
Birth name
Marika Neumann


Projects as Head

Media Name: logo_stern.png

Routing Structures & Periodic Timetabling

Creating an optimal timetable and choosing optimal passenger routes are usually viewed as two separate tasks in traffic optimization: Timetables are built assuming fixed...

Routing Structures & Periodic Timetabling
Media Name: Changeover.jpg

Infrastructure design & passenger behaviour in public transport

This research is carried out in the framework of MATHEON supported by Einstein Foundation Berlin. The strategic planning process in public transport is usually divided... Infrastructure design & passenger behaviour in public transport

Projects as Member

Media Name: Logo_MOIN.png


"Mobility Inside" is an initiative on digital networking of public passenger transport. The goal is to enable planning, booking, and paying the entire travel chain...

Media Name: PotsdamNetz.png

Service Design in Public Transport

In this project we developed a novel theory of path connectivity that generalizes the Steiner tree problem to a hypergraph setting. Main results include a Menger...

Service Design in Public Transport
Media Name: netline.jpg

Airline Crew Scheduling

For decades techniques of the discrete optimization have found numerous applications in the planning process of an aviatian company. The personnel planning in the...

Airline Crew Scheduling