Within the MODAL research campus (http://forschungscampus-modal.de/), OGE works together with researchers from the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) to develop a navigation system for dispatchers. Two critical milestones have now been reached in the project:

A successful acceptance test completed the integration of the dispatcher navigation system with the production data.
As planned, the project will now from October onwards enter a stabilization phase. During this phase, the technical quality of the given recommendations for the network section considered so far will be assessed in live operation by experts.

At the end of August, the research results were evaluated. First, all labs of the research campus were presented, and plans for the future were briefly sketched. Later, a panel discussion was held with researchers, industrial partners, consultants, and
project promoters. The reviewers were impressed: "What we have been trying to achieve in mathematics for 30 years has been accomplished here: A successful collaboration between industry and research".