Algorithmische Intelligenz zielt auf die Berechnung "intelligenter" Entscheidungen ab.  Die Abteilung A²IM wendet fortgeschrittene KI-Methoden aus der mathematischen Optimierung und dem maschinellen Lernen an, um neue intelligente algorithmische Lösungen für Probleme der realen Welt zu erforschen. Unsere Forschung befasst sich insbesondere mit der besseren Planung, Erweiterung und Kontrolle von lebenswichtigen und komplexen Infrastrukturnetzwerken.

Die Abteilung arbeitet eng mit dem Fachgebiert Software und Algorithmen für die diskrete Optimierung an der TU Berlin zusammen.


A Unified Funnel Restoration SQP Algorithm 2024 (under review) David Kiessling, Sven Leyffer, Charlie Vanaret BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A multi-objective optimization strategy for district heating production portfolio planning. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems – ECOS 2024, ECOS, 2024 (accepted for publication) Janina Zittel, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Christine Tawfik, Maxwell Dykes, Fabian Rivetta, Stephanie Riedmüller BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An Almost Feasible Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 2328-2335, 2024 David Kiessling, Charlie Vanaret, Alejandro Astudillo, Wilm Decré, Jan Swevers BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An efficient solver for large-scale onshore wind farm siting including cable routing European Journal of Operational Research, 317(2), pp. 616-630, 2024 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-10) Jaap Pedersen, Jann Michael Weinand, Chloi Syranidou, Daniel Rehfeldt PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Cutting Plane Selection for Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2024 Mark Turner BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of viscous forces on the interface stability of a tangential-velocity discontinuity in compressible fluids ZIB-Report 24-04 (under review) Thi Thai Le PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Estimation of Volume-of-Fluid Method with Level Set Function under Stable and Unstable Interface Conditions Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2024 (under review) Sato Mako, Naoki Shimada, Yuta Yaegashi, Thorsten Koch, Thi Thai Le BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
How Many Clues To Give? A Bilevel Formulation For The Minimum Sudoku Clue Problem Operations Research Letters, Vol.54, p. 107105, 2024 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-15) Gennesaret Tjusila, Mathieu Besançon, Mark Turner, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Integrating Large Citation Datasets ZIB-Report 24-10 Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Ida Litzel, Hanqiu Peng PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Interval constraint programming for globally solving catalog-based categorical optimization Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.89, pp. 457-476, 2024 Charlie Vanaret BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Linear stability of a simple shear layer between two parallel streams in a shallow water flow Physics Letters A, Vol.493, 2024 Thi Thai Le, Yasuhide Fukumoto, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Long-Term Multi-Objective Optimization for Integrated Unit Commitment and Investment Planning for District Heating Networks Operations Research Proceedings 2024, 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-09) Stephanie Riedmüller, Fabian Rivetta, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Mathematical optimization based flow scenario generation for operational analysis of European gas transport networks based on open data ZIB-Report 24-03 Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Thorsten Koch, Janina Zittel PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimal discrete pipe sizing for tree-shaped CO2 networks OR Spectrum, 2024 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-15) Jaap Pedersen, Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimizing transient gas network control for challenging real-world instances using MIP-based heuristics Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, Vol.5, 2024 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ) Felix Hennings, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and its Variants Encyclopedia of Optimization, Panos M. Pardalos, Oleg A. Prokopyev (Eds.), Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2024 (epub ahead of print) Jaap Pedersen, Ivana Ljubić BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Sensitivity analysis of the energy transition path in the Berlin-Brandenburg area to uncertainties in operational and investment costs of diverse energy production technologies. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems – ECOS 2024, ECOS, 2024 (accepted for publication) Christoph Muschner, Inci Yüksel-Ergün, Marie-Claire Gehring, Karolina Bartoszuk, Sabine Haas, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Sorting Criteria for Line-based Periodic Timetabling Heuristics Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-07) Patricia Ebert, Berenike Masing, Niels Lindner, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0 ZIB-Report 24-02-29 Suresh Bolusani, Mathieu Besançon, Ksenia Bestuzheva, Antonia Chmiela, João Dionísio, Tim Donkiewicz, Jasper van Doornmalen, Leon Eifler, Mohammed Ghannam, Ambros Gleixner, Christoph Graczyk, Katrin Halbig, Ivo Hedtke, Alexander Hoen, Christopher Hojny, Rolf van der Hulst, Dominik Kamp, Thorsten Koch, Kevin Kofler, Jurgen Lentz, Julian Manns, Gioni Mexi, Erik Mühmer, Marc E. Pfetsch, Franziska Schlösser, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Mark Turner, Stefan Vigerske, Dieter Weninger, Liding Xu PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Unifying nonlinearly constrained nonconvex optimization 2024 (under review) Charlie Vanaret, Sven Leyffer BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Warm-starting modeling to generate alternatives for energy transition paths in the Berlin-Brandenburg area Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-08) Niels Lindner, Karolina Bartoszuk, Srinwanti Debgupta, Marie-Claire Gering, Christoph Muschner, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling? European Journal of Operational Research, 318(2), pp. 575-591, 2024 (epub ahead of print) David Van Bulck, Dries Goossens, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Angelos Dimitsas, Georg H. G. Fonseca, Carlos Lamas-Fernandez, Martin Mariusz Lester, Jaap Pedersen, Antony E. Phillips, Roberto Maria Rosati BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A Context-Aware Cutting Plane Selection Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Programming Operation Research Proceedings, 2023 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-21) Mark Turner, Timo Berthold, Mathieu Besançon PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A parallel branch-and-bound heuristic for the integrated long-haul and local vehicle routing problem on an adaptive transportation network ZIB-Report 23-02 Junko Hosoda, Stephen J. Maher, Yuji Shinano, Jonas Christoffer Villumsen PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Adaptive Cut Selection in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, Vol.4, p. 5, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-04) Mark Turner, Thorsten Koch, Felipe Serrano, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An Exceptionally Difficult Binary Quadratic Optimization Problem with Symmetry: a Challenge for The Largest Unsolved QAP Instance Tai256c ZIB-Report 23-27 Koichi Fujii, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Hans D. Mittelmann, Yuji Shinano PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An effective approach for deriving and evaluating approximate optimal design solutions of energy supply systems by time series aggregation Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol.11, pp. 1-14, 2023 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Article’s scientific prestige: Measuring the impact of individual articles in the web of science Journal of Informetrics, 17(1), p. 101379, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-07) Ying Chen, Thorsten Koch, Nazgul Zakiyeva, Kailiang Liu, Zhitong Xu, Chun-houh Chen, Junji Nakano, Keisuke Honda PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Beimischung von Wasserstoff zum Erdgas: Eine Kapazitätsstudie des deutschen Gasnetzes gwf Gas + Energie, 2023 Jaap Pedersen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Uwe Gotzes, Janina Zittel, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Beimischung von Wasserstoff zum Erdgas: Eine Kapazitätsstudie des deutschen Gasnetzes 3R – Fachzeitschrift für Rohrleitungssystem, pp. 70-75, 2023 Jaap Pedersen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Uwe Gotzes, Janina Zittel, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Branching via Cutting Plane Selection: Improving Hybrid Branching 2023 (under review, preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-17) Mark Turner, Timo Berthold, Mathieu Besançon, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Consistent flow scenario generation based on open data for operational analysis of European gas transport networks Operations Research Proceedings 2023, 2023 (accepted for publication) Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Thorsten Koch, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Cutting Plane Selection with Analytic Centers and Multiregression Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2023., pp. 52-68, Vol.13884, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-28) Mark Turner, Timo Berthold, Mathieu Besançon, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Development and analysis of massive parallelization of a lattice basis reduction algorithm Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 40(1), pp. 13-56, 2023 Nariaki Tateiwa, Yuji Shinano, Masaya Yasuda, Shizuo Kaji, Keiichiro Yamamura, Katsuki Fujisawa BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of inertia force on the interface stability of a tangential-velocity discontinuity in porous media International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.169, 2023 Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Evaluation of Uncertainties in Linear-Optimizing Energy System Models - Compendium DLR-Forschungsbericht, 2023 Karl-Kien Cao, Lovis Anderson, Aileen Böhme, Thomas Breuer, Jan Buschmann, Frederick Fiand, Ulrich Frey, Benjamin Fuchs, Nils-Christian Kempe, Kai von Krbek, Wided Medjroubi, Judith Riehm, Shima Sasanpour, Sonja Simon, Charlie Vanaret, Manuel Wetzel, Mengzhu Xiao, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Faster exact solution of sparse MaxCut and QUBO problems Mathematical Programming Computation, Vol.15, pp. 445-470, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-02) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch, Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Forecasting and modeling the dynamics of large-scale energy networks under the supply and demand balance constraint AIRO Springer Series: International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, 2023 (accepted for publication) Milena Petkovic, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
