;
1864 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * ubx;
1865 	            constant = -bilincoef * ubx * uby;
1866 	         }
1867 	      }
1868 	      else
1869 	      {
1870 	         *success = FALSE;
1871 	         return;
1872 	      }
1873 	   }
1874 	   else
1875 	   {
1876 	      /* either x or y is not fixed and coef < 0.0 */
1877 	      if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip,  ubx) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lby) &&
1878 	         (SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lbx) || SCIPisInfinity(scip,  uby)
1879 	            || (ubx - lbx) * (refpointy - lby) <= (uby - lby) * (refpointx - lbx)) )
1880 	      {
1881 	         if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lbx, ubx) )
1882 	         {
1883 	            /* x*y = ubx * y + (x-ubx) * y <= ubx * y + (x-ubx) * lby <= ubx * y + max{(lbx-ubx) * lby, 0 * lby} */
1884 	            coefx    =  0.0;
1885 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * ubx;
1886 	            constant =  bilincoef * (lby < 0.0 ? (lbx - ubx) * lby : 0.0);
1887 	         }
1888 	         else if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lby, uby) )
1889 	         {
1890 	            /* x*y = lby * x + (y-lby) * x <= lby * x + (y-lby) * ubx <= lby * x + max{(uby-lby) * ubx, 0 * ubx} */
1891 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * lby;
1892 	            coefy    =  0.0;
1893 	            constant =  bilincoef * (ubx > 0.0 ? (uby - lby) * ubx : 0.0);
1894 	         }
1895 	         else
1896 	         {
1897 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * lby;
1898 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * ubx;
1899 	            constant = -bilincoef * ubx * lby;
1900 	         }
1901 	      }
1902 	      else if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lbx) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, uby) )
1903 	      {
1904 	         if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lbx, ubx) )
1905 	         {
1906 	            /* x*y = lbx * y + (x-lbx) * y <= lbx * y + (x-lbx) * uby <= lbx * y + max{(ubx-lbx) * uby, 0 * uby} */
1907 	            coefx    =  0.0;
1908 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * lbx;
1909 	            constant =  bilincoef * (uby > 0.0 ? (ubx - lbx) * uby : 0.0);
1910 	         }
1911 	         else if( SCIPisRelEQ(scip, lby, uby) )
1912 	         {
1913 	            /* x*y = uby * x + (y-uby) * x <= uby * x + (y-uby) * lbx <= uby * x + max{(lby-uby) * lbx, 0 * lbx} */
1914 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * uby;
1915 	            coefy    =  0.0;
1916 	            constant =  bilincoef * (lbx < 0.0 ? (lby - uby) * lbx : 0.0);
1917 	         }
1918 	         else
1919 	         {
1920 	            coefx    =  bilincoef * uby;
1921 	            coefy    =  bilincoef * lbx;
1922 	            constant = -bilincoef * lbx * uby;
1923 	         }
1924 	      }
1925 	      else
1926 	      {
1927 	         *success = FALSE;
1928 	         return;
1929 	      }
1930 	   }
1932 	   if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(coefx)) || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(coefy))
1933 	      || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(constant)) )
1934 	   {
1935 	      *success = FALSE;
1936 	      return;
1937 	   }
1939 	   if( overestimate )
1940 	   {
1941 	      coefx    = -coefx;
1942 	      coefy    = -coefy;
1943 	      constant = -constant;
1944 	   }
1946 	   SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "%.15g * x[%.15g,%.15g] * y[%.15g,%.15g] %c= %.15g * x %+.15g * y %+.15g\n", bilincoef, lbx, ubx,
1947 	      lby, uby, overestimate ? '<' : '>', coefx, coefy, constant);
1949 	   *lincoefx    += coefx;
1950 	   *lincoefy    += coefy;
1951 	   *linconstant += constant;
1952 	}
1954 	/** computes coefficients of linearization of a bilinear term in a reference point when given a linear inequality
1955 	 *  involving only the variables of the bilinear term
1956 	 *
