The department Modeling and Simulation of Compex Processes  develops efficient modelling, simulation, and optimization tools and algorithms for challenging application problems from medicine, systems biology, and molecular dynamics as well as nanophotonics and humanities. Based on tight collaboration with application partners from industry and academia, the department aims not only at generating scientific insight, but also at providing software prototypes and demonstrators for specific solutions.

For these, we develop adaptive algorithms in the areas of finite elements, agent-based models, conformation dynamics, stochastic and hybrid simulation, optimal control, and parameter estimation, exploiting multi-level structures for efficiency and robustness. With increasing complexity of the applications, techniques for multi-scale, multi-physics and hybrid models play a more and more important role, as do stochastic aspects, uncertainty quantification, machine learning, and design tasks.

Research Groups

MSCP group heads
Group heads of the MSCP department


Flexible C++ library for solving PDE systems with finite elements.
Contact: Martin Weiser (

Programme package containing a finite element solver for computation of solutions to electromagnetic wave propagation, continuum mechanics, and heat conduction problems, including also machine learning based optimization methods. 
Contact: Sven Burger (


A Mathematical perspective on Romanisation: Modelling the Roman road activation process in ancient Tunisia PLoS ONE, 19(9), 2024 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Robin Chemnitz, Margarita Kostre, Fleur Schweigart, Friederike Fless, Christof Schütte, Benjamin Ducke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Roadmap on Optics for Terawatt Scale Photovoltaics Advanced Photonics Congress 2024, p. STu2G.5, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group), 2024 Klaus Jäger, Sven Burger, Urs Aeberhard, Esther Alarcon Llado, Benedikt Bläsi, Bruno Ehrler, Wilfried Favre, Antonín Fejfar, Tristan Gageot, Ivan Gordon, Henning Helmers, Oliver Höhn, Olindo Isabella, Marko Jošt, Martin Ledinský, Jyotirmoy Mandal, Phillip Manley, Delfina Munoz, Juan Camilo Ortiz Lizcano, Ulrich W. Paetzold, Aaswath P. Raman, Hitoshi Sai, Rebecca Saive, Martina Schmid, Eli Yablonovitch, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A community effort in SARS-CoV-2 drug discovery Molecular Informatics, 43(1), p. e202300262, 2024 Johannes Schimunek, Philipp Seidl, Katarina Elez, Tim Hempel, Tuan Le, Frank Noé, Simon Olsson, Lluís Raich, Robin Winter, Hatice Gokcan, Filipp Gusev, Evgeny M. Gutkin, Olexandr Isayev, Maria G. Kurnikova, Chamali H. Narangoda, Roman Zubatyuk, Ivan P. Bosko, Konstantin V. Furs, Anna D. Karpenko, Yury V. Kornoushenko, Mikita Shuldau, Artsemi Yushkevich, Mohammed B. Benabderrahmane, Patrick Bousquet-Melou, Ronan Bureau, Beatrice Charton, Bertrand C. Cirou, Gérard Gil, William J. Allen, Suman Sirimulla, Stanley Watowich, Nick Antonopoulos, Nikolaos Epitropakis, Agamemnon Krasoulis, Vassilis Itsikalis, Stavros Theodorakis, Igor Kozlovskii, Anton Maliutin, Alexander Medvedev, Petr Popov, Mark Zaretckii, Hamid Eghbal-Zadeh, Christina Halmich, Sepp Hochreiter, Andreas Mayr, Peter Ruch, Michael Widrich, Francois Berenger, Ashutosh Kumar, Yoshihiro Yamanishi, Kam Y. J. Zhang, Emmanuel Bengio, Yoshua Bengio, Moksh J. Jain, Maksym Korablyov, Cheng-Hao Liu, Gilles Marcou, Enrico Glaab, Kelly Barnsley, Suhasini M. Iyengar, Mary Jo Ondrechen, V. Joachim Haupt, Florian Kaiser, Michael Schroeder, Luisa Pugliese, Simone Albani, Christina Athanasiou, Andrea Beccari, Paolo Carloni, Giulia D’Arrigo, Eleonora Gianquinto, Jonas Goßen, Anton Hanke, Benjamin P. Joseph, Daria B. Kokh, Sandra Kovachka, Candida Manelfi, Goutam Mukherjee, Abraham Muñiz-Chicharro, Francesco Musiani, Ariane Nunes-Alves, Giulia Paiardi, Giulia Rossetti, S. Kashif Sadiq, Francesca Spyrakis, Carmine Talarico, Alexandros Tsengenes, Rebecca C. Wade, Conner Copeland, Jeremiah Gaiser, Daniel R. Olson, Amitava Roy, Vishwesh Venkatraman, Travis J. Wheeler, Haribabu Arthanari, Klara Blaschitz, Marco Cespugli, Vedat Durmaz, Konstantin Fackeldey, Patrick D. Fischer, Christoph Gorgulla, Christian Gruber, Karl Gruber, Michael Hetmann, Jamie E. Kinney, Krishna M. Padmanabha Das, Shreya Pandita, Amit Singh, Georg Steinkellner, Guilhem Tesseyre, Gerhard Wagner, Zi-Fu Wang, Ryan J. Yust, Dmitry S. Druzhilovskiy, Dmitry A. Filimonov, Pavel V. Pogodin, Vladimir Poroikov, Anastassia V. Rudik, Leonid A. Stolbov, Alexander V. Veselovsky, Maria De Rosa, Giada De Simone, Maria R. Gulotta, Jessica Lombino, Nedra Mekni, Ugo Perricone, Arturo Casini, Amanda Embree, D. Benjamin Gordon, David Lei, Katelin Pratt, Christopher A. Voigt, Kuang-Yu Chen, Yves Jacob, Tim Krischuns, Pierre Lafaye, Agnès Zettor, M. Luis Rodríguez, Kris M. White, Daren Fearon, Frank Von Delft, Martin A. Walsh, Dragos Horvath, Charles L. Brooks III, Babak Falsafi, Bryan Ford, Adolfo García-Sastre, Sang Yup Lee, Nadia Naffakh, Alexandre Varnek, Günter Klambauer, Thomas M. Hermans BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A framework to compute resonances arising from multiple scattering arXiv, p. arXiv:2409.05563, 2024 Jan David Fischbach, Fridtjof Betz, Nigar Asadova, Pietro Tassan, Darius Urbonas, Thilo Stöferle, Rainer F. Mahrt, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Felix Binkowski, Thomas Jebb Sturges BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A tiny Drude scatterer can accurately model a coherent emitter in nanophotonics Nanophotonics, 2024 (epub ahead of print) Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Günter Kewes BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Gaussian Process Regression for Bayesian inverse problems Proceedings of the Conference Algoritmy 2024, pp. 214-224, 2024 Paolo Villani, Jörg F. Unger, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Gaussian process regression for inverse problems. ALGORITMY 2024 2024 Paolo Villani, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Gradient Enhanced Gaussian Process Surrogates for Inverse Problems Proceedings of the MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester on Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning, 2024 (accepted for publication) Phillip Semler, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Altered knee kinematics after posterior cruciate single-bundle reconstruction - a comprehensive prospective biomechanical in vivo analysis Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol.12, 2024 Stephan Oehme, Philippe Moewis, Heide Boeth, Benjamin Bartek, Christoph von Tycowicz, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, Tobias Jung PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Approximating particle-based clustering dynamics by stochastic PDEs 2024 (under review) Nathalie Wehlitz, Mohsen Sadeghi, Alberto Montefusco, Christof Schütte, Grigorios A. Pavliotis, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bayesian optimization for state engineering of quantum gases arXiv, p. arXiv:2404.18234, 2024 Gabriel Müller, V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, Ivan Sekuliĉ, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Naceur Gaaloul BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chiral and directional optical emission from a dipole source coupled to a helical plasmonic antenna Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.124, p. 231102, 2024 Lilli Kuen, Lorenz Löffler, Aleksei Tsarapkin, Lin Zschiedrich, Thorsten Feichtner, Sven Burger, Katja Höflich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Clustering Time-Evolving Networks Using the Dynamic Graph Laplacian 2024 (under review) Maia Trower, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Stefan Klus BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Co-evolving networks for opinion and social dynamics in agent-based models Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34(9), 2024 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Nhu Quang Vu, Soeren Nagel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing eigenfrequency sensitivities near exceptional points Phys. Rev. Research, Vol.6, p. 023148, 2024 Felix Binkowski, Julius Kullig, Fridtjof Betz, Lin Zschiedrich, Andrea Walther, Jan Wiersig, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dynamical systems and complex networks: A Koopman operator perspective 2024 (under review) Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient rational approximation of optical response functions with the AAA algorithm Laser Photonics Rev., p. 2400584, 2024 (epub ahead of print) Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Felix Binkowski BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Electrograms in a Cardiac Cell-by-Cell Model 2024 (under review) Joshua Steyer, Fatemeh Chegini, Tomas Starý, Mark Potse, Martin Weiser, Axel Loewe BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Excluded volume induces buckling in optically driven colloidal rings Phys. Rev. Research, Vol.6, p. L012044, 2024 Eric Cereceda-López, Mattia Ostinato, Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz, Arthur Straube, Matteo Palassini, Pietro Tierno BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fabrication uncertainty guided design optimization of a photonic crystal cavity by using Gaussian processes J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.41, p. 850, 2024 Matthias Plock, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Phillip-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fiber-coupled solid-state-based single-photon sources Specialty Optical Fibers, pp. 345-384, Woodhead Publishing, 2024 Anna Musial, Grzegorz Sek, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hybrid PDE-ODE Models for Efficient Simulation of Infection Spread in Epidemiology 2024 (under review) Kristina Maier, Martin Weiser, Tim Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Introduction and application of a new approach for model-based optical bidirectional measurements Meas. Sci. Technol., 35(8), 2024 Jan Krüger, Phillip Manley, Detlef Bergmann, Rainer Köning, Bernd Bodermann, Christian Eder, Andreas Heinrich, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Eberhard Manske BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Koopman-Based Surrogate Models for Multi-Objective Optimization of Agent-Based Systems Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol.460, p. 134052, 2024 Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Learning interpretable collective variables for spreading processes on networks Physical Review E, 109(2), p. L022301, 2024 Marvin Lücke, Stefanie Winkelmann, Jobst Heitzig, Nora Molkenthin, Péter Koltai BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Machine-learning driven design of metasurfaces: learn the physics and not the objective function Proc. SPIE, Vol.PC13017, p. PC130170X, 2024 Ivan Sekuliĉ, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Memory effects in colloidal motion under confinement and driving J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., Vol.57, p. 295003, 2024 Arthur Straube, Felix Höfling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model bias identification for Bayesian calibration of stochastic digital twins of bridges Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2024 Daniel Andrés Arcones, Martin Weiser, Faidon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Jörg F. Unger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling bifacial irradiance – Step-by-step comparison and validation of view factor and ray tracing models Appl. Energy, Vol.369, p. 123574, 2024 Marco Ernst, Charles-Alexis Asselineau, Peter Tillmann, Klaus Jäger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling luminescent coupling in multi-junction solar cells: perovskite silicon tandem case study Proc. SPIE, Vol.13014, p. 1301404, 2024 Phillip Manley, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Klaus Jäger, Christiane Becker, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multi-grid reaction-diffusion master equation: applications to morphogen gradient modelling 2024 (under review) Radek Erban, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multilevel Optimization for Policy Design with Agent-Based Epidemic Models Computational Science, Vol.77, p. 102242, 2024 Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Samuel Uram, Sarah Wolf, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of a Coupled Micropillar - Waveguide System for Integrated Quantum Photonic Circuits Adv Quantum Technol., p. 2400195, 2024 (epub ahead of print) Léo J. Roche, Fridtjof Betz, Yuhui Yang, Imad Limame, Ching-Wen Shih, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On aesthetical appearance of colored perovskite solar modules Proc. SPIE, p. PC1301406, Vol.PC13014, 2024 Jonas Schaible, Danbi Yoo, Hanifa Winarto, Alexandra Miaskiewicz, Steve Albrecht, Andreas Wessels, Benedikt Bläsi, Sven Burger, Klaus Jaeger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On reduced inertial PDE models for Cucker-Smale flocking dynamics arxiv, 2024 (under review) Sebastian Zimper, Federico Cornalba, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Ana Djurdjevac BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical Simulations of Nanotextured All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Adv. Theory Simul., p. 2400724, 2024 (epub ahead of print) Klaus Jäger, Alvarjo Tejada, Sebastian Berwig, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp Tockhorn, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical challenges for terawatt-scale photovoltaics Proc. SPIE, p. PC1301401, Vol.PC13014, 2024 Christiane Becker, Benedikt Bläsi, Sven Burger, Bruno Ehrler, Ivan Gordon, Olindo Isabella, Klaus Jäger, Marko Jost, Phillip Manley, Delfina Muñoz, Ulrich W. Paetzold, Hitoshi Sai, Eli Yablonovitch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimized Sensing on Gold Nanoparticles Created by Graded-Layer Magnetron Sputtering and Annealing 2024 Deshabrato Mukherjee, Krisztián Kertész, Zsolt Zolnai, Zoltán Kovács, András Deák, András Pálinkás, Zoltán Osváth, Dániel Olasz, Alekszej Romanenko, Miklós Fried, Sven Burger, György Sáfrán, Peter Petrik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Partial mean-field model for neurotransmission dynamics Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.369, 2024 Alberto Montefusco, Luzie Helfmann, Toluwani Okunola, Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Photocatalytic magnetic microgyroscopes with activity-tunable precessional dynamics 2024 (under review) Dolachai Boniface, Arthur Straube, Pietro Tierno BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Poles and Zeros in Resonant Nano-Photonic Systems 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2024 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Poles and zeros in non-Hermitian systems: Application to photonics Phys. Rev. B, Vol.109, p. 045414, 2024 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Remi Colom, Patrice Genevet, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Research data for "Fabrication uncertainty guided design optimization of a photonic crystal cavity by using Gaussian processes" Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8131611, 2024 Matthias Plock, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Phillip-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Review and experimental benchmarking of machine learning algorithms for efficient optimization of cold atom experiments Mach. Learn. Sci. Technol., Vol.5, p. 025022, 2024 Oliver Anton, Victoria A. Henderson, Elisa Da Ros, Ivan Sekuliĉ, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Markus Krutzik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sawfish Photonic Crystal Cavity for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Fiber Interfacing in Quantum Network Applications Adv. Opt. Mater., Vol.12, p. 2301286, 2024 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source Code and Simulation Results: Chiral and directional optical emission from a dipole source coupled to a helical plasmonic antenna Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10598255, 2024 Lilli Kuen, Lorenz Löffler, Aleksei Tsarapkin, Lin Zschiedrich, Thorsten Feichtner, Sven Burger, Katja Höflich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation results: Computing eigenfrequency sensitivities near exceptional points Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10715639, 2024 Felix Binkowski, Julius Kullig, Fridtjof Betz, Lin Zschiedrich, Andrea Walther, Jan Wiersig, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation results: Efficient rational approximation of optical response functions with the AAA algorithm Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10853692, 2024 Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Felix Binkowski BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Synchronization and random attractors in reaction jump processes Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2024 Maximilian Engel, Guillermo Olicón-Méndez, Nathalie Wehlitz, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
T-matrix representation of optical scattering response: Suggestion for a data format arXiv, p. 2408.10727, 2024 Nigar Asadova, Karim Achouri, Kristian Arjas, Baptiste Ajuguié, Roland Aydin, Alexandre Baron, Dominik Beutel, Bernd Bodermann, Kaoutar Boussaoud, Sven Burger, Minseok Choi, Krzysztof Czajkowski, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Atefeh Fazel-Najafabadi, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Puneet Garg, David Globosits, Ulrich Hohenester, Hongyoon Kim, Seokwoo Kim, Philippe Lalanne, Eric C. Le Ru, Jörg Meyer, Jungho Mun, Lorenzo Patelli, Lukas Pflug, Carsten Rockstuhl, Junsuk Rho, Stefan Rotter, Brian Stout, Päivi Törmä, Jorge Olmos Trigo, Frank Tristram, Nikolaos L. Tsitsas, Renaud Vallée, Kevin Vynck, Thomas Weiss, Peter Wiecha, Thomas Wriedt, Vassilios Yannopapas, Maxim A. Yurkin, Grigorios P. Zouros BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Understanding Memory Mechanisms in Socio-Technical Systems: the Case of an Agent-based Mobility Model Advances in Complex Systems, Vol.27, 2024 Gesine Steudle, Stefanie Winkelmann, Steffen Fürst, Sarah Wolf BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Version 2 — RPExpand: Software for Riesz projection expansion of resonance phenomena SoftwareX, Vol.26, p. 101694, 2024 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Lilli Kuen, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
‘Sawfish’ Photonic Crystal Cavity for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Fiber Interfacing in Quantum Network Applications (Advanced Optical Materials 13/2024) Adv. Optical Mater., Vol.12, p. 2470046, 2024 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Bayesian Framework for Simulation-based Digital Twins of Bridges EUROSTRUCT 2023:European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures: Digital Transformation in Sustainability, 6(5), pp. 734-740, 2023 Daniel Andrés Arcones, Martin Weiser, Faidon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Jörg F. Unger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Discrete-Continuous Algorithm for Globally Optimal Free Flight Trajectory Optimization Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Ralf Borndörfer, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2023 Fabian Danecker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A route to the hydrodynamic limit of a reaction-diffusion master equation using gradient structures SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83(2), pp. 837-861, 2023 Alberto Montefusco, Christof Schütte, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
AI-guided pipeline for protein-protein interaction drug discovery identifies a SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor bioRxiv, 2023 Philipp Trepte, Christopher Secker, Simona Kostova, Sibusiso B. Maseko, Soon Gang Choi, Jeremy Blavier, Igor Minia, Eduardo Silva Ramos, Patricia Cassonnet, Sabrina Golusik, Martina Zenkner, Stephanie Beetz, Mara J. Liebich, Nadine Scharek, Anja Schütz, Marcel Sperling, Michael Lisurek, Yang Wang, Kerstin Spirohn, Tong Hao, Michael A. Calderwood, David E. Hill, Markus Landthaler, Julien Olivet, Jean-Claude Twizere, Marc Vidal, Erich E. Wanker PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accurate reduced models for the pH oscillations in the urea-urease reaction confined to giant lipid vesicles The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(13), pp. 2955-2967, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-21) Arthur Straube, Stefanie Winkelmann, Felix Höfling PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Gaussian Process Regression for Efficient Building of Surrogate Models in Inverse Problems Inverse Problems, 39(12), p. 125003, 2023 Phillip Semler, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Applying a Riesz-projection-based contour integral eigenvalue solver to compute resonance modes of a VCSEL Proc. SPIE, p. 125750J, Vol.12575, 2023 Lilli Kuen, Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Niels Heermeier, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Asymmetric phase modulation with light with parity-symmetry broken metasurfaces Optica, Vol.10, p. 1287, 2023 Elena Mikheeva, Rémi Colom, Karim Achouri, Adam Overvig, Felix Binkowski, Jean-Yves Duboz, Sébastien Cueff, Shanhui Fan, Sven Burger, Andrea Alù, Patrice Genevet BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Capital Inequality Induced Business Cycles pp. 1-6, 2023 (under review) Soeren Nagel, Jobst Heitzig, Eckehard Schoell BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chemical diffusion master equation: formulations of reaction-diffusion processes on the molecular level Journal of Mathematical Physics, 64(1), 2023 Mauricio del Razo, Stefanie Winkelmann, Rupert Klein, Felix Höfling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparative Optical Analysis of Imprinted Nano-, Micro- and Biotextures on Solar Glasses for Increased Energy Yield Solar RRL, Vol.7, p. 2300071, 2023 Danbi Yoo, Peter Tillmann, Tobias Krauss, Johannes Sutter, Angelika Harter, Sergei Trofimov, Boris Naydenov, Klaus Jäger, Hubert Hauser, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Continuity of Microscopic Cardiac Conduction in a Computational Cell-by-Cell Model 2023 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), Vol.50, 2023 Joshua Steyer, Fatemeh Chegini, Mark Potse, Axel Loewe, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cover Picture: Resonance Expansion of Quadratic Quantities with Regularized Quasinormal Modes Phys. Status Solidi A, Vol.220, p. 2370013, 2023 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Crossing of the Branch Cut: The Topological Origin of a Universal 2π-Phase Retardation in Non-Hermitian Metasurfaces (Laser Photonics Rev. 17(6)/2023) Laser Photonics Rev., Vol.17, p. 2370029, 2023 Rémi Colom, Elena Mikheeva, Karim Achouri, Jesus Zuniga-Perez, Nicolas Bonod, Olivier J.F. Martin, Sven Burger, Patrice Genevet BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Crossing of the branch cut: the topological origin of a universal 2π-phase retardation in non-Hermitian metasurfaces Laser Photonics Rev., Vol.17, p. 2200976, 2023 Remi Colom, Elena Mikheeva, Karim Achouri, Jesus Zuniga-Perez, Nicolas Bonod, Olivier J. F. Martin, Sven Burger, Patrice Genevet BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Depinning transition of self-propelled particles 2023 (under review) Arthur Straube, Felix Höfling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Derivation of the Transient and Steady Optical States from the Poles of the S-Matrix Laser Photon. Rev., Vol.17, p. 2200141, 2023 Isam Ben Soltane, Rémi Colom, Brian Stout, Nicolas Bonod BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Time-Stepping for Numerical Integration Using Reinforcement Learning SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(2), pp. A579-A595, 2023 Michael Dellnitz, Eyke Hüllermeier, Marvin Lücke, Sina Ober-Blöbaum, Christian Offen, Sebastian Peitz, Karlson Pfannschmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient machine-learning approach to optimize trapped cold atom ensembles for quantum memory applications Proc. SPIE, p. 127400F, Vol.12740, 2023 Ivan Sekuliĉ, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Oliver Anton, Elisa Da Ros, Victoria Henderson, Markus Krutzik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient numerical methods for simulating cardiac electrophysiology with cellular resolution 10th Int. Conf. Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering 2023, 2023 Fatemeh Chegini, Algiane Froehly, Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh, Luca Pavarino, Mark Potse, Simone Scacchi, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient reconstruction of model parameters using Bayesian target-vector optimization Proc. SPIE, p. PC1261905, Vol.PC12619, 2023 Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Evaluation of Model Bias Identification Approaches Based on Bayesian Inference and Applications to Digital Twins 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, pp. 1-15, UNCECOMP, 2023 Daniel Andrés Arcones, Martin Weiser, Faidon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Jörg F. Unger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast Floating-Point Filters for Robust Predicates BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol.63, 2023 Tinko Bartels, Vissarion Fisikopoulos, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Forward simulation of coherent beams on grating structures for coherent scatterometry Proc. SPIE, p. PC1261907, Vol.PC12619, 2023 Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Lauryna Siaudinyté, Phillip Manley, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
High-performance designs for fiber-pigtailed quantum-light sources based on quantum dots in electrically-controlled circular Bragg gratings Opt. Express, Vol.31, p. 14750, 2023 Lucas Rickert, Fridtjof Betz, Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Insights into drivers of mobility and cultural dynamics of African hunter-gatherers over the past 120 000 years Royal Society Open Science, 10(11), 2023 Johannes Zonker, Cecilia Padilla-Iglesias, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Large population limits of Markov processes on random networks Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol.166, 2023 Marvin Lücke, Jobst Heitzig, Péter Koltai, Nora Molkethin, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model reduction for calcium-induced vesicle fusion dynamics Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 23(4), 2023 Ariane Ernst, Undine Falkenhagen, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling altered signalling of G-protein coupled receptors in inflamed environment to advance drug design Scientific Reports, 13(607), 2023 Arne Thies, Vikram Sunkara, Sourav Ray, Hanna Wulkow, M. Özgür Celik, Fatih Yergöz, Christof Schütte, Christoph Stein, Marcus Weber, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling opinion dynamics under the impact of influencer and media strategies Scientific Reports, Vol.13, p. 19375, 2023 Luzie Helfmann, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanostructures for in-situ surface-enhanced Kretschmann-Raether ellipsometry Proc. SPIE, p. 124280S, Vol.12428, 2023 Deshabrato Mukherjee, Benjámin Kalas, Sven Burger, György Sáfrán, Miklós Serényi, Miklós Fried, Péter Petrik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Novel multi-objective affinity approach allows to identify pH-specific μ-opioid receptor agonists Journal of Cheminformatics, Vol.15, 2023 Christopher Secker, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber, Sourav Ray, Christoph Gorgulla, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Accuracy of Eikonal Approximations in Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Presence of Fibrosis Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. FIMH 2023., Vol.13958, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023 Lia Gander, Rolf Krause, Martin Weiser, Francisco Costabal, Simone Pezzuto BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimizing bifacial tandem solar cells for realistic operation conditions Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Christiane Becker (Advisors), 2023 Peter Tillmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
RPExpand (Version 1) Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7840116, 2023 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
RPExpand (Version 2.0) Zenodo, p. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10371002, 2023 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Lilli Kuen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rate-limiting recovery processes in neurotransmission under sustained stimulation Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.362, 2023 Ariane Ernst, Nathalie Unger, Christof Schütte, Alexander Walter, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Resonance expansion of quadratic quantities with regularized quasinormal modes Phys. Status Solidi A, Vol.220, p. 2200892, 2023 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Riesz-projection-based methods for the numerical simulation of resonance phenomena in nanophotonics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2023 Felix Binkowski BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sampling-Dependent Transition Paths of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(4), pp. 1151-1160, 2023 Francisco Javier Beron-Vera, Maria Josefina Olascoaga, Luzie Helfmann, Philippe Miron BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation results: Poles and zeros of electromagnetic quantities in photonic systems Zenodo, p. 8063931, 2023 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Remi Colom, Patrice Genevet, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Supplementary code and data for Royal Society Open Science Manuscript rsos.230495 2023 Johannes Zonker, Cecilia Padilla-Iglesias, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Supplementary code for the paper Modelling opinion dynamics under the impact of influencer and media strategies 2023 Luzie Helfmann, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Decision Theatre Triangle for societal challenges – an example case and research needs Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.394, p. 136299, 2023 Sarah Wolf, Steffen Fürst, Andreas Geiges, Manfred Laublichler, Jahel Mielke, Gesine Steudle, Konstantin Winter, Carlo Jaeger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
VirtualFlow 2.0 - The Next Generation Drug Discovery Platform Enabling Adaptive Screens of 69 Billion Molecules bioRxiv, 2023 (preprint available as ) Christoph Gorgulla, AkshatKumar Nigam, Matt Koop, Süleyman Selim Çınaroğlu, Christopher Secker, Mohammad Haddadnia, Abhishek Kumar, Yehor Malets, Alexander Hasson, Minkai Li, Ming Tang, Roni Levin-Konigsberg, Dmitry Radchenko, Aditya Kumar, Minko Gehev, Pierre-Yves Aquilanti, Henry Gabb, Amr Alhossary, Gerhard Wagner, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Yurii S. Moroz, Konstantin Fackeldey, Haribabu Arthanari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
‘Sawfish’ Spin-Photon Interface for Near-Unity Emitter-to-Waveguide Coupling Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), p. SF1O.6, OSA Technical Digest, 2023 Julian M. Bopp, Matthias Plock, Tim Turan, Gregor Pieplow, Sven Burger, Tim Schröder BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Plug&Play Telecom-Wavelength Single-Photon Source for Quantum Key Distribution Quantum 2.0, p. QTu4C.6, Technical Digest Series (Optica), 2022 Lucas Rickert, Timm Gao, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A probabilistic framework for particle-based reaction–diffusion dynamics using classical Fock space representations Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112(49), 2022 Mauricio del Razo, Daniela Frömberg, Arthur Straube, Christof Schütte, Felix Höfling, Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A quantum key distribution testbed using a plug&play telecom-wavelength single-photon source Appl. Phys. Rev., Vol.9, p. 011412, 2022 Timm Gao, Lucas Rickert, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Approximative Policy Iteration for Exit Time Feedback Control Problems driven by Stochastic Differential Equations using Tensor Train format SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 20(1), pp. 379-403, 2022 Konstantin Fackeldey, Mathias Oster, Leon Sallandt, Reinhold Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bayesian Target-Vector Optimization for Efficient Parameter Reconstruction Adv. Theory Simul., Vol.5, p. 2200112, 2022 Matthias Plock, Kas Andrle, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Boosting quantum optics experiments with Bayesian optimization Proc. SPIE, p. 122270F, Vol.12227, 2022 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lilli Kuen, Ivan Sekuliĉ, Julien Kluge, Bastian Leykauf, Markus Krutzik, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chiral Bioinspired Plasmonics: A Paradigm Shift for Optical Activity and Photochemistry ACS Photon., Vol.9, p. 2219, 2022 Oscar Avalos-Ovando, Eva Yazmin Santiago, Artur Movsesyan, Xiang-Tian Kong, Peng Yu, Lucas V. Besteiro, Larousse Khosravi Khorashad, Hiromi Okamoto, Joseph M. Slocik, Miguel Correa-Duarte, Miguel Comesana-Hermo, Tim Liedl, Gil Markovich, Sven Burger, Alexander O. Govorov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chiral Generation of Hot Carriers for Polarization-Sensitive Plasmonic Photocatalysis with Hybrid Nanostructures J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol.144, p. 1663, 2022 Yoel Negrin-Montecelo, Artur Movsesyan, Jie Gao, Sven Burger, Zhiming Wang, Sylvain Nlate, Emilie Pouget, Reiko Oda, Miguel Comesana-Hermo, Alexander O. Govorov, Miguel Correa-Duarte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coding for secrecy in remote state estimation with an adversary IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(9), pp. 4955-4962, 2022 Marvin Lücke, Jingyi Lu, Daniel E. Quevedo BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Colloidal Titanium Nitride Nanobars for Broadband Inexpensive Plasmonics and Photochemistry from Visible to Mid-IR Wavelengths Nano Energy, Vol.104, p. 107989, 2022 Sourav Rej, Eva Yazmin Santiago, Olga Baturina, Yu Zhang, Sven Burger, Stepan Kment, Alexander O. Govorov, Alberto Naldoni BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation of eigenfrequency sensitivities using Riesz projections for efficient optimization of nanophotonic resonators Commun. Phys., Vol.5, p. 202, 2022 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data publication for "High-performance designs for fiber-pigtailed quantum-light sources based on quantum dots in electrically-controlled circular Bragg gratings" Zenodo, p. 7360516, 2022 Lucas Rickert, Fridtjof Betz, Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Tobias Heindel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient adaptivity for simulating cardiac electrophysiology with spectral deferred correction methods 2022 (under review) Fatemeh Chegini, Thomas Steinke, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Elementary, my dear Zernike: model order reduction for accelerating optical dimensional microscopy EPJ Web Conf., p. 10010, Vol.266, 2022 Phillip Manley, Jan Krüger, Lin Zschiedrich, Martin Hammerschmidt, Bernd Bodermann, Rainer Köning, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Emerging frontiers in virtual drug discovery: From quantum mechanical methods to deep learning approaches Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, Vol.69, pp. 102156-102156-12, 2022 Christoph Gorgulla, Abhilash Jayaraj, Konstantin Fackeldey, Haribabu Arthanari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Enhanced Purcell factor for nanoantennas supporting interfering resonances Phys. Rev. Research, Vol.4, p. 023189, 2022 Remi Colom, Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Yuri Kivshar, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Feedback Loops in Opinion Dynamics of Agent-Based Models with Multiplicative Noise Entropy, Vol.24(10), 2022 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Jonas Köppl, Ana Djurdjevac BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hormonal regulation of ovarian follicle growth in humans: Model-based exploration of cycle variability and parameter sensitivities Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2022 Sophie Fischer-Holzhausen, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Improving perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with optical simulations Proc. SPIE, p. PC1215001, Vol.PC12150, 2022 Klaus Jäger, Johannes Sutter, Philipp Tockhorn, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Koopman-based spectral clustering of directed and time-evolving graphs Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.33, 2022 Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modelling of follicular growth and ovarian stimulation Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research, 2022 Sophie Fischer-Holzhausen, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model-Chain Validation for Estimating the Energy Yield of Bifacial Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Sol. RRL, Vol.6, p. 2200079, 2022 Peter Tillmann, Klaus Jäger, Asher Karsenti, Lev Kreinin, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nano-optical designs for high-efficiency monolithic perovskite–silicon tandem solar cells Nat. Nanotechnol., Vol.17, p. 1214, 2022 Philipp Tockhorn, Johannes Sutter, Alexandros Cruz, Philipp Wagner, Klaus Jäger, Danbi Yoo, Felix Lang, Max Grischek, Bor Li, Jinzhao Li, Oleksandra Shargaieva, Eva Unger, Amran Al-Ashouri, Eike Köhnen, Martin Stolterfoth, Dieter Neher, Rutger Schlatmann, Bernd Rech, Bernd Stannowski, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanooptically Enhanced Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with 29.80% Power Conversion Efficiency OSA Adv. Photonics, p. JTu4H.2, OSA Technical Digest, 2022 Philipp Tockhorn, Johannes Sutter, Alexandros Cruz, Philipp Wagner, Klaus Jäger, Danbi Yoo, Felix Lang, Max Grischek, Bor Li, Amran Al-Ashouri, Eike Köhnen, Martin Stolterfoht, Dieter Neher, Rutger Schlatmann, Bernd Rech, Bernd Stannowski, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Near-unity efficiency in ridge waveguide-based, on-chip single-photon sources Mater. Quantum Technol., Vol.2, p. 045004, 2022 Yujing Wang, Luca Vannucci, Sven Burger, Niels Gregersen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical methods for the investigation of resonances in nanophotonics The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2022), S. Zouhdi (Ed.), p. 247, 2022 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical optimization of single-mode fiber- coupled single-photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots Opt. Express, Vol.30, p. 15913, 2022 Lucas Bremer, Carlos Jimenez, Simon Thiele, Ksenia Weber, Tobias Huber, Sven Rodt, Alois Herkommer, Sven Burger, Sven Höfling, Harald Giessen, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Onset of Chirality in Plasmonic Meta-Molecules and Dielectric Coupling ACS Nano, Vol.16, p. 16143, 2022 Kevin Martens, Timon Funck, Eva Y. Santiago, Alexander O. Govorov, Sven Burger, Tim Liedl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical and Spin Properties of NV Center Ensembles in Diamond Nano-Pillars Nanomaterials, Vol.12, p. 1516, 2022 Kseniia Volkova, Julia Heupel, Sergei Trofimov, Fridtjof Betz, Rémi Colom, Rowan W. MacQueen, Sapida Akhundzada, Meike Reginka, Arno Ehresmann, Johann Peter Reithmeier, Sven Burger, Cyril Popov, Boris Naydenov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
PCL insufficient patients with increased translational and rotational passive knee joint laxity have no increased range of anterior–posterior and rotational tibiofemoral motion during level walking Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp. 1-11, 2022 Stephan Oehme, Philippe Moewis, Heide Boeth, Benjamin Bartek, Annika Lippert, Christoph von Tycowicz, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, Tobias Jung PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Plasmonic nanocrystals with complex shapes for photocatalysis and growth: Contrasting anisotropic hot-electron generation with the photothermal effect Adv. Opt. Mater., Vol.10, p. 2102663, 2022 Artur Movsesyan, Eva Yazmin Santiago, Sven Burger, Miguel Correa-Duarte, Lucas V. Besteiro, Zhiming Wang, Alexander O. Govorov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstructing phase aberrations for high-precision dimensional microscopy Proc. SPIE, Vol.12137, p. 121370I, 2022 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Phillip Manley, Jan Krüger, Lin Zschiedrich, Rainer Köning, Bernd Bodermann, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Research data and example scripts for the paper "Bayesian Target-Vector Optimization for Efficient Parameter Reconstruction" Zenodo, 2022 Matthias Plock, Kas Andrle, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Resonant Plasmonic–Biomolecular Chiral Interactions in the Far-Ultraviolet: Enantiomeric Discrimination of sub-10 nm Amino Acid Films Nano Lett., Vol.22, p. 7343, 2022 Tiago Ramos Leite, Lin Zschiedrich, Orhan Kizilkaya, Kevin M. McPeak BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Scripts for quantifying the effect of diamond nano-pillars on the fluorescence of NV centers Zenodo, 2022 Fridtjof Betz, Remi Colom, Sven Burger, Boris Naydenov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation data for Computation of eigenfrequency sensitivities using Riesz projections for efficient optimization of nanophotonic resonators Zenodo, 2022 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation results for computing resonance expansions of quadratic quantities with regularized quasinormal modes Zenodo, 2022 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Source code and simulation results for nanoantennas supporting an enhanced Purcell factor due to interfering resonances Zenodo, 2022 Remi Colom, Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Yuri Kivshar, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The androgen system across the menstrual cycle: Hormonal, (epi-)genetic and psychometric alterations Physiology and Behavior, 2022 Tillmann Krüger, Brigitte Leeners, Enrico Tronci, Toni Mancini, Fabian Ille, Marcel Egli, Harald Engler, Susanna Röblitz, Helge Frieling, Christopher Sinke, Kirsten Jahn BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The anisotropy of hot carriers’ spatial distribution contrasts the isotropy of photothermal effects in complex and small plasmonic nanocrystals with complex shapes The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2022), S. Zouhdi (Ed.), p. 285, 2022 Artur Movsesyan, Eva Yazmin Santiago, Sven Burger, Miguel Correa-Duarte, Lucas V. Besteiro, Zhiming Wang, Alexander O. Govorov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Toward maximally electromagnetically chiral scatterers at optical frequencies ACS Photonics, Vol.9, p. 1954, 2022 Xavier Garcia Santiago, Martin Hammerschmidt, Johannes Sachs, Sven Burger, Hyunah Kwon, Marvin Knöller, Tilo Arens, Peer Fischer, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Carsten Rockstuhl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tripling the light extraction efficiency of a deep ultraviolet LED using a nanostructured p-contact Sci. Rep., Vol.12, p. 11480, 2022 Eduardo Lopez-Fraguas, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Sylvia Hagedorn, Braulio Garcia-Camara, Ricardo Vergaz, Christiane Becker, Phillip Manley BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Understanding the Romanization Spreading on Historical Interregional Networks in Northern Tunisia Applied Network Science, Vol.7, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-10) Margarita Kostré, Vikram Sunkara, Christof Schütte, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Untersuchung des Schwingungseinflusses auf gemessene Punktspreizfunktionen in der optischen Mikroskopie Proc. DGaO, p. P5, 2022 Jan Krüger, Phillip Manley, Lin Zschiedrich, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Rainer Köning, Bernd Bodermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Visible wavelength spectral tuning of absorption and circular dichroism of DNA-assembled Au/Ag core-shell nanorod assemblies Mater. Adv., Vol.3, p. 3438, 2022 Mihir Dass, Lilli Kuen, Gregor Posnjak, Sven Burger, Tim Liedl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Convergent Discretisation Method for Transition Path Theory for Diffusion Processes Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19(1), pp. 242-266, 2021 Nada Cvetkovic, Tim Conrad, Han Cheng Lie BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Discrete-Continuous Algorithm for Free Flight Planning Algorithms, 14(1), p. 4, 2021 (preprint available as ) Ralf Borndörfer, Fabian Danecker, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Framework of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. Role and Types of Fluctuations Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 46(1), pp. 1-13, 2021 Hans Christian Öttinger, Alberto Montefusco, Mark A. Peletier BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Framework of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. II. Coarse-Graining Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 46(1), pp. 15-33, 2021 Alberto Montefusco, Mark A. Peletier, Hans Christian Öttinger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Multi-Pronged Approach Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Proteins Using Ultra-Large Virtual Screening iScience, 24(2), p. 102021, 2021 Christoph Gorgulla, Krishna M. Padmanabha Das, Kendra E Leigh, Marco Cespugli, Patrick D. Fischer, Zi-Fu Wang, Guilhem Tesseyre, Shreya Pandita, Alex Shnapir, Anthony Calderaio, Colin Hutcheson, Minko Gechev, Alexander Rose, Noam Lewis, Erez Yaffe, Roni Luxenburg, Henry D. Herce, Vedat Durmaz, Thanos D. Halazonetis, Konstantin Fackeldey, Justin J. Patten, Alexander Chuprina, Igor Dziuba, Alla Plekhova, Yurii Moroz, Dmytro Radchenko, Olga Tarkhanova, Irina Yavnyuk, Christian C. Gruber, Ryan Yust, Dave Payne, Anders M. Näär, Mark N. Namchuk, Robert A. Davey, Gerhard Wagner, Jamie Kinney, Haribabu Arthanari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Quantum Key Distribution Testbed Using Plug&Play Telecom-Wavelength Single-Photons Quantum Information and Measurement VI, p. M2C.1, OSA Technical Digest, 2021 Lucas Rickert, Timm Gao, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Heindel Tobias BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A primal dual projection algorithm for efficient constraint preconditioning SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(6), pp. A4095-A4120, 2021 Anton Schiela, Matthias Stöcklein, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A probabilistic algorithm for aggregating vastly undersampled large Markov chains Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol.416, 2021 (preprint available as ) Andreas Bittracher, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advances in Bayesian optimization for photonics and quantum atom optics applications OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, p. JTh1E.2, OSA Technical Digest, 2021 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Xavier Garcia-Santiago, Benjamin Wiegand, Oliver Anton, Markus Krutzik, Carsten Rockstuhl, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Agent-based modeling: Population limits and large timescales Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(3), 2021 Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Stefanie Winkelmann, Sarah Wolf, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analyzing Raman Spectral Data without Separabiliy Assumption Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 3(59), pp. 575-596, 2021 Konstantin Fackeldey, Jonas Röhm, Amir Niknejad, Surahit Chewle, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Axial localization and tracking of self-interference nanoparticles by lateral point spread functions Nat. Commun., Vol.12, p. 2019, 2021 Yongtao Liu, Zhiguang Zhou, Fan Wang, Günter Kewes, Shihui Wen, Sven Burger, Majid Ebrahimi Wakiani, Peng Xi, Jiong Yang, Xusan Yang, Oliver Benson, Dayong Jin BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bayesian optimization with improved scalability and derivative information for efficient design of nanophotonic structures J. Light. Technol., Vol.39, p. 167, 2021 Xavier Garcia Santiago, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
