1    	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2    	/*                                                                           */
3    	/*                        This file is part of the program                   */
4    	/*                    TCLIQUE --- Algorithm for Maximum Cliques              */
5    	/*                                                                           */
6    	/*    Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7    	/*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8    	/*                                                                           */
9    	/*  TCLIQUE is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.      */
10   	/*                                                                           */
11   	/*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12   	/*  along with TCLIQUE; see the file COPYING.                                */
13   	/*                                                                           */
14   	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16   	/**@file   tclique_graph.c
17   	 * @ingroup OTHER_CFILES
18   	 * @brief  graph data part of algorithm for maximum cliques
19   	 * @author Tobias Achterberg
20   	 * @author Ralf Borndoerfer
21   	 * @author Zoltan Kormos
22   	 * @author Kati Wolter
23   	 */
25   	/*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
27   	#include <stdio.h>
28   	#include <string.h>
29   	#include <assert.h>
31   	#include "tclique/tclique.h"
32   	#include "tclique/tclique_def.h"
33   	#include "blockmemshell/memory.h"
36   	typedef struct _HEAD_ADJ
37   	{
38   	   int              first;
39   	   int              last;
40   	} HEAD_ADJ;
42   	struct TCLIQUE_Graph
43   	{
44   	   int                   nnodes;             /**< number of nodes in graph */
45   	   int                   nedges;             /**< number of edges in graph */
46   	   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*       weights;            /**< weight of nodes */
47   	   int*                  degrees;            /**< degree of nodes */
48   	   int*                  adjnodes;           /**< adjacent nodes of edges */
49   	   HEAD_ADJ*             adjedges;           /**< pointer to first and one after last adjacent edge of nodes */
50   	   int                   sizenodes;          /**< size of arrays concerning nodes (weights, degrees and adjedges) */
51   	   int                   sizeedges;          /**< size of arrays concerning edges (adjnodes) */
52   	   int*                  cacheddegrees;      /**< number of adjacent cached edges for each node */
53   	   int*                  cachedorigs;        /**< origin nodes of cached edges */
54   	   int*                  cacheddests;        /**< destination nodes of cached edges */
55   	   int                   ncachededges;       /**< number of cached edges (not yet inserted in all data structures) */
56   	   int                   sizecachededges;    /**< size of arrays concerning cached edges */
57   	}; 
62   	/*
63   	 * Interface Methods used by the TClique algorithm
64   	 */
66   	/** gets number of nodes in the graph */
67   	TCLIQUE_GETNNODES(tcliqueGetNNodes)
68   	{
69   	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
71   	   return tcliquegraph->nnodes;
72   	}
74   	/** gets weight of nodes in the graph */
75   	TCLIQUE_GETWEIGHTS(tcliqueGetWeights)
76   	{
77   	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
79   	   return tcliquegraph->weights;
80   	}
82   	/** returns, whether the edge (node1, node2) is in the graph */
83   	TCLIQUE_ISEDGE(tcliqueIsEdge)
84   	{
85   	   int* currentadjedge;
86   	   int* lastadjedge;
87   	   int tmp;
89   	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
90   	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
91   	   assert(0 <= node1 && node1 < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
92   	   assert(0 <= node2 && node2 < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
94   	   if( node1 < node2 )
95   	   {
96   	      tmp = node1;
97   	      node1 = node2;
98   	      node2 = tmp;
99   	   }
101  	   currentadjedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(tcliquegraph, node1);
102  	   lastadjedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(tcliquegraph, node1);
104  	   if( currentadjedge > lastadjedge || *lastadjedge < node2 )
105  	      return FALSE;
107  	   /* checks if node2 is contained in adjacency list of node1 
108  	    * (list is ordered by adjacent nodes) */
109  	   while( currentadjedge <= lastadjedge ) 
110  	   {
111  	      if( *currentadjedge >= node2 )
112  	      {
113  	         if( *currentadjedge == node2 )
114  	            return TRUE;
115  	         else 
116  	            break;
117  	      }
118  	      currentadjedge++;