High-dimensional high-frequency time series prediction with a mixed integer optimisation method Operations Research Proceedings, 2023 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-30) Nazgul Zakiyeva, Milena Petkovic PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Implications, Conflicts, and Reductions for Steiner Trees Mathematical Programming, Vol.197, pp. 903-966, 2023 Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Modeling and solving real-world transient gas network transport problems using mathematical programming Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2023 Felix Hennings BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Modeling the transition of the multimodal pan-European energy system including an integrated analysis of electricity and gas transport Energy Systems, 2023 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-17) Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Dieter Most, Lothar Wyrwoll, Carlo Schmitt, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the Numerical Treatment of Interlaced Target Values - Modeling, Optimization and Simulation of Regulating Valves in Gas Networks Optimization and Engineering, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-32) Felix Hennings, Milena Petkovic, Tom Streubel PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the state of QUBO solving Operations Research Proceedings 2023, 2023 (accepted for publication) Thorsten Koch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Yuji Shinano BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Predicting Fluid Interface Instability in Energy Systems for Sustainable Energy Transition Operations Research Proceedings, 2023 (accepted for publication) Thi Thai Le, Milena Petkovic PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
PySCIPOpt-ML: Embedding Trained Machine Learning Models into Mixed-Integer Programs Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023 (under review, preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-28) Mark Turner, Antonia Chmiela, Thorsten Koch, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Resilient Forecasting of High-Dimensional Network Time Series in the Energy Domain: A Hybrid Approach Operations Research Proceedings 2023, 2023 (accepted for publication) Milena Petkovic, Janina Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
The n-Queens Problem in Higher Dimensions Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2023 Tim Kunt PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Using Multiple Reference Vectors and Objective Scaling in the Feasibility Pump EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol.11, 2023 (preprint available as ) Timo Berthold, Gioni Mexi, Domenico Salvagnin BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A hybrid approach for high precision prediction of gas flows Energy Systems, Vol.13, pp. 383-408, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-26) Milena Petkovic, Ying Chen, Inken Gamrath, Uwe Gotzes, Natalia Selini Hadjidimitrou, Janina Zittel, Xiaofei Xu, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A massively parallel interior-point solver for LPs with generalized arrowhead structure, and applications to energy system models European Journal of Operational Research, 296(1), pp. 60-71, 2022 (preprint available as ) Daniel Rehfeldt, Hannes Hobbie, David Schönheit, Thorsten Koch, Dominik Möst, Ambros Gleixner BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Blending hydrogen into natural gas: An assessment of the capacity of the German gas grid Operations Research Proceedings 2021, pp. 182-187, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-21) Jaap Pedersen, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Janina Zittel, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Computing single-source shortest paths on graphs with over 8 trillion edges ZIB-Report 22-22 Daniel Rehfeldt, Katsuki Fujisawa, Thorsten Koch, Masahiro Nakao, Yuji Shinano PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Construction of Mathematical Basis for Realizing Data Rating Service Vol.90, Katsuki Fujisawa, Shizuo Kaji, Toru Ishihara, Masaaki Kondo, Yuji Shinano, Takuji Tanigawa, Naoko Nakayama (Eds.), Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University: Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University Motooka 744, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, JAPAN, 2022 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Day and time aggregations for optimal design of energy supply systems with storage units by a hierarchical MILP method PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2022 - THE 35 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, pp. 1891-1902, 2022 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Day and time aggregations for optimal design of energy supply systems with storage units by a hierarchical MILP method The 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1891-1902, 2022 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of depth discontinuity on