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+49 30 84185-141


Projects as Head

Media Name: logo.png

Spline Models for Shape Trajectory Analysis

The aim of the project is the development of novel methods for the identification of systematic differences in empirically defined distributions of shape trajectories...

Spline Models for Shape Trajectory Analysis
Media Name: EULAGstreamlines.png

Multiscale structure of atmospheric vortices

Hurricanes are the most destructive storms on Earth. They pose the greatest threat to life and property in many coastal areas. It is crucial to understand the triggering...

Multiscale structure of atmospheric vortices
Media Name: logo1.png

Multiscale Atlas of the Larval Zebrafish Brain

This project is part of the collaborative research project "Sensorimotor Processing, Decision Making, and Internal States: Towards a Realistic Multiscale Circuit Model of...

Multiscale Atlas of the Larval Zebrafish Brain

Predicting Cortical Connectomes

How can we learn about principles of cortical circuit organization from the wealth of data generated by modern connectomics approaches? How could these structural...

Predicting Cortical Connectomes

Projects as Member

Media Name: logo1.png

Multiscale Atlas of the Larval Zebrafish Brain

This project is part of the collaborative research project "Sensorimotor Processing, Decision Making, and Internal States: Towards a Realistic Multiscale Circuit Model of...

Multiscale Atlas of the Larval Zebrafish Brain
Media Name: logo_2_square.png

Multiscale Virtual Fish

The goal of this project is to develop a software system that allows neuroscientists to test virtual connectivity and activity models in order to understand neural...

Multiscale Virtual Fish
Media Name: bigmeddata.png

High-throughput Analysis of Large Medical Data

Data is growing and moving faster than healthcare organizations can consume it; 80% of medical data is unstructured and is clinically relevant. Getting access to this...

High-throughput Analysis of Large Medical Data
Media Name: shot-10-56-38.png

Analysis of Sub-Cellular Structures in Cryo-Electron Tomograms

The goal of this project is to analyze various sub-cellular structures in cryo-electron tomograms. The project builds upon our previous work on reconstructing actin and...