CINDy: Conditional gradient-based Identification of Non-linear Dynamics – Noise-robust recovery Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021 (under review) Alejandro Carderera, Sebastian Pokutta, Christof Schütte, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Compression, inversion, and approximate PCA of dense kernel matrices at near-linear computational complexity Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 19(2), pp. 688-730, 2021 Florian Schäfer, T. J. Sullivan, Houman Owhadi BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing the minimal rebinding effect for non-reversible processes Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 19(1), pp. 460-477, 2021 Susanne Röhl, Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Contour integral methods for resonance phenomena in nano-optics The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2021), S. Zouhdi, D. Pawlak, A. Kudelski (Eds.), p. 523, 2021 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Remi Colom, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coupling Particle-Based Reaction-Diffusion Simulations with Reservoirs Mediated by Reaction-Diffusion PDEs Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19(4), pp. 1659-1683, 2021 Margarita Kostre, Christof Schütte, Frank Noé, Mauricio del Razo Sarmina BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data-driven model reduction of agent-based systems using the Koopman generator PLOS ONE, 16(5), 2021 Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Stefan Klus, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Deterministically fabricated quantum dot – waveguide systems for on-chip quantum optics Proc. SPIE, p. 118060G, Vol.11806, 2021 Peter Schnauber, Johannes Schall, Samir Bounouar, Kartik Srinivasan, Marcelo Davanco, Jin-Dong Song, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Different Tools and Results for Correspondence Analysis 2021 N. Alexia Raharinirina, Marcus Weber, Ralph Birk, Konstantin Fackeldey, Sarah M. Klasse, Tonio Sebastian Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.31, 2021 Andreas Bittracher, Stefan Klus, Boumediene Hamzi, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Double-layer metasurface for enhanced photon up-conversion APL Photon., Vol.6, p. 036103, 2021 Phillip Manley, Michele Segantini, Doguscan Ahiboz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Georgios Arnaoutakis, Rowan W. MacQueen, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Identification of Scars using Heterogeneous Model Hierarchies EP Europace, Vol.23, pp. i113-i122, 2021 Fatemeh Chegini, Alena Kopanicakova, Rolf Krause, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient hybrid method for the modal analysis of optical microcavities and nanoresonators J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.38, p. 1224, 2021 Tong Wu, Denis Arrivault, Marc Duruflé, Alexandre Gras, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Wei Yan, Philippe Lalanne BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient modeling and optimization of surface second-harmonic generation from nanophotonic components Doctoral thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Thomas Pertsch, Costantino De Angelis, Yuri Kivshar (Advisors), 2021 Anton Pakhomov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Enhanced Photon Upconversion Using Erbium-Doped Nanoparticles Interacting with Silicon Metasurfaces IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), pp. 2008-2010, 2021 Doguscan Ahiboz, Elina Andresen, Phillip Manley, Ute Resch Genger, Christian Würth, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Error bounds for some approximate posterior measures in Bayesian inference Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019, pp. 275-283, 2021 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan, Aretha Teckentrup BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Estimation of the Koopman Generator by Newton's Extrapolation Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 19(2), pp. 758-774, 2021 Renata Sechi, Alexander Sikorski, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Exploring families of energy-dissipation landscapes via tilting: three types of EDP convergence Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vol.33, pp. 611-637, 2021 Alexander Mielke, Alberto Montefusco, Mark A. Peletier BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fluctuation distributions of energy minima in complex landscapes Physical Review Research, 3(1), p. 013061, 2021 Horst-Holger Boltz, Jorge Kurchan, Andrea J. Liu BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
From interacting agents to density-based modeling with stochastic PDEs Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 16(1), pp. 1-32, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-21) Luzie Helfmann, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Ana Djurdjevac, Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
GIXRF and machine learning as metrological tools for shape and element sensitive reconstructions of periodic nanostructures Proc. SPIE, Vol.11611, p. 116110R, 2021 Anna Andrle, Philipp Hönicke, Grzegorz Gwalt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Yves Kayser, Frank Siewert, Victor Soltwisch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
HighPerMeshes - A Domain-Specific Language for Numerical Algorithms on Unstructured Grids Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops., pp. 185-196, 2021 Samer Alhaddad, Jens Förstner, Stefan Groth, Daniel Grünewald, Yevgen Grynko, Frank Hannig, Tobias Kenter, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Christian Plessl, Merlind Schotte, Thomas Steinke, Jürgen Teich, Martin Weiser, Florian Wende BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hot Electron Generation through Near-Field Excitation of Plasmonic Nanoresonators ACS Photonics, Vol.8, p. 1243, 2021 Felix Binkowski, Tong Wu, Philippe Lalanne, Sven Burger, Alexander O. Govorov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Impact of mixed precision and storage layout on additive Schwarz smoothers Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 28(4), 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-62) Jakob Schneck, Martin Weiser, Florian Wende PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Kaskade 7 - a Flexible Finite Element Toolbox Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.81, pp. 444-458, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-48) Sebastian Götschel, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear Parabolic Problems in Random Moving Domains 9(2), pp. 848-879, 2021 Ana Djurdjevac BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Long range corrections for inhomogeneous fluids containing a droplet or a bubble Molecular Simulation, pp. 1-14, 2021 Isabel Nitzke, Konstantin Fackeldey, Jadran Vrabec BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Long- and Short-Ranged Chiral Interactions in DNA Assembled Plasmonic Chains Nat. Commun., Vol.12, p. 2025, 2021 Kevin Martens, Felix Binkowski, Linh Nguyen, Li Hu, Alexander O. Govorov, Sven Burger, Tim Liedl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Provides Evidence for New Strategies of Ovarian Stimulation Frontiers in Endocrinology, Vol.12, 2021 Sophie Fischer, Rainald Ehrig, Stefan Schäfer, Enrico Tronci, Toni Mancini, Marcel Egli, Fabian Ille, Tillmann H. C. Krüger, Brigitte Leeners, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal population dynamics and application to epidemic spreading Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.336, 2021 Stefanie Winkelmann, Johannes Zonker, Christof Schütte, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Memory-Based Reduced Modelling and Data-Based Estimation of Opinion Spreading Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.31, 2021 Niklas Wulkow, Péter Koltai, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Metasurface-Enhanced Photon Upconversion upon 1550 nm Excitation Adv. Opt. Mater., Vol.9, p. 2101285, 2021 Doguscan Ahiboz, Elina Andresen, Phillip Manley, Ute Resch-Genger, Christian Würth, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of surface-induced second-harmonic generation from multilayer structures by the transfer matrix method Opt. Express, Vol.29, p. 9098, 2021 Anton V. Pakhomov, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Thomas Pertsch, Frank Setzpfand BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling altered signalling of G-protein coupled receptors in inflamed environment to advance drug design ZIB-Report 21-19 Sourav Ray, Arne Thies, Vikram Sunkara, Hanna Wulkow, Özgür Celik, Fatih Yergöz, Christof Schütte, Christoph Stein, Marcus Weber, Stefanie Winkelmann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multilevel augmented Lagrangian solvers for overconstrained contact formulations ESAIM: ProcS, pp. 175-184, Vol.71, 2021 Rolf Krause, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonics for Solar Energy Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, Vol.221, p. 110916, 2021 Christiane Becker, Klaus Jäger, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Neue Medikamente dank Supercomputern Spektrum der Wissenschaft, pp. 40-46, 2021 Konstantin Fackeldey, Christoph Gorgulla, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Non-stationary incompressible linear fluid equations in a moving domain arXiv, 2021 Ana Djurdjevac, Carsten Gräser, Philip J. Herbert BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical methods for shape optimization of photonic nanostructures Doctoral thesis, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Carsten Rockstuhl (Advisor), 2021 Xavier Garcia Santiago BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Objective priors in the empirical Bayes framework Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 48(4), pp. 1212-1233, 2021 Ilja Klebanov, Alexander Sikorski, Christof Schütte, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimized diamond inverted nanocones for enhanced color center to fiber coupling Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.118, p. 234002, 2021 Cem Güney Torun, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Joseph H.D. Munns, Tim Schröder BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimizing metal grating back reflectors for III-V-on-silicon multijunction solar cells Opt. Express, Vol.29, p. 22517, 2021 Peter Tillmann, Benedikt Bläsi, Sven Burger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Oliver Höhn, Christiane Becker, Klaus Jäger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: Effect of luminescent coupling and bifaciality Sol. RRL, Vol.5, p. 2000628, 2021 Klaus Jäger, Peter Tillmann, Eugene A. Katz, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Photonic components in polymers made by femtosecond pulses Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), p. 1, 2021 Dmitrii Perevoznik, Surajit Bose, Sven Burger, Ayhan Demircan, Uwe Morgner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Prediction of Covid-19 spreading and optimal coordination of counter-measures: From microscopic to macroscopic models to Pareto fronts PLOS One, 16(4), 2021 Hanna Wulkow, Tim Conrad, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Sebastian A. Müller, Kai Nagel, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Prospects of light management in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells Nanophotonics, Vol.10, p. 1991, 2021 Klaus Jäger, Johannes Sutter, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quantitative spectroscopy of single molecule interaction times Optic Letters, 46(7), pp. 1538-1541, 2021 Horst-Holger Boltz, Alexei Sirbu, Nina Stelzer, Martin J. Lohse, Christof Schütte, Paolo Annibale BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
RPExpand: Software for Riesz projection expansion of resonance phenomena SoftwareX, Vol.15, p. 100763, 2021 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
RPExpand: Software for Riesz projection expansion of resonance phenomena [Source Code] 2021 Fridtjof Betz, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Recent advances in Bayesian optimization with applications to parameter reconstruction in optical nano-metrology Proc. SPIE, Vol.11783, p. 117830J, 2021 Matthias Plock, Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Relaxed current-matching constraints by bifacial operation and luminescent coupling in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), p. 1086, 2021 Peter Tillmann, Klaus Jäger, Eugene Katz, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Shape- and Element-Sensitive Reconstruction of Periodic Nanostructures with Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Machine Learning Nanomaterials, Vol.11, p. 1647, 2021 Anna Andrle, Philipp Hönicke, Grzegorz Gwalt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Yves Kayser, Frank Siewert, Victor Soltwisch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral expansions of open and dispersive optical systems: Gaussian regularization and convergence New J. Phys., Vol.23, p. 083004, 2021 Brian Stout, Remi Colom, Nicolas Bonod, Ross C McPhedran BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stochastic pH oscillations in a model of the urea–urease reaction confined to lipid vesicles J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol.12, pp. 9888-9893, 2021 Arthur Straube, Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte, Felix Höfling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Augmented Jump Chain Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4(4), 2021 Alexander Sikorski, Marcus Weber, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The linear conditional expectation in Hilbert space Bernoulli, 27(4), pp. 2299-2299, 2021 Ilja Klebanov, Björn Sprungk, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Thermally active nanoparticle clusters enslaved by engineered domain wall traps Nature Commun., Vol.12, p. 5813, 2021 Pietro Tierno, Tom H. Johansen, Arthur Straube BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transition paths of marine debris and the stability of the garbage patches Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(3), 2021 Philippe Miron, Francisco Beron-Vera, Luzie Helfmann, Péter Koltai BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Variance of filtered signals: Characterization for linear reaction networks and application to neurotransmission dynamics ZIB-Report 21-15 (Mathematical Biosciences 343:108760) Ariane Ernst, Christof Schütte, Stephan Sigrist, Stefanie Winkelmann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Writing Photonic Components in Polymers Using Femtosecond Pulses Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), p. ATh4P.4, OSA Technical Digest, 2021 Dmitrii Perevoznik, Surajit Bose, Sven Burger, Ayhan Demircan, Uwe Morgner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Riesz-projection-based method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems J. Comput. Phys., Vol.419, p. 109678, 2020 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A rigorous theory of conditional mean embeddings SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2(3), pp. 583-606, 2020 Ilja Klebanov, Ingmar Schuster, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A weak characterization of slow variables in stochastic dynamical systems Advances in Dynamics, Optimization and Computation. Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. A volume dedicated to Michael Dellnitz on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Vol.304, pp. 132-150, Oliver Junge, O. Schütze, Gary Froyland, S. Ober-Blobaum, E. Padberg-Gehle (Eds.), Springer International, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-51264-4 Andreas Bittracher, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accounting of Receptor Flexibility in Ultra-Large Virtual Screens with VirtualFlow Using a Grey Wolf Optimization Method Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 7(3), pp. 4-12, 2020 Christoph Gorgulla, Konstantin Fackeldey, Gerhard Wagner, Haribabu Arthanari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive reconstruction of imperfectly-observed monotone functions, with applications to uncertainty quantification Algorithms, 13(8), p. 196, 2020 Luc Bonnet, Jean-Luc Akian, Éric Savin, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An open-source drug discovery platform enables ultra-large virtual screens Nature, Vol.580, pp. 663-668, 2020 Christoph Gorgulla, Andras Boeszoermnyi, Zi-Fu Wang, Patrick D. Fischer, Paul Coote, Krishna M. Padmanabha Das, Yehor S. Malets, Dmytro S. Radchenko, Yurii Moroz, David A. Scott, Konstantin Fackeldey, Moritz Hoffmann, Iryna Iavniuk, Gerhard Wagner, Haribabu Arthanari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Collective directional locking of colloidal monolayers on a periodic substrate Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.124, p. 058002, 2020 Ralph L. Stoop, Arthur Straube, Tom H. Johansen, Pietro Tierno BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Combining segmental bulk- and single-cell RNA-sequencing to define the chondrocyte gene expression signature in the murine knee joint bioarxiv (Accepted in Osteoarthr. Cartil.), 2020 Vikram Sunkara, Gitta A. Heinz, Frederik F. Heinrich, Pawel Durek, Ali Mobasheri, Mir-Farzin Mashreghi, Annemarie Lang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Convergence rates of Gaussian ODE filters Statistics and Computing, Vol.30, pp. 1791-1816, 2020 Hans Kersting, T. J. Sullivan, Philipp Hennig BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
DIN SPEC 2343: Übertragung von sprachbasierten Daten zwischen Künstlichen Intelligenzen - Festlegung von Parametern und Formaten Beuth Verlag, 2020 Marcus Weber, Weitere Autoren BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data-driven approximation of the Koopman generator: Model reduction, system identification, and control Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol.406, 2020 (epub ahead of print) Stefan Klus, Feliks Nüske, Sebastian Peitz, Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Cecilia Clementi, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Detailed illumination model for bifacial solar cells Opt. Express, Vol.28, p. 4751, 2020 Klaus Jäger, Peter Tillmann, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Deterministic Quantum Devices for Optical Quantum Communication Semiconductor Nanophotonics, Michael Kneissl, Andreas Knorr, Stephan Reitzenstein, Axel Hoffmann (Eds.), Springer: Cham, pp. 285-359, 2020 Sven Rodt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Tobias Heindel, Samir Bounouar, Markus Kantner, Thomas Koprucki, Uwe Bandelow, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Directional single-photon emission from deterministic quantum dot waveguide structures Phys. Status Solidi RRL, Vol.14, p. 2000115, 2020 Paweł Mrowiński, Peter Schnauber, Arsenty Kaganskiy, Johannes Schall, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effect of choice of solvent on crystallization pathway of Paracetamol: An experimental and theoretical case study Crystals, 10(12), p. 1107, 2020 Surahit Chewle, Franziska Emmerling, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Bayesian inversion for shape reconstruction of lithography masks J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, Vol.19, p. 024001, 2020 Nando Farchmin, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Matthias Wurm, Bernd Bodermann, Markus Bär, Sebastian Heidenreich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Extending Transition Path Theory: Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.30, pp. 3321-3366, 2020 Luzie Helfmann, Enric Ribera Borrell, Christof Schütte, Peter Koltai BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Extracting dimensional parameters of gratings produced with self-aligned multiple patterning using grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering J. Micro Nanolithogr. MEMS MOEMS, Vol.19, p. 014001, 2020 Mika Pflüger, R. Joseph Kline, Analia Fernández Herrero, Martin Hammerschmidt, Victor Soltwisch, Michael Krumrey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Extracting dimensional parameters of gratings produced with self-aligned multiple patterning using grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering [Source Code] 2020 Mika Pflüger, R Joseph Kline, Analía Fernández Herrero, Martin Hammerschmidt, Victor Soltwisch, Michael Krumrey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Far-field polarization signatures of surface optical nonlinearity in noncentrosymmetric semiconductors Sci. Rep., Vol.10, p. 10545, 2020 Anton Pakhomov, Franz Löchner, Lin Zschiedrich, Sina Saravi, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Thomas Pertsch, Frank Setzpfand BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Field Heterogeneities and Their Impact on Photocatalysis: Combining Optical and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations on the Nanoscale J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.124, p. 3177, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-20) Martin Hammerschmidt, Sandra Döpking, Sven Burger, Sebastian Matera PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Flat optics in high numerical aperture broadband imaging systems J. Opt., Vol.22, p. 065607, 2020 Daniel Werdehausen, Sven Burger, Isabelle Staude, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Front Cover: Plug&Play Fiber‐Coupled 73 kHz Single‐Photon Source Operating in the Telecom O‐Band (Adv. Quantum Technol. 6/2020) Adv. Quantum Technol., Vol.3, p. 2070061, 2020 Anna Musiał, Kinga Żołnacz, Nicole Srocka, Oleh Kravets, Jan Große, Jacek Olszewski, Krzysztof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wojcik, Paweł Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michal Dlubek, Kristian Lauritsen, Andreas Bülter, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Wacław Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
General design formalism for highly efficient flat optics for broadband applications Opt. Express, Vol.28, p. 6452, 2020 Daniel Werdehausen, Sven Burger, Isabelle Staude, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalisierte Markov-Modellierung Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-658-29711-4 Bernhard Reuter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
HIF-stabilization prevents delayed fracture healing bioarxiv, 2020 (under review) Annemarie Lang, Sarah Helfmeier, Jonathan Stefanowski, Aditi Kuppe, Vikram Sunkara, Moritz Pfeiffenberger, Angelique Wolter, Alexandra Damerau, Shabnam Hemmati-Sadeghi, Jochen Ringe, Rainer Haag, Anja E. Hauser, Max Löhning, Carsten Perka, Georg Duda, Paula Hoff, Katharina Schmidt-Bleek, Timo Gaber, Frank Buttgereit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Helicity-Preserving Optical Cavity Modes for Enhanced Sensing of Chiral Molecules Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.124, p. 033201, 2020 Joshua Feis, Dominik Beutel, Julian Köpfler, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Carsten Rockstuhl, Martin Wegener, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hot electrons generated in chiral plasmonic nanocrystals as a mechanism for surface photochemistry and chiral growth J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol.142, p. 4193, 2020 Larousse Khosravi Khorashad, Lucas V. Besteiro, Miguel Correa-Duarte, Sven Burger, Zhiming M. Wang, Alexander O. Govorov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
How to calculate pH-dependent binding rates for receptor-ligand systems based on thermodynamic simulations with different binding motifs Molecular Simulation, 46(18), pp. 1443-1452, 2020 (preprint available as ) Sourav Ray, Vikram Sunkara, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
ISOKANN: Invariant subspaces of Koopman operators learned by a neural network The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(11), p. 114109, 2020 Robert Julian Rabben, Sourav Ray, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Impact of Contact Surfaces on the Death Estimation Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2020 Felix Baumann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Improved Quantum Efficiency by Advanced Light Management in Nanotextured Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells ACS Photonics, Vol.7, p. 2589, 2020 Philipp Tockhorn, Johannes Sutter, Rémi Colom, Lukas Kegelmann, Amran Al-Ashouri, Marcel Roß, Klaus Jäger, Thomas Unold, Sven Burger, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks from Single Cell RNA-seq Temporal Snapshot Data Requires Higher Order Moments ZIB-Report 20-25 Vikram Sunkara, N. Alexia Raharinirina, Felix Peppert, Max von Kleist, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Investigation and application of contour integral methods for resonance expansion in nanophotonics Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Sven Burger, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar (Advisors), 2020 Fridtjof Betz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Macroscale mesenchymal condensation to study cytokine-driven cellular and matrix-related changes during cartilage degradation Biofabrication, 12(4), 2020 Marie-Christin Weber, Lisa Fischer, Alexandra Damerau, Igor Ponomarev, Moritz Pfeiffenberger, Timo Gaber, Sebastian Götschel, Jens Lang, Susanna Röblitz, Frank Buttgereit, Rainald Ehrig, Annemarie Lang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Chain Importance Sampling - a highly efficient estimator for MCMC Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2020 (epub ahead of print) Ilja Klebanov, Ingmar Schuster BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Modeling of Metabolic-Genetic Networks Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2020 Neveen Ali Salem Eshtewy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Metasurface enhanced sensitized photon upconversion: towards highly efficient low power upconversion applications and nano-scale E-field sensors Nano Lett., Vol.20, p. 6682, 2020 Christian Würth, Phillip Manley, Robert Voigt, Doguscan Ahiboz, Christiane Becker, Ute Resch-Genger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Minimising levelised cost of electricity of bifacial solar panel arrays using Bayesian optimisation Sustain. Energy Fuels, Vol.4, p. 254, 2020 Peter Tillmann, Klaus Jäger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mixed finite elements in cloth simulation Master's thesis, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Martin Weiser, Frank Haußer (Advisors), 2020 Phillip Semler BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modal Expansion of the Impulse Response Function for Predicting the Time Dynamics of Open Optical Cavities arXiv, 2020 (under review) Rémi Colom, Brian Stout, Nicolas Bonod BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modal expansion of optical far-field quantities using quasinormal modes EPJ Web Conf., p. 05007, Vol.238, 2020 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Rémi Colom, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model-based exploration of the impact of glucose metabolism on the estrous cycle dynamics in dairy cows Biology Direct, Vol.15, 2020 Mohamed Omari, Alexander Lange, Julia Plöntzke, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling Optical Materials at the Single Scatterer Level: The Transition from Homogeneous to Heterogeneous Materials Adv. Theory Simul., Vol.3, p. 2000192, 2020 Daniel Werdehausen, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Sven Burger, Isabelle Staude, Thomas Pertsch, Carsten Rockstuhl, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multi-dimensional modeling and simulation of semiconductor nanophotonic devices Semiconductor Nanophotonics, Michael Kneissl, Andreas Knorr, Stephan Reitzenstein, Axel Hoffmann (Eds.), Springer: Cham, pp. 241-283, 2020 Markus Kantner, Theresa Höhne, Thomas Koprucki, Sven Burger, Hans-Jürgen Wünsche, Frank Schmidt, Alexander Mielke, Uwe Bandelow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanopatterned Sapphire Substrates in Deep-UV LEDs: Is there an Optical Benefit? Opt. Express, Vol.28, p. 3619, 2020 Phillip Manley, Sebastian Walde, Sylvia Hagedorn, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik 3. Adaptive Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen de Gruyter, 2, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-11-069168-9 Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On enhanced sensing of chiral molecules in optical cavities Appl. Phys. Rev., Vol.7, p. 041413, 2020 Philip Scott, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Dominik Beutel, Carsten Rockstuhl, Martin Wegener, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimality criteria for probabilistic numerical methods Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity, Vol.27, pp. 65-88, F. J. Hickernell, P. Kritzer (Eds.), De Gruyter, 2020 Chris Oates, Jon Cockayne, Dennis Prangle, T. J. Sullivan, Mark Girolami BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Plug&play fibre-coupled 73 kHz single-photon source operating in the telecom O-band Adv. Quantum Technol., Vol.3, p. 2000018, 2020 Anna Musiał, Kinga Żołnacz, Nicole Srocka, Oleh Kravets, Jan Große, Jacek Olszewski, Krzysztof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wojcik, Paweł Mergo, Dybka Kamil, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michal Dlubek, Kristian Lauritsen, Andreas Bülter, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Wacław Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Progressive Self-Boosting Anapole-Enhanced Deep-Ultraviolet Third Harmonic During Few-Cycle Laser Radiation ACS Photonics, Vol.7, p. 1655, 2020 Liping Shi, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Carsten Reinhardt, Ihar Babushkin, Vladimir A. Zenin, Sven Burger, Radu Malureanu, Boris N. Chichkov, Uwe Morgner, Milutin Kovacev BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quantifying Asymmetry in Gait: A Weighted Universal Symmetry Index to Evaluate 3D Ground Reaction Forces Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020 Sónia Alves, Rainald Ehrig, Peter C. Raffalt, Alwina Bender, Georg Duda, Alison N. Agres BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quasi-bound states in the continuum for deep subwavelength structural information retrieval for DUV nano-optical polarizers Opt. Express, Vol.28, p. 23122, 2020 Thomas Siefke, Carol Hurtado, Johannes Dickmann, Walter Dickmann, Tim Käseberg, Jan Meyer, Sven Burger, Uwe Zeitner, Bernd Bodermann, Stefanie Kroker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quasi-normal mode expansion as a tool for the design of nanophotonic devices EPJ Web Conf., p. 05008, Vol.238, 2020 Rémi Colom, Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quasinormal mode expansion of optical far-field quantities Phys. Rev. B, Vol.102, p. 035432, 2020 Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Rémi Colom, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rapid onset of molecular friction in liquids bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures Commun. Phys., Vol.3, p. 126, 2020 Arthur Straube, Bartosz G. Kowalik, Roland R. Netz, Felix Höfling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Regularization of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2020 Hanna Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Revealing secrets of mussel-glue mimetic peptides - From advanced NMR to computational process modelling Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hans Börner, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2020 Narendra Lagumaddepalli Venkatareddy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Role of Geometric Shape in Chiral Optics Symmetry, Vol.12, p. 158, 2020 Philipp Gutsche, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Kevin McPeak, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulating bifacial perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells in large PV fields OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, p. PvTh1G.3, OSA Technical Digest, 2020 Klaus Jäger, Peter Tillmann, Eugene A. Katz, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Single molecule mu-opioid receptor membrane-dynamics reveal agonist-specific dimer formation with super-resolved precision Nature Chemical Biology, Vol.16, pp. 946-954, 2020 Jan Möller, Ali Isbilir, Titiwat Sungkaworn, Brenda Osberg, Christos Karathanasis, Vikram Sunkara, Eugene O Grushevsky, Andreas Bock, Paolo Annibale, Mike Heilemann, Christof Schütte, Martin J. Lohse BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Singular Value Decomposition of Operators on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Advances om Dynamics, Optimization and Computation. Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. A volume dedicated to Michael Dellnitz on his 60th birthday, Vol.304, pp. 109-131, Oliver Junge, O. Schütze, Gary Froyland, S. Ober-Blobaum, K. Padberg-Gehle (Eds.), Springer International, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-51264-4 Mattes Mollenhauer, Ingmar Schuster, Stefan Klus, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stand-alone quantum dot-based single-photon source operating at telecommunication wavelengths 10th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems ICSCE10, p. 39, 2020 Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Nicole Srocka, Oleh Kravets, Jan Große, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Jacek Olszewski, Krzystof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wojcik, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michal Dlubek, Sven Rodt, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stochastic Dynamics in Computational Biology Springer International Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-62386-9 Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sub-ambient pressure IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometer for the determination of low and high field mobilities Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol.412, pp. 5247-5260, 2020 José Villatoro, Martin Zühlke, Daniel Riebe, Toralf Beitz, Marcus Weber, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Furnace and the Goat—A spatio-temporal model of the fuelwood requirement for iron metallurgy on Elba Island, 4th century BCE to 2nd century CE PLOS ONE, Vol.15, pp. 1-37, 2020 Fabian Becker, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Raphael A. Eser, Luzie Helfmann, Brigitta Schütt, Christof Schütte, Johannes Zonker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The relative contributions of infectious and mitotic spread to HTLV-1 persistence PLOS Computational Biology, 2020 Daniel J. Laydon, Vikram Sunkara, Lies Boelen, Charles R. M. Bangham, Becca Asquith BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Dynamic Memory Approach for Consensus Problems with Packet Loss Master's thesis, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Furugh Mirali (Advisor), 2019 Jan-Hendrik Niemann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Mathematical Model for the Influence of Glucose-Insulin Dynamics on the Estrous Cycle in Dairy Cows ZIB-Report 19-22 Mohamed Omari, Alexander Lange, Julia Plöntzke, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Mathematical Model of Bovine Metabolism and Reproduction: Application to Feeding Strategies, Drug Administration and Experimental Design Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Mohamed Omari BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A modern retrospective on probabilistic numerics Statistics and Computing, 29(6), pp. 1335-1351, 2019 Chris Oates, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for single dose administration of Dexamethasone in dairy cows ZIB-Report 19-53 Mohamed Omari, Julia Plöntzke, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Achiral, Helicity Preserving, and Resonant Structures for Enhanced Sensing of Chiral Molecules ACS Photonics, Vol.6, p. 482, 2019 Florian Graf, Joshua Feis, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Martin Wegener, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Multigrid Solvers for Space-Time Discretisations Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Rolf Krause, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2019 Lisa Gaedke-Merzhäuser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Algebraic Expressions of Conditional Expectations in Gene Regulatory Networks Journal of Mathematical Biology, pp. 1779-1829, 2019 Vikram Sunkara PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Efficient Parallel-in-Time Method for Optimization with Parabolic PDEs SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 41(6), pp. C603-C626, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-04) Sebastian Götschel, Michael L. Minion PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An auxiliary field approach for computing optical resonances in dispersive media J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid, Vol.15, p. 3, 2019 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis of long non-coding RNA and mRNA expression in bovine macrophages brings up novel 2 aspects of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infections Scientific Reports in Nature, Vol.9, 2019 Pooja Gupta, Sarah Peter, Markus Jung, Astrid Lewin, Georg Hemmrich-Stanisak, Andre Franke, Max von Kleist, Christof Schütte, Ralf Einspanier, Soroush Sharbati, Jennifer zur Bruegge BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Automating PCCA+ applied to Eye-Tracking Data Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Lara Hoffmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods SIAM Review, 61(4), pp. 756-789, 2019 Jon Cockayne, Chris Oates, T. J. Sullivan, Mark Girolami BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking five global optimization approaches for nano-optical shape optimization and parameter reconstruction ACS Photonics, Vol.6, p. 2726, 2019 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Victor Soltwisch, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bestimmung invarianter Unterräume des Koopman-Operators einer Overdamped Langevin-Dynamik mithilfe eines Muli-Layer Neural Networks Bachelor's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Robert Julian Rabben BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Classification of the toxicity profile of the withdrawn drugs using computational prediction platform ProTox-II Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Seyma Boz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Combining in vitro simulation and in silico modelling towards a sophisticated human osteoarthritis model Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol.27, p. S183, 2019 Annemarie Lang, Lisa Fischer, Marie-Christin Weber, Timo Gaber, Rainald Ehrig, Susanna Röblitz, Frank Buttgereit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Compression Challenges in Large Scale Partial Differential Equation Solvers Algorithms, 12(9), p. 197, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-32) Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation of temperature-dependent dissociation rates of metastable protein–ligand complexes Molecular Simulation, 45(11), pp. 904-911, 2019 Natalia Ernst, Konstantin Fackeldey, Andrea Volkamer, Oliver Opatz, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computational Models for the prediction of drug-induced Nephrotoxicity Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Ole Wachsmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing Optical Resonances in Plasmonic Systems Using a Contour Integral Method Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts (PIERS Rome), Rita Asquini (Ed.), p. 1068, 2019 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing resonances in nano-photonic devices using Riesz-projection-based methods The 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019), Said Zhoudi, Antonio Topa (Eds.), p. 92, 2019 Sven Burger, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Contributed discussion on the article "A Bayesian conjugate gradient method" Bayesian Analysis, 14(3), pp. 985-989, 2019 T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Correlation of circular differential optical absorption with geometric chirality in plasmonic meta-atoms Opt. Express, Vol.27, p. 5097, 2019 Jon Wilson, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Herrmann, Sven Burger, Kevin McPeak BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Decomposition of scattered electromagnetic fields into vector spherical wave functions on surfaces with general shapes Phys. Rev. B, Vol.99, p. 045406, 2019 Xavier Garcia Santiago, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Deterministic integration of quantum dots into on-chip multi-mode interference couplers via in-situ electron beam lithography Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/EQEC), p. EB2.2, OSA Technical Digest, 2019 Peter Schnauber, Johannes Schall, Samir Bounouar, Theresa Höhne, Suk-In Park, Geun-Hwan Ryu, Tobias Heindel, Sven Burger, Jin-Dong Song, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Development of Titanium Dioxide Metasurfaces and Nanosoupbowls for Optically Enhancing Silicon Photocathodes Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Martina Schmid (Advisor), 2019 Gauri Mangalgiri BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Directional emission of a deterministically fabricated quantum dot – Bragg reflection multi-mode waveguide system ACS Photonics, Vol.6, p. 2231, 2019 Paweł Mrowinski, Peter Schnauber, Philipp Gutsche, Arsenty Kaganskiy, Johannes Schall, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discerning the spatio-temporal disease patterns of surgically induced OA mouse models PLOS One, 14(4), 2019 Tobias Haase, Vikram Sunkara, Benjamin Kohl, Carola Meier, Patricia Bußmann, Jessica Becker, Michal Jagielski, Max von Kleist, Wolfgang Ertel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dispersion-engineered nanocomposites enable achromatic diffractive optical elements Optica, Vol.6, p. 1031, 2019 Daniel Werdehausen, Sven Burger, Isabelle Staude, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
