The Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis was held by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), and the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI), Kyushu University. Chaired by Satoshi Ito, Thorsten Koch, and Yuji Shinano, it took place from March 25 to March 27 at the premises of the ISM in Tachikawa, Tokyo, in conjunction with the Annual Cooperative Research Meeting on "Optimization: Modeling and Algorithms".

International experts from academia and industry exchanged their ideas on the highly relevant field of artificial intelligence, deepened existing connections, and explored new opportunities for collaboration. The RailLab, the GasLab, and the SynLab of the Research Campus MODAL presented their latest theoretical findings as well as the pratical impact of their research. An excursion to the beautiful Mount Fuji area on Saturday concluded the workshop right at the beginning of the famous cherry blossom season. 

We thank all the representatives - shown on the group picture - of the following institutions and companies for an inspiring and successful event (in alphabetical order): GAMS, Georgia Tech, Hitachi, Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), Institute of Mathematics in Industry (IMI), MODAL AG, NTT Data Mathematical Systems, Open Grid Europe, RIKEN, Toshiba, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Porto.