This research data contains softwares with different licenses. Please cite it with the url

The following permanent link points to ziped simulation data and ziped sample figures for the MATH+ project EF5-4 (linked here ).

The simulation data has been produced by N. Alexia Raharinirina and Marcus Weber at Zuse-Institut Berlin, Takustr. 7, D-14195 Berlin, Germany.

1) Correspondence Analysis Python Software has been designed to be suitable for users from any disciplines. Two correspondence analysis methods are provided: the Standard Correspondence Analysis (Methods/ and a Markov Chain Model Correspondence Analysis (Methods/

License: Open Source Apache-2.0
Correspondence Analysis Python Software (2.7.2021)
Correspondence Analysis Python Software (2.8.2021)
Sample Figures

A detailed description of the software can be found in the code repository linked here (Recommended! Repository version includes further software updates and resolved issues).

2) The Ancient Egyptian text dataset used in the software has been produced by Ralph Birk and uploaded here with his permission:

License: please contact Ralph Birk
Ancient Egyptian text data

All authors significantly contributed through discussion and sharing of idea.