Accurate measurements of 3D geometry and texture of the human face play an important role in medical applications, affective computing or behavioral sciences. Besides resolution and accuracy, important requirements for large-scale assessment are reliability and ease of use of scanning devices and analysis software. This project aims to develop a flexible and extensible photogrammetric setup, called “Camera Facialis”, combined with an advanced processing pipeline for the reconstruction of highly detailed facial performances in dense correspondence. In fully-automatic fashion, the pipeline produces semantically annotated 3D face models ready for advanced morphological statistics as well as generation of statistical shape models.

Single-Shot 3D Face Capture

The current setup used for high-resolution scanning of 3D faces in Camera Facialis

The basis of Camera Facialis is a flexible and versatile passive multi digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera setup. Currently, eight DSLRs and two studio flashes are triggered synchronously to capture images of the facial surface at 36MP resolution per device. The software downloads the images to a processing unit where they are fed into the reconstruction pipeline. This allows for large-scale data acquisition necessary for intra- and individual facial morphology analysis. Using our setup, we have successfully captured more than 2000 faces.

3D surface and texture reconstruction of a face as obtained from our processing pipeline without the need for manual editing.

Fully-Automatic Processing Pipeline

To enable the large-scale reconstruction of 3D facial surfaces, we have developed a fully-automatic processing pipeline. Domain specific knowledge about appearance and geometry of the human face is integrated into our algorithms to guarantee reliable data processing. Using standardized stereo-photogrammetric procedures in combination with robust geometric priors, we are able to reconstruct 3D surfaces in dense correspondence from conventional calibrated images.

Automated 3D surface and texture reconstruction from calibrated stereo images.

Measurement of Facial Motion Trajectories

The analysis and simulation of facial motion is of particular interest in perception research and facial surgery. Linear interpolation is commonly used to morph the facial surface between two static expressions but this neglects the complex and non-linear interaction of the facial tissue. We are enabling continuous measurements by development of a markerless tracking system for facial motion capture. Based on synchronized video devices integrated into Camera Facialis, the goal is to estimate trajectories that describe facial motion in combination with the highly detailed 3D surface scans.

Reconstructed 3D motion trajetories from a stereo image sequence captured in sync with the high-resolution DSLR camera images.


An Extended 3D Morphable Face Model with Applications in Experimental Psychology Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Stefan Zachow (Advisor), 2023 Martin Grewe BibTeX
Camera Facialis
The Open Virtual Mirror Framework for Enfacement Illusions - Enhancing the Sense of Agency With Avatars That Imitate Facial Expressions Behavior Research Methods, 2022 Carl Martin Grewe, Tuo Liu, Andrea Hildebrandt, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Camera Facialis
Development and Evaluation of Algorithms for 3D Facial Motion Estimation from Stereo Videos Master's thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Carl Martin Grewe (Advisor), 2017 Gabriel le Roux BibTeX
Camera Facialis
Estimating Human Face Reflectance from Single-Shot Multiview Data Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Carl Martin Grewe (Advisor), 2017 Martin Zänker BibTeX
Camera Facialis
Fully Automated and Highly Accurate Dense Correspondence for Facial Surfaces Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops, pp. 552-568, Vol.9914, 2016 Carl Martin Grewe, Stefan Zachow PDF
Camera Facialis
Multi-View Reconstruction based on Mesh Photo-Consistency Optimization Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Carl Martin Grewe, Stefan Zachow (Advisors), 2016 Sven-Kristofer Pilz BibTeX
Camera Facialis
3D Digital Morphology of Human Faces Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung. Marsilius-Sommerakademie Heidelberg, 14.-20. September, 2015 Carl Martin Grewe BibTeX
Camera Facialis
Computational Planning in Facial Surgery Facial Plastic Surgery, 31(5), pp. 446-462, 2015 Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Camera Facialis
Fast and Accurate Digital Morphometry of Facial Expressions Facial Plastic Surgery, 31(05), pp. 431-438, 2015 Carl Martin Grewe, Lisa Schreiber, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Camera Facialis