This project is collaborative project together with Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie (IISB),
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), and with the application partners
Synopsis GmbH and JCMwave GmbH. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, project number 05M20ZAA).

Since machine learning has established itself as a powerful method for solving a wide range of practice-relevant problems, the combination of model-based simulation and learning methods is rapidly gaining importance - especially in fields of application that are characterized by the existence of partly rigorous models on the one hand and insufficient availability of measurement data on the other. One such field is the design, manufacturing and testing of semiconductor nanostructures with optical technologies. The production of nanostructures for integrated circuits (ICs) and other applications has enabled the development of modern information technology and fundamentally changed our lives in recent decades. Of crucial importance for this development is the minimum producible (and measurable) size of the nanostructures on the ICs. The skilful use of data and physical models in semiconductor lithography - "classical" optical proximity correction (OPC) using in particular the Maxwell equations - has shown that physical barriers can be overcome. Today it is possible to produce and measure structures with dimensions far below the light wavelength. The increasing use of artificial intelligence methods in semiconductor manufacturing will help to push the physical limits for the production of nanostructures even further, and to manage the very large data volumes that occur in OPC more efficiently. Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop efficient methods for the selection and training of surrogate models based on simulation data in view of their use for the design or measurement of nanostructures with optical technologies.


Adaptive Gradient Enhanced Gaussian Process Surrogates for Inverse Problems Proceedings of the MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester on Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning, 2024 (accepted for publication) Phillip Semler, Martin Weiser BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Fabrication uncertainty guided design optimization of a photonic crystal cavity by using Gaussian processes J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.41, p. 850, 2024 Matthias Plock, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Phillip-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Machine-learning driven design of metasurfaces: learn the physics and not the objective function Proc. SPIE, Vol.PC13017, p. PC130170X, 2024 Ivan Sekuliĉ, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Research data for "Fabrication uncertainty guided design optimization of a photonic crystal cavity by using Gaussian processes" Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8131611, 2024 Matthias Plock, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Phillip-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Sawfish Photonic Crystal Cavity for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Fiber Interfacing in Quantum Network Applications Adv. Opt. Mater., Vol.12, p. 2301286, 2024 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
‘Sawfish’ Photonic Crystal Cavity for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Fiber Interfacing in Quantum Network Applications (Advanced Optical Materials 13/2024) Adv. Optical Mater., Vol.12, p. 2470046, 2024 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Adaptive Gaussian Process Regression for Efficient Building of Surrogate Models in Inverse Problems Inverse Problems, 39(12), p. 125003, 2023 Phillip Semler, Martin Weiser BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
High-performance designs for fiber-pigtailed quantum-light sources based on quantum dots in electrically-controlled circular Bragg gratings Opt. Express, Vol.31, p. 14750, 2023 Lucas Rickert, Fridtjof Betz, Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Impact Study of Numerical Discretization Accuracy on Parameter Reconstructions and Model Parameter Distributions Metrologia, Vol.60, p. 054001, 2023 Matthias Plock, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Christof Schütte BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
‘Sawfish’ Spin-Photon Interface for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Waveguide Coupling Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), p. SF1O.6, OSA Technical Digest, 2023 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Bayesian Target-Vector Optimization for Efficient Parameter Reconstruction Adv. Theory Simul., Vol.5, p. 2200112, 2022 Matthias Plock, Kas Andrle, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Data publication for "High-performance designs for fiber-pigtailed quantum-light sources based on quantum dots in electrically-controlled circular Bragg gratings" Zenodo, p. 7360516, 2022 Lucas Rickert, Fridtjof Betz, Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Research data and example scripts for the paper "Bayesian Target-Vector Optimization for Efficient Parameter Reconstruction" Zenodo, 2022 Matthias Plock, Kas Andrle, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Recent advances in Bayesian optimization with applications to parameter reconstruction in optical nano-metrology Proc. SPIE, Vol.11783, p. 117830J, 2021 Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)
Numerische Mathematik 3. Adaptive Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen de Gruyter, 2, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-11-069168-9 Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser BibTeX
ML for nanostructures (siMLopt)