Collective Variables for Spreading Processes on Complex Networks
Analyzing dynamical systems on networks presents an important area of research that unveils a rich interplay between structure and dynamics, offering profound insights...
Concentration Effects and Collective Variables in Agent-Based Systems
Agent-based models (ABMs) are often high-dimensional and complex, making simulations costly and formal analysis hard. Low-dimensional model reduction is hence of great...
Concentration effects and collective variables in dynamical systems on networks
Doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Péter Koltai (Advisor), 2024
Marvin LückeBibTeX DOI
Learning interpretable collective variables for spreading processes on networks
Physical Review E, 109(2), p. L022301, 2024
Marvin Lücke, Stefanie Winkelmann, Jobst Heitzig, Nora Molkenthin, Péter Koltai
BibTeX arXiv DOI
Efficient Time-Stepping for Numerical Integration Using Reinforcement Learning
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(2), pp. A579-A595, 2023
Michael Dellnitz, Eyke Hüllermeier, Marvin Lücke, Sina Ober-Blöbaum, Christian Offen, Sebastian Peitz, Karlson Pfannschmidt
Large population limits of Markov processes on random networks
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol.166, 2023
Marvin Lücke, Jobst Heitzig, Péter Koltai, Nora Molkethin, Stefanie WinkelmannBibTeX DOI arXiv
Coding for secrecy in remote state estimation with an adversary
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(9), pp. 4955-4962, 2022
Marvin Lücke, Jingyi Lu, Daniel E. Quevedo
Discovering collective variable dynamics of agent-based models
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022, 2022
Marvin Lücke, Peter Koltai, Stefanie Winkelmann, Nora Molkethin, Jobst Heitzig
tgEDMD: Approximation of the Kolmogorov Operator in Tensor Train Format
Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.32, 2022
Marvin Lücke, Feliks Nüske