View Template Library


Category: adaptors

Component type: concept


A View is an object that references one or more containers or views, and that has methods for accessing its or their elements. In particular, every type that is a model of view has an associated iterator type that can be used to iterate through the View's elements.

There is no guarantee that the elements of a View are stored in any definite order; the order might, in fact, be different upon each iteration through the View. Nor is there a guarantee that more than one iterator into a View may be active at any one time. (Specific types of Views do provide such guarantees.)

Views need not be mutable, in fact, most of them are not.

A View may or may not own the containers referenced. The lifetime of the referenced containers depends on this property of the view. Views that do not own the referenced container(s) may be invalidated by changing the referenced container(s). The behaviour of invalidated views is unspecified.

The interface of a View is modeled closely following the Container requirements [1].

Refinement of

Assignable, Container [1]

Associated types

Value type


The type of the objects accessed through the View. The value type must be Assignable, but need not be DefaultConstructible. [2]

Iterator type


The type of iterator used to iterate through a view's elements. The iterator's value type is expected to be the view's value type. A conversion from the iterator type to the const iterator type must exist. The iterator type must be an input iterator. [3]

Const iterator type


A type of iterator that may be used to examine, but not to modify, a view's elements. [3] [4]

Reference type


A type that behaves as a reference to the view's value type. [5]

Const reference type


A type that behaves as a const reference to the view's value type. [5]

Pointer type


A type that behaves as a pointer to the view's value type. [6]

Distance type


A signed integral type used to represent the distance between two of the view's iterators. This type must be the same as the iterator's distance type. [2]

Size type


An unsigned integral type that can represent any nonnegative value of the view's distance type. [2]



A type that is a model of View

a, b

Object of type X


The value type of X


The size of a view is the number of elements it contains. The size is a nonnegative number.

A variable sized view is one that provides methods for inserting and/or removing elements; its size may vary during a view's lifetime. A fixed size view is one where the size is constant throughout the view's lifetime.

Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined in Assignable, EqualityComparable, and LessThanComparable, the following expressions must be valid.



Type requirements

Return type

Beginning of range


iterator if a is mutable, const_iterator otherwise [4] [7]

End of range


iterator if a is mutable, const_iterator otherwise [4]




Maximum size



Empty view


Convertible to bool




Expression semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in, Assignable, Equality Comparable, or LessThan Comparable






Copy constructor


X().size() == a.size(). [12]

Copy constructor

X b(a);

b.size() == a.size(). [12]

Assignment operator

b = a

b.size() == a.size(). [12]




Beginning of range


Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the view. [7]

a.begin() is either dereferenceable or past-the-end. It is past-the-end if and only if a.size() == 0.

End of range


Returns an iterator pointing one past the last element in the view.

a.end() is past-the-end.



Returns the size of the view, that is, its number of elements. [8]

a.size() >= 0 && a.size() <= max_size()

Maximum size


Returns the largest size that this container can ever have. [8]

a.max_size() >= 0 && a.max_size() >= a.size()

Empty container


Equivalent to a.size() == 0. (But possibly faster.)



Equivalent to swap(a,b) [9]

Complexity guarantees

The copy constructor, the assignment operator, and the destructor are at most linear in the view's size.

size() is linear in the container's size. [10]max_size() is amortized constant time. If you are testing whether a container is empty, you should always write c.empty() instead of c.size() == 0. The two expressions are equivalent, but the former may be much faster.

swap() is amortized constant time. [9]


Valid range

For any view a, [a.begin(), a.end()) is a valid range. [11]

Range size

a.size() is equal to the distance from a.begin() to a.end().


An algorithm that iterates through the range [a.begin(), a.end()) will pass through every element of a. [11]


Single Container View, Dual Container View, and all of the views in the VTL.


[1] A view satisfies all the requirements of container, except for several complexity guarantees. E. g., begin(), end() and size() need only be of linear complexity.

[2] This expression must be a typedef, that is, a synonym for a type that already has some other name.

[3] This may either be a typedef for some other type, or else a unique type that is defined as a nested class within the class X.

[4] A container's iterator type and const iterator type may be the same: there is no guarantee that every container must have an associated mutable iterator type. For example, set and hash_set define iterator and const_iterator to be the same type.

[5] It is required that the reference type has the same semantics as an ordinary C++ reference, but it need not actually be an ordinary C++ reference. Some implementations, for example, might provide additional reference types to support non-standard memory models. Note, however, that "smart references" (user-defined reference types that provide additional functionality) are not a viable option. It is impossible for a user-defined type to have the same semantics as C++ references, because the C++ language does not support redefining the member access operator (operator.).

[6] As in the case of references [5], the pointer type must have the same semantics as C++ pointers but need not actually be a C++ pointer. "Smart pointers," however, unlike "smart references", are possible. This is because it is possible for user-defined types to define the dereference operator and the pointer member access operator, operator* and operator->.

[7] The iterator type need only be an input iterator, which provides a very weak set of guarantees; in particular, all algorithms on input iterators must be "single pass". It follows that only a single iterator into a container may be active at any one time. This restriction is removed in Forward Container.

[8] In the case of a fixed-size container, size() == max_size().

[9] For any Assignable type, swap can be defined in terms of assignment. This requires three assignments, each of which, for a container type, is linear in the container's size. In a sense, then, a.swap(b) is redundant. It exists solely for the sake of efficiency: for many containers, such as vector and list, it is possible to implement swap such that its run-time complexity is constant rather than linear. If this is possible for some container type X, then the template specialization swap(X&, X&) can simply be written in terms of X::swap(X&). The implication of this is that X::swap(X&) should only be defined if there exists such a constant-time implementation. Not every container class X need have such a member function, but if the member function exists at all then it is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.

[10] For many containers, such as vector and deque, size is O(1). This satisfies the requirement that it be O(N).

[11] Although [a.begin(), a.end()) must be a valid range, and must include every element in the container, the order in which the elements appear in that range is unspecified. If you iterate through a container twice, it is not guaranteed that the order will be the same both times. This restriction is removed in Forward Container.

[12] If the view owns the referenced container, b contains a copy of the container of a. Otherwise, b and a reference the same container.

See also

The Iterator overview, Input Iterator, Sequence

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