First International Workshop on High-Performance Business Computing:
Parallel Algorithms and Implementations for Solving Problems in Operations Research and Data Analysis

The primary objective of this workshop is the presentation and discussion of the design, implementation and computational evaluation of parallel algorithms in modern high-performance computing (HPC) environments for solving problems in operations research, information systems research and data analysis.

We invite submissions related to solving optimization problems or analyzing data in a broad range of application fields, including (but not limited to) transportation, traffic, logistics, production, finance, energy, etc. We also appreciate submissions that contribute to the analysis (and comparison) of parallelization paradigms, such as shared memory (e.g., SMC, OpenMP) and distributed memory (e.g., MPI).

The workshop also provides an excellent opportunity for authors, who are interested in submitting a manuscript to the special issue “High Performance Business Computing” of the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering ( to discuss their ideas with the editors of the special issue.


More details can be found on this website: