Timo Berthold
Timo Berthold
Postal Address: Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Room 4351
Takustraße 7
14195 Berlin (Germany)
Phone: +49 30 84185-425
Fax: +49 30 84185-269
Email Addresses: berthold[at]zib.de,


Since January 2014, I am at FICO, developing and maintaining the Xpress Optimization Suite.
I am a member of the MODAL SynLab. We develop algorithms to solve general mixed integer nonlinear programs and integrate those techniques into state-of-the-art MIP solvers like FICO Xpress.

Before that, I was a member of the Matheon project B20 "Optimization of Gas Transport".
Mathematically, the combination of discrete decisions on the configuration of a gas transport network, the nonlinear equations describing the physics of gas, and the uncertainty in demand and supply yield large-scale and highly complex stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programs. In this project, we extended the framework SCIP for the solution of nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear programs.

Further, I was a member of the project "Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming" at ZIB, and an associated member of the IBM/ZIB Cooperation, the Siemens/ZIB Cooperation, and the Advanced Solver Technology for Supply Chain Management project, a cooperation with SAP and a member of the Matheon project B12 "Symmetries in Integer Programming".

Short Academic CV

since 12.2021 FICO Principal Engineer at FICO
11.2014 TU Berlin Dr. rer. nat. at TU Berlin, thesis committee: Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel, Prof Dr. Thorsten Koch, and Prof Dr. Andrea Lodi
01.2014–12.2021 FICO Senior Engineer at FICO
since 03.2013 MPC Technical Editor of Mathematical Programming Computation
05.2011 CPAIOR Conference Chair of the CPAIOR 2011
07.2010–05.2014 Matheon Member of the Matheon council
11.2009–02.2010 NICTA NICTA Visiting Researcher at the University of Melbourne
11.2008 NICTA NICTA Visiting Researcher at the University of Melbourne
03.2007–11.2014 BMS Member of the Berlin Mathematical School
02.2007–01.2014 ZIB Research assistant at Zuse Institute Berlin and
Matheon Member of the DFG Research Center Matheon "Mathematics for key technologies"
09.2006 TU Berlin Diploma at TU Berlin, supervisor: Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel
01.2005–01.2007 ZIB Student assistant at Zuse Institute Berlin
10.2001–12.2006 TU Berlin Studies of Mathematics with minor Computer Science at the Technische Universität Berlin

Academic Awards

03.2021 IJOC IJOC Meritorious Paper Award
10.2015 Klaus Tschira Klaus Tschira Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Science
09.2015 GOR Dissertation Award of the German Operations Research Society (GOR)
07.2015 EURO Finalist of the EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award 2015
09.2013 OR2013 Young participant with most academic impact, OR 2013 conference
09.2007 GOR Diploma Thesis Award of the German Operations Research Society (GOR)
03.2007 DMV Diploma Thesis Major Award of the German Mathematical Society (DMV)


Please find a complete list of my publications on my ZIB member page and my Google Scholar profile. My Diploma and my PhD thesis are available online:

Selected Talks

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