The Siemens AG and ZIB jointly offer financial support to the new generation of academics from various Eastern European and Asian Countries in the field of Mathematical Optimization. For this purpose they grant scholarships to help them obtain their doctorate. The regulations of the Siemens-ZIB Scholarship partly follow the rules on fellowship awards within Graduiertenkollegs as suggested by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). However, because of the special relationship of the sponsors (industry/science) and the different conditions at Eastern European and Asian universities and industry, there are some differences.
1. Extent of Scholarship
The sponsors provide for two scholarships for a period of two years, which can be extended by one more year.
The scholarship holders are supported by Siemens AG with a monthly amount of EUR 450. During the time of the scholarship the scholarship holders have to spend several months (at least two months) at Siemens AG (or at a company affiliated to Siemens according to § 15 Aktiengesetz (German Stock Companies Act)) and at ZIB for research work. For these stays the scholarship holders shall receive an extra monthly payment in the amount of EUR 1.500 to cover all extra costs. These payments shall be made by the local sponsor.
2. Selection Procedures
The sponsors jointly decide who qualifies for the scholarship. There is no need for an official announcement nor for formal selection procedures.
3. Eligibility
To qualify for the scholarship the candidates must fulfil the following conditions:
- Swift completion of university studies and a recognised university degree
- above-average qualifications
- presentation of a dissertation prospectus
- name of supervisor at home university
- willingness to work actively in the field of optimization in the sponsors' research areas
- maximum age of 28 years (with possible exceptions).
4. Notification of Acceptance
The chosen candidate will receive a formal letter of acceptance related to the scholarship and the rights and obligations attached to it.
5. Formal Status
The scholarship holder does not represent a permanent work contract with either sponsor. In particular, it is not a regular wage according to § 14 Sozialgesetzbuch IV (German Social Welfare Act) and is not subject to social security contributions.The payment is tax-free and is not subject to income tax regulations.
For graduates of universities the usual studying regulations apply. The matriculation form has to be presented before the start of the respective semester.
The scholarship holders are responsible for their own health insurance.
6. Payment
According to item no. 1. the scholarship shall be paid (non-cash) at the end of the month.
Travelling costs needed to participate at conferences, workshops etc. or to finance travelling for research purposes can be granted in exceptional cases.
During the time of his research stay the scholarship holder will be provided with a workplace with the necessary technical equipment. The scholarship holder will be treated as an employee and will have the same rights and duties as the sponsor's employees with regard to the use of technical equipment and other services (e.g., library, computing time).
7. Tutoring of the Graduate
The scholarship holder, together with his tutor, will inform his home university regularly on the progress of his research work. The tutor will consult the scholarship holder in matters concerning his doctorate.
During his research stay at Siemens and ZIB, the scholarship holder will be offered the opportunity to give a lecture on his latest work.
The scholarship holder is freed from any obligation in terms of teaching and research.
8. Obligations
With the acceptance of the scholarship the scholarship holder is obliged
- to focus his work fully on the completion of his doctoral thesis;
- to report in writing on the progress and results of his work once a year;
- to abide by the rules relating to copyright protection and secrecy when publishing the results of the sponsored studies and to includes references to the sponsors;
- to participate at relevant lectures, conferences and workshops at his home university and, during his research stay, at the sponsor's institution.
The scholarship holder is obliged to inform the sponsor immediately
- when taking up other employment with a net payment exceeding EUR 300 per month,
- if his the work on his doctoral thesis is interrupted, modified, finished prematurely or stopped,
- if the scientific work is promoted by a third person,
- if a third person profits economically from the results of the scholarship and the scholarship holder has expressed consensus to this,
- if the scholarship holder is awarded with another scholarship from a third person.
The scholarship holder acknowledges that the sponsorship can be withdrawn
- if the studies are not started according to schedule,
- if qualification requirements for the sponsorship cease to apply, for other important reasons, or that the sponsorship payments can be reduced in case of another employment.
- The scholarship holder agrees that the sponsors are entitled to a copy of his doctoral thesis on submission.
Concerning patents and copyrights nos. 1 and 2 of the amendments to these rules apply.
The scholarship holder will inform the sponsors of his intention to publish the results of his doctoral thesis, e.g. in the form of a scientific lecture.
Should the sponsors acquire copyrights for the contents of the scholarship holder doctoral work, they will grant the home university of the scholarship holder use of these. The use is free of charge, non-transferable, non-exclusive and is limited to research and lecture purposes.
If the tutors gain knowledge of any confidential information during work discussions with the scholarship holder, they have to be informed about their confidentiality by him. When using confidential information about the sponsors for his work, the scholarship holder has to be given permission by the sponsors before submission. The sponsors will usually give permission for publication unless it effects their interests.
9. Miscellaneous
Concerning holidays, sickness and absence for other reasons, the relevant regulations for the sponsor's employees apply, regardless of the student status of the scholarship holder, during his research stay.All departments and committees of the sponsor are to be informed about the scholarship holder's work and will offer support whenever necessary.During the research stay the sponsors have the right to amend the scholarship contract with additional rights and duties.The regulations concerning the protection of the sponsors interests and the copyrights on the scholarship holder's work results will not cease to apply after end of employment with the sponsor.The scholarship ends after the scholarship holder's doctorate. A written notice is not required.
Amendments to the Program Policy of the Siemens-ZIB Scholarship
Regulations on patents, copyrights and data protection
The sponsors reserve all rights on inventions or ideas arising from the scholarship holder work for the sponsors. They have the right to apply for patents, pursue or cancel these patents in the country of their choice according to the relevant regulations, naming the graduate as inventor. Should the sponsors need further information for these patents, the scholarship holder has to make this information available to the sponsors immediately. Any costs that might arise will be paid for by the sponsors. The issued patents are property of the sponsors.
Should the sponsors make a considerable profit through these patents, they agree to pay an adequate compensation to the scholarship holder.
Should the scholarship holder's work results which he left to the sponsors be protected by a copyright, the sponsors have exclusive right of free use of these without limitation in time or place. This use includes particularly copy- and publication rights (video, audio, data carrier or TV or radio transmission). The sponsors may also extend these rights to third persons.
The scholarship holder will treat his work and the results including information on all documents, work tasks and general business proceedings and organisation or other information he learnt of during his stay at the sponsor as confidential, unless this information has already been made available to the public or the sponsors gave exceptional written permission to the scholarship holder for transmission. This confidentiality will not cease after the end of the scholarship. The above regulations also apply to publications (e.g. papers and lectures) which solely or substantially contain results that were gained during the scholarship holder's stay at the sponsors' institutes. The sponsors, however, will give their consent to such a publication, unless their own interests are impaired.