The Jugend forscht foundation runs more than 120 competitions every year to get young people excited about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology and to find and promote talent. Aleksander Pabis and Mohammad Ali Hassani from Eckener Gymasium Berlin won the state prize for the best interdisciplinary project in 2023 with their contribution “Cable cars in Berlin – an algorithm for public transport network extensions”. In 2024, the two improved and expanded their method further and now won a special prize from the Zuse Institute Berlin, which is working on closely related topics in the MobilityLab of the Research Campus MODAL. The method will be presented at a stand at the Long Night of Sciences on June 22, 2024 at ZIB and explained in a lecture. The photo shows the award winners visiting ZIB; from left to right you can see Ralf Borndörfer (Chair of the Research Campus MODAL), Aleksander Pabis, and Mohammad Ali Hassani.