Continuing the “Open Access Transformation” in Germany is the goal of a German Research Foundation (DFG) funding line of the same name. One of the projects granted as part of this funding line in July 2015 is “DeepGreen”.

With regard to scientific publications which, based on license rights, can be made freely accessible following embargo periods, the project DeepGreen aims to actually make them available in Open Access. The project focuses on licenses funded by the DFG and negotiated at the national level, the so-called Alliance licenses. They include specific Open Access regulations. However, since the first Alliance agreements were concluded in 2011, experience has shown that the circle of qualified authors (or their institutional representatives) has hardly made use of the Open Access rights that have been agreed upon.

During a project phase running two years, DeepGreen will implement (in a user-friendly manner) the negotiated open access conditions at the technical level and, if possible, automatize this as much as possible. That way, authors would no longer have to manually add publications to open access repositories – nor would this task have to be carried out by the libraries entitled to do so. Instead, publishers themselves can regularly deliver publications via specified interfaces.

To this end, the project partners (University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg, the Library of the Technical University of Berlin, the Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office based at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, the Bavarian State Library and the Library Networks Bibliotheksverbund Bayern and Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg) are setting up a technical platform which will serve as a data hub: Participating publishers can add their publications and metadata via interfaces, while entitled institutional or disciplinary open access repositories can then be provided with that data. It was possible to get the publishers Karger and SAGE on board as pilot partners.

The project launched on January 1st 2016 and is coordinated by Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV).


DeepGreen: Eine Infrastruktur für die Open-Access-Transformation O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal, 9(1), 2022 Julia Boltze, Annika Höllerl, Monika Kuberek, Stefan Lohrum, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Regina Retter, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Konstanze Söllner BibTeX
DeepGreen: Etablierung und Weiterentwicklung rechtssicherer Workflows zur effizienten Umsetzung von Open-Access-Komponenten in Lizenzvereinbarungen für wissenschaftliche Publikationen – Abschlussbericht ZIB-Report 21-37 Roland Bertelmann, Thorsten Koch, Klaus Ceynowa, Konstanze Söllner, Jürgen Christof, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Markus Putnings, Heinz Pampel, Monika Kuberek, Julia Boltze, Stefan Lohrum, Regina Retter, Annika Höllerl, Katja Faensen, Ronald Steffen, Matthias Gross, Cornelia Hoffmann, Marsa Haoua PDF
DeepGreen: Open-Access-Transformation in der Informationsinfrastruktur – Anforderungen und Empfehlungen, Version 1.0 ZIB-Report 21-03 Roland Bertelmann, Julia Boltze, Klaus Ceynowa, Jürgen Christof, Katja Faensen, Matthias Groß, Cornelia Hoffmann, Thorsten Koch, Monika Kuberek, Stefan Lohrum, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Regina Retter, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Konstanze Söllner, Ronald Steffen, Eike Wannick PDF
DeepGreen - DeepGold: Open-Access-Transformation - Entwicklung und Perspektiven GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 19(1-2), 2019 Beate Rusch, Julia Boltze, Thomas Dierkes, Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Hedda Staub BibTeX
DeepGreen - Open Access Transformation: Eine Handreichung für institutionelle Repositorien ZIB-Report 19-31 Kathrin Behrens, Roland Bertelmann, Julia Boltze, Klaus Ceynowa, Jürgen Christof, Thomas Dierkes, Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Matthias Groß, Michaela Hammerl, Marsa Haoua, Petra Heermann, Cornelia Hoffmann, Tobias Höhnow, Thorsten Koch, Monika Kuberek, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Jens Schwidder, Konstanze Söllner, Hedda Staub, Eike Wannick PDF
DeepGreen – Open Access Transformation Etablierung und Weiterentwicklung rechtssicherer Workflows zur effizienten Umsetzung von Open-Access-Komponenten in Lizenzvereinbarungen für wissenschaftliche Publikationen ZIB-Report 18-39 Thorsten Koch, Klaus Ceynowa, Konstanze Söllner, Jürgen Christof, Roland Bertelmann PDF
DeepGreen - Entwicklung eines rechtssicheren Workflows zur effizienten Umsetzung der Open-Access-Komponente in den Allianz-Lizenzen für die Wissenschaft o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal / herausgegeben vom VDB, 4/2016, Vol.4/2016, pp. 110-118, Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger, Ulrich Hohoff, Ulrike Scholle, Thomas Stäcker, Helge Steenweg, Heidrun Wiesenmüller (Eds.), VDB - Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare e.V., 2016 Beate Rusch, Markus Putnings BibTeX
DeepGreen - Entwicklung eines rechtssicheren Workflows zur effizienten Umsetzung der Open-Access-Komponente in den Allianz-Lizenzen für die Wissenschaft ZIB-Report 15-58 Thorsten Koch, Rolf Griebel, Konstanze Söllner, Jürgen Christof, Roland Bertelmann PDF
DeepGreen – Metadata Schema for the exchange of publications between publishers and open access repositories. Version 1.1. June 2016 ZIB-Report 16-32 Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Roland Bertelmann, Klaus Ceynowa, Jürgen Christof, Thomas Dierkes, Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Matthias Groß, Regina Heidrich, Tobias Höhnow, Michael Kassube, Thorsten Koch, Monika Kuberek, Lilian Landes, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Dagmar Schobert, Oliver Schwab, Jens Schwidder, Konstanze Söllner, Tonka Stoyanova, Paul Vierkant PDF
KOBV-Sonderedition zur International Open Access Week 2016 „Open in Action“ 2016 Beate Rusch, Roland Bertelmann, Heinz Pampel, Pamela Aust, Kerstin Helbig, Anja Doreen Müller, Steffi Conrad-Rempel, Signe Weihe, Thomas Dierkes, Rainer Kuhlen, Dagmar Schobert, Michaela Voigt, Paul Klimpel, Christina Riesenweber, Andreas Kennecke, Mario Kowalak, Birgit Schlegel, Niels Taubert, Andreas Hübner, Katja Mruck PDF
Questionnaire for effective exchange of bibliographic metadata – current status of publishing houses 2016 Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Roland Bertelmann, Klaus Ceynowa, Jürgen Christof, Thomas Dierkes, Julia Alexandra Goltz-Fellgiebel, Matthias Groß, Regina Heidrich, Tobias Höhnow, Michael Kassube, Thorsten Koch, Monika Kuberek, Lilian Landes, Heinz Pampel, Markus Putnings, Beate Rusch, Hildegard Schäffler, Dagmar Schobert, Oliver Schwab, Jens Schwidder, Konstanze Söllner, Tonka Stoyanova, Paul Vierkant PDF