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Adam Schienle wins GFFT Master Thesis Award

Adam Schienle wins GFFT Master Thesis Award
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G-RIPS Students Reunite to Present Their Work

G-RIPS Students Reunite to Present Their Work
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New release of the SCIP Optimization Suite, Version 4.0

New release of the SCIP Optimization Suite, Version 4.0
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On March 27th Scientific Reports published the article "Two-dimensional electronic spectra of the photosynthetic apparatus of green sulfur bacteria"

On March 27th Scientific Reports published the article "Two-dimensional electronic spectra of the photosynthetic apparatus of green sulfur bacteria"
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Science published the article "A nontoxic pain killer designed by modeling of pathological receptor conformations"

Science published the article "A nontoxic pain killer designed by modeling of pathological receptor conformations"
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Berlin, ausgerechnet

Berlin, ausgerechnet
Media Name: KayH20110429-IMG_5593.jpg

The company DoloPharm UG won the 3rd price of the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Wettbewerb 2017

The company DoloPharm UG won the 3rd price of the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Wettbewerb 2017
Media Name: IMG_20170303_180354-2.jpg

MIPLIB 2017 Workgroup meeting at ZIB

MIPLIB 2017 Workgroup meeting at ZIB
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Neues Internetportal des BMBF zur Förderinitiative „Forschungscampus“

Neues Internetportal des BMBF zur Förderinitiative „Forschungscampus“
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IBOSS kicks off

IBOSS kicks off
Media Name: IMGP5662.jpg

Jonas Schweiger successfully defends thesis at TU Berlin

Jonas Schweiger successfully defends thesis at TU Berlin
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MODAL in Japan

MODAL in Japan
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New Book on Sustainable Manufacturing in Open Access

New Book on Sustainable Manufacturing in Open Access
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How long does Santa Claus need to deliver all presents?

How long does Santa Claus need to deliver all presents?
Media Name: Thoma2016_bearb.jpg

Felix Thoma wins Award for 3rd Best Bachelor's Thesis at TU Berlin's Dies Mathematicus

Felix Thoma wins Award for 3rd Best Bachelor's Thesis at TU Berlin's Dies Mathematicus
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Milton van Dyke Award

Milton van Dyke Award
Media Name: MICCAI_M2CAI_Surgical Tool Detection Challenge_montage.jpg

Manish Sahu and Team received 2nd price at M2CAI Challenge on Surgical Tool Detection

Manish Sahu and Team received 2nd price at M2CAI Challenge on Surgical Tool Detection
Media Name: teaser.png

Moritz Ehlke received MedVis Award

Moritz Ehlke received MedVis Award
Media Name: IMG_20160831_103843_bearb.jpg

Alexander Tesch wins GOR Master Thesis Award

Alexander Tesch wins GOR Master Thesis Award
Media Name: DSC_0129_bearb.jpg

VOLAR group wins Best Paper Award at ATMOS 2016

VOLAR group wins Best Paper Award at ATMOS 2016