Analysis of Sub-Cellular Structures in Cryo-Electron Tomograms


A Visual Interface for Exploring Hypotheses about Neural Circuits IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(7), pp. 3945-3958, 2024 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-07) Sumit Kumar Vohra, Philipp Harth, Yasuko Isoe, Armin Bahl, Haleh Fotowat, Florian Engert, Hans-Christian Hege, Daniel Baum PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Dissecting origins of wiring specificity in dense cortical connectomes bioRxiv, 2024 Philipp Harth, Daniel Udvary, Jan Boelts, Daniel Baum, Jakob H. Macke, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Multi-species community platform for comparative neuroscience in teleost fish bioRxiv, 2024 (under review, preprint available as ) Sumit Kumar Vohra, Kristian Herrera, Tinatini Tavhelidse-Suck, Simon Knoblich, Ali Seleit, Jonathan Boulanger-Weill, Sydney Chambule, Ariel Aspiras, Cristina Santoriello, Owen Randlett, Joachim Wittbrodt, Alexander Aulehla, Jeff W. Lichtman, Mark Fishman, Hans-Christian Hege, Daniel Baum, Florian Engert, Yasuko Isoe BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Intrinsic shape analysis in archaeology: A case study on ancient sundials Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16(4), pp. 1-26, 2023 Martin Hanik, Benjamin Ducke, Hans-Christian Hege, Friederike Fless, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Rapid Prototyping for Coordinated Views of Multi-scale Spatial and Abstract Data: A Grammar-based Approach Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), 2023 Philipp Harth, Arco Bast, Jakob Troidl, Bjorge Meulemeester, Hanspeter Pfister, Johanna Beyer, Marcel Oberlaender, Hans-Christian Hege, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Simulation-based inference for efficient identification of generative models in computational connectomics PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), 2023 (preprint available as ) Jan Boelts, Philipp Harth, Richard Gao, Daniel Udvary, Felipe Yanez, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender, Jakob H. Macke BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Hierarchical Geodesic Model for Longitudinal Analysis on Manifolds Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 64(4), pp. 395-407, 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-39) Esfandiar Nava-Yazdani, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Nonlinear Hierarchical Model for Longitudinal Data on Manifolds 2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 1-5, 2022 Martin Hanik, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Stratification Matrix Viewer for Analysis of Neural Network Data Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), 2022 Philipp Harth, Sumit Vohra, Daniel Udvary, Marcel Oberlaender, Hans-Christian Hege, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
An Interactive Approach for Identifying Structure Definitions Computer Graphics Forum, 41(3), pp. 321-332, 2022 Natalia Mikula, Tom Dörffel, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Bi-invariant Dissimilarity Measures for Sample Distributions in Lie Groups SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4(4), pp. 1223-1249, 2022 Martin Hanik, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
The Impact of Neuron Morphology on Cortical Network Architecture Cell Reports, 39(2), 2022 Daniel Udvary, Philipp Harth, Jakob H. Macke, Hans-Christian Hege, Christiaan P. J. de Kock, Bert Sakmann, Marcel Oberlaender BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Thin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains Computer Graphics Forum, 40(3), pp. 147-157, 2021 Felix Herter, Hans-Christian Hege, Markus Hadwiger, Verena Lepper, Daniel Baum BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Theory for the Emergence of Neocortical Network Architecture BioRxiv, 2020 Daniel Udvary, Philipp Harth, Jakob H. Macke, Hans-Christian Hege, Christiaan P. J. de Kock, Bert Sakmann, Marcel Oberlaender BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Analysis and comparison of algorithms for the tomographic reconstruction of curved fibres Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 35(3), pp. 328-341, 2020 Bernhard Fröhler, Tim Elberfeld, Torsten Möller, Hans-Christian Hege, Jan De Beenhouwer, Jan Sijbers, Johann Kastner, Christoph Heinzl BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Bi-invariant Two-Sample Tests in Lie Groups for Shape Analysis Shape in Medical Imaging, pp. 44-54, 2020 Martin Hanik, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Geodesic Analysis in Kendall's Shape Space with Epidemiological Applications Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 62(4), pp. 549-559, 2020 Esfandiar Nava-Yazdani, Hans-Christian Hege, T. J. Sullivan, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Nonlinear Regression on Manifolds for Shape Analysis using Intrinsic Bézier Splines Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), pp. 617-626, 2020 Martin Hanik, Hans-Christian Hege, Anja Hennemuth, Christoph von Tycowicz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Virtual unfolding of folded papyri Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol.41, pp. 264-269, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-44) Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke, Tobias Arlt, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Felix Herter, Norbert Lindow, Ingo Manke, Tzulia Siopi, Eve Menei, Marc Etienne, Verena Lepper PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Geodesic Mixed Effects Model in Kendall's Shape Space Proc. 7th MICCAI workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA), pp. 209-218, Vol.11846, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-49) Esfandiar Nava-Yazdani, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Visual Tool for the Analysis of Algorithms for Tomographic Fiber Reconstruction in Materials Science Computer Graphics Forum, 38(3), pp. 273-283, 2019 Bernhard Fröhler, Tim Elberfeld, Torsten Möller, Hans-Christian Hege, Johannes Weissenböck, Jan De Beenhouwer, Jan Sijbers, Johann Kastner, Christoph Heinzl BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Generation and Visual Exploration of Medical Flow Data: Survey, Research Trends, and Future Challenges Computer Graphics Forum, 38(1), pp. 87-125, 2019 Steffen Oeltze-Jaffra, Monique Meuschke, Mathias Neugebauer, Sylvia Saalfeld, Kai Lawonn, Gabor Janiga, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow, Bernhard Preim BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Visualization of RNA and DNA Structures IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(1), pp. 967-976, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-33) Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Morgan Leborgne, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Multiple Aneurysms AnaTomy CHallenge 2018 (MATCH): Uncertainty Quantification of Geometric Rupture Risk Parameters BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 18(35), 2019 Leonid Goubergrits, Florian Hellmeier, Jan Joris Bruening, Andreas Spuler, Hans-Christian Hege, Samuel Voss, Gábor Janiga, Sylvia Saalfeld, Oliver Beuing, Philipp Berg BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Tools for the analysis of datasets from X-ray computed tomography based on Talbot-Lau grating interferometry Proceedings of iCT 2019, (9th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Padova, Italy – iCT 2019, February 13-15, 2019), 2019 Bernhard Fröhler, Lucas da Cunha Melo, Johannes Weissenböck, Johann Kastner, Torsten Möller, Hans-Christian Hege, Eduard M. Gröller, Jonathan Sanctorum, Jan De Beenhouwer, Jan Sijbers, Christoph Heinzl BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Shape Trajectories Approach to Longitudinal Statistical Analysis ZIB-Report 18-42 Esfandiar Nava-Yazdani, Hans-Christian Hege, Christoph von Tycowicz, T. J. Sullivan PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
A smartphone-based tangible interaction approach for landscape visualization. PerDis ’18 Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Munich, Germany, June 6-8, 2018, p. no. 23, 2018 Liviu Coconu, Brygg Ullmer, Philip Paar, Jing Liu, Miriam Konkel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
An 1834 mediterranean garden in Berlin – engaged from 2004, 2018, 2032, and 2202 PerDis ’18 – 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Munich, Germany, June 6-8, 2018, p. no. 12, 2018 Brygg Ullmer, Philip Paar, Liviu Coconu, Jing Liu, Miriam Konkel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Atomic Accessibility Radii for Molecular Dynamics Analysis Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-03868-061-1 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-18) Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Dust and gas emission from cometary nuclei: the case of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Advances in Physics: X, 3(1), p. 1404436, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-78) Tobias Kramer, Matthias Noack, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Eric J. Heller PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of dislocation substructures from transmission electron microscopy stereo pairs Ultramicroscopy, Vol.195, pp. 157-170, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-50) Leonardo Agudo Jácome, Hans-Christian Hege, Olaf Paetsch, Kai Pöthkow PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
An Application-Oriented Framework for Feature Tracking in Atmospheric Sciences Proceedings of 2017 IEEE 7th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), pp. 96-97, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-50) Daisuke Sakurai, Hans-Christian Hege, Alexander Kuhn, Henning Rust, Bastian Kern, Tom-Lukas Breitkopf PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Blue-noise Optimized Point Sets Based on Procrustes Analysis SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Technical Briefs, pp. 20:1-20:4, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-55) Chavdar Papazov, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Large-eddy simulations over Germany using ICON: a comprehensive evaluation Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(702), pp. 69-100, 2017 Rieke Heinze, Anurag Dipankar, Cintia Carbajal Henken, Christopher Moseley, Odran Sourdeval, Silke Trömel, Xinxin Xie, Panos Adamidis, Felix Ament, Holger Baars, Christian Barthlott, Andreas Behrendt, Ulrich Blahak, Sebastian Bley, Slavko Brdar, Matthias Brueck, Susanne Crewell, Hartwig Deneke, Paolo Di Girolamo, Raquel Evaristo, Jürgen Fischer, Christopher Frank, Petra Friederichs, Tobias Göcke, Ksenia Gorges, Luke Hande, Moritz Hanke, Akio Hansen, Hans-Christian Hege, Corinna Hose, Thomas Jahns, Norbert Kalthoff, Daniel Klocke, Stefan Kneifel, Peter Knippertz, Alexander Kuhn, Thriza van Laar, Andreas Macke, Vera Maurer, Bernhard Mayer, Catrin I. Meyer, Shravan K. Muppa, Roeland A. J. Neggers, Emiliano Orlandi, Florian Pantillon, Bernhard Pospichal, Niklas Röber, Leonhard Scheck, Axel Seifert, Patric Seifert, Fabian Senf, Pavan Siligam, Clemens Simmer, Sandra Steinke, Bjorn Stevens, Kathrin Wapler, Michael Weniger, Volker Wulfmeyer, Günther Zängl, Dan Zhang, Johannes Quaas BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Object-based visualization and evaluation of cloud-resolving simulations Book of Abstracts, SCCS 2017 – Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems, Mar 27-29, 2017, Berlin, Germany, 2017 Alexander Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Progressive Monte Carlo rendering of atmospheric flow features across scales Physical Review Fluids, Vol.2, pp. 09050-1-09050-3, 2017 Tobias Günther, Alexander Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hege, Markus Gross, Holger Theisel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Revealing hidden text in rolled and folded papyri Applied Physics A, 123(3), p. 171, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-02) Daniel Baum, Norbert Lindow, Hans-Christian Hege, Verena Lepper, Tzulia Siopi, Frank Kutz, Kristin Mahlow, Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topology-based Analysis for Multimodal Atmospheric Data of Volcano Eruptions Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IV, pp. 35-50, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-03) Alexander Kuhn, Wito Engelke, Markus Flatken, Hans-Christian Hege, Ingrid Hotz PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
devEyes: Tangible Devices on Augmented Passive Surfaces TEI '17 Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, Yokohama, Japan, March 20 - 23, 2017, pp. 409-411, 2017 Liviu Coconu, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
3D Reconstruction, Visualization and Quantification of Dislocations from Transmission Electron Microscopy Stereo-Pairs Microscopy and Microanalysis 2016, July 24-28 Columbus, Ohio, 2016 Leonardo Agudo Jácome, Hans-Christian Hege, Olaf Paetsch, Kai Pöthkow BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Acceleration feature points of unsteady shear flows Archives of Mechanics, 68(1), pp. 55-80, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-65) Jens Kasten, Jan Reininghaus, Ingrid Hotz, Hans-Christian Hege, Bernd Noack, Guillaume Daviller, Marek Morzyński PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
MCFTLE: Monte Carlo Rendering of Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Fields ZIB-Report 16-21 (Appeared in: Computer Graphics Forum 35 (2016) 381-390) Tobias Günther, Alexander Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hege, Holger Theisel PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
