1    	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2    	/*                                                                           */
3    	/*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4    	/*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5    	/*                                                                           */
6    	/*    Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7    	/*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8    	/*                                                                           */
9    	/*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10   	/*                                                                           */
11   	/*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12   	/*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13   	/*                                                                           */
14   	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16   	/**@file   reader_nl.cpp
17   	 * @ingroup DEFPLUGINS_READER
18   	 * @brief  AMPL .nl file reader
19   	 * @author Stefan Vigerske
20   	 *
21   	 * For documentation on ampl::mp, see https://ampl.github.io and https://www.zverovich.net/2014/09/19/reading-nl-files.html.
22   	 * For documentation on .nl files, see https://ampl.com/REFS/hooking2.pdf.
23   	 */
25   	/*--+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
27   	#include <string>
28   	#include <vector>
29   	#include <map>
31   	#include "scip/reader_nl.h"
32   	#include "scip/cons_linear.h"
33   	#include "scip/cons_nonlinear.h"
34   	#include "scip/cons_sos1.h"
35   	#include "scip/cons_sos2.h"
36   	#include "scip/expr_var.h"
37   	#include "scip/expr_value.h"
38   	#include "scip/expr_sum.h"
39   	#include "scip/expr_product.h"
40   	#include "scip/expr_pow.h"
41   	#include "scip/expr_log.h"
42   	#include "scip/expr_exp.h"
43   	#include "scip/expr_trig.h"
44   	#include "scip/expr_abs.h"
46   	// disable -Wshadow warnings for upcoming includes of AMPL/MP
47   	// disable -Wimplicit-fallthrough as I don't want to maintain extra comments in AMPL/MP code to suppress these
48   	#ifdef __GNUC__
49   	#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
50   	#if __GNUC__ >= 7
51   	#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
52   	#endif
53   	#endif
55   	#include "mp/nl-reader.h"
57   	#define READER_NAME             "nlreader"
58   	#define READER_DESC             "AMPL .nl file reader"
59   	#define READER_EXTENSION        "nl"
61   	// a variant of SCIP_CALL that throws a std::logic_error if not SCIP_OKAY
62   	// (using cast to long long to work around issues with old MSVC)
63   	#define SCIP_CALL_THROW(x) \
64   	   do                                                                                                   \
65   	   {                                                                                                    \
66   	      SCIP_RETCODE throw_retcode;                                                                       \
67   	      if( ((throw_retcode) = (x)) != SCIP_OKAY )                                                        \
68   	         throw std::logic_error("Error <" + std::to_string((long long)throw_retcode) + "> in function call"); \
69   	   }                                                                                                    \
70   	   while( false )
72   	/*
73   	 * Data structures
74   	 */
76   	/// problem data stored in SCIP
77   	struct SCIP_ProbData
78   	{
79   	   char*                 filenamestub;       /**< name of input file, without .nl extension; array is long enough to hold 5 extra chars */
80   	   int                   filenamestublen;    /**< length of filenamestub string */
82   	   int                   amplopts[mp::MAX_AMPL_OPTIONS];  /**< AMPL options from .nl header */
83   	   int                   namplopts;          /**< number of AMPL options from .nl header */
85   	   SCIP_VAR**            vars;               /**< variables in the order given by AMPL */
86   	   int                   nvars;              /**< number of variables */
88   	   SCIP_CONS**           conss;              /**< constraints in the order given by AMPL */
89   	   int                   nconss;             /**< number of constraints */
91   	   SCIP_Bool             islp;               /**< whether problem is an LP (only linear constraints, only continuous vars) */
92   	};
94   	/*
95   	 * Local methods
96   	 */
98   	// forward declaration
99   	static SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG(probdataDelOrigNl);
101  	/// implementation of AMPL/MPs NLHandler that constructs a SCIP problem while a .nl file is read
(1) Event missing_assign: Class "AMPLProblemHandler" owns resources that are freed in its destructor but has no user-written assignment operator.
(2) Event free_resource: The destructor frees member "colfile". [details]
(3) Event free_resource: The destructor frees member "rowfile". [details]
102  	class AMPLProblemHandler : public mp::NLHandler<AMPLProblemHandler, SCIP_EXPR*>
103  	{
104  	private:
105  	   SCIP* scip;
106  	   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
108  	   // variable expressions corresponding to nonlinear variables
109  	   // created in OnHeader() and released in destructor
110  	   // for reuse of var-expressions in OnVariableRef()
111  	   std::vector<SCIP_EXPR*> varexprs;
113  	   // linear parts for nonlinear constraints
114  	   // first collect and then add to constraints in EndInput()
115  	   std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<SCIP_Real, SCIP_VAR*> > > nlconslin;
117  	   // expression that represents a nonlinear objective function
118  	   // used to create a corresponding constraint in EndInput(), unless NULL
119  	   SCIP_EXPR* objexpr;
121  	   // common expressions (defined variables from statements like "var xsqr = x^2;" in an AMPL model)
122  	   // they are constructed by BeginCommonExpr/EndCommonExpr below and are referenced by index in OnCommonExprRef
123  	   std::vector<SCIP_EXPR*> commonexprs;
125  	   // collect expressions that need to be released eventually
126  	   // this are all expression that are returned to the AMPL/MP code in AMPLProblemHandler::OnXyz() functions
127  	   // they need to be released exactly once, but after they are used in another expression or a constraint
128  	   // as AMPL/MP may reuse expressions (common subexpressions), we don't release an expression when it is used
129  	   // as a child or when constructing a constraint, but first collect them all and then release in destructor
130  	   // alternatively, one could encapsulate SCIP_EXPR* into a small class that handles proper reference counting
131  	   std::vector<SCIP_EXPR*> exprstorelease;
133  	   // SOS constraints
134  	   // collected while handling suffixes in SuffixHandler
135  	   // sosvars maps the SOS index (can be negative) to the indices of the variables in the SOS
136  	   // sosweights gives for each variable its weight in the SOS it appears in (if any)
137  	   std::map<int, std::vector<int> > sosvars;
138  	   std::vector<int> sosweights;
140  	   // initial solution, if any
141  	   SCIP_SOL* initsol;
143  	   // opened files with column/variable and row/constraint names, or NULL
144  	   fmt::File* colfile;
145  	   fmt::File* rowfile;
147  	   // get name from names strings, if possible
148  	   // returns whether a name has been stored
149  	   bool nextName(
150  	      const char*&       namesbegin,         /**< current pointer into names string, or NULL */
151  	      const char*        namesend,           /**< pointer to end of names string */
152  	      char*              name                /**< buffer to store name, should have length SCIP_MAXSTRLEN */
153  	   )
154  	   {
155  	      if( namesbegin == NULL )
156  	         return false;
158  	      // copy namesbegin into name until newline or namesend
159  	      // updates namesbegin
160  	      int nchars = 0;
161  	      while( namesbegin != namesend )
162  	      {
163  	         if( nchars == SCIP_MAXSTRLEN )
164  	         {
165  	            SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, NULL, "name too long when parsing names file");
166  	            // do no longer read names from this string (something seems awkward)
167  	            namesbegin = NULL;
168  	            return false;
169  	         }
170  	         if( *namesbegin == '\n' )
171  	         {
172  	            *name = '\0';
173  	            ++namesbegin;
174  	            return true;
175  	         }
176  	         *(name++) = *(namesbegin++);
177  	         ++nchars;
178  	      }
180  	      SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL, NULL, "missing newline when parsing names file");
181  	      return false;
182  	   }
184  	public:
185  	   /// constructor
186  	   ///
187  	   /// initializes SCIP problem and problem data
188  	   AMPLProblemHandler(
189  	      SCIP*              scip_,              ///< SCIP data structure
190  	      const char*        filename            ///< name of .nl file that is read
191  	      )
192  	   : scip(scip_),
193  	     probdata(NULL),
194  	     objexpr(NULL),
195  	     initsol(NULL),
196  	     colfile(NULL),
197  	     rowfile(NULL)
198  	   {
199  	      assert(scip != NULL);
200  	      assert(filename != NULL);
202  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPallocClearMemory(scip, &probdata) );
204  	      /* get name of input file without file extension (if any) */
205  	      const char* extstart = strrchr(const_cast<char*>(filename), '.');
206  	      if( extstart != NULL )
207  	         probdata->filenamestublen = extstart - filename;
208  	      else
209  	         probdata->filenamestublen = strlen(filename);
210  	      assert(probdata->filenamestublen > 0);
211  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &probdata->filenamestub, probdata->filenamestublen + 5) );
212  	      memcpy(probdata->filenamestub, filename, probdata->filenamestublen);
213  	      probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '\0';
215  	      /* derive probname from name of input file without path and extension */
216  	      const char* probname = strrchr(probdata->filenamestub, '/');
217  	      if( probname == NULL )
218  	         probname = probdata->filenamestub;
219  	      else
220  	         ++probname;
222  	      // initialize empty SCIP problem
223  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateProb(scip, probname, probdataDelOrigNl, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, probdata) );
225  	      // try to open files with variable and constraint names
226  	      // temporarily add ".col" and ".row", respectively, to filenamestub
227  	      try
228  	      {
229  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '.';
230  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+1] = 'c';
231  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+2] = 'o';
232  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+3] = 'l';
233  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+4] = '\0';
234  	         colfile = new fmt::File(probdata->filenamestub, fmt::File::RDONLY);
236  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+1] = 'r';
237  	         probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+3] = 'w';
238  	         rowfile = new fmt::File(probdata->filenamestub, fmt::File::RDONLY);
239  	      }
240  	      catch( const fmt::SystemError& e )
241  	      {
242  	         // probably a file open error, probably because file not found
243  	         // ignore, we can make up our own names
244  	      }
245  	      probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '\0';
246  	   }
248  	   /// destructor
249  	   ///
250  	   /// only asserts that cleanup() has been called, as we cannot throw an exception or return a SCIP_RETCODE here
251  	   ~AMPLProblemHandler()
252  	   {
253  	      // exprs and linear constraint arrays should have been cleared up in cleanup()
254  	      assert(varexprs.empty());
255  	      assert(exprstorelease.empty());
(1) Event freed_arg: "operator delete" frees parameter "this->colfile".
257  	      delete colfile;
(1) Event freed_arg: "operator delete" frees parameter "this->rowfile".
258  	      delete rowfile;
259  	   }
261  	   /// process header of .nl files
262  	   ///
263  	   /// create and add variables, allocate constraints
264  	   void OnHeader(
265  	      const mp::NLHeader& h                  ///< header data
266  	      )
267  	   {
268  	      char name[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
269  	      int nnlvars;
271  	      assert(probdata->vars == NULL);
272  	      assert(probdata->conss == NULL);
274  	      probdata->namplopts = h.num_ampl_options;
275  	      BMScopyMemoryArray(probdata->amplopts, h.ampl_options, h.num_ampl_options);
277  	      // read variable and constraint names from file, if available, into memory
278  	      // if not available, we will get varnamesbegin==NULL and consnamesbegin==NULL
279  	      mp::MemoryMappedFile<> mapped_colfile;
280  	      if( colfile != NULL )
281  	         mapped_colfile.map(*colfile, "colfile");
282  	      const char* varnamesbegin = mapped_colfile.start();
283  	      const char* varnamesend = mapped_colfile.start() + mapped_colfile.size();
285  	      mp::MemoryMappedFile<> mapped_rowfile;
286  	      if( rowfile != NULL )
287  	         mapped_rowfile.map(*rowfile, "rowfile");
288  	      const char* consnamesbegin = mapped_rowfile.start();
289  	      const char* consnamesend = mapped_rowfile.start() + mapped_rowfile.size();
291  	      probdata->nvars = h.num_vars;
292  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &probdata->vars, probdata->nvars) );
294  	      // number of nonlinear variables
295  	      nnlvars = MAX(h.num_nl_vars_in_cons, h.num_nl_vars_in_objs);
296  	      varexprs.resize(nnlvars);
298  	      // create variables
299  	      // create variable expressions for nonlinear variables
300  	      for( int i = 0; i < h.num_vars; ++i )
301  	      {
302  	         SCIP_VARTYPE vartype;
303  	         // Nonlinear variables in both constraints and objective
304  	         if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_both - h.num_nl_integer_vars_in_both )
305  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS;
306  	         else if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_both )
307  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER;
308  	         // Nonlinear variables in constraints
309  	         else if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_cons - h.num_nl_integer_vars_in_cons )
310  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS;
311  	         else if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_cons )
312  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER;
313  	         // Nonlinear variables in objective
314  	         else if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_objs - h.num_nl_integer_vars_in_objs )
315  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS;
316  	         else if( i < h.num_nl_vars_in_objs )
317  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER;
318  	         // Linear variables
319  	         else if( i < h.num_vars - h.num_linear_binary_vars - h.num_linear_integer_vars )
320  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS;
321  	         else if( i < h.num_vars - h.num_linear_integer_vars )
322  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY;
323  	         else
324  	            vartype = SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER;
326  	         if( !nextName(varnamesbegin, varnamesend, name) )
327  	         {
328  	            // make up name if no names file or could not be read
329  	            switch( vartype )
330  	            {
331  	               case SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY :
332  	                  (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "b%d", i);
333  	                  break;
334  	               case SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER :
335  	                  (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "i%d", i);
336  	                  break;
337  	               case SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS :
338  	                  (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "x%d", i);
339  	                  break;
340  	               default:
341  	                  SCIPABORT();
342  	                  break;
343  	            }
344  	         }
