Authors: Fabian Becker (Freie Universität Berlin), Felix Pirson (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü), Bernhard Ludwig (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü)
Description: Our data set contains (a) simulated age data on alluvial aggradation and (b) information on the type and chronology of archaeological finds. (Alluvial) aggradation is the positive change in the abosolute elevation of a land form in a river system that is caused by the deposition of sediments, e.g. the filling of a valley. The aggradation date is based on a stochastic age-depth model of radiocarbon ages from sediment profiles; the archaeological information is a compilation of survey finds -- both collected in the Pergamon micro-region.
Background: The data set is part of the project "The Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-Region between Hellenism and Roman Imperial Period" and the Pergamon excavation. In this project, archaeologists, geographers and building researchers jointly work on human-environment interactions in the micro-region of the ancient city of Pergamon in Asia Minor with a temporal focus on the period from 300 BCE to 300 CE.
Original Purpose: Review of sediment dynamics in the Pergamon-micro region and reconstruction of settlement patterns and densities in the rural areas of Pergamon.
Questions: Is there any (temporal) relationship between changing human activity (archaeological finds) and changing aggradation? How is this relationship characterized? How does the temporal uncertainty influence a reconstruction of a relationship?
Contact: Fabian Becker (
Download: here
License: 4.0 International
Explanatory slides from the Opening Day: here
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