1957 	 *  @note the formulas are extracted from "Convex envelopes of bivariate functions through the solution of KKT systems"
1958 	 *        by Marco Locatelli
1959 	 */
1960 	void SCIPcomputeBilinEnvelope1(
1961 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1962 	   SCIP_Real             bilincoef,          /**< coefficient of bilinear term */
1963 	   SCIP_Real             lbx,                /**< lower bound on first variable */
1964 	   SCIP_Real             ubx,                /**< upper bound on first variable */
1965 	   SCIP_Real             refpointx,          /**< reference point for first variable */
1966 	   SCIP_Real             lby,                /**< lower bound on second variable */
1967 	   SCIP_Real             uby,                /**< upper bound on second variable */
1968 	   SCIP_Real             refpointy,          /**< reference point for second variable */
1969 	   SCIP_Bool             overestimate,       /**< whether to compute an overestimator instead of an underestimator */
1970 	   SCIP_Real             xcoef,              /**< x coefficient of linear inequality; must be in {-1,0,1} */
1971 	   SCIP_Real             ycoef,              /**< y coefficient of linear inequality */
1972 	   SCIP_Real             constant,           /**< constant of linear inequality */
1973 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   lincoefx,           /**< buffer to store coefficient of first  variable in linearization */
1974 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   lincoefy,           /**< buffer to store coefficient of second variable in linearization */
1975 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   linconstant,        /**< buffer to store constant of linearization */
1976 	   SCIP_Bool* RESTRICT   success             /**< buffer to store whether linearization was successful */
1977 	   )
1978 	{
1979 	   SCIP_Real xs[2] = {lbx, ubx};
1980 	   SCIP_Real ys[2] = {lby, uby};
1981 	   SCIP_Real minx;
1982 	   SCIP_Real maxx;
1983 	   SCIP_Real miny;
1984 	   SCIP_Real maxy;
1985 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(lincoefyq);
1986 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(lincoefxq);
1987 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(linconstantq);
1988 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(denomq);
1989 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(mjq);
1990 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(qjq);
1991 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(xjq);
1992 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(yjq);
1993 	   SCIP_Real QUAD(tmpq);
1994 	   SCIP_Real vx;
1995 	   SCIP_Real vy;
1996 	   int n;
1997 	   int i;
1999 	   assert(scip != NULL);
2000 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lbx));
2001 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -ubx));
2002 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lby));
2003 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -uby));
2004 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, ubx));
2005 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lby, uby));
2006 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, refpointx));
2007 	   assert(SCIPisGE(scip, ubx, refpointx));
2008 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lby, refpointy));
2009 	   assert(SCIPisGE(scip, uby, refpointy));
2010 	   assert(lincoefx != NULL);
2011 	   assert(lincoefy != NULL);
2012 	   assert(linconstant != NULL);
2013 	   assert(success != NULL);
2014 	   assert(xcoef == 0.0 || xcoef == -1.0 || xcoef == 1.0); /*lint !e777*/
2015 	   assert(ycoef != SCIP_INVALID && ycoef != 0.0); /*lint !e777*/
2016 	   assert(constant != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777*/
2018 	   *success = FALSE;
2019 	   *lincoefx = SCIP_INVALID;
2020 	   *lincoefy = SCIP_INVALID;
2021 	   *linconstant = SCIP_INVALID;
2023 	   /* reference point does not satisfy linear inequality */
2024 	   if( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, xcoef * refpointx - ycoef * refpointy - constant, 0.0) )