119  	   }
121  	   return FALSE;
122  	}
124  	/** selects all nodes from a given set of nodes which are adjacent to a given node
125  	 * and returns the number of selected nodes */
126  	TCLIQUE_SELECTADJNODES(tcliqueSelectAdjnodes)
127  	{
128  	   int nadjnodes;
129  	   int* currentadjedge;
130  	   int* lastadjedge;
131  	   int i;
133  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
134  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
135  	   assert(0 <= node && node < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
136  	   assert(nnodes == 0 || nodes != NULL);
137  	   assert(adjnodes != NULL);
139  	   nadjnodes = 0;
140  	   currentadjedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(tcliquegraph, node);
141  	   lastadjedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(tcliquegraph, node);
143  	   /* checks for each node in given set nodes, if it is adjacent to given node 
144  	    * (adjacent nodes are ordered by node index)
145  	    */
146  	   for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
147  	   {
148  	      assert(0 <= nodes[i] && nodes[i] < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
149  	      assert(i == 0 || nodes[i-1] < nodes[i]);
150  	      for( ; currentadjedge <= lastadjedge; currentadjedge++ )
151  	      {
152  	         if( *currentadjedge >= nodes[i] )
153  	         {
154  	            /* current node is adjacent to given node */
155  	            if( *currentadjedge == nodes[i] )
156  	            {
157  	               adjnodes[nadjnodes] = nodes[i]; 
158  	               nadjnodes++;
159  	            }
160  	            break;
161  	         } 
162  	      }
163  	   }
165  	   return nadjnodes;
166  	}
171  	/*
172  	 * External Interface Methods to access the graph (this can be changed without affecting the TClique algorithm)
173  	 */
175  	/** creates graph data structure */
176  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueCreate(
177  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH**       tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to store graph data structure */
178  	   )
179  	{
180  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
182  	   ALLOC_FALSE( BMSallocMemory(tcliquegraph) );
184  	   (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes = 0;
185  	   (*tcliquegraph)->nedges = 0;
186  	   (*tcliquegraph)->weights = NULL;
187  	   (*tcliquegraph)->degrees = NULL;
188  	   (*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes = NULL;
189  	   (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges = NULL;
190  	   (*tcliquegraph)->sizenodes = 0;
191  	   (*tcliquegraph)->sizeedges = 0;
192  	   (*tcliquegraph)->cacheddegrees = NULL;
193  	   (*tcliquegraph)->cachedorigs = NULL;
194  	   (*tcliquegraph)->cacheddests = NULL;
195  	   (*tcliquegraph)->ncachededges = 0;
196  	   (*tcliquegraph)->sizecachededges = 0;
198  	   return TRUE;
199  	}
201  	/** frees graph data structure */
202  	void tcliqueFree(
203  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH**       tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to graph data structure */
204  	   )
205  	{
206  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
208  	   if( *tcliquegraph != NULL )
209  	   {
210  	      if ( (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges != NULL )
211  	      {
212  		 BMSfreeMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->adjedges);
213  		 BMSfreeMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes);
214  		 BMSfreeMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->degrees);
215  		 BMSfreeMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->weights);
216  	      }
217  	      if ( (*tcliquegraph)->cacheddegrees )
218  	      {
219  		 BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull(&(*tcliquegraph)->cacheddegrees);
220  		 BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull(&(*tcliquegraph)->cachedorigs);
221  		 BMSfreeMemoryArrayNull(&(*tcliquegraph)->cacheddests);
222  	      }
223  	      BMSfreeMemory(tcliquegraph);
224  	   }
225  	}
227  	/** ensures, that arrays concerning edges in graph data structure can store at least num entries */
228  	static
229  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueEnsureSizeEdges(
230  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
231  	   int                   num                 /**< minimum number of entries concerning edges to store */
232  	   )
233  	{
234  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
236  	   if( num > tcliquegraph->sizeedges )
237  	   {
238  	      int newsize;
240  	      newsize = 2*tcliquegraph->sizeedges;
241  	      if( newsize < num )
242  	         newsize = num;
244  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->adjnodes, newsize) );
245  	      tcliquegraph->sizeedges = newsize;