346  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateVarBasic(scip, &probdata->vars[i], name,
347  	            vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ? 0.0 : -SCIPinfinity(scip),
348  	            vartype == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ? 1.0 :  SCIPinfinity(scip),
349  	            0.0, vartype) );
350  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddVar(scip, probdata->vars[i]) );
352  	         if( i < nnlvars )
353  	         {
354  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprVar(scip, &varexprs[i], probdata->vars[i], NULL, NULL) );
355  	         }
356  	      }
358  	      // alloc some space for constraints
359  	      probdata->nconss = h.num_algebraic_cons;
360  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &probdata->conss, probdata->nconss) );
361  	      nlconslin.resize(h.num_nl_cons);
363  	      // create empty nonlinear constraints
364  	      // use expression == 0, because nonlinear constraint don't like to be without an expression
365  	      SCIP_EXPR* dummyexpr;
366  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprValue(scip, &dummyexpr, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
367  	      for( int i = 0; i < h.num_nl_cons; ++i )
368  	      {
369  	         // make up name if no names file or could not be read
370  	         if( !nextName(consnamesbegin, consnamesend, name) )
371  	            (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "nlc%d", i);
373  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateConsBasicNonlinear(scip, &probdata->conss[i], name, dummyexpr, -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip)) );
374  	      }
375  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &dummyexpr) );
377  	      // create empty linear constraints
378  	      for( int i = h.num_nl_cons; i < h.num_algebraic_cons; ++i )
379  	      {
380  	         if( !nextName(consnamesbegin, consnamesend, name) )
381  	            (void) SCIPsnprintf(name, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "lc%d", i);
382  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateConsBasicLinear(scip, &probdata->conss[i], name, 0, NULL, NULL, -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip)) );
383  	      }
385  	      if( h.num_nl_cons == 0 && h.num_integer_vars() == 0 )
386  	         probdata->islp = true;
388  	      // alloc space for common expressions
389  	      commonexprs.resize(h.num_common_exprs());
390  	   }
392  	   /// receive notification of a number in a nonlinear expression
393  	   SCIP_EXPR* OnNumber(
394  	      double             value               ///< value
395  	      )
396  	   {
397  	      SCIP_EXPR* expr;
399  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprValue(scip, &expr, value, NULL, NULL) );
401  	      // remember that we have to release this expr
402  	      exprstorelease.push_back(expr);
404  	      return expr;
405  	   }
407  	   /// receive notification of a variable reference in a nonlinear expression
408  	   SCIP_EXPR* OnVariableRef(
409  	      int                variableIndex       ///< AMPL index of variable
410  	      )
411  	   {
412  	      assert(variableIndex >= 0);
413  	      assert(variableIndex < (int)varexprs.size());
414  	      assert(varexprs[variableIndex] != NULL);
416  	      return varexprs[variableIndex];
417  	   }
419  	   /// receive notification of a unary expression
420  	   SCIP_EXPR* OnUnary(
421  	      mp::expr::Kind     kind,               ///< expression operator
422  	      SCIP_EXPR*         child               ///< argument
423  	      )
424  	   {
425  	      SCIP_EXPR* expr;
427  	      assert(child != NULL);
429  	      switch( kind )
430  	      {
431  	         case mp::expr::MINUS:
432  	         {
433  	            SCIP_Real minusone = -1.0;
434  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &expr, 1, &child, &minusone, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
435  	            break;
436  	         }
438  	         case mp::expr::ABS:
439  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprAbs(scip, &expr, child, NULL, NULL) );
440  	            break;
442  	         case mp::expr::POW2:
443  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, &expr, child, 2.0, NULL, NULL) );
444  	            break;
446  	         case mp::expr::SQRT:
447  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, &expr, child, 0.5, NULL, NULL) );
448  	            break;
450  	         case mp::expr::LOG:
451  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprLog(scip, &expr, child, NULL, NULL) );
452  	            break;
454  	         case mp::expr::LOG10:  // 1/log(10)*log(child)
455  	         {
456  	            SCIP_EXPR* logexpr;
457  	            SCIP_Real factor = 1.0/log(10.0);
458  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprLog(scip, &logexpr, child, NULL, NULL) );
459  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &expr, 1, &logexpr, &factor, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
460  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &logexpr) );
461  	            break;
462  	         }
464  	         case mp::expr::EXP:
465  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprExp(scip, &expr, child, NULL, NULL) );
466  	            break;
468  	         case mp::expr::SIN:
469  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSin(scip, &expr, child, NULL, NULL) );
470  	            break;
472  	         case mp::expr::COS:
473  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprCos(scip, &expr, child, NULL, NULL) );
474  	            break;
476  	         default:
477  	            OnUnhandled(mp::expr::str(kind));
478  	            return NULL;
479  	      }
481  	      // remember that we have to release this expr
482  	      exprstorelease.push_back(expr);
484  	      return expr;
485  	   }
487  	   /// receive notification of a binary expression
488  	   SCIP_EXPR* OnBinary(
489  	      mp::expr::Kind     kind,               ///< expression operand
490  	      SCIP_EXPR*         firstChild,         ///< first argument
491  	      SCIP_EXPR*         secondChild         ///< second argument
492  	      )
493  	   {
494  	      SCIP_EXPR* expr;
495  	      SCIP_EXPR* children[2] = { firstChild, secondChild };
497  	      assert(firstChild != NULL);
498  	      assert(secondChild != NULL);
500  	      switch( kind )
501  	      {
502  	         case mp::expr::ADD:
503  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &expr, 2, children, NULL, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
504  	            break;
506  	         case mp::expr::SUB:
507  	         {
508  	            SCIP_Real coefs[2] = { 1.0, -1.0 };
509  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &expr, 2, children, coefs, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
510  	            break;
511  	         }
513  	         case mp::expr::MUL:
514  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, &expr, 2, children, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
515  	            break;
517  	         case mp::expr::DIV:
518  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, &children[1], secondChild, -1.0, NULL, NULL) );
519  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, &expr, 2, children, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
520  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &children[1]) );
521  	            break;
523  	         case mp::expr::POW_CONST_BASE:
524  	         case mp::expr::POW_CONST_EXP:
525  	         case mp::expr::POW:
526  	            // with some .nl files, we seem to get mp::expr::POW even if base or exponent is constant,
527  	            // so do not rely on kind but better check expr type
528  	            if( SCIPisExprValue(scip, secondChild) )
529  	            {
530  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprPow(scip, &expr, firstChild, SCIPgetValueExprValue(secondChild), NULL, NULL) );
531  	               break;
532  	            }
534  	            if( SCIPisExprValue(scip, firstChild) && SCIPgetValueExprValue(firstChild) > 0.0 )
535  	            {
536  	               // reformulate constant^y as exp(y*log(constant)), if constant > 0.0
537  	               // if constant < 0, we create an expression and let cons_nonlinear figure out infeasibility somehow