2025 	      return;
2027 	   /* compute minimal and maximal bounds on x and y for accepting the reference point */
2028 	   minx = lbx + 0.01 * (ubx-lbx);
2029 	   maxx = ubx - 0.01 * (ubx-lbx);
2030 	   miny = lby + 0.01 * (uby-lby);
2031 	   maxy = uby - 0.01 * (uby-lby);
2033 	   /* check whether the reference point is in [minx,maxx]x[miny,maxy] */
2034 	   if( SCIPisLE(scip, refpointx, minx) || SCIPisGE(scip, refpointx, maxx)
2035 	      || SCIPisLE(scip, refpointy, miny) || SCIPisGE(scip, refpointy, maxy) )
2036 	      return;
2038 	   /* always consider xy without the bilinear coefficient */
2039 	   if( bilincoef < 0.0 )
2040 	      overestimate = !overestimate;
2042 	   /* we use same notation as in "Convex envelopes of bivariate functions through the solution of KKT systems", 2016 */
2043 	   /* mj = xcoef / ycoef */
2044 	   SCIPquadprecDivDD(mjq, xcoef, ycoef);
2046 	   /* qj = -constant / ycoef */
2047 	   SCIPquadprecDivDD(qjq, -constant, ycoef);
2049 	   /* mj > 0 => underestimate; mj < 0 => overestimate */
2050 	   if( SCIPisNegative(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(mjq)) != overestimate )
2051 	      return;
2053 	   /* get the corner point that satisfies the linear inequality xcoef*x <= ycoef*y + constant */
2054 	   if( !overestimate )
2055 	   {
2056 	      ys[0] = uby;
2057 	      ys[1] = lby;
2058 	   }
2060 	   vx = SCIP_INVALID;
2061 	   vy = SCIP_INVALID;
2062 	   n = 0;
2063 	   for( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
2064 	   {
2065 	      SCIP_Real activity = xcoef * xs[i] - ycoef * ys[i] - constant;
2066 	      if( SCIPisLE(scip, activity, 0.0) )
2067 	      {
2068 	         /* corner point is satisfies inequality */
2069 	         vx = xs[i];
2070 	         vy = ys[i];
2071 	      }
2072 	      else if( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, activity, 0.0) )
2073 	         /* corner point is clearly cut off */
2074 	         ++n;
2075 	   }
2077 	   /* skip if no corner point satisfies the inequality or if no corner point is cut off
2078 	    * (that is, all corner points satisfy the inequality almost [1e-9..1e-6]) */
2079 	   if( n != 1 || vx == SCIP_INVALID || vy == SCIP_INVALID ) /*lint !e777*/
2080 	      return;
2082 	   /* denom = mj*(refpointx - vx) + vy - refpointy */
2083 	   SCIPquadprecSumDD(denomq, refpointx, -vx); /* refpoint - vx */
2084 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(denomq, denomq, mjq); /* mj * (refpoint - vx) */
2085 	   SCIPquadprecSumQD(denomq, denomq, vy); /* mj * (refpoint - vx) + vy */
2086 	   SCIPquadprecSumQD(denomq, denomq, -refpointy); /* mj * (refpoint - vx) + vy - refpointy */
2088 	   if( SCIPisZero(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(denomq)) )
2089 	      return;
2091 	   /* (xj,yj) is the projection onto the line xcoef*x = ycoef*y + constant */
2092 	   /* xj = (refpointx*(vy - qj) - vx*(refpointy - qj)) / denom */
2093 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(xjq, qjq, -1.0); /* - qj */
2094 	   SCIPquadprecSumQD(xjq, xjq, vy); /* vy - qj */
2095 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(xjq, xjq, refpointx); /* refpointx * (vy - qj) */
2096 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, qjq, -1.0); /* - qj */
2097 	   SCIPquadprecSumQD(tmpq, tmpq, refpointy); /* refpointy - qj */
2098 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, tmpq, -vx); /* - vx * (refpointy - qj) */
2099 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(xjq, xjq, tmpq); /* refpointx * (vy - qj) - vx * (refpointy - qj) */
2100 	   SCIPquadprecDivQQ(xjq, xjq, denomq); /* (refpointx * (vy - qj) - vx * (refpointy - qj)) / denom */
2102 	   /* yj = mj * xj + qj */
2103 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(yjq, mjq, xjq);
2104 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(yjq, yjq, qjq);
2106 	   assert(SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, xcoef*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) - ycoef*QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq) - constant, 0.0));
2108 	   /* check whether the projection is in [minx,maxx] x [miny,maxy]; this avoids numerical difficulties when the
2109 	    * projection is close to the variable bounds
2110 	    */
2111 	   if( SCIPisLE(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq), minx) || SCIPisGE(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq), maxx)
2112 	      || SCIPisLE(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq), miny) || SCIPisGE(scip, QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq), maxy) )
2113 	      return;
2115 	   assert(vy - QUAD_TO_DBL(mjq)*vx - QUAD_TO_DBL(qjq) != 0.0);
2117 	   /* lincoefy = (mj*SQR(xj) - 2.0*mj*vx*xj - qj*vx + vx*vy) / (vy - mj*vx - qj) */
2118 	   SCIPquadprecSquareQ(lincoefyq, xjq); /* xj^2 */
2119 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, mjq); /* mj * xj^2 */
2120 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(tmpq, mjq, xjq); /* mj * xj */
2121 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, tmpq, -2.0 * vx); /* -2 * vx * mj * xj */
2122 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, tmpq); /* mj * xj^2 -2 * vx * mj * xj */
2123 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, qjq, -vx); /* -qj * vx */
2124 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, tmpq); /* mj * xj^2 -2 * vx * mj * xj -qj * vx */
2125 	   SCIPquadprecProdDD(tmpq, vx, vy); /* vx * vy */
2126 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, tmpq); /* mj * xj^2 -2 * vx * mj * xj -qj * vx + vx * vy */
2127 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(tmpq, mjq, vx); /* mj * vx */
2128 	   SCIPquadprecSumQD(tmpq, tmpq, -vy); /* -vy + mj * vx */
2129 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(tmpq, tmpq, qjq); /* -vy + mj * vx + qj */
2130 	   QUAD_SCALE(tmpq, -1.0); /* vy - mj * vx - qj */
2131 	   SCIPquadprecDivQQ(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, tmpq); /* (mj * xj^2 -2 * vx * mj * xj -qj * vx + vx * vy) / (vy - mj * vx - qj) */
2133 	   /* lincoefx = 2.0*mj*xj + qj - mj*(*lincoefy) */
2134 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(lincoefxq, mjq, xjq); /* mj * xj */
2135 	   QUAD_SCALE(lincoefxq, 2.0); /* 2 * mj * xj */
2136 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(lincoefxq, lincoefxq, qjq); /* 2 * mj * xj + qj */
2137 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(tmpq, mjq, lincoefyq); /* mj * lincoefy */
2138 	   QUAD_SCALE(tmpq, -1.0); /* - mj * lincoefy */
2139 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(lincoefxq, lincoefxq, tmpq); /* 2 * mj * xj + qj - mj * lincoefy */
2141 	   /* linconstant = -mj*SQR(xj) - (*lincoefy)*qj */
2142 	   SCIPquadprecSquareQ(linconstantq, xjq); /* xj^2 */
2143 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(linconstantq, linconstantq, mjq); /* mj * xj^2 */
2144 	   QUAD_SCALE(linconstantq, -1.0); /* - mj * xj^2 */
2145 	   SCIPquadprecProdQQ(tmpq, lincoefyq, qjq); /* lincoefy * qj */
2146 	   QUAD_SCALE(tmpq, -1.0); /* - lincoefy * qj */
2147 	   SCIPquadprecSumQQ(linconstantq, linconstantq, tmpq); /* - mj * xj^2 - lincoefy * qj */
2149 	   /* consider the bilinear coefficient */
2150 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(lincoefxq, lincoefxq, bilincoef);
2151 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(lincoefyq, lincoefyq, bilincoef);
2152 	   SCIPquadprecProdQD(linconstantq, linconstantq, bilincoef);
2153 	   *lincoefx = QUAD_TO_DBL(lincoefxq);
2154 	   *lincoefy = QUAD_TO_DBL(lincoefyq);
2155 	   *linconstant = QUAD_TO_DBL(linconstantq);
2157 	   /* cut needs to be tight at (vx,vy) and (xj,yj); otherwise we consider the cut to be numerically bad */
2158 	   *success = SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, (*lincoefx)*vx + (*lincoefy)*vy + (*linconstant), bilincoef*vx*vy)
2159 	      && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, (*lincoefx)*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq) + (*lincoefy)*QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq) + (*linconstant),
