The liberalization of the German gas market poses novel and difficult planning problems to transmission network operators. They are obliged by the Gas Grid Access Ordinance to offer as much freely allocable capacity as possible. Freely allocable capacities enable gas shippers (usually gas traders or bulk consumers) to feed in or withdraw gas at their entries and exits without having to care where the gas is withdrawn or fed in, respectively. This flexibility shall contribute to increasing competition and establishing an efficient gas market.

When offering transmission capacities, the transmission system operator has to ensure free allocability, which means that all gas flow situations that may result from exercising these capacities can be realized by the gas transmission network. This requirement can hardly be verified with existing simulation-based planning methods. The goal of this research cooperation is therefore to develop and implement optimization-based methods for checking realizability of gas flow situations. Moreover, we are also working on methods that provide cost-effective network expansion measures to increase freely allocable capacities.

At the heart of our methods is a mixed-integer nonconvex model describing the technical realizability of a gas flow situation. The pressure loss in a pipe is approximated by a quadratic equation, whereas the operation range of a compressor is modelled by a suitable polytope. The possible operation modes of compressor stations are described by binary variables. We developed a custom-tailored algorithm exploiting special properties of this model which can determine suitable controls for each gas flow situation or decide that no such controls exist.


A System to Evaluate Gas Network Capacities: Concepts and Implementation European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3), pp. 797-808, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-11) Benjamin Hiller, Thorsten Koch, Lars Schewe, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
A System to Evaluate Gas Network Capacities: Concepts and Implementation ZIB-Report 17-03 Benjamin Hiller, Thorsten Koch, Lars Schewe, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger PDF
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Valid inequalities for the topology optimization problem in gas network design OR Spectrum, 38(3), pp. 597-631, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-06) Jesco Humpola, Armin Fügenschuh, Thorsten Koch PDF (ZIB-Report)
PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
A primal heuristic for optimizing the topology of gas networks based on dual information EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 3(1), pp. 53-78, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-49) Jesco Humpola, Thomas Lehmann, Armin Fügenschuh PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Computational results for validation of nominations Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thomas Lehmann, Ralf Lenz, Antonio Morsi, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Claudia Stangl, Bernhard Willert BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Convex reformulations for solving a nonlinear network design problem Computational Optimization and Applications, 62(3), pp. 717-759, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-31) Jesco Humpola, Armin Fügenschuh PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Evaluating Gas Network Capacities SIAM, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-611973-68-6 Thorsten Koch, Benjamin Hiller, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
GasLib - A Library of Gas Network Instances Optimization Online, 2015 Jesco Humpola, Imke Joormann, Djamal Oucherif, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Robert Schwarz PDF
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Introduction Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 3-16, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Thorsten Koch, Marc Pfetsch, Jessica Rövekamp BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Mathematical optimization for evaluating gas network capacities Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 87-102, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Lars Schewe, Thorsten Koch, Alexander Martin, Marc Pfetsch BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung von Gastransportnetzwerken gwf - Gas+Energie, 156(11), pp. 880-885, 2015 Pia Domschke, Martin Groß, Falk M. Hante, Benjamin Hiller, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Methods for verifying booked capacities Evaluating gas network capacities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 291-315, 2015 Benjamin Hiller, Christine Hayn, Holger Heitsch, René Henrion, Hernan Leövey, Andris Möller, Werner Römisch BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Perspectives Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Christine Hayn, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Lars Schewe, Jonas Schweiger, Klaus Spreckelsen BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Regulatory rules for gas markets in Germany and other European countries Evaluating gas network capacities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 45-64, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-611973-68-6 Uwe Gotzes, Nina Heinecke, Benjamin Hiller, Jessica Rövekamp, Thorsten Koch BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
State-of-the-art in evaluating gas network capacities Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 65-84, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Dagmar Bargmann, Mirko Ebbers, Nina Heinecke, Thorsten Koch, Veronika Kühl, Antje Pelzer, Marc Pfetsch, Jessica Rövekamp, Klaus Spreckelsen BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Sufficient Pruning Conditions for MINLP in Gas Network Design ZIB-Report 15-04 (Appeared in: EURO Journal on Computational Optimization) Jesco Humpola PDF
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
The Specialized MINLP Approach Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, 2015, ISBN: 9781611973686 Jesco Humpola, Armin Fügenschuh, Benjamin Hiller, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Ralf Lenz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Gas Network Optimization by MINLP Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Martin Grötschel (Advisor), 2014 Jesco Humpola BibTeX
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Mathematical optimization for challenging network planning problems in unbundled liberalized gas markets Energy Systems, 5(3), pp. 449-473, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-13) Armin Fügenschuh, Björn Geißler, Ralf Gollmer, Christine Hayn, René Henrion, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Alexander Martin, Radoslava Mirkov, Antonio Morsi, Werner Römisch, Jessica Rövekamp, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Schultz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Claudia Stangl, Marc Steinbach, Bernhard Willert PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
The set of solutions to nomination validation in passive gas transportation networks with a generalized flow formula ZIB-Report 11-44 Jácint Szabó PDF
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Validation of Nominations in Gas Network Optimization: Models, Methods, and Solutions ZIB-Report 12-41 (Appeared in: Optimization Methods and Software 30 (2015) pp. 15-53) Marc Pfetsch, Armin Fügenschuh, Björn Geißler, Nina Geißler, Ralf Gollmer, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Alexander Martin, Antonio Morsi, Jessica Rövekamp, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Schultz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Claudia Stangl, Marc Steinbach, Stefan Vigerske, Bernhard Willert PDF
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Gas Network Topology Optimization for Upcoming Market Requirements International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), pp. 346-351, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-09) Armin Fügenschuh, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Jacint Szabo PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization
Optimierung Technischer Kapazitäten in Gasnetzen Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, pp. 105-114, VDI-Berichte 2157, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-56) Alexander Martin, Björn Geißler, Christine Heyn, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Antonio Morsi, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Schultz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Marc Steinbach, Bernhard Willert PDF (ZIB-Report)
ForNe - Research Cooperation Network Optimization