538  	               SCIP_EXPR* prod;
540  	               SCIP_Real coef = log(SCIPgetValueExprValue(firstChild)); // log(firstChild)
541  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &prod, 1, &secondChild, &coef, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );  // log(firstChild)*secondChild
542  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprExp(scip, &expr, prod, NULL, NULL) );  // expr(log(firstChild)*secondChild)
544  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &prod) );
545  	               break;
546  	            }
548  	            {
549  	               // reformulate x^y as exp(y*log(x))
550  	               SCIP_EXPR* prod;
552  	               assert(SCIPisExprValue(scip, secondChild));
554  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprLog(scip, &children[0], firstChild, NULL, NULL) );  // log(firstChild)
555  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprProduct(scip, &prod, 2, children, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );  // log(firstChild)*secondChild
556  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprExp(scip, &expr, prod, NULL, NULL) );  // expr(log(firstChild)*secondChild)
558  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &prod) );
559  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &children[0]) );
560  	               break;
561  	            }
563  	         default:
564  	            OnUnhandled(mp::expr::str(kind));
565  	            return NULL;
566  	      }
568  	      // remember that we have to release this expr
569  	      exprstorelease.push_back(expr);
571  	      return expr;
572  	   }
574  	   /// handler to create a list of terms in a sum
575  	   ///
576  	   /// NumericArgHandler is copied around, so it keeps only a pointer (with reference counting) to actual data
577  	   class NumericArgHandler
578  	   {
579  	   public:
580  	      std::shared_ptr<std::vector<SCIP_EXPR*> > v;
582  	      /// constructor
583  	      NumericArgHandler(
584  	         int             num_args            ///< number of terms to expect
585  	         )
586  	      : v(new std::vector<SCIP_EXPR*>())
587  	      {
588  	         v->reserve(num_args);
589  	      }
591  	      /// adds term to sum
592  	      void AddArg(
593  	         SCIP_EXPR*      term                ///< term to add
594  	         )
595  	      {
596  	         v->push_back(term);
597  	      }
598  	   };
600  	   /// receive notification of the beginning of a summation
601  	   NumericArgHandler BeginSum(
602  	      int                num_args            ///< number of terms to expect
603  	      )
604  	   {
605  	      NumericArgHandler h(num_args);
606  	      return h;
607  	   }
609  	   /// receive notification of the end of a summation
610  	   SCIP_EXPR* EndSum(
611  	      NumericArgHandler  handler             ///< handler that handled the sum
612  	      )
613  	   {
614  	      SCIP_EXPR* expr;
615  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(scip, &expr, (int)handler.v->size(), handler.v->data(), NULL, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
616  	      // remember that we have to release this expr
617  	      exprstorelease.push_back(expr);
618  	      return expr;
619  	   }
621  	   /// receive notification of an objective type and the nonlinear part of an objective expression
622  	   void OnObj(
623  	      int                objectiveIndex,     ///< index of objective
624  	      mp::obj::Type      type,               ///< objective sense
625  	      SCIP_EXPR*         nonlinearExpression ///< nonlinear part of objective function
626  	      )
627  	   {
628  	      if( objectiveIndex >= 1 )
629  	         OnUnhandled("multiple objective functions");
631  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetObjsense(scip, type == mp::obj::Type::MAX ? SCIP_OBJSENSE_MAXIMIZE : SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE) );
633  	      assert(objexpr == NULL);
635  	      if( nonlinearExpression != NULL && SCIPisExprValue(scip, nonlinearExpression) )
636  	      {
637  	         // handle objective constant by adding a fixed variable for it
638  	         SCIP_VAR* objconstvar;
639  	         SCIP_Real objconst = SCIPgetValueExprValue(nonlinearExpression);
641  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateVarBasic(scip, &objconstvar, "objconstant", objconst, objconst, 1.0, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS) );
642  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddVar(scip, objconstvar) );
643  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &objconstvar) );
644  	      }
645  	      else
646  	      {
647  	         objexpr = nonlinearExpression;
648  	      }
649  	   }
651  	   /// receive notification of an algebraic constraint expression
652  	   void OnAlgebraicCon(
653  	      int                constraintIndex,    ///< index of constraint
654  	      SCIP_EXPR*         expr                ///< nonlinear part of constraint
655  	      )
656  	   {
657  	      if( expr != NULL )
658  	      {
659  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgExprNonlinear(scip, probdata->conss[constraintIndex], expr) );
660  	      }
661  	   }
663  	   /// handles linear part of a common expression
664  	   /// sets up a sum expression, if the linear part isn't empty
665  	   class LinearExprHandler
666  	   {
667  	   private:
668  	      AMPLProblemHandler& amplph;
669  	      SCIP_EXPR*          commonexpr;
671  	   public:
672  	      /// constructor
673  	      LinearExprHandler(
674  	         AMPLProblemHandler& amplph_,        ///< problem handler
675  	         int                 index,          ///< index of common expression
676  	         int                 num_linear_terms///< number of terms to expect
677  	         )
678  	      : amplph(amplph_),
679  	        commonexpr(NULL)
680  	      {
681  	         if( num_linear_terms > 0 )
682  	         {
683  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprSum(amplph.scip, &commonexpr, 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, NULL, NULL) );
684  	            amplph.commonexprs[index] = commonexpr;
685  	            amplph.exprstorelease.push_back(commonexpr);
686  	         }
687  	      }
689  	      /// receives notification of a term in the linear expression
690  	      void AddTerm(
691  	         int             var_index,          ///< AMPL index of variable
692  	         double          coef                ///< variable coefficient
693  	         )
694  	      {
695  	         assert(commonexpr != NULL);
697  	         if( coef == 0.0 )
698  	            return;
700  	         if( var_index < (int)amplph.varexprs.size() )
701  	         {
702  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPappendExprSumExpr(amplph.scip, commonexpr, amplph.varexprs[var_index], coef) );
703  	         }
704  	         else
705  	         {
706  	            // the index variable is linear (not sure this can happen here)
707  	            assert(var_index < amplph.probdata->nvars);
708  	            SCIP_EXPR* varexpr;
709  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateExprVar(amplph.scip, &varexpr, amplph.probdata->vars[var_index], NULL, NULL) );
710  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPappendExprSumExpr(amplph.scip, commonexpr, varexpr, coef) );
711  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseExpr(amplph.scip, &varexpr) );
712  	         }
713  	      }
714  	   };
716  	   /// receive notification of the beginning of a common expression (defined variable)
717  	   LinearExprHandler BeginCommonExpr(
718  	      int                index,              ///< index of common expression
719  	      int                num_linear_terms    ///< number of terms to expect
720  	      )
721  	   {
722  	      assert(index >= 0);
723  	      assert(index < (int)commonexprs.size());
725  	      return LinearExprHandler(*this, index, num_linear_terms);
726  	   }
728  	   /// receive notification of the end of a common expression
729  	   void EndCommonExpr(
730  	      int                index,              ///< index of common expression
731  	      SCIP_EXPR*         expr,               ///< nonlinear part of common expression
732  	      int                /* position */      ///< argument that doesn't seem to have any purpose