246  	   }
248  	   assert(num <= tcliquegraph->sizeedges);
250  	   return TRUE;
251  	}
253  	/** ensures, that arrays concerning cached edges in graph data structure can store at least num entries */
254  	static
255  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueEnsureSizeCachedEdges(
256  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
257  	   int                   num                 /**< minimum number of entries concerning cached edges to store */
258  	   )
259  	{
260  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
262  	   if( num > tcliquegraph->sizecachededges )
263  	   {
264  	      int newsize;
266  	      newsize = 2*tcliquegraph->sizecachededges;
267  	      if( newsize < num )
268  	         newsize = num;
270  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cachedorigs, newsize) );
271  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cacheddests, newsize) );
272  	      tcliquegraph->sizecachededges = newsize;
273  	   }
275  	   assert(num <= tcliquegraph->sizecachededges);
277  	   return TRUE;
278  	}
280  	/** ensures, that arrays concerning nodes in graph data structure can store at least num entries */
281  	static
282  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueEnsureSizeNodes(
283  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
284  	   int                   num                 /**< minimum number of entries concerning nodes to store */
285  	   )
286  	{
287  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
289  	   if( !tcliqueEnsureSizeEdges(tcliquegraph, 1) )
290  	      return FALSE;
291  	   assert(tcliquegraph->adjnodes != NULL);
293  	   if( num > tcliquegraph->sizenodes )
294  	   {
295  	      int newsize;
296  	      int i;
298  	      newsize = 2*tcliquegraph->sizenodes;
299  	      if( newsize < num )
300  	         newsize = num;
302  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->weights, newsize) );
303  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->degrees, newsize) );
304  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->adjedges, newsize) );
306  	      for( i = tcliquegraph->sizenodes; i < newsize; i++ )
307  	      {
308  	         tcliquegraph->weights[i] = 0;
309  	         tcliquegraph->degrees[i] = 0;
310  	         tcliquegraph->adjedges[i].first = tcliquegraph->nedges;
311  	         tcliquegraph->adjedges[i].last = tcliquegraph->nedges;
312  	      }
314  	      if( tcliquegraph->ncachededges > 0 )
315  	      {
316  	         assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees != NULL);
317  	         ALLOC_FALSE( BMSreallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees, newsize) );
318  	         for( i = tcliquegraph->sizenodes; i < newsize; i++ )
319  	            tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[i] = 0;
320  	      }
322  	      tcliquegraph->sizenodes = newsize;
323  	   }
324  	   assert(num <= tcliquegraph->sizenodes);
326  	   return TRUE;
327  	}
330  	/** adds nodes up to the given node number to graph data structure (intermediate nodes have weight 0) */
331  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueAddNode(
332  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
333  	   int                   node,               /**< node number to add */
334  	   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT        weight              /**< weight of node to add */
335  	   )
336  	{
337  	   assert(weight >= 0);
339  	   if( !tcliqueEnsureSizeNodes(tcliquegraph, node + 1) )
340  	      return FALSE;
342  	   tcliquegraph->weights[node] = weight;
344  	   assert(tcliquegraph->degrees[node] == 0);
345  	   assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[node].first <= tcliquegraph->nedges);
346  	   assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[node].last == tcliquegraph->adjedges[node].first);
347  	   tcliquegraph->nnodes = MAX(tcliquegraph->nnodes, node+1);
349  	   return TRUE;
350  	}
352  	/** changes weight of node in graph data structure */
353  	void tcliqueChangeWeight(
354  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
355  	   int                   node,               /**< node to set new weight */
356  	   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT        weight              /**< new weight of node (allready scaled) */
357  	   )
358  	{
359  	   assert(0 <= node && node < tcliqueGetNNodes(tcliquegraph));
360  	   assert(weight >= 0);
362  	   tcliquegraph->weights[node] = weight;
363  	}
365  	/** adds edge (node1, node2) to graph data structure (node1 and node2 have to be contained in 
366  	 *  graph data structure)
367  	 *
368  	 *  New edges are cached, s.t. the graph data structures are not correct until a call to tcliqueFlush();
369  	 *  you have to make sure, that no double edges are inserted.
