In the project Stadt-Land-Energie, we develop open and transferable methods and tools that enable the computation and appropriate reprocessing of robust, regionally...
For the development and analysis of energy scenarios, the application of models is crucial. Considering the fact that energy systems analysis is an important instrument...
The energy transition towards sustainable and renewable sources gives rise to higher and more complex requirements for the expansion planning of district heating systems...
Multi-Energy Models for European Energy System Planning
The 2030 and 2050 EU’s carbon reduction targets are calling for significant changes in our energy system: more flexibility, more active involvement of all stakeholders...
A multi-objective optimization strategy for district heating production portfolio planning
37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2024), pp. 764-775, 2024
Janina Zittel, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Christine Tawfik, Maxwell Dykes, Fabian Rivetta, Stephanie RiedmüllerBibTeX DOI
Forecasting and modeling the dynamics of large-scale energy networks under the supply and demand balance constraint
Optimization in Green Sustainability and Ecological Transition. ODS 2023, Vol.12, AIRO Springer Series, 2024
Milena Petkovic, Janina ZittelBibTeX DOI
Long-Term Multi-Objective Optimization for Integrated Unit Commitment and Investment Planning for District Heating Networks
Operations Research Proceedings 2024, 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-09)
Stephanie Riedmüller, Fabian Rivetta, Janina ZittelPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX arXiv
Optimizing transient gas network control for challenging real-world instances using MIP-based heuristics
Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, Vol.5, 2024 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as )
Felix Hennings, Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Janina ZittelBibTeX arXiv DOI
Sensitivity analysis of the energy transition path in the Berlin-Brandenburg area to uncertainties in operational and investment costs of diverse energy production technologies
37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2024), pp. 1339-1350, 2024
Christoph Muschner, Inci Yüksel-Ergün, Marie-Claire Gering, Karolina Bartoszuk, Sabine Haas, Janina ZittelBibTeX DOI
Warm-starting modeling to generate alternatives for energy transition paths in the Berlin-Brandenburg area
Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-08)
Niels Lindner, Karolina Bartoszuk, Srinwanti Debgupta, Marie-Claire Gering, Christoph Muschner, Janina ZittelPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX
Beimischung von Wasserstoff zum Erdgas: Eine Kapazitätsstudie des deutschen Gasnetzes
gwf Gas + Energie, 2023
Jaap Pedersen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Uwe Gotzes, Janina Zittel, Thorsten KochBibTeX
Beimischung von Wasserstoff zum Erdgas: Eine Kapazitätsstudie des deutschen Gasnetzes
3R – Fachzeitschrift für Rohrleitungssystem, pp. 70-75, 2023
Jaap Pedersen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Uwe Gotzes, Janina Zittel, Thorsten KochBibTeX
Consistent flow scenario generation based on open data for operational analysis of European gas transport networks
Operations Research Proceedings 2023, 2023 (accepted for publication)
Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Thorsten Koch, Janina ZittelBibTeX
Evaluation of Uncertainties in Linear-Optimizing Energy System Models - Compendium
DLR-Forschungsbericht, 2023
Karl-Kien Cao, Lovis Anderson, Aileen Böhme, Thomas Breuer, Jan Buschmann, Frederick Fiand, Ulrich Frey, Benjamin Fuchs, Nils-Christian Kempe, Kai von Krbek, Wided Medjroubi, Judith Riehm, Shima Sasanpour, Sonja Simon, Charlie Vanaret, Manuel Wetzel, Mengzhu Xiao, Janina ZittelBibTeX DOI
Modeling the transition of the multimodal pan-European energy system including an integrated analysis of electricity and gas transport
Energy Systems, 2023 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-17)
Inci Yueksel-Erguen, Dieter Most, Lothar Wyrwoll, Carlo Schmitt, Janina ZittelPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Resilient Forecasting of High-Dimensional Network Time Series in the Energy Domain: A Hybrid Approach
Operations Research Proceedings 2023, 2023 (accepted for publication)
Milena Petkovic, Janina ZittelBibTeX
Statistical Analysis and Modeling for Detecting Regime Changes in Gas Nomination Time Series
Operations Research Proceedings 2021. OR 2021, pp. 188-193, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-22)
Milena Petkovic, Nazgul Zakiyeva, Janina ZittelPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
An Optimization Approach for the Transient Control of Hydrogen Transport Networks
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2021 (under review)
Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Felix Hennings, Janina Zittel, Uwe Gotzes, Eva-Maria Spreckelsen, Klaus Spreckelsen, Thorsten KochBibTeX
Deep learning for spatio-temporal supply anddemand forecasting in natural gas transmission networks
Energy Science and Engineering, 2021 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-01)
Milena Petkovic, Thorsten Koch, Janina ZittelPDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI
Synergistic approach of multi-energy models for a European optimal energy system management tool
The Project Repository Journal, Vol.9, pp. 113-116, 2021
Sandrine Charousset-Brignol, Wim van Ackooij, Nadia Oudjane, Dominique Daniel, Slimane Noceir, Utz-Uwe Haus, Alfio Lazzaro, Antonio Frangioni, Rafael Lobato, Ali Ghezelsoflu, Niccolò Iardella, Laura Galli, Enrico Gorgone, Mauro dell’Amico, Spyros Giannelos, Alex Moreira, Goran Strbac, Stefan Borozan, Paula Falugi, Danny Pudjianto, Lothar Wyrwoll, Carlo Schmitt, Marco Franken, Daniel Beulertz, Henrik Schwaeppe, Dieter Most, Inci Yüksel-Ergün, Janina Zittel, Thorsten KochPDF BibTeX
Network and Storage
Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-57442-0
R. Schwarz, F. Lacalandra, L. Schewe, A. Bettinelli, D. Vigo, A. Bischi, T. Parriani, E. Martelli, K. Vuik, R. Lenz, H. Madsen, I. Blanco, D. Guericke, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. ZittelBibTeX DOI
Production and Demand Management
Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks, Springer, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-57442-0
M. Diekerhof, A. Monti, E. Lebedeva, A. H. Tkaczyk, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. Zittel, L. F. Escudero, A. Soroudi, C. Helmberg, Ž. Kanovíc, M. Petkovic, F. Lacalandra, A. Frangioni, J. Lee, A. De Filippo, M. Lombardi, M. Milano, P. Ezran, Y. Haddad