733  	      )
734  	   {
735  	      if( commonexprs[index] != NULL )
736  	      {
737  	         // add expr, if any, to linear part
738  	         if( expr != NULL )
739  	         {
740  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPappendExprSumExpr(scip, commonexprs[index], expr, 1.0) );
741  	         }
742  	      }
743  	      else if( expr != NULL )
744  	      {
745  	         commonexprs[index] = expr;
746  	      }
747  	   }
749  	   /// receive notification of a common expression (defined variable) reference
750  	   SCIP_EXPR* OnCommonExprRef(
751  	      int                expr_index          ///< index of common expression
752  	      )
753  	   {
754  	      assert(expr_index >= 0);
755  	      assert(expr_index < (int)commonexprs.size());
756  	      assert(commonexprs[expr_index] != NULL);
757  	      return commonexprs[expr_index];
758  	   }
760  	   /// receive notification of variable bounds
761  	   void OnVarBounds(
762  	      int                variableIndex,      ///< AMPL index of variable
763  	      double             variableLB,         ///< variable lower bound
764  	      double             variableUB          ///< variable upper bound
765  	      )
766  	   {
767  	      assert(variableIndex >= 0);
768  	      assert(variableIndex < probdata->nvars);
770  	      // as far as I see, ampl::mp gives -inf, +inf for no-bounds, which is always beyond SCIPinfinity()
771  	      // we ignore bounds outside [-scipinfinity,scipinfinity] here
772  	      // for binary variables, we also ignore bounds outside [0,1]
773  	      if( variableLB > (SCIPvarGetType(probdata->vars[variableIndex]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ? 0.0 : -SCIPinfinity(scip)) )
774  	      {
775  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgVarLbGlobal(scip, probdata->vars[variableIndex], variableLB) );
776  	      }
777  	      if( variableUB < (SCIPvarGetType(probdata->vars[variableIndex]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY ? 1.0 :  SCIPinfinity(scip)) )
778  	      {
779  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgVarUbGlobal(scip, probdata->vars[variableIndex], variableUB) );
780  	      }
781  	   }
783  	   /// receive notification of constraint sides
784  	   void OnConBounds(
785  	      int                index,              ///< AMPL index of constraint
786  	      double             lb,                 ///< constraint left-hand-side
787  	      double             ub                  ///< constraint right-hand-side
788  	      )
789  	   {
790  	      assert(index >= 0);
791  	      assert(index < probdata->nconss);
793  	      // nonlinear constraints are first
794  	      if( index < (int)nlconslin.size() )
795  	      {
796  	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lb) )
797  	         {
798  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgLhsNonlinear(scip, probdata->conss[index], lb) );
799  	         }
800  	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip,  ub) )
801  	         {
802  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgRhsNonlinear(scip, probdata->conss[index], ub) );
803  	         }
804  	      }
805  	      else
806  	      {
807  	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lb) )
808  	         {
809  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgLhsLinear(scip, probdata->conss[index], lb) );
810  	         }
811  	         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip,  ub) )
812  	         {
813  	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgRhsLinear(scip, probdata->conss[index], ub) );
814  	         }
815  	      }
816  	   }
818  	   /// receive notification of the initial value for a variable
819  	   void OnInitialValue(
820  	      int                var_index,          ///< AMPL index of variable
821  	      double             value               ///< initial primal value of variable
822  	      )
823  	   {
824  	      if( initsol == NULL )
825  	      {
826  	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateSol(scip, &initsol, NULL) );
827  	      }
829  	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetSolVal(scip, initsol, probdata->vars[var_index], value) );
830  	   }
832  	   /// receives notification of the initial value for a dual variable
833  	   void OnInitialDualValue(
834  	      int                /* con_index */,    ///< AMPL index of constraint
835  	      double             /* value */         ///< initial dual value of constraint
836  	      )
837  	   {
838  	      // ignore initial dual value
839  	   }
841  	   /// receives notification of Jacobian column sizes
842  	   ColumnSizeHandler OnColumnSizes()
843  	   {
844  	      /// use ColumnSizeHandler from upper class, which does nothing
845  	      return ColumnSizeHandler();
846  	   }
848  	   /// handling of suffices for variable and constraint flags and SOS constraints
849  	   ///
850  	   /// regarding SOS in AMPL, see https://ampl.com/faqs/how-can-i-use-the-solvers-special-ordered-sets-feature/
851  	   /// we pass the .ref suffix as weight to the SOS constraint handlers
852  	   /// for a SOS2, the weights determine the order of variables in the set
853  	   template<typename T> class SuffixHandler
854  	   {
855  	   private:
856  	      AMPLProblemHandler& amplph;
858  	      // type of suffix that is handled, or IGNORE if unsupported suffix
859  	      enum
860  	      {
861  	         IGNORE,
862  	         CONSINITIAL,
863  	         CONSSEPARATE,
864  	         CONSENFORCE,
865  	         CONSCHECK,
866  	         CONSPROPAGATE,
867  	         CONSDYNAMIC,
868  	         CONSREMOVABLE,
869  	         VARINITIAL,
870  	         VARREMOVABLE,
871  	         VARSOSNO,
872  	         VARREF,
873  	      } suffix;
875  	   public:
876  	      /// constructor
877  	      SuffixHandler(
878  	         AMPLProblemHandler& amplph_,        ///< problem handler
879  	         fmt::StringRef      name,           ///< name of suffix
880  	         mp::suf::Kind       kind            ///< whether suffix applies to var, cons, etc
881  	         )
882  	      : amplph(amplph_),
883  	        suffix(IGNORE)
884  	      {
885  	         switch( kind )
886  	         {
887  	            case mp::suf::Kind::CON:
888  	               if( strncmp(name.data(), "initial", name.size()) == 0 )
889  	               {
890  	                  suffix = CONSINITIAL;
891  	               }
892  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "separate", name.size()) == 0 )
893  	               {
894  	                  suffix = CONSSEPARATE;
895  	               }
896  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "enforce", name.size()) == 0 )
897  	               {
898  	                  suffix = CONSENFORCE;
899  	               }
900  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "check", name.size()) == 0 )
901  	               {
902  	                  suffix = CONSCHECK;
903  	               }
904  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "propagate", name.size()) == 0 )
905  	               {
906  	                  suffix = CONSPROPAGATE;
907  	               }
908  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "dynamic", name.size()) == 0 )
909  	               {
910  	                  suffix = CONSDYNAMIC;
911  	               }
912  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "removable", name.size()) == 0 )
913  	               {
914  	                  suffix = CONSREMOVABLE;
915  	               }
916  	               else
917  	               {
918  	                  SCIPverbMessage(amplph.scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Unknown constraint suffix <%.*s>. Ignoring.\n", (int)name.size(), name.data());
919  	               }
920  	               break;
922  	            case mp::suf::Kind::VAR:
923  	            {
924  	               if( strncmp(name.data(), "initial", name.size()) == 0 )
925  	               {
926  	                  suffix = VARINITIAL;
927  	               }
928  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "removable", name.size()) == 0 )
929  	               {
930  	                  suffix = VARREMOVABLE;
931  	               }
932  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "sosno", name.size()) == 0 )