EMT network-based feature selection improves prognosis prediction in lung adenocarcinoma PLOS ONE, 14(1), 2019 Borong Shao, Maria Bjaanaes, Aslaug Helland, Christof Schütte, Tim Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Editorial: Special edition on probabilistic numerics Statistics and Computing, 29(6), pp. 1181-1183, 2019 Mark A. Girolami, Ilse C. F. Ipsen, Chris Oates, Art B. Owen, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient global sensitivity analysis for silicon line gratings using polynomial chaos Proc. SPIE, Vol.11057, p. 110570J, 2019 Nando Farchmin, Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Matthias Wurm, Markus Bär, Sebastian Heidenreich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite Element Simulations of Optical Resonances in Dispersive Nanoresonators Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts (PIERS Rome), Rita Asquini (Ed.), p. 699, 2019 Sven Burger, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
From ergodic infinite-time to finite-time transition path theory Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Péter Koltai, Christof Schütte (Advisors), 2019 Enric Ribera Borrell BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
From metastable to coherent sets - Time-discretization schemes Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.29, pp. 012101-012101, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-74) Konstantin Fackeldey, Peter Koltai, Peter Nevir, Henning Rust, Axel Schild, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fréchet differentiable drift dependence of Perron–Frobenius and Koopman operators for non-deterministic dynamics Nonlinearity, 32(11), pp. 4232-4257, 2019 Péter Koltai, Han Cheng Lie, Martin Plonka BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalized Markov modeling of nonreversible molecular kinetics The Journal of Chemical Physics, 17(150), p. 174103, 2019 Bernhard Reuter, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Grazing incidence x-ray fluorescence based characterization of nanostructures for element sensitive profile reconstruction Proc. SPIE, Vol.11057, p. 110570M, 2019 Anna Andrle, Philipp Hönicke, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Yves Kayser, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Frank Scholze, Burkhard Beckhoff, Victor Soltwisch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hybrid Models and Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Processes Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Frank Noe (Advisor), 2019 Margarita Kostré BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Identifying lncRNA-mediated regulatory modules via ChIA-PET network analysis BMC Bioinformatics, 20(1471-2105), 2019 Denise Thiel, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Evgenia Ntini, Ria Peschutter, Heike Siebert, Annalisa Marsico BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Improving Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells From an Optical Viewpoint OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, p. PM4C.2, OSA Technical Digest, 2019 Klaus Jäger, Marko Jošt, Johannes Sutter, Philipp Tockhorn, Eike Köhnen, David Eisenhauer, Phillip Manley, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
In vitro and in silico modeling of cellular and matrix-related changes during the early phase of osteoarthritis BioRxiv, 2019 Marie-Christin Weber, Lisa Fischer, Alexandra Damerau, Igor Ponomarev, Moritz Pfeiffenberger, Timo Gaber, Sebastian Götschel, Jens Lang, Susanna Röblitz, Frank Buttgereit, Rainald Ehrig, Annemarie Lang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Influence of Ordinary Differential Equations on Neural Networks Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Tim Conrad (Advisors), 2019 Felix Meitzner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Jarzynski's equality, fluctuation theorems, and variance reduction: Mathematical analysis and numerical algorithms Journal of Statistical Physics, 175(6), pp. 1214-1261, 2019 Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte, Wei Zhang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Kernel methods for detecting coherent structures in dynamical data Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29(12), 2019 Stefan Klus, Brooke E. Husic, Mattes Mollenhauer, Frank Noe BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Learning chemical reaction networks from trajectory data SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS), 18(4), pp. 2000-2046, 2019 Wei Zhang, Stefan Klus, Tim Conrad, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Light-matter Interaction in Optical Resonators: Spectral Expansion by Riesz Projection Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts (PIERS Rome), Rita Asquini (Ed.), p. 1067, 2019 Lin Zschiedrich, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Line Broadening Mechanisms in Hybrid Plasmonic Systems for Strong Coupling Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts (PIERS Rome), Rita Asquini (Ed.), p. 704, 2019 Günter Kewes, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Felix Stete, Wouter Koopman, Matias Bargheer, Oliver Benson BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Method for direct coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot to an optical fiber for single-photon source applications Opt. Express, Vol.27, p. 26772, 2019 Kinga Żołnacz, Anna Musiał, Nicole Srocka, Jan Große, Maximilian Schlösinger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Oleh Kravets, Monika Mikulicz, Jacek Olszewski, Krzysztof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wójcik, Paweł Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michał Dłubek, Sven Rodt, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Grzegorz Sęk, Stephan Reitzenstein, Wacław Urbańczyk BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modal analysis for nanoplasmonics with nonlocal material properties Phys. Rev. B, Vol.100, p. 155406, 2019 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of Drug Diffusion Based on Concentration Profiles in Healthy and Damaged Human Skin Biophysical Journal, 117(5), pp. 998-1008, 2019 Robert Schulz, Kenji Yamamoto, André Klossek, Fiorenza Rancan, Annika Vogt, Christof Schütte, Eckart Rühl, Roland R. Netz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of Multivalent Ligand-Receptor Binding Measured by kinITC Computation, 7(3), p. 46, 2019 Franziska Erlekam, Sinaida Igde, Susanna Röblitz, Laura Hartmann, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multidimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14(6), 2019 Patrick Gelß, Stefan Klus, Jens Eisert, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mussel-glue inspired adhesives: A study on the relevance of L-Dopa and the function of the sequence at nanomaterial-peptide interfaces Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6(13), p. 1900501, 2019 Narendra Lagumaddepalli Venkatareddy, Patrick Wilke, Natalia Ernst, Justus Horch, Marcus Weber, Andre Dallmann, Hans G. Börner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanocomposites – A Route to better and smaller optical Elements? Optical Design and Fabrication 2019, p. OT2A.2, OSA Technical Digest, 2019 Daniel Werdehausen, Sven Burger, Isabelle Staude, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanooptische Simulationen für optoelektronische Anwendungen Photonik: Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien, 2019(2), pp. 42-45, 2019 Christiane Becker, Sven Burger, Klaus Jäger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic Enhancement of Light Out-Coupling for Deep-UV LEDs The 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019), Said Zhoudi, Antonio Topa (Eds.), p. 745, 2019 Phillip Manley, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic enhanced perovskite-silicon solar cell devices The 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019), Said Zhoudi, Antonio Topa (Eds.), p. 858, 2019 Christiane Becker, Phillip Manley, Klaus Jäger, David Eisenhauer, Johannes Sutter, Steve Albrecht, Kaibo Zheng, Tonu Pullerits, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of Integrated Single-Photon Emitters in Low-Index-Contrast Waveguides Nanophotonics: Foundations & Applications, CSF Conference Book of Abstracts, Lukas Novotny, Romain Quidant (Eds.), p. B11, 2019 Theresa Höhne, Peter Schnauber, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of Light Emission from Quantum Dots Embedded into On-Chip, Low Index Contrast Optical Waveguides Phys. Status Solidi B, Vol.256, p. 1800437, 2019 Theresa Höhne, Peter Schnauber, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Studies of Integrated Single-Photon Emitters in Low-Index-Contrast Waveguides 7th International Workshop on Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties (EQEP), Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel (Eds.), p. 49, 2019 Theresa Höhne, Peter Schnauber, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical methods for simulation and optimization of the extraction efficiency from quantum-dot based single-photon emitters 7th International Workshop on Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties (EQEP), Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel (Eds.), p. 20, 2019 Sven Burger, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Theresa Höhne, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical optimization of resonant nanophotonic devices The Seventh International School and Conference on Photonics (PHOTONICA Belgrade), Milica Matijević, Marko Krstić, Petra Beličev (Eds.), p. 10, 2019, ISBN: 978-86-7306-153-5 Felix Binkowski, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical optimization of resonant photonic devices Proc. SPIE, p. 1105702, Vol.11057, 2019 Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On a Novel Approach for Global Optimization of Non-Convex Problems Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey (Advisor), 2019 Wilhelm Bender PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On intrinsic equivalences of the finite helical axis, the instantaneous helical axis, and the SARA approach. A mathematical perspective. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol.84, pp. 4-10, 2019 Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Properties of the Reaction Counts Chemical Master Equation Entropy, 21(6), p. 607, 2019 Vikram Sunkara BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal Network Generation for the Simulation of Proton Transfer Processes Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Marco Reidelbach BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parameter estimation of multivalent processes on ITC datasets Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Max Zumbansen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Prediction and Analysis of Drugs Inducing Liver Injury (DILI) using ProTox-II Computational-Tool Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2019 Rascha Basaleh BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quasinormal mode solvers for resonators with dispersive materials J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.36, p. 686, 2019 P. Lalanne, W. Yan, A. Gras, C. Sauvan, J.-P. Hugonin, M. Besbes, G. Demésy, M. D. Truong, B. Gralak, F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, J. Zimmerling, R. Remis, H. Paul Urbach, H. T. Liu, T. Weiss BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reweighting methods for Molecular Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Bettina G Keller, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2019 Luca Donati BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
SLCV – A Supervised Learning - Computer Vision combined strategy for automated muscle fibre detection in cross sectional images PeerJ, 2019 Anika Rettig, Tobias Haase, Alexandr Pletnyov, Benjamin Kohl, Wolfgang Ertel, Max von Kleist, Vikram Sunkara PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Serial synapse formation through filopodial competition for synaptic seeding factors Developmental Cell, 50(4), pp. 447-461, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-45) Mehmet Neset Ozel, Abhishek Kulkarni, Amr Hasan, Josephine Brummer, Marian Moldenhauer, Ilsa-Maria Daumann, Heike Wolfenberg, Vincent J. Dercksen, Ferdi Ridvan Kiral, Martin Weiser, Steffen Prohaska, Max von Kleist, Peter Robin Hiesinger PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral Expansion of the Scattering Response of Resonant Nanostructures EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics, Kimmo Saastamoinen (Ed.), p. 1, 2019, ISBN: 978-952-68553-8-7 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Fridtjof Betz, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral resonance expansion by Riesz projections 14 th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Book of Abstracts, Manfred Kaltenbacher (Ed.), p. 234, 2019 Lin Zschiedrich, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Strong convergence rates of probabilistic integrators for ordinary differential equations Statistics and Computing, 29(6), pp. 1265-1283, 2019 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan, Andrew Stuart BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Structural characterization of synthetic peptides using electronspray ion mobility spectrometry and molecular dynamics simulations International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol.436, pp. 108-117, 2019 José Villatoro, Marcus Weber, Martin Zühlke, Andreas Lehmann, Karl Zechiowski, Daniel Riebe, Toralf Beitz, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben, Oliver Kreuzer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transformationsprodukte im Klärwerk: Mathematische Ansätze der Bewertung KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, Vol.7, pp. 551-557, 2019 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Uncertainty Quantification, 11-15 March 2019 Oberwolfach Reports, 16(1), pp. 695-772, Oliver Ernst, Fabio Nobile, Claudia Schillings, T. J. Sullivan (Eds.), 2019 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Using Gaussian process regression for efficient parameter reconstruction Proc. SPIE, Vol.10959, p. 1095911, 2019 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
What you extract is what you see: Optimising the preparation of water and wastewater samples for in vitro bioassays Water Research, Vol.152, pp. 47-60, 2019 Aennes Abbas, Ilona Schneider, Anna Bollmann, Jan Funke, Jörg Oehlmann, Carsten Prasse, Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann, Wolfram Seitz, Thomas Ternes, Marcus Weber, Henning Wesely, Martin Wagner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
pKa of opioid ligands as a discriminating factor for side effects Scientific Reports, Vol.9, p. 19344, 2019 Giovanna Del Vecchio, Dominika Labuz, Julia Temp, Viola Seitz, Michael Kloner, Roger Negrete, Antonio Rodriguez-Gaztelumendi, Marcus Weber, Halina Machelska, Christoph Stein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A combined approach for the analysis of biomolecules using IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometry and molecular dynamics simulations of peptide ions in the gas phase Doctoral thesis, Universität Potsdam, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben (Advisor), 2018 José Villatoro BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A kernel-based approach to molecular conformation analysis Journal of Chemical Physics, 149(24), 2018 Stefan Klus, Andreas Bittracher, Ingmar Schuster, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A mathematical modelling approach to the insight of dynamic networks: Potassium homeostasis and glucose-insulin in dairy cows ADSA 2018 Annual Meeting, Vol.101 Suppl. 2, pp. 226-227, American Dairy Science Association, Journal of Dairy Science, 2018 Julia Plöntzke, Mascha Berg, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A multiscale perturbation expansion approach for Markov state modeling of non-stationary molecular dynamics SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 16(4), pp. 1455-1485, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-49) Péter Koltai, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Absorption Enhancement for Ultra-Thin Solar Fuel Devices with Plasmonic Gratings ACS Appl. Energy Mater., Vol.1, p. 5810, 2018 Phillip Manley, Fatwa F. Abdi, Sean P. Berglund, A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, Sven Burger, Roel van de Krol, Martina Schmid BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An AKAP-Lbc-RhoA interaction inhibitor promotes the translocation of aquaporin-2 to the plasma membrane of renal collecting duct principal cells PLOS ONE, 13(1), pp. e0191423-e0191423, 2018 Katharina Schrade, Jessica Tröger, Adeep Eldashan, Kerstin Zühlke, Kamal R. Abdul Azees, Jonathan M. Elkins, Martin Neuenschwander, Andreas Oder, Mohamed Elkewedi, Sarah Jaksch, Karsten Andrae, Jinliang Li, Jaoa Fernandes, Paul Markus Müller, Stephan Grunwald, Stephen F. Marino, Tanja Vukicevic, Jenny Eichhorst, Burkhard Wiesner, Marcus Weber, Michael Kapiloff, Oliver Rocks, Oliver Daumke, Thomas Wieland, Stefan Knapp, Jens Peter von Kries, Enno Klussmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An automatic adaptive importance sampling algorithm for molecular dynamics in reaction coordinates SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(2), pp. A653-A670, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-09) Jannes Quer, Luca Donati, Bettina Keller, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis of light-matter interaction of optical sources with dispersive nanoresonators via contour integration XXVI International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Proceedings, p. 40, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-921823-98-9 Felix Binkowski, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis of photonic crystals for interaction with near-surface emitters Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Bernd Rech, Christiane Becker (Advisors), 2018 Carlo Barth BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Antireflective nanotextures for monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells Proc. SPIE, Vol.10688, p. 106880A, 2018 Klaus Jäger, Phillip Manley, Duote Chen, Philipp Tockhorn, David Eisenhauer, Grit Köppel, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking five numerical simulation techniques for computing resonance wavelengths and quality factors in photonic crystal membrane line defect cavities Opt. Express, Vol.26, p. 11366, 2018 Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Aliaksandra Ivanskaya, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Teppo Häyrynen, Andrei Lavrinenko, Jesper Mork, Niels Gregersen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking state-of-the-art numerical simulation techniques for analyzing large photonic crystal membrane line defect cavities Proc. SPIE, Vol.10672, p. 106721C, 2018 Niels Gregersen, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Teppo Häyrynen, Andrei Lavrinenko BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking state-of-the-art optical simulation methods for analyzing large nanophotonic structures XXVI International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Proceedings, p. 9, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-921823-98-9 Niels Gregersen, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Andrei Lavrinenko, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Teppo Häyrynen, Jesper Mørk BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chiral scatterers designed by Bayesian optimization J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol.963, p. 012004, 2018 Philipp Gutsche, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Sven Burger, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing Personalised Treatments through In Silico Clinical Trials. A Case Study on Downregulation in Assisted Reproduction Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, Workshop of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC 2018), Oxford, pp. 1-16, 2018 Toni Mancini, Federico Mari, Annalisa Massini, Igor Melatti, Ivano Salvo, Stefano Sinisi, Enrico Tronci, Rainald Ehrig, Susanna Röblitz, Brigitte Leeners BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Correspondence of Trap Spaces in Different Models of Bioregulatory Networks SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 17(2), pp. 1742-1765, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-10) Robert Schwieger, Heike Siebert, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data-driven model reduction and transfer operator approximation Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28(3), pp. 985-1010, 2018 Stefan Klus, Feliks Nüske, Peter Koltai, Hao Wu, Ioannis Kevrekidis, Christof Schütte, Frank Noé BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design rules for customizable optical materials based on nanocomposites Opt. Mater. Express, Vol.8, p. 3456, 2018 Daniel Werdehausen, Isabelle Staude, Sven Burger, Jörg Petschulat, Toralf Scharf, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Deterministic integration of quantum dots into on-chip multi-mode interference beamsplitters using in-situ electron beam lithography Nano Lett., Vol.18, p. 2336, 2018 Peter Schnauber, Johannes Schall, Samir Bounouar, Theresa Höhne, Suk-In Park, Geun-Hwan Ryu, Tobias Heindel, Sven Burger, Jin-Dong Song, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Stiff Integration of Density Driven Flow Problems ZIB-Report 18-54 Arne Nägel, Peter Deuflhard, Gabriel Wittum PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient determination of bespoke optically active nanoparticle distributions J. Opt., Vol.20, p. 085003, 2018 Phillip Manley, Min Song, Sven Burger, Martina Schmid BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient finite-element-based numerical modelling of large sub-wavelength patterned optical structures Proc. SPIE, Vol.10542, p. 105421G, 2018 Martin Hammerschmidt, Jakub Pabisiak, Ana Cristina Perez-Gea, Nicolas Julian, Sean Hon, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Enhanced photon-extraction efficiency from InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots in deterministic photonic structures at 1.3 μm fabricated by in-situ electron-beam lithography AIP Adv., Vol.8, p. 085205, 2018 Nicole Srocka, Anna Musiał, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Paweł Mrowiński, Paweł Holewa, Sven Burger, David Quandt, André Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein, Grzegorz Sęk BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Equivalence of weak and strong modes of measures on topological vector spaces Inverse Problems, 34(11), p. 115013, 2018 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Erratum: Equivalence of weak and strong modes of measures on topological vector spaces (2018 Inverse Problems 34 115013) Inverse Problems, 34(12), p. 129601, 2018 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Estimation of the infinitesimal generator by square-root approximation J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 30(42), pp. 425201-425201, 2018 Luca Donati, Martin Heida, Bettina G. Keller, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite-Elemente-Techniken zur mechanischen Stabilitätsanalyse der Hyomandibula von Rochen Master's thesis, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Daniel Baum, Ute Wagner (Advisors), 2018 Merlind Schotte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Follicular competition in cows: the selection of dominant follicles as a synergistic effect Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-21) Alexander Lange, Robert Schwieger, Julia Plöntzke, Stefan Schäfer, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalisierte Markov-Modellierung von Nichtgleichgewichtssystemen - Simulation und Modellierung der Amyloid-beta(1-40)-Konformationsdynamik unter Mikrowelleneinfluss Doctoral thesis, Universität Kassel, Martin Garcia (Advisor), 2018 Bernhard Reuter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalized Markov State Modeling Method for Nonequilibrium Biomolecular Dynamics: Exemplified on Amyloid β Conformational Dynamics Driven by an Oscillating Electric Field Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 14(7), pp. 3579-3594, 2018 Bernhard Reuter, Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey, Susanna Röblitz, Martin E. Garcia BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Heuristic Modeling of Strong Coupling in Plasmonic Resonators ACS Photonics, Vol.5, p. 4089, 2018 Günter Kewes, Felix Binkowski, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Oliver Benson BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Human mobility and innovation spreading in ancient times: a stochastic agent-based simulation approach EPJ Data Science, 7(1), 2018 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Luzie Helfmann, Johannes Zonker, Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Implications of PCCA+ in Molecular Simulation Computation, 6(1), p. 20, 2018 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Implicit probabilistic integrators for ODEs Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NIPS 2018), 2018 Onur Teymur, Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan, Ben Calderhead BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Importance Sampling for metastable dynamical systems in molecular dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2018 Jannes Quer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
In silico Methods - Computational Alternatives to Animal Testing ALTEX, 35(1), pp. 126-128, 2018 Annemarie Lang, Andrea Volkamer, Laura Behm, Susanna Röblitz, Rainald Ehrig, Marlon Schneider, Lisbet Geris, Joerg Wichard, Frank Buttgereit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Light Management for Engineering Luminescence in Nanoscale Environments By Numerical Optimization The Electrochemical Society, Meeting Abstracts, p. 1164, Vol.16, 2018 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Felix Binkowski, Philipp Gutsche, Theresa Höhne, Martin Hammerschmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Light management with sinusoidal nanotextures Light, Energy and the Environment 2018, p. OT5C.5, OSA Technical Digest, 2018 Klaus Jäger, Phillip Manley, David Eisenhauer, Philipp Tockhorn, Johannes Sutter, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Lossy data compression reduces communication time in hybrid time-parallel integrators Comput. Vis. Sci., 19(1), pp. 19-30, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-25) Lisa Fischer, Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
MSM/RD: Coupling Markov state models of molecular kinetics with reaction-diffusion simulations Journal of Chemical Physics, 148(21), 2018 Manuel Dibak, Mauricio J. del Razo, David de Sancho, Christof Schütte, Frank Noé BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
MSM/RD: Coupling Markov state models of molecular kinetics with reaction-diffusion simulations Journal of Chemical Physics, 148(214107), 2018 Manuel Dibak, Mauricio J. del Razo, David De Sancho, Christof Schütte, Frank Noé BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Machine learning classification for field distributions of photonic modes Commun. Phys., Vol.1, p. 58, 2018 Carlo Barth, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling of the spreading of innovations in the ancient world eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Vol.7, 2018 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Daniel Fuerstenau, Ana Grabundzija, Luzie Helfmann, Martin Park, Wolfram Schier, Brigitta Schütt, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber, Niklas Wulkow, Johannes Zonker PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mixed-Integer Programming for Cycle Detection in Non-reversible Markov Processes Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 16(1), pp. 248-265, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-39) Jakob Witzig, Isabel Beckenbach, Leon Eifler, Konstantin Fackeldey, Ambros Gleixner, Andreas Grever, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling of standard and specialty fibre-based systems using finite element methods Proc. SPIE, Vol.10683, p. 1068336, 2018 Natascia Castagna, Jacques Morel, Luc Testa, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Binding Kinetics of CYP P450 by Using the Infinitesimal Generator Approach Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2018 Paula Breitbach PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Dynamics vs. Stochastic Processes: Are We Heading Anywhere? Special Issue: Understanding Molecular Dynamics via Stochastic Processes, Entropy, 20(5), 2018 Giovanni Ciccotti, Mauro Ferrario, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic Light Management for Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells J. Photonics Energy, Vol.8, p. 022601, 2018 Duote Chen, Phillip Manley, Philipp Tockhorn, David Eisenhauer, Grit Köppel, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker, Klaus Jäger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic enhanced two-photon excited photoluminescence of perovskite quantum dots ACS Photonics, Vol.5, p. 4668, 2018 Christiane Becker, Sven Burger, Carlo Barth, Phillip Manley, Klaus Jäger, David Eisenhauer, Grit Köppel, Pavel Chabera, Junsheng Chen, Kaibo Zheng, Tönu Pullerits BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
New Strategies in Conformation Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2018 Martina Klimm BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Novel relocation methods for automatic external defibrillator improve out-of-hospital cardiac arrest coverage under limited resources Resuscitation, pp. 83-89, 2018 Nicholas J. Tierney, Antonietta Mira, J. Jost Reinhold, Martin Weiser, Roman Burkart, Claudio Benvenuti, Angelo Auricchio BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical optimization of the extraction efficiency of a quantum-dot based single-photon emitter into a single-mode fiber Opt. Express, Vol.26, p. 8479, 2018 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Lin Zschiedrich, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On Intrinsic Dimension Estimation and Minimal Diffusion Maps Embeddings of Point Clouds Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Ralf Banisch (Advisor), 2018 Johannes von Lindheim BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On accurate simulations of thin-film solar cells with a thick glass superstrate Opt. Express, Vol.26, p. A99, 2018 Klaus Jäger, Grit Köppel, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Online measurement of optical fibre geometry during manufacturing Proc. SPIE, Vol.10683, p. 1068318, 2018 Maksim Shpak, Sven Burger, Ville Byman, Kimmo Saastamoinen, Mertsi Haapalainen, Antti Lassila BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Opioid receptor signaling, analgesic and side effects induced by a computationally designed pH-dependent agonist Scientific Reports, Vol.8, p. 8965, 2018 Viola Spahn, Giovanna Del Vecchio, Antonio Rodriguez-Gaztelumendi, Julia Temp, Dominika Labuz, Michael Kloner, Marco Reidelbach, Halina Machelska, Marcus Weber, Christoph Stein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical Chirality of Time-Harmonic Wavefields for Classification of Scatterers Sci. Rep., Vol.8, p. 9416, 2018 Philipp Gutsche, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal Design of Experiments for Estimating the Time of Death in Forensic Medicine Inverse Problems, 34(12), p. 125005, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-08) Martin Weiser, Yvonne Freytag, Bodo Erdmann, Michael Hubig, Gita Mall PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal data-driven estimation of generalized Markov state models for non-equilibrium dynamics Computation, 6(1), 2018 Peter Koltai, Hao Wu, Frank Noé, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimization of nanostructured high efficiency perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cells via numerical simulation Proc. SPIE, p. 107310B, Vol.10731, 2018 Phillip Manley, Klaus Jäger, Philipp Tockhorn, Sven Burger, Steve Albrecht, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimization of quantum optical devices with machine learning XXVI International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Proceedings, p. 6, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-921823-98-9 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parallel-in-Time for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems Using PFASST Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV, pp. 363-371, Springer: Cham, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-51) Sebastian Götschel, Michael L. Minion PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Polarization-Dependent Second Harmonic Diffraction from Resonant GaAs Metasurfaces ACS Photonics, Vol.5, p. 1786, 2018 Franz Löchner, Anna Fedotova, Sheng Liu, Gordon Keeler, Gregory Peake, Sina Saravi, Maxim Shcherbakov, Sven Burger, Andrey Fedyanin, Igal Brener, Thomas Pertsch, Frank Setzpfandt, Isabelle Staude BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Prediction of perturbed proton transfer networks PLoS ONE, 13(12), pp. e0207718-e0207718, 2018 Marco Reidelbach, Marcus Weber, Petra Imhof BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quasi-invariance of countable products of Cauchy measures under non-unitary dilations Electronic Communications in Probability, 23(8), pp. 1-6, 2018 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Random forward models and log-likelihoods in Bayesian inverse problems ZIB-Report 18-03 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan, Aretha Teckentrup PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Riesz-projection-based theory of light-matter interaction in dispersive nanoresonators Phys. Rev. A, Vol.98, p. 043806, 2018 Lin Zschiedrich, Felix Binkowski, Niko Nikolay, Oliver Benson, Günter Kewes, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous wave-optical treatment of photon recycling in thermodynamics of photovoltaics: Perovskite thin-film solar cells Phys. Rev. B, Vol.98, p. 075141, 2018 Muluneh G. Abebe, Aimi Abass, Guillaume Gomard, Lin Zschiedrich, Uli Lemmer, Bryce S. Richards, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ulrich W. Paetzold BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Role of Counterions in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Anionic Species Langmuir, 34(23), pp. 6963-6975, 2018 Sabine Wagner, Carlos Zapata, Wei Wan, Kornelia Gawlitza, Marcus Weber, Knut Rurack BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Shape design of a reflecting surface using Bayesian Optimization J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol.963, p. 012003, 2018 Xavier Garcia Santiago, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Carsten Rockstuhl, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving inverse problems appearing in design and metrology of diffractive optical elements by using Bayesian optimization Proc. SPIE, Vol.10694, p. 1069407, 2018 Martin Hammerschmidt, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Lin Zschiedrich, Martin Weiser, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral Clustering for Non-Reversible Markov Chains Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(5), pp. 6376-6391, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-48) Konstantin Fackeldey, Alexander Sikorski, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Statistical analysis of the first passage path ensemble of jump processes Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol.170, pp. 809-843, 2018 Max von Kleist, Christof Schütte, Wei Zhang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stochastic Modeling of Interacting Agent Systems Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad (Advisors), 2018 Luzie Helfmann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Supplementary: Implications of PCCA+ in Molecular Simulation 2018 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tensor-based dynamic mode decomposition Nonlinearity, 31(7), 2018 Stefan Klus, Patrick Gelß, Sebastian Peitz, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Grand Four. Affine Invariant Globalizations of Newton's Method Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46(4), pp. 761-777, 2018 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Theoretically optimal inexact SDC methods Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, pp. 53-86, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-52) Martin Weiser, Sunayana Ghosh PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tracking online topics over time: understanding dynamic hashtag communities Computational Social Networks, 5(9), 2018 (accepted for publication) Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Frederik Wolf, Jonas Braun, Gourab Ghoshal, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Hövel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transformationsprodukte im Klärwerk: Mathematische Ansätze der Bewertung KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 2018 (accepted for publication) Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transition manifolds of complex metastable systems: Theory and data-driven computation of effective dynamics Jounal of Nonlinear Science, 28(2), pp. 471-512, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-22) Andreas Bittracher, Péter Koltai, Stefan Klus, Ralf Banisch, Michael Dellnitz, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Uncertainty in Temperature-Based Determination of Time of Death Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(9), pp. 2815-2826, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-18) Martin Weiser, Bodo Erdmann, Sebastian Schenkl, Holger Muggenthaler, Michael Hubig, Gita Mall, Stefan Zachow PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Using effective medium theories to design tailored nanocomposite materials for optical systems Proc. SPIE, p. 107450H, Vol.10745, 2018 Daniel Werdehausen, Isabelle Staude, Sven Burger, Jörg Petschulat, Toralf Scharf, Thomas Pertsch, Manuel Decker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Validation of quasi-normal modes and of constant-flux modes for computing fundamental resonances of VCSELs Proc. SPIE, Vol.10682, p. 106821U, 2018 Theresa Höhne, Lin Zschiedrich, Nasibeh Haghighi, James A. Lott, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Which Computational Methods Are Good for Analyzing Large Photonic Crystal Membrane Cavities? 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2018 Radu Malureanu, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Teppo Häyrynen, Andrei Lavrinenko, Jesper Mørk, Niels Gregersen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A dynamic model to simulate potassium balance in dairy cows Journal of Dairy Science, 100(12), pp. 9799-9814, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-47) Mascha Berg, Julia Plöntzke, Sabine Leonhard-Marek, Kerstin-Elisabeth Müller, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A mathematical framework for predicting lifestyles of viral pathogens Modelling Biological Evolution 2017: Developing Novel Approaches, 2017 Alexander Lange BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A nontoxic pain killer designed by modeling of pathological receptor conformations Science, 355(6328), pp. 966-969, 2017 Viola Spahn, Giovanna Del Vecchio, Dominika Labuz, Antonio Rodriguez-Gaztelumendi, N. Massaly, Julia Temp, Vedat Durmaz, P. Sabri, Marco Reidelbach, Halina Machelska, Marcus Weber, Christoph Stein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accurate optical simulations of periodic nanostructures on a thick glass substrate 29th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion - (QUANTSOL), 2017 Klaus Jäger, Grit Köppel, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Algorithms for Optimal Hip Implant Positioning PAMM, 17(1), pp. 203-204, 2017 Marian Moldenhauer, Martin Weiser, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Information-Theoretic Empirical Bayes Method and its Application to a Systems Biology Model Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Susanna Röblitz (Advisor), 2017 Alexander Sikorski PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An affine covariant composite step method for optimization with PDEs as equality constraints Optimization Methods and Software, 32(5), pp. 1132-1161, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-09) Lars Lubkoll, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Automatic CT-based finite element model generation for temperature-based death time estimation: feasibility study and sensitivity analysis International Journal of Legal Medicine, 131(3), pp. 699-712, 2017 Sebastian Schenkl, Holger Muggenthaler, Michael Hubig, Bodo Erdmann, Martin Weiser, Stefan Zachow, Andreas Heinrich, Felix Victor Güttler, Ulf Teichgräber, Gita Mall BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking five computational methods for analyzing large photonic crystal membrane cavities Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), p. 89, IEEE, 2017 Niels Gregersen, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Teppo Häyrynen, Andrei Lavrinenko, Jesper Moerk, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Capturing the Dynamics of Hashtag-Communities International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, pp. 401-413, 2017 Philipp Lorenz, Frederik Wolf, Jonas Braun, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Hövel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chiral Nanophotonics: Theory and Simulation Doctoral Summer School on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, ITMO University, 2017 Philipp Gutsche, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Raquel Mäusle, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparison of five computational methods for computing Q factors in photonic crystal membrane cavities 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2017 Andrey Novitsky, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Teppo Häyrynen, Andrei Lavrinenko, Jesper Mørk, Niels Gregersen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparison of five numerical methods for computing quality factors and resonance wavelengths in photonic crystal membrane cavities CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 2017 Niels Gregersen, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Fengwen Wang, Ole Sigmund, Aliaksandra Ivinskaya, Andrei Lavrinenko, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Teppo Häyrynen, Jesper Merk BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing the minimal rebinding effect for nonreversible processes Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey (Advisors), 2017 Susanne Röhl PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data-driven Computation of Molecular Reaction Coordinates ZIB-Report 17-77 Andreas Bittracher, Ralf Banisch, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Determining the material parameters for the reconstruction of defects in carbon fiber reinforced polymers from data measured by flash thermography AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1806, 2017 Jan Müller, Sebastian Götschel, Christiane Maierhofer, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Eigendecompositions of Transfer Operators in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2017 (under review) Stefan Klus, Ingmar Schuster, Krikamol Muandet BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Eigenvalues of non-reversible Markov chains – A case study ZIB-Report 17-13 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Exact active subspace Metropolis–Hastings, with applications to the Lorenz-96 system 2017 Ingmar Schuster, Paul Constantine, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finding Metastabilities in Reversible Markov Chains based on Incomplete Sampling: Case of Molecular Simulation Special Matrices, pp. 73-81, 2017 Konstantin Fackeldey, Amir Niknejad, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fundamentals and Applications of an Optical Theorem for Chiral Optical Fields 4th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum, 2017 Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
GenPCCA -- Markov State Models for Non-Equilibrium Steady States Big data clustering: Data preprocessing, variable selection, and dimension reduction. WIAS Report No. 29, pp. 70-80, 2017 Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Global optimization of complex optical structures using Bayesian optimization based on Gaussian processes Proc. SPIE, Vol.10335, p. 103350O, 2017 Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Carsten Rockstuhl, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Highly Transmittive Broadband Dielectric Nanoholes CLEO, p. JTu5A.117, OSA Tech. Dig., 2017 Gauri Mangalgiri, Makars Šiškins, Alina Arslanova, Martin Hammerschmidt, Phillip Manley, Wiebke Riedel, Martina Schmid BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hybrid models for chemical reaction networks: Multiscale theory and application to gene regulatory systems The Journal of Chemical Physics, 147(11), pp. 114115-1-114115-18, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-29) Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Importance sampling in path space for diffusion processes with slow-fast variables Probability Theory and Related Fields, pp. 1-52, 2017 Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber, Wei Zhang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
In silico cytotoxicity assessment on cultured rat intestinal cells deduced from cellular impedance measurements Toxicology in Vitro, Vol.41, pp. 179-188, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-08) Pooja Gupta, Annika Gramatke, Ralf Einspanier, Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist, Jutta Sharbati PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Increased fluorescence of PbS quantum dots in photonic crystals by excitation enhancement Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.111, p. 031111, 2017 Carlo Barth, Sebastian Roder, Daniel Brodoceanu, Tobias Kraus, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Kernel Sequential Monte Carlo Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pp. 390-409, 2017 Ingmar Schuster, Heiko Strathmann, Brooks Paige, Dino Sejdinovic BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Lack of association between female hormone levels and visuospatial working memory, divided attention and cognitive bias across two consecutive menstrual cycles Front. Behav. Neurosci., 2017 Brigitte Leeners, Tillmann H. C. Krüger, Kirsten Geraedts, Enrico Tronci, Toni Mancini, Fabian Ille, Marcel Egli, Susanna Röblitz, Lanja Saleh, K. Spanhaus, Cordula Schippert, Y. Zhang, M. P. Hengartner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear Precision Glycomacromolecules with Varying Interligand Spacing and Linker Functionalities Binding to Concanavalin A and the Bacterial Lectin FimH Marcomolecular Bioscience, 17(12), p. 1700198, 2017 Sinaida Igde, Susanna Röblitz, Anne Müller, Katharina Kolbe, Sophia Boden, Claudia Fessele, Thisbe Lindhorst, Marcus Weber, Laura Hartmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Control with Rare State Observation: Average Optimality Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol.23, pp. 1-34, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-59) Stefanie Winkelmann PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Measuring the electromagnetic chirality of 2D arrays under normal illumination Opt. Lett., Vol.42, p. 4075, 2017 Xavier Garcia Santiago, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling the Spread of Innovations by a Markov Process in a Bayesian Framework Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2017 Niklas Wulkow PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Moleküldynamik-Simulation via eines Faltungsansatzes im Potential Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2017 Lisa Brust PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Negative affect is unrelated to fluctuations in hormone levels across the menstrual cycle: evidence from a multisite observational study across two successive cycles Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol.99, pp. 21-27, 2017 Michael Hengartner, Tillmann H. C. Krüger, Kirsten Geraedts, Enrico Tronci, Toni Mancini, Fabian Ille, Marcel Egli, Susanna Röblitz, Rainald Ehrig, Lanja Saleh, Katharina Spanaus, Cordula Schippert, Yuanyuan Zhang, Brigitte Leeners BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Raman Data Spectral Analysis Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2017 Jonas Röhm PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the convergence behavior of spectral deferred correction methods for convection-diffusion equations Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Jörg Liesen, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-53) Felix Binkowski PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the convergence of inexact time parallel time integration Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser, Kersten Schmidt (Advisors), 2017 Lisa Fischer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical simulations of advanced light management for liquid-phase crystallized silicon thin-film solar cells Proc. SPIE, Vol.10356, p. 103560F, 2017 Klaus Jäger, Grit Köppel, David Eisenhauer, Duote Chen, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal Experimental Design to Estimate the Time of Death in a Bayesian Context Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser, Dietmar Hömberg (Advisors), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-14) Yvonne Freytag PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Photonics Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modeling and Simulation, Joachim Piprek (Ed.), CRC Press, 2017, ISBN: 9781498749381 Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Probabilistic Numerical Methods for PDE-constrained Bayesian Inverse Problems Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, pp. 060001-1-060001-8, Vol.1853, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017 Jon Cockayne, Chris Oates, T. J. Sullivan, Mark Girolami BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quantifying parameter uncertainties in optical scatterometry using Bayesian inversion Proc. SPIE, Vol.10330, p. 1033004, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-37) Martin Hammerschmidt, Martin Weiser, Xavier Garcia Santiago, Lin Zschiedrich, Bernd Bodermann, Sven Burger PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reliable approximation of long relaxation timescales in molecular dynamics Entropy, 19(7), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-19) Wei Zhang, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Resonant cavity light–emitting diodes based on dielectric passive cavity structures Proc. SPIE, Vol.10124, p. 101240O, 2017 Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Vitaly Shchukin, Jörg-R. Kropp, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr. BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Set-Free Markov State Model Building Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(12), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-10) Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation, Identification and Statistical Variation in Cardiovascular Analysis (SISCA) - a Software Framework for Multi-compartment Lumped Modeling Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.87, pp. 104-123, 2017 Rudolf Huttary, Leonid Goubergrits, Christof Schütte, Stefan Bernhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Smooth anti-reflective three-dimensional textures for liquid phase crystallized silicon thin-film solar cells on glass Sci. Rep., Vol.7, p. 2658, 2017 David Eisenhauer, Grit Köppel, Klaus Jäger, Duote Chen, Oleksandra Shargaieva, Paul Sonntag, Daniel Armkreutz, Bernd Rech, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Some connections between importance sampling and enhanced sampling methods in molecular dynamics Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-30) Jannes Quer, Han Cheng Lie PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sparse Proteomics Analysis – a compressed sensing-based approach for feature selection and classification of high-dimensional proteomics mass spectrometry data BMC Bioinfomatics, 18(160), 2017 Tim Conrad, Martin Genzel, Nada Cvetkovic, Niklas Wulkow, Alexander Benedikt Leichtle, Jan Vybiral, Gitta Kytyniok, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral Deferred Correction methods for adaptive electro-mechanical coupling in cardiac simulation G. Russo et al.(eds.) Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2014, pp. 321-328, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-22) Martin Weiser, Simone Scacchi PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Square Root Approximation und statistische Umgewichtungstechnik für das Faltungsverhalten von Polymerbürsten Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2017 Oleksandra Makarenko PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Thermodynamics of Photon Recycling in Four Terminal Perovskite/si Tandem Solar Cells Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, p. PM4A.2, 2017 Muluneh G. Abebe, Guillaume Gomard, Lin Zschiedrich, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ulrich W. Paetzold, Aimi Abass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Thermografie mit optimierter Anregung für die quantitative Untersuchung von Delaminationen in kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen Proc. DGZfP 2017, 2017 Jan Müller, Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser, Christiane Maierhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Three-body effects in triplets of capped gold nanocrystals Molecular Physics, Vol.115, pp. 1031-1040, 2017 Gernot Bauer, Nadezhda Gribova, Alexander Lange, Christian Holm, Joachim Gross BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Utilizing hitting times for finding metastable sets in non-reversible Markov chains Journal of Comp. Dynamics, 2017 (under review, preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-32) S. Rüdrich, Marco Sarich, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Variational characterization of free energy: theory and algorithms Entropy, 19(11), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-52) Carsten Hartmann, Lorenz Richter, Christof Schütte, Wei Zhang PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Well-posed Bayesian inverse problems and heavy-tailed stable quasi-Banach space priors Inverse Problems and Imaging, 11(5), pp. 857-874, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-30) T. J. Sullivan PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Well-posedness of Bayesian inverse problems in quasi-Banach spaces with stable priors 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Weimar 2017, pp. 871-874, 17(1), Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017 T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Two Dimensional Fiber Grating Coupler on SOI for Mode Division Multiplexing IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol.28, p. 1241, 2016 Benjamin Wohlfeil, Georg Rademacher, Christos Stamatiadis, Karsten Voigt, Lars Zimmermann, Klaus Petermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A novel method for undisturbed long-term observation of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) behaviour – illustrated by the hygienic behaviour towards Varroa infestation Journal of Apicultural Research, Vol.54(5), pp. 541-547, 2016 Kaspar Bienefeld, Fred Zautke, Pooja Gupta BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive importance sampling via minimization of estimators of cross-entropy, mean square and inefficiency constants Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Tomasz Badowski BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Algorithmic approaches to the change-point problem for ovulation detection in the human menstrual cycle Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Susanna Röblitz, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2016 Felicia Burtscher BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Allosteric and Chelate Cooperativity in Divalent Crown Ether–Ammonium Complexes with Strong Binding Enhancements Chem. Eur. J., 22(43), pp. 15475-15484, 2016 Larissa K. S. Krebek, von, Andreas J. Achazi, Marthe Solleder, Marcus Weber, Beate Paulus, Christoph A. Schalley BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An integrative approach for model driven computation of treatments in reproductive medicine BIOMAT - Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, Rorkee, India, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-04) Rainald Ehrig, Thomas Dierkes, Stefan Schäfer, Susanna Röblitz, Enrico Tronci, Toni Mancini, Ivano Salvo, Vadim Alimguzhin, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Annalisa Massini, Tillmann H. C. Krüger, Marcel Egli, Fabian Ille, Brigitte Leeners PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Atomistic Binding Free Energy Estimations for Biological Host–Guest Systems Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2016 Vedat Durmaz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bright Single-Photon Sources Based on Anti-Reflection Coated Deterministic Quantum Dot Microlenses Technologies, 4(1), p. 1, 2016 Peter Schnauber, Alexander Thoma, Christoph V. Heine, Alexander Schlehahn, Liron Gantz, Manuel Gschrey, Ronny Schmidt, Caspar Hopfmann, Benjamin Wohlfeil, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Andre Strittmatter, Tobias Heindel, Sven Rodt, Ulrike Woggon, David Gershoni, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cameron--Martin theorems for sequences of Cauchy-distributed random variables arXiv, p. 1608.03784, 2016 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cameron--Martin theorems for sequences of Cauchy-distributed random variables ZIB-Report 16-40 Han Cheng Lie, T. J. Sullivan PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Circular polarization phenomena in chiral nano-optical devices Light, Energy and the Environment 2016, p. JW4A.4, OSA Technical Digest, 2016 Philipp Gutsche, Raquel Mäusle, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparison of four computational methods for computing Q factors and resonance wavelengths in photonic crystal membrane cavities Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2016 Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Lars Hagedorn Frandsen, Sven Burger, Philipp Gutsche, Oleksiy S. Kim, Olav Breinbjerg, Ole Sigmund, Jesper Mork, Niels Gregersen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation Schemes for Transfer Operators Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2016 Adam Nielsen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Correlated diffuse x-ray scattering from periodically nanostructured surfaces Phys. Rev. B, Vol.94, p. 035419, 2016 Victor Soltwisch, Anton Haase, Jan Wernecke, Jürgen Probst, Max Schoengen, Sven Burger, Michael Krumrey, Frank Scholze BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coupling of Monodomain and Eikonal Models for Cardiac Electrophysiology Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser (Advisor), 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-50) Adrian Sali PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Determining 2D photonic crystal geometries from reflectance spectra with a reduced basis method Proc. Europ. Opt. Soc. Ann. Meet. 2016 (EOSAM), p. 281, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5108-4796-5 Martin Hammerschmidt, Carlo Barth, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Direct Evidence of the Leaky Emission in Oxide-Confined Vertical Cavity Lasers IEEE J. Quant. Electron., 52(3), p. 2400207, 2016 Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Vitaly Shchukin, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jörg-R. Kropp, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Direct visualization of the in-plane leakage of high-order transverse modes in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers mediated by oxide-aperture engineering Proc. SPIE, Vol.9766, p. 976608, 2016 Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Vitaly Shchukin, Jörg-R. Kropp, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr. BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effective dynamics along given reaction coordinates, and reaction rate theory Faraday Discussions, pp. 365-394, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-35) Wei Zhang, Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effective medium approximation of ellipsometric response from random surface roughness simulated by finite-element method Thin Solid Films, Vol.617, p. 20, 2016 Bálint Fodor, Peter Kozma, Sven Burger, Miklos Fried, Peter Petrik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effects of carbamazepine and two of its metabolites on the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius in a sediment full life cycle toxicity test Water Research, Vol.98, pp. 19-27, 2016 Katharina Heye, Dennis Becker, Christian Lütke-Eversloh, Vedat Durmaz, Thomas Ternes, Matthias Oetken, Jörg Oehlmann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Empirical Bayes Methods for Prior Estimation in Systems Medicine ZIB-Report 16-57 Ilja Klebanov, Alexander Sikorski, Christof Schütte, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Empirical Bayes Methods, Reference Priors, Cross Entropy and the EM Algorithm ZIB-Report 16-56 Ilja Klebanov, Alexander Sikorski, Christof Schütte, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Estimating Missing Entries of a Partial Mean First Passage Time Matrix Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2016 Andreas Grever PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finding dominant structures of nonreversible Markov processes Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 14(4), pp. 1319-1340, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-40) Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Marcus Weber, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finding metastable states in real-world time series with recurrence networks Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol.445, pp. 1-17, 2016 Iliusi Vega, Christof Schütte, Tim Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite elements for nano-optics applications Proc. Europ. Opt. Soc. Ann. Meet. 2016 (EOSAM), p. 178, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5108-4796-5 Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Follicular maturation in cows: mathematical models and data 10. European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 2016 Alexander Lange, Julia Plöntzke, Stefan Schäfer, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Genome-wide association study of a Varroa-specific defense behavior in honeybees (Apis mellifera) Journal of Heredity, 107(3), pp. 220-227, 2016 Andreas Spötter, Pooja Gupta, Manfred Mayer, Norbert Reinsch, Kaspar Bienefeld BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometry Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408(23), pp. 6259-6268, 2016 Jose Villatoro, Martin Zühlke, Daniel Riebe, Jens Riedel, Toralf Beitz, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
IR-MALDI ion mobility spectrometry: physical source characterization and application as HPLC detector International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry, pp. 197-297, 2016 José Villatoro, Martin Zühlke, Daniel Riebe, Toralf Beitz, Marcus Weber, Jens Riedel, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Identification of Anisotropies in Welding Seams Using Ultrasound Measurements Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Fredi Tröltzsch, Martin Weiser (Advisors), 2016 Hannah Schuh BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Increased fluorescence of PbS quantum dots on photonic crystal slab structures Proc. Europ. Opt. Soc. Ann. Meet. 2016 (EOSAM), p. 181, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5108-4796-5 Carlo Barth, Sebastian Roder, Daniel Brodoceanu, Tobias Kraus, Sven Burger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Insights into directional scattering: from coupled dipoles to asymmetric dimer nanoantennas Opt. Express, 24(17), pp. 19638-19650, 2016 Aimi Abass, Philipp Gutsche, Bjorn Maes, Carsten Rockstuhl, Emiliano R Martins BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Joint research for photonics fibres, waveguides and interconnects Proc. Europ. Opt. Soc. Ann. Meet. 2016 (EOSAM), p. 25, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5108-4796-5 Antti Lassila, Maksim Shpak, A. Vaigu, M. Smid, A. Velasco, A. Pokatilov, I. Fatadin, R. Ferguson, D. Robinson, T. Walbaum, Sven Burger, Mertsi Haapalainen, P. Vahimaa, H. Lukner, W. Pernice, R. Pitwon, A. Deninger, Jacques Morel, Natascia Castagna, O. Peters, H. Husu BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Locally Enhanced and Tunable Optical Chirality in Helical Metamaterials Photonics, Vol.3, p. 60, 2016 Philipp Gutsche, Raquel Mäusle, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Lumped­ Parameter Model of the Human Cardiovascular System Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Raheem Gul BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Modelling of Follicular Maturation in Cows and Women 49. Jahrestagung der Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung und gleichzeitig 41. Veterinär-Humanmedizinische Gemeinschaftstagung 2016, Leipzig., 2016 (epub ahead of print) Stefan Schäfer, Julia Plöntzke, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling and sensitivity analysis of arterial anastomosis in arm arteries Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-22) Raheem Gul, Christof Schütte, Stefan Bernhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Method for fast computation of angular light scattering spectra from 2D periodic arrays Proc. SPIE, Vol.9778, p. 977839, 2016 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Philipp Gutsche, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model Order Reduction of Linear Control Systems: Comparison of Balance Truncation and Singular Perturbation Approximation with Application to Optimal Control Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte (Advisors), 2016 Adman Daragmeh BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model order reduction for the time-harmonic Maxwell equation applied to complex nanostructures Proc. SPIE, Vol.9742, p. 97420M, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-05) Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model reduction algorithms for optimal control and importance sampling of diffusions Nonlinearity, 29(8), pp. 2298-2326, 2016 Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte, Wei Zhang BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling of glucose-insulin metabolism and its effect on the estrous cycle in bovine Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe, 2016 Mohamed Omari, Julia Plöntzke, Mascha Berg, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Dynamics Simulations : What is the Effect of a Spin Probe on the Drug Loading of a Nanocarrier Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2016 Marthe Solleder PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
New Generation of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers for Optical Interconnects Future Trends in Microelectronics: Journey into the Unknown, John Wiley & Sons, 2016 Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Vitaly Shchukin, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jörg-R. Kropp, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical characterization of symmetry properties for photonic crystals with hexagonal lattice Proc. SPIE, Vol.9885, p. 988506, 2016 Carlo Barth, Jürgen Probst, Sven Herrmann, Martin Hammerschmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On Accurate Simulations of Thin-Film Solar Cells With a Thick Glass Superstrate Light, Energy and the Environment 2016, p. PM3B.5, OSA Technical Digest, 2016 Klaus Jäger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Grit Köppel, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On Markov state models for non-equilibrium molecular dynamics The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(174103), 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-11) Peter Koltai, Giovanni Ciccotti, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On a strongly convex approximation of a stochastic optimal control problem for importance sampling of metastable diffusions Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Han Cheng Lie BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator Journal of Computational Dynamics, 3(1), pp. 51-77, 2016 Stefan Klus, Peter Koltai, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical Properties of Smooth Anti-reflective Three-dimensional Textures for Silicon Thin-film Solar Cells Energy Procedia, Vol.102, pp. 27-35, 2016 David Eisenhauer, Klaus Jäger, Grit Köppel, Bernd Rech, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical chirality: conservation law in arbitrary space 606. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Nanophotonics and Complex Spatial Modes of Light, 2016 Philipp Gutsche, Lisa Poulikakos, Sven Burger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical simulation of complex nanostructured solar cells with a reduced basis method Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech, Ralf Kornhuber (Advisors), 2016 Martin Hammerschmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parameter-dependent Parallel Block Sparse Arnoldi and Döhler Algorithms on Distributed Systems ZIB-Report 16-15 Philipp Gutsche, Matthias Läuter, Frank Schmidt PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Path Integral Techniques in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Open Boundary Systems Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Animesh Agarwal BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Prior estimation and Bayesian inference from large cohort data sets ZIB-Report 16-09 Ilja Klebanov, Alexander Sikorski, Christof Schütte, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quantitative Defect Reconstruction in Active Thermography for Fiber-Reinforced Composites Proceedings 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2016), 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-13) Sebastian Götschel, Christiane Maierhofer, Jan Müller, Nick Rothbart, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Ray Tracing Boundary Value Problems: Simulation and SAFT Reconstruction for Ultrasonic Testing Proceedings 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2016), 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-14) Sebastian Götschel, Christian Höhne, Sanjeevareddy Kolkoori, Steffen Mitzscherling, Jens Prager, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction and analysis of the state space for the identification of dynamical states in real-world time-series Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Iliusi Vega BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of disease transmission rates: applications to measles, dengue, and influenza Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.400, pp. 138-153, 2016 Alexander Lange BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of photonic crystal geometries using a reduced basis method for nonlinear outputs Proc. SPIE, Vol.9756, p. 97561R, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-06) Martin Hammerschmidt, Carlo Barth, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for electromagnetic scattering problem: a case study for FinFETs Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.48, p. 250, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-10) Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of Plasmonic Nanoparticles in Thin Film Solar Cells Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Martina Schmid, Frank Schmidt (Advisors), 2016 Phillip Manley PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulations of sinusoidal nanotextures for coupling light into c-Si thin-film solar cells Opt. Express, Vol.24, p. A569, 2016 Klaus Jäger, Carlo Barth, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sinusoidal Nanotextures for Enhanced Light Management in Thin-Film Solar Cells 28th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion - (QUANTSOL), European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion (Ed.), 2016 Klaus Jäger, Carlo Barth, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sinusoidal gratings for optimized light management in c-Si thin-film solar cells Proc. SPIE, Vol.9898, p. 989808, 2016 Klaus Jäger, Grit Köppel, Carlo Barth, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving the master equation without kinetic Monte Carlo: Tensor train approximations for a CO oxidation model Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.314, pp. 489-502, 2016 Patrick Gelß, Sebastian Matera, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spectral approach to metastability of non-reversible complex processes Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2016 Nisara Sriwattanaworachai BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Symmetry-Dependency of Anticrossing Phenomena in Slab-Type Photonic Crystals Opt. Express, Vol.24, p. 10931, 2016 Carlo Barth, Sven Burger, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tailoring local optical chirality in helical metamaterials 2016 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, pp. 73-75, IEEE, 2016 Philipp Gutsche, Raquel Mäusle, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Chiral Coefficient: Rapid Optimization of Broadband Plasmonic Chirality 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 2016 Jon Wilson, Sven Herrmann, Philipp Gutsche, Sven Burger, Kevin McPeak BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Monte Carlo Computation Error of Transition Probabilities Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol.118, pp. 163-170, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-37) Adam Nielsen PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Optical Chirality Flux as a Useful Far-Field Probe of Chiral Near Fields ACS Photonics, Vol.3, p. 1619, 2016 Lisa Poulikakos, Philipp Gutsche, Kevin McPeak, Sven Burger, Jens Niegemann, Christian Hafner, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Spatiotemporal Master Equation: Approximation of Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics via Markov State Modeling Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(21), 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-60) Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Time-harmonic optical chirality in inhomogeneous space Proc. SPIE, Vol.9756, p. 97560X, 2016 Philipp Gutsche, Lisa Poulikakos, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards tensor-based methods for the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator Journal of Computational Dynamics, 3(2), pp. 139-161, 2016 Stefan Klus, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Using sparse kernels to design computer experiments with tunable precision ZIB-Report 16-33 (Appeared in: Ana Colubi, Angela Blanco and Cristian Gatu (eds.) 22nd Intern. Conf. on Computational Statistics - COMSTAT 2016, Oviedo, Spain, 23-26 August 2016, Proceedings ISBN 978-90-73592-36-0. Pp. 397-408) Guillaume Sagnol, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Weiser PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Variational Bayesian Inference and Model Selection for the Stochastic Block Model with Irrelevant Vertices ZIB-Report 16-01 Christian Tobias Willenbockel, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Critical Appraisal of Markov State Models The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224(12), pp. 2445-2462, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-18) Christof Schütte, Marco Sarich PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Far-Field Interpretation of Optical Chirality in Analogy to Poynting’s Theorem META '15 Proceedings, pp. 1215-1216, 2015 Lisa Poulikakos, Philipp Gutsche, Kevin McPeak, Sven Burger, Jens Niegemann, Christian Hafner, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Far-Field Interpretation of the Optical Chirality Frontiers in Nanophotonics (Congressi Stefano Franscini), 2015 Lisa Poulikakos, Philipp Gutsche, Kevin McPeak, Sven Burger, Jens Niegemann, Christian Hafner, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Novel Approach to Quantify Morning Stiffness in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2015, Rome, 2015 Heide Boeth, Georg Duda, Daniel Hinzmann, Sandra Hermann, William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Tom Witaschek, Frank Buttgereit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Clustering of Large and Complex Networks ZIB-Report 15-25 Christian Tobias Willenbockel, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A guide to numerical modelling in systems biology Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-20058-3 Peter Deuflhard, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new approach for honeybee breeding - genomic selection 44th Apimondia International Apicultural congress, 2015. Daejeon, South Korea, 2015 Kaspar Bienefeld, Andreas Spötter, Norbert Reinsch, Manfred Mayer, Pooja Gupta BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A systems biology approach to bovine fertility and metabolism: Introduction of a glucose insulin model 15th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, Rorkee, India, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-51) Julia Plöntzke, Mascha Berg, Claudia Stötzel, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Lossy Trajectory Compression for Optimal Control of Parabolic PDEs Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 2015 Sebastian Götschel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Optimal Control Approach to Implant Shape Design : Modeling, Analysis and Numerics Doctoral thesis, Universität Bayreuth, Anton Schiela (Advisor), 2015 Lars Lubkoll BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Approximating and Clustering Markov Chains via Kullback-Leibler-Divergence Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Christoph Lange BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Complementing ODE-based System Analysis Using Boolean Networks Derived from an Euler-like Transformation PLOS ONE, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-46) Claudia Stötzel, Susanna Röblitz, Heike Siebert PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computergestützte Simulationen zur Abschätzung gesundheitlicher Risiken durch anthropogene Spurenstoffe der Wassermatrix KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, Vol.3/15, pp. 264-267, 2015 Vedat Durmaz, Marcus Weber, Meyer, Mückter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing the nearest reversible Markov chain Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22(3), pp. 483-499, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-48) Adam Nielsen, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Construction of ODE systems from time series data by a highly flexible modelling approach ArXiv e-prints, Vol.math.NA 1512.03357, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-59) Thomas Dierkes PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coupled-Mode Equations for Stimulated Brillouin Scattering CUDOS 14th Annual Workshop 2015 Handbook, 2015 Philipp Gutsche, Christian Wolff, Sayyed R. Mirnaziry, Christopher G. Poulton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Crossing the Scales in Structural Mechanics and Molecular Research Habilitation, Technische Universität Berlin, 2015 Konstantin Fackeldey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design Principles for Plasmonic Nanoparticle Devices Progress in Nonlinear Nano-Optics, Shuji Sakabe, Christoph Lienau, Rüdiger Grunwald (Eds.), Springer, Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics, pp. 223-247, 2015 Phillip Manley, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Martina Schmid BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design of Photonic Crystals with Near-Surface Field Enhancement Light, Energy and the Environement 2015, p. JTu5A.9, OSA Technical Digest, 2015 Carlo Barth, Klaus Jäger, Sven Burger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Die Cross-Entropy-Methode für stochastische Optimierungsprobleme Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Oliver Zwingel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Engineering of optical modes in vertical-cavity microresonators by aperture placement: applications to single-mode and near-field lasers Proc. SPIE, p. 93810V, Vol.9381, 2015 Vitaly Shchukin, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jörg-R. Kropp, Gunther Steinle, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Kent D. Choquette, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Estimating exit rates in rare event dynamical systems via extrapolation ZIB-Report 15-54 Marcus Weber, Jannes Quer PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Faster SDC convergence on non-equidistant grids by DIRK sweeps BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55(4), pp. 1219-1241, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-30) Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fourier ellipsometry – an ellipsometric approach to Fourier scatterometry J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid, Vol.10, p. 15002, 2015 Peter Petrik, Nitish Kumar, Miklos Fried, Bálint Fodor, György Juhász, Silvania Pereira, Sven Burger, H. Paul Urbach BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
G-PCCA: Spectral Clustering for Non-reversible Markov Chains ZIB-Report 15-35 Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
High affinity flourescence labelled ligands for the estrogen receptor Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2015(10), pp. 2157-2166, 2015 Frank Abendroth, Marthe Solleder, Pia Welker, Kai Licha, Marcus Weber, Oliver Seitz, Dorothea Mangoldt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
High-speed modulation, wavelength, and mode control in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers Proc. SPIE, p. 93810F, Vol.9381, 2015 Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jörg-R. Kropp, Vitaly Shchukin, Gunther Steinle, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jarek P. Turkiewicz, Bo Wu, Qiu Shaofeng, Yanan Ma, Feng Zhiyong, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christoph Caspar, Ronald Freund, Kent D. Choquette BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Highly indistinguishable photons from deterministic quantum-dot microlenses utilizing three-dimensional in situ electron-beam lithography Nature Communications, Vol.6, p. 7662, 2015 Manuel Gschrey, Alexander Thoma, Peter Schnauber, Marc Seifried, Ronny Schmidt, Benjamin Wohlfeil, Luzy Krüger, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Tobias Heindel, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andre Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hp-finite-elements for simulating electromagnetic fields in optical devices with rough textures Proc. SPIE, p. 96300S, Vol.9630, 2015 Sven Burger, Philipp Gutsche, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Benjamin Wohlfeil, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Identifying Multivalent Binding Kinetics of Precision Glycomacromolecules: A Kinetic Study Using kinITC Münster Symposium on Cooperative Effects 2015 - SFB 858, at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 2015, 2015 Sinaida Igde, Hendrik Wölk, Susanna Röblitz, Marco Reidelbach, Marcus Weber, Laura Hartmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Impact of nonlinear loss on stimulated Brillouin scattering J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 32(9), pp. 1968-1978, 2015 Christian Wolff, Philipp Gutsche, Michael J. Steel, Benjamin J. Eggleton, Christopher G. Poulton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Indistinguishable Photons from Deterministic Quantum Dot Microlenses European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, p. EA_8_5, 2015 Alexander Thoma, Peter Schnauber, Manuel Gschrey, Ronny Schmidt, Benjamin Wohlfeil, Marc Seifried, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andre Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, Tobias Heindel, Stephan Reitzenstein PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Indistinguishable Photons from Deterministically Fabricated Quantum Dot Microlenses Advanced Photonics, p. IS4A.6, OSA Technical Digest, 2015 Alexander Thoma, Peter Schnauber, Manuel Gschrey, Ronny Schmidt, Benjamin Wohlfeil, Marc Seifried, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andre Strittmatter, Sven Rodt, Tobias Heindel, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Influence of pH and sequence in peptide aggregation via molecular simulation Journal of Chemical Physics, 143(24), 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-42) Marta Enciso, Christof Schütte, Luigi Delle Site PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Integrated fiber grating couplers in silicon photonics Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Klaus Petermann (Advisor), 2015 Benjamin Wohlfeil BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Interpretation of tibio-femoral kinematics critically depends upon the kinematic analysis approach ISB 2015, 25th congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Glasgow, 2015 Maryam Hajizadeh, Pascal Schütz, Renate List, Heide Boeth, Rainald Ehrig, Barbara Postolka, Michael A. R. Freeman, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-23394-9 T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Kondition des Eigenwertproblems von Markov-Ketten Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Susanne Röhl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Korrelation für lineare und nichtlineare Zusammenhänge Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Jessica Schöpke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Korrelation für lineare und nichtlineare Zusammenhänge Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Jessica Schöpke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Lossy Compression for PDE-constrained Optimization: Adaptive Error Control Comput. Optim. Appl., 62(1), pp. 131-155, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-27) Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov State Models and Molecular Alchemy Molecular Physics, 113(1), pp. 69-78, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-05) Christof Schütte, Adam Nielsen, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov model-based polymer assembly from force field-parameterized building blocks Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Vol.29, pp. 225-232, 2015 Vedat Durmaz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Measuring 3D knee dynamics using center out radial ultra-short echo time trajectories with a low cost experimental setup ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine), 23rd Annual Meeting 2015, Toronto, Canada, 2015 Martin Krämer, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Heide Boeth, Christoph von Tycowicz, Christian König, Stefan Zachow, Rainald Ehrig, Hans-Christian Hege, Georg Duda, Jürgen Reichenbach BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modularity of Directed Networks: Cycle Decomposition Approach Journal of Computational Dynamics 2 (2015) pp. 1-24, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-31) Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Ralf Banisch, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Monte-Carlo-Verfahren zur Niedrig-Rang Approximation Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Annett Meier BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Objektive Quantifizierung der Morgensteifigkeit als Parameter für rheumatoide Arthritis im Metacarpophalangealgelenk 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB), Bonn, 2015 Heide Boeth, Georg Duda, Daniel Hinzmann, William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Tom Witaschek, Frank Buttgereit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Brittleness of Bayesian Inference SIAM Review, 57(4), pp. 566-582, 2015 Houman Owhadi, Clint Scovel, T. J. Sullivan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the efficient utilisation of duration Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol.60, pp. 29-37, 2015 Thomas Dierkes, Karl Michael Ortmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal Treatment Strategies in the Context of 'Treatment for Prevention' against HIV/1 in Resource-Poor Settings PloS Computational Biology, 11(4), 2015 Sulav Duwal, Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal control for a tuberculosis model with undetected cases in Cameroon Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20(3), pp. 986-1003, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-73) Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue, Martin Weiser, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
