Members of ZIB are actively involved in teaching at Berlin Universities and other institutions.
The list below just gives a snapshot of courses:

Past Lectures

  • SS 2014 | Seminar
    Martin Grötschel, Torsten Klug
    Significant Articles of Optimization
    TU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Seminar
    Tim Conrad 
    Projektmanagement im Softwarebereich: (Verteiltes Rechnen und Parallelprogrammierung)
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Lecture
    Christof Schütte
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Tutorial
    Christof Schütte
    Numerik III
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Seminar
    Christof Schütte, Max von Kleist 
    Modelling and Simulation in Systems Pharmacology
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Lecture
    Susanna Röblitz, Heike Siebert
    Höhere Analysis
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Tutorial
    Susanna Röblitz, Heike Siebert
    Höhere Analysis
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Seminar
    Susanna Röblitz
    Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten in systembiologischen Modellen
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Lecture
    Guillaume Sagnol
    Optimal experimental designs
    FU Berlin

  • SS 2014 | Lecture
    Petra Imhof, Frank Noe, Burkhard Schmidt, Marcus Weber
    Computational Molecular Physics
    FU Berlin