933  	               {
934  	                  // SOS membership
935  	                  suffix = VARSOSNO;
936  	               }
937  	               else if( strncmp(name.data(), "ref", name.size()) == 0 )
938  	               {
939  	                  // SOS weights
940  	                  suffix = VARREF;
941  	                  amplph.sosweights.resize(amplph.probdata->nvars, 0);
942  	               }
943  	               else
944  	               {
945  	                  SCIPverbMessage(amplph.scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Unknown variable suffix <%.*s>. Ignoring.\n", (int)name.size(), name.data());
946  	               }
947  	               break;
949  	            case mp::suf::Kind::OBJ:
950  	               SCIPverbMessage(amplph.scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Unknown objective suffix <%.*s>. Ignoring.\n", (int)name.size(), name.data());
951  	               break;
953  	            case mp::suf::Kind::PROBLEM:
954  	               SCIPverbMessage(amplph.scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH, NULL, "Unknown problem suffix <%.*s>. Ignoring.\n", (int)name.size(), name.data());
955  	               break;
956  	            }
957  	         }
958  	      }
960  	      void SetValue(
961  	         int             index,              ///< index of variable, constraint, etc
962  	         T               value               ///< value of suffix
963  	      )
964  	      {
965  	         assert(index >= 0);
966  	         switch( suffix )
967  	         {
968  	            case IGNORE :
969  	               return;
971  	            case CONSINITIAL:
972  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsInitial(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
973  	               break;
975  	            case CONSSEPARATE:
976  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsSeparated(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
977  	               break;
979  	            case CONSENFORCE:
980  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsEnforced(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
981  	               break;
983  	            case CONSCHECK:
984  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsChecked(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
985  	               break;
987  	            case CONSPROPAGATE:
988  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsPropagated(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
989  	               break;
991  	            case CONSDYNAMIC:
992  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsDynamic(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
993  	               break;
995  	            case CONSREMOVABLE:
996  	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPsetConsRemovable(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->conss[index], value == 1) );
997  	               break;
999  	            case VARINITIAL:
1000 	               assert(index < amplph.probdata->nvars);
1001 	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPvarSetInitial(amplph.probdata->vars[index], value == 1) );
1002 	               break;
1004 	            case VARREMOVABLE:
1005 	               assert(index < amplph.probdata->nvars);
1006 	               SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPvarSetRemovable(amplph.probdata->vars[index], value == 1) );
1007 	               break;
1009 	            case VARSOSNO:
1010 	               // remember that variable index belongs to SOS identified by value
1011 	               amplph.sosvars[(int)value].push_back(index);
1012 	               break;
1014 	            case VARREF:
1015 	               // remember that variable index has weight value
1016 	               amplph.sosweights[index] = (int)value;
1017 	               break;
1018 	         }
1019 	      }
1020 	   };
1022 	   typedef SuffixHandler<int> IntSuffixHandler;
1023 	   /// receive notification of an integer suffix
1024 	   IntSuffixHandler OnIntSuffix(
1025 	      fmt::StringRef     name,               ///< suffix name, not null-terminated
1026 	      mp::suf::Kind      kind,               ///< suffix kind
1027 	      int                /*num_values*/      ///< number of values to expect
1028 	      )
1029 	   {
1030 	      return IntSuffixHandler(*this, name, kind);
1031 	   }
1033 	   typedef SuffixHandler<SCIP_Real> DblSuffixHandler;
1034 	   /// receive notification of a double suffix
1035 	   DblSuffixHandler OnDblSuffix(
1036 	      fmt::StringRef     name,               ///< suffix name, not null-terminated
1037 	      mp::suf::Kind      kind,               ///< suffix kind
1038 	      int                /*num_values*/      ///< number of values to expect
1039 	      )
1040 	   {
1041 	      return DblSuffixHandler(*this, name, kind);
1042 	   }
1044 	   /// handles receiving the linear part of an objective or constraint
1045 	   ///
1046 	   /// for objective, set the objective-coefficient of the variable
1047 	   /// for linear constraints, add to the constraint
1048 	   /// for nonlinear constraints, add to nlconslin vector; adding to constraint later
1049 	   class LinearPartHandler
1050 	   {
1051 	   private:
1052 	      AMPLProblemHandler& amplph;
1053 	      int constraintIndex;
1055 	   public:
1056 	      // constructor for constraint
1057 	      explicit LinearPartHandler(
1058 	         AMPLProblemHandler& amplph_,        ///< problem handler
1059 	         int                 constraintIndex_///< constraint index
1060 	         )
1061 	      : amplph(amplph_),
1062 	        constraintIndex(constraintIndex_)
1063 	      {
1064 	         assert(constraintIndex_ >= 0);
1065 	         assert(constraintIndex_ < amplph.probdata->nconss);
1066 	      }
1068 	      // constructor for linear objective
1069 	      explicit LinearPartHandler(
1070 	         AMPLProblemHandler& amplph_         ///< problem handler
1071 	         )
1072 	      : amplph(amplph_),
1073 	        constraintIndex(-1)
1074 	      { }
1076 	      void AddTerm(
1077 	         int             variableIndex,      ///< AMPL index of variable
1078 	         double          coefficient         ///< coefficient of variable
1079 	         )
1080 	      {
1081 	         assert(variableIndex >= 0);
1082 	         assert(variableIndex < amplph.probdata->nvars);
1084 	         if( coefficient == 0.0 )
1085 	            return;
1087 	         if( constraintIndex < 0 )
1088 	         {
1089 	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPchgVarObj(amplph.scip, amplph.probdata->vars[variableIndex], coefficient) );
1090 	         }
1091 	         else if( constraintIndex < (int)amplph.nlconslin.size() )
1092 	         {
1093 	            amplph.nlconslin[constraintIndex].push_back(std::pair<SCIP_Real, SCIP_VAR*>(coefficient, amplph.probdata->vars[variableIndex]));
1094 	         }
1095 	         else
1096 	         {
1097 	            SCIP_CONS* lincons = amplph.probdata->conss[constraintIndex];
1098 	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddCoefLinear(amplph.scip, lincons, amplph.probdata->vars[variableIndex], coefficient) );
1099 	         }
1100 	      }
1101 	   };
1103 	   typedef LinearPartHandler LinearObjHandler;
1105 	   /// receive notification of the linear part of an objective
1106 	   LinearPartHandler OnLinearObjExpr(
1107 	      int                objectiveIndex,     ///< index of objective
1108 	      int                /* numLinearTerms *////< number of terms to expect
1109 	      )
1110 	   {
1111 	      if( objectiveIndex >= 1 )
1112 	         OnUnhandled("multiple objective functions");
1114 	      return LinearObjHandler(*this);
1115 	   }
1117 	   typedef LinearPartHandler LinearConHandler;
1119 	   /// receive notification of the linear part of a constraint
1120 	   LinearConHandler OnLinearConExpr(
1121 	      int                constraintIndex,    ///< index of constraint
1122 	      int                /* numLinearTerms *////< number of terms to expect
1123 	      )
1124 	   {
1125 	      return LinearConHandler(*this, constraintIndex);
1126 	   }
1128 	   /// receive notification of the end of the input
1129 	   ///
1130 	   /// - setup all nonlinear constraints and add them to SCIP
1131 	   /// - add linear constraints to SCIP (should be after nonlinear ones to respect order in .nl file)