ORBKIT – A modular Python toolbox for cross-platform post-processing of quantum chemical wavefunction data Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37(16), pp. 1511-1520, 2016 Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, Jean Christophe Tremblay, Beate Paulus, Hans-Christian Hege, Axel Schild BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Progressive Monte-Carlo Rendering of Atmospheric Flow Features Across Scales 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, Nov 20-22, 2016, Portland, OR, USA., 2016 (epub ahead of print) Tobias Günther, Alexander Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hege, Markus Gross, Holger Theisel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Turbulence in blood damage modeling The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 39(4), pp. 147-210, 2016 Leonid Goubergrits, Jan Osman, Ricardo Mevert, Ulrich Kertzscher, Kai Pöthkow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Using sparse kernels to design computer experiments with tunable precision 22nd Intern. Conf. on Computational Statistics - COMPSTAT 2016, Oviedo, Spain, 23-26 August 2016, Proceedings ISBN 978-90-73592-36-0, pp. 397-408, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-33) Guillaume Sagnol, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Weiser PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Virtual Access to Hidden Texts – Study of Ancient Papyri Eighth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting, Dec 7-9, 2016, Berlin, Germany, 2016 Tobias Arlt, Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Andre Hilger, Ingo Mahnke, Hans-Christian Hege, Verena Lepper, Tzulia Siopi, Heinz.Eberhard Mahnke BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Cavities: State of the Art Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3), pp. 527-551, 2016 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-42) Michael Krone, Barbora Kozlíková, Norbert Lindow, Marc Baaden, Daniel Baum, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege, Ivan Viola PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited Computer Graphics Forum, 36(8), pp. 178-204, 2016 Barbora Kozlíková, Michael Krone, Martin Falk, Norbert Lindow, Marc Baaden, Daniel Baum, Ivan Viola, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Graphical Representation of the Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion, Nov 22-24, 2015, Boston, MA, USA., 2015 Moritz Sieber, Alexander Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hege, C. Oliver Paschereit, Kilian Oberleithner BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Homogeneous dust emission and jet structure near active cometary nuclei: the case of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 2015 Tobias Kramer, Matthias Noack, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Eric J. Heller BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Measuring 3D knee dynamics using center out radial ultra-short echo time trajectories with a low cost experimental setup ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine), 23rd Annual Meeting 2015, Toronto, Canada, 2015 Martin Krämer, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Heide Boeth, Christoph von Tycowicz, Christian König, Stefan Zachow, Rainald Ehrig, Hans-Christian Hege, Georg Duda, Jürgen Reichenbach BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Membrane Protein Structure, Function and Dynamics: A Perspective from Experiments and Theory Journal of Membrane Biology, 248(4), pp. 611-640, 2015 Zoe Cournia, Toby W. Allen, Ioan Andricioaei, Bruno Antonny, Daniel Baum, Grace Brannigan, Nicolae-Viorel Buchete, Jason T. Deckman, Lucie Delemotte, Coral del Val, Ran Friedman, Paraskevi Gkeka, Hans-Christian Hege, Jérôme Hénin, Marina A. Kasimova, Antonios Kolocouris, Michael L. Klein, Syma Khalid, Joanne Lemieux, Norbert Lindow, Mahua Roy, Jana Selent, Mounir Tarek, Florentina Tofoleanu, Stefano Vanni, Sinisa Urban, David J. Wales, Jeremy C. Smith, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
OVERLOAD of joints and its role in osteoarthritis - Towards understanding and preventing progression of primary osteoarthritis Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie, 76(Suppl. 1), pp. 1-4, 2015 Bettina M. Willie, Thomas Pap, Carsten Perka, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, Felix Eckstein, Adamantios Arampatzis, Hans-Christian Hege, Henning Madry, Andrea Vortkamp, Georg Duda BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
OVERLOAD – Rolle der Gelenküberlastung in der primären Arthrose – Die Krankheitsprogression verstehen und vermeiden Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie, Vol.74, pp. 618-621, 2015 Bettina M. Willie, Thomas Pap, Carsten Perka, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, Felix Eckstein, Adamantios Arampatzis, Hans-Christian Hege, Henning Madry, Andrea Vortkamp, Georg Duda BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Raumtiefe in Malerei und Computergrafik Räume - Bilder - Kulturen, pp. 33-46, Verena Lepper, Peter Deuflhard, Christoph Markschies (Eds.), Walter De Gruyter, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-11-035993-0 Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Registering 2D and 3D Imaging Data of Bone during Healing Connective Tissue Research, 56(2), pp. 133-143, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-01) Rebecca M. Hoerth, Daniel Baum, David Knötel, Steffen Prohaska, Bettina M. Willie, Georg Duda, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Fratzl, Wolfgang Wagermaier PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Three-Dimensional Characterization of Superdislocation Interactions in the High Temperature and Low Stress Creep Regime of Ni-Base Superalloy Single Crystals Proceedings of CREEP 2015 – 13th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, May 31 – June 4, 2015, Toulouse, France, pp. 16-17, 2015 Leonardo Agudo Jácome, Gunter Eggeler, Kai Pöthkow, Olaf Paetsch, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topological analysis and visualization of scalar functions characterizing conformational transitions of molecules on multiple time-scales Shape Up 2015 - Exercises in Materials Geometry and Topology, 14-18 Sept. 2015, Berlin, Germany, 2015 Stefan Bojarovski, Hans-Christian Hege, Han Cheng Lie, Marcus Weber BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art EuroVis 2015 STARS Proceedings, pp. 61-81, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-63) Barbora Kozlikova, Michael Krone, Norbert Lindow, Martin Falk, Marc Baaden, Daniel Baum, Ivan Viola, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Atmospheric Impact of Volcano Eruptions Proceedings IEEE SciVis 2014, 2014 Wito Engelke, Alexander Kuhn, Markus Flatken, Fang Chen, Hans-Christian Hege, Andreas Gerndt, Ingrid Hotz PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Correlative Tomography – Extraction of Reliable Information with Adequate Resolution from mm Scale Down to Sub-nm Scale Microsc. Microanal., 20(Suppl 3), pp. 838-839, 2014 Frank Mücklich, Johannes Webel, Hisham Aboulfadl, Norbert Lindow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Definition, Extraction, and Validation of Pore Structures in Porous Materials Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization III, pp. 235-248, Peer-Timo Bremer, Ingrid Hotz, Valerio Pascucci, Ronald Peikert (Eds.), Springer, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-56) Ulrike Homberg, Daniel Baum, Alexander Wiebel, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Generation of dense statistical connectomes from sparse morphological data Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 8(129), 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-43) Robert Egger, Vincent J. Dercksen, Daniel Udvary, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Image Processing MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies, pp. 359-376, Peter Deuflhard, et al. (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014 Hans Lamecker, Hans-Christian Hege, Karsten Tabelow, Jörg Polzehl BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
In vitro study of hemodynamic treatment improvement: Hunterian ligation of a fenestrated basilar artery aneurysm after coiling The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 37(4), pp. 325-335, 2014 Leonid Goubergrits, Andreas Spuler, Jens Schaller, Nils Wiegmann, Andre Berthe, Hans-Christian Hege, Klaus Affeld, Ulrich Kertzscher BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Ligand Excluded Surface: A New Type of Molecular Surface IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12), pp. 2486-2495, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-27) Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Overview and State-of-the-Art of Uncertainty Visualization Scientific Visualization - Uncertainty, Multifield, Biomedical, and Scalable Visualization, Springer, pp. 3-27, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4471-6496-8 Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Hans-Christian Hege, Chris R. Johnson, Manuel M. Oliveira, Kristin Potter, Penny Rheingans, Thomas Schultz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
The Filament Editor: An Interactive Software Environment for Visualization, Proof-Editing and Analysis of 3D Neuron Morphology NeuroInformatics, 12(2), pp. 325-339, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-75) Vincent J. Dercksen, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
The Potential of Surface-based Geometric Morphometrics for Evolutionary Studies: An Example using Dwarf Snakes (Eirenis) Abstract in DigitalSpecimen 2014, 2014 Daniel Baum, Kristin Mahlow, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Johannes Müller, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visibility-driven depth determination of surface patches in direct volume rendering EuroVis - Short Papers 2014, pp. 97-101, 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-11) Sergej Stoppel, Hans-Christian Hege, Alexander Wiebel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual analysis of molecular dynamics data using geometric and topological methods Forum "Math for Industry" 2014, pp. 45-46, Vol.57, MI Lecture Notes, Kyushu University, 2014 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies, pp. 335-339, Peter Deuflhard, et al. (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-03719-137-8 Konrad Polthier, John Sullivan, Günter M. Ziegler, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization in Connectomics Scientific Visualization - Uncertainty, Multifield, Biomedical, and Scalable Visualization, Charles D. Hansen, Min Chen, Christopher R. Johnson, Arie E. Kaufman, Hans Hagen (Eds.), Springer, pp. 221-245, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4471-6496-8 Hanspeter Pfister, Verena Kaynig, Charl P. Botha, Stefan Bruckner, Vincent J. Dercksen, Hans-Christian Hege, Jos B.T.M. Roerdink BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
3D Strokes on Visible Structures in Direct Volume Rendering EuroVis - Short Papers, Mario Hlawitschka, Tino Weinkauf (Eds.), pp. 91-95, 2013 Alexander Wiebel, Philipp Preis, Frans Vos, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Approximate Level-Crossing Probabilities for Interactive Visualization of Uncertain Isocontours International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 3(2), pp. 101-117, 2013 Kai Pöthkow, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Computation and Application of 3D Strokes on Visible Structures in Direct Volume Rendering ZIB-Report 13-20 Alexander Wiebel, Philipp Preis, Frans M. Vos, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Exploring cavity dynamics in biomolecular systems BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.14, 2013 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast Generation of Virtual X-ray Images for Reconstruction of 3D Anatomy IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12), pp. 2673-2682, 2013 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-38) Moritz Ehlke, Heiko Ramm, Hans Lamecker, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow PDF
PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Nonparametric Models for Uncertainty Visualization Computer Graphics Forum, 32(3), pp. 131-140, 2013 Kai Pöthkow, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Omnidirectional Displacements for Deformable Surfaces Medical Image Analysis, 17(4), pp. 429-441, 2013 Dagmar Kainmüller, Hans Lamecker, Markus O. Heller, Britta Weber, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Reproducibility of Image-Based Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Geometry and Hemodynamics: An In-Vitro Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, and Three-Dimensional Rotational Angiography Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part A: Central European Neurosurgery, 74(5), pp. 294-302, 2013 Leonid Goubergrits, Jens Schaller, Ulrich Kertzscher, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Andreas Spuler BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Trajectory Density Projection for Vector Field Visualization EuroVis 2013, short papers. M. Hlawitschka, Tino Weinkauf (eds.), pp. 31-35, 2013 Alexander Kuhn, Norbert Lindow, Tobias Günther, Alexander Wiebel, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Visual Analytics Approach to Multiscale Exploration of Environmental Time Series IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), pp. 2899-2907, 2012 Mike Sips, Patrick Kothur, Andrea Unger, Hans-Christian Hege, Doris Dransch BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Advected Tangent Curves: A General Scheme for Characteristic Curves of Flow Fields Computer Graphics Forum, 31(2pt4), pp. 825-834, 2012 Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Holger Theisel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Analysis of Vortex Merge Graphs VMV 2012: Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pp. 111-118, 2012 Jens Kasten, Andre Zoufahl, Hans-Christian Hege, Ingrid Hotz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automated segmentation of electron tomograms for a quantitative description of actin filament networks Journal of Structural Biology, Vol.177, pp. 135-144, 2012 Alexander Rigort, David Günther, Reiner Hegerl, Daniel Baum, Britta Weber, Steffen Prohaska, Ohad Medalia, Wolfgang Baumeister, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automated tracing of microtubules in electron tomograms of plastic embedded samples of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos Journal of Structural Biology, 178(2), pp. 129-138, 2012 Britta Weber, Garrett Greenan, Steffen Prohaska, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Thomas Müller-Reichert, Anthony Hyman, Jean-Marc Verbavatz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Computational modeling for assessment of IBD: to be or not to be? 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 3974-3977, 2012 Franciscus Vos, Jeroen Tielbeek, Robiel Naziroglu, Zhang Li, Peter Schueffler, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Alexander Wiebel, Christina Lavini, Joachim Buhmann, Hans-Christian Hege, Jaap Stoker, Lucas van Vliet BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Conveying Archaeological Contexts to Museum Visitors: Case Study Pergamon Exhibition VAST12: The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short Papers, David Arnold, Jaime Kaminski, Franco Niccolucci, Andre Stork (Eds.), pp. 25-28, 2012 Marco Klindt, Steffen Prohaska, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Dynamic Channels in Biomolecular Systems: Path Analysis and Visualization Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (biovis’12), pp. 99-106, 2012 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Efficient Computation of a Hierarchy of Discrete 3D Gradient Vector Fields Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II, pp. 15-29, Ronny Peikert, Helwig Hauser, Hamish Carr (Eds.), Springer, 2012 David Günther, Jan Reininghaus, Steffen Prohaska, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
In vivo gluteus medius volume and shape variations across gender and disease status Journal of Biomechanics, p. S358, Vol.45, Suppl. 1, 2012 Markus O. Heller, Alexander Wurl, Carsten Perka, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Rendering of Materials and Biological Structures on Atomic and Nanoscopic Scale Computer Graphics Forum, 31(3), pp. 1325-1334, 2012 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Visualization – a Key Prerequisite for Reconstruction of Anatomically Realistic Neural Networks Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II, pp. 27-44, Lars Linsen, Hans Hagen, Bernd Hamann, Hans-Christian Hege (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2012 Vincent J. Dercksen, Marcel Oberlaender, Bert Sakmann, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
On the Elusive Concept of Lagrangian Coherent Structures Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II, pp. 207-220, Ronald Peikert, Helwig Hauser, Hamish Carr, Raphael Fuchs (Eds.), Springer, 2012 Jens Kasten, Ingrid Hotz, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Perceptually Linear Parameter Variations Computer Graphics Forum, 31(2), pp. 535-544, 2012 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Probabilistic Local Features in Uncertain Vector Fields with Spatial Correlation Computer Graphics Forum, 31(3), pp. 1045-1054, 2012 Christoph Petz, Kai Pöthkow, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Statistical wall shear stress maps of ruptured and unruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysms J. R. Soc. Interface, 9(69), pp. 677-688, 2012 Leonid Goubergrits, Jens Schaller, Ulrich Kertzscher, Nils van den Bruck, Kai Pöthkow, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Andreas Spuler PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Synaptic Connectivity in Anatomically Realistic Neural Networks: Modeling and Visual Analysis Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), pp. 17-24, 2012 Vincent J. Dercksen, Robert Egger, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Uncertainty Propagation in DT-MRI Anisotropy Isosurface Extraction New Developments in the Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields, David Laidlaw, Anna Vilanova (Eds.), Springer: Berlin, pp. 209-225, 2012 Kai Pöthkow, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization in Connectomics 2012arXiv Hanspeter Pfister, Verena Kaynig, Charl Botha, Stefan Bruckner, Vincent J. Dercksen, Hans-Christian Hege, Jos Roerdink BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II Lars Linsen, Hans Hagen, Bernd Hamann, Hans-Christian Hege (Eds.), Springer: Berlin, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-21607-7 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Vortex Merge Graphs in Two-dimensional Unsteady Flow Fields EuroVis – Short Papers, pp. 1-5, 2012 Jens Kasten, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
WYSIWYP: What You See Is What You Pick IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), pp. 2236-2244, 2012 Alexander Wiebel, Frans Vos, David Foerster, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
iCon.text – a customizable iPad app for kiosk applications in museum exhibitions EVA 2012 Berlin, pp. 150-155, 2012 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 13-07) Marco Klindt, Daniel Baum, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
An Articulated Statistical Shape Model of the Human Knee Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011, pp. 59-63, 2011 Matthias Bindernagel, Dagmar Kainmüller, Heiko Seim, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
DCE-MRI-oriented Volume Rendering for Monitoring of Crohn’s Disease. BioVis 2011 Abstracts, 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 2011 Alexander Wiebel, Hans-Christian Hege, Manon Ziech, Matthan Caan, Jaap Stoker, Frans Vos BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Distillation and Visualization of Spatiotemporal Structures in Turbulent Flow Fields J. Phys., Vol.318, p. 062009, 2011 Hans-Christian Hege, Jens Kasten, Ingrid Hotz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Electronic Quantum Fluxes During Pericyclic Reactions Exemplified for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene J. Phys. Chem. B, 115(18), pp. 5476-5483, 2011 Dirk Andrae, Ingo Barth, Timm Bredtmann, Hans-Christian Hege, Jörn Manz, Falko Marquardt, Beate Paulus BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast Tracing of Microtubule Centerlines in Electron Tomograms BioVis 2011 Abstracts, 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 2011 Britta Weber, Marit Möller, Jean-Marc Verbavatz, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege, Steffen Prohaska BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Global Modes in a Swirling Jet Undergoing Vortex Breakdown Physics of Fluids, Vol.23, p. 091102, 2011 Christoph Petz, Kilian Oberleithner, Moritz Sieber, Christian Nayeri, Oliver Paschereit, Israel Wygnanski, Bernd Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Light Microscopy-Based Reconstruction and Interactive Structural Analysis of Cortical Neural Networks BioVis 2011 Abstracts, 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 2011 Vincent J. Dercksen, Marcel Oberlaender, Bert Sakmann, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
On the Extraction of Long-living Features in Unsteady Fluid Flows Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, pp. 115-126, Valerio Pascucci, Xavier Tricoche, Hans Hagen, Julien Tierny (Eds.), Springer: Berlin, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-642-15013-5 Jens Kasten, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Osteocytes number and volume in osteoporotic and in healthy bone biopsies analysed using Synchrotron CT: a pilot study Proc. ISB 2011, 2011 Zully Ritter, Steffen Prohaska, R. Brand, A. Friedmann, Hans-Christian Hege, Jürgen Goebbels, Dieter Felsenberg BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Perception-Oriented Picking of Structures in Direct Volumetric Renderings ZIB-Report 11-45 Alexander Wiebel, Frans M. Vos, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Positional Uncertainty of Isocontours: Condition Analysis and Probabilistic Measures IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(10), pp. 1393-1406, 2011 Kai Pöthkow, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Probabilistic Marching Cubes Computer Graphics Forum, 30(3), pp. 931-940, 2011 Kai Pöthkow, Britta Weber, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Three-dimensional Coherent Structures of the Swirling Jet Undergoing Vortex breakdown: Stability Analysis and Empirical Mode Construction J. Fluid Mech., Vol.679, pp. 383-414, 2011 Kilian Oberleithner, Moritz Sieber, Christian Nayeri, Christian Paschereit, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Bernd Noack, Israel J. Wygnanski BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Tuner: Principled Parameter Finding for Image Segmentation Algorithms Using Visual Response Surface Exploration IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 17(12), pp. 1892-1901, 2011 Thomas Torsney-Weir, Ahmed Saad, Torsten Möller, Hans-Christian Hege, Britta Weber, Jean-Marc Verbavatz BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Two-Dimensional Time-Dependent Vortex Regions Based on the Acceleration Magnitude IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12), pp. 2080-2087target, 2011 Jens Kasten, Jan Reininghaus, Ingrid Hotz, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual Analysis of Quantum Physics Data Quantum Dynamic Imaging, pp. 71-87, 2011 Hans-Christian Hege, Michael Koppitz, Falko Marquardt, Chris McDonald, Christopher Mielack BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Voronoi-Based Extraction and Visualization of Molecular Paths IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12), pp. 2025-2034, 2011 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Accelerated Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Surfaces Comput. Graph. Forum, Vol.29, pp. 943-952, 2010 Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Electron Flux during Pericyclic Reactions in the Tunneling Limit: Quantum Simulation for Cyclooctatetraene Chem. Phys, 376(1-3), pp. 46-55, 2010 Hans-Christian Hege, Jörn Manz, Falko Marquardt, Beate Paulus, Axel Schild BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes During Pericyclic Reactions: Quantum Simulations for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene CSTC 2010 - 17th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, July 25-30, 2010, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2010 Timm Bredtmann, Falko Marquardt, Dirk Andrae, Ingo Barth, Hans-Christian Hege, Jörn Manz, Beate Paulus BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions: Quantum Simulations for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 28 Feb – 2 March, 2010, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, 2010 Timm Bredtmann, Falko Marquardt, Dirk Andrae, Ingo Barth, Hans-Christian Hege, Kunihito Hoki, Anatole Kenfack, Hirohiko Kono, Jörn Manz, Beate Paulus BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows Active Flow Control II, Springer, Berlin, pp. 373-387, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-11734-3 Jens Kasten, Tino Weinkauf, Christoph Petz, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd R. Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Extraction of Valley Networks in Mars Elevation Maps Proc. European Planetary Science Congress, pp. EPSC2010-216, Vol.5, 2010 David Günther, Patrick C. McGuire, Sebastian Walter, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Flow over a Cavity – Evolution of the Vortex Skeleton Visualization at 28th Annual Gallery of Fluid Motion exhibit, held at the 63th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (Long Beach, CA, USA, November 21-23, 2010)., 2010 Jens Kasten, Jan Reininghaus, Kilian Oberleithner, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on Volume Graphics and Point-Based Graphics IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 16(4), pp. 531-532, 2010 Hans-Christian Hege, David Laidlaw, Raghu Machiraju BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Improving Deformable Surface Meshes through Omni-directional Displacements and MRFs Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Tianzi Navab, Josien P. W. Pluim, Max Viergever (Eds.), pp. 227-234, Vol.6361, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010 Dagmar Kainmüller, Hans Lamecker, Heiko Seim, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
In Vitro Study of Near-Wall Flow in a Cerebral Aneurysm Model with and without Coils American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol.31:8, pp. 1521-1528, 2010 Leonid Goubergrits, Bente Thamsen, André Berthe, Jens Poethke, Ulrich Kertzscher, Klaus Affeld, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Heinrich Hoch, Andreas Spuler BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Lagrangian Feature Extraction of the Cylinder Wake Physics of Fluids, 22(9), p. 091108, 2010 Jens Kasten, Christoph Petz, Ingrid Hotz, Hans-Christian Hege, Bernd Noack, Gilead Tadmor BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Modeling a Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations and NOx Emissions in a Lean Premixed Combustor Active Flow Control II, Vol.108, pp. 307-321, 2010 Arnaud Lacarelle, Jonas P. Moeck, Christian Paschereit, Gregor Gelbert, Rudibert King, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Bernd R. Noack, Jens Kasten, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Self Excited Oscillations in Swirling Jets: Stability Analysis and Empirical Mode Construction Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 55(16), p. GE.00008, 2010 Kilian Oberleithner, Moritz Sieber, Christian Nayeri, Christian Paschereit, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Bernd Noack, Israel Wygnanski BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
TADD: A Computational Framework for Data Analysis Using Discrete Morse Theory Mathematical Software - ICMS 2010, pp. 198-208, Vol.6327, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010 Jan Reininghaus, David Günther, Ingrid Hotz, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
The Digital Bee Brain: Integrating and Managing Neurons in a Common 3D Reference System Front. Syst. Neurosci., 4(30), 2010 Jürgen Rybak, Anja Kuß, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Matthias Lienhard, Jochen Singer, Kerstin Neubert, Randolf Menzel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Uncertain 2D Vector Field Topology Comput. Graph. Forum, Vol.29, pp. 347-356, 2010 Mathias Otto, Tobias Germer, Hans-Christian Hege, Holger Theisel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
VideoMath Hans-Christian Hege (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2010 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization and Mathematics Hans-Christian Hege (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2010 (preprint available as ZIB-Report TR-97-06) PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Volume Graphics and Point-Based Graphics Hans-Christian Hege, Raghu Machiraju, David Laidlaw (Eds.), 2010 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
3D Reconstruction of the Human Rib Cage from 2D Projection Images using a Statistical Shape Model Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 5(2), pp. 111-124, 2009 Jalda Dworzak, Hans Lamecker, Jens von Berg, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Dagmar Kainmüller, Heiko Seim, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
An Articulated Statistical Shape Model for Accurate Hip Joint Segmentation EBMC 2009. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Society (EMBC), pp. 6345-6351, 2009 Dagmar Kainmüller, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automated three-dimensional detection and counting of neuron somata Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 180(1), pp. 147-160, 2009 Marcel Oberlaender, Vincent J. Dercksen, Robert Egger, Maria Gensel, Bert Sakmann, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automatic Extraction of Anatomical Landmarks from Medical Image Data: An Evaluation of Different Methods Proc. of IEEE Int. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 538-541, 2009 Heiko Seim, Dagmar Kainmüller, Markus O. Heller, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automatic alignment of stacks of filament data Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 971-974, 2009 Vincent J. Dercksen, Britta Weber, David Günther, Marcel Oberlaender, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Concerted Quantum Effects of Electronic and Nuclear Fluxes in Molecules Chem. Phys. Lett., 481(1-3), pp. 118-123, 2009 Ingo Barth, Hans-Christian Hege, Hiroshi Ikeda, Anatole Kenfack, Michael Koppitz, Jörn Manz, Falko Marquardt, Guennaddi K. Paramonov BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Coronary Artery WSS Profiling Using a Geometry Reconstruction Based on Biplane Angiography Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 37(4), pp. 682-691, 2009 Leonid Goubergrits, Ernst Wellnhofer, Ulrich Kertzscher, Klaus Affeld, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Dual Streamline Seeding Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Peter Eades, Thomas Ertl, Han-Wei Shen (Eds.), pp. 9-16, 2009 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 08-49) Olufemi Rosanwo, Christoph Petz, Steffen Prohaska, Ingrid Hotz, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Euro Vis 2009 - Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization Comput. Graphics. Forum, Vol.28, 2009 Hans-Christian Hege, Ingrid Hotz, Tamara Munzner BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
EuroVis 2009 Hans-Christian Hege, Ingrid Hotz, Tamara Munzner (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing, 2009 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hierarchical Vortex Regions in Swirling Flow Computer Graphics Forum, 28(3), pp. 863-870, 2009 Christoph Petz, Jens Kasten, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Knowledge Representation for Digital Atlases Conference Abstracts: Workshop of the Working Group 'Ontologies in Biomedicine and the Life Science', 2009 Anja Kuß, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Localized Finite-time Lyapunov Exponent for Unsteady Flow Analysis Vision Modeling and Visualization, Marcus Magnor, Bodo Rosenhahn, Holger Theisel (Eds.), pp. 265-274, Vol.1, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-9804874-8-1 Jens Kasten, Christoph Petz, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd R. Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Path Line Attributes - an Information Visualization Approach to Analyzing the Dynamic Behavior of 3D Time-Dependent Flow Fields Topology-Based Methods in Visualization II, pp. 75-88, Mathematics and Visualization, 2009 Kuangyu Shi, Holger Theisel, Helwig Hauser, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
The HoneyBee Standard Brain (HSB) - a versatile atlas tool for integrating data and data exchange in the neuroscience community BMC Neuroscience, Vol.10 (Suppl 1):P1, 2009 Jürgen Rybak, Anja Kuß, Wolfgang Holler, Robert Brandt, Hans-Christian Hege, Randolf Menzel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topology-based Methods in Visualization II Gerik Scheuermann, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Springer, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-540-88605-1 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual Exploration of Nasal Airflow IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(8), pp. 1407-1414, 2009 Stefan Zachow, Philipp Muigg, Thomas Hildebrandt, Helmut Doleisch, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Wall-PIV as a Near Wall Flow Validation Tool for CFD Journal of Visualization, 12(3), pp. 241-250, 2009 Leonid Goubergrits, Sarah Weber, Christoph Petz, Andreas Spuler, Jens Pöthke, André Berthe, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
3D Bildgebung von zerebralen Aneurysmen Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, pp. 153-157, 2008 Leonid Goubergrits, Jens Pöthke, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege, Andreas Spuler, Ulrich Kertzscher BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automatic Segmentation of the Pelvic Bones from CT Data Based on a Statistical Shape Model Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (VCBM), pp. 93-100, 2008 Heiko Seim, Dagmar Kainmüller, Markus O. Heller, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Coupling Deformable Models for Multi-object Segmentation Proc. Int. Symp. on Computational Models for Biomedical Simulation (ISBMS), pp. 69-78, Springer LNCS 5104, 2008 Dagmar Kainmüller, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Feature-based Analysis of a Multi-Parameter Flow Simulation Proc. of 19th Simulation and Visualization Conference (SimVis 2008), pp. 237-251, 2008 Tino Weinkauf, Jan Sahner, Bert Günther, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Frank Thiele BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Finite-Time Transport Structures of Flow Fields Proc. IEEE Pacific Visualization 2008, pp. 63-70, 2008 Kuangyu Shi, Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Impact of imaging modality for analysis of a cerebral aneurysm: Comparison between CT, MRI and 3DRA Proceedings of the 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, Pascal Jos Vander Sloten, Jens Haueisen (Eds.), pp. 1889-1893, 2008 Jens Poethke, Leonid Goubergrits, Ulrich Kertzscher, Andreas Spuler, Christoph Petz, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
MathFilm Festival 2008 Konrad Polthier, Martin Aigner, Tom M. Apostol, Michele Emmer, Hans-Christian Hege, Ulrich Weinberg (Eds.), 2008 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Multi-Object Segmentation with Coupled Deformable Models Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, pp. 34-38, 2008 Dagmar Kainmüller, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Markus O. Heller, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Near-Wall Flow Visualization in Flattened Surface Neighborhoods Proc. Simulation and Visualization 2008, pp. 93-105, 2008 Christoph Petz, Steffen Prohaska, Leonid Goubergrits, Ulrich Kertzscher, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Ontology-Based Visualization of Hierarchical Neuroanatomical Structures Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine VCBM 2008, pp. 177-184, 2008 Anja Kuß, Steffen Prohaska, Björn Meyer, Jürgen Rybak, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Smoke Surfaces: An Interactive Flow Visualization Technique Inspired by Real-World Flow Experiments IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization 2008), pp. 1396-1403, 14(6), 2008 Wolfram von Funck, Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Towards automatic generation of 3D models of biological objects based on serial sections Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 3-25, 2008 Vincent J. Dercksen, Cornelia Brüß, Detlev Stalling, Sabine Gubatz, Udo Seiffert, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Towards model-based 3-D reconstruction of the human rib cage from radiographs Proc. 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer-Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC), pp. 193-196, 2008 Jalda Dworzak, Hans Lamecker, Jens von Berg, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Dagmar Kainmüller, Heiko Seim, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing Transport Structures of Time-Dependent Flow Fields IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 24-35, 2008 Kuangyu Shi, Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing morphogenesis and growth by temporal interpolation of surface-based 3D atlases Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 824-827, 2008 Chavdar Papazov, Vincent J. Dercksen, Hans Lamecker, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Volume and Point-Based Graphics 2008 Hans-Christian Hege, David Laidlaw, Renato Pajarola, Oliver Staadt (Eds.), Eurographics Association, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-905674-12-5 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
3D Reconstruction of Individual Anatomy from Medical Image Data: Segmentation and Geometry Processing 25. ANSYS Conference & CADFEM Users’ Meeting, 2007 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 07-41) Stefan Zachow, Michael Zilske, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
A unified feature extraction architecture Active Flow Control, pp. 119-133, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM), 2007 Tino Weinkauf, Jan Sahner, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Clipmap-based Terrain Data Synthesis Proc. SimVis 2007, Thomas Schulze, Bernhard Preim, Heidrun Schumann (Eds.), pp. 385-398, 2007 Malte Clasen, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Control of Separation on the Flap of a Three-Element High-Lift Configuration 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2007 Bert Günther, Frank Thiele, Ralf Petz, Wolfgang Nitsche, Jan Sahner, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Cores of Swirling Particle Motion in Unsteady Flows IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization 2007), 13(6), pp. 1759-1766, 2007 Tino Weinkauf, Jan Sahner, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Extracting separation surfaces of path line oriented topology in periodic 2D time-dependent vector fields pp. 75-82, 2007 Kuangyu Shi, Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Helwig Hauser, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Feature Flow Fields in Out-of-Core Settings Topology-based Methods in Visualization, Springer, pp. 51-64, 2007 Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Model-based autosegmentation of brain structures in the honeybee using statistical shape models Proc. 8th Int. Congr. of Neuroethology (ICN), 2007 Kerstin Neubert, Hans Lamecker, Hans-Christian Hege, Randolf Menzel, Jürgen Rybak BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Muskuloskelettale Biomechanik des Kniegelenks - Grundlagen für die präoperative Planung von Umstellung und Gelenkersatz Der Orthopäde, 36(7), pp. 628-634, 2007 Markus O. Heller, Georg Matziolis, Christian König, William R. Taylor, S. Hinterwimmer, H. Graichen, Hans-Christian Hege, G. Bergmann, Carsten Perka, G. N. Duda BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Pipeline for the creation of surface-based averaged brain atlases Proceedings of WSCG 2007 - the 15-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, pp. 17-24, Vol.15, 2007 Anja Kuß, Hans-Christian Hege, Sabine Krofczik, Jana Börner BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Simultaneous GPU-Assisted Raycasting of Unstructured Point Sets and Volumetric Grid Data Proceedings of IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics 2007, pp. 49-56, 2007 Ralf Kähler, Tom Abel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Volume Graphics 2007 Hans-Christian Hege, Raghu Machiraju (Eds.), AK Peters, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-56881-367-7 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Vortex and strain skeletons in Eulerian and Lagrangian frames pp. 980-990, 2007 Jan Sahner, Tino Weinkauf, Nathalie Teuber, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Point-matching based algorithm for 3D surface alignment of drug-sized molecules Computational Life Sciences II, Second International Symposium, CompLife 2006, Cambridge (UK), Sept. 2006, pp. 183-193, Vol.4216, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 2006 Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A framework for interactive, high-quality volume rendering of cosmological simulations Proc. Int. Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG06), pp. 103-110, 2006 Ralf Kähler, John Wise, Tom Abel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Analysing curved spacetimes with tensor splats Proceedings of the Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, pp. 1619-1624, Vol.3, 2006 Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Atlas-based 3D-shape reconstruction from x-ray images Proc. Int. Conf. of Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), pp. 371-374, Vol.Volume I, 2006 Hans Lamecker, Thomas Wenckebach, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Atlas-basierte 3D-Rekonstruktion des Beckens aus 2D-Projektionsbildern Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen, pp. 26-30, 2006 Hans Lamecker, Thomas Wenckebach, Hans-Christian Hege, Georg N. Duda, Markus Heller BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automatic segmentation of mandibles in low-dose CT-data Int. J. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.1(1), pp. 393-395, 2006 Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Antonia Wittmers, Britta Weber, Hans-Christian Hege, Barbara Elsholtz, Michael Stiller BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Characterization of an artificial valve flow using the numerical dye washout visualization technique Artificial Organs, Vol.30(8), pp. 642-650, 2006 Leonid Goubergrits, Tobias Timmel, Klaus Affeld, Christoph Petz, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Computer assisted planning in cranio-maxillofacial surgery Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol.14(1), pp. 53-64, 2006 Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Path line oriented topology for periodic 2D time-dependent vector fields Proc. Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pp. 139-146, 2006 Kuangyu Shi, Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Helwig Hauser, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Real-time pen-and-ink illustration of landscapes NPAR '06: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering, pp. 27-35, 2006 Liviu Coconu, Oliver Deussen, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Strategies for direct visualization of second-rank tensor fields Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields, pp. 191-214, 2006 Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Surgical treatment of craniosynostosis based on a statistical 3D-shape model Int. J. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.1(1), pp. 253-254, 2006 Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Maja Zöckler BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Terrain rendering using spherical clipmaps EuroVis 2006 - Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pp. 91-98, 2006 Malte Clasen, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topological structures in two-parameter-dependent 2D vector fields Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.25 (3), pp. 607-616, 2006 Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization, reconstruction, and integration of neuronal structures in digital brain atlases Int. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.116(4), pp. 431-459, 2006 Alexander Maye, Thomas Wenckebach, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing neuronal structures in the human brain via Diffusion Tensor MRI Int. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.116(4), pp. 461-514, 2006 Werner Benger, Hauke Bartsch, Hans-Christian Hege, Hagen Kitzler, Anna Shumilina, Annett Werner BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Vortex Structures at a Rotating Ship Propeller Presented at the 24th Annual Gallery of Fluid Motion exhibit, held at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa Bay, 2006 Christoph Petz, Tino Weinkauf, Heinrich Streckwall, Franceso Salvatore, Bernd R. Noack, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A three-dimensional average-shape atlas of the honeybee brain and its applications Journal of Comparative Neurology, Vol.492(1), pp. 1-19, 2005 Robert Brandt, Torsten Rohlfing, Jürgen Rybak, Sabine Krofczik, Alexander Maye, Malte Westerhoff, Hans-Christian Hege, Randolf Menzel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Amira: A highly interactive system for visual data analysis The Visualization Handbook, pp. 749-767, Charles Hansen, Christopher Johnson (Eds.), Elsevier, 2005 Detlev Stalling, Malte Westerhoff, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Capturing anatomical shape variability using B-spline registration Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 19th International Conference (IPMI 2005), Gary Christensen, Milan Sonka (Eds.), pp. 578-590, Vol.3565/2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005 Thomas Wenckebach, Hans Lamecker, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Die Vision einer individuellen quantitativen Medizin ZIB-Report 05-47 Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Efficient modelling and rendering of landscapes Visualization in Landscape and Environmental Planning, Ian Bishop, Eckart Lange (Eds.), Spon Press: London, pp. 56-61, 2005 Oliver Deussen, Carsten Colditz, Liviu Coconu, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Extraction of parallel vector surfaces in 3D time-dependent fields and application to vortex core line tracking Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 559-566, 2005 Holger Theisel, Jan Sahner, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast cross-sectional display of large data sets IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, pp. 336-339, 2005 Vincent J. Dercksen, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Galilean invariant extraction and iconic representation of vortex core lines Proc. Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis ’05), K. Brodlie, D. Duke, K. Joy (Eds.), pp. 151-160, 2005 Jan Sahner, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hintergrundinformationen zum Artikel ‘Neue Bilder für die Medizin?’ DFG-Research Center Matheon, Report, 19 pages, 2005 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Lenné 3D walking through landscape plan Trends in Real-Time Landscape Visualization and Participation, pp. 48-59, 2005 Armin Werner, Oliver Deussen, Jürgen Döllner, Hans-Christian Hege, Philip Paar, Jörg Rekittke BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Maxillofacial surgery planning with 3D soft tissue prediction - modeling, planning, simulation 2. Int. Conf. on Advanced Digital Technology in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Abstract 33, p. 64, 2005 Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Neue Bilder für die Medizin? DFN-Mitteilungen, Vol.13(3), pp. 163-167, 2005 Günter M. Ziegler, Hans-Christian Hege, Georg Duda BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Quantification of spatial structure of human proximal tibial bone biopsies using 3D measures of complexity Acta Astronautica, 56(9-12), pp. 820-830, 2005 Peter Saparin, Jesper Thomsen, Steffen Prohaska, Alexei Zaikin, Jürgen Kurths, Hans-Christian Hege, Wolfgang Gowin BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Real-time rendering of complex photorealistic landscapes using hybrid level-of-detail approaches Trends in Real-Time Landscape Visualization and Participation, Erich Buhmann, Philip Paar, Ian Bishop, Eckart Lange (Eds.), Wichmann Verlag, pp. 97-106, 2005 Carsten Colditz, Liviu Coconu, Oliver Deussen, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Realistic illumination of vegetation in real-time environments Trends in Real-Time Landscape Visualization and Participation, Erich Buhmann, Philip Paar, Ian Bishop, Eckart Lange (Eds.), Wichmann Verlag, pp. 107-114, 2005 Malte Clasen, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Seamless integration of stylized renditions in computer-generated landscape visualization Trends in Real-Time Landscape Visualization and Participation, Erich Buhmann, Philip Paar, Ian Bishop, Eckart Lange (Eds.), Wichmann Verlag: Heidelberg, pp. 88-96, 2005 Liviu Coconu, Carsten Colditz, Hans-Christian Hege, Oliver Deussen BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Soft Tissue Prediction in Computer Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery Planning Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery, Y. Payan (Ed.), Research Signpost, pp. 277-298, 2005 Stefan Zachow, Martin Weiser, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Statistical shape modeling for craniosynostosis planning 2nd International Conference Advanced Digital Technology in Head and Neck Reconstruction 2005, Abstract Volume, p. 64, 2005 Hans Lamecker, Maja Zöckler, Hannes Haberl, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topological methods for 2D time-dependent vector fields based on stream lines and path lines IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(4), 2005 Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topological simplification of 3D vector fields and extracting higher order critical points Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 631-638, 2005 Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Kuangyu Shi, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Towards distributed visualization and analysis of large flow data JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol.48 (2), pp. 241-246, 2005 Hans-Christian Hege, Tino Weinkauf, Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual analysis of molecular conformations by means of a dynamic density mixture model Computational Life Sciences: First International Symposium, CompLife 2005, pp. 229-240, Vol.3695, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 2005 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 05-02) Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization of time-dependent remote adaptive mesh refinement data Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 175-182, 2005 Ralf Kähler, Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A 3D statistical shape model of the pelvic bone for segmentation Proceedings of SPIE - Volume 5370 Medical Imaging 2004, J. Fitzpatrick, Milan Sonka (Eds.), pp. 1341-1351, 2004 Hans Lamecker, Martin Seebaß, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A 3d statistical shape model of the pelvic bone for segmentation Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2004, J. Fitzpatrick, Milan Sonka (Eds.), pp. 1341-1351, Vol.5370, 2004 Hans Lamecker, Martin Seebaß, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Advances in 3D osteotomy planning with 3D soft tissue prediction Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery around the Head, Abstract, p. 31, 2004 Stefan Zachow, Bodo Erdmann, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Aktuelle Anwendungen der Wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung (Current Applications of Scientific Visualization) it - Information Technology, Vol.46(3), pp. 142-147, 2004 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Anatomy- and physics-based facial animation for craniofacial surgery simulations Med Biol Eng Comput., Vol.42(2), pp. 167-170, 2004 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Boundary switch connectors for topological visualization of complex 3D vector fields Proc. Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym ’04), pp. 183-192, 2004 Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Computergestützte Operationsplanung in der Gesichtschirurgie Proc. VDE Kongress 2004 - Innovationen für Menschen, Band 2, Fachtagungsberichte DGBMT - GMM - GMA, pp. 53-58, 2004 Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Distributed visualization and analysis of fluid dynamics data Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information and Transdisciplinary Fluid Integration, pp. 145-150, 2004 Hans-Christian Hege, Tino Weinkauf, Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Grid-independent detection of closed stream lines in 2D vector fields Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2004, pp. 421-428, 2004 Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive exploration of large remote micro-CT scans Proc. IEEE Visualization 2004, pp. 345-352, 2004 Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu, Ralf Kähler, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Stream line and path line oriented topology for 2D time-dependent vector fields Proc. IEEE Visualization 2004, pp. 321-328, 2004 Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Tensor splats Visualization and Data Analysis 2004, Proc. of SPIE, pp. 151-162, Vol.5295, 2004 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 03-17) Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Topological construction and visualization of higher order 3D vector fields Computer Graphics Forum, pp. 469-478, Vol.23(3), 2004 Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization of the variability of 3D statistical shape models by animation Proc. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, J. Westwood (Ed.), pp. 190-196, Vol.98, Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics, 2004 Hans Lamecker, Martin Seebass, Thomas Lange, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Study on the PIV Virtual Laboratory by Web Grid Technology CD ROM Proc. PIV'03 - 5th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry, Kyung Kim (Ed.), The Korean Society of Visualization: Busan, Korea, 2003 Yoshimasa Kadooka, Naoki Onishi, Jang-Woon Choi, Young-Ho Lee, Hans-Christian Hege, Yoshio Tago BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Virtual Laboratory for Assessment of Bone Biopsies 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, p. 7, 2003 Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Michael Giehl, Wolfgang Gowin BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Architectural Reasons for the Femoral Neck Fracture Location 2nd European Congress ’Achievements in Space Medicine into Health Care Practice and Industry’, 2003 Wolfgang Gowin, Peter Saparin, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Belle, Dieter Felsenberg BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Automatic Segmentation of the Liver for Preoperative Planning of Resections Proc. MMVR 2003, pp. 171-173, Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics 94, 2003 Hans Lamecker, Thomas Lange, Martin Seebaß, Sebastian Eulenstein, Malte Westerhoff, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Coherent structures in a transitional flow around a backward-facing step Physics of Fluids, V. Ajaev, D. Willis (Eds.), p. S3, Vol.15, 2003 Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Bernd Noack, Michael Schlegel, Andreas Dillmann BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Creation and Visualization of Anatomical Models with Amira Proc. of 3D Modelling 2003, p. 7pp., 2003 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Emerging Tangible Interfaces for Facilitating Collaborative Immersive Visualizations Proc. of NSF Lake Tahoe Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Reality and Visualization (extended abstract), Oliver Staadt (Ed.), 2003 Brygg Ullmer, Andrei Hutanu, Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Visualization to Support Quantification of Bone Biopsies 2nd European Congress ’Achievements in Space Medicine into Health Care Practice and Industry’, 2003 Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Michael Giehl, Wolfgang Gowin BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Volume Rendering of Large Data Sets Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement Hierarchies IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9(3), pp. 341-351, 2003 Ralf Kähler, Mark Simon, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
On constitutive modeling of soft tissue for the long-term prediction of cranio-maxillofacial surgery outcome International Congress Series, CARS2003, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition, pp. 343-348, Vol.1256, 2003 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Progressive Retrieval and Hierarchical Visualization of Large Remote Data Proceedings of the 2003 Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware, pp. 60-72, 2003 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 03-40) Hans-Christian Hege, Andrei Hutanu, Ralf Kähler, André Merzky, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, Brygg Ullmer PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Quantification of Changes in Spatial Structure of Human Bone Biopsies Using 3D Measures of Complexity 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, 2003 Peter Saparin, Wolfgang Gowin, Alexei Zaikin, Jesper Thomsen, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Jürgen Kurths BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Realistic prediction of individual facial emotion expressions for craniofacial surgery simulations Proc. SPIE medical Imaging 2003, Robert Galloway (Ed.), pp. 520-527, Vol.5029, 2003 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Saddle Connectors - An Approach to Visualizing the Topological Skeleton of Complex 3D Vector Fields Proc. IEEE Visualization 2003, pp. 225-232, 2003 Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization and Mathematics III Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Springer, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-01295-8 BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization of Time-Dependent Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data ZIB-Report 03-16 (Parts of this report have been published in: Ralf Kähler, Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu, Hans-Christian Hege. Visualization of Time-Dependent Remote Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. In: Proc. IEEE Visualization 2005, Oct. 2005, Minneapolis, USA, 2005, pp. 175-182) Ralf Kähler, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
A nonlinear elastic soft tissue model for craniofacial surgery simulations ESAIM, Proc., Vol.12, pp. 61-66, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A nonlinear soft tissue model for craniofacial surgery simulations Proc. of Modeling and Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery (MS4CMS, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Adaptive Nonlinear Elastic FEM for Realistic Prediction of Soft Tissue in Craniofacial Surgery Simulations Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2002, Seong K. Mun (Ed.), pp. 1-8, Vol.4681, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Biomechanical modeling of individual facial emotion expressions Proc. of Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP), pp. 7-11, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Biomechanisches Modell zur Abschätzung der individuellen Gesichtsmimik Proc.of Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM), M. Meiler, D. Saupe, F. Krugel, H. Handels, T. Lehmann (Eds.), pp. 25-28, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast Visualization of Plane-Like Structures in Voxel Data Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, Robert J. Moorhead, Markus Gross, Kenneth I. Joy (Eds.), pp. 29-36, 2002 Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Femoral Neck Fractures: Reasons for the Most Common Location of Fractures Acta Orthop. Scand. (Suppl. 304), Vol.73, p. 26, 2002 Wolfgang Gowin, Peter Saparin, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Dieter Felsenberg BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
From Image Data to Three-Dimensional Models - Case Studies on the Impact of 3D Patient Models Proceedings of the Japan Korea Computer Graphics Conference 2002, 2002 Hans-Christian Hege, Hartmut Schirmacher, Malte Westerhoff, Hans Lamecker, Steffen Prohaska, Stefan Zachow BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
GriKSL - Immersive Überwachung und Steuerung von Simulationen auf entfernten Supercomputern DFN-Mitteilungen, Heft 59, pp. 5-7, 2002 Hans-Christian Hege, André Merzky BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
GriKSL zeigt Live-Demos auf der iGrid2002 DFN-Mitteilungen, Heft 60, pp. 21-22, 2002 Hans-Christian Hege, Ralf Kähler, Edward Seidel, Thomas Radke BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hardware-Accelerated Point-Based Rendering of Complex Scenes Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques, Simon Gibson, Paul Debevec (Eds.), pp. 43-52, 2002 Liviu Coconu, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Lösungsansätze zur Visualisierung im High Performance Computing und Networking Kontext Zukunft der Netze - Die Verletzbarkeit meistern., J. von Knop (Ed.), pp. 269-279, 2002 Stephan Olbrich, Tino Weinkauf, André Merzky, Harald Knipp, Hans-Christian Hege, Helmut Pralle BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Operieren im Medizin-Grid DFN-Mitteilungen, Heft 60, pp. 19-20, 2002 Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Regional Structural Skeletal Discordance Assessed by Measures of Complexity 2002 Wolfgang Gowin, Peter Saparin, Dieter Felsenberg, Jürgen Kurths, Alexei Zaikin, Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Rendering The First Star in The Universe - A Case Study Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, Robert J. Moorhead, Markus Gross, Kenneth I. Joy (Eds.), pp. 537-540, 2002 Ralf Kähler, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, Hans-Christian Hege, Tom Abel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Shape-based Modeling Approach for the Estimation of Individual Facial Mimics in Craniofacial Surgery Planning Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2002: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, Seong Mun (Ed.), pp. 242-248, Vol.4681, 2002 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Texture-based volume rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data The Visual Computer, 18(8), pp. 491-492, 2002 Ralf Kähler, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Towards Patient Specific, Anatomy Based Simulation of Facial Mimics for Surgical Nerve Rehabilitation Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), pp. 3-6, 2002 Stefan Zachow, Evgeny Gladilin, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visual Analysis of Trabecular Bone Structure Journal of Gravitational Physiology, Vol.9 (1), pp. 171-172, 2002 Steffen Prohaska, Hans-Christian Hege, Michael Giehl, Wolfgang Gowin BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing Dynamic Molecular Conformations Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, Robert J. Moorhead, Markus Gross, Kenneth I. Joy (Eds.), pp. 235-242, 2002 Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing and Identifying Conformational Ensembles in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering, Vol.4(3), pp. 68-75, 2002 Christoph Best, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Biomechanical Model for Soft Tissue Simulation in Craniofacial Surgery Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR), pp. 137-141, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Cactus Grid Computing: Review of Current Devlopment Proceedings of Euro-Par 2001: 7th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing, Rizos Sakellariou, Jon Keane, John Gurd, Len Freeman (Eds.), pp. 817-824, Vol.2150, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2001 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Hans-Christian Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, André Merzky, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Cactus Tools for Grid Applications Cluster Computing, 4(3), pp. 179-188, 2001 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Hans-Christian Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, André Merzky, Thomas Radtke, Edward Seidel, John Shalf BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Creating Virtual Insect Brains with Amira ZIB-Report 01-32 Malte Zöckler, Karlheinz Rein, Robert Brandt, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
FE-based heuristic approach for the estimation of person-specific facial mimics Proceedings of Euro-Par 2001: 5-th International Symposium on Computer Methods, Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data ZIB-Report 01-30 (Appeared in: The Visual Computer 18 (2002) 8, 481-492) Ralf Kähler, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
MathInsight 2002 2001 Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier, Martin Rumpf BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Towards a Realistic Simulation of Individual Facial Mimics Vision Modeling and Visualization 2001 (VMV), pp. 129-134, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Validation of a Linear Elastic Model for Soft Tissue Simulation in Craniofacial Surgery Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2001, Seong Mun (Ed.), pp. 27-35, Vol.4319, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Validierung eines linear elastischen Modells für die Weichgewebesimulation in der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM), pp. 57-61, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Virtual Fibers: A Robust Approach for Muscle Simulation IX Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON), pp. 961-964, 2001 Evgeny Gladilin, Stefan Zachow, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visually stunning - Molecular conformations The Biochemist, 23(5), pp. 22-26, 2001 Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Daniel Baum, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Clinical evaluation and verification of the hyperthermia treatment planning system HyperPlan Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., Vol.47(4), pp. 1145-1156, 2000 Johanna Gellermann, Peter Wust, Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebaß, Jacek Nadobny, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Clinical evaluation and verification of the hyperthermia treatment planning system hyperplan Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 47(4), pp. 1145-1156, 2000 Johanna Gellermann, Peter Wust, Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebass, Johanna Nadobny, Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Die Bedeutung breitbandiger und leistungsfähiger Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen für die kraniomaxillofaziale Chirurgie - Möglichkeiten der netzbasierten Bildverarbeitung Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000 (Abstract), 2000 Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Robert Sader, Victor Apostolescu, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Martin Göbel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Distributed Visualization with OpenGL Vizserver: Practical Experiences ZIB-Report 00-31 Hans-Christian Hege, Andre Merzky, Stefan Zachow PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Efficient Distributed File I/O for Visualization in Grid Environments Simulation and Visualization on the Grid, Springer Verlag, pp. 1-6, 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-99-43) Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege, André Merzky, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast and Intuitive Generation of Geometric Shape Transitions The Visual Computer, Vol.16(5), pp. 241-253, 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-99-33) Malte Zöckler, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Finite-Element Simulation of Soft Tissue Deformation Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgey (CARS), pp. 23-28, 2000 Stefan Zachow, Evgeny Gladilin, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hyperthermia Treatment Planning with HyperPlan - User's Manual ZIB-Report 00-27 Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebass, Malte Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Micro-CT zur Darstellung kontrastgebender Strukturen im Weichteilgewebe 81. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, 2000 Michael Giehl, Wolfgang Gowin, Klaus Engelke, Marek Karolczak, Hans-Christian Hege, Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Dieter Felsenberg BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Progress Towards a Combined MRI Hyperthermia System Proc. Second Int. Congress HIGH CARE 2000, Bochum, W. Grönemeyer (Ed.), 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 00-07) Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Progress Towards a Combined MRI/Hyperthermia System Proceedings Second International Congress HIGH CARE 2000, 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 00-07) Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebaß PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Schwarze Löcher in Sicht - Immersive Überwachung und Steuerung von Remote-Simulationen DFN-Mitteilungen, 52(2), pp. 4-6, 2000 Hans-Christian Hege, Werner Benger, André Merzky, Friedbert Kasper, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2000), pp. 253-260, 2000 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Tom Goodale, Hans-Christian Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, André Merzky, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, John Shalf BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Virtuelle Experimente Sieben Hügel - Bilder und Zeichen des 21. Jahrhunderts 2000 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visions of Numerical Relativity Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on the Interaction of Art and Fluid Mechanics (SCART2000), pp. 239-246, 2000 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-99-53) Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Heusler PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Influence of Patient Models and Numerical Methods on Predicted Power Deposition Patterns Int. Journal Hyperthermia, 15(6), pp. 519-540, 1999 Peter Wust, Jacek Nadobny, Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling, Johanna Gellermann, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Influence of patient models and numerical methods on predicted power deposition patterns Int. J. Hyperthermia, 15(6), pp. 519-540, 1999 Peter Wust, Johanna Nadobny, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Johanna Gellermann, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Solving Einstein’s Equations on Supercomputers IEEE Computer, pp. 52-59, 1999 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Edward Seidel, Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege, André Merzky, Joan Masso, John Shalf BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing Quantum Mechanical Phenomena ZIB-Report SC-99-39 Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Boundary Surface Shrinking - a Continuous Approach to 3D Center Line Extraction Proc. of IMDSP’98, held in Alpbach, Bernd Girod, Heinrich Niemann, Hans Seidel (Eds.), pp. 25-28, 1998 Hartmut Schirmacher, Malte Zöckler, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms for Generation of Patient Models in Radiofrequency Hyperthermia Phys. Med. Biol., Vol.43 (11), pp. 3295-3307, 1998 Peter Wust, Johanna Gellermann, Jürgen Beier, Susan Wegner, Wolfgang Tilly, Jens Tröger, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for generation of patient models in radiofrequency hyperthermia Phys Med Biol, Vol.43, pp. 3295-3307, 1998 Peter Wust, Johanna Gellermann, Jürgen Beier, S. Wegner, Wolfgang Tilly, J. Troger, Detlev Stalling, H. Oswald, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast LIC with Higher Order Filter Kernels ZIB-Report SC-97-74 (A revised version appeared under the title: Fast LIC with Piecewise Polynomial Filter Kernels in: Mathematical Visualization - Algorithms, Applications, and Numerics. Hege, H.-C., Polthier, K. (eds.) Springer 1998, pp 295-312) Hans-Christian Hege, Detlev Stalling PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast LIC with Piecewise Polynomial Filter Kernels Mathematical Visualization - Algorithms and Applications, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 295-314, 1998 Hans-Christian Hege, Detlev Stalling BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Mathematical Visualization - Algorithms, Applications, and Numerics Springer: Heidelberg, 1998, ISBN: ISBN 3-540-63991-8 Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad (Eds.) BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
New Features of HyperPlan, a Hyperthermia Planning System Proc. Hyperthermia in Clincal Oncology, p. 16, 1998 Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Segmentation of 3D Medical Images with Subvoxel Accuracy Proc. CARS ’98 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 137-142, 1998 Detlev Stalling, Malte Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
VideoMath - Festival at ICM 98 1998, ISBN: 978-3-540-21385-7 Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualizing conformations in molecular dynamics ZIB-Report SC-98-42 (A rev. vers. appeared under the title "Visualizing and Identifying Conformational Ensembles in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories" in: Computing in Science and Engineering 4 (3) May/June (2002), pp. 68-75) Christoph Best, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Weighted Labels for 3D Image Segmentation ZIB-Report SC-98-39 (Appeared under the title "Interactive Segmentation of 3D Medical Images with Subvoxel Accuracy" in: Proceedings CAR '1998 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. H. U. Lemke et al. (eds.) Elsevier 1998. ISBN 0444829733) Detlev Stalling, Malte Zöckler, Oliver Sander, Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Generalized Marching Cubes Algorithm Based on Non-Binary Classifications ZIB-Report SC-97-05 Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Malte Zöckler PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Quantitative Comparison Between VSIE and the FDTD Method Using Electrically Equivalent Patient and Antenna Models Proceedings of 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology ESHO-97, p. 145, 1997 Jacek Nadobny, Peter Wust, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
A Quantitative Comparison between the VSIE and the FDTD method using Electrically Equivalent Patient and Antenna Models Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 145, 1997 Johanna Nadobny, Peter Wust, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Die 3D-Wasserscheidentransformation auf Graphenebene - eine Anwendung für die Hyperthermieplannung Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, Tagungsband zum 5. Freiburger Workshop, B. Arnolds, H. Müller, D. Saupe, Thomas Tolxdorff (Eds.), pp. 31-36, 1997 Susan Wegner, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, H. Oswald, E. Fleck BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast Display of Illuminated Field Lines IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3(2), pp. 118-128, 1997 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-96-58) Detlev Stalling, Malte Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hyperthermia Treatment Planning in Clinical Cancer Therapy:Modelling, Simulation, and Visualization Computational Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Achim Sydow (Ed.), Vol.3, 1997 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-97-26) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hyperthermia Treatment Planning in Clinical Therapy Computational Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress 1997 on Scientific Computation 3, Modelling and Applied Mathematics), Achim Sydow (Ed.), pp. 9-17, 1997 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-97-26) Peter Deuflhard, Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling, Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
LIC on Surfaces Texture Synthesis with Line Integral Convolution, Siggraph 97, 24. Int. Conf. Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, pp. 51-64, 1997 Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
LIC: Acceleration, Animation, Zoom Texture Synthesis with Line Integral Convolution, Siggraph 97, 24. Int. Conf. Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, pp. 17-49, 1997 Hans-Christian Hege, Detlev Stalling BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Numerical Algorithms and Visualization in Medical Treament Planning Visualization and Mathematics, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), pp. 303-328, 1997 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-96-54) Rudolf Beck, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Patient Models and Algorithms for Hyperthermia Planning Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 75, 1997 Peter Wust, Johanna Nadobny, Johanna Gellermann, Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Volker Budach, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Patient Models and Algorithms for Hyperthermia Planning Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology ESHO-97, 1997 Peter Wust, Jacek Nadobny, Johanna Gellermann, Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Surface Mesh Generation for Numerical Simulations of Hyperthermia Treatments Proc. 16th Ann. Meeting Europ. Soc. Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), Berlin, Germany, April 1997, p. 146, 1997 Martin Seebass, Detlev Stalling, M. Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Surface Mesh Generation for Numerical Simulations of Hyperthermia Treatments Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO-97), p. 146, 1997 Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling, Malte Zöckler, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Roland Felix, Peter Deuflhard BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization and Mathematics - Experiments, Simulations and Environments Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 1997, ISBN: ISBN 3-540-61269-6 Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad (Eds.) BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Adaptive Finite Element Codes for Numerical Calculations in Hyperthermia Treatment Planning Proceedings of the 17th Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, pp. 515-517, Vol.2, 1996 Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebaß, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Adaptive finite element codes for numerical calculations in hyperthermia treatment planning Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 515-517, Vol.2, 1996 Rudolf Beck, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebass, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast Line Integral Convolution for Arbitrary Surfaces in 3D Visualization and Mathematics 1997, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 181-195, 1996 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-96-59) Henrik Battke, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
HyperPlan - an Integrated System for Treatment Planning in Regional Hyperthermia Proceedings of the 17th Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, pp. 552-554, Vol.2, 1996 Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebaß, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
HyperPlan - an integrated system for treatment planning in regional hyperthermia Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 1996, Cafiero Franconi (Ed.), pp. 552-554, Vol.2, 1996 Detlev Stalling, Martin Seebass, Hans-Christian Hege, Peter Wust, Peter Deuflhard, Roland Felix BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Intelligent Scissors for Medical Image Segmentation Tagungsband zum 4. Freiburger Workshop Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, pp. 32-36, 1996 Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Interactive Visualization of 3D-Vector Fields Using Illuminated Streamlines Proc. IEEE Visualization 1996, pp. 107-113, 1996 Malte Zöckler, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Netzverteilte Visualisierung und Simulation ZIB-Report TR–96–08 Wolfgang Baumann, Hans-Christian Hege, Uwe Schwarz, Hinnerk Stüben PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
Numerical Algorithms and Visualization in Medical Treatment Planning Visualization and Mathematics 1997, Hans-Christian Hege, Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 303-328, 1996 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-96-54) Rudolf Beck, Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege, Martin Seebaß, Detlev Stalling PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Parallel Line Integral Convolution Proc. First Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pp. 111-128, 1996 Malte Zöckler, Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Problems and Solutions: Product of Chebyshev Polynomials Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, Vol.6 (2), p. 12, 1996 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Volume Rendering: Mathematical Models and Algorithmic Aspects Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Numerik und Anwendungen, Konferenzen des Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, pp. 227-255, 1996 (preprint available as ZIB-Report TR-93-07) Hans-Christian Hege, Tobias Höllerer, Detlev Stalling PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Daten "sehen" - Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung im RTB Berlin DFN Mitteilungen, Vol.38, pp. 10-12target, 1995 Hans-Christian Hege, Hinnerk Stüben BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Der Einfluß der Datenapproximation bei Volume Rendering durch ein Emissions/Absorptions-Modell Visualisierung - Dynamik und Komplexität, 1995 Tobias Höllerer, Klaus Tönnies, Hans-Christian Hege, Detlev Stalling BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Design and Implementation of a Hyperthermia Planning System Tagungsband zum 4. Freiburger Workshop Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, 1995 Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Fast and Resolution-Independent Line Integral Convolution Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’95, pp. 249-256, 1995 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-94-37) Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Quantum Chromodynamics Simulations on a Non-Dedicated Highly Parallel Computer Comp. Phys. Comm, Vol.90, pp. 201-214, 1995 K. Akemi, Ph. deForcrand, M. Fujisaki, T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege, S. Hioki, O. Miyamura, A. Nakamura, M. Okuda, I. O. Stamatescu, Yoshio Tago, T. Takaishi BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Visualization and 3D-Interaction for Hyperthermia Treatment Planning Proc. CAR 95 Computer Assisted Radiology, 9th International Symposium and Exhibition, pp. 1216-1222, 1995 Detlev Stalling, Hans-Christian Hege, Tobias Höllerer BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Volume Rendering on Irregular Grids (Abstract) Int. Workshop on Mathematics and Visualization, 1995 Tobias Höllerer, Klaus Tönnies, Hans-Christian Hege, Detlev Stalling BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Ein paralleles C++/C-Programmiermodell für ein objektorientiertes B&C-Framework GI/ITG-Workshop, Sept.1994, Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe PARS der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), pp. 50-59, Vol.13, 1994 Martin Grammel, Godmar Back, Roland Wunderling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Parallele LU-Zerlegung großer, unsymmetrischer, dünn besetzter Matrizen bei hohen Kommunikationslatenzen GI/ITG-Workshop, Sept.1994, Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe PARS der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), pp. 191-200, Vol.13, 1994 Roland Wunderling, Martin Grammel, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Scaling study of pure SU(3) theory - the QCD-TARO collaboration Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., Vol.34, pp. 246-252, 1994 Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Scientific Computing in der Theoretischen Physik - Collected Abstracts Tagung organisiert von der DMV-Fachgruppe Scientific Computing in Kooperation mit dem GAMM Fachausschuss Scientific Computing, 1994 (preprint available as ) Peter Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Autocorrelation in Updating Pure SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory by the Use of Overrelaxed Algorithms Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., Vol.30, pp. 253-256, 1993 T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Monte Carlo Renormalization Study at Large beta in the Confinement Region Nuclear Phys. B. Proc. Suppl., Vol.30, pp. 517-520, 1993 T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
On the Impact of Communication Latencies on Distributed Sparse LU Factorization. ZIB-Report SC-93-28 Martin Grammel, Hans-Christian Hege, Roland Wunderling PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian
QCD on the Massively Parallel Computer AP 1000 Int. J. Mod. Phys., 4(6), pp. 1233-1253, 1993 T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Study of Spatial Size Effects in Quenched Wilson Hadron Spectroscopy at beta = 6.3 Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., Vol.30, pp. 373-376, 1993 T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
AGIL - the Adaptable Graphical Interface Layer, Programmierer-Handbuch p. 34pp., Interner Report, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB), Germany, 1992 Roland Wunderling, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Conference Report: Parallel Computing 91 Parallel Computing, 18(4), pp. 473-476, 1992 Hans-Christian Hege, Renate Knecht BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hadron Spectroscopy on a 32^3 * 48 Lattice Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 26, pp. 293-295, 1992 T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
QCD on the Highly Parallel Computer AP 1000 Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 26, pp. 644-646, 1992 K. Akemi, Ph. de Forcrand, M. Fujisaki, T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege, S. Hioki, J. Makino, O. Miyamura, A. Nakamura, M. Okuda, I. O. Stamatescu, Yoshio Tago, T. Takaishi BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
SU(3) Renormalization Group Study on Parallel Computer AP 1000 Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 26, pp. 420-422, 1992 K. Akemi, Ph. de Forcrand, M. Fujisaki, T. Hashimoto, Hans-Christian Hege, S. Hioki, J. Makino, O. Miyamura, A. Nakamura, M. Okuda, I. O. Stamatescu, Yoshio Tago, T. Takaishi BibTeX
Hege, Hans-Christian
Vectorization and Parallelization of Irregular Problems via Graph Coloring Proc. of the ACM Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, pp. 47-56, 1991 (preprint available as ZIB-Report SC-90-16) Hans-Christian Hege, Hinnerk Stüben PDF (ZIB-Report)
Hege, Hans-Christian
Datenabhängigkeitsanalyse und Programmtransformationen auf CRAY-Rechnern mit dem Fortran-Präprozessor fpp ZIB-Report TR-90-04 Hans-Christian Hege PDF
Hege, Hans-Christian