The project develops an adaptive mesh refinement method based on
a continuous PDE relaxation that can be used as a plug-in in branch&bound
solvers as the CIP optimizer...
In this project, we concern ourselves with the problem of efficiently computing a minimum-cost flight trajectory between a given pair of airports. To achieve this, we...
An A* Algorithm for Flight Planning Based on Idealized Vertical Profiles
22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), pp. 1:1-1:15, Vol.106, 2022
Marco Blanco, Ralf Borndörfer, Pedro Maristany de las CasasBibTeX DOI
Approximation Hierarchies for the cone of flow matrices
INOC 2017 – 8th International Network Optimization Conference, pp. 275-284, Vol.64, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-20)
Guillaume Sagnol, Marco Blanco, Thibaut Sauvage
PDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
The Cone of Flow Matrices: Approximation Hierarchies and Applications
Networks, 72(1), pp. 128-150, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-32)
Guillaume Sagnol, Marco Blanco, Thibaut Sauvage
PDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Cost Projection Methods for the Shortest Path Problem with Crossing Costs
17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Twan Dollevoet (Eds.), Vol.59, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-48)
Marco Blanco, Ralf Borndörfer, Nam-Dung Hoang, Anton Kaier, Pedro Maristany de las Casas, Thomas Schlechte, Swen Schlobach
PDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX
Solving Time Dependent Shortest Path Problems on Airway Networks Using Super-Optimal Wind
16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), Goerigk Marc (Ed.), Vol.54, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2016
Marco Blanco, Ralf Borndörfer, Nam-Dung Hoang, Anton Kaier, Adam Schienle, Thomas Schlechte, Swen Schlobach
Analysis of Micro–Macro Transformations of Railway Networks
Operations Research Proceedings 2013, pp. 37-42, Operations Research Proceedings 2013, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-65)
Marco Blanco, Thomas SchlechtePDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI