Many real world problems can be modeled as mixed integer programs (MIPs) or mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). This project aims at developing tools for modeling and solving general MIPs and MINLPs, which can be applied by users as stand alone products or as a library within other software applications. We develop, maintain, and provide the SCIP Optimization Suite which contains software for generating and solving linear programs (LPs), MIPs, MINLPs, and constraint integer programs. The SCIP Optimization Suite includes: - the modeling language ZIMPL - the Simplex LP-solver SoPlex - the branch-cut-and-price framework, MIP- and MINLP-solver SCIP, integrating constraint programming and MIP - the generic branch-and-price solver GCG - the parallel framework UG for solving mixed integer linear and nonlinear programs Furthermore, also the LP-basis verifier perPlex is hosted at ZIB.


Linear Programming in MILP Solving - A Computational Perspective Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch, Julian Hall (Advisors), 2023, ISBN: 9783843953238 Matthias Miltenberger PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Accelerating domain propagation: An efficient GPU-parallel algorithm over sparse matrices Parallel Computing, Vol.109, p. 102874, 2022 Boro Šofranac, Ambros Gleixner, Sebastian Pokutta BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
An Algorithm-Independent Measure of Progress for Linear Constraint Propagation 27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021), pp. 52:1-52:17, Vol.210, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2021 (epub ahead of print) Boro Sofranac, Ambros Gleixner, Sebastian Pokutta BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Estimating the Size of Branch-And-Bound Trees INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021 (preprint available as ) Gregor Hendel, Daniel Anderson, Pierre Le Bodic, Marc Pfetsch BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
MIPLIB 2017: Data-Driven Compilation of the 6th Mixed-Integer Programming Library Mathematical Programming Computation, 13(3), pp. 443-490, 2021 Ambros Gleixner, Gregor Hendel, Gerald Gamrath, Tobias Achterberg, Michael Bastubbe, Timo Berthold, Philipp M. Christophel, Kati Jarck, Thorsten Koch, Jeff Linderoth, Marco Lübbecke, Hans Mittelmann, Derya Ozyurt, Ted Ralphs, Domenico Salvagnin, Yuji Shinano BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
SCIP-Jack: An exact high performance solver for Steiner tree problems in graphs and related problems Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018, LNCS, 2021 Daniel Rehfeldt, Yuji Shinano, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Accelerating Domain Propagation: an Efficient GPU-Parallel Algorithm over Sparse Matrices 2020 IEEE/ACM 10th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms (IA3), pp. 1-11, 2020 Boro Sofranac, Ambros Gleixner, Sebastian Pokutta BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Conflict-Driven Heuristics for Mixed Integer Programming INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(2), pp. 706-720, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-08) Jakob Witzig, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Conflict-Free Learning for Mixed Integer Programming Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2020, pp. 521-530, LNCS, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-59) Jakob Witzig, Timo Berthold PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Learn to Relax: Integrating 0-1 Integer Linear Programming with Pseudo-Boolean Conflict-Driven Search Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2020, pp. xxiv-xxvi, Vol.12296, LNCS, 2020 Jo Devriendt, Ambros Gleixner, Jakob Nordström BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Linear Programming using Limited-Precision Oracles Mathematical Programming, 183(1-2), pp. 525-554, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-57) Ambros Gleixner, Daniel Steffy PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Maximal Quadratic-Free Sets Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 307-321, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-56) Felipe Serrano, Gonzalo Muñoz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
On Generalized Surrogate Duality in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 322-337, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-55) Benjamin Müller, Gonzalo Muñoz, Maxime Gasse, Ambros Gleixner, Andrea Lodi, Felipe Serrano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Price-and-verify: a new algorithm for recursive circle packing using Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition Annals of Operations Research, 284(2), pp. 527-555, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-07) Ambros Gleixner, Stephen Maher, Benjamin Müller, João Pedro Pedroso PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0 ZIB-Report 20-10 Gerald Gamrath, Daniel Anderson, Ksenia Bestuzheva, Wei-Kun Chen, Leon Eifler, Maxime Gasse, Patrick Gemander, Ambros Gleixner, Leona Gottwald, Katrin Halbig, Gregor Hendel, Christopher Hojny, Thorsten Koch, Pierre Le Bodic, Stephen J. Maher, Frederic Matter, Matthias Miltenberger, Erik Mühmer, Benjamin Müller, Marc Pfetsch, Franziska Schlösser, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Christine Tawfik, Stefan Vigerske, Fabian Wegscheider, Dieter Weninger, Jakob Witzig PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The confined primal integral: a measure to benchmark heuristic MINLP solvers against global MINLP solvers Mathematical Programming, 2020 Zsolt Csizmadia, Timo Berthold BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Using two-dimensional Projections for Stronger Separation and Propagation of Bilinear Terms SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(2), pp. 1339-1365, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-15) Benjamin Müller, Felipe Serrano, Ambros Gleixner PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A Bilevel Model for Network Design and Pricing Based on a Level-of-Service Assessment Transportation Science, 53(6), pp. 1609-1626, 2019 Christine Tawfik, Sabine Limbourg BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A Status Report on Conflict Analysis in Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2019, pp. 84-94, Vol.11494, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-57) Jakob Witzig, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
An Easy Way to Build Parallel State-of-the-art Combinatorial Optimization Problem Solvers: A Computational Study on Solving Steiner Tree Problems and Mixed Integer Semidefinite Programs by using ug[SCIP-*,*]-libraries Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Workshop Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization, pp. 530-541, 2019 (preprint available as ) Yuji Shinano, Daniel Rehfeldt, Tristan Gally BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Building Optimal Steiner Trees on Supercomputers by Using up to 43,000 Cores Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2019, pp. 529-539, Vol.11494, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ) Yuji Shinano, Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Combining NP-Hard Reduction Techniques and Strong Heuristics in an Exact Algorithm for the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29(1), pp. 369-398, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-45) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Computational Aspects of Infeasibility Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming ZIB-Report 19-54 Jakob Witzig, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Cutting planes for families implying Frankl's conjecture Mathematics of Computation, 2019 (epub ahead of print) Jonad Pulaj BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Exploiting Dual Degeneracy in Branching ZIB-Report 19-17 Timo Berthold, Gerald Gamrath, Domenico Salvagnin PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Exploiting Symmetry in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Benjamin Müller (Advisor), 2019 Fabian Wegscheider PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Intersection cuts for factorable MINLP A. Lodi, V. Nagarajan (eds), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 20th International Conference, IPCO 2019, pp. 385-398, Vol.11480, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-59) Felipe Serrano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Linear Programming using Limited-Precision Oracles A. Lodi, V. Nagarajan (eds), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 20th International Conference, IPCO 2019, pp. 399-412, 2019 Ambros Gleixner, Daniel Steffy BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Local Rapid Learning for Integer Programs Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2019, pp. 67-83, Vol.11494, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-56) Timo Berthold, Peter Stuckey, Jakob Witzig PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Parallel PIPS-SBB: Multi-Level Parallelism For Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programs Computational Optimization and Applications, 2019 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-58) Lluis-Miquel Munguia, Geoffrey Oxberry, Deepak Rajan, Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Presolve Reductions in Mixed Integer Programming INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ) Tobias Achterberg, Robert E. Bixby, Zonghao Gu, Edward Rothberg, Dieter Weninger BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
QPLIB: A Library of Quadratic Programming Instances Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(2), pp. 237-265, 2019 Fabio Furini, Emiliano Traversi, Pietro Belotti, Antonio Frangioni, Ambros Gleixner, Nick Gould, Leo Liberti, Andrea Lodi, Ruth Misener, Hans Mittelmann, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Stefan Vigerske, Angelika Wiegele BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Reduction Techniques for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem Networks, Vol.73, pp. 206-233, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-47) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch, Stephen J. Maher PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Solving Quadratic Programs to High Precision using Scaled Iterative Refinement Mathematical Programming Computation, Vol.11, pp. 421-455, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-04) Tobias Weber, Sebastian Sager, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Structure-driven fix-and-propagate heuristics for mixed integer programming Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(4), pp. 675-702, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-56) Gerald Gamrath, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Tackling Industrial-Scale Supply Chain Problems by Mixed-Integer Programming Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.37, pp. 866-888, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-45) Gerald Gamrath, Ambros Gleixner, Thorsten Koch, Matthias Miltenberger, Dimitri Kniasew, Dominik Schlögel, Alexander Martin, Dieter Weninger PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Visible points, the separation problem, and applications to MINLP ZIB-Report 19-38 Felipe Serrano PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A fast Flow based Heuristic for MIP modelled SCM Problems Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2018 Jenia Scheizel BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Adaptive Algorithmic Behavior for Solving Mixed Integer Programs Using Bandit Algorithms OR 2018: International Conference on Operations Research, Operations Research 2018 Proceedings, 2018 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-36) Gregor Hendel, Matthias Miltenberger, Jakob Witzig PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Mixed Integer Programming Mathematical Programming Computation, 2018 (under review, preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-60) Gregor Hendel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Chvátal’s Conjecture Holds for Ground Sets of Seven Elements ZIB-Report 18-49 Leon Eifler, Ambros Gleixner, Jonad Pulaj PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Clairvoyant Restarts in Branch-and-Bound Search Using Online Tree-Size Estimation AAAI-19: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-11) Daniel Anderson, Gregor Hendel, Pierre Le Bodic, Jan Merlin Viernickel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Exploring the Numerics of Branch-and-Cut for Mixed Integer Linear Optimization Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 151-157, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-43) Matthias Miltenberger, Ted Ralphs, Daniel Steffy PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
FiberSCIP - A shared memory parallelization of SCIP INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30(1), pp. 11-30, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-55) Yuji Shinano, Stefan Heinz, Stefan Vigerske, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Four Good Reasons to Use an Interior Point Solver Within a MIP Solver Kliewer N., Ehmke J., Borndörfer R. (eds) Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 159-164, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-42) Timo Berthold, Michael Perregaard, Csaba Mészáros PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Measuring the impact of branching rules for mixed-integer programming Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 165-170, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-34) Gerald Gamrath, Christoph Schubert PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Mixed-Integer Programming for Cycle Detection in Non-reversible Markov Processes Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 16(1), pp. 248-265, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-39) Jakob Witzig, Isabel Beckenbach, Leon Eifler, Konstantin Fackeldey, Ambros Gleixner, Andreas Grever, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
On the performance of NLP solvers within global MINLP solvers Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 633-639, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-35) Benjamin Müller, Renke Kuhlmann, Stefan Vigerske PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
ParaXpress: An Experimental Extension of the FICO Xpress-Optimizer to Solve Hard MIPs on Supercomputers Optimization Methods & Software, 33(3), pp. 530-539, 2018 Yuji Shinano, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Parallel Solvers for Mixed Integer Linear Optimization Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning, pp. 283-336, Youssef Hamadi (Ed.), Springer Nature, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-74) Ted Ralphs, Yuji Shinano, Timo Berthold, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Parallelization of the FICO Xpress Optimizer Optimization Methods and Software, 33(3), pp. 518-529, 2018 Timo Berthold, James Farmer, Stefan Heinz, Michael Perregaard BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
SCIP-Jack—a solver for STP and variants with parallelization extensions: An update Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 191-196, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-05) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
SCIP: Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs in a Branch-and-Cut Framework Optimization Methods & Software, 33(3), pp. 563-593, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-24) Stefan Vigerske, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Structure-based Decomposition for Pattern-Detection for Railway Timetables Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 715-721, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-40) Stanley Schade, Thomas Schlechte, Jakob Witzig PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0 ZIB-Report 18-26 Ambros Gleixner, Michael Bastubbe, Leon Eifler, Tristan Gally, Gerald Gamrath, Robert Lion Gottwald, Gregor Hendel, Christopher Hojny, Thorsten Koch, Marco Lübbecke, Stephen J. Maher, Matthias Miltenberger, Benjamin Müller, Marc Pfetsch, Christian Puchert, Daniel Rehfeldt, Franziska Schlösser, Christoph Schubert, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Jan Merlin Viernickel, Matthias Walter, Fabian Wegscheider, Jonas T. Witt, Jakob Witzig PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The Ubiquity Generator Framework: 7 Years of Progress in Parallelizing Branch-and-Bound Operations Research Proceedings 2017, pp. 143-149, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-60) Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Transformations for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem to SAP Journal of Computational Mathematics, 36(3), pp. 459-468, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-36) Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Conflict Driven Diving for Mixed Integer Programming ZIB-Report 17-69 Jakob Witzig PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Distributed Domain Propagation 16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2017), pp. 6:1-6:11, Vol.75, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-71) Robert Lion Gottwald, Stephen J. Maher, Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Experiments with Conflict Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2017, pp. 211-222, Vol.10335, LNCS, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-63) Jakob Witzig, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
From feasibility to improvement to proof: three phases of solving mixed-integer programs Optimization Methods and Software, 33(3), pp. 499-517, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-78) Timo Berthold, Gregor Hendel, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Generalized preprocessing techniques for Steiner tree and maximum-weight connected subgraph problems ZIB-Report 17-57 Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Improving the performance of DICOPT in convex MINLP problems using a feasibility pump Optimization Methods and Software, 2017 (revision under review) David E. Bernal, Stefan Vigerske, Francisco Trespalacios, Ignacio E. Grossmann BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
SCIP-Jack – A solver for STP and variants with parallelization extensions Mathematical Programming Computation, 9(2), pp. 231-296, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-41) Gerald Gamrath, Thorsten Koch, Stephen J. Maher, Daniel Rehfeldt, Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0 ZIB-Report 17-12 Stephen J. Maher, Tobias Fischer, Tristan Gally, Gerald Gamrath, Ambros Gleixner, Robert Lion Gottwald, Gregor Hendel, Thorsten Koch, Marco Lübbecke, Matthias Miltenberger, Benjamin Müller, Marc Pfetsch, Christian Puchert, Daniel Rehfeldt, Sebastian Schenker, Robert Schwarz, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Dieter Weninger, Jonas T. Witt, Jakob Witzig PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The SCIP Optimization Suite 5.0 ZIB-Report 17-61 Ambros Gleixner, Leon Eifler, Tristan Gally, Gerald Gamrath, Patrick Gemander, Robert Lion Gottwald, Gregor Hendel, Christopher Hojny, Thorsten Koch, Matthias Miltenberger, Benjamin Müller, Marc Pfetsch, Christian Puchert, Daniel Rehfeldt, Franziska Schlösser, Felipe Serrano, Yuji Shinano, Jan Merlin Viernickel, Stefan Vigerske, Dieter Weninger, Jonas T. Witt, Jakob Witzig PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
The ZIMPL modeling language Optima, Vol.103, pp. 8-9, 2017 Thorsten Koch BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Three Enhancements for Optimization-Based Bound Tightening Journal of Global Optimization, 67(4), pp. 731-757, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-16) Ambros Gleixner, Timo Berthold, Benjamin Müller, Stefan Weltge PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Verifying Integer Programming Results F. Eisenbrand and J. Koenemann, eds., Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 19th International Conference, IPCO 2017, pp. 148-160, Vol.10328, LNCS, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-58) Kevin K. H. Cheung, Ambros Gleixner, Daniel Steffy PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A First Implementation of ParaXpress: Combining Internal and External Parallelization to Solve MIPs on Supercomputers Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016, 5th International Conference Berlin, Germany, July 11-14, 2016 Proceedings, pp. 308-316, 2016 Yuji Shinano, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Abschätzung der Suchbaumgröße und Laufzeit für Branch-and-Bound Algorithmen Bachelor's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2016 Jan Merlin Viernickel BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Cutting Planes for Families Implying Frankl's Conjecture ZIB-Report 16-51 Jonad Pulaj PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Experiments with Concurrency and Heuristics in SCIP Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2016 Robert Lion Gottwald BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Exploiting Solving Phases for Mixed-Integer Programs Operations Research Proceedings 2015, pp. 3-9, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-64) Gregor Hendel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Iterative Refinement for Linear Programming INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28(3), pp. 449-464, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-15) Ambros Gleixner, Daniel Steffy, Kati Wolter PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Methoden zur Reduktion der Rechenzeit linearer Optimierungsmodelle in der Energiewirtschaft - Eine Performance-Analyse EnInnov 2016: 14. Symposium Energieinnovation 2016, 2016 Karl-Kiên Cao, Ambros Gleixner, Matthias Miltenberger PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Parallelization of the FICO Xpress-Optimizer Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016, 5th International Conference Berlin, Germany, July 11-14, 2016 Proceedings, pp. 251-258, 2016 Timo Berthold, James Farmer, Stefan Heinz, Michael Perregaard BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
PolySCIP Mathematical Software – ICMS 2016, 5th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, July 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, G.-M. Greuel, Thorsten Koch, Peter Paule, Andrew Sommese (Eds.), pp. 259-264, Vol.9725, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-42431-6 Ralf Borndörfer, Sebastian Schenker, Martin Skutella, Timo Strunk BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
PySCIPOpt: Mathematical Programming in Python with the SCIP Optimization Suite ZIB-Report 16-64 (Appeared in: Mathematical Software – ICMS 2016, Volume 9725, Pages 301-307) Stephen J. Maher, Matthias Miltenberger, João Pedro Pedroso, Daniel Rehfeldt, Robert Schwarz, Felipe Serrano PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Solving Open MIP Instances with ParaSCIP on Supercomputers using up to 80,000 Cores Proc. of 30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-53) Yuji Shinano, Tobias Achterberg, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Solving the integrated airline recovery problem using column-and-row generation Transportation Science, 50(1), pp. 216-239, 2016 Stephen J. Maher BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Towards an accurate solution of wireless network design problems Cerulli R., Fujishige S., Mahjoub A. (eds) Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2016, pp. 135-147, 2016 (preprint available as ) Fabio D'Andreagiovanni, Ambros Gleixner BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A Generic Approach to Solving the Steiner Tree Problem and Variants Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Thorsten Koch (Advisor), 2015 Daniel Rehfeldt PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
A novel passenger recovery approach for the integrated airline recovery problem Computers & Operations Research, Vol.57, pp. 123-137, 2015 Stephen J. Maher BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Branching on Multi-aggregated Variables Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2015, pp. 141-156, Vol.9075, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-10) Gerald Gamrath, Anna Melchiori, Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner, Domenico Salvagnin PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Enhancing MIP Branching Decisions by Using the Sample Variance of Pseudo Costs Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming, pp. 199-214, Vol.9075, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-28) Gregor Hendel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Exact and Fast Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Martin Grötschel, Thorsten Koch, Andrea Lodi (Advisors), 2015, ISBN: 978-3-8325-4190-3 Ambros Gleixner BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Optimization in the Real World Mathematics for Industry (MFI), Vol.13, Springer Tokyo Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2015, ISBN: 978-4-431-55419-6 Katsuki Fujisawa, Yuji Shinano, Hayato Waki BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Progress in presolving for mixed integer programming Mathematical Programming Computation, 7(4), pp. 367-398, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-48) Gerald Gamrath, Thorsten Koch, Alexander Martin, Matthias Miltenberger, Dieter Weninger PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Reoptimization Techniques in MIP Solvers pp. 181-192, Vol.9125, Experimental Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-20086-6 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-24) Gerald Gamrath, Benjamin Hiller, Jakob Witzig PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Structure-Based Primal Heuristics for Mixed Integer Programming Optimization in the Real World, Springer Japan, pp. 37-53, 2015, ISBN: 978-4-431-55419-6 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-26) Gerald Gamrath, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Michael Winkler PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Improving strong branching by domain propagation EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2(3), pp. 99-122, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-47) Gerald Gamrath PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Recoverable robust single day aircraft maintenance routing problem Computers & Operations Research, Vol.51, pp. 130-145, 2014 Stephen J. Maher, Guy Desaulniers, Francois Soumis BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Shift-and-Propagate Journal of Heuristics, 21(1), pp. 73-106, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-03) Timo Berthold, Gregor Hendel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Solving Hard MIPLIP2003 Problems with ParaSCIP on Supercomputers: An Update IPDPSW'14 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE, International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IEEE (Ed.), pp. 1552-1561, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4117-9 Yuji Shinano, Tobias Achterberg, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, Michael Winkler BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Undercover: a primal MINLP heuristic exploring a largest sub-MIP Mathematical Programming, 144(1-2), pp. 315-346, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-07) Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Improving strong branching by propagation Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Vol.7874, pp. 347-354, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-46) Gerald Gamrath PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Learning and Propagating Lagrangian Variable Bounds for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 10th International Conference, CPAIOR 2013, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, May 18-22, 2013, pp. 355-361, Vol.7874, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-04) Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Weltge PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Linear Underestimators for bivariate functions with a fixed convexity behavior ZIB-Report 13-02 Martin Ballerstein, Dennis Michaels, Stefan Vigerske PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Undercover Branching Experimental Algorithms, 12th International Symposium, SEA 2013, Rome, Italy, June 5-7, 2013, Proceedings, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Camil Demetrescu, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (Eds.), pp. 212-223, Vol.7933, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-14) Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Analyzing the computational impact of MIQCP solver components Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2(4), pp. 739-748, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-08) Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Heinz, Stefan Vigerske PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Comparing MIQCP Solvers to a Specialised Algorithm for Mine Production Scheduling Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 2-6, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 25-39, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 09-32) Andreas Bley, Ambros Gleixner, Thorsten Koch, Stefan Vigerske PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method ZIB-Report 12-36 Ambros Gleixner PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Improving the Accuracy of Linear Programming Solvers with Iterative Refinement ISSAC '12. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, pp. 187-194, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-19) Ambros Gleixner, Daniel Steffy, Kati Wolter PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Picos Documentation. Release 0.1.1. ZIB-Report 12-48 Guillaume Sagnol PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
SCIP Optimization Suite を利用した 混合整数(線形/非線形) 計画問題の解法 Proceedings of the 24th RAMP symposium. The Operations Society of Japan, RAMP: Research Association of Mathematical Programming, pp. 165-192, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-24) Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, Yuji Shinano PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Solving mixed integer linear and nonlinear problems using the SCIP Optimization Suite ZIB-Report 12-27 Timo Berthold, Gerald Gamrath, Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, Yuji Shinano PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Towards globally optimal operation of water supply networks Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2(4), pp. 695-711, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-25) Ambros Gleixner, Harald Held, Wei Huang, Stefan Vigerske PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
MIPLIB 2010 Mathematical Programming Computation, 3(2), pp. 103-163, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-31) Thorsten Koch, Tobias Achterberg, Erling Andersen, Oliver Bastert, Timo Berthold, Robert E. Bixby, Emilie Danna, Gerald Gamrath, Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Heinz, Andrea Lodi, Hans Mittelmann, Ted Ralphs, Domenico Salvagnin, Daniel Steffy, Kati Wolter PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
On the computational impact of MIQCP solver components ZIB-Report 11-01 Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner, Stefan Heinz, Stefan Vigerske PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Rounding and Propagation Heuristics for Mixed Integer Programming Operations Research Proceedings 2011, pp. 71-76, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-29) Gregor Hendel, Timo Berthold, Tobias Achterberg PDF (ZIB-Report)
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Experiments with a Generic Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Integer Programs Experimental Algorithms, Vol.6049, pp. 239-252, 2010 Gerald Gamrath, Marco Lübbecke BibTeX
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Generic Branch-Cut-and-Price Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Marco Lübbecke, Martin Grötschel (Advisors), 2010 Gerald Gamrath PDF
Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming
Undercover – a primal heuristic for MINLP based on sub-MIPs generated by set covering Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, April 12-16, 2010, Marseilles, France, Pierre Bonami, Leo Liberti, Andrew J. Miller, Annick Sartenaer (Eds.), pp. 103-112, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 09-40) Timo Berthold, Ambros Gleixner PDF (ZIB-Report)
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Linear, Integer, and Constraint Programming