Berlin Masterplan Solarcity Research Award for Peter Tillmann: First price for the dissertation “Optimizing bifacial tandem solar cells for realistic operation conditions”.
Solar energy plays a central role in Berlin's energy transition, which is why this year's competition was aimed at students and doctoral candidates from Berlin universities. The prize was awarded to theses that have the potential to contribute to the solar transition in Berlin with their innovative strength and are exemplary for the future of a climate-neutral Berlin. Peter Tillmann was awarded the first price in the category "dissertations". As a member the HZB department Optics for Solar Energy and of the Computational Nano Optics group at ZIB, Peter has performed his research on bifacial tandem solar cells in the framework of the Berlin Joint Lab for Energy Research (BerOSE). BerOSE is a joint lab of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), and Freie Universität Berlin. Congratulations!