The interdisciplinary project Trassenbörse deals with the problem, wether an auction-based allocation of railway tracks could lead to competitive marketing of a railway infrastructure network. The idea is that competing railroad traffic companies can bid for any imaginable track. Possible arsising conflicts will be resolved by using the revenue maximizing allocation. In this project we investigate on the producibility and practicability of this approach. Together, we work on the occuring economic, railway environmental and mathematical problems.


Slot Allocation for Railways

The interdisciplinary project Trassenbörse deals with the problem, wether an auction-based allocation of railway tracks could lead to competitive marketing of a railway infrastructure network. The idea is that competing railroad traffic companies can bid for any imaginable track. Possible arsising conflicts will be resolved by using the revenue maximizing allocation. In this project we investigate on the producibility and practicability of this approach. Together, we work on the occuring economic, railway environmental and mathematical problems.



One great challenge is to model such a complex system like the railroad traffic, (especially the German one), in a convenient way. On the one hand it has to be possible to perform computational experiments based on that model, but on the other hand no important operating details must be ignored. Therefore our project partners from SFWBB and IVE work on two different approaches, whose combination should lead to this property. It is about a macroscopic railway model, which allows a rough planning through its simplified estimations(aggregation of input data). and a microscopic model, which permits a smooth simulation of runs of individual trains through its switch-level description. By adequate coupling of these models an iterative planning process should be realized from rough to smooth planning.

Another problem is to find a suitable design und rule set for auctioning such a complex manor like railway tracks and which leads to a more efficient use of railway capacity. Apart from this our project partner from WIP have been developing a flexible auction language, which achieves the requirements of an railway traffic company and gives him the possibility to specify their track requests; This is of great importance, mainly for practical reasons.


During an auction process, in each round a so called track allocation problem has to be solved to optimality on a macroscopic level. The solution corresponds to the allocated tracks and trains. First of all there is optimization potential by receiving more capacity through train bundling, see pictures below.

Blocking times without bundling.Blocking times with bundling.

The determination of a train timetable or equivalent of a track allocation can be seen as one of the parade application examples for operations research. The right decision for the use of scare infrastructure capacity, that means the allocation on tracks and stations, has to be found. Obviously, this problem can be described in several ways. Therefore we worked on a standardization of the macroscopic timetabling problem -introducing TTPLib, see below.


This combinatorial problem could be modelled as a multi commodity flow problem with additional packing constraints in a time expanded infrastructure digraph (see left figure below). Recent field of research are another model approach as coupled path covering problems. This is in some sense an extended model formulation of the arc packing problem formulation. We investigate on an integer programming approach to solve such problems by using the modeling language ZIMPL and the IP-Solver Software CPLEX. By using these tools we are able to solve scenarios with some hundreds of trains and a certain flexibility. To achieve our long-term goal, solving of large-scale and real-world scenarios, we have to improve the performance of our solution approach. Therefore we have started - at the current stage of the project - to develop an optimization tool, so called TS-OPT, that implements a special column generation algorithm for solving the coupled path covering model for the track allocation problem.

Track-Scheduling-Graph.Macroscopic Solution Schedule.


Here is a link (> 8MB) to a live record of our visualization tool TraVis developed by M.Kinder and B.Erol based on JavaView. A feasible schedule for about 200 trains is animated. A free version for academic purposes can be downloaded here.

Screenshot von TraVis.


The Train Timetabling Problem Library TTPLib provides free access to our XML-specification of the problem, numerous instances and other useful information around the TTP.