PCCA+ and Its Application to Spatial Time Series Clustering Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2015 Alexander Sikorski PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parameter Identification in a Tuberculosis Model for Cameroon PLOS ONE, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-72) Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue, Susanna Röblitz, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Peptide polymer ligands for a tandem WW-domain, a soft multivalent protein-protein interaction: lessons on the thermodynamic fitness of flexible ligands Beilstein J. Org. Chem., Vol.11, pp. 837-847, 2015 Koschek, Vedat Durmaz, Krylova, Wieczorek, Pooja Gupta, Richter, Alexander Bujotzek, Fischer, Rainer Haag, Freund, Marcus Weber, Rademann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Power limits and a figure of merit for stimulated Brillouin scattering in the presence of third and fifth order loss Opt. Express, 23(20), pp. 26628-26638, 2015 Christian Wolff, Philipp Gutsche, Michael J. Steel, Benjamin J. Eggleton, Christopher G. Poulton BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Raumtiefe in Malerei und Computergrafik Räume - Bilder - Kulturen, pp. 33-46, Verena Lepper, Peter Deuflhard, Christoph Markschies (Eds.), Walter De Gruyter, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-11-035993-0 Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reactive flows and unproductive cycles for random walks on complex networks The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 224, iss. 12 (2015) pp. 2369-2387, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-19) Ralf Banisch, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for Maxwell's equations with resonance phenomena ZIB-Report 15-37 (Proc. SPIE 9630, 96300R (2015)) Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis methods for optimization of nano-photonic devices Proc. Int. Conf. Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), p. 159, 2015 Sven Burger, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reducing Memory Requirements in Scientific Computing and Optimal Control Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition Methods, T. Carraro, M. Geiger, S. Koerkel, R. Rannacher (Eds.), pp. 263-287, 2015 Sebastian Götschel, Christoph von Tycowicz, Konrad Polthier, Martin Weiser PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Räume - Bilder - Kulturen Verena Lepper, Peter Deuflhard, Christoph Markschies (Eds.), De Gruyter, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-11-035993-0 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Scatterometry reference standards to improve tool matching and traceability in lithographical nanomanufacturing Proc. SPIE, p. 955610, Vol.9556, 2015 Emil Agcos, Bernd Bodermann, Sven Burger, Gaoliang Dai, Johannes Endres, Poul-Erik Hansen, Lars Nielson, Morten Madsen, Sebastian Heidenreich, Michael Krumrey, Bernd Loechel, Jürgen Probst, Frank Scholze, Victor Soltwisch, Matthias Wurm BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sinusoidal Nanotextures for Coupling Light into c-Si Thin-Film Solar Cells Light, Energy and the Environement 2015, p. PTu4B.3, OSA Technical Digest, 2015 Klaus Jäger, Carlo Barth, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Herrmann, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solution of the chemical master equation by radial basis functions approximation with interface tracking BMC Systems Biology, 9(67), pp. 1-12, 2015 Ivan Kryven, Susanna Röblitz, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving the master equation without kinetic Monte Carlo: tensor train approximations for a CO oxidation model ZIB-Report 15-41 Patrick Gelß, Sebastian Matera, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Topological analysis and visualization of scalar functions characterizing conformational transitions of molecules on multiple time-scales Shape Up 2015 - Exercises in Materials Geometry and Topology, 14-18 Sept. 2015, Berlin, Germany, 2015 Stefan Bojarovski, Hans-Christian Hege, Han Cheng Lie, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Ultraviolet Plasmonic Chirality from Colloidal Aluminum Nanoparticles Exhibiting Charge-Selective Protein Detection Adv. Mater., Vol.27, p. 6244, 2015 Kevin McPeak, Christian D. van Engers, Sarah Bianchi, Aurelio Rossinelli, Lisa Poulikakos, Laetitia Bernard, Sven Herrmann, David K. Kim, Sven Burger, Mark Blome, Sriharsha V. Jayanti, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Zielorientierte Fehlerschätzer für die Topologieoptimierung Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser (Advisor), 2015 Jakob Schneck PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
hp-finite element method for simulating light scattering from complex 3D structures Proc. SPIE, p. 94240Z, Vol.9424, 2015 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Sven Herrmann, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
5 x 5 cm2 silicon photonic crystal slabs on glass and plastic foil exhibiting broadband absorption and high-intensity near-fields Sci. Rep., Vol.4, p. 5886, 2014 Christiane Becker, Philippe Wyss, David Eisenhauer, Jürgen Probst, Veit Preidel, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Parallel Multiscale Simulation Toolbox for Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Finite Elements Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models, pp. 327-346, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-50) Dorian Krause, Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A comparison of scattering and non-scattering anti-reflection designs for back contacted polycrystalline thin film silicon solar cells in superstrate configuration Proc. SPIE, p. 914006, Vol.9140, Photonics for Solar Energy Systems, 2014 Daniel Lockau, Martin Hammerschmidt, Jan Haschke, Mark Blome, Florian Ruske, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A convergence study of different Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis (RCWA) approaches to time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering problems with applications to nanooptical structures Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG-Frühjahrstagung Berlin 2014), 2014 Philipp Gutsche, Thomas Judd, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A reduced ODE model of the bovine estrous cycle ZIB-Report 14-33 Claudia Stötzel, Mochamad Apri, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive sampling strategies for effcient parameter scans in nano-photonic device simulations Proc. SPIE, p. 89801O, Vol.8980, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-20) Martin Hammerschmidt, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced Quantum Light Sources: Modelling and Realization by Deterministic Nanofabrication Technologies Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, p. IW1A.3, Vol.IPRSN, 2014 Manuel Gschrey, Marc Seifried, Luzy Krüger, Ronny Schmidt, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Tobias Heindel, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Frank Schmidt, Andre Strittmatter, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced mathematical modeling in systems biology MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 29-44, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Christof Schütte, Martin Skutela, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Alexander Bockmayr, Heike Siebert, Susanna Röblitz, Christof Schütte, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced microhole arrays for light trapping in thin film silicon solar cells Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.125, pp. 298-304, 2014 Daniel Lockau, Tobias Sontheimer, Veit Preidel, Florian Ruske, Martin Hammerschmidt, Christiane Becker, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An optimal control problem in polyconvex hyperelasticity SIAM J. Control Opt., 52(3), pp. 1403-1422, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-08) Lars Lubkoll, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Applications of the cross-entropy method to importance sampling and optimal control of diffusions Siam Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(6), pp. A2654-A2672, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-10) Wei Zhang, Han Wang, Carsten Hartmann, Marcus Weber, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Back-reflector design in thin-film silicon solar cells by rigorous 3D light propagation modeling COMPEL: Int. J. Comput. Mathem. Electr. Electron. Eng., 33(4), pp. 1282-1295, 2014 Mark Blome, Kevin McPeak, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Bewertung von Transformationsprodukten im Wasserkreislauf durch Computersimulationen Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2014 Marthe Solleder BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Boosting the photon-extraction efficiency of nanophotonic structures by deterministic microlenses CLEO: 2014, p. FF2K.2, 2014 Manuel Gschrey, Marc Seifried, Luzy Krüger, Ronny Schmidt, Jan-Hindrick Schulze, Tobias Heindel, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Frank Schmidt, Andre Strittmatter, Stephan Reitzenstein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Building Markov State Models for Periodically Driven Non-Equilibrium Systems ZIB-Report 14-46 Han Wang, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Chemical potential of liquids and mixtures via Adaptive Resolution Simulation The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.141, p. 034102, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-25) Animesh Agarwal, Han Wang, Christof Schütte, Luigi Delle Site PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Complex Chiral Colloids and Surfaces via High-Index Off-Cut Silicon Nano Lett., 14(5), pp. 2934-2940, 2014 Kevin McPeak, Christian D. van Engers, Mark Blome, Jong Hyuk Park, Sven Burger, Miguel A. Gosalvez, Ava Faridi, Yasmina Ries, Ayaskanta Sahu, David Norris BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing the Minimal Rebinding Effect Included in a Given Kinetics Multiscale Model. Simul., 12(1), pp. 318-334, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-12) Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Convergence Study of the Fourier Modal Method for Nano-optical Scattering Problems in Comparison with the Finite Element Method Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Thomas Judd, Frank Schmidt (Advisors), 2014 Philipp Gutsche PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cycle-flow-based module detection in directed recurrence networks EPL (Europhysics Letters), 108(6), 2014 Ralf Banisch, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Das Konzept der Flussdichte und sein Bezug zur Bohmschen Mechanik Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2014 Ralf Frech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design of functional molecules MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 49-65, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Christof Schütte, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Christof Schütte, Peter Deuflhard, Frank Noé, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Determination of line profile on nanostructured surfaces using EUV and x-ray scattering Proc. SPIE, p. 92351D, Vol.9235, 2014 Victor Soltwisch, Jan Wernecke, Anton Haase, Jürgen Probst, Max Schoengen, Frank Scholze, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Determination of line profiles on photomasks using DUV, EUV and X-ray scattering Proc. SPIE, p. 92310M, Vol.9231, 2014 Frank Scholze, Bernd Bodermann, Sven Burger, Johannes Endres, Anton Haase, Michael Krumrey, Christian Laubis, Victor Soltwisch, Albrecht Ullrich, Jan Wernecke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effects of film growth modes on light trapping in silicon thin film solar cells Appl. Phys. Lett., 104(23), p. 231103, 2014 Samuel Wiesendanger, Thomas Bischoff, Vladislav Jovanov, Dietmar Knipp, Sven Burger, Falk Lederer, Carsten Rockstuhl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Exploration of different wave patterns in a model of the bovine estrous cycle by Fourier analysis BIOMAT - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, Bedlewo, Poland, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-02) Claudia Stötzel, Rainald Ehrig, H. Marike T. Boer, Julia Plöntzke, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Exploring the conformational dynamics of alanine dipeptide in solution subjected to an external electric field: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10(4), pp. 1376-1386, 2014 Han Wang, Christof Schütte, Giovanni Ciccotti, Luigi Delle Site BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Exploring the conformational dynamics of alanine dipeptide in solution subjected to an external electric field: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10(4), pp. 1376-1386, 2014 Han Wang, Christof Schütte, Giovanni Ciccotti, Max von Kleist BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Extreme Coupling: a route towards local magnetic metamaterials Phys. Rev. B, Vol.89, p. 155125, 2014 Christoph Menzel, Erik Hebestreit, Rasoul Alaee, Mohammad Albooyeh, Stefan Mühlig, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Constantin Simovski, Sergei Tretyakov, Falk Lederer, Thomas Pertsch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite elements based numerical solution of nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude model of nano-plasmonic scatterers 12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, p. M3D.4, OSA Technical Digest, 2014 Kirankumar Hiremath, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Free Energy Simulations of Drug loading for Core-Multishell Nanotransporters J Nanomed Nanotechnol, 5(5), p. 234, 2014 Marcus Weber, Christian Zoschke, Amir Sedighi, Emanuel Fleige, Rainer Haag, Monika Schäfer-Korting BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Impact of topographic mask models on scanner matching solutions Proc. SPIE: Optical Microlithography XXVII, p. 905218, Vol.9052, 2014 Jacek Tyminski, Jan Pomplun, Stephen P. Renwick BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Implementation and verification of methods for the validation of knee joint kinematics Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Susanna Röblitz (Advisor), 2014 Matthias Günther BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Implications of TCO Topography on Intermediate Reflector Design for a-Si/μc-Si Tandem Solar Cells — Experiments and Rigorous Optical Simulations IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4(1), pp. 10-15, 2014 Simon Kirner, Martin Hammerschmidt, Christoph Schwanke, Daniel Lockau, Sonya Calnan, Tim Frijnts, Sebastian Neubert, Andreas Schöpke, Frank Schmidt, Jens-Hendrik Zollondz, Andreas Heidelberg, Bernd Stannowski, Bernd Rech, Rutger Schlatmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Integrated optical fiber grating coupler on SOI for the excitation of several higher order fiber modes Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on, pp. 1-3, 2014 Benjamin Wohlfeil, Christos Stamatiadis, Matthias Jäger, Lars Zimmermann, Sven Burger, Klaus Petermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Investigation of the Ergopeptide Epimerization Process Computation, 2(3), pp. 102-111, 2014 Karsten Andrae, Stefan Merkel, Vedat Durmaz, Konstantin Fackeldey, Robert Köppen, Marcus Weber, Matthias Koch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Life Sciences MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 1-5, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Christof Schütte, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Peter Deuflhard, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Local Quantum-Like Updates in Classical Molecular Simulation Realized Within an Uncoupling-Coupling Approach Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012, pp. 309-313, Vol.19, Mathematics in Industry, 2014 Konstantin Fackeldey, Alexander Bujotzek BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Local Refinements in Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations J. Phys. Conf. Ser., Vol.490, p. 012016, 2014 Marcus Weber, Konstantin Fackeldey PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Lossy Compression in Optimal Control of Cardiac Defibrillation J. Sci. Comput., 60(1), pp. 35-59, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-26) Sebastian Götschel, Chamakuri Nagaiah, Karl Kunisch, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Christof Schütte, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-03719-137-8 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Control Processes with Rare State Observation: Theory and Application to Treatment Scheduling in HIV-1 Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 12(5), pp. 859-877, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-34) Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Model Theory An Introduction to Markov State Models and Their Application to Long Timescale Molecular Simulation, Vol.797, pp. 23-44, Gregory R. Bowman, Vijay S. Pande, Frank Noé (Eds.), Springer, 2014 Marco Sarich, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematics cures virtual patients MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 7-25, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Christof Schütte, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Peter Deuflhard, Ralf Kornhuber, Oliver Sander, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematics without pain MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 26-28, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Peter Deuflhard, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematische Modellierung metabolischer Einflussfaktoren auf den Milchkuhzyklus Master's thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Susanna Röblitz, Caren Tischendorf (Advisors), 2014 Jane Knöchel PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of the BMP mediated co-regulation of the Smad and Non-Smad pathways in the context of cell density 10th International BMP conference, 2014, Berlin, Germany, 2014 Pooja Gupta, Carola Krause, Paul Rikeit, Susanna Röblitz, Petra Knaus, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modularity revisited: A novel dynamics-based concept for decomposing complex networks Journal of Computational Dynamics, 1(1), pp. 191-212, 2014 Marco Sarich, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Sharon Bruckner, Tim Conrad, Christof Schütte PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Module Detection in Directed Real-World Networks ZIB-Report 14-13 Ralf Banisch, Christof Schütte, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Giovanni Ciccotti, Mauro Ferrario, Christof Schütte (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2014 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nano- and microlenses as concepts for enhanced performance of solar cells J. Photon. Energy, Vol.5, p. 057003, 2014 Martina Schmid, Phillip Manley BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonics and nonlinear fiber optics MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 257-275, Peter Deuflhard, et al. (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Shalva Amiranashvili, Uwe Bandelow, Mark Blome, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Kersten Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Methods in Photonics James C. Wyant (Ed.), CRC Press, 2014, ISBN: 9781466563889 Andrei Lavrinenko, Jesper Laegsgaard, Niels Gregersen, Frank Schmidt, Thomas Soendergaard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Simulation of Grating Couplers for Mode Multiplexed Systems Proc. SPIE, p. 89880K, Vol.8988, 2014 Benjamin Wohlfeil, Sven Burger, Christos Stamatiadis, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Lars Zimmermann, Klaus Petermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical and Discrete Modeling of Reproductive Endocrinological Networks Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 2014 Claudia Stötzel PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical investigations on the effects of film growth modes on light trapping in silicon thin film solar cells Light, Energy and the Environment, p. PF4C.4, 2014 Samuel Wiesendanger, Thomas Bischoff, Vladislav Jovanov, Dietmar Knipp, Sven Burger, Falk Lederer, Carsten Rockstuhl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical modelling of incoherent substrate light-trapping in silicon thin film multi-junction solar cells with finite elements and domain decomposition Proc. SPIE: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXII, p. 898007, Vol.8980, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-21) Martin Hammerschmidt, Daniel Lockau, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optics of thin film solar cells MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 278-279, Peter Deuflhard, et al. (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Daniel Lockau, Martin Hammerschmidt, Mark Blome, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parameter Estimation of a Tuberculosis Model in a Patchy Environment: Case of Cameroon BIOMAT - Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, Toronto, 2013, 2014 Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue, Samuel Bowong, Jürgen Kurths BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Patient-Specific Models from Inter-Patient Biological Models and Clinical Records Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2014), pp. 207-214, 2014 Toni Mancini, Ivano Salvo, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Annalisa Massini, Stefano Sinisi, Enrico Tronci, Francesco Davi, Thomas Dierkes, Rainald Ehrig, Susanna Röblitz, Brigitte Leeners, Tillmann H. C. Krüger, Marcel Egli, Fabian Ille BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Plasmonic and photonic scattering and near fields of nanoparticles Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol.9, p. 50, 2014 Martina Schmid, Patrick Andrae, Phillip Manley BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Predicting sites of cytochrome P450-mediated hydroxylation applied to CYP3A4 and hexabromocyclododecane Molecular Simulation, 2014 Olga Scharkoi, Susanne Esslinger, Roland Becker, Marcus Weber, Irene Nehls BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
SAIMeR: Self-adapted method for the identification of metastable states in real-world time series ZIB-Report 14-16 Iliusi Vega, Christof Schütte, Tim Conrad PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Showcase 3: Information-based medicine MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 66-67, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Christof Schütte, Tim Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of advanced OLED light extraction structures with novel FEM methods Organic Photonics VI, p. 91370O, Vol.9137, Proc. SPIE, 2014 Lin Zschiedrich, Therese Blome, Horst Greiner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Single-Mode Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser via Oxide-Aperture-Engineering of Leakage of High Order Transverse Modes IEEE J. Quant. Electron., 50(12), pp. 990-995, 2014 Vitaly Shchukin, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Jörg-R. Kropp, Gunther Steinle, Nikolay Ledentsov, Jr., Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tapered N-helical metamaterials with three-fold rotational symmetry as improved circular polarizers Opt. Expr., 22(17), pp. 19936-19946, 2014 Johannes Kaschke, Mark Blome, Sven Burger, Martin Wegener BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The spectral shift between near- and far-field resonances of optical nano-antennas Opt. Expr., 22(8), pp. 9971-9982, 2014 Christoph Menzel, Erik Hebestreit, Stefan Mühlig, Carsten Rockstuhl, Sven Burger, Falk Lederer, Thomas Pertsch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards understanding knee joint laxity: Errors in non-invasive assessment of joint rotation can be corrected Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(7), pp. 889-895, 2014 Philippe Moewis, Heide Boeth, Markus O. Heller, Caroline Yntema, Tobias Jung, Ralf Doyscher, Rainald Ehrig, Yanlin Zhong, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Using Birkhoff-von Neumann und Sinkhorn Algorithm to Find Dominating Cycles Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2014 Charlotte Tumescheit BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
ZIBgridfree: Efficient Conformational Analysis by Partition-of-Unity Coupling Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52(3), pp. 781-804, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-58) Alexander Bujotzek, Ole Schütt, Adam Nielsen, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
10-fs fiber based pulse delivery Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT), p. LWF5, 2013 Julia Skibina, Martin Bock, Dorit Fischer, Rüdiger Grunwald, Günter Steinmeyer, Reiner Wedell, Mario Bretschneider, Sven Burger, Valentin Beloglazov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Mathematical Tuberculosis Model in Cameroon Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 2013 Dany Pascal Moualeu-Ngangue BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Square Root Approximation of Transition Rates for a Markov State Model SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 34(2), pp. 738-756, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-43) Han Cheng Lie, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A hands-off linear interaction energy approach to binding mode and affinity estimation of estrogens Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 53(10), pp. 2681-2688, 2013 Vedat Durmaz, Sebastian Schmidt, Peggy Sabri, Christian Piechotta, Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A mathematical model of the human menstrual cycle for the administration of GnRH analogues Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.321, pp. 8-27, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-16) Susanna Röblitz, Claudia Stötzel, Peter Deuflhard, Hannah M. Jones, David-Olivier Azulay, Piet van der Graaf, Steven Martin PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A pH-dependent coarse-grained model for peptides Soft Matter, 9(26), pp. 6118-6127, 2013 Marta Enciso, Christof Schütte, Luigi Delle Site BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accuracy of the unified approach in maternally influenced traits - illustrated by a simulation study in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) BMC Genetics, 14(36), 2013 Pooja Gupta, Norbert Reinsch, Andreas Spötter, Tim Conrad, Kaspar Bienefeld BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Spectral Clustering in Molecular Simulation. In: Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization XIV: Classification and Data Mining, A. Giusti, G. Ritter, M. Vichi (Eds.), Springer Series, pp. 147-157, 2013 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive spectral clustering with application to tripeptide conformation analysis The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.139, pp. 110-194, 2013 Fiete Haack, Konstantin Fackeldey, Susanna Röblitz, Olga Scharkoi, Marcus Weber, Burkhard Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced finite-element methods for design and analysis of nano-optical structures: Applications Proc. SPIE, Vol.8642, p. 864205, 2013 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Mark Blome, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis of absorption enhancement in tailor-made periodic polycrystalline silicon microarrays physica status solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters, 7(12), pp. 1045-1049, 2013 Veit Preidel, Daniel Lockau, Tobias Sontheimer, Franziska Back, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt, Bernd Rech, Christiane Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Anionic Ring-Opening Polymerization Simulations for Hyperbranched Polyglycerols with Defined Molecular Weights Macromolecules, 46(21), pp. 8458-8466, 2013 Florian Paulus, Maximilian Weiss, Dirk Steinhilber, Anatoly Nikitin, Christof Schütte, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Anterior cruciate ligament-deficient patients with passive knee joint laxity have a decreased range of anterior-posterior motion during active movements The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(5), pp. 1051-7, 2013 Heide Boeth, Georg Duda, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Ralf Doyscher, Tobias Jung, Philippe Moewis, Sven Scheffler, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Characterization of Rare Events in Molecular Dynamics Entropy (Special Issue), 16(1), pp. 350-376, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-51) Carsten Hartmann, Ralf Banisch, Marco Sarich, Thomas Badowski, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Confjump: A method for biomolecular sampling Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2013 Remi Toudic BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Conformational Analysis of Alternariol on the Quantum Level J. Mol. Model., 19(6), pp. 2567-2572, 2013 Olga Scharkoi, Konstantin Fackeldey, Igor Merkulow, Karsten Andrae, Marcus Weber, Irene Nehls BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Correlation between structural and opto-electronic characteristics of crystalline Si microhole arrays for photonic light management Journal of Applied Physics, 114(17), p. 173513, 2013 Tobias Sontheimer, Veit Preidel, Daniel Lockau, Franziska Back, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt, Bernd Löchel, Alexei Erko, Frank Schmidt, Alexander Schnegg, Klaus Lips, Christiane Becker, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design and numerical optimization of an easy-to-fabricate photon-to-plasmon coupler for quantum plasmonics Applied Physics Letters, Vol.102, p. 051104, 2013 Günter Kewes, Andreas W. Schell, Rico Henze, Rolf S. Schonfeld, Sven Burger, Kurt Busch, Oliver Benson BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient design of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) by combining device- and circuit- level simulation tools Proc. SPIE, Vol.8627, p. 862711, 2013 Cristina Arellano, Sergei F. Mingaleev, Igor Koltchanov, Andre Richter, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM-based optical modeling of silicon thin-film tandem solar cells with randomly textured interfaces in 3D Proc. SPIE, Vol.8620, p. 86201H, 2013 Martin Hammerschmidt, Daniel Lockau, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christoph Schwanke, Simon Kirner, Sonya Calnan, Bernd Stannowski, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast Defect Shape Reconstruction Based on the Travel Time in Pulse Thermography Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures, Vol.6, pp. 83-89, 2013 Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser, Christiane Maierhofer, Regina Richter, Mathias Röllig BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast simulation method for parameter reconstruction in optical metrology Proc. SPIE, Vol.8681, p. 868119, 2013 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Bodermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fentanyl derivatives as pH-dependent opioid receptor agonists European Patent Application, Bulletin 2013/08, 2013 Christoph Stein, Marcus Weber, Christian Zöllner, Olga Scharkoi PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite-element based electromagnetic field simulations: Benchmark results for isolated structures Proc. SPIE, p. 88801Z, Vol.8880, 2013 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Flexible Shape Matching with Finite Element Based LDDMM International Journal of Computer Vision, 105(2), pp. 128-143, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-22) Andreas Günther, Hans Lamecker, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: application to Markov state models and data classification Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 7(2), pp. 147-179, 2013 Susanna Röblitz, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Grand-canonical-like molecular-dynamics simulations by using an adaptive-resolution technique Phys. Rev. X, Vol.3, p. 011018, 2013 Han Wang, Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte, Luigi Delle Site BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
HIV-1 Evolution in Response to Triple Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Induced Selective Pressure in vitro PLoS ONE, 8(4), 2013 Barbara Rath, Kaveh Yousef, D. Katzenstein, R. Shafer, Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist, T. Merigan BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inexaktheit in Newton-Lagrange-Verfahren für Optimierungsprobleme mit Elliptischen PDGL-Nebenbedingungen Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser (Advisor), 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-37) Felix Lehmann PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inferring Proteolytic Processes from Mass Spectrometry Time Series Data Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2013 Stephan Aiche BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Integrating high-density marker information into the genetic evaluation of the honey bee Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Kaspar Bienefeld (Advisors), 2013 Pooja Gupta BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Integrating high-density marker information into the genetic evaluation of the honey bee Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2013 Pooja Gupta BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Investigation of microstructured fiber geometries by scatterometry Proc. SPIE, Vol.8789, p. 87890R, 2013 Poul-Erik Hansen, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Investigations of Host-Guest Interactions with Shape-persistent Nonionic Dendritic Micelles J. Phys. Chem. C, 117(23), pp. 12307-12317, 2013 Rahul Tyagi, Shashwat Malhotra, Andreas F. Thünemann, Amir Sedighi, Marcus Weber, Andreas Schäfer, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Konditionsverbesserung von Markov-Modellen Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2013 Daniel Pommer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Light extraction from plasmonic particles with dielectric shells and overcoatings Renewable Energy and the Environment, p. PW3B.7, 2013 Phillip Manley, Frank Schmidt, Martina Schmid BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear response theory and optimal control for a molecular system under nonequilibrium conditions Molecular Physics, Vol.111, pp. 3555-3564, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-33) Han Wang, Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Control Processes with Rare State Observation: Sensitivity Analysis with Respect to Optimal Treatment Strategies against HIV-1 International Journal of Biomathematics and Biostatistics, 2(1), 2013 Stefanie Winkelmann, Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov Decision Processes with Information Costs Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2013 Stefanie Winkelmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Markov State Models for Rare Events in Molecular Dynamics Entropy (Special Issue), 16(1), pp. 258-286, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-52) Marco Sarich, Ralf Banisch, Carsten Hartmann, Christof Schütte PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling of the Smad and Non-Smad BMP signaling pathways in context of cell density Computational Models in biology and medicine, 2013, Dresden, Germany, 2013 Pooja Gupta, Susanna Röblitz, Carola Krause, Petra Knaus, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Medizin aus dem Computer Der Anaesthesist, 62(7), pp. 561-557, 2013 Karsten Andrae, Vedat Durmaz, Konstantin Fackeldey, Olga Scharkoi, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Metastability and Markov State Models in Molecular Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis, Algorithmic Approaches American Mathematical Society, 2013 Christof Schütte, Marco Sarich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Method and system for identifying compounds that bind and preferably activate a target opioid receptor in a pH-dependent manner European Patent Application, Bulletin 2013/28, 2013 Christoph Stein, Marcus Weber, Olga Scharkoi, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of Free Radical Styrene/Divinylbenzene Copolymerization with the Numerical Fractionation Technique Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, 22(9), pp. 475-489, 2013 B. A. Nikitin, Michael Wulkow, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling potassium balance in dairy cows ZIB-Report 13-09 Julia Plöntzke, Mascha Berg, Amiya Olany, Sabine Leonhard-Marek, Kerstin-Elisabeth Müller, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Simulation of Multivalent Ligand-Receptor Systems Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2013 Alexander Bujotzek BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic light trapping in 3-dimensional thin-film silicon architectures Opt. Express, Vol.21, p. A42, 2013 Daniel Lockau, Tobias Sontheimer, Christiane Becker, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanophotonic light trapping in polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells using periodically nanoimprint-structured glass substrates Proc. SPIE, p. 88240D, Vol.8824, 2013 Christiane Becker, Jolly Xavier, Veit Preidel, Philippe Wyss, Tobias Sontheimer, Bernd Rech, Jürgen Probst, Christoph Hülsen, Bernd Löchel, Alexei Erko, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Franziska Back, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nanostructured fibers for sub-10 fs optical pulse delivery Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol.7, pp. 566-570, 2013 Martin Bock, Julia Skibina, Dorit Fischer, Mario Bretschneider, Reiner Wedell, Rüdiger Grunwald, Sven Burger, Valentin Beloglazov, Günter Steinmeyer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Nonsteroidal Bivalent Estrogen Ligands - An Application of the Bivalent Concept to the Estrogen Receptor ACS Chem. Biol., 8(4), pp. 707-715, 2013 Min Shan, Kathryn E. Carlson, Alexander Bujotzek, Anja Wellner, Ronald Gust, Marcus Weber, John A. Katzenellenbogen, Rainer Haag PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Modelling of the human menstrual cycle applied to ovulation prediction Master's thesis, Universität Trier, Susanna Röblitz (Advisor), 2013 Jo Andrea Brüggemann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical analysis of nanostructures for enhanced light extraction from OLEDs Proc. SPIE, Vol.8641, p. 86410B, 2013 Lin Zschiedrich, Horst Greiner, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical investigations of the influence of different commonly applied approximations in scatterometry Proc. SPIE, Vol.8789, p. 878904, 2013 Johannes Endres, Sven Burger, Matthias Wurm, Bernd Bodermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On goal-oriented adaptivity for elliptic optimal control problems Opt. Meth. Softw., 28(13), pp. 969-992, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 09-08) Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical modeling of thin film silicon solar cells with random and periodic light management textures Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Bernd Rech (Advisor), 2013 Daniel Lockau BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical properties and Limits of a Large-Area Periodic Nanophotonic Light Trapping Design for Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells MRS Proceedings, Vol.1493, pp. 59-64, 2013 Daniel Lockau, Tobias Sontheimer, Veit Preidel, Christiane Becker, Florian Ruske, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Parameter identification in large kinetic networks with BioPARKIN CoRR - Computing Research Repository -, Vol.abs/1303.4928, 2013 Thomas Dierkes, Susanna Röblitz, Moritz Wade, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells: Status and perspectives Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.119, pp. 112-123, 2013 Christiane Becker, Daniel Amkreutz, Tobias Sontheimer, Veit Preidel, Daniel Lockau, Jan Haschke, Lisa Jogschies, Carola Klimm, Janis J. Merkel, Paul Plocica, Simon Steffens, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reducing Memory Requirements in Scientific Computing and Optimal Control ZIB-Report 13-64 (submitted to "Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition Methods", Springer Series "Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences") Sebastian Götschel, Christoph von Tycowicz, Konrad Polthier, Martin Weiser PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Scatterometry sensitivity analysis for conical diffraction versus in-plane diffraction geometry with respect to the side wall angle Proc. SPIE, Vol.8789, p. 878905, 2013 Victor Soltwisch, Sven Burger, Frank Scholze BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulations of high-Q optical nanocavities with a gradual 1D bandgap Opt. Express, Vol.21, pp. 6794-6806, 2013 Bjorn Maes, Jiří Petráček, Sven Burger, Pavel Kwiecien, Jaroslav Luksch, Ivan Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Singulärwertzerlegung mit Zufallsalgorithmen Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2013 Jessica Schmiedel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stress responses in Escherichia coli and HIV as model systems of adaptation to the environment Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte (Advisor), 2013 Kaveh Yousef BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Topographic mask modeling with reduced basis finite element method Proc. SPIE, Vol.8683, p. 86831C, 2013 Jacek Tyminski, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Donis Flagello, Tomiyuki Matsuyama BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards homogeneous magnetic metamaterials - a comprehensive multipole analysis Proc. META'13, Said Zouhdi, Hamid Al-Naimiy (Eds.), pp. 502-503, 2013, ISBN: 978-2-9545460-0-1 Christoph Menzel, Erik Hebestreit, Stefan Mühlig, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, Thomas Pertsch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent boundary conditions based on the pole condition for time-dependent, two-dimensional problems Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 29(4), pp. 1367-1390, 2013 Daniel Ruprecht, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
pH-dependent Response of Coiled Coils: A Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulation Study Molecular Physics, 111(22-23), pp. 3363-3371, 2013 Marta Enciso, Christof Schütte, Luigi Delle Site BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
10-fs pulse delivery through a fiber CLEO, p. CTh3G.3, 2012 Martin Bock, Julia Skibina, Dorit Fischer, Rüdiger Grunwald, Sven Burger, Valentin Beloglazov, Günter Steinmeyer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3-D electrical resistivity tomography using adaptive wavelet parameter grids Geophysical Journal International, Vol.189, pp. 317-330, 2012 A. Plattner, H. Maurer, J. Vorloeper, Mark Blome BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3D finite element simulation of optical modes in VCSELs Proc. SPIE, p. 82550K, Vol.8255, 2012 Maria Rozova, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3D optical modeling of thin-film a-Si/mc-Si tandem solar cells with random textured interfaces using FEM Renewable Energy and the Environment Optics and Photonics Congress, p. JM5A.15, 2012 Martin Hammerschmidt, Daniel Lockau, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Christoph Schwanke, Simon Kirner, Sonya Calnan, Bernd Stannowski, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Coarse Graining Method for the Dimension Reduction of the State Space of Biomolecules Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 5(9), pp. 2623-2635, 2012 Konstantin Fackeldey, Martina Klimm, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Meshless Method for Conformational Analysis Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2012 Han Cheng Lie BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A cubic regularization algorithm for nonconvex optimization in function space (in preparation) ZIB-Report 12-16 Anton Schiela BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A differential equation model to investigate the dynamics of the bovine estrous cycle Advances in Systems Biology, pp. 597-606, 2012 H. Marike T. Boer, Claudia Stötzel, Susanna Röblitz, Henri Woelders BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A meshless discretization method for Markov state models applied to explicit water peptide folding simulations Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VI, pp. 141-154, Vol.89, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2012 Konstantin Fackeldey, Alexander Bujotzek, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive numerical integration for dynamical contact problems Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2012 Corinna Klapproth BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive numerical solution of PDEs de Gruyter: Berlin, 2012 Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advances in modelling of the bovine estrous cycle: Synchronization with PGF2alpha Theriogenology, Vol.78, pp. 1415-1428, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-17) Claudia Stötzel, Julia Plöntzke, Wolfgang Heuwieser, Susanna Röblitz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analytical modeling and 3D finite element simulation of line edge roughness in scatterometry Appl. Optics, Vol.51, pp. 6457-6464, 2012 Akiko Kato, Sven Burger, Frank Scholze BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Anwendbarkeit von Thermostaten in der moleküldynamischen Simulation Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2012 Mark Daniel Riesland BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Candidate mechanisms underlying atypical progesterone profiles as deduced from parameter perturbations in a mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle Journal of Dairy Science, 95(7), pp. 3837-3851, 2012 H. Marike T. Boer, Mochamad Apri, Jaap Molenaar, Claudia Stötzel, Roel F. Veerkamp, Henri Woelders BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coherent Nonlinear Spectroscopy with Spatiotemporally Controlled Fields CLEO/QELS, p. QF3D.6, 2012 Felix Schlosser, Mario Schoth, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andreas Knorr, Shaul Mukamel, Marten Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Combining nanooptical fields and coherent spectroscopy on systems with delocalized excitons Proc. SPIE, p. 82601V, Vol.8260, 2012 Felix Schlosser, Mario Schoth, Kirankumar Hiremath, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andreas Knorr, Shaul Mukamel, Marten Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
DNA damages as a Depolymerization Process International Journal of Modern Physics C, 23(03), pp. 1250018-1, 2012 J.G. Ochoa, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Data Enhancement for Active Thermography E-book Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Gennaro Cardone (Ed.), 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 12-20) Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser, Christiane Maierhofer, Regina Richter PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Detection of spurious modes in resonance mode computations Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Frank Schmidt (Advisor), 2012 Benjamin Kettner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Development of a 44K SNP assay focussing on the analysis of a varroa-specific defence behaviour in honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica) 12(2), pp. 323-332, 2012 Andreas Spötter, Pooja Gupta, Nürnberg, Norbert Reinsch, Kaspar Bienefeld BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effective marker placement for functional identification of the centre of rotation at the hip Gait & Posture, 36(3), pp. 482-486, 2012 Stefan Kratzenstein, Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, Berry M. Pöpplau, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM simulations of light extraction from nanostructured organic light-emitting diodes Renewable Energy and the Environment Optics and Photonics Congress, p. LT2B.5, 2012 Lin Zschiedrich, Horst Greiner, Jan Pomplun, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite Element Methods for Computational Nano-optics Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, B. Bhushan (Ed.), Springer Netherlands, pp. 837-843, 2012 Sven Burger, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element models of lithographic mask topography Proc. SPIE, W. Conley (Ed.), p. 83261B, Vol.8326, 2012 Jacek Tyminski, Raluca Popescu, Sven Burger, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Tomoyuki Matsuyama, Tomoya Noda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
First steps towards a scatterometry reference standard Proc. SPIE, p. 84660E, Vol.8466, 2012 Bernd Bodermann, Poul-Erik Hansen, Sven Burger, Mark-Alexander Henn, Hermann Gross, Markus Bär, Frank Scholze, Johannes Endres, Matthias Wurm BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Free Energy Calculation Using Mayer Cluster Expansion and Fluctuation Free Integration ZIB-Report 12-35 Burcu Tunga, Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
High-density array of Au nanowires coupled by plasmon modes Acta Phys. Sin., 61(23), p. 237105, 2012 Hong-Dan Yan, Peter Lemmens, Johannes Ahrens, Martin Bröring, Sven Burger, Winfried Daum, Gerhard Lilienkamp, Sandra Korte, Aidin Lak, Meinhard Schilling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
How to Simulate Affinities for Host-Guest Systems Lacking Binding Mode Information: application to the liquid chromatographic separation of hexabromocyclododecane stereoisomers Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol.18, pp. 2399-2408, 2012 Vedat Durmaz, Marcus Weber, Roland Becker BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inferring Proteolytic Processes from Mass Spectrometry Time Series Data Using Degradation Graphs PLoS ONE, 7(7), p. e40656, 2012 Stephan Aiche, Knut Reinert, Christof Schütte, Diana Hildebrand, Hartmut Schlüter, Tim Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Large-area 2D periodic crystalline silicon nanodome arrays on nanoimprinted glass exhibiting photonic band structure effects Nanotechnology, 23(13), p. 135302, 2012 Christiane Becker, Daniel Lockau, Tobias Sontheimer, Peter Schubert-Bischoff, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt, Matthias Bockmeyer, Frank Schmidt, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Laufzeitoptimierung der Robusten Perron Cluster Analyse (PCCA+) Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Susanna Röblitz, Marcus Weber (Advisors), 2012 Mascha Berg PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Light harvesting architectures for electron beam evaporated solid phase crystallized Si thin film solar cells Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 358(17), pp. 2303-2307, 2012 Tobias Sontheimer, Eveline Rudigier-Voigt, Matthias Bockmeyer, Daniel Lockau, Carola Klimm, Christiane Becker, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Localized surface plasmon modes in a system of two interacting metallic cylinders J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29(6), pp. 1263-1269, 2012 Viktoriia E. Babicheva, Sergey S. Vergeles, Petr E. Vorobev, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Cancer Therapy Planning in Deep Regional Hyperthermia Acta Numerica, Vol.21, pp. 307-378, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-39) Peter Deuflhard, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling of follicular development in bovine estrous cycles ZIB-Report 12-26 Manon Bondouy, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematische Modellierung der Knochenremodellierung Master's thesis, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Susanna Röblitz (Advisor), 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-41) Kristin Meisel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematische Therapie- und Operationsplanung pp. 89-90, Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche e.V.: Berlin, 2012 Peter Deuflhard, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Metacarpophalangeal joint stiffness is reduced in patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis after glucocorticoid medication Proceedings of the ESM-2012, Aalborg, Uwe Kersting, Michael Morlock, Daniela Jirova-Enzmann, Kim Dremstrup (Eds.), p. 39, 2012 William R. Taylor, Annika Fröhlich, Frank Buttgereit, Rainald Ehrig, Tom Witaschek, Georg Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Methods for analyzing complex networks using random walker Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Christof Schütte, Wilhelm Huisinga (Advisors), 2012 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multiscale Methods in Time and Space Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2010, pp. 619-626, Vol.17, Mathematics in Industry, 2012 Konstantin Fackeldey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multivalency as a Chemical Organization and Action Principle Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51(42), pp. 10472-10498, 2012 Carlo Fasting, Christoph A. Schalley, Marcus Weber, Oliver Seitz, Stefan Hecht, Beate Koksch, Jens Dernedde, Christina Graf, Ernst-Walter Knapp, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical solution of nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude model for arbitrary shaped nano-plasmonic structures using Nedelec finite elements J. Comp. Phys., 231(17), pp. 5890-5896, 2012 Kirankumar Hiremath, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Photochemical trans-/cis-isomerization and quantification of zearalenone in edible oils J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol.60, pp. 11733-11740, 2012 Robert Köppen, Juliane Riedel, Matthias Proske, Sarah Drzymala, Tatjana Rasenko, Vedat Durmaz, Marcus Weber, Matthias Koch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quantifying the rebinding effect in multivalent chemical ligand-receptor systems J. Chem. Phys., 137(5), p. 054111, 2012 Marcus Weber, Alexander Bujotzek, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Random Walks on Complex Modular Networks Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 6(1-2), pp. 29-50, 2012 Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Stefanie Bruckner, Tim Conrad, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of the wave functions of coupled nanoscopic emitters using a coherent optical technique Phys. Rev. B, Vol.86, p. 085308, 2012 Marten Richter, Felix Schlosser, Mario Schoth, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andreas Knorr, Shaul Mukamel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulating a base population in honey bee for molecular genetic studies Genetics Selection Evolution, 2012 Pooja Gupta, Tim Conrad, Andreas Spötter, Norbert Reinsch, Kaspar Bienefeld BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of high-Q nanocavities with 1D photonic gap Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1-4, 2012 Jiri Petracek, Bjorn Maes, Sven Burger, Jaroslav Luksch, Pavel Kwiecien, Ivan Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using a bidirectional eigenmode propagation algorithm: a comparative study Micro- and nanophotonic materials and devices, M. Ferrari, M. Marciniak, G. Righini, T. Szoplik, S. Varas (Eds.), pp. 109-112, 2012, ISBN: 9788377980200 Jiri Petracek, Jaroslav Luksch, Bjorn Maes, Sven Burger, Pavel Kwiecien, Ivan Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving Optimal Control Problems with the Kaskade 7 Finite Element Toolbox Advances in DUNE, pp. 101-112, A. Dedner, B. Flemisch, R. Klöfkorn (Eds.), Springer, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-25) Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spezielle Eigenschaften von Simulated Annealing Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2012 Björn-Marcel Jeschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
State Trajectory Compression for Optimal Control with Parabolic PDEs SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 34(1), pp. A161-A184, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-05) Martin Weiser, Sebastian Götschel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Contact-Stabilized Newmark Method - Consistency Error of a Spatiotemporal Discretization ZIB-Report 12-18 Corinna Klapproth PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Thermal polymerization of styrene Part B Macromol. React. Eng, Vol.6, pp. 225-238, 2012 J. Katzer, W. Pauer, H.-U. Moritz, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Thermo-optical simulation of high-power diode lasers Proc. SPIE, p. 825510, Vol.8255, 2012 Jan Pomplun, Hans Wenzel, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Maria Rozova, Frank Schmidt, Paul Crump, Hossein Ekhteraei, Christoph M. Schultz, Götz Erbert BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards an Efficient Numerical Simulation of Complex 3D Knee Joint Motion ZIB-Report 12-06 Oliver Sander, Corinna Klapproth, Jonathan Youett, Ralf Kornhuber, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Von Femtosekunden zu Minuten Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2012 Adam Nielsen PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Östrogenitäts-Approximation mittels physikochemischem Oberflächenvergleich Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2012 Jan-Martin Josten BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Subspace Approach to Molecular Markov State Models via a New Infinitesimal Generator Habilitation, Freie Universität Berlin, 2011 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A mathematical model for the Zinc response of young pigs ZIB-Report 11-05 Mascha Berg, Julia Ritter, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A rapidly Mixing Monte Carlo Method for the Simulation of Slow Molecular Processes Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Medicine and Other Fields of Science, Ch. Mode (Ed.), InTech, 2011 Vedat Durmaz, Konstantin Fackeldey, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A simple mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology, 278(1), pp. 20-31, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-06) H. Marike T. Boer, Claudia Stötzel, Susanna Röblitz, Peter Deuflhard, Roel F. Veerkamp, Henri Woelders PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Interior Point Algorithm with Inexact Step Computation in Function Space for State Constrained Optimal Control Numer. Math., 119(2), pp. 373-407, 2011 Anton Schiela, Andreas Günther BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
BioPARKIN - Biology-related Parameter Identification in Large Kinetic Networks ZIB-Report 11-15 Thomas Dierkes, Moritz Wade, Ulrich Nowak, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computational entropy estimation of linear polyether modified surfaces and correlation with protein resistant properties of such surfaces J. Mol. Sim., 2011 Marcus Weber, Alexander Bujotzek, Karsten Andrae, M. Weinhart, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Conformational Analysis of Bivalent Estrogen Receptor-Ligands: From Intramolecular to Intermolecular Binding ChemBioChem, 12(17), pp. 2587-2598, 2011 Min Shan, Alexander Bujotzek, Frank Abendroth, Oliver Seitz, Marcus Weber, Rainer Haag BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Convergence Analysis of Smoothing Methods for Optimal Control of Stationary Variational Inequalities ZIB-Report 11-23 Anton Schiela, Daniel Wachsmuth PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coupling Meshbased and Meshfree Methods by a Transfer Operator Approach IJPAM, 69(2), pp. 185-202, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 10-12) Konstantin Fackeldey PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Continua with Weak Constraints SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol.9, pp. 1459-1494, 2011 Konstantin Fackeldey, Dorian Krause, Rolf Krause, Christoph Lenzen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
DNA-controlled bivalent presentation of ligands for the estrogen receptor Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011 Frank Abendroth, Alexander Bujotzek, Min Shan, Rainer Haag, Marcus Weber, Oliver Seitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
DNA-programmed spatial screening of carbohydrate-lectin interactions Chem. Sci., Vol.2, pp. 770-775, 2011 Ch. Scheibe, Alexander Bujotzek, Jens Dernedde, Marcus Weber, O. Seitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Direct LDDMM of Discrete Currents with Adaptive Finite Elements Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability, pp. 1-14, X. Pennec, S. Joshi, M. Nielsen (Eds.), 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-22) Andreas Günther, Hans Lamecker, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Direct Reweighting Strategies in Conformation Dynamics MATCH Commun. Math. Comp. Chem., Vol.65(2), pp. 333-346, 2011 Martina Klimm, Alexander Bujotzek, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discretization of Interior Point Methods for State Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems: optimal error estimates and parameter adjustment Comp. Opt. and Appl., 48(3), pp. 581-600, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-40) Michael Hinze, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast online inverse scattering with Reduced Basis Method (RBM) for a 3D phase grating with specific line roughness Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology III, p. 808309, Vol.8083, 2011 B. Kleemann, J. Kurz, J. Hetzler, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast online simulation of 3D nanophotonic structures by the reduced basis method Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XV, p. 79410G, Vol.7941, 2011 Frank Schmidt, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element simulation of optical modes in VCSELs Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 11th International Conference on, pp. 119-120, 2011 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Maria Rozova, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite-element method simulations of high-Q nanocavities with 1D photonic bandgap Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIX, p. 79330T, Vol.7933, 2011 Sven Burger, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Geoelectric experimental design — Efficient acquisition and exploitation of complete pole-bipole data sets GEOPHYSICS, 76(1), pp. F15-F26, 2011 Mark Blome, HR Maurer, S. Greenhalgh BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Investigation of 3D Patterns on EUV Masks by Means of Scatterometry and Comparison to Numerical Simulations Photomask Technology 2011, p. 81661Q, Vol.8166, 2011 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Akiko Kato, Christian Laubis, Frank Scholze BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Joint Research on Scatterometry and AFM Wafer Metrology AIP Conference Proceedings, 1395(1), pp. 319-323, 2011 Bernd Bodermann, Egbert Buhr, Hans-Ulrich Danzebrink, Markus Bär, Frank Scholze, Michael Krumrey, Matthias Wurm, Petr Klapetek, Poul-Erik Hansen, Virpi Korpelainen, Marijn van Veghel, Andrew Yacoot, Samuli Siitonen, Omar El Gawhary, Sven Burger, Toni Saastamoinen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Large-Area High-Quality Plasmonic Oligomers Fabricated by Angle-Controlled Colloidal Nanolithography ACS Nano, 5(11), p. 9009, 2011 J. Zhao, B. Frank, Sven Burger, H. Giessen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Localized resonant states and transmission in a two- dimensional photonic quasicrystal Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling (ASM ’II), Corfu, 2011, N. Mastorakis (Ed.), pp. 178-182, Vol.1, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61804-016-9 Y. Neve-Oz, T. Pollok, Sven Burger, M. Golosovsky, D. Davidov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mechanisms regulating follicle wave patterns in the bovine estrous cycle investigated with a mathematical model Journal of Dairy Science, 94(12), pp. 5987-6000, 2011 H. Marike T. Boer, Susanna Röblitz, Claudia Stötzel, Roel F. Veerkamp, Bas Kemp, Henri Woelders BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Length of the Primal-Dual Path in Moreau-Yosida-based Path-following for State Constrained Optimal Control: Analysis and Numerics ZIB-Report 11-37 Anton Schiela, Michael Hintermüller PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimal Control in Implant Shape Design Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Fredi Tröltzsch (Advisor), 2011 Lars Lubkoll BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Phase I oxidation of alpha- and gamma-hexabromocyclododecane by cytochrome P450 enzymes: simulation of the stereoisomerism of hydroxylated metabolites Organohalogen Compounds, Vol.73, pp. 730-733, 2011 O. Scharkoi, Susanne Esslinger, Roland Becker, Marcus Weber, Irene Nehls PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for real-time inverse scatterometry Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology III, p. 808308, Vol.8083, 2011 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous optical simulation of light management in crystalline silicon thin film solar cells with rough interface textures Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIX, p. 79330M, Vol.7933, 2011 D. Lockau, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, F. Ruske, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous simulations of 3D patterns on extreme ultraviolet lithography masks Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology III, Bernd Bodermann (Ed.), p. 80831B, Vol.8083, 2011 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Soft Versus Hard Metastable Conformations in Molecular Simulations Particle Methods II, Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, Spain 26-28 Oct. 2011, E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (eds.), pp. 899-909, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-27) Konstantin Fackeldey, Susanna Röblitz, O. Scharkoi, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Strongly Twisted Solid-Core PCF: A One-Dimensional Chiral Metamaterial Frontiers in Optics, p. FMG3, 2011 G. Wong, M. Kang, H. Lee, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, F. Biancalana, P. Russell BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Targeted Marker Placement for the Functional Identification of the Hip Joint Centre Transactions Vol. 36, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2011 William R. Taylor, Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, Stefan Kratzenstein, Rainald Ehrig, F. Plank, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The SCoRE residual: A quality index to assess the accuracy of joint estimations Journal of Biomechanics, 44(7), pp. 1400-1404, 2011 Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, Stefan Kratzenstein, Georg Duda, Adam Trepczynski, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The medial-lateral force distribution in the ovine stifle joint during walking Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29(4), pp. 567-571, 2011 William R. Taylor, Berry M. Pöpplau, Christian König, Rainald Ehrig, Stefan Zachow, Georg Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The pole condition as transparent boundary condition for resonance problems Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIX, p. 79331B, Vol.7933, 2011 Benjamin Kettner, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The weighted optimal common shape technique improves identification of the hip joint centre of rotation in vivo Journal of Orthopedic Research, Vol.29, pp. 1470-5, 2011 Markus O. Heller, Stefan Kratzenstein, Rainald Ehrig, Georgi Wassilew, Georg Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Theoretical and experimental analysis of the lateral modes of high-power broad-area lasers Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, pp. 143-144, 2011 Hans Wenzel, Paul Crump, Hossein Ekhteraei, Christoph M. Schultz, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Götz Erbert BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards a rational spacer design for bivalent inhibition of estrogen receptor J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des., Vol.25(3), pp. 253-262, 2011 Alexander Bujotzek, Min Shan, Rainer Haag, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy with spatially confined fields AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1398, pp. 94-96, 2011 Felix Schlosser, Mario Schoth, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andreas Knorr, S. Mukamel, Marten Richter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3D FEM Simulations of High-Q Resonances in Photonic Crystal Microcavities Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, p. IWB7, 2010 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Quantification of Accuracy in Estimating Joint Centers 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2010 Stefan Kratzenstein, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, Georg Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A hybrid Galerkin-Monte-Carlo approach to higher-dimensional population balances in polymerization kinetics Macromol. React. Eng., Vol.4, pp. 562-577, 2010 Christof Schütte, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new approach for optimally reducing skin marker artifact allows determination of the hip joint center within 3mm Transactions Vol. 35, 2010 Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2010 Stefan Kratzenstein, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Georgi Wassilew, Georg Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A simple method for the estimation of entropy differences MATCH Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 2010, Vol.63(2), pp. 319-332, 2010 Marcus Weber, Karsten Andrae BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accelerated a posteriori error estimation for the reduced basis method with application to 3D electromagnetic scattering problems SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol.32, pp. 498-520, 2010 Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Reduced Basis Method for Optical Scattering Problems Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, p. IWD4, 2010 Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Spectral Clustering for Conformation Analysis AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281(1), pp. 1585-1588, 2010 Fiete Haack, Susanna Röblitz, Olga Scharkoi, Burkhard Schmidt, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Timestep Control for the Contact-Stabilized Newmark Method ZIB-Report 10-09 (Appeared in: Numerische Mathematik vol. 119 iss. 1 (2011), pp. 49-81) Corinna Klapproth, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis of a multi-scale asymptotic model for internal gravity waves in a moist atmosphere Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Rupert Klein, Andrew J. Majda (Advisors), 2010 Daniel Ruprecht PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Barrier methods for a control problem from hyperthermia treatment planning Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering (Proceedings of 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization 2009), pp. 419-428, M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, W. Michiels (Eds.), Springer, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 09-36) Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmarking Solvers of the Monodomain Equation in Cardiac Electrophysiological Modeling Biomed. Engineer., Vol.55, pp. 99-102, 2010 Mathias Wilhelms, Gunnar Seemann, Martin Weiser, Olaf Dössel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Challenges in Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling (preprint available as ) Konstantin Fackeldey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing expectation values for molecular quantum dynamics SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 32(3), pp. 1465-1483, 2010 Caroline Lasser, Susanna Röblitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Craniofacial Surgery Planning Based on Virtual Patient Models it - Information Technology, 52(5), pp. 258-263, 2010 Martin Weiser, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Delayed Residual Compensation for Bidomain Equations AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1281, pp. 419-422, 2010 Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Development and test of a numerical model for pulse thermography in civil engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(11-12), pp. 1419-1428, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-45) Martin Weiser, Mathias Röllig, Ralf Arndt, Bodo Erdmann PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dynamic covalent hydrazine chemistry as a specific extraction and cleanup technique for the quantification of the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in edible oils Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.1217(15), pp. 2206-15, 2010 D. Siegel, Karsten Andrae, Matthias Proske, C. Kochan, Matthias Koch, Marcus Weber, Irene Nehls BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM Simulation of Plasmon Laser Resonances AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1281, pp. 1613-1616, 2010 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM simulation of resonances in low-Q cavities for plasmon lasers International Workshop on Photonic Nanomaterials, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Ed.), p. 36, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-00-031358-5 Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element method for accurate 3D simulation of plasmonic waveguides Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XIV, p. 76040F, Vol.7604, 2010 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element simulation of the optical modes of semiconductor lasers Phys. Status Solidi B, Vol.247, pp. 846-853, 2010 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Andrei Schliwa, Dieter Bimberg, Agnieszka Pietrzak, Hans Wenzel, Götz Erbert BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Frontal plane alignment: An imageless method to predict the mechanical femoral–tibial angle (mFTA) based on functional determination of joint centres and axes Gait & Posture, 31(2), pp. 204-208, 2010 Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, William R. Taylor, Georg Duda, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Matziolis, Michael Müller, Georgi Wassilew, Patrick Asbach, Carsten Perka, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Gold helix photonic metamaterials: a numerical parameter study Opt. Express, Vol.18, pp. 1059-1069, 2010 J. Gansel, M. Wegener, Sven Burger, S. Linden BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Handlungsmöglichkeiten zur Minderung des Eintrags von Humanarzneimitteln und ihren Rückständen in das Roh- und Trinkwasser. H.H. Dieter, K. Götz, K. Kümmerer, B. Rechenberg, F. Keil (Eds.), Umweltbundesamt, 2010 H. H. Dieter, K. Götz, K. Kümmerer, B. Rechenberg, F. Keil PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical Systems Biology at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) BioTOPics - Journal of Biotechnology in Berlin-Brandenburg, Vol.39, 2010 Peter Deuflhard, Susanna Röblitz, Claudia Stötzel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
More Mathematics into Medicine! Production Factor Mathematics, Springer, pp. 357-378, 2010 Peter Deuflhard, Olaf Dössel, Alfred Louis, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Negative Refraction and Omni Directionality in 2D Photonic Quasicrystal Superstructure AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1281, p. 1622, 2010 Y. Neve-Oz, T. Pollok, Sven Burger, M. Golosovsky, R. Lifshitz, D. Davidov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of Photonic Crystal Microcavities in Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides Photonic and Phononic Crystal Materials and Devices X, p. 76091Q, Vol.7609, 2010 Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Validation of Constraints Based Multiscale Methods Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Michael Griebel, M. Schweitzer (Eds.), pp. 141-154, 2010 Konstantin Fackeldey, Dorian Krause, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical investigation of optical resonances in circular grating resonators Silicon Photonics V, p. 760610, Vol.7606, 2010 Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Observation uncertainty in reversible Markov chains Phys. Rev. E, 82(3), p. 031114, 2010 Ph. Metzner, Marcus Weber, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On Efficiency and Accuracy in Cardioelectric Simulation Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008, pp. 371-376, E. Wilson, A. Fitt, H. Ockendon, J. Norbury (Eds.), Springer, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-41) Martin Weiser, Bodo Erdmann, Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimization of clinical radiofrequency hyperthermia by use of MR-thermography in a hybrid system World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 2009, Munich, Germany, pp. 174-175, O. Dössel, W. Schlegel, R. Magjarevic (Eds.), Springer, 2010 Peter Wust, Mirko Weihrauch, Martin Weiser, Johanna Gellermann, Steffen Eisenhardt, Thorsten Chobrok, Volker Budach BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced Basis Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 85, 2010 Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for electromagnetic scattering problems Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Frank Schmidt (Advisor), 2010 Jan Pomplun BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for source mask optimization Photomask Technology, p. 78230E, Vol.7823, 2010 Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Jacek Tyminski, Donis Flagello, N. Toshiharu BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Regularized Antenna Profile Adaptation in Online Hyperthermia Treatment Medical Physics, Vol.37, pp. 5382-5394, 2010 Maximilian Ranneberg, Martin Weiser, Mirko Weihrauch, Volker Budach, Johanna Gellermann, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Resonant Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves through 2D Photonic Quasicrystals J. Appl. Phys., Vol.107, p. 063105, 2010 Y. Neve-Oz, T. Pollok, Sven Burger, M. Golosovsky, D. Davidov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
State Trajectory Compression in Optimal Control PAMM, 10(1), pp. 579-580, 2010 Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Hip Joint Centre can be determined to within 3 mm 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2010 Stefan Kratzenstein, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Residual: A Reliable Measure of Accuracy in the Determination of Joint Centers Transactions Vol. 35, 2010 Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2010 Stefan Kratzenstein, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Uniqueness criteria for solutions of the adjoint equation in state-constrained optimal control ZIB-Report 10-28 Christian Meyer, Lucia Panizzi, Anton Schiela PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
1D-Reduktion thermal signifikanter Aderstränge in der Hyperthermie-Modellierung Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Martin Weiser, Peter Deuflhard (Advisors), 2009 André Massing PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3D Finite-Element Simulations of Enhanced Light Transmission Through Arrays of Holes in Metal Films Numerical Methods in Optical Metrology, p. 73900H, Vol.7390, 2009 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt, Benjamin Kettner, D. Lockau BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Perturbation Result for Dynamical Contact Problems Numer. Math, Vol.2, pp. 237-257, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-27) Corinna Klapproth, Peter Deuflhard, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Priori Tabulation of Turbulent Flame Speeds via a Combination of a Stochastic Mixing Model and Flamelet Generated Manifolds, Extended to Incorporate Strain Effects ZIB-Report 09-09 Heiko Schmidt, Michael Oevermann, Rob J.M. Bastiaans, Alan R. Kerstein PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Subspace Approach to Molecular Markov State Models via an Infinitesimal Generator ZIB-Report 09-27 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A chirped photonic crystal fiber for high-fidelity guiding of sub-100 fs pluses CLEO/QELS, p. CMHH1, 2009 Julia Skibina, Rumen Iliew, Jens Bethge, Martin Bock, Dorit Fischer, Valentin Beloglazov, Reiner Wedell, Sven Burger, Günter Steinmeyer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A chirped photonic crystal fiber for ultrashort laser pulse delivery CLEO Europe - EQEC, 2009 Julia Skibina, Rumen Iliew, Jens Bethge, Martin Bock, Dorit Fischer, Valentin Beloglazov, Reiner Wedell, Sven Burger, Günter Steinmeyer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new generalized domain decomposition strategy for the efficient parallel solution of the FDS-pressure equation. Part I: Theory, Concept and Implementation ZIB-Report 09-19 Susanne Kilian, Matthias Münch PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new generalized domain decomposition strategy for the efficient parallel solution of the FDS-pressure equation. Part II: Verification and Validation ZIB-Report 09-20 Matthias Münch, Susanne Kilian PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accurate simulation of light transmission through subwavelength apertures in metal films J. Opt. A, Vol.11, p. 114013, 2009 D. Lockau, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Ventricular Dynamics J. Computing and Visualization in Science, Vol.12, pp. 201-205, 2009 Peter Deuflhard, Bodo Erdmann, Rainer Roitzsch, Glenn Terje Lines BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Extended Mathematical Framework for Barrier Methods in Function Space Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVIII, Vol.70, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-07) Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An imageless method to quantify the Mechanical Femoral-Tibial Angle (MFTA) using functionally defined joint centers and axes. 6th Annual meeting of the German Society for Biomechanics (DGfB), 2009 Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, William R. Taylor, Georg Duda, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An imageless method to quantify the mechanical femoral-tibial angle based on the functional determination of joint centers and axes Annual meeting of the ESMAC 2009, 2009 Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, William R. Taylor, Georg Duda, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Matziolis, Michael Müller, Georgi Wassilew, Patrick Asbach, Carsten Perka, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Barrier Methods for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints SIAM J. on Optimization, 20(2), pp. 1002-1031, 2009 (preprint available as ) Anton Schiela BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparison of electromagnetic field solvers for the 3D analysis of plasmonic nano antennas Numerical Methods in Optical Metrology, p. 73900J, Vol.7390, 2009 Johannes Hoffmann, Christian Hafner, P. Leidenberger, J. Hesselbarth, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computing expectation values for molecular quantum dynamics ZIB-Report 09-30 (Appeared in: SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2010, 32(3), pp. 1465-1483) Caroline Lasser, Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Conformation Dynamics Design of Pain Relief Drugs Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2009 O. Scharkoi BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Consistency Results for the Contact-Stabilized Newmark Method ZIB-Report 09-06 (Appeared under the title "Consistency Results on Newmark Methods for Dynamical Contact Problems" in: Numer. Math., 116/1:65-94 (2010)) Corinna Klapproth, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dependencies of micro-pillar cavity quality factors calculated with finite element methods Optics Express, Vol.17, p. 1144, 2009 M. Karl, Benjamin Kettner, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, H. Kalt, M. Hetterich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Der Vergleich von nicht-invasiven Techniken zur Bestimmung der Hüftgelenksposition Annual meeting of the German Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, 2009 Stefan Kratzenstein, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, Jörg H. Schröder, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Die Bestimmung der Genauigkeit nicht-invasiver Techniken zur Ermittlung der Hüftgelenksposition in-vivo 6th annual meeting of the German Society for Biomechanics (DGfB), 2009 Stefan Kratzenstein, Markus O. Heller, Rainald Ehrig, Georg Duda, Jörg H. Schröder, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Simulation of Ligand-Receptor Binding Processes Using the Conformation Dynamics Approach Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol.7(5), pp. 811-831, 2009 Alexander Bujotzek, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient simulation of plasmonic structures for solar cells International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, p. 48, Vol.XVIII, 2009 D. Lockau, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger, Bernd Rech BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast Light and Focusing in 2D Photonic Quasicrystals PIERS Online, Vol.5, p. 451, 2009 Y. Neve-Oz, T. Pollok, Sven Burger, M. Golosovsky, D. Davidov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite-Element Simulations of Light Propagation through Circular Subwavelength Apertures Microtechnologies for the New Millenium, p. 736621, Vol.7366, 2009 Sven Burger, B. Kleemann, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite-element simulations of light propagation through subwavelength apertures in metal films International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, p. 59, Vol.XVIII, 2009 Sven Burger, D. Lockau, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Frontal plane lower limb alignment using functionally determined joint centers and axes International Conference on Computational Bioengineering, 2009 Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, William R. Taylor, Georg Duda, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fuzzy Spectral Clustering by PCCA+ Classification and Clustering: Models, Software and Applications, pp. 73-79, 2009 Susanna Röblitz, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Guiding properties of chirped photonic crystal fibers Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.27, p. 1698, 2009 Jens Bethge, Günter Steinmeyer, Sven Burger, Falk Lederer, Rumen Iliew BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
HBCD stereoisimers: Thermal interconversion and enantiospecific trace analysis in biota Organohalogen Compounds, Vol.70, pp. 910-913, 2009 Robert Köppen, Roland Becker, Marcus Weber, Vedat Durmaz, Irene Nehls BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Magnetization waves in split-ring-resonator arrays Phys. Rev. B, 80(19), p. 193102, 2009 Manuel Decker, Sven Burger, S. Linden, M. Wegener BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematical modeling and simulation of the female menstrual cycle Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2009 Isabel Reinecke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Moisture-Gravity Wave Interactions in a Multiscale Environment ZIB-Report 09-21 Daniel Ruprecht, Rupert Klein, Andrew J. Majda PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multiscale Coupling in Function Space - Weak Coupling between Molecular Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 79(12), pp. 1517-1535, 2009 Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Non-invasive Assessment of Skeletal Kinematics Measurement and Sensing in Medicine and Health, 2009 William R. Taylor, Stefan Kratzenstein, Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, Rainald Ehrig, Philippe Moewis, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of Silicon-on-Insulator 1D Photonic Crystal Microcavities Theoretical and computational nanooptics, Dmitry Chigrin (Ed.), pp. 43-45, Vol.1176, 2009 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical study of the direct pressure effect of acoustic waves in planar premixed flames ZIB-Report 09-31 Heiko Schmidt, Carmen Jimenéz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimization and Identification in Regional Hyperthermia Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech., Vol.30, pp. 265-275, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-40) Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Pointwise Nonlinear Scaling for Reaction-Diffusion Equations Appl. Num. Math., 59(8), pp. 1858-1869, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-45) Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Predictive Identification of Pentabromocyclododecane (PBCD) Isomers with high Binding Affinity to hTTR Organohalogen Compounds, Vol.71, pp. 247-252, 2009 Marcus Weber, Vedat Durmaz, Roland Becker, Susanne Esslinger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for computational lithography Photomask Technology, p. 74882B, Vol.7488, 2009 Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced basis method for fast and robust simulation of electromagnetic scattering problems Numerical Methods in Optical Metrology, p. 73900I, Vol.7390, 2009 Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduction of the influence of skin marker artefacts using the optimal common shape technique Annual meeting of the ESMAC 2009, 2009 Stefan Kratzenstein, William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Representative Spectral Clustering for Large Data Sets applied to Gene Expression Data Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Marcus Weber (Advisor), 2009 Fiete Haack BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reproducibility of a functional approach to gait analysis Annual meeting of the ESMAC 2009, 2009 William R. Taylor, Evgenios I. Kornaropoulos, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, Georg Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation method improves accuracy for optical metrology and nanooptics design SPIE Newsroom, 2009 Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Spurenstoffe im Trinkwasser - Risikoqualifizierung im Rechner? Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene, L. Dunemann, O. Schmoll (Eds.), 2009 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
State constrained optimal control problems with states of low regularity SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 48(4), pp. 2407-2432, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-24) Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Statistical Error Estimation and Grid-free Hierarchical Refinement in Conformation Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard, Wilhelm Huisinga (Advisors), 2009 Susanna Röblitz PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Minimization of a maximum-norm functional subject to an elliptic PDE and state constraints Z. angew. Math. Mech., 89(7), pp. 536-551, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-17) Uwe Prüfert, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Weak Coupling Method for Coupling Continuum Mechanics with Molecular Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Institute for Numerical Simulation, Uni Bonn, 2009 Konstantin Fackeldey BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Theoretical Investigations on HBCD and PBCD Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2009 Vedat Durmaz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent boundary conditions for Maxwell's equations: Numerical concepts beyond the PML method Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard, Ralf Hiptmair (Advisors), 2009 Lin Zschiedrich PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Weak Coupling Algorithms in Multiscale Simulations Proceedings of the third Inter. Confer. on Comp. Meth. for Coupled Problems in Science and Engrg, p. 1023pp, 2009 Konstantin Fackeldey, Dorian Krause, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Review of Transparent and Artificial Boundary Conditions Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations Commun. Comput. Phys., Vol.4, pp. 729-796, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-34) Xavier Antoine, Anton Arnold, Christophe Besse, Matthias Ehrhardt, Achim Schädle PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Simplified Approach to Semismooth Newton Methods in Function Space SIAM J. on Optimization, 19(3), pp. 369-393, 2008 Anton Schiela BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A control reduced primal interior point method for a class of control constrained optimal control problems Comput. Optim. Appl., 41(1), pp. 127-145, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-38) Martin Weiser, Tobias Gänzler, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A priori Tabulation of Turbulent Flame Speeds via a Combination of a Stochastic Mixing Model and Flamelet Generated Manifolds ZIB-Report 08-02 Heiko Schmidt, Michael Oevermann, Rob J.M. Bastiaans, Alan R. Kerstein PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A rigorous finite-element domain decomposition method for electromagnetic near field simulations Optical Microlithography XXI, Harry Levinson, Mircea Dusa (Eds.), Vol.6924, 2008 Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Discrete Galerkin Methods Applied to the Chemical Master Equation SIAM J. Sci. Comput, 30(6), pp. 2990-3011, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-04) Peter Deuflhard, Wilhelm Huisinga, Tobias Jahnke, Michael Wulkow PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive, Fast and Oblivious Convolution in Evolution Equations with Memory SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 30(2), pp. 1015-1037, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 06-45) Maria Lopez-Fernandez, Christian Lubich, Achim Schädle PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced FEM analysis of optical waveguides: algorithms and applications Integrated Optics, Christoph Greiner, Christoph Wächter (Eds.), p. 689602, Vol.6896, 2008 Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger, Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An efficient analysis of rare events in canonical ensemble dynamics ZIB-Report 08-36 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Asymptotic Scale Analysis of Precipitating Clouds ZIB-Report 08-03 Gunter Carqué, Antony Z. Owinoh, Rupert Klein, Andrew J. Majda PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Barrier Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Convex Nonlinear Gradient Constraints ZIB-Report 08-47 Anton Schiela, Winnifried Wollner PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmark of rigorous methods for electromagnetic field simulation Photomask Technology, H. Kawahira, L. S. Zurbrick (Eds.), p. 71221, Vol.7122, 2008 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Peter Evanschitzky, Andreas Erdmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Buoyancy-reversal in cloud-top mixing layers ZIB-Report 08-50 Juan Pedro Mellado, Bjorn Stevens, Heiko Schmidt, Norbert Peters PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