interfacial stability of tangential-velocity discontinuity in shallow-water flow Physics Letters A, Vol.436, p. 128073, 2022 Thi Thai Le, Yasuhide Fukumoto BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Evaluation of robustness in multiple performance criteria for designing energy supply systems based on a mixed-integer linear model Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1937-1948, 2022 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuto Hiramatsu, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Evaluation of robustness in multiple performance criteria for designing energy supply systems based on a mixed-integer linear model The 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1937-1948, 2022 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuto Hiramatsu, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Faster Algorithms for Steiner Tree and related Problems: From Theory to Practice Operations Research Proceedings 2022, 2022 Daniel Rehfeldt BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Faster Algorithms for Steiner Tree and related Problems: From Theory to Practice OR News: Das Magazin der GOR, 2022 Daniel Rehfeldt BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
FrankWolfe.jl: a high-performance and flexible toolbox for Frank-Wolfe algorithms and Conditional Gradients INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(5), pp. 2383-2865, 2022 Besançon Mathieu, Alejandro Carderera, Sebastian Pokutta BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Generative deep learning for decision making in gas networks Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.95, pp. 503-532, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-38) Lovis Anderson, Mark Turner, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Length-Constrained Cycle Partition with an Application to UAV Routing Optimization Methods and Software, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-30) Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Oleg Burdakov, Gioni Mexi, Carl Johan Casselgren, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Location, transshipment and routing: An adaptive transportation network integrating long-haul and local vehicle routing EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Vol.11, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-12) Junko Hosada, Stephen Maher, Yuji Shinano, Jonas Christoffer Villumsen PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Mathematical Optimization for Analyzing and Forecasting Nonlinear Network Time Series Operations Research Proceedings 2022, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-19) Milena Petkovic, Nazgul Zakiyeva PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Mathematical programming for stable control and safe operation of gas transport networks Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2022 Kai Hoppmann-Baum BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Modeling and Forecasting Gas Network Flows with Multivariate Time Series and Mathematical Programming Approach Operations Research Proceedings 2021. OR 2021., pp. 200-205, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-23) Nazgul Zakiyeva, Milena Petkovic PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Network-induced Unit Commitment - A model class for investment and production portfolio planning for multi-energy systems ZIB-Report 22-16 Jan-Patrick Clarner, Christine Tawfik, Thorsten Koch, Janina Zittel PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimal Connected Subgraphs: Integer Programming Formulations and Polyhedra Networks, 80(3), pp. 314-332, 2022 Daniel Rehfeldt, Henriette Franz, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimization of Capacity Expansion in Potential-driven Networks including Multiple Looping - A comparison of modelling approaches OR Spectrum, Vol.44, pp. 179-224, 2022 (preprint available as ) Ralf Lenz, Kai-Helge Becker BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimizing transient gas network control for challenging real-world instances using MIP-based heuristics ZIB-Report 22-08 Felix Hennings, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Janina Zittel PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Progress in mathematical programming solvers from 2001 to 2020 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol.10, p. 100031, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-20) Thorsten Koch, Timo Berthold, Jaap Pedersen, Charlie Vanaret PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Simulation of Piecewise Smooth Differential Algebraic Equations with Application to Gas Networks Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Caren Tischendorf, Andrea Walther (Advisors), 2022 Tom Streubel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Statistical Analysis and Modeling for Detecting Regime Changes in Gas Nomination Time Series Operations Research Proceedings 2021. OR 2021, pp. 188-193, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-22) Milena Petkovic, Nazgul Zakiyeva, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
The Largest Unsolved QAP Instance Tai256c Can Be Converted into A 256-dimensional Simple BQOP with A Single Cardinality Constraint ZIB-Report 22-18 Koichi Fujii, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Hans D. Mittelmann, Yuji Shinano PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Tight Convex Relaxations for the Expansion Planning Problem Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.194, pp. 325-352, 2022 (preprint available as ) Ralf Lenz, Felipe Serrano BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Viscosity and porosity effects on tangential-discontinuity surface stability in 3D Compressible Media Physics of Fluids, 34(7), 2022 Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
