Zur Seite der TU

Geometry of Cuts and Metrics


Zur Seite des Instituts für Mathematik


Summer Semester 2011

LV-Nr.: 3236 L 293
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel


In the Summer Semester 2011 I offer the two-hours lecture ADM III "Geometry of Cuts and Metrics" in English.

The first lecture will take place on April 12, 2011, 14:00-16:00 h, at TU Berlin, Institute of Mathematics, Straße des 17. Juni 136, room MA 742.


Cuts in graphs, metrics in vector spaces, cycles in matroids are mathematical objects that appear in many areas of mathematics and its applications and in quite diverse contexts. Students will learn in this class to study and approach these objects from a geometric point of view, in particular, via cones and polyhedra. One special aim is to obtain a better understanding of these polyhedra in order to be able to solve related optimization problems. The applications range from statistical mechanics, via VLSI design and measure theory to embeddability problems of finite metric spaces.


The lecture will be based on the book by M. M. Deza, M. Laurent, Geometry of Cuts and Metrics, Springer 1997, and a number of research papers. Basic knowledge in Graph Theory and Linear and Integer Programming, such as taught in ADM I and II, is a prerequisite for this course. An excellent source for "background material" is the Schrijver book mentioned below.


In the Summer Semester 2011 I also offer a seminar on "Cuts, Metrics and Matroids".


Lecture: Each Tuesday
(from April 12 to July 12, 2011)
14:00 - 16:00 h MA 742

There will be no tutorial and excersises.


room phone email
Secretariat (TU): Claudia Ewel on appointment MA 310 314-28 478 ewelmath.tu-berlin.de
Secretariat (ZIB): Bettina Kasse on appointment 3025 84185-209 kassezib.de


Lecture Notes

I do not offer lecture notes for this class but have prepared a summary of all topics covered with links to the literature where the details of the concepts and results presented can be found.

Last changes: July 20, 2011