TTP Lib Banner

Further Publications



Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry Ralf Borndörfer, Torsten Klug, Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-72152-1 Erwin Abbink, Andreas Bärmann, Nikola Bešinovic, Markus Bohlin, Valentina Cacchiani, Gabrio Caimi, Stefano de Fabris, Twan Dollevoet, Frank Fischer, Armin Fügenschuh, Laura Galli, Rob M.P. Goverde, Ronny Hansmann, Henning Homfeld, Dennis Huisman, Marc Johann, Torsten Klug, Johanna Törnquist Krasemann, Leo Kroon, Leonardo Lamorgese, Frauke Liers, Carlo Mannino, Giorgio Medeossi, Dario Pacciarelli, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte, Marie Schmidt, Anita Schöbel, Hanno Schülldorf, Anke Stieber, Sebastian Stiller, Paolo Toth, Uwe Zimmermann BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems Ralf Borndörfer, Sabine Storandt (Eds.), Dagstuhl Publishing, Saarbrücken/Wadern, Germany, 2018, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-95977-096-5 BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Strong Relaxations for the Train Timetabling Problem using Connected Configurations 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Twan Dollevoet (Eds.), Vol.59, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-95977-042-2 (preprint available as ) Frank Fischer, Thomas Schlechte PDF
Slot Allocation for Railways
Comparing two dual relaxations of large scale train timetabling problems Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport 2015, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-43) Frank Fischer, Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Analysis of Micro–Macro Transformations of Railway Networks Operations Research Proceedings 2013, pp. 37-42, Operations Research Proceedings 2013, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-65) Marco Blanco, Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
A Direct Comparison of Physical Block Occupancy Versus Timed Block Occupancy in Train Timetabling Formulations Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol.54, pp. 50-66, 2013 (preprint available as ) Steven Harrod, Thomas Schlechte BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Rapid Branching Public Transport, 5(1), pp. 3-23, 2013 (preprint available as ) Ralf Borndörfer, Andreas Löbel, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte, Steffen Weider BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Optimizing the Simplon railway corridor Annals of Operations Research, 218(1), pp. 93-106, 2012 (preprint available as ) Ralf Borndörfer, Berkan Erol, Thomas Graffagnino, Thomas Schlechte, Elmar Swarat BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Railway Track Allocation Operations Research Proceedings, pp. 15-20, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-38) Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Railway Track Allocation -- Simulation, Aggregation, and Optimization Proc. 1st International Workshop on High-speed and Intercity Railways (IWHIR 2011), 2(148), pp. 53-70, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-35) Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Schlechte, Elmar Swarat PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Micro–macro transformation of railway networks Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 1(1), pp. 38-48, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-23) Thomas Schlechte, Ralf Borndörfer, Berkan Erol, Thomas Graffagnino, Elmar Swarat PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Railway Track Allocation - Simulation and Optimization Proceedings of 4th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (IAROR), Vol.4, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-32) Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Mathematical Optimization and Public Transportation Habilitation, Technische Universität Berlin, 2010 Ralf Borndörfer PDF
Slot Allocation for Railways
Mathematical Optimization and Public Transportation TU Berlin, 2010 Ralf Borndörfer BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Railway Track Allocation by Rapid Branching Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, Thomas Erlebach, Marco Lübbecke (Eds.), pp. 13-23, Vol.14, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-22) Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Schlechte, Steffen Weider PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Railway capacity auctions with dual prices Selected Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-10) Thomas Schlechte, Andreas Tanner PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Optimization of macroscopic train schedules via TS-OPT Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - Engineering and Optimisation Approaches, I. Hansen, E. Wendler, U. Weidmann, M. Lüthi, J. Rodriguez, S. Ricci, Leo Kroon (Eds.), 2009 Ralf Borndörfer, Berkan Erol, Thomas Schlechte BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Vickrey Auctions for Railway Tracks Operations Research Proceedings 2008, Bernhard Fleischmann, Karl Borgwardt, Robert Klein, Axel Tuma (Eds.), pp. 551-556, 2009 (preprint available as ) Ralf Borndörfer, Annette Mura, Thomas Schlechte BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Balancing Efficiency and Robustness MCDM for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems, Matthias Ehrgott, Boris Naujoks, Theo Stewart, Jyrki Wallenius (Eds.), 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-22) Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
Solving Railway Track Allocation Problems Operations Research Proceedings 2007, Jörg Kalcsics, Stefan Nickel (Eds.), pp. 117-122, 2008 (preprint available as ) Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Schlechte BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
TTPlib 2008 - A Library for Train Timetabling Problems Computers in Railways XI, A. Tomii, J. Allan, E. Arias, C. Brebbia, C. Goodman, A. Rumsey, G. Sciutto (Eds.), 2008 (preprint available as ) Berkan Erol, Marc Klemenz, Thomas Schlechte, Sören Schultz, Andreas Tanner BibTeX
Slot Allocation for Railways
Models for Railway Track Allocation ATMOS 2007 - 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems, Christian Liebchen, Ravindra Ahuja, Juan Mesa (Eds.), Vol.07001, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, 2007 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-02) Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Schlechte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways
An Auctioning Approach to Railway Slot Allocation Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 1(2), pp. 163-196, 2006 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-45) Ralf Borndörfer, Martin Grötschel, Sascha Lukac, Kay Mitusch, Thomas Schlechte, Sören Schultz, Andreas Tanner PDF (ZIB-Report)
Slot Allocation for Railways