The vision of MODAL's RailLab is to increase the attractivity and competitiveness of rail-bound traffic by developing powerful novel mathematical optimization methods in...
In the roster planning process duties must be brought to a lawful order. The arrangement of duties is based on very different rules. Here legal requirements, operational...
In multi-day cyclic vehicle scheduling trips given by a timetable are scheduled (e.g. passenger trips by train) to a single large rotation or several small rotations. The...
All trucks with at least 7.5 tonnes weight have to pay a distance-based toll on German motorways and on main roads. It has become an important income for the...
A three-phase heuristic for the Fairness-Oriented Crew Rostering Problem
Computers & Operations Research, Vol.154, p. 106186, 2023 (epub ahead of print)
Thomas Breugem, Thomas Schlechte, Christof Schulz, Ralf BorndörferBibTeX DOI
The Bouquet of Features in Rolling Stock Rotation Planning
Conference Proceedings RailBelgrade 2023, 2023 (epub ahead of print)
Thomas Schlechte, Christian Blome, Stefan Gerber, Stefan Hauser, Jens Kasten, Gilbert Müller, Christof Schulz, Michel Thüring, Steffen WeiderBibTeX