Every year, the heureka Foundation for the Environment and Mobility awards prizes to outstanding diploma and master's theses that investigate mobility topics issues in connection with environmental aspects or the use of optimization methods. This year the three prizes went to:

1st prize: Robin Andre from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for his master’s thesis “Automatic calibration of microscopic travel demand models”

2nd prize: Berenike Masing from the Technical University of Berlin for her master’s thesis “Optimal Line Planning in the Parametric City”

3rd prize: Alena Fischer from the University of Kassel for her master’s thesis “Development of a GIS-based method for analyzing mobility justice”

Congratulations to all award winners!

Link to heureka Foundation: http://stiftung-heureka.de/2023/02/02/die-preistraeger-des-heureka-student-awards-2022-stehen-fest/