370  	 */
371  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueAddEdge(
372  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
373  	   int                   node1,              /**< start node of edge to add */
374  	   int                   node2               /**< end node of edge to add */
375  	   )
376  	{
377  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
378  	   assert(0 <= node1 && node1 < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
379  	   assert(0 <= node2 && node2 < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
380  	   assert(node1 != node2);
382  	   if( !tcliqueEnsureSizeCachedEdges(tcliquegraph, tcliquegraph->ncachededges + 2) )
383  	      return FALSE;
385  	   /* make sure, the array for counting the cached node degrees exists */
386  	   if( tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0 && tcliquegraph->sizenodes > 0 )
387  	   {
388  	      assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees == NULL);
389  	      ALLOC_FALSE( BMSallocMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees, tcliquegraph->sizenodes) );
390  	      BMSclearMemoryArray(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees, tcliquegraph->sizenodes);
391  	   }
392  	   assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees != NULL);
394  	   /* just remember both new half edges in the cache; the full insertion is done later on demand */
395  	   tcliquegraph->cachedorigs[tcliquegraph->ncachededges] = node1;
396  	   tcliquegraph->cacheddests[tcliquegraph->ncachededges] = node2;
397  	   tcliquegraph->ncachededges++;
398  	   tcliquegraph->cachedorigs[tcliquegraph->ncachededges] = node2;
399  	   tcliquegraph->cacheddests[tcliquegraph->ncachededges] = node1;
400  	   tcliquegraph->ncachededges++;
401  	   tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[node1]++;
402  	   tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[node2]++;
404  	   return TRUE;
405  	}
407  	/** inserts all cached edges into the data structures */
408  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueFlush(
409  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph        /**< graph data structure */
410  	   )
411  	{
412  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
414  	   /* check, whether there are cached edges */
415  	   if( tcliquegraph->ncachededges > 0 )
416  	   {
417  	      int ninsertedholes;
418  	      int pos;
419  	      int n;
420  	      int i;
422  	      /* reallocate adjnodes array to be able to store all additional edges */
423  	      if( !tcliqueEnsureSizeEdges(tcliquegraph, tcliquegraph->nedges + tcliquegraph->ncachededges) )
424  	         return FALSE;
425  	      assert(tcliquegraph->adjnodes != NULL);
426  	      assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges != NULL);
428  	      /* move the old edges in the adjnodes array, s.t. there is enough free space for the additional edges */
429  	      ninsertedholes = 0;
430  	      pos = tcliquegraph->nedges + tcliquegraph->ncachededges - 1;
431  	      for( n = tcliquegraph->nnodes-1; ; --n ) /* no abort criterion, because at n == 0, the loop is break'ed */
432  	      {
433  	         int olddegree;
435  	         assert(n >= 0);
436  	         assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last - tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first == tcliquegraph->degrees[n]);
438  	         /* increase the degree of the node */
439  	         olddegree = tcliquegraph->degrees[n];
440  	         tcliquegraph->degrees[n] += tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[n];
442  	         /* skip space for new edges */
443  	         pos -= tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[n];
444  	         ninsertedholes += tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[n];
445  	         assert(ninsertedholes <= tcliquegraph->ncachededges);
446  	         if( ninsertedholes == tcliquegraph->ncachededges )
447  	            break;
448  	         assert(n > 0);
450  	         /* move old edges */
451  	         for( i = tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last - 1; i >= tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first; --i, --pos )
452  	         {
453  	            assert(0 <= i && i < pos && pos < tcliquegraph->nedges + tcliquegraph->ncachededges);
454  	            tcliquegraph->adjnodes[pos] = tcliquegraph->adjnodes[i];
455  	         }
457  	         /* adjust the first and last edge pointers of the node */
458  	         tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first = pos+1;
459  	         tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last = pos+1 + olddegree;
461  	         assert(n == tcliquegraph->nnodes-1
462  	            || tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first + tcliquegraph->degrees[n] == tcliquegraph->adjedges[n+1].first);
463  	      }
464  	      assert(ninsertedholes == tcliquegraph->ncachededges);
465  	      assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last == pos+1);
466  	#ifndef NDEBUG
467  	      for( --n; n >= 0; --n )
468  	         assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees[n] == 0);
469  	#endif
471  	      /* insert the cached edges into the adjnodes array */
472  	      for( i = 0; i < tcliquegraph->ncachededges; ++i )
473  	      {
474  	         int dest;
476  	         n = tcliquegraph->cachedorigs[i];
477  	         dest = tcliquegraph->cacheddests[i];
478  	         assert(0 <= n && n < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
479  	         assert(0 <= dest && dest < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
480  	         assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last <= tcliquegraph->nedges + tcliquegraph->ncachededges);
481  	         assert(n == tcliquegraph->nnodes-1 || tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last <= tcliquegraph->adjedges[n+1].first);
482  	         assert(n == tcliquegraph->nnodes-1
483  	            || tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first + tcliquegraph->degrees[n] == tcliquegraph->adjedges[n+1].first);
485  	         /* edges of each node must be sorted by increasing destination node number */
486  	         for( pos = tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last;
487  	              pos > tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first && dest < tcliquegraph->adjnodes[pos-1]; --pos )
488  	         {
489  	            tcliquegraph->adjnodes[pos] = tcliquegraph->adjnodes[pos-1];
490  	         }
491  	         tcliquegraph->adjnodes[pos] = dest;
492  	         tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last++;
494  	         assert(n == tcliquegraph->nnodes-1 || tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last <= tcliquegraph->adjedges[n+1].first);
495  	      }
497  	      /* update the number of edges */
498  	      tcliquegraph->nedges += tcliquegraph->ncachededges;
500  	      /* free the cache */
501  	      BMSfreeMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees);
502  	      BMSfreeMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cachedorigs);
503  	      BMSfreeMemoryArray(&tcliquegraph->cacheddests);
504  	      tcliquegraph->ncachededges = 0;
505  	      tcliquegraph->sizecachededges = 0;
506  	   }
508  	   /* the cache should now be freed */
509  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
510  	   assert(tcliquegraph->sizecachededges == 0);
511  	   assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddegrees == NULL);
512  	   assert(tcliquegraph->cachedorigs == NULL);
513  	   assert(tcliquegraph->cacheddests == NULL);
515  	#ifndef NDEBUG
516  	   /* check integrity of the data structures */
517  	   {
518  	      int pos;
519  	      int n;
521  	      pos = 0;
522  	      for( n = 0; n < tcliquegraph->nnodes; ++n )
523  	      {
524  	         int i;
526  	         assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first == pos);
527  	         assert(tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last == tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first + tcliquegraph->degrees[n]);
529  	         for( i = tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].first; i < tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last-1; ++i )
530  	         {
531  	            assert(tcliquegraph->adjnodes[i] < tcliquegraph->adjnodes[i+1]);
532  	         }
533  	         pos = tcliquegraph->adjedges[n].last;
534  	      }
535  	      assert(pos == tcliquegraph->nedges);
536  	   }   
537  	#endif
539  	   return TRUE;
540  	}
542  	/** loads graph data structure from file */
543  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueLoadFile(
544  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH**       tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to store graph data structure */
545  	   const char*           filename,           /**< name of file with graph data */
546  	   double                scaleval,           /**< value to scale weights (only integral part of scaled weights is considered) */
547  	   char*                 probname,           /**< buffer to store the name of the problem */
548  	   int                   sizeofprobname      /**< size of buffer to store the name of the problem */
549  	   )
550  	{
551  	   FILE* file;
552  	   double weight;
553  	   int node1;
554  	   int node2;
555  	   int currentnode;
556  	   int i;
557  	   int result;
558  	   char* charresult;
560  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
561  	   assert(scaleval > 0.0);
562  	   assert(sizeofprobname >= 2);
564  	   /* open file */
(1) Event cond_true: Condition "(file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL", taking true branch.
565  	   if( (file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL )
566  	   {
(2) Event cond_false: Condition "(file = fopen("default.dat", "r")) == NULL", taking false branch.
567  	      if( (file = fopen("default.dat", "r")) == NULL )
568  	      {
569  	         infoMessage("Cannot open file: %s.\n", filename);
570  	         return FALSE;
(3) Event if_end: End of if statement.
571  	      }
572  	   }
(4) Event cond_false: Condition "!tcliqueCreate(tcliquegraph)", taking false branch.
574  	   if( !tcliqueCreate(tcliquegraph) )
575  	   {
576  	      (void) fclose(file);
577  	      return FALSE;
(5) Event if_end: End of if statement.
578  	   }
580  	   /* read name of problem (if line is longer than sizeofprobname continue reading until end of line) */
581  	   do
582  	   {
583  	      probname[sizeofprobname-2] = '\0';
584  	      charresult = fgets(probname, sizeofprobname, file);
(6) Event cond_false: Condition "charresult == NULL", taking false branch.
585  	      if( charresult == NULL )
586  	      {
587  	         infoMessage("Error while reading probname in file %s.\n", filename);
588  	         (void) fclose(file);
589  	         return FALSE;
(7) Event if_end: End of if statement.
590  	      }
591  	   }
(8) Event cond_false: Condition "probname[sizeofprobname - 2] != 0", taking false branch.
592  	   while( probname[sizeofprobname-2] != '\0' );
594  	   /* set number of nodes and number of edges in graph */
595  	   /* coverity[tainted_data] */
(9) Event tainted_argument: Call to "fscanf(file, "%d", &(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes)" taints "(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes".
Also see events: [lower_bounds][tainted_data][remediation]
596  	   result = fscanf(file, "%d", &(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes);
(10) Event cond_false: Condition "result <= 0", taking false branch.
597  	   if( result <= 0 )
598  	   {
599  	      infoMessage("Error while reading number of nodes in file %s.\n", filename);
600  	      (void) fclose(file);
601  	      return FALSE;
(11) Event if_end: End of if statement.
602  	   }
(12) Event cond_false: Condition "(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes < 0", taking false branch.
(14) Event lower_bounds: Checking lower bounds of signed scalar "(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes" by taking the false branch of "(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes < 0".
Also see events: [tainted_argument][tainted_data][remediation]
604  	   if( (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes < 0 )
605  	   {
606  	      infoMessage("Invalid number of nodes (%d) in file: %s.\n", (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes, filename);
607  	      (void) fclose(file);
608  	      return FALSE;
(13) Event if_end: End of if statement.
609  	   }
611  	   /* coverity[tainted_data] */
612  	   result = fscanf(file, "%d", &(*tcliquegraph)->nedges);
(15) Event cond_false: Condition "result <= 0", taking false branch.
613  	   if( result <= 0 )
614  	   {
615  	      infoMessage("Error while reading number of edges in file %s.\n", filename);
616  	      (void) fclose(file);
617  	      return FALSE;
(16) Event if_end: End of if statement.
618  	   }
(17) Event cond_false: Condition "(*tcliquegraph)->nedges < 0", taking false branch.
620  	   if( (*tcliquegraph)->nedges < 0 )
621  	   {
622  	      infoMessage("Invalid number of edges (%d) in file: %s.\n", (*tcliquegraph)->nedges, filename);
623  	      (void) fclose(file);
624  	      return FALSE;
(18) Event if_end: End of if statement.
625  	   }
627  	   /* set data structures for tclique,
628  	    * if an error occured, close the file before returning */
(19) Event cond_false: Condition "((*tcliquegraph)->weights = BMSallocMemoryArray_call((size_t)(ptrdiff_t)(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes, 4UL /* sizeof (*(*tcliquegraph)->weights) */, "/sapmnt/home1/d029903/my_work/SCIPSoPlex_coverity/scipoptsuite-8.0.1/scip/src/tclique/tclique_graph.c", 629)) == NULL", taking false branch.
629  	   if( BMSallocMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->weights, (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes) == NULL )
630  	   {
631  	      infoMessage("Run out of memory while reading file %s.\n", filename);
632  	      (void) fclose(file);
633  	      return FALSE;
(20) Event if_end: End of if statement.
634  	   }
(21) Event cond_false: Condition "((*tcliquegraph)->degrees = BMSallocMemoryArray_call((size_t)(ptrdiff_t)(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes, 4UL /* sizeof (*(*tcliquegraph)->degrees) */, "/sapmnt/home1/d029903/my_work/SCIPSoPlex_coverity/scipoptsuite-8.0.1/scip/src/tclique/tclique_graph.c", 636)) == NULL", taking false branch.
636  	   if( BMSallocMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->degrees, (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes) == NULL )   
637  	   {
638  	      infoMessage("Run out of memory while reading file %s.\n", filename);
639  	      (void) fclose(file);
640  	      return FALSE;
(22) Event if_end: End of if statement.
641  	   }
(23) Event cond_false: Condition "((*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes = BMSallocMemoryArray_call((size_t)(ptrdiff_t)(*tcliquegraph)->nedges, 4UL /* sizeof (*(*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes) */, "/sapmnt/home1/d029903/my_work/SCIPSoPlex_coverity/scipoptsuite-8.0.1/scip/src/tclique/tclique_graph.c", 643)) == NULL", taking false branch.
643  	   if( BMSallocMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes, (*tcliquegraph)->nedges) == NULL )
644  	   {
645  	      infoMessage("Run out of memory while reading file %s.\n", filename);
646  	      (void) fclose(file);
647  	      return FALSE;
(24) Event if_end: End of if statement.
648  	   }
(25) Event tainted_data: Passing tainted expression "(*tcliquegraph)->nnodes" to "BMSallocMemoryArray_call", which uses it as an allocation size. [details]
(26) Event remediation: Ensure that tainted values are properly sanitized, by checking that their values are within a permissible range.
Also see events: [tainted_argument][lower_bounds]
650  	   if( BMSallocMemoryArray(&(*tcliquegraph)->adjedges, (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes) == NULL )
651  	   {
652  	      infoMessage("Run out of memory while reading file %s.\n", filename);
653  	      (void) fclose(file);
654  	      return FALSE;
655  	   }
657  	   /* set weights of all nodes (scaled!) */
658  	   /* coverity[tainted_data] */
659  	   for( i = 0; i < (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes; i++ )
660  	   {
661  	      result = fscanf(file, "%lf", &weight);
662  	      if( result <= 0 )
663  	      {
664  	         infoMessage("Error while reading weights of nodes in file %s.\n", filename);
665  	         (void) fclose(file);
666  	         return FALSE;
667  	      }
669  	      (*tcliquegraph)->weights[i] = (TCLIQUE_WEIGHT)(weight * scaleval);
670  	      assert((*tcliquegraph)->weights[i] >= 0);
671  	   }
673  	   /* set adjacent edges and degree of all nodes */
674  	   currentnode = -1;
675  	   /* coverity[tainted_data] */
676  	   for( i = 0; i < (*tcliquegraph)->nedges; i++ )
677  	   {
678  	      /* read edge (node1, node2) */
679  	      /* coverity[secure_coding] */
680  	      result = fscanf(file, "%d%d", &node1, &node2);
681  	      if( result <= 1 )
682  	      {
683  	         infoMessage("Error while reading edges in file %s.\n", filename);
684  	         (void) fclose(file);
685  	         return FALSE;
686  	      }
688  	      if( node1 < 0 || node2 < 0 || node1 >= (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes || node2 >= (*tcliquegraph)->nnodes )
689  	      {
690  	         infoMessage("Invalid node index (%d) in file: %s.\n", node1 < 0 ? node1 : node2, filename);
691  	         (void) fclose(file);
692  	         return FALSE;
693  	      } 
695  	      /* (node1, node2) is the first adjacent edge of node1 */
696  	      if( node1 != currentnode )
697  	      {
698  	         currentnode = node1;
699  	         /* coverity[tainted_data] */
700  	         (*tcliquegraph)->degrees[currentnode] = 0;
701  	         (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges[currentnode].first = i;
702  	         (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges[currentnode].last = (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges[currentnode].first;
703  	      }
704  	      (*tcliquegraph)->degrees[currentnode]++;
705  	      (*tcliquegraph)->adjnodes[i] = node2;
706  	      (*tcliquegraph)->adjedges[currentnode].last++;
707  	   }
709  	   /* close file */
710  	   (void) fclose(file);
712  	   return TRUE;
713  	}
715  	/** saves graph data structure to file */
716  	TCLIQUE_Bool tcliqueSaveFile(
717  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< graph data structure */
718  	   const char*           filename,           /**< name of file to create */
719  	   double                scaleval,           /**< value to unscale weights with */
720  	   const char*           probname            /**< name of the problem */
721  	   )
722  	{
723  	   FILE* file;
724  	   int i;
725  	   int j;
727  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
728  	   assert(scaleval > 0.0);
730  	   /* create file */
731  	   if( (file = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL )
732  	   {
733  	      infoMessage("Can't create file: %s.\n", filename);
734  	      return FALSE;
735  	   }
737  	   /* write name of problem, number of nodes and number of edges in graph */
738  	   fprintf(file, "%s\n", probname);
739  	   fprintf(file, "%d\n", tcliquegraph->nnodes);
740  	   fprintf(file, "%d\n", tcliquegraph->nedges);
742  	   /* write weights of all nodes (scaled!) */
743  	   for( i = 0; i < tcliquegraph->nnodes; i++ )
744  	      fprintf(file, "%f\n", (double)tcliquegraph->weights[i]/scaleval);
746  	   /* write edges */
747  	   for( i = 0; i < tcliquegraph->nnodes; i++ )
748  	   {
749  	      for( j = tcliquegraph->adjedges[i].first; j < tcliquegraph->adjedges[i].last; j++ )
750  	         fprintf(file, "%d %d\n", i, tcliquegraph->adjnodes[j]);
751  	   }
753  	   /* close file */
754  	   fclose(file);
756  	   return TRUE;
757  	}
759  	/** gets number of edges in the graph */
760  	int tcliqueGetNEdges(
761  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to graph data structure */
762  	   )
763  	{
764  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
766  	   return tcliquegraph->nedges + tcliquegraph->ncachededges;
767  	}
769  	/** gets degree of nodes in graph */
770  	int* tcliqueGetDegrees(
771  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to graph data structure */
772  	   )
773  	{
774  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
775  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
777  	   return tcliquegraph->degrees;
778  	}
780  	/** gets adjacent nodes of edges in graph */
781  	int* tcliqueGetAdjnodes(
782  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to graph data structure */
783  	   )
784  	{
785  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
786  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
788  	   return tcliquegraph->adjnodes;
789  	}
791  	/** gets pointer to first adjacent edge of given node in graph */
792  	int* tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(
793  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
794  	   int                   node                /**< given node */
795  	   )
796  	{
797  	   HEAD_ADJ* adjedges;
798  	   int* adjnodes;
800  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
801  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
802  	   assert(0 <= node && node < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
804  	   adjedges = tcliquegraph->adjedges;
805  	   assert(adjedges != NULL);
806  	   assert(adjedges[node].first >= 0);
807  	   assert(adjedges[node].first <= tcliqueGetNEdges(tcliquegraph));
809  	   adjnodes = tcliqueGetAdjnodes(tcliquegraph);
810  	   assert(adjnodes != NULL);
812  	   return &adjnodes[adjedges[node].first];
813  	}
815  	/** gets pointer to last adjacent edge of given node in graph */
816  	int* tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(
817  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
818  	   int                   node                /**< given node */
819  	   )
820  	{
821  	   HEAD_ADJ* adjedges;
822  	   int* adjnodes;
823  	#ifndef NDEBUG
824  	   int* degrees;
825  	#endif
827  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
828  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
829  	   assert(0 <= node && node < tcliquegraph->nnodes);
831  	   adjedges = tcliquegraph->adjedges;
832  	#ifndef NDEBUG
833  	   degrees = tcliqueGetDegrees(tcliquegraph);
834  	#endif
835  	   assert(adjedges != NULL);
836  	   assert(degrees[node] == 0 || adjedges[node].last-1 >= 0);
837  	   assert(adjedges[node].last-1 <= tcliqueGetNEdges(tcliquegraph));
839  	   assert(adjedges[node].last - adjedges[node].first == degrees[node]);
841  	   adjnodes = tcliqueGetAdjnodes(tcliquegraph);
842  	   assert(adjnodes != NULL);
844  	   return &adjnodes[adjedges[node].last-1];
845  	}
847  	/** prints graph data structure */
848  	void tcliquePrintGraph(
849  	   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        tcliquegraph        /**< pointer to graph data structure */
850  	   )
851  	{
852  	   const int* weights;
853  	   int* degrees;
854  	   int i;
856  	   assert(tcliquegraph != NULL);
857  	   assert(tcliquegraph->ncachededges == 0);
859  	   degrees = tcliqueGetDegrees(tcliquegraph);
860  	   weights = tcliqueGetWeights(tcliquegraph);
862  	   infoMessage("nnodes=%d, nedges=%d\n", tcliqueGetNNodes(tcliquegraph), tcliqueGetNEdges(tcliquegraph));
863  	   for( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes(tcliquegraph); i++ )
864  	   {
865  	      int* currentadjedge;
866  	      int* lastadjedge;
868  	      infoMessage("node %d: weight=%d, degree=%d, adjnodes=\n[ ", i, weights[i], degrees[i]);  
870  	      currentadjedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(tcliquegraph, i);
871  	      lastadjedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(tcliquegraph, i);
872  	      assert(lastadjedge + 1 - currentadjedge == degrees[i]);
874  	      for( ; currentadjedge <= lastadjedge; currentadjedge++ )
875  	      {
876  		 infoMessage("%d, ", *currentadjedge);
877  	      }
878  	      infoMessage("]\n");
879  	   }
880  	}