CM/MD Coupling - A Function Space Oriented Multiscale-Coupling Approach Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., p. 10495pp, 8(1), 2008 Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Classical hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of the interconversion of hexabromocyclododecane Journal of Molecular Simulation, 34(7), pp. 727-736, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-31) Marcus Weber, Roland Becker, Robert Köppen, Vedat Durmaz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation of equilibrium densities in metastable dynamical systems by domain decomposition Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008, pp. 339-342, Vol.1048, 2008 Susanna Kube, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design and calibration of load sensing orthopaedic implants Journal Biomech. Eng., pp. 02109-1–02109–9, 2008 G. Bergmann, F. Graichen, A. Rohlmann, Alwina Bender, Rainald Ehrig, P. Westerhoff, B. Heinlein BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Evaluation of EUV scatterometry for CD characterization of EUV masks using rigorous FEM-simulation Emerging Lithographic Technologies XII, Frank Schellenberg (Ed.), Vol.6921, 2008 Frank Scholze, Christian Laubis, Gerhard Ulm, Uwe Dersch, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM simulation of light scattering by nonspherical objects Mie Theory 1908 – 2008, W. Hergert, T. Wriedt (Eds.), Universität Bremen, pp. 82-83, 2008 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Benjamin Kettner, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Feature article - Computer Aided Modeling of Polymer Reaction Engineering - The Status of Predici, 1 - Simulation Macromol. React. Eng., Vol.2, pp. 461-494, 2008 Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite Element Simulation of Radiation Losses in Photonic Crystal Fibers Nanophotonic Materials: Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics, and Metamaterials, Wiley-VCH, pp. 313-331, 2008 Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Roland Klose, Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element simulation of light propagation in non-periodic mask patterns Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XV, Toshiyuki Horiuchi (Ed.), Vol.7028, 2008 Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inertia Revealing Preconditioning For Large-Scale Nonconvex Constrained Optimization SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 31(2), pp. 939-960, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-32) O. Schenk, Andreas Wächter, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Interior Point Methods in Function Space for State Constraints - Inexact Newton and Adaptivity ZIB-Report 09-01 (A rev. vers. appeared u. the title "An interior point algorithm with inexact step computation in function space for state constrained optimal control" in: Numerische Mathematik 119(2): 373-407(2011)) Anton Schiela, Andreas Günther PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
JCMsuite: An Adaptive FEM Solver for Precise Simulations in Nano-Optics Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, p. ITuE4, 2008 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear-Eddy Modeling of Autoignition under Thermal Stratification ZIB-Report 08-05 Michael Oevermann, Heiko Schmidt, Alan R. Kerstein PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mehr Mathematik wagen in der Medizin ZIB-Report 08-25 (Ersch. in: Produktionsfaktor Mathematik : wie Mathematik Technik und Wirtschaft bewegt / Martin Grötschel, Klaus Lucas, Volker Mehrmann (Hrsg.) Berlin : Springer, 2009. (acatech diskutiert) ISBN 978-3-540-89434-6 S. 435-459) Peter Deuflhard, Olaf Dössel, Alfred Louis, Stefan Zachow PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Metrology of EUV masks by EUV-scatterometry and finite element analysis Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XV, Toshiyuki Horiuchi (Ed.), Vol.7028, 2008 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Frank Scholze, Christian Laubis, Uwe Dersch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Micromechanics-based conversion of CT data into anisotropic elasticity tensors, applied to FE simulations of a mandible Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 36(1), pp. 108-122, 2008 Christian Hellmich, Cornelia Kober, Bodo Erdmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Model Development and Decomposition in Physiology Handbook of Research on Systems Biology Applications in Medicine, A. Daskalaki (Ed.), pp. 759-797, Vol.2, 2008 Isabel Reinecke, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modellgestützte Operationsplanung in der Kopfchirurgie Modellgestützte Therapie, Wolfgang Niederlag, Heinz Lemke, Jürgen Meixensberger, Michael Baumann (Eds.), Health Academy, pp. 140-156, 2008 Stefan Zachow, Martin Weiser, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modellreduktion in der Hyperthermie mittels POD Master's thesis, FU Berlin, 2008 Ingo Schräer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modellreduktion in der regionalen Hyperthermie mittels POD Master's thesis, FU Berlin, 2008 Ingo Schräer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Monte Carlo sampling of Wigner functions and surface hopping quantum dynamics Journal of Computational Physics, 228(6), pp. 1947-1962, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-17) Susanna Kube, Caroline Lasser, Marcus Weber PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Plausibility Check of an Asymptotic Column Model for Deep Convective Clouds ZIB-Report 08-44 Gunter Carqué, Heiko Schmidt, Bjorn Stevens, Rupert Klein PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Pole condition: A numerical method for Helmholtz-type scattering problems with inhomogeneous exterior domain J. Comput. Appl. Math., 218(1), pp. 61-69, 2008 Frank Schmidt, Thorsten Hohage, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Population Balance Modeling of the Conidial Aggregation of Aspergillus niger Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99(2), pp. 341-350, 2008 P.-J. Lin, L. Grimm, Michael Wulkow, D. Hempel, R. Krull BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Preserving the Markov Property of Reduced Reversible Markov Chains Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008, pp. 593-596, Vol.1048, 2008 Susanna Kube, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Properties of Reduced Reversible Markov Chains ZIB-Report 08-42 Fiete Haack PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Quadrature and Implementation of the Weak Coupling Method MMM 2008: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modelling, 27-31 October 2008, Tallahassee, Fla., pp. 62-65, 2008 Konstantin Fackeldey, Dorian Krause, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reduced Basis Method for Nano Optical Simulations Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, p. IWD7, 2008 Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Selection and flexible optimization of binding modes from conformation ensembles Biosystems, 92(1), pp. 42-48, 2008 A. Guerler, Sebastian Moll, Marcus Weber, Holger Meyer, Frank Cordes BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stability of Energy Transfer in the Weak Coupling Method Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV, Michael Griebel, M. Schweitzer (Eds.), pp. 111-121, Vol.65, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2008 Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause, M. Schweitzer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Superlinear convergence of the Control Reduced Interior Point Method for PDE Constrained Optimization Computational Optimization and Applications, 39(3), pp. 369-393, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-15) Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Support of Strategic Business Decisions at BASF’s Largest Integrated Production Site Based on Site-Wide Verbund Simulation Computer Aided Chem. Eng., Vol.25, pp. 925-930, 2008 Stefan Brüggemann, Nanette Bauer, Eberhard Fuchs, Axel Polt, Bernhard Wagner, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The convergence of an interior point method for an elliptic control problem with mixed control-state constraints Comput. Optim. Appl., 39(2), pp. 183-218, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-47) Uwe Prüfert, Fredi Tröltzsch, Martin Weiser PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent boundary conditions for time-dependent problems SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 30(5), pp. 2358-2385, 2008 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-12) Daniel Ruprecht, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
1D-Reduktion thermal signifikanter Aderstränge in der Hyperthermie-Modellierung Master's thesis, FU Berlin, 2007 Andre Massing BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
1D-Reduktion thermal signifikanter Aderstränge in der Hyperthermie-Modellierung Master's thesis, FU Berlin, 2007 Andre Massing BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
3D simulations of electromagnetic fields in nanostructures using the time-harmonic finite-element method Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology, Harald Bosse (Ed.), p. 66170V, Vol.6617, 2007 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Roderick Köhle, Thomas Henkel, Bernd Küchler, Christoph Nölscher BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Coarse Graining Method for the Identification of Transition rates between Molecular Conformations Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(2), 2007 Susanna Kube, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Complex Mathematical Model of the Human Menstrual Cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247(2), pp. 303-330, 2007 (preprint available as ) Isabel Reinecke, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Contact-Stabilized Newmark Method for Dynamical Contact Problems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 73(9), pp. 1274-1290, 2007 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Rolf Krause, Susanne Ertel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Regularization for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations in a Multiresolution Framework Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 2007 M. Soares, G. Teschke, M. Zhariy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Survey for Formal Methods for Determining Functional Joint Axes Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 2150-2157, 2007 Rainald Ehrig, William R. Taylor, Georg Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new model to predict in vivo human knee kinematics under physiological-like muscle activation Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 45-53, 2007 Markus O. Heller, Christian König, F. Graichen, S. Hinterwimmer, Rainald Ehrig, G. Duda, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptation of antenna profiles for control of MR guided hyperthermia (HT) in a hybrid MR-HT system Medical Physics, 34(12), pp. 4717-4725, 2007 Mirko Weihrauch, Peter Wust, Martin Weiser, Johanna Nadobny, Steffen Eisenhardt, Volker Budach, Johanna Gellermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive finite element method for simulation of optical nano structures Phys. Status Solidi B, Vol.244, pp. 3419-3434, 2007 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Additive Schwarz method for scattering problems using the PML method at interfaces Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVI, Olof Widlund, David Keyes (Eds.), pp. 205-212, Vol.55, Lecture Notes in computational Science and Engineering, 2007 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-27) Achim Schädle, Lin Zschiedrich PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced Intermittent Clutter Filtering for Radar Wind Profiler under review, 2007 V. Lehmann, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advances in the Planning and Control of the MR-guided Regional Hyperthermia Applications Proc. Int. Conf. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2007, Torino, Italy, pp. 1010-1013, 2007 Johanna Nadobny, Mirko Weihrauch, Martin Weiser, Johanna Gellermann, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Volker Budach, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Affine conjugate adaptive Newton methods for nonlinear elastomechanics Opt. Meth. Softw., 22(3), pp. 413-431, 2007 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-01) Martin Weiser, Peter Deuflhard, Bodo Erdmann PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Interior Point Method in Function Space for the Efficient Solution of State Constrained Optimal Control Problems ZIB-Report 07-44 Anton Schiela PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Iterative Algorithm for Nonlinear InverseProblems with Joint Sparsity Constraints in Vector Valued Regimes and an Application to Color Image Inpainting under review, 2007 G. Teschke, R. Ramlau BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Conditional Monte Carlo sampling to find branching architectures of polymers from radical polymerizations with transfer to polymer and recombination termination Polymer, 48(6), pp. 1770-1784, 2007 P. Iedema, Michael Wulkow, H. Hoefsloot BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Conformation-based transition state theory ZIB-Report 07-18 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Domain Decomposition Method for Maxwell’s Equations J. Comput. Phys., Vol.226, pp. 477-493, 2007 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 06-04) Achim Schädle, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Roland Klose, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
EMF Simulations of Isolated and Periodic 3D Photomask Patterns Photomask Technology, p. 6630, Vol.6730, 2007 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, Roderick Köhle, Bernd Küchler, Christoph Nölscher BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Entwicklung einer Toolbox zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen instationären thermischen Bauteilsimulation mit KARDOS Bauphsik, 29(1), pp. 33-39, 2007 Bodo Erdmann, M. Ljubijankic, C. Nytsch-Geusen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM investigation of leaky modes in hollow core photonic crystal fibers Proc. SPIE, Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices VI, Ali Adibi, Axel Scherer, Shawn-Yu Lin (Eds.), p. 64800M, Vol.6480, 2007 Jan Pomplun, Ronald Holzlöhner, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element analysis of EUV lithography Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology, Harald Bosse (Ed.), p. 661718, Vol.6617, 2007 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Frank Scholze, Christian Laubis, Uwe Dersch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element simulation of radiation losses in photonic crystal fibers phys. stat. sol. (a), 204(11), pp. 3822-3837, 2007 Jan Pomplun, Lin Zschiedrich, Roland Klose, Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Frames and Coorbit Theory on Homogeneous Spaces with a Special Guidance on the Sphere Special Issue, 2007 S. Dahlke, G. Steidl, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalization and numerical investigation of QMOM for crystallization processes AIChE J., Vol.53, pp. 207-227, 2007 R. Grosch, Heiko Briesen, Michael Wulkow, Wolfgang Marquardt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Goal oriented adaptive finite element method for precise simulation of optical components Proc. SPIE, Integrated Optics, Y. Sidorin, Ch. Waechter (Eds.), p. 64750H, Vol.6475, 2007 Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Jan Pomplun, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Inexact central path following algorithms for optimal control problems SIAM J. Control Opt., 46(3), pp. 792-815, 2007 (preprint available as ) Martin Weiser, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Iteratively solving linear inverse problems with general convex constraints InverseProblems and Imaging, 1(1), pp. 29-46, 2007 I. Daubechies, G. Teschke, Luminita Vese BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Models for guidance in kagome-structured hollow-core photonic crystal fibres Optics Express, Vol.15, p. 12680, 2007 G. J. Pearce, G. S. Wiederhecker, Christopher G. Poulton, Sven Burger, P. St. J. Russell BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multi-Frame Representations in Linear InverseProblems with Mixed Multi-Constraints Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol.22, pp. 43-60, 2007 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Negative beam displacement for negative-index photonic metamaterials Optics Express, 15(21), pp. 14219-14227, 2007 G. Dolling, M. Klein, M. Wegener, Achim Schädle, Sven Burger, S. Linden BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On two numerical methods for state-constrained elliptic control problems Optimization Methods and Software, 22(6), pp. 871-899, 2007 Christian Meyer, Uwe Prüfert, Fredi Tröltzsch BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimality Conditions for Convex State Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Discontinuous States ZIB-Report 07-35 Anton Schiela PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Painters, Murderers, Mathematicians Mathematics and Culture in Europe. Mathematics in Art, Technology, Cinema, and Theatre, Springer-Verlag, pp. 141-152, 2007 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Perfusionsmodellierung in menschlichen Tumoren Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2007 Susanne Gerber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of Reflectivity Densities by Wavelet Transforms Technical Report 01-10, ISSN 1435-7968, 2007 S. Dahlke, Peter Maass, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Selection and flexible optimization of binding modes from conformation ensembles Biosystems, 2007 A. Gürler, Sebastian Moll, Marcus Weber, Holger Meyer, Frank Cordes BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Separabilität von Helmholtz- und Maxwellgleichungen über unbeschränkten heterogenen Gebieten Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2007 T. Pollok BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Shearlet coorbit spaces and associated Banach frames Bericht Nr. 2007-5, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2007 S. Dahlke, Gitta Kutyniok, G. Steidl, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of Aerosol Formation in Gas-Liquid Contact Devices Chem. Eng. Comm., Vol.194, pp. 565-577, 2007 A. Wix, Karlheinz Schaber, O. Ofenloch, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation von Opioiden unter Hinzunahme von Temperatur und pH-Wert Bachelor's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Bioinformatik, 2007 O. Scharkoi BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving Frictional Contact Problems with Multigrid Efficiency Proc.of the 16th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Olof Widlund (Ed.), pp. 547-554, Vol.50, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2007 Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stable Computation of Probability Densities of Metastable Dynamical Systems SIAM J. Multiscale Model. Simul., 6(2), pp. 396-416, 2007 Marcus Weber, Susanna Kube, Lionel Walter, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Systematics of spin-polarized small Na clusters Annals of the European Academy of Science, 2007 Karsten Andrae, P.-G. Reinhard, E. Suraud BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Canonical Coherent states associated with Quotients of the Affine Weyl–Heisenberg Group to appear, 2007 S. Dahlke, Dirk A. Lorenz, Peter Maass, C. Sagiv, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The influence of line edge roughness and CD uniformity on EUV scatterometry for CD characterization of EUV masks Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology, Harald Bosse (Ed.), p. 66171A, Vol.6617, 2007 Frank Scholze, Christian Laubis, Uwe Dersch, Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent boundary conditions - the pole condition approach Proceedings of Waves 2007, N. Biggs (Ed.), pp. 301-303, 2007 Achim Schädle, Daniel Ruprecht, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Visualization of the tRNA(Ser) acceptor step binding site in the seryl-tRNA synthetase BBRC, 362(2), pp. 415-418, 2007 C. Förster, Arnd B. E. Brauer, J. Fürste, C. Betzel, Marcus Weber, Frank Cordes, V. Erdmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Vom Dietrich zum Sicherheitsschlüssel – Mathematiker des Matheon simulieren neuen Wirkstoff für die Diabetes-Behandlung DFG-Forschungszentrum Matheon, 2007 R. Kellermann, Marcus Weber, Alexander Bujotzek BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Weak coupling in function space Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., p. 2020113pp, 7(1), 2007 Konstantin Fackeldey, Rolf Krause BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A New Approach for Target Classification in Ka-Band Radar Data Proc. ERAD Barcelona, 2006 G. Teschke, U. Görsdorf, P. Körner, D. Trede BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A New Approach for the Determination of Joint Axes Proceedings of the 52th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2006 Rainald Ehrig, William R. Taylor, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Projection Iteration for Nonlinear Operator Equations with Sparsity Constraints Numerische Mathematik, Vol.104, pp. 177-203, 2006 R. Ramlau, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Survey for Formal Methods for Determining the Centre of Ball Joints Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 2798-2809, 2006 Rainald Ehrig, William R. Taylor, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Wavelet Galerkin Scheme for the Navier Stokes Equations under review, 2006 Nelson Faustino, U. Kaehler, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new finite element realization of the Perfectly Matched Layer Method for Helmholtz scattering problems on polygonal domains in 2D J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.188, pp. 12-32, 2006 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 03-44) Lin Zschiedrich, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new frame-based statistical strategy for bird migration clutter removal in wind profiler radar data preprint, 2006 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new intermittent clutter filtering algorithm for radar wind profiler Proc. ISTP Boulder, 2006 V. Lehmann, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A spectral order method for inverting sectorial Laplace transforms SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 44(3), pp. 1332-1350, 2006 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-26) Maria Lopez-Fernandez, Cesar Palencia, Achim Schädle PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accuracy, Stability, Convergence of Rigorous Thermodynamic Sampling Methods Master's thesis, 2006 Alexander Riemer PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Accuracy, stability, convergence of rigorous thermodynamic sampling methods Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, department of bioinformatics, 2006 Alexander Riemer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive FEM solver for the computation of electromagnetic eigenmodes in 3D photonic crystal structures Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, pp. 169-175, 2006 Sven Burger, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptivity in Space and Time for Reaction-Diffusion Systems in Electrocardiology SIAM J. Sc. Comp., Vol.28, pp. 942-962, 2006 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-30) Piero Colli Franzone, Peter Deuflhard, Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Luca Franco Pavarino PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced FEM Analysis of Nano-Optical Devices Nanophotonics, David L. Andrews, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Andreas Ostendorf (Eds.), pp. 72-82, Vol.6195, 2006 Sven Burger, Achim Schädle, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced FEM Analysis of Nano-Optical Devices Proc. Symposium on Photonics Technologies for the 7th Framework Programme, 2006 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Achim Schädle, Roland Klose, Benjamin Kettner, Jan Pomplun, T. Pollok, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced Finite Element Method for Nano-Resonators Proc. SPIE, p. 611515, Vol.6115, 2006 Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Benjamin Kettner, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Indicator for the Number of Clusters From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Myra Spiliopoulou, Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Andreas Nürnberger, Wolfgang Gaul (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 103-110, 2006 Marcus Weber, Wasinee Rungsarityotin, Alexander Schliep BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Comparison of MR-thermography and planning calculations in phantoms Medical Physics, Vol.33, pp. 3912-3920, 2006 Johanna Gellermann, Mirko Weihrauch, C. Cho, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Horst Fähling, Roland Felix, Volker Budach, Martin Weiser, Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Die medio-laterale Kraftverteilung im Schafsknie Deutscher Kongress für Orthpädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, 2006 William R. Taylor, Christian König, A. Speirs, Rainald Ehrig, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient 3D Finite Element Simulation of Fiber-Chip Coupling Integrated Photonics Research and Applications/Nanophotonics, p. ITuF1, 2006 Lin Zschiedrich, Reinhard März, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient optimization of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber design using the finite-element method J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid, Vol.1, p. 06011, 2006 Ronald Holzlöhner, Sven Burger, P. Roberts, Jan Pomplun BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Ein Algorithmus zur prismatoidalen Diskretisierung von unbeschränkten Außenräumen in 2D und 3D unter Einhaltung von Nebenbedingungen Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2006 Benjamin Kettner BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Existence and Computation of Optimally Localized Coherent States Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.47, p. 123503, 2006 M. Holschneider, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast and oblivious convolution quadrature SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 28(2), pp. 421-438, 2006 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-09) Achim Schädle, María López-Fernández, Christian Lubich PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Frames, Sparsity, and Nonlinear InverseProblems Oberwolfach Reports, 2006 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Mathematics in Facial Surgery AMS Notices, 53(9), pp. 1012-1016, 2006 Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Meshless Methods in Confirmation Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard, M. Dellnitz (Advisors), 2006 Marcus Weber PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Meshless Methods in Conformation Dynamics Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, department of mathematics, 2006 Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Micro-optically assisted high index waveguide coupling Appl. Opt., Vol.45, pp. 1831-1838, 2006 D. Michaelis, Christoph Wächter, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Andreas Bräuer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms Springer, 2006 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Observation of magnetization waves in negative-index photonic metamaterials Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.89, p. 231118, 2006 G. Dolling, M. Wegener, Achim Schädle, Sven Burger, S. Linden BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Photonic metamaterials: Magnetism at Optical Frequencies IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12(6), pp. 1097-1105, 2006 S. Linden, Christian Enkrich, G. Dolling, M. Klein, J. Zhou, T. Koschny, C. Soukoulis, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, M. Wegener BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Pump and probe analysis of metal cluster dynamics Computational Materials Science, 35(3), pp. 169-173, 2006 Karsten Andrae, P. Dinh, P.-G. Reinhard, E. Suraud BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous FEM-Simulation of EUV-Masks: Influence of shape and material parameters Photomask Technology, P. Martin, R. Naber (Eds.), p. 63493D, Vol.6349, 2006 Jan Pomplun, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Scholze BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous FEM-Simulation of Maxwell’s Equations for EUV-Lithography Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, 2006 Jan Pomplun BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Rigorous Simulation of 3D Masks Photomask Technology, P. Martin, R. Naber (Eds.), p. 63494Z, Vol.6349, 2006 Sven Burger, Roderick Köhle, Lin Zschiedrich, H. Nguyen, Frank Schmidt, Reinhard März, Christoph Nölscher BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
SQP methods for parameter identification problems arising in hyperthermia Optim. Methods Softw., 21(6), pp. 869-887, 2006 Tobias Gänzler, S. Volkwein, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Selection and flexible optimization of binding modes from conformation ensembles. Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, department of bioinformatics, 2006 A. Gürler BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Control Reduced Interior Point Method. A Function Space Oriented Algorithmic Approach Doctoral thesis, FU Berlin, 2006 Anton Schiela BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Symmetrical Axis of Rotation Approach (SARA) for Determination of Joint Axes in Clinical Gait Analysis 1st Joint ESMAC-GCMAS Meeting, Amsterdam, 2006 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Uncertainty Principle Associated with the Continuous Shearlet Transform to appear, 2006 S. Dahlke, Gitta Kutyniok, Peter Maass, C. Sagiv, H.-G. Stark, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The determination of joint axes 5. World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Journal of Biomechanics, pp. S571-S572, 2006 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The medio-lateral force distribution in the sheep knee during walking 5. World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Journal of Biomechanics, p. S491, 2006 William R. Taylor, Christian König, A. Speirs, Rainald Ehrig, G. Duda, Markus O. Heller BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The virtual lab approach to pharmacokinetic Drug Discov Today, Vol.11, pp. 800-805, 2006 Wilhelm Huisinga, R. Telgmann, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tibio-femoral Joint Contact Forces in Sheep Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 791-798, 2006 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, H. Schell, P. Seebeck, G. Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Wavelet Frame Accelerated Reduced Support Vector Machine to appaer in:, 2006 M. Rätsch, S. Romdhani, G. Teschke, T. Vetter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Novel Method to Model Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics Polymer-Plastics Tech. Eng., 44(4), pp. 707-740, 2005 X. Reynhout, J. Meuldijk, B. Drinkenburg, P. Iedema, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A multilevel method for the computation of eigenmodes in 3D photonic crystals Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, pp. 61-62, 2005 Roland Klose, Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced Radar Wind Profiling Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 5(14), pp. 609-626, 2005 A. Muschinski, V. Lehmann, L. Justen, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analysis und Numerik der Resonanzen des Schrödinger-Operators in 1D Master's thesis, U Hamburg, 2005 I. Sim BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Animal Models for Knee Injury Frequently Underestimate the Mechanical Conditions of the Clinical Situation Proceedings of the 51th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2005 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, H. Schell, P. Seebeck, G. Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Asymptotic Mesh Independence of Newton’s Method Revisited SIAM J. Num. Anal., 42(5), pp. 1830-1845, 2005 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 03-13) Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Benchmark of FEM, Waveguide and FDTD Algorithms for Rigorous Mask Simulation Photomask Technology, J. Weed, P. Martin (Eds.), pp. 378-389, Vol.5992, 2005 Sven Burger, Roderick Köhle, Lin Zschiedrich, W. Gao, Frank Schmidt, Reinhard März, Christoph Nölscher BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Consideration of Bone Inhomogeneity and Anisotropy in Deformation Analysis of a Human Mandible Proc. of BMT2005, 39th Annual Congress of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering, Nuremberg, Germany, U. Boenick, A. Bolz (Eds.), pp. 814-815, Vol.1, 2005 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Christian Hellmich, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Construction of Generalized Uncertainty Principles and Wavelets in Bessel Potential Spaces International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 3(2), pp. 189-209, 2005 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Detailed Molecular Structure Modeling – A Path Forward to Designing Application Properties of ldPE Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Vol.290, p. 404, 2005 Christian-Ulrich Schmidt, Markus Busch, Dieter Lilge, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Domain decomposition method for electromagnetic scattering problems: application to EUV lithography Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic devices, pp. 55-56, 2005 Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
FEM modelling of 3D photonic crystals and photonic crystal waveguides Integrated Optics : Devices, Materials and Technologies IX, Y. Sidorin, Christoph Wächter (Eds.), pp. 164-173, Vol.5728, 2005 Sven Burger, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast Runge-Kutta approximation of inhomogeneous parabolic equations Numer. Math., Vol.102, pp. 277-291, 2005 (preprint available as ) Maria López-Fernández, Christian Lubich, Cesar Palencia, Achim Schädle BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Finite element methods for optical device design Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic devices, pp. 57-58, 2005 Frank Schmidt, Sven Burger, Achim Schädle, Roland Klose BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Generalized Coorbit Theory, Banach Frames, and the Relations to α–Modulation Spaces under review, 2005 S. Dahlke, M. Fornasier, H. Rauhut, G. Steidl, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
How does the periodontal ligament influence overall stress/strain profiles of a partially edentulous mandible? Proc. of 8th Int. Conference on Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Movement, Phuket, Thailand, Z. Davidovitch, J. Mah, S. Suthanarak (Eds.), 2005 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Christian Hellmich, M. Geiger, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Interior point methods in function space SIAM J. Control Optimization, 44(5), pp. 1766-1786, 2005 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 03-35) Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
JCMmode: an adaptive finite element solver for the computation of leaky modes Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies IX, Y. Sidorin, Christoph Wächter (Eds.), pp. 192-202, Vol.5728, 2005 Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Konstruktion transparenter Randbedingungen für die Wellengleichung mit Hilfe der Polbedingung Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2005 Daniel Ruprecht BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Magnetic metamaterials at telecommunication and visible frequencies Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.95, p. 203901, 2005 Christian Enkrich, M. Wegener, S. Linden, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, C. Zhou, T. Koschny, C. Soukoulis BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multi-Frames in Thresholding Iterations for Nonlinear Operator Equations with Mixed Sparsity Constraints DFG-SPP-1114 preprint 131, 2005 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Muskuloskeletale Belastungen im Schafshinterlauf Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, pp. 775-780, 2005 Markus O. Heller, Georg Duda, Rainald Ehrig, H. Schell, P. Seebeck, William R. Taylor BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Investigation of Light Scattering off Split-Ring Resonators Metamaterials, T. Szoplik, E. Özbay, C. Soukoulis, N. Zheludev (Eds.), pp. 18-26, Vol.5955, 2005 Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Roland Klose, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt, Christian Enkrich, S. Linden, M. Wegener, C. Soukoulis BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Berechnung von modifizierten Blochmoden in der Bandlücke periodischer Strukturen Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, 2005 Ch. Marwitz BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Influence of Soft Tissue Coverage in the Determination of Bone Kinematics using Bone Markers Journal of Orthopedic Research, pp. 726-734, 2005 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, H. Schell, P. Klein, G. Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Operator Equations, Mixed Constraints, Frame Based Iterative Concepts and Application Habilitation thesis, Bremen, 2005 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optical microscopy using the spectral modifications of a nano-antenna Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.95, p. 200801, 2005 T. Kalkbrenner, U. Hakanson, Achim Schädle, Sven Burger, C. Henkel, V. Sandoghdar BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Overcomplete Wavelet Approximation of a Support Vector Machine for Efficient Classification Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 351ff, 2005 M. Rätsch, S. Romdhani, G. Teschke, T. Vetter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Robust Perron Cluster Analysis for Various Applications in Computational Life Science Computational Life Sciences, pp. 57-66, 2005 Marcus Weber, Susanna Kube BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Robust Perron Cluster Analysis in Conformation Dynamics Lin. Alg. Appl. – Special Issue on Matrices and Mathematical Biology, Elsevier Journals: Germany, pp. 161-184, 2005 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation von Wachstum und Abtrag der Biomasse – Eine exemplarische Betrachtung für eine 2D-Modellierung Chem. Ing. Technik, 77(4), pp. 418-424, 2005 H. Horn, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Soft Tissue Prediction in Computer Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery Planning Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery, Y. Payan (Ed.), Research Signpost, pp. 277-298, 2005 Stefan Zachow, Martin Weiser, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Influence of the Periodontal Ligament on Overall Stress/Strain Profiles of a Human Mandible Proc. of 23rd CADFEM Users’ Meeting, Int. Congress on FEM Technology, Biomechanics, Grafing CADFEM GmbH (Ed.), pp. 1-10, 2005 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Christian Hellmich, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Profile of Mechanical Loading is Independent of Fracture Fixation Principle Proceedings of the 51th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2005 William R. Taylor, J.-P. Kassi, J. Schwarzkopf, Rainald Ehrig, H. Schell, G. Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Tikhonov Replacement Functionals for Iteratively Solving Nonlinear Operator Equations InverseProblems, Vol.21, pp. 1571-1592, 2005 R. Ramlau, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Validation of a New Model of Human Knee Kinematics against in Vivo Data under Physiologic Neuromuscular Activation Patterns Proceedings of the 51th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2005 Markus O. Heller, G. Duda, Christian König, William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, S. Hinterwimmer, H. Graichen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Variational image restoration by means of wavelets Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 19(1), pp. 1-16, 2005 I. Daubechies, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A 3d statistical shape model of the pelvic bone for segmentation Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2004, J. Fitzpatrick, Milan Sonka (Eds.), pp. 1341-1351, Vol.5370, 2004 Hans Lamecker, Martin Seebaß, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Wavelet Based Numerical Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations IKM Proceedings, 2004 P. Cerejeiras, S. Dahlke, M. Soares, U. Kaehler, M. Lindemann, G. Teschke, M. Zhariy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Wavelet Regularization for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Technical Report 04-12, ISSN 1435-7968, 2004 M. Soares, G. Teschke, M. Zhariy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Wavelet-Galerkin Scheme for Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in preparation, 2004 P. Cerejeiras, S. Dahlke, M. Soares, U. Kaehler, M. Lindemann, G. Teschke, M. Zhariy BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A contour based approach for invariant shape description SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, pp. 1282-1291, Vol.5370, 2004 Evgeny Gladilin BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A partial differential equation for continuous non-linear shrinkage filtering and its application for analyzing MMG data Proc. SPIE Vol. 5266, p. 84-93, Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing; Frederic Truchetet; Ed., 2004 Kristian Bredies, Dirk A. Lorenz, Peter Maass, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A quantitative evaluation of 3D soft tissue prediction in maxillofacial surgery planning Proc. 3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboter-assistierte Chirurgie e.V., 2004 Stefan Zachow, Thomas Hierl, Bodo Erdmann PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of the Human Mandible Using a New Physiological Model of the Masticatory Muscles Proc. of 75th Annual Meeting of the GAMM, pp. 332-333, 4(1), PAMM, 2004 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-16) C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Aerosolbildung in Gas/Flüssigkeits-Kontaktapparaten - Modellierungsstrategien und Simulation Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 76(9), pp. 1358-1359, 2004 Karlheinz Schaber, Oliver Ofenloch, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Anisotropic Simulation of the Human Mandible Proc. of 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, 2004 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-12) C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Christian Hellmich, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Can Skin Markers Determine the Kinematics of Underlying Bones? Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Society, 2004 William R. Taylor, Rainald Ehrig, Markus O. Heller, H. Schell, G. Duda BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Coorbit Spaces and Banach Frames on Homogeneous Spaces with Applications to Analyzing Functions on Spheres Adv. Comput.Math., 1-2(21), pp. 147-180, 2004 S. Dahlke, G. Steidl, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Crossed Beam Pump and Probe Dynamics in Metal Clusters Phys. Rev. Lett., 92(17), p. 173402, 2004 Karsten Andrae, P.-G. Reinhard, E. Suraud BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient Finite Element Methods for the Design of Microoptical Components Proc. Microoptics Conf. 2004, 2004 Sven Burger, Roland Klose, Reinhard März, Achim Schädle, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Function space interior point methods for PDE constrained optimization PAMM, 4(1), pp. 43-46, 2004 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 04-27) Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
High-contrast planar photonic crystals Nanophotonics for Communication, M. Lipson (Ed.), pp. 68-81, Vol.5597, 2004 Reinhard März, Sven Burger, A. Forchel, H. Heidrich, O. Hess, D. Michaelis, K. Wandel, R. Wehrspohn BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Implementing the Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Process in Predici. Journal of Polymer Science, Vol.42, p. 1441, 2004 Michael Wulkow, Markus Busch, Thomas P. Davis, Christopher Barner-Kowollik BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Interpolating Scaling Functions with Duals Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 1(6), pp. 19-29, 2004 S. Dahlke, Peter Maass, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Conformation Dynamics and Computational Drug Design Applied Mathematics Entering the 21st Century, James Hill, Ross Moore (Eds.), pp. 91-119, proceedings in Applied Mathematics, 2004 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multiscale Analysis for the Bio-Heat-Transfer Equation - The Nonisolated Case Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M$^3$AS), 14(11), pp. 1621-1634, 2004 Reinhard Hochmuth, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Multiscale analysis of thermoregulation in the human microvascular system Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 27(8), pp. 971-989, 2004 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 02-31) Peter Deuflhard, Reinhard Hochmuth PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems. Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms Springer, 2004 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimality Conditions for a Constrained Parameter Identification Problem in Hyperthermia 2004 S. Volkwein, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Planar High Index-Contrast Photonic Crystals for Telecom Applications Photonic Crystals - Advances in Design, Fabrication and Characterization, Wiley-VCH, pp. 308-329, 2004 Reinhard März, Sven Burger, S. Golka, A. Forchel, Christian Herrmann, C. Jamois, D. Michaelis, K. Wandel BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Pole Condition: A new Approach to Solve Scattering Problems Oberwolfach Report, 1(1), pp. 615-617, 2004 Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of Reflectivity Densities in a Narrowband Regime IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 52(6), pp. 1603-1606, 2004 S. Dahlke, Peter Maass, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Regularization of Sobolev Embedding Operators and Applications Part I Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 3(2), pp. 175-196, 2004 R. Ramlau, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Regularization of Sobolev Embedding Operators and Applications Part II Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 3(3), pp. 225-246, 2004 R. Ramlau, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sensitivity analysis of linearly-implicit differential-algebraic systems by one-step extrapolation Applied Numerical Mathematics, pp. 83-102, 2004 (preprint available as ) Martin Schlegel, Wolfgang Marquardt, Rainald Ehrig, Ulrich Nowak BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Sensitivity of the Temporomandibular Joint Capsule for the Structural Behaviour of the Human Mandible Proc. BMT 2004, pp. 372-373, Vol.49-2, Biomedizinische Technik, 2004 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Visualization of the variability of 3D statistical shape models by animation Proc. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, J. Westwood (Ed.), pp. 190-196, Vol.98, Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics, 2004 Hans Lamecker, Martin Seebass, Thomas Lange, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Wavelet-based methods for clutter removal from radar wind profiler data Proc. SPIE Vol. 5266, p. 157-168, Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing; Frederic Truchetet; Ed., 2004 L. Justen, G. Teschke, V. Lehmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Wavelet–based image decomposition by variational functionals Proc. SPIE Vol. 5266, p. 94-105, Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing; Frederic Truchetet; Ed., 2004 I. Daubechies, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Weighted Coorbit Spaces and Banach Frames on Homogeneous Spaces Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 5(10), pp. 507-539, 2004 S. Dahlke, G. Steidl, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Wie sind Osteosynthesesysteme und Defektzonen in vivo belastet? 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie in Verbindung mit dem Deutschen Orthopädenkongress, 2004 J.-P. Kassi, William R. Taylor, J. Schwarzkopf, H. Schell, G. Duda, Rainald Ehrig BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
bookreview Annual Report DMV, Vol.106, p. 43, 2004 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A 3-D Tensor FDTD-Formulation for Treatment of Sloped Interfaces in Electrically Inhomogeneous Media IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 51(8), pp. 1760-1770, 2003 Johanna Nadobny, Dennis Sullivan, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Peter Deuflhard, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Comparison of Related Concepts in Computational Chemistry and Mathematics Chemisty and Mathematics, pp. 51-66, 2003 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 02-46) Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Thin-Rod Approximation for the Improved Modeling of Bare and Insulated Cylindrical Antennas Using the FDTD Method IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 51(8), pp. 1780-1796, 2003 Johanna Nadobny, R. Pontalti, Dennis Sullivan, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, A. Vaccari, Peter Deuflhard, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A fast and efficient Finite-Element Solver for 2D and 3D Photonic Band-Gap Problems Dig. LEOS/IEEE 2003 Summer Topicals, p. 75, 2003 Sven Burger, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A water quality management tool for river basins Wat. Sci. Techn., 48(10), pp. 47-53, 2003 H. Reuter, G. Krause, Michael Wulkow, A. Mönig, H. Horn BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Multigrid Methods for the Vectorial Maxwell Eigenvalue Problem for Optical Waveguide Design Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future, Springer, pp. 270-292, 2003 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt, T. Friese, Lin Zschiedrich, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Individual Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Material Description of the Human Mandible Mathematical Modelling and Computing in Biology and Medicine, Vincenzo Capasso (Ed.), pp. 103-109, 2003 C. Kober, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Applications of Wavelet Methods to the Analysis of Meteorological Radar Data - An Overview (invited paper) Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 28(1C), pp. 3-44, 2003 S. Dahlke, V. Lehmann, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Belastungssimulation beim menschlichen Biss im Vergleich mit der Dichtestruktur im Unterkieferknochen Biomedizinische Technik, 48(Ergänzungsband 1), pp. 268-269, 2003 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Biomechanical Modeling of Soft Tissue and Facial Expressions for Craniofacial Surgery Planning Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 2003 Evgeny Gladilin BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Clinical Use of the Hyperthermia Treatment Planning System Hyperplan to Predict Effectiveness and Toxicity Int. J. Oncology Biol. Phys., 55(2), pp. 407-419, 2003 G. Sreenivasa, Johanna Gellermann, Johanna Nadobny, P. Schlag, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effiziente und zuverlässige Finite-Elemente-Methoden zur Simulation des menschlichen Unterkiefers Berichte des IZWR - Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Walter Alt, Martin Hermann (Eds.), Universität Jena: Germany, pp. 49-57, 2003 Jens Lang, Bodo Erdmann, Cornelia Kober, Peter Deuflhard, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Ein neues Verfahren zur Lösung des Streuproblems der Maxwell-Gleichungen Master's thesis, 2003 Mohammad-Hassan Farshbaf-Shaker PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
From Molecular Dynamics to Conformational Dynamics in Drug Design Trends in Nonlinear Analysis, Markus et al. Kirkilionis (Ed.), Springer Verlag Berlin, pp. 269-288, 2003 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 02-20) Peter Deuflhard PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modellierung differenzierter mikrostruktureller Eigenschaften Chem. Ing. Tech., Vol.75, p. 1027, 2003 Markus Busch, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Non-reflecting boundary conditions for Maxwell’s equations Computing, 71(3), 2003 Ralf Hiptmair, Achim Schädle BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical analysis in modern scientific computing. An introduction. 2nd revised ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2003 Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the thermoregulation in the human microvascular system PAMM, Vol.3, pp. 378-379, 2003 Reinhard Hochmuth, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Reconstruction of Wideband Reflectivity Densities by Wavelet Transforms Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2-4(18), pp. 189-209, 2003 S. Dahlke, Peter Maass, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of the Human Mandible Proceedings of 10th Workshop on The Finite Element Method in Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics and Related Fields, 2003 C. Kober, Bodo Erdmann, Robert Sader, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving Time-Harmonic Scattering Problems Based on the Pole Condition I: Theory SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35(1), pp. 183-210, 2003 Thorsten Hohage, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solving Time-Harmonic Scattering Problems Based on the Pole Condition II: Convergence of the PML Method SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35(3), pp. 547-560, 2003 Thorsten Hohage, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The use of Simulation Techniques in Developing Kinetic Models for Polymerizations Chem. Eng. Technol., Vol.26, p. 1031, 2003 Markus Busch, M. Müller, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Subspace Cascadic Multigrid Method for Mortar Elements Computing, Vol.69, pp. 205-225, 2002 (preprint available as ) Dietrich Braess, Peter Deuflhard, Konstantin Lipnikov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new method for the solution of scattering problems Proceedings of the JEE’02 Symposium, Bas Michielsen, Francine Decavèle (Eds.), pp. 251-256, 2002 (preprint available as ) Thorsten Hohage, Frank Schmidt, Lin Zschiedrich BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A nonlinear elastic soft tissue model for craniofacial surgery simulations ESAIM, Proc., Vol.12, pp. 61-66, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A nonlinear soft tissue model for craniofacial surgery simulations Proc. of Modeling and Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery (MS4CMS, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Multilevel Cluster Analysis by Self-Organizing Box Maps Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 2002 Tobias Galliat PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Aerosol Formation in Gas-Liquid Contact Devices- Nucleation, Growth and Particle Dynamics Chem.Eng.Sci., Vol.57, pp. 4345-4356, 2002 Karlheinz Schaber, Jens Koerber, O. Ofenloch, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Affine Invariant Convergence Analysis for Inexact Augmented Lagrangian SQP Methods SIAM J. Control Optim., 41(3), pp. 875-899, 2002 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 00-56) S. Volkwein, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Automatic Identification of Metastable Conformations via Self-Organized Neural Networks Computational Methods for Macromolecules, T. Schlick, H. Gan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2002 (preprint available as ) Tobias Galliat, Peter Deuflhard, Rainer Roitzsch, Frank Cordes BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Biomechanical modeling of individual facial emotion expressions Proc. of Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP), pp. 7-11, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Biomechanisches Modell zur Abschätzung der individuellen Gesichtsmimik Proc.of Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM), M. Meiler, D. Saupe, F. Krugel, H. Handels, T. Lehmann (Eds.), pp. 25-28, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Efficient and Reliable Finite Element Methods for Simulation of the Human Mandible proceedings of 9th Workshop on The Finite Element Method in Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics and Related Fields, 2002 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 01-14) Bodo Erdmann, C. Kober, Jens Lang, Peter Deuflhard, J. Zeilhofer, Robert Sader PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Experimental and numerical investigation of feed-point parameters in a 3-D hyperthermia applicator using different FDTD models of feed networks IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 49(11), pp. 1348-1359, 2002 Johanna Nadobny, Horst Fähling, M. Hagmann, P. Turner, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Johanna Gellermann, Peter Deuflhard, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Extraction and Analysis of Structural Features in Cloud Radar and Lidar Data Using Wavelet Based Methods Proceedings of ERAD, 2002 G. Teschke, M. Zhariy, Peter Maass, K. Sassen BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hierarchical Uncoupling-Coupling of Metastable Conformations Computational Methods for Macromolecules, T. Schlick, H. Gan (Eds.), pp. 235-259, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2002 (preprint available as ) Alexander Fischer, Christof Schütte, Peter Deuflhard, Frank Cordes BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear convergence of an interior point method for linear control constrained optimal control problems ZIB-Report 02-13 Martin Weiser PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling and Simulation of Aerosol Formation by Heterogeneous Nucleation in Gas-Liquid Contact Devices Chem.Eng.Sci., 57(7), pp. 1151-1163, 2002 (preprint available as ) Rainald Ehrig, O. Ofenloch, Karlheinz Schaber, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical analysis and scientific computing in key technologies pp. 9-19, 2002 Peter Deuflhard, Volker Mehrmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik. I de Gruyter Lehrbuch. Berlin: de Gruyter, 3, 2002 Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik. II de Gruyter Lehrbuch. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2, 2002 Peter Deuflhard, Folkmar A. Bornemann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Scientific computing with ordinary differential equations. Transl. from the German by Werner C. Rheinboldt New York, NY: Springer, 2002 Peter Deuflhard, Folkmar A. Bornemann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Solution of Interior-Exterior Helmholtz-Type Problems Based on the Pole Condition Concept Doctoral thesis, Free University Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2002 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Comparison of Transparent Boundary Conditions for the Fresnel Equation J. Comput. Phys., 168(2), pp. 433-444, 2001 (preprint available as ) David Yevick, T. Friese, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Antenna arrays in the SIGMA-eye applicator Med Phys, 28(8), pp. 1793-1805, 2001 Peter Wust, Horst Fahling, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Martin Seebass, Johanna Gellermann, Peter Deuflhard, Johanna Nadobny BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Collectivity in the optical response. of small metal clusters Applied Physics B, 73(4), pp. 293-297, 2001 S. Kümmel, Karsten Andrae, P.-G. Reinhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Continuous Wavelet Methods in Signal Processing Invited paper in, W. Osten (Ed.), 2001 Peter Maass, M. Ende, D. Kayser, W. Osten, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Design of Polymer Processes Using the Coupling of Commercial Simulation Packages Polymers Plus and PREDICI DECHEMA Monographs, Vol.137, pp. 237-245, 2001 K.-D. Hungenberg, C.-C. Chen, F. Zhang, Michael Wulkow, G. Stubbe, U. Nieken BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of Crystallization Processes using PARSIVAL Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol.56, pp. 2575-2588, 2001 Michael Wulkow, A. Gerstlauer, U. Nieken BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling the Structure and Function of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Biofilms with new Numerical Techniques Wat. Sci. Techn., 43(´6), pp. 121-127, 2001 H. Horn, T. Neu, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Different Antenna Types for Deep Body Hyperthermia Proc. 2001 URSI International Symposium on electromagnetic Theory, M. Stuchly, D. Shannon (Eds.), pp. 473-475, 2001 Johanna Nadobny, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Peter Deuflhard, Gerhard Mönich, Peter Wust BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transfer operator approach to conformational dynamics in biomolecular systems Ergodic theory, analysis, and efficient simulation of dynamical systems, Bernold Fiedler (Ed.), Berlin: Springer, pp. 191-223, 2001 (preprint available as ) Christof Schütte, Wilhelm Huisinga, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent Boundary Conditions for Split-Step Padé Approximations of the One-Way Helmholtz equation J. Comp. Phys, Vol.170, pp. 696-719, 2001 Frank Schmidt, T. Friese, David Yevick BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Two dimensional simulation of mass transport and nitrification in the river Rhine Eng. Life Sci., 1(4), pp. 145-149, 2001 L. Teichmann, U. Liebelt, P. Reuschenbach, Michael Wulkow, H. Horn BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Wavelet based methods for improved wind profiler signal processing Annales Geophysicae, pp. 825-836, 2001 V. Lehmann, G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Waveletkonstruktion über Unschärferelationen und Anwendungen in der Signalanalyse PhD thesis, Bremen, 2001 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A new nonlinear elliptic multilevel FEM in clinical cancer therapy planning Comput. Vis. Sci., Vol.3, pp. 115-120, 2000 Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser, Martin Seebass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Clinical evaluation and verification of the hyperthermia treatment planning system hyperplan Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 47(4), pp. 1145-1156, 2000 Johanna Gellermann, Peter Wust, Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebass, Johanna Nadobny, Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computational Mathematics Driven by Industrial Problems Rainer E. Burkard, Peter Deuflhard, A. Jameson, Gilbert Strang, J. Lions, Vincenzo Capasso, H. Engl, J. Periaux (Eds.), Springer, 2000 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Detection and Classification of Material Attributes - A Practical Application of Wavelet Analysis IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48(08), pp. 2432-2438, 2000 P. Maaß, G. Teschke, W. Willmann, G. Wollmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Differential Equations in Technology and Medicine. Computational Concepts, Adaptive Algorithms, and Virtual Labs Computational Mathematics Driven by Industrial Applications, Springer-Verlag, pp. 69-125, 2000 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discrete Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for the Helmholtz equation Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, A. Bermúdez, D. Gómez, C. Hazard, P. Joly, J. Roberts (Eds.), pp. 921-925, 2000 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Identification of Almost Invariant Aggregates in Reversible Nearly Uncoupled Markov Chains Lin. Alg. Appl., Vol.315, pp. 39-59, 2000 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Wilhelm Huisinga, Alexander Fischer, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling Molecular Weight and Degree of Branching Distribution of low density Polyethylene Macromolecules, Vol.33, pp. 7173-7184, 2000 P. Iedema, Michael Wulkow, H. Hoefsloot: BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Progress Towards a Combined MRI Hyperthermia System Proc. Second Int. Congress HIGH CARE 2000, Bochum, W. Grönemeyer (Ed.), 2000 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Self-Organizing Maps Combined with Eigenmode Analysis for Automated Cluster Identification Neural Computation, ICSC Academic Press, R. H. Bothe (Ed.), pp. 227-232, 2000 (preprint available as ) Tobias Galliat, Wilhelm Huisinga, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Transparent boundary conditions for a wide-angle approximation of the one-way Helmholtz equation J. Comput. Phys., 165(2), pp. 645-659, 2000 (preprint available as ) T. Friese, Frank Schmidt, David Yevick BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Treatment Planning and Simulation in Craniofacial Surgery with Virtual Reality Techiques Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol.28 (Suppl. 1), p. 82, 2000 Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Stefan Zachow, Jeffrey Fairley, Robert Sader, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Views, A new form of container adaptors C/C++ Users Journal, 18(4), pp. 40-51, 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-99-41) Gary Powell, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Comparsion Between BEM and FEM for Elastic Registration of Medical Images 1999 Evgeny Gladilin, W. Peckar, K. Rohr, H. Stiehl BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Direct Approach to Conformational Dynamics Based on Hybrid Monte Carlo J. Comput. Phys., Vol.151, pp. 146-168, 1999 (preprint available as ) Christof Schütte, Alexander Fischer, Wilhelm Huisinga, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Multigrid Method for the Complex Helmholtz Eigenvalue Problem Procs. Eleventh International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering (DD11), UK, Choi-Hong Lai, Petter E. Bjørstad, Mark Cross, Olof Widlund (Eds.), pp. 19-26, 1999 (preprint available as ) T. Friese, Peter Deuflhard, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Multilevel FEM as Decisive Tools in the Clinical Cancer Therapy Hyperthermia Procs. Eleventh International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Choi-Hong Lai, Petter E. Bjørstad, Mark Cross, Olof Widlund (Eds.), pp. 403-414, 1999 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Seebass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive multilevel methods for edge element discretizations of Maxwell’s equations Surv. Math. Ind., 8(3-4), pp. 271-312, 1999 (preprint available as ) Rudolf Beck, Peter Deuflhard, Ralf Hiptmair, Ronald H. W. Hoppe, Barbara Wohlmuth BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Advanced Extrapolation Methods for Large Scale Differential Algebraic Problems High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing, F. H.-J. Bungartz (Ed.), Springer Verlag, pp. 233-244, 1999 Rainald Ehrig, Ulrich Nowak, Lars Oeverdieck, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Commentary on Cornelius Lanczos’s Extended Boundary Value Problems Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries, W. Davis, M. Chu, P. Dolan, J. McConnell, L. Noris, E. Ortiz, R. Plemmons, D. Ridgeway, W. Stewart, J. York, Jr., W. Doggett, B. Gellai, A. Gsponer, C. Prioli (Eds.), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, pp. 3-650–3–653, 1999 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Commentary on Cornelius Lanczos’s Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Trigonometric Interpolation Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries, W. Davis, M. Chu, P. Dolan, J. McConnell, L. Noris, E. Ortiz, R. Plemmons, D. Ridgeway, W. Stewart, J. York, Jr., W. Doggett, B. Gellai, A. Gsponer, C. Prioli (Eds.), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, pp. 3-667–3–669, 1999 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol.4, Peter Deuflhard, J. Hermans, Benedict Leimkuhler, A. Mark, Sebastian Reich, B. Skeel (Eds.), Springer, 1999 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Construction of Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for Schrödinger-Type equations Surv. Math. Ind., Vol.9, pp. 87-100, 1999 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Influence of patient models and numerical methods on predicted power deposition patterns Int. J. Hyperthermia, 15(6), pp. 519-540, 1999 Peter Wust, Johanna Nadobny, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Johanna Gellermann, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modeling of Thermal Degradation of Polymers Proceedings of the Workshop Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II, Vol.1, 1999 Henning Bockhorn, Andreas Hornung, Ursel Hornung, Petra Jakobströer, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Simulation of Soot Particle Size Distributions with a Discrete Galerkin Method Proceedings of the Workshop Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II, Vol.2, 1999 Jörg Appel, Henning Bockhorn, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Systematic design of antennas for cylindrical 3D phased array hyperthermia applicator Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagat. Soc. Intern. Symposium, July 11-16, 1999, Orlando, FL, USA,, pp. 1004-1007, 1999 Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Gerhard Mönich, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Impact of a Nonlinear Heat Transfer Model for Temperature Control in Regional Hyperthermia IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49(9), pp. 1129-1138, 1999 Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Martin Seebass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A High Resolution Interpretation at Arbitrary Interfaces for the FDTD Method IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, pp. 1759-1766, 46(11), 1998 Johanna Nadobny, Dennis Sullivan, Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A convergence analysis of iterative methods for the solution of nonlinear ill-posed problems under affinely invariant conditions Inverse Probl., Vol.14, pp. 1081-1106, 1998 Peter Deuflhard, H. Engl, O. Scherzer BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation of Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for the 2D Helmholtz equation Optical and Quantum Electronics, 30(5,6), pp. 427-441, 1998 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computation of essential molecular dynamics by subdivision techniques Computational molecular dynamics, Peter Deuflhard (Ed.), Berlin: Springer., pp. 98-115, 1998 Peter Deuflhard, M. Dellnitz, Oliver Junge, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Domain decomposition with subdomain CCG for material jump elliptic problems East-West J. Numer. Math., 6(2), pp. 81-100, 1998 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Konstantin Lipnikov BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Eine Mehrgitter-Methode zur Lösung des Eigenwertproblems der komplexen Helmholtzgleichung Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Peter Deuflhard (Advisor), 1998 Tilmann Friese PDF
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for generation of patient models in radiofrequency hyperthermia Phys Med Biol, Vol.43, pp. 3295-3307, 1998 Peter Wust, Johanna Gellermann, Jürgen Beier, S. Wegner, Wolfgang Tilly, J. Troger, Detlev Stalling, H. Oswald, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast algorithms, fast computers: The Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB) Mathematics in Berlin, pp. 183-184, H. et al. Begehr (Ed.), Basel: Birkhäuser, 1998 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Global inexact Newton multilevel FEM for nonlinear elliptic problems Multigrid methods V. proceedings of the 5th European multigrid conference, held in Stuttgart, Germany, October 1–4, 1996., Wolfgang et al. Hackbusch (Ed.), pp. 71-89, Vol.3, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng., 1998 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hybrid Monte Carlo with Adaptive Temperature in Mixed–Canonical Ensemble: Efficient conformational analysis of RNA J. Comp. Chem., 19(15), pp. 1689-1697, 1998 Alexander Fischer, Frank Cordes, Christof Schütte BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Komplexwertige Wavelets und Phaseninformation, Anwendungen in der Signalverarbeitung Universität Potsdam: Potsdam, 1998 G. Teschke BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Massively Parallel Simulation in Chemical Engineering by Extrapolation Algorithms Procs. 16th International Workshop on Distributed Data Processing, Novosibirsk, Russia, V. Khoroshevsky (Ed.), pp. 1-6, 1998 Rainald Ehrig, Ulrich Nowak, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling and simulation of aerosol formation in absorption processes J. Aerosol Sci, Vol.29, pp. 579-580, 1998 Jens Koerber, Karlheinz Schaber, Rainald Ehrig, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Optimization of Temperature Distributions for Regional Hyperthermia based on a Nonlinear Heat Transfer Model Biotransport, K. Diller (Ed.), pp. 36-46, Vol.858, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1998 (preprint available as ) Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Martin Seebass BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation of Scattering and Reflection Problems via Solution of the 2D Helmholtz Equation Integrated Photonics Research, pp. 408-410, Vol.4, OSA Technical Digest Series, 1998 Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Quantitative Comparison between the VSIE and the FDTD method using Electrically Equivalent Patient and Antenna Models Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 145, 1997 Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Absolute Propagation Rate Coefficients in Radical Polymerization from Gel Permeation Chromatography of Polymers Produced by Intermittent Initiation Macromol. Theory Simul., Vol.6, 1997 K.-D. Hungenberg, K. Knoll, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Application to Hyperthermia Treatments CHT’97, G. de Vahl Davis, E. Leonardi (Eds.), pp. 103-110, 1997 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-97-44) Bodo Erdmann, Jens Lang, Martin Seebass PDF (ZIB-Report)
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Analytic Studies of Absorbing and Impedance-Matched Boundary Layers IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.9, pp. 73-75, 1997 David Yevick, J. Yu, Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for Schrödinger-Type Equations J. Comput. Phys., 134(1), pp. 96-107, 1997 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt, David Yevick BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for the Fresnel Equation Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics, pp. 222-225, 1997 Frank Schmidt, David Yevick BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Electromagnetic Field Calculations by Finite Elements Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 77, 1997 Rudolf Beck, Peter Deuflhard, Peter Wust, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
First Clinical Experiences with the Hyperthermia Planning System HyperPlan Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 79, 1997 Johanna Gellermann, Peter Wust, Detlev Stalling, Wolfgang Tilly, Johanna Nadobny, Martin Seebass, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix, Volker Budach BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Hyperthermia Treatment Planning in Clinical Cancer Therapy:Modelling, Simulation, and Visualization Computational Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Achim Sydow (Ed.), Vol.3, 1997 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Local inexact Newton multilevel FEM for nonlinear elliptic problems Computational science for the 21st century, M.-O. et al. Bristeau (Ed.), Chichester: John Wiley & Sons., pp. 129-138, 1997 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Weiser BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Molecular Parameters of Hyperbranched Polymers Made by Self-condensing Vinyl Polymerization, 1. Molecular weight distribution Macromolecules, Vol.30, p. 7015, 1997 A. Müller, D. Yan, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Algorithms and Visualization in Medical Treament Planning Visualization and Mathematics, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), pp. 303-328, 1997 (preprint available as ) Rudolf Beck, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Patient Models and Algorithms for Hyperthermia Planning Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 75, 1997 Peter Wust, Johanna Nadobny, Johanna Gellermann, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Volker Budach, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Surface Mesh Generation for Numerical Simulations of Hyperthermia Treatments Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 146, 1997 Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, M. Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
A Volume-Surface Integral Method for Solving Maxwell’s Equations in Electrically Inhomogeneous Media Using Tetrahedral Grids IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 44(4), pp. 543-554, 1996 Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive finite element codes for numerical calculations in hyperthermia treatment planning Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 515-517, Vol.2, 1996 Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An adaptive Galerkin method for the PDF transport equation of turbulent reactive flows Progress in Industrial Mathematics, Proc. 8th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI 94), H. Neunzert (Ed.), pp. 176-184, 1996 Jochen Fröhlich, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cascadic Multigrid Methods Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering, J. R. Glowinski, Olof Widlund (Eds.), pp. 205-212, 1996 Folkmar A. Bornemann, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Dynamic dimension reduction in ODE models Scientific computing in chemical engineering, Frerich et al. Keil (Ed.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 29-43, 1996 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Jörg Heroth BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Effiziente Eigenmodenberechnung für den Entwurf integriert-optischer Chips Mathematik - Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft, K.-H. et al. Hoffmann (Ed.), pp. 267-279, 1996 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, T. Friese, Frank Schmidt, Reinhard März, Hans-Peter Nolting BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Feature article - The Simulation of Molecular Weight Distributions in Polyreaction Kinetics by Discrete Galerkin Methods Macromol. Theory Simul., Vol.5, pp. 393-416, 1996 Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
HyperPlan - an integrated system for treatment planning in regional hyperthermia Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 552-554, Vol.2, 1996 Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebass, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modellierung von Einleitungen in kleine Fließgewässer gwf Wasser Abwasser, Vol.137, 1996 H. Horn, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
On the Reference Wave Vector of Paraxial Helmholtz Equations IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.14, pp. 2395-2400, 1996 Frank Schmidt, Reinhard März BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Recent Progress in Dynamical Process Simulation Progress in Industrial Mathematics, Proc. 8th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI 94), H. Neunzert (Ed.), pp. 122-137, 1996 Peter Deuflhard, Jens Lang, Ulrich Nowak BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation Studies for Combination of Hyperthermia and Magnetic Resonance Systems Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 549-551, Vol.2, 1996 Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Martin Seebass, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulation studies promote technological development of radiofrequency phased array hyperthermia Int J Hyperthermia, 12(4), pp. 477-494, 1996 Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Johanna Nadobny, Peter Deuflhard, Gerhard Mönich, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The cascadic multigrid method for elliptic problems Numer. Math., Vol.75, pp. 135-152, 1996 Folkmar A. Bornemann, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Mesh Generation for Numerical Simulations of Hyperthermia Treatments Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 547-548, Vol.2, 1996 Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards Dynamic Dimension Reduction in Reactive Flow Problems Proc. 3rd Workshop on Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems, 1996 Peter Deuflhard, Jörg Heroth, Ulrich Maas BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Computational Mathematics as Key Technology Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation (SAMS),Proc. IMACS Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation, Berlin, 26-30 June 1995, Achim Sydow (Ed.), pp. 19-26, Vol.18-19, 1995 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of Fresnel’s Equation. Comput. Math. Appl., Vol.29, pp. 53-76, 1995 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical analysis. A 1st course in scientific computation. Transl. from the German by F. A. Potra and F. Schulz de Gruyter Textbook. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1995 Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Simulationsverfahren für die Polymerchemie Mathematik in der Praxis. Fallstudien aus Industrie, Wirtschaft, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin, Achim et al. Bachem (Ed.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 117-136, 1995 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
The Use of the Volume-Surface Integral Equation Method (VSIE) for Antenna Problems Proc. COST 244 meeting on Reference Models for Bioelectromagnetic Test of Mobile Communication Systems, Roma, November 1994, D. Simunic (Ed.), pp. 67-74, 1995 Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Discrete Galerkin-Methods for Macromolecular Processes Advances in Computational Mathematics, H. Dikshit, C. Michelli (Eds.), pp. 59-72, 1994 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Jörg Ackermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive discrete Galerkin methods for macromolecular processes proceedings of the conference on advances in computational mathematics, held at New Delhi, India, January 5-9, 1993. Singapore, H. et al. Dikshit (Ed.), pp. 59-72, 1994 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Jörg Ackermann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Cascadic conjugate gradient methods for elliptic partial differential equations Domain decomposition methods in scientific and engineering computing, David et al. Keyes (Ed.), pp. 29-42, Vol.180, Contemp. Math., 1994 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions for Fresnel’s Equation Integrated Photonics Research, pp. 45-47, 1994 Frank Schmidt, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik. II De Gruyter Lehrbuch. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1994 Peter Deuflhard, Folkmar A. Bornemann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
OCCAL. A mixed symbolic-numeric optimal control calculator Computational optimal control, R. et al. Bulirsch (Ed.), pp. 269-278, Vol.115, Int. Ser. Numer. Math., 1994 (preprint available as ) R. Schöpf, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Phase-adaptive basis functions for a multilevel finite element solution of the paraxial wave equation Euro-Opto Series, D. G. C. Righini (Ed.), pp. 57-61, 1994 Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Adaptive Approach to the Numerical Solution of Fresnel’s Wave Equation. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 11(9), pp. 1425-1435, 1993 (preprint available as ) Frank Schmidt BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik I. Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einführung.(Numerical mathematics I. An algorithmically oriented introduction) de Gruyter Lehrbuch. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,, 2, 1993 Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Adaptive Multilevel Beam Propagation Method IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, Vol.4, pp. 1381-1383, 1992 Frank Schmidt, Hans-Peter Nolting BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
An Adaptive Approach to a Beam Propagation Method Integrated Photonics Research, pp. 302-303, 1992 Frank Schmidt, Hans-Peter Nolting BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Asymptotic Mesh Independence for Newton-Galerkin Methods via a Refined Mysovskii Theorem SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 29(5), pp. 1395-1412, 1992 Peter Deuflhard, Florian Potra BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Stochastic Versus Deterministic Numerical ODE Integration Proc. 1st Workshop on Stochastic Numerics, Berlin, E. Platen (Ed.), pp. 16-20, 1992 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Towards an Efficient Computational Treatment of Heterogeneous Polymer Reactions Computational Ordinary Differential Equations, S. Fatunla (Ed.), University Press, Nigeria, pp. 287-306, 1992 (preprint available as ) Michael Wulkow, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Global inexact Newton methods for very large scale nonlinear problems IMPACT Comput. Sci. Eng., Vol.3, pp. 366-393, 1991 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerische Mathematik I. Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einführung de Gruyter Lehrbuch,Berlin, 1991 Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Strategies for optimized application of annular-phased-array systems in clinical hyperthermia Int J Hyperthermia, Vol.7, pp. 157-173, 1991 Peter Wust, Johanna Nadobny, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard, Alfred Louis, W. John BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Fast secant methods for the iterative solution of large nonsymmetric linear systems IMPACT Comput. Sci. Eng., Vol.2, pp. 244-276, 1990 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, R. Freund, Artur Walter BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Recent Developments in Chemical Computing Computers in Chemical Engineering, Vol.14, pp. 1249-1258, 1990 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Ulrich Nowak, Michael Wulkow BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Uniqueness Theorems for Stiff ODE Initial Value Problems Numerical analysis 1989, proceedings 13th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis 1989,, D. Griffiths, G. Watson (Eds.), pp. 74-205, 1990 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical Treatment of Implicit Differential Equations and Differential Algebraic Systems ZAMM, 69(4), p. T32, 1989 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Large scale scientific computing. (proceedings of a Meeting on Large Scale Scientific Computing held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Insitute, Oberwolfach, FRG, July 14-19, 1985) Progress in Scientific Computing, Peter Deuflhard, B. Engquist (Eds.), Vol.7, 1987 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Numerical treatment of inverse problems in differential and integral equations. proceedings of an International Workshop, Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 30 - September 3, 1982 Progress in Scientific Computing, Peter Deuflhard, E. Hairer (Eds.), Vol.2, 1983 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems K. Ebert, Peter Deuflhard, Willi Jäger (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 1981 BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes
Linear and nonlinear least squares computing in view of control applications pp. 85-92, Sonderforschungsbereich 123, Stochastische Mathematische Modelle. Universität Heidelberg, 1980 Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes