Data-driven Modeling of the Romanization Process of Northern Africa
The research topic of this project is at the interface between mathematics and archaeology and is based on an interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists from Zuse...
Open reaction-diffusion systems: bridging probabilistic theory and simulations across scales
2025 (under review)
Mauricio del Razo, Margarita Kostré
A Mathematical perspective on Romanisation: Modelling the Roman road activation process in ancient Tunisia
PLoS ONE, 19(9), 2024
Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Robin Chemnitz, Margarita Kostre, Fleur Schweigart, Friederike Fless, Christof Schütte, Benjamin Ducke
Hybrid Models and Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Processes
Master's thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, Frank Noe (Advisor), 2019
Margarita KostréBibTeX