Jakob Witzig
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Takustraße 7
14195 Berlin (Germany)
Room: 3102
Phone: +49 30 84185-416
Fax: +49 30 84185-269
Email: witzigatzib.de
Google Scholar

Projects and current work

Currently, I am one of the main developers of the SCIP Optimization Suite, which contains the fastest academic MIP solver SCIP, an LP solver called SoPlex, the mathematical programming langue ZIMPL, the generic parallelized branch-and-bound framework UG, and the generic branch-cut-and-price solver GCG (mainly developed at RWTH Aachen).

For my master thesis Reoptimization Techniques in MIP Solvers, I considered reoptimization for solving a sequence of optimization problems which differ in the objective function and the search space. Such a sequence of optimization problems is typically solved within column generation, i.e., the individual pricing problems. Therefore, I extended SCIP to a reoptimizing branch-and-bound framework.

My current research interests are in analyzing and exploiting infeasibility within solving MIPs.

Currently, I'm involved in the following projects:

Short Academic CV

since 08/2015 Ph.D student at TU Berlin, supervisor Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch at
since 12/2014 Researcher at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) at
since 12/2014 Member of the Forschungscampus MODAL at
10/2014 Master of Science in Mathematics at TU Berlin
(supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Grötschel and Dr. Benjamin Hiller)
04/2013 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with minors in Economics at TU Berlin
(supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Grötschel and Dr. Benjamin Hiller)
04/2010 - 10/2014 Student assistant at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) at


Peer-reviewed Publications

Technical Reports


WS 2016 Seminar on "Selected Topics in Bilevel Optimization"
with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch at TU Berlin
SS 2016 Seminar on "Computing Optimal Steiner Trees in Graphs"
with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch at TU Berlin
SS 2015 "Combinatorial Optimization@Work"
with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch at TU Berlin
SS 2015 Seminar on "Mathematical Programming for nonlinear transportation problems"
with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch at TU Berlin

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