2160 	      bilincoef*QUAD_TO_DBL(xjq)*QUAD_TO_DBL(yjq));
2162 	#ifndef NDEBUG
2163 	   {
2164 	      SCIP_Real activity = (*lincoefx)*refpointx + (*lincoefy)*refpointy + (*linconstant);
2166 	      /* cut needs to under- or overestimate the bilinear term at the reference point */
2167 	      if( bilincoef < 0.0 )
2168 	         overestimate = !overestimate;
2170 	      if( overestimate )
2171 	         assert(SCIPisFeasGE(scip, activity, bilincoef*refpointx*refpointy));
2172 	      else
2173 	         assert(SCIPisFeasLE(scip, activity, bilincoef*refpointx*refpointy));
2174 	   }
2175 	#endif
2176 	}
2178 	/** computes coefficients of linearization of a bilinear term in a reference point when given two linear inequalities
2179 	 *  involving only the variables of the bilinear term
2180 	 *
2181 	 *  @note the formulas are extracted from "Convex envelopes of bivariate functions through the solution of KKT systems"
2182 	 *        by Marco Locatelli
2183 	 */
2184 	void SCIPcomputeBilinEnvelope2(
2185 	   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
2186 	   SCIP_Real             bilincoef,          /**< coefficient of bilinear term */
2187 	   SCIP_Real             lbx,                /**< lower bound on first variable */
2188 	   SCIP_Real             ubx,                /**< upper bound on first variable */
2189 	   SCIP_Real             refpointx,          /**< reference point for first variable */
2190 	   SCIP_Real             lby,                /**< lower bound on second variable */
2191 	   SCIP_Real             uby,                /**< upper bound on second variable */
2192 	   SCIP_Real             refpointy,          /**< reference point for second variable */
2193 	   SCIP_Bool             overestimate,       /**< whether to compute an overestimator instead of an underestimator */
2194 	   SCIP_Real             xcoef1,             /**< x coefficient of linear inequality; must be in {-1,0,1} */
2195 	   SCIP_Real             ycoef1,             /**< y coefficient of linear inequality */
2196 	   SCIP_Real             constant1,          /**< constant of linear inequality */
2197 	   SCIP_Real             xcoef2,             /**< x coefficient of linear inequality; must be in {-1,0,1} */
2198 	   SCIP_Real             ycoef2,             /**< y coefficient of linear inequality */
2199 	   SCIP_Real             constant2,          /**< constant of linear inequality */
2200 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   lincoefx,           /**< buffer to store coefficient of first  variable in linearization */
2201 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   lincoefy,           /**< buffer to store coefficient of second variable in linearization */
2202 	   SCIP_Real* RESTRICT   linconstant,        /**< buffer to store constant of linearization */
2203 	   SCIP_Bool* RESTRICT   success             /**< buffer to store whether linearization was successful */
2204 	   )
2205 	{
2206 	   SCIP_Real mi, mj, qi, qj, xi, xj, yi, yj;
2207 	   SCIP_Real xcoef, ycoef, constant;
2208 	   SCIP_Real minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
2210 	   assert(scip != NULL);
2211 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lbx));
2212 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -ubx));
2213 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip,  lby));
2214 	   assert(!SCIPisInfinity(scip, -uby));
2215 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, ubx));
2216 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lby, uby));
2217 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lbx, refpointx));
2218 	   assert(SCIPisGE(scip, ubx, refpointx));
2219 	   assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lby, refpointy));
2220 	   assert(SCIPisGE(scip, uby, refpointy));
2221 	   assert(lincoefx != NULL);
2222 	   assert(lincoefy != NULL);
2223 	   assert(linconstant != NULL);
2224 	   assert(success != NULL);
2225 	   assert(xcoef1 != 0.0 && xcoef1 != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777*/
2226 	   assert(ycoef1 != SCIP_INVALID && ycoef1 != 0.0); /*lint !e777*/
2227 	   assert(constant1 != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777*/
2228 	   assert(xcoef2 != 0.0 && xcoef2 != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777*/
2229 	   assert(ycoef2 != SCIP_INVALID && ycoef2 != 0.0); /*lint !e777*/
2230 	   assert(constant2 != SCIP_INVALID); /*lint !e777*/
2232 	   *success = FALSE;
2233 	   *lincoefx = SCIP_INVALID;
2234 	   *lincoefy = SCIP_INVALID;
2235 	   *linconstant = SCIP_INVALID;
2237 	   /* reference point does not satisfy linear inequalities */
2238 	   if( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, xcoef1 * refpointx - ycoef1 * refpointy - constant1, 0.0)
2239 	      || SCIPisFeasGT(scip, xcoef2 * refpointx - ycoef2 * refpointy - constant2, 0.0) )
2240 	      return;
2242 	   /* compute minimal and maximal bounds on x and y for accepting the reference point */
2243 	   minx = lbx + 0.01 * (ubx-lbx);
2244 	   maxx = ubx - 0.01 * (ubx-lbx);
2245 	   miny = lby + 0.01 * (uby-lby);
2246 	   maxy = uby - 0.01 * (uby-lby);
2248 	   /* check the reference point is in the interior of the domain */
2249 	   if( SCIPisLE(scip, refpointx, minx) || SCIPisGE(scip, refpointx, maxx)
2250 	      || SCIPisLE(scip, refpointy, miny) || SCIPisFeasGE(scip, refpointy, maxy) )
2251 	      return;
2253 	   /* the sign of the x-coefficients of the two inequalities must be different; otherwise the convex or concave
2254 	    * envelope can be computed via SCIPcomputeBilinEnvelope1 for each inequality separately
2255 	    */
2256 	   if( (xcoef1 > 0) == (xcoef2 > 0) )
2257 	      return;
2259 	   /* always consider xy without the bilinear coefficient */
2260 	   if( bilincoef < 0.0 )
2261 	      overestimate = !overestimate;
2263 	   /* we use same notation as in "Convex envelopes of bivariate functions through the solution of KKT systems", 2016 */
2264 	   mi = xcoef1 / ycoef1;
2265 	   qi = -constant1 / ycoef1;
2266 	   mj = xcoef2 / ycoef2;
2267 	   qj = -constant2 / ycoef2;
2269 	   /* mi, mj > 0 => underestimate; mi, mj < 0 => overestimate */
2270 	   if( SCIPisNegative(scip, mi) != overestimate || SCIPisNegative(scip, mj) != overestimate )
2271 	      return;
2273 	   /* compute cut according to Locatelli 2016 */
2274 	   computeBilinEnvelope2(scip, refpointx, refpointy, mi, qi, mj, qj, &xi, &yi, &xj, &yj, &xcoef, &ycoef, &constant);
2275 	   assert(SCIPisRelEQ(scip, mi*xi + qi, yi));
2276 	   assert(SCIPisRelEQ(scip, mj*xj + qj, yj));
2278 	   /* it might happen that (xi,yi) = (xj,yj) if the two lines intersect */
2279 	   if( SCIPisEQ(scip, xi, xj) && SCIPisEQ(scip, yi, yj) )
2280 	      return;
2282 	   /* check whether projected points are in the interior */
2283 	   if( SCIPisLE(scip, xi, minx) || SCIPisGE(scip, xi, maxx) || SCIPisLE(scip, yi, miny) || SCIPisGE(scip, yi, maxy) )
2284 	      return;
2285 	   if( SCIPisLE(scip, xj, minx) || SCIPisGE(scip, xj, maxx) || SCIPisLE(scip, yj, miny) || SCIPisGE(scip, yj, maxy) )
2286 	      return;
2288 	   *lincoefx = bilincoef * xcoef;
2289 	   *lincoefy = bilincoef * ycoef;
2290 	   *linconstant = bilincoef * constant;
2292 	   /* cut needs to be tight at (vx,vy) and (xj,yj) */
2293 	   *success = SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, (*lincoefx)*xi + (*lincoefy)*yi + (*linconstant), bilincoef*xi*yi)
2294 	      && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, (*lincoefx)*xj + (*lincoefy)*yj + (*linconstant), bilincoef*xj*yj);
2296 	#ifndef NDEBUG
2297 	   {
2298 	      SCIP_Real activity = (*lincoefx)*refpointx + (*lincoefy)*refpointy + (*linconstant);
2300 	      /* cut needs to under- or overestimate the bilinear term at the reference point */
2301 	      if( bilincoef < 0.0 )
2302 	         overestimate = !overestimate;
2304 	      if( overestimate )
2305 	         assert(SCIPisFeasGE(scip, activity, bilincoef*refpointx*refpointy));
2306 	      else
2307 	         assert(SCIPisFeasLE(scip, activity, bilincoef*refpointx*refpointy));
2308 	   }
2309 	#endif
2310 	}