データ格付けサービス実現のための数理基盤の構築 Vol.91, Katsuki Fujisawa, Shizuo Kaji, Toru Ishihara, Masaaki Kondo, Yuji Shinano, Takuji Tanigawa, Naoko Nakayama (Eds.), Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University: Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University Motooka 744, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, JAPAN, 2022 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
大規模二次割当問題への挑戦 ZIB-Report 22-11 Koichi Fujii, Naoki Ito, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Yuji Shinano, Kim-Chuan Toh PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
時間集約によるエネルギー供給システムの 近似最適設計解の導出および評価 (階層的最適化を援用した設計解の評価) エネルギー・資源学会第38回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 468-473, 2022 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
時間集約によるエネルギー供給システムの 近似最適設計解の導出および評価 (階層的最適化を援用した近似最適設計) 第41回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 144-148, 2022 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A hierarchical optimization approach to robust design of energy supply systems based on a mixed-integer linear model Energy, Vol.229, 2021 (epub ahead of print) Ryohei Yokoyama, Hiroki Kamada, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An Optimization Approach for the Transient Control of Hydrogen Transport Networks Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2021 (under review) Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Felix Hennings, Janina Zittel, Uwe Gotzes, Eva-Maria Spreckelsen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An iterative two-stage heuristic algorithm for a bilevel service network design and pricing model European Journal of Operational Research, 2021 (epub ahead of print) Christine Tawfik, Bernard Gendron, Sabine Limbourg BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
CMAP-LAP: Configurable Massively Parallel Solver for Lattice Problems HiPC 2021 proceedings, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-16) Nariaki Tateiwa, Yuji Shinano, Keiichiro Yamamura, Akihiro Yoshida, Shizuo Kaji, Masaya Yasuda, Katsuki Fujisawa PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Controlling transient gas flow in real-world pipeline intersection areas Optimization and Engineering, Vol.22, pp. 687-734, 2021 (preprint available as ) Felix Hennings, Lovis Anderson, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Mark Turner, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Deep learning for spatio-temporal supply anddemand forecasting in natural gas transmission networks Energy Science and Engineering, 2021 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-01) Milena Petkovic, Thorsten Koch, Janina Zittel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Distribution System Planning with Battery Storage using Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow 14th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2020 (IRES 2020), pp. 41-48, Vol.6, Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 2021 Jaap Pedersen, Birgit Schachler, Anya Heider, Guido Pleßmann BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of model reduction by time aggregation in multiobjective optimal design of energy supply systems by a hierarchical MILP method Energy, Vol.228, 2021 (epub ahead of print) Ryohei Yokoyama, Kotaro Takeuchi, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of water depth on Kelvin - Helmholtz instability in a shallow-water flow Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62(10), 2021 Thi Thai Le BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Faster algorithms for Steiner tree and related problems: From theory to practice Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch, Eduardo Uchoa, Renato Werneck (Advisors), 2021 Daniel Rehfeldt PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Implications, conflicts, and reductions for Steiner trees Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 22th International Conference, IPCO 2021, pp. 473-487, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-28) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Improved models for operation modes of complex compressor stations Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.94, pp. 171-195, 2021 (preprint available as ) Benjamin Hiller, René Saitenmacher, Tom Walther BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Instability of a tangential discontinuity surface in a three-dimensional compressible medium Physics of Fluids, 33(1), p. 016106, 2021 Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Integration of Flexible Distributed Energy Resource Models into a Market Coupling-based Lagrangian Relaxation of the pan-European Electricity Market ZIB-Report 21-11 Carlo Schmitt, Lothar Wyrwoll, Albert Moser, Inci Yueksel-Erguen PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Interface stability of compressible fluids in porous media Physics of Fluids, 33(8), p. 084102, 2021 Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Large-scale empirical study on the momentum equation's inertia term Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol.95, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-08) Felix Hennings PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
MILP. Try. Repeat. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling - PATAT 2021, Vol.2, 2021 Timo Berthold, Thorsten Koch, Yuji Shinano BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Massively parallel sharing lattice basis reduction ZIB-Report 21-38 (under review) Nariaki Tateiwa, Yuji Shinano, Masaya Yasuda, Shizuo Kaji, Keiichiro Yamamura, Katsuki Fujisawa PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Modeling functional time series and mixed-type predictors with partially functional autoregressions* Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, pp. 1-43, 2021 Xiaofei Xu, Ying Chen, Ge Zhang, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
New Ideas for the Feasibility Pump: Using Multiple Reference Vectors Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch, Timo Berthold (Advisors), 2021 Gioni Mexi PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the Complexity of Computing Maximum and Minimum Min‐Cost‐Flows Networks, 2021 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ) Kai Hoppmann-Baum BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the Regression Model for Generalized Normal Distributions Entropy, 23(2), p. 173, 2021 Ayman Alzaatreh, Mohammad Aljarrah, Ayanna Almagambetova, Nazgul Zakiyeva BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the exact solution of prize-collecting Steiner tree problems INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-11) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimal Operation of Transient Gas Transport Networks Optimization and Engineering, Vol.22, pp. 735-781, 2021 (preprint available as ) Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Felix Hennings, Ralf Lenz, Uwe Gotzes, Nina Heinecke, Klaus Spreckelsen, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimization of Stationary Expansion Planning and Transient Network Control by Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, 2021 Ralf Lenz BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Pipe Merging for Transient Gas Network Problems ZIB-Report 21-10 Ralf Lenz PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Robust Approximation of Chance Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research, 2021 Kevin-Martin Aigner, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Frauke Liers, Alexander Martin BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Solving Challenging Large Scale QAPs ZIB-Report 21-02 Koichi Fujii, Naoki Ito, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Yuji Shinano, Kim-Chuan Toh PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Synergistic approach of multi-energy models for a European optimal energy system management tool The Project Repository Journal, Vol.9, pp. 113-116, 2021 Sandrine Charousset-Brignol, Wim van Ackooij, Nadia Oudjane, Dominique Daniel, Slimane Noceir, Utz-Uwe Haus, Alfio Lazzaro, Antonio Frangioni, Rafael Lobato, Ali Ghezelsoflu, Niccolò Iardella, Laura Galli, Enrico Gorgone, Mauro dell’Amico, Spyros Giannelos, Alex Moreira, Goran Strbac, Stefan Borozan, Paula Falugi, Danny Pudjianto, Lothar Wyrwoll, Carlo Schmitt, Marco Franken, Daniel Beulertz, Henrik Schwaeppe, Dieter Most, Inci Yüksel-Ergün, Janina Zittel, Thorsten Koch PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0 ZIB-Report 21-41 Ksenia Bestuzheva, Mathieu Besançon, Wei-Kun Chen, Antonia Chmiela, Tim Donkiewicz, Jasper van Doornmalen, Leon Eifler, Oliver Gaul, Gerald Gamrath, Ambros Gleixner, Leona Gottwald, Christoph Graczyk, Katrin Halbig, Alexander Hoen, Christopher Hojny, Rolf van der Hulst, Thorsten Koch, Marco Lübbecke, Stephen J. Maher, Frederic Matter, Erik Mühmer, Benjamin Müller, Marc E. Pfetsch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Steffan Schlein, Franziska Schlösser, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Boro Sofranac, Mark Turner, Stefan Vigerske, Fabian Wegscheider, Philipp Wellner, Dieter Weninger, Jakob Witzig PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
The maximum diversity assortment selection problem Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol.93, pp. 521-554, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-34) Felix Prause, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Boris Defourny, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
UG - Ubiquity Generator Framework v1.0.0beta 2021 Yuji Shinano BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
plan4res D2.2 - Case Study 1 Report - Multimodal energy concept for achieving Europe's carbon reduction goals 2021 Dieter Most, Wyrwoll Lothar, Carlo Schmitt, Inci Yüksel-Ergün BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の 階層的関係を考慮した最適化 (蓄エネルギー機器を有するシステムへの適用) 第40回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 398-403, 2021 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A Hierarchical Optimization Approach to Robust Design of Energy Supply Systems Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Model Conference, pp. 601-613, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2020 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Hiroki Kamada, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A Novel Modular Optimization Framework for Modelling Investment and Operation of Energy Systems at European Level ZIB-Report 20-08 Dieter Most, Spyros Giannelos, Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Daniel Beulertz, Utz-Uwe Haus, Sandrine Charousset-Brignol, Antonio Frangioni PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
A review study of functional autoregressive models with application to energy forecasting WIREs Computational Statistics, 2020 Thorsten Koch, Ying Chen, Kian Guan Lim, Xiaofei Xu, Nazgul Zakiyeva BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Advances in Verification of ReLU Neural Networks Journal of Global Optimization, 2020 (preprint available as ) Ansgar Rössig, Milena Petkovic BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
An exact high performance solver for Steiner tree problems in graphs and related problems Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018, Springer, 2020 Thorsten Koch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Yuji Shinano BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Bounding the final rank during a round robin tournament with integer programming Operational Research, Vol.1866-1505, 2020 (preprint available as ) Uwe Gotzes, Kai Hoppmann-Baum BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Capacity Evaluation for Large-Scale Gas Networks German Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics, Vol.35, pp. 23-28, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-81454-0 Thorsten Koch, Martin Schmidt, Benjamin Hiller, Marc Pfetsch, Björn Geißler, René Henrion, Imke Joormann, Alexander Martin, Antonio Morsi, Werner Römisch, Lars Schewe, Rüdiger Schultz BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Day-ahead high-resolution forecasting of natural gas demand and supply in Germany with a hybrid model Applied Energy, 262(114486), 2020 Ying Chen, Xiuqin Xu, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Effect of Model Reduction by Time Aggregation in Multiobjective Optimal Design of Energy Supply Systems by a Hierarchical MILP Method Conference, pp. 627-639, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2020 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Kotaro Takeuchi, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
First Experiments with Structure-Aware Presolving for a Parallel Interior-Point Method Operations Research Proceedings 2019, pp. 105-111, 2020 (preprint available as ) Ambros Gleixner, Nils-Christian Kempke, Thorsten Koch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Svenja Uslu BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
From Natural Gas towards Hydrogen - A Feasibility Study on Current Transport Network Infrastructure and its Technical Control ZIB-Report 20-27 Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Felix Hennings, Janina Zittel, Uwe Gotzes, Eva-Maria Spreckelsen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Thorsten Koch PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
MIPLIB と Hans Mittelmann’s benchmarks 機関誌「オペレーションズ・リサーチ」, 65(1), pp. 49-56, 2020 (in press) 勇治 品野 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks Natalia Selini Hadjidimitriou, Antonio Frangioni, Andrea Lodi, Thorsten Koch (Eds.), Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-57441-3 Natalia Selini Hadjidimitriou, Antonio Frangioni, Andrea Lodi, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Minimum Cycle Partition with Length Requirements Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, Emmanuel Hebrard, Nysret Musliu (Eds.), Springer International Publishing: Cham, pp. 273-282, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-58941-7 Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Gioni Mexi, Oleg Burdakov, Carl Johan Casselgren, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Modeling and Forecasting the Dynamics of the Natural Gas Transmission Network in Germany with the Demand and Supply Balance Constraint Applied Energy, 2020 Ying Chen, Nazgul Zakiyeva, Bangzhu Zhu, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Network and Storage Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-57442-0 R. Schwarz, F. Lacalandra, L. Schewe, A. Bettinelli, D. Vigo, A. Bischi, T. Parriani, E. Martelli, K. Vuik, R. Lenz, H. Madsen, I. Blanco, D. Guericke, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. Zittel BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Node Partitioning and Subtours Creation Problem (NPSC) Bachelor's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch, Kai Hoppmann (Advisors), 2020 Gioni Mexi PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Nonlinear network autoregressive model with application to natural gas network forecasting Mathematics Japonica, 2020 (accepted for publication) Nazgul Zakiyeva, X. Xu PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
On the abs-polynomial expansion of piecewise smooth functions Optimization Methods and Software, 2020 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ) Andreas Griewank, Tom Streubel, Caren Tischendorf BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Optimal Connected Subgraphs: Formulations and Algorithms ZIB-Report 20-23 Daniel Rehfeldt, Henriette Franz, Thorsten Koch PDF
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Piecewise Polynomial Taylor Expansions - The Generalization of Faà di Bruno's Formula Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018, pp. 63-82, 2020 (preprint available as ) Tom Streubel, Caren Tischendorf, Andreas Griewank BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Production and Demand Management Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-57442-0 M. Diekerhof, A. Monti, E. Lebedeva, A. H. Tkaczyk, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. Zittel, L. F. Escudero, A. Soroudi, C. Helmberg, Ž. Kanovíc, M. Petkovic, F. Lacalandra, A. Frangioni, J. Lee, A. De Filippo, M. Lombardi, M. Milano, P. Ezran, Y. Haddad BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Second-order Conditional Gradient Sliding 2020 Alejandro Carderera, Sebastian Pokutta BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの 設計および運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化 (多目的最適設計へのモデル縮約の適用) エネルギー・資源学会第36回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 724-729, 2020 (in press) Kotaro Takeuchi, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化 (k-メドイド法に基づく期間クラスタリングの適用) 日本機械学会関西支部第95期定時総会講演会講演論文集, pp. 1-4, 2020 (in press) Kotaro Takeuchi, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
階層的最適化手法の援用による エネルギー供給システムのロバスト最適設計 エネルギー・資源学会第36回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 730-735, 2020 (in press) Hiroki Kamada, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
階層的最適化手法を用いた エネルギー供給システムのロバスト性評価 日本機械学会関西支部第95期定時総会講演会講演論文集, pp. 1-4, 2020 (in press) Hiroki Kamada, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Evaluation of Design Alternatives for a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant Based on Multiobjective K-Best Solutions International Conference on Power Engineering-2019, pp. 1112-1117, 2019 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Frictional effect on stability of discontinuity interface in tangential velocity of a shallow-water flow Physics Letters A, 383(26), p. 125839, 2019 Liangbing Jin, Thi Thai Le, Yasuhide Fukumoto BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a shallow-water flow with a finite width Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(1), p. 123101, 2019 Thi Thai Le BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Model reduction by time aggregation for optimal design of energy supply systems by an MILP hierarchical branch and bound method Energy, Vol.181, pp. 782-792, 2019 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Yuki Wakayama, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Operation-based time-period clustering for optimal design of energy supply systems by a hierarchical MILP method THE 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS(ECOS 2019), pp. 527-539, 2019 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Kotaro Takeuchi, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Search for K-best solutions in optimal design of energy supply systems by an extended MILP hierarchical branch and bound method Energy, Vol.184, pp. 45-57, 2019 Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Syusuke Taniguchi, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの 設計と運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化 (運用を考慮した期間クラスタリングによるモデル縮約) エネルギー・資源学会第35回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 169-174, 2019 (in press) Kotaro Takeuchi, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の 階層的関係を考慮した最適化 (モデル縮約のための期間クラスタリング手法の比較) 第38回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 109-114, 2019 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Kotaro Takeuchi, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
使ってみよう線形計画ソルバ 機関誌「オペレーションズ・リサーチ」, 64(4), pp. 238-245, 2019 (in press) 勇治 品野, 浩一 藤井 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
混合整数線形モデルによる エネルギー供給システムのロバスト最適設計 (階層的最適化手法の適用) エネルギー・資源学会第35回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 163-168, 2019 (in press) Hiroki Kamada, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化(時間集約によるモデル縮約とその効果) エネルギー・資源学会第34回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 401-404, 2018 (in press) Yuki Wakayama, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
階層的最適化によるエネルギ ー供給システムの最適設計・運用 (期間のクラスタリングに よるモデル縮約とその効果) 日本機械学会関西支部第93期定時総会講演会講演論文集, pp. 259-260, 2018 (in press) Yuki Wakayama, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
Numerical simulation of tidal flow in Danang Bay Based on non-hydrostatic shallow water equations Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry, 8(1), 2016 Thi Thai Le, Van Cuc Tran, Dang Hieu Phung BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化(多目的最適化におけるK-ベスト解の探索) エネルギー・資源学会第31回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集, pp. 267-272, 2015 (in press) Shusuke Taniguchi, Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Masashi Ohkura, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用の階層的関係を考慮した最適化(手法の提案) 第33回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文要旨集・講演論文集, pp. 183-188, 2014 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Syusuke Taniguchi, Masashi Ohkura, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
エネルギー供給システムの設計および運用階層的関係を考慮した最適化(K-ベスト解の探索) 日本機械学会第11回最適化シンポジウム2014講演論文集, pp. 1-4, 2014 (in press) Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Syusuke Taniguchi, Masashi Ohkura, Tetsuya Wakui BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
最適化と計算の今後 ―大規模問題をどこまで解決できるのか?― 機関誌「オペレーションズ・リサーチ」, 59(1), pp. 11-19, 2014 (in press) 克樹 藤澤, 勇治 品野 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
最適化研究における数値実験を中心とした アプリケーション駆動研究サイクル 機関誌「オペレーションズ・リサーチ」, 59(5), pp. 247-253, 2014 (in press) 勇治 品野 BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods
制約整数計画ソルバ SCIP の並列化 統計数理, 61(1), pp. 47-78, 2013 (in press) Yuji Shinano, Tobias Achterberg, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, Stefan Vigerske, Michael Winkler BibTeX
Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods