Elephantine is a small island on the river Nil that has a unique multi-cultural, multireligious, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual history . A large collection of papyri covers this history from 3000 B.C. until 1000 A.D. Studying these documents is essential to get insights into different aspects of evolution such as religion, language, sociology, and medicine as well as their relations to each other on such a small place. However, many of the papyri are rolled or folded. Manually opening these fragile documents without damaging them severely is often not possible. In this project, the virtual unrolling and unfolding is investigated based on tomographic reconstructions of the papyri.


Improving the Identification of Layers in 3D Images of Ancient Papyrus using Artificial Neural Networks WACV 2025 workshop proceedings, 2025 (accepted for publication) Nicolas Klenert, Finn Schwoerer, Noushin Hajarolasvadi, Siloé Bournez, Tobias Arlt, Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke, Verena Lepper, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
A Local Iterative Approach for the Extraction of 2D Manifolds from Strongly Curved and Folded Thin-Layer Structures IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(1), pp. 1260-1270, 2024 Nicolas Klenert, Verena Lepper, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Revisiting the Jerash Silver Scroll: a new visual data analysis approach Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Vol.21, p. e00186, 2021 Daniel Baum, Felix Herter, John Møller Larsen, Achim Lichtenberger, Rubina Raja BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Thin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains Computer Graphics Forum, 40(3), pp. 147-157, 2021 Felix Herter, Hans-Christian Hege, Markus Hadwiger, Verena Lepper, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
4D imaging of lithium-batteries using correlative neutron and X-ray tomography with a virtual unrolling technique Nature Communications, Vol.11, p. 777, 2020 Ralf F. Ziesche, Tobias Arlt, Donal P. Finegan, Thomas M.M. Heenan, Alessandro Tengattini, Daniel Baum, Nikolay Kardjilov, Henning Markötter, Ingo Manke, Winfried Kockelmann, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Jerash Silver Scroll: Virtually Unfolded Volume figshare, 2020 Daniel Baum, Felix Herter, Verena Lepper BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Virtual unfolding of folded papyri Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol.41, pp. 264-269, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-44) Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke, Tobias Arlt, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Felix Herter, Norbert Lindow, Ingo Manke, Tzulia Siopi, Eve Menei, Marc Etienne, Verena Lepper PDF (ZIB-Report)
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Revealing hidden text in rolled and folded papyri Applied Physics A, 123(3), p. 171, 2017 (preprint available as ) Daniel Baum, Norbert Lindow, Hans-Christian Hege, Verena Lepper, Tzulia Siopi, Frank Kutz, Kristin Mahlow, Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages
Virtual Access to Hidden Texts – Study of Ancient Papyri Eighth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting, Dec 7-9, 2016, Berlin, Germany, 2016 Tobias Arlt, Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Andre Hilger, Ingo Mahnke, Hans-Christian Hege, Verena Lepper, Tzulia Siopi, Heinz.Eberhard Mahnke BibTeX
Virtual Unfolding and Visualization of Folded Papyrus Packages