Natural gas is one of the most important energy sources in Germany and Europe. In recent years, political regulations have led to a strict separation of gas trading and...
Many real world problems can be modeled as mixed integer programs (MIPs) or mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). This project aims at developing tools for modeling...
Monoidal strengthening and unique lifting in MIQCPs
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. IPCO 2023., pp. 87-99, Vol.13904, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023 (preprint available as )
Antonia Chmiela, Gonzalo Muñoz, Felipe SerranoBibTeX DOI
On the implementation and strengthening of intersection cuts for QCQPs
Mathematical Programming B, Vol.197, pp. 549-586, 2023
Antonia Chmiela, Gonzalo Muñoz, Felipe SerranoBibTeX DOI
On generalized surrogate duality in mixed-integer nonlinear programming
Mathematical Programming, 192(1), pp. 89-118, 2022
Benjamin Müller, Gonzalo Muñoz, Maxime Gasse, Ambros Gleixner, Andrea Lodi, Felipe SerranoBibTeX DOI
Tight Convex Relaxations for the Expansion Planning Problem
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.194, pp. 325-352, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-05)
Ralf Lenz, Felipe SerranoPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
On the implementation and strengthening of intersection cuts for QCQPs
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 22nd International Conference, IPCO 2021, pp. 134-147, Vol.22, 2021 (preprint available as )
Antonia Chmiela, Gonzalo Muñoz, Felipe SerranoPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Maximal Quadratic-Free Sets
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 307-321, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-56)
Felipe Serrano, Gonzalo Muñoz
PDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
On Generalized Surrogate Duality in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 322-337, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-55)
Benjamin Müller, Gonzalo Muñoz, Maxime Gasse, Ambros Gleixner, Andrea Lodi, Felipe SerranoPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
On the relation between the extended supporting hyperplane algorithm and Kelley’s cutting plane algorithm
Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.78, pp. 161-179, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-18)
Felipe Serrano, Robert Schwarz, Ambros GleixnerPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Intersection cuts for factorable MINLP
A. Lodi, V. Nagarajan (eds), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 20th International Conference, IPCO 2019, pp. 385-398, Vol.11480, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-59)
Felipe SerranoPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Sufficient pruning conditions for MINLP in gas network design
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 5(1-2), pp. 239-261, 2017 (preprint available as )
Jesco Humpola, Felipe SerranoBibTeX DOI