1132 	   /// - add initial solution, if initial values were given
1133 	   void EndInput()
1134 	   {
1135 	      // turn nonlinear objective into constraint
1136 	      // min f(x) -> min z s.t. f(x) - z <= 0
1137 	      // max f(x) -> max z s.t. 0 <= f(x) - z
1138 	      if( objexpr != NULL )
1139 	      {
1140 	         SCIP_CONS* objcons;
1141 	         SCIP_VAR* objvar;
1143 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateVarBasic(scip, &objvar, "nlobjvar", -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip), 1.0, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS) );
1144 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddVar(scip, objvar) );
1146 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateConsBasicNonlinear(scip, &objcons, "objcons", objexpr,
1147 	            SCIPgetObjsense(scip) == SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE ? -SCIPinfinity(scip) : 0.0,
1148 	            SCIPgetObjsense(scip) == SCIP_OBJSENSE_MAXIMIZE ?  SCIPinfinity(scip) : 0.0) );
1149 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(scip, objcons, objvar, -1.0) );
1150 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddCons(scip, objcons) );
1152 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &objcons) );
1153 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &objvar) );
1154 	      }
1156 	      // add linear terms to expressions of nonlinear constraints (should be ok to do this one-by-one for now)
1157 	      for( size_t i = 0; i < nlconslin.size(); ++i )
1158 	      {
1159 	         for( size_t j = 0; j < nlconslin[i].size(); ++j )
1160 	         {
1161 	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddLinearVarNonlinear(scip, probdata->conss[i], nlconslin[i][j].second, nlconslin[i][j].first) );
1162 	         }
1163 	      }
1165 	      // add constraints
1166 	      for( int i = 0; i < probdata->nconss; ++i )
1167 	      {
1168 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddCons(scip, probdata->conss[i]) );
1169 	      }
1171 	      // add SOS constraints
1172 	      std::vector<SCIP_VAR*> setvars;     // variables in one SOS
1173 	      std::vector<SCIP_Real> setweights;  // weights for one SOS
1174 	      if( !sosvars.empty() )
1175 	      {
1176 	         setvars.resize(probdata->nvars);
1177 	         probdata->islp = false;
1178 	      }
1179 	      if( !sosweights.empty() )
1180 	         setweights.resize(probdata->nvars);
1181 	      for( std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator sosit(sosvars.begin()); sosit != sosvars.end(); ++sosit )
1182 	      {
1183 	         assert(sosit->first != 0);
1184 	         assert(!sosit->second.empty());
1186 	         // a negative SOS identifier means SOS2
1187 	         bool issos2 = sosit->first < 0;
1189 	         if( issos2 && sosweights.empty() )
1190 	         {
1191 	            // if no .ref suffix was given for a SOS2 constraint, then we consider this as an error
1192 	            // since the weights determine the order
1193 	            // for a SOS1, the weights only specify branching preference, so can treat them as optional
1194 	            OnUnhandled("SOS2 requires variable .ref suffix");
1195 	         }
1197 	         for( size_t i = 0; i < sosit->second.size(); ++i )
1198 	         {
1199 	            int varidx = sosit->second[i];
1200 	            setvars[i] = probdata->vars[varidx];
1202 	            if( issos2 && sosweights[varidx] == 0 )
1203 	               // 0 is the default if no ref was given for a variable; we don't allow this for SOS2
1204 	               OnUnhandled("Missing .ref value for SOS2 variable");
1205 	            if( !sosweights.empty() )
1206 	               setweights[i] = (SCIP_Real)sosweights[varidx];
1207 	         }
1209 	         SCIP_CONS* cons;
1210 	         char name[20];
1211 	         if( !issos2 )
1212 	         {
1213 	            (void) sprintf(name, "sos1_%d", sosit->first);
1214 	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateConsBasicSOS1(scip, &cons, name, sosit->second.size(), setvars.data(), setweights.empty() ? NULL : setweights.data()) );
1215 	         }
1216 	         else
1217 	         {
1218 	            (void) sprintf(name, "sos2_%d", -sosit->first);
1219 	            SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPcreateConsBasicSOS2(scip, &cons, name, sosit->second.size(), setvars.data(), setweights.data()) );
1220 	         }
1221 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddCons(scip, cons) );
1222 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &cons) );
1223 	      }
1225 	      // add initial solution
1226 	      if( initsol != NULL )
1227 	      {
1228 	         SCIP_Bool stored;
1229 	         SCIP_CALL_THROW( SCIPaddSolFree(scip, &initsol, &stored) );
1230 	      }
1232 	      // release expressions
1233 	      SCIP_CALL_THROW( cleanup() );
1234 	   }
1236 	   /// releases expressions and linear constraints from data
1237 	   ///
1238 	   /// should be called if there was an error while reading the .nl file
1239 	   /// this is not in the destructor, because we want to return SCIP_RETCODE
1240 	   SCIP_RETCODE cleanup()
1241 	   {
1242 	      // release initial sol (in case EndInput() wasn't called)
1243 	      if( initsol != NULL )
1244 	      {
1245 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPfreeSol(scip, &initsol) );
1246 	      }
1248 	      // release created expressions (they should all be used in other expressions or constraints now)
1249 	      while( !exprstorelease.empty() )
1250 	      {
1251 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &exprstorelease.back()) );
1252 	         exprstorelease.pop_back();
1253 	      }
1255 	      // release variable expressions (they should all be used in other expressions or constraints now)
1256 	      while( !varexprs.empty() )
1257 	      {
1258 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseExpr(scip, &varexprs.back()) );
1259 	         varexprs.pop_back();
1260 	      }
1262 	      return SCIP_OKAY;
1263 	   }
1264 	};
1267 	/*
1268 	 * Callback methods of probdata
1269 	 */
1271 	/** frees user data of original problem (called when the original problem is freed) */
1272 	static
1273 	SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG(probdataDelOrigNl)
1274 	{
1275 	   int i;
1277 	   assert((*probdata)->vars != NULL || (*probdata)->nvars == 0);
1278 	   assert((*probdata)->conss != NULL || (*probdata)->conss == 0);
1280 	   for( i = 0; i < (*probdata)->nconss; ++i )
1281 	   {
1282 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &(*probdata)->conss[i]) );
1283 	   }
1284 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, &(*probdata)->conss, (*probdata)->nconss);
1286 	   for( i = 0; i < (*probdata)->nvars; ++i )
1287 	   {
1288 	      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &(*probdata)->vars[i]) );
1289 	   }
1290 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, &(*probdata)->vars, (*probdata)->nvars);
1292 	   SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArrayNull(scip, &(*probdata)->filenamestub, (*probdata)->filenamestublen+5);
1294 	   SCIPfreeMemory(scip, probdata);
1296 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1297 	}
1299 	/*
1300 	 * Callback methods of reader
1301 	 */
1303 	/** copy method for reader plugins (called when SCIP copies plugins) */
1304 	static
1305 	SCIP_DECL_READERCOPY(readerCopyNl)
1306 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
1307 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1309 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeReaderNl(scip) );
1311 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1312 	}
1314 	/** problem reading method of reader */
1315 	static
1316 	SCIP_DECL_READERREAD(readerReadNl)
1317 	{  /*lint --e{715}*/
1318 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1319 	   assert(reader != NULL);
1320 	   assert(filename != NULL);
1321 	   assert(result != NULL);
1323 	   try
1324 	   {
1325 	      // try to read the .nl file and setup SCIP problem
1326 	      AMPLProblemHandler handler(scip, filename);
1327 	      try
1328 	      {
1329 	         mp::ReadNLFile(filename, handler);
1330 	      }
1331 	      catch( const mp::UnsupportedError& e )
1332 	      {
1333 	         SCIPerrorMessage("unsupported construct in AMPL .nl file %s: %s\n", filename, e.what());
1335 	         SCIP_CALL( handler.cleanup() );
1337 	         return SCIP_READERROR;
1338 	      }
1339 	      catch( const mp::Error& e )
1340 	      {
1341 	         // some other error from ampl/mp, maybe invalid .nl file
1342 	         SCIPerrorMessage("%s\n", e.what());
1344 	         SCIP_CALL( handler.cleanup() );
1346 	         return SCIP_READERROR;
1347 	      }
1348 	      catch( const fmt::SystemError& e )
1349 	      {
1350 	         // probably a file open error, probably because file not found
1351 	         SCIPerrorMessage("%s\n", e.what());
1353 	         SCIP_CALL( handler.cleanup() );
1355 	         return SCIP_NOFILE;
1356 	      }
1357 	      catch( const std::bad_alloc& e )
1358 	      {
1359 	         SCIPerrorMessage("Out of memory: %s\n", e.what());
1361 	         SCIP_CALL( handler.cleanup() );
1363 	         return SCIP_NOMEMORY;
1364 	      }
1365 	   }
1366 	   catch( const std::exception& e )
1367 	   {
1368 	      SCIPerrorMessage("%s\n", e.what());
1369 	      return SCIP_ERROR;
1370 	   }
1372 	   *result = SCIP_SUCCESS;
1374 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1375 	}
1377 	/*
1378 	 * reader specific interface methods
1379 	 */
1381 	/** includes the AMPL .nl file reader in SCIP */
1382 	SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeReaderNl(
1383 	   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1384 	)
1385 	{
1386 	   SCIP_READER* reader = NULL;
1388 	   /* include reader */
1389 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeReaderBasic(scip, &reader, READER_NAME, READER_DESC, READER_EXTENSION, NULL) );
1390 	   assert(reader != NULL);
1392 	   /* set non fundamental callbacks via setter functions */
1393 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReaderCopy(scip, reader, readerCopyNl) );
1394 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetReaderRead(scip, reader, readerReadNl) );
1396 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeExternalCodeInformation(scip, "AMPL/MP 4e2d45c4", "AMPL .nl file reader library (github.com/ampl/mp)") );
1398 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1399 	}
1401 	/** writes AMPL solution file
1402 	 *
1403 	 * problem must have been read with .nl reader
1404 	 */
1405 	SCIP_RETCODE SCIPwriteSolutionNl(
1406 	   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1407 	   )
1408 	{
1409 	   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1411 	   assert(scip != NULL);
1413 	   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1414 	   if( probdata == NULL )
1415 	   {
1416 	      SCIPerrorMessage("No AMPL nl file read. Cannot write AMPL solution.\n");
1417 	      return SCIP_ERROR;
1418 	   }
1420 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '.';
1421 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+1] = 's';
1422 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+2] = 'o';
1423 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+3] = 'l';
1424 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen+4] = '\0';
1426 	   FILE* solfile = fopen(probdata->filenamestub, "w");
1427 	   if( solfile == NULL )
1428 	   {
1429 	      SCIPerrorMessage("could not open file <%s> for writing\n", probdata->filenamestub);
1430 	      probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '\0';
1432 	      return SCIP_WRITEERROR;
1433 	   }
1434 	   probdata->filenamestub[probdata->filenamestublen] = '\0';
1436 	   // see ampl/mp:sol.h:WriteSolFile() (seems buggy, https://github.com/ampl/mp/issues/135) and asl/writesol.c for solution file format
1437 	   SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintStatus(scip, solfile) );
1438 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "\n\n");
1440 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "Options\n%d\n", probdata->namplopts);
1441 	   for( int i = 0; i < probdata->namplopts; ++i )
1442 	      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "%d\n", probdata->amplopts[i]);
1444 	   bool haveprimal = SCIPgetBestSol(scip) != NULL;
1445 	   bool havedual = probdata->islp && SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVED && !SCIPhasPerformedPresolve(scip);
1447 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "%d\n%d\n", probdata->nconss, havedual ? probdata->nconss : 0);
1448 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "%d\n%d\n", probdata->nvars, haveprimal ? probdata->nvars : 0);
1450 	   SCIPdebug( SCIPprintSol(scip, SCIPgetBestSol(scip), NULL, TRUE); )
1452 	   if( havedual )
1453 	      for( int c = 0; c < probdata->nconss; ++c )
1454 	      {
1455 	         SCIP_CONS* transcons;
1456 	         SCIP_Real dualval;
1458 	         /* dual solution is created by LP solver and therefore only available for linear constraints */
1459 	         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetTransformedCons(scip, probdata->conss[c], &transcons) );
1460 	         assert(transcons == NULL || strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(SCIPconsGetHdlr(transcons)), "linear") == 0);
1462 	         if( transcons == NULL )
1463 	            dualval = 0.0;
1464 	         else if( SCIPgetObjsense(scip) == SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE )
1465 	            dualval = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, transcons);
1466 	         else
1467 	            dualval = -SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, transcons);
1468 	         assert(dualval != SCIP_INVALID);
1470 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "%.17g\n", dualval);
1471 	      }
1473 	   if( haveprimal )
1474 	      for( int i = 0; i < probdata->nvars; ++i )
1475 	         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "%.17g\n", SCIPgetSolVal(scip, SCIPgetBestSol(scip), probdata->vars[i]));
1477 	   /* AMPL solve status codes are at http://www.ampl.com/NEW/statuses.html
1478 	    *     number   string       interpretation
1479 	    *    0 -  99   solved       optimal solution found
1480 	    *  100 - 199   solved?      optimal solution indicated, but error likely
1481 	    *  200 - 299   infeasible   constraints cannot be satisfied
1482 	    *  300 - 399   unbounded    objective can be improved without limit
1483 	    *  400 - 499   limit        stopped by a limit that you set (such as on iterations)
1484 	    *  500 - 599   failure      stopped by an error condition in the solver routines
1485 	    */
1486 	   int solve_result_num;
1487 	   switch( SCIPgetStatus(scip) )
1488 	   {
1489 	      case SCIP_STATUS_UNKNOWN:
1490 	         solve_result_num = 500;
1491 	         break;
1493 	         solve_result_num = 450;
1494 	         break;
1495 	      case SCIP_STATUS_NODELIMIT:
1496 	         solve_result_num = 400;
1497 	         break;
1499 	         solve_result_num = 401;
1500 	         break;
1502 	         solve_result_num = 402;
1503 	         break;
1504 	      case SCIP_STATUS_TIMELIMIT:
1505 	         solve_result_num = 403;
1506 	         break;
1507 	      case SCIP_STATUS_MEMLIMIT:
1508 	         solve_result_num = 404;
1509 	         break;
1510 	      case SCIP_STATUS_GAPLIMIT:
1511 	         solve_result_num = 405;
1512 	         break;
1513 	      case SCIP_STATUS_SOLLIMIT:
1514 	         solve_result_num = 406;
1515 	         break;
1517 	         solve_result_num = 407;
1518 	         break;
1519 	      case SCIP_STATUS_OPTIMAL:
1520 	         solve_result_num = 0;
1521 	         break;
1522 	      case SCIP_STATUS_INFEASIBLE:
1523 	         solve_result_num = 200;
1524 	         break;
1525 	      case SCIP_STATUS_UNBOUNDED:
1526 	         solve_result_num = 300;
1527 	         break;
1528 	      case SCIP_STATUS_INFORUNBD:
1529 	         solve_result_num = 299;
1530 	         break;
1531 	      default:
1532 	         /* solve_result_num = 500; */
1533 	         SCIPerrorMessage("invalid status code <%d>\n", SCIPgetStatus(scip));
1534 	         return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;
1535 	   }
1536 	   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, solfile, "objno 0 %d\n", solve_result_num);
1538 	   if( fclose(solfile) != 0 )
1539 	   {
1540 	      SCIPerrorMessage("could not close solution file after writing\n");
1541 	      return SCIP_WRITEERROR;
1542 	   }
1544 	   return SCIP_OKAY;
1545 	}