The literature contains a manifold of fundamental models for the dynamical changes of opinions through social influence during social interaction (personal, social...
Complex networks are a powerful tool for studying a wide range of real-world complex systems, including social, biological and physical systems. Understanding the...
Mobilitätsmodelle zur Eindämmung von COVID-19 in Berlin
Die Ausbreitung von SARS-CoV-2 stellt die Welt, und auch Deutschland, vor erhebliche Probleme. Um eine Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems abzuwenden, wurden bekanntlich...
Data-driven Modeling of the Romanization Process of Northern Africa
The research topic of this project is at the interface between mathematics and archaeology and is based on an interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists from Zuse...
Clustering Time-Evolving Networks Using the Spatiotemporal Graph Laplacian
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.35, p. 013126, 2025
Maia Trower, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Stefan Klus
BibTeX arXiv DOI
Detection of dynamic communities in temporal networks with sparse data
Applied Network Science, Vol.10, 2025
Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Elisa Tonello, Johannes Zonker, Heike Siebert
A Mathematical perspective on Romanisation: Modelling the Roman road activation process in ancient Tunisia
PLoS ONE, 19(9), 2024
Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Robin Chemnitz, Margarita Kostre, Fleur Schweigart, Friederike Fless, Christof Schütte, Benjamin Ducke
Dynamical systems and complex networks: A Koopman operator perspective
Journal of Physics: Complexity, 5(4), p. 041001, 2024
Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac ConradBibTeX arXiv DOI
Koopman-Based Surrogate Models for Multi-Objective Optimization of Agent-Based Systems
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol.460, p. 134052, 2024
Jan-Hendrik Niemann, Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Christof SchütteBibTeX arXiv DOI
Insights into drivers of mobility and cultural dynamics of African hunter-gatherers over the past 120 000 years
Royal Society Open Science, 10(11), 2023
Johannes Zonker, Cecilia Padilla-Iglesias, Natasa Djurdjevac ConradBibTeX DOI
Modelling opinion dynamics under the impact of influencer and media strategies
Scientific Reports, Vol.13, p. 19375, 2023
Luzie Helfmann, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Christof SchütteBibTeX arXiv DOI
Supplementary code for the paper Modelling opinion dynamics under the impact of influencer and media strategies
Luzie Helfmann, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Christof SchütteBibTeX DOI
Feedback Loops in Opinion Dynamics of Agent-Based Models with Multiplicative Noise
Entropy, Vol.24(10), 2022
Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Jonas Köppl, Ana Djurdjevac
BibTeX DOI arXiv
Koopman-based spectral clustering of directed and time-evolving graphs
Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.33, 2022
Stefan Klus, Natasa Djurdjevac ConradBibTeX arXiv DOI
Prediction of Covid-19 spreading and optimal coordination of counter-measures: From microscopic to macroscopic models to Pareto fronts
PLOS One, 16(4), 2021
Hanna Wulkow, Tim Conrad, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Sebastian A. Müller, Kai Nagel, Christof SchütteBibTeX DOI
The Furnace and the Goat—A spatio-temporal model of the fuelwood requirement for iron metallurgy on Elba Island, 4th century BCE to 2nd century CE
PLOS ONE, Vol.15, pp. 1-37, 2020
Fabian Becker, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Raphael A. Eser, Luzie Helfmann, Brigitta Schütt, Christof Schütte, Johannes Zonker
Mathematical modeling of the spreading of innovations in the ancient world
eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Vol.7, 2018
Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Daniel Fuerstenau, Ana Grabundzija, Luzie Helfmann, Martin Park, Wolfram Schier, Brigitta Schütt, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber, Niklas Wulkow, Johannes Zonker
Tracking online topics over time: understanding dynamic hashtag communities
Computational Social Networks, 5(9), 2018 (accepted for publication)
Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Frederik Wolf, Jonas Braun, Gourab Ghoshal, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Hövel
Capturing the Dynamics of Hashtag-Communities
International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, pp. 401-413, 2017
Philipp Lorenz, Frederik Wolf, Jonas Braun, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Philipp Hövel
Reactive flows and unproductive cycles for random walks on complex networks
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 224, iss. 12 (2015) pp. 2369-2387, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-19)
Ralf Banisch, Natasa Djurdjevac Conrad, Christof SchüttePDF (ZIB-